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MARKE T LEADER ORAL TES 2 UNIT 7 1. 2. 3. 4. UNIT 8 1. Think of some products you have bought recently.

Why did you buy them? Which of the four Ps influence your decision? 2. What is very important when you market to doctors? 3. How much time do marketing people usually have with doctors? 4. Who do you think is the biggest manufacturer of sports goods in a) Europe b) China 5. What do you know about Nike, Adidas and Li Ning? UNIT 9 1. What do you think about this statement: making a list of things is a waste of time 2. What do you think about this statement:You should plan your retirement at an early age 3. What do you think about this statement: If you make a plan, you should stick to it 4.What do you think about this statement: There are some things you can`t plan for Unit 10: 1.If you are managing people from different cultures what other personal qualities and skills do you need? 2. Talk about the good or bad qualities of managers or bosses you have had. 3.What would you do if you were a director of your company or school and had the power to change anything? 4. When have you felt more engaged and most valued at work? 5. What is the bad way to communicate a bad news? UNIT 11: 1. Which are the best and worst qualities for a negotiation? Which of those do you posses/dont possess? 2. Have you ever been involved in any conflict at work? Which one? 3. What behavior at work would you find inappropriate? Why? How would you deal with these problems? 4. What should managers do when conflicts develop? 5. What happens if managers ignore conflict and poor behavior? UNIT 12 1. Which are your favorite products? why? 2. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Is it better to pay a bit more for products which are made in your own country? Why/why not 3. Organic, energy-saving or green products are overpriced and often not as good as the alternatives. 4. Which countries are strong in the consumer electronics industry? Would you like to start your own business? Why? Why not? What do you think are biggest economic problems in your country? What sort of problems new business face? What advise would you give to someone starting their own business in your country?

5. What is the best electronic product you have bought, and why? 6. You have a very large budget to launch a product of your choice in your country. How would you launch the product?

PAIR WORK : Interaction 1 Discuss the following: : What do you think are the biggest economic problems in your country at the moment? Keep talking and agree on the most important one.

PAIR WORK : Interaction 2 Discuss the following: What products do people most need to buy? And why? Keep talking and agree on the most important one.

PAIR WORK : Interaction 1 Discuss the following: What qualities and skills should a manager have? why? Keep talking and agree on the most important one.

Nivel B1: Se adquiere cuando el aprendiz es capaz de comprender los puntos principales de textos claros y en lengua estndar si tratan sobre cuestiones que le son conocidas, ya sea en situaciones de trabajo, de estudio o de ocio; cuando sabe desenvolverse en la mayor parte de las situaciones que pueden surgir durante un viaje por zonas donde se utiliza la lengua; cuando es capaz de producir textos sencillos y coherentes sobre temas que le son familiares o en los que tiene un inters personal y cuando puede describir experiencias, acontecimientos, deseos y aspiraciones, as como justificar brevemente sus opiniones o explicar sus planes.

Rubrica de Comunicacin Oral Pobre 1 pts Pronunciacin 20 pts

Modesta 2 pts

Buena 3 pts

Excelente 5 pts

No intenta utilizar la pronunciacin correcta.

5- errores orales. Escucha sus errores pero no se autocorrige.

3-4 errores orales. Sus respuestas en su mayora son comprensibles. Su pronunciacin no dificulta la comunicacin. Escucha y autocorrige su pronunciacin incorrecta.

0 - 2 errores, Su pronunciacin es fcilmente comprensible para cualquier oyente. Escucha y autocorrige cualquier pronunciacin incorrecta.

Precisin Gramatical 20 pts

No intenta utilizar conceptos gramaticales correctos.

6 o ms errores. No ubica las palabras en el orden correcto. (ej - adjetivos despus de los sustantivos).

3-4 errores. Sus respuestas en su mayora son apropiadas y adecuadamente desarrolladas.

Excelente control de patrones lingsticos bsicos.

Fluidez 20 pts

No intenta utilizar ms all de decir "s" o "no" en una conversacin o presentacin

Responde solamente con una palabra a una pregunta directa. Intenta hacer preguntas, pero necesita repetirlas para clarificar.

Puede responder oraciones completas de 3 o ms palabras. Necesita repetir frases o preguntas para clarificar.

Buen manejo de vocabulario. Puede responder y hacer preguntas con un dialogo y estructura bsico.

Uso de Vocabulario 20 pts

No se observa ningn elemento de comunicacin en la presentacin.

Se utilizaron 1 a 2 elementos de comunicacin en la presentacin.

Se utilizaron de 1 a 3 elementos de comunicacin en la presentacin.

Fuerte manejo del idioma, puede mantener una conversacin.

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