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Soal Pra Tentamen KMK-PMKK 2007 Ekstremitas Bawah 1. Os Talus a. Whats the name of this bone?

(Os Talus) b. Dexter/sinister? (tergantung preparat) c. Whats the name of this groove? (sulcus tendinis musculi flexoris hallucis longi) 2. Os Calcaneus a. Whats the name of this surface? (Facies articularis cuboidea) b. Whats the name of this structure? (Sustentaculum tali) c. Whats the name of this prominence? (Tuber Calcanei) 3. Os Fibula a. Whats the name of this structure? (Apex Capitis Fibulae) b. Whats the name of this hollow part? (Fossa malleoli lateralis) 4. Articulatio Genu a. Mention 3 parts which form articulatio genu! (Facies pattelaris os femur, facies articularis os patella, facies articularis superior os tibia) b. Mention 4 movements of articulatio genu! (fleksi, ekstensi, rotasi medial, rotasi lateral) c. This joint is classified as joint (ginglymus/trochoidea) 5. Os Tibia a. Whats the name of this prominence? (tuberositas tibiae) b. Whats the name of this surface? (facies articularis fibularis os tibia) c. The structure in (b) makes joint with (facies articularis capitis fibulae) and the joint is called (articulatio tibiofibularis superior) 6. Os Patella a. Whats the name of this surface? (facies articularis os patellaris) b. Dexter/sinister? 7. Os Femur, acetabulum a. Whats the name of the edge of this structure? (limbus acetabuli) b. Whats the name of this notch? (incisura acetabuli) 8. Os Coxae Whats the name of this groove, which projecting craniocaudal through linea arcuata? (sulcus paraglenoidalis) 9. Os Femur, fossa intercondylaris This hollow surface is lined proximally by (linea intercondylaris) 10. Os Tibia a. Whats the name of this hole? (Foramen nutricium) b. What structures pass through this hole? (A. nutriens dan saraf) 11. Os Patella, facies articularis os patella This surface makes joint with and (facies patellaris condylus lateralis os tibia & condylus medialis os femur) 12. Os Coxae Whats the name of this hole? (foramen obturatum) 13. Os Coxae a. Whats the name of this surface? (facies symphysialis) b. This structure is part of (symphysis pubis) 14. Os Coxae, Spina Ischiadica This structure separates and (incisura ischiadica major and incisura ischiadica minor) 15. Os Coxae, Linea glutea anterior Whats the name of this line? (Linea glutea anterior) 16. Teori

Mention structures between 2 condyles of os tibia! (eminentia intercondylaris, area (fossa) intercondylaris anterior et posterior) 17. Teori Line forming an X shape at dorsal surface of femur is ... (linea aspera), consists of and (labium lateral, labium medial) 18. Teori Mention the joints that composed articulatio genu! (articulatio femoropatellaris, articulatio meniscofemoralis, articulatio meniscotibialis) 19. Teori Flexi plantar and flexi dorsal can be done by joint. (Ginglymus) 20. Teori What muscle has insertion at Fossa Trochanterica? (M. Obturatorius externus) 21. Teori Mention the muscles in posterior compartment of crus (superficial and deep group)! Answer: Superficial: M. gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris, popliteus Deep: M. Tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus 22. Teori/os coxae a. Three bones forming os coxae fuse together in this structure. Whats the name of the structure? (acetabulum) b. The structure in (a) forms a joint with the head of the femur. Whats the name of the joint? (articulatio coxae) 23. Teori a. The line between 2 trochanter is called (linea intertrochanterica) b. Which condyle is bigger in os femur? ( Condylus medialis) 24. Teori Mention 3 differences between male and female pelvis! Answer: Aditus pelvis oval, seperti jantung hati Ala ossis ilii lebih besar Arcus pubis lebih besar (>90) pada jadi angulus subpubicus Inclinatio pelvis lebih besar ( 60, 70-75) Spina ischiadica lebih menonjol ke cavitas pelvis Foramen obturatum cenderung bulat, pada oval 25. Teori What are the landmarks at os coxae for intramuscular injection of m. ventrogluteal? (SIAS & crista iliaca) 26. Teori Whats the difference between male and female femur? (Linea aspera lebih halus)

OSTEOLOGI-EKSTREMITAS ATAS CLAVICULA 1. P: Os clavicula Q: a. What is the name of this bone? b. Is it dextra or sinistra? A: a. Os clavicula b. Sinistra 2

2. P: Tuberculum Conoideum Q: What is the name of this process? A: Tuberculum conoideum 3. P: Sulcus musculi subclavii Q: a. What is the name of this groove? b. What structure is attached here? A: a. Sulcus musculi subclavii b. Musculus subclavius SCAPULA 1. P: Os Scapula Q: a. What is the name of this bone? b. Is it dextra or sinistra? A: a. Os scapula b. Sinistra 2. P: Processus Coracoideus Q: What is the name of this process? A: Processus Coracoideus 3. P: Cavitas Glenoidale Q: a. What is the name of this structure? b. This structure will form a joint with (specific part) A: a. Cavitas Glenoidale b. Caput humeri 4. P: Fossa supraspinata Q: What is the name of this depression? A: Fossa supraspinata

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