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Athletics Training

(Track Events) Section

This section of the site is dedicated to
athletics training for the track events.

As any track athlete will know, conditioning

for one event will be significantly different
compared to another. While the ATP-PCr
energy system predominates in the 100 and
200 metre sprints, the oxidative system is
relied on in events lasting over 2 minutes.

Athletic training is a measured combination of strength, power,

endurance, speed and flexibility conditioning. Of course not all forms of
conditioning are applicable to all events and selecting both the right
types of training and the most specific exercises is an important,
energy-conserving principle.

The more sport-specific a training plan is, the more successful it will
be. The articles below focus on the specific demands of each track
event, with athletics training suggestions for each. Events covered

• 100 metres
• 200 metres
• 400 metres
• 800 metres
• 1500 metres (mile)
• Steeplechase
• 3000 meters (3k)
• 5000 meters (5k)
• 10,000 metres (10k)
• Marathon
• 110 metre hurdles
• 400 meter hurdles
• 20k walk
• 50k walk

Athletics Training (Track) Articles

The Different Types of Endurance Training

Endurance is the major component of distance runner's athletics
training program. Interval training, fartlek training, tempo runs... there
are several distinct forms of endurance training - here they are with
some sample plans...

VO2max - Your Aerobic Potential

VO2max and endurance performance seem to go hand in hand. While
it does play a major role in your endurance potential it is not the be all
and end all...

Lactate Threshold - Tapping Your Aerobic Potential

Lactate threshold is more trainable than VO2max... and a more
accurate predictor of performance in endurance events...

Determining Your Anaerobic Threshold

Which tests are the most accurate and reliable for measuring your
anaerobic threshold? There are several non-invasive methods that can
be used outside of a laboratory setting...

Training to Improve Lactate Threshold

Delaying the onset of blood lacate accumulation is a key strategy in
endurance performance. Here are training guidelines for doing just

Interval Training
Distance runners have traditionally favored only long, slow distance
training. However, there is evidence to suggest substituting some of
their low-intensity mileage for higher intensity interval training can
improve performance and reduce the risk of injury...
Heart Rate Training for Athletes
Despite its limitations, heart rate remains a popular and practical
training aid...

Lactic Acid, Blood Lactate & The 'Lactic Acid Myth'

Blood lactate is not a waste by-product of exercise. This fully
referenced article looks in detail at what current research suggests is
more of a friend than foe...

Advanced 10k Training Program

If you're an experienced runner, this 8-week, 10k training program is
designed to improve your times by incorporating more advanced forms
of conditioning...

The Sport-Specific Approach to Strength Training Programs

Every track athlete from distance runners to sprinters, can benefit from
strength training. However, it must reflect the demands of the event -
power, strength endurance or a combination of the two. This article
examines the core concept of developing a sport-specific strength

How To Design Resistance Training Programs For Athletes

This step-by-step guide covers the various design elements of a
successful, sport-specific strength training regimen...

Power Training for Athletes

Many track athletes (particularly sprinters) require explosive power to
be successful in their event. Once maximal strength has been
developed there are several methods to convert it into sport-specific

Plyometric Training for Athletic Power

Plyometrics is a buzzword in athletics training. It's a simple concept
and one that is proven effective for increasing an athlete's power. But
you must get the fundamentals right...

Core Strength Conditioning For Athletes

Develop your centre of power with these core strengthening

Using Power Cleans in Athletics Training

Power cleans can be useful for developing explosive power (in
appropriate events). Use this technique guide and animated images to
see how the lift should be performed...
Designing a Speed Training Program
Athletics training principles and program suggestions for speed

How to Improve Your Sprinting Technique

Proper form is essential for sprint athletes. Here's a breakdown of the
movement and tips for improving your own technique...

Flexibility Exercises and Stretching Program

Good flexibility is prerequisite to successful performance in any athletic
event. Here are some of the more common static stretching exercises...

Self Myofascial Release Exercises

Many athletic coaches and therapists are now using myofascial release
to prevent injury and aid healing...

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

Can DOMS be prevented or treated? Here's what current research

Altitude Training
Altitude acclimatization is essential for competing at high levels. But
can it improve performance at sea-level?

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