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Pract i ce xami nat i on f or t be 7DI C" 7est
Dlstrlbuted Pree of charge by
Thls booklet could not have been wrltten wlthout the asslstance of a great many people.
we must thank the HAU faculty, who proofread the manuscrlpt and plloted the new materlal ln thelr classes. we
also thank the HAU students for thelr hard work and suggestlons for lmprovements.
Last but not least, we must thank Leonldas-Phoebus Koskos, Managlng Dlrector of the Hellenlc-Amerlcan Unlon,
for hls encouragement and support at every stage of thls endeavor.
Ldlted by Chrlstlne |rvlne - Nlakarls, Cathrlne Georgopoulou, Anne Nebel
Deslgned by Llena Xanthl
Cover deslgned by Kouroudls Deslgn
Studlo Productlon
Supervlsor: Llena Xanthl
Actors: Mary 8lnlkou, Artemls Karras, Charalampos Kolllas, Mary Anne Papageorglou, Alexandros Seargent
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Hellenlc Amerlcan Unlon, 2008
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|S8N: 978-960-833l-6l-7
TOL|C' ls a reglstered trademark of Lducatlonal Testlng Servlce (LTS).
Thls publlcatlon ls not endorsed or approved by LTS.
Pract i ce xami nat i on f or t be 7DI C" 7est
Dlstrlbuted Pree of charge by
HeIIenic American Union
4 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
|n the Llstenlng test, you wlll be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken Lngllsh. The
entlre Llstenlng test wlll last approxlmately 45 mlnutes. There are four parts and dlrectlons are glven for
each part. ou must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not wrlte your answers ln your
test book.
PAR7 1
Dlrectlons: Por each questlon ln thls part, you wlll hear four statements about a plcture ln your test book.
when you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best descrlbes what you see
ln the plcture. Then flnd the number of the questlon on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The
statements wlll not be prlnted ln your test book and wlll be spoken only one tlme.
Statement (C), "They're standlng near the able," ls the best descrlptlon of the plcture, so you should
select answer (C) and mark lt on your answer sheet.
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
HeIIenic American Union
6 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
HeIIenic American Union
8 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
HeIIenic American Union
l0 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
Part 2
Directions: ou wlll hear a questlon or statement and three responses spoken ln Lngllsh. They wlll not
be prlnted ln your test book and wlll be spoken only one tlme. Select the best response to the questlon
or statement and mark the letter (A), (8), or (C) on your answer sheet.
Lxample Sample Answer

ou wlll hear: where ls the meetlng room!
ou wlll also hear: (A) To meet the new dlrector.
(8) |t's the flrst room on the rlght.
(C) es, at two o'clock.
The best response to the questlon "where ls the meetlng room!" ls cholce (8), "|t's the flrst room on the
rlght," so (8) ls the correct answer. ou should mark answer (8) on your answer sheet.
ll. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

l2. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
l3. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
l4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
l5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
l6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
l7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
l8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
l9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
2l. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
3l. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
39. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
Part 3
Directions: ou wlll hear some conversatlons between two people. ou wlll be asked to answer three
questlons about what the speakers say ln each conversatlon. Select the best response to each questlon
and mark the letter (A), (8), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversatlon wlll not be prlnted ln your
test book and wlll be spoken only one tlme.
41. what ls the problem wlth her asslstant!
(A) He reslgned
(8) He's abroad.
(C) He's on vacatlon.
(D) He's slck.
42. what does the woman lmply about her
(A) He ls helpless.
(8) He needs to be retralned.
(C) He's an efflclent employee.
(D) He used to be a hard-worker.
43. what are they plannlng to do!
(A) Allocate work to other employees.
(8) Plre the old asslstant.
(C) Hlre a second asslstant.
(D) Hlre a temporary asslstant.
44. How many days wlll she be away from
(A) l day
(8) 2 days
(C) 3 days
(D) 4 days
45. when ls the conference!
(A) wednesday and Thursday
(8) Thursday and Prlday
(C) Saturday and Sunday
(D) Sunday and Monday
46. what can be lnferred about the woman!
(A) She llkes slghtseelng.
(8) She's been very busy lately.
(C) She's set up her own company.
(D) She was unemployed.
47. what does the woman want to do!
(A) 8uy new offlce furnlture.
(8) Change desks wlth the man.
(C) Get a blgger offlce.
(D) Have her offlce renovated.
48. what does the man lmply about the
(A) |t ls dlverslfylng.
(8) |t ls downslzlng.
(C) |t ls expandlng.
(D) |t ls relocatlng.
49. what does the woman ask the man to do!
(A) Lodge a formal complalnt to the
(8) Look for desks ln the warehouse.
(C) Order new offlce equlpment.
(D) wrlte a memo asklng for blgger desks.
50. what does the man lnform the woman
(A) A potentlal merger.
(8) Arbltrary's lntentlon to buy ML.
(C) Arbltrary's turnlng down a bld
(D) About the terms of a merger.
51. How much had the company offered to
(A) $l0 bllllon
(8) $80.l mllllon
(C) $8.l bllllon
(D) $8l mllllon
52. what can be lnferred about Arbrltrary's
medlcal dlvlslon!
(A) |t ls very modern.
(8) |t ls very profltable.
(C) |t makes takeover blds.
(D) |t wlll soon close down.
HeIIenic American Union
l2 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
53. what does the woman stlll need to do!
(A) 8ook the plane tlckets
(8) Plnd accommodatlon
(C) Pack the luggage
(D) Pent a car
54. what ls lmplled about the hotels ln the
hlstorlcal center!
(A) They are away from the shopplng
(8) They are fully booked.
(C) They are really old.
(D) They are very expenslve.
55. where wlll she book a hotel room!
(A) |n the hlstorlcal center
(8) On the outsklrts of Pome
(C) Near a famous monument
(D) Near the shopplng center
56. what are the predlctlons for the deflclt thls
(A) |t wlll be hlgher ln sprlng.
(8) |t wlll be around $45 bllllon.
(C) |t wlll decrease.
(D) |t wlll lncrease.
57. what can be lnferred about the country's
(A) |t ls based on hlgh tax revenues.
(8) |t ls boomlng.
(C) |ts deflclt has lncreased.
(D) |ts future seems promlslng.
58. what does the woman lmply about the
(A) They are really supportlve.
(8) They dldn't mlnd paylng taxes.
(C) They have been dlstracted.
(D) They were gettlng frustrated.
59. why dld the man call!
(A) To ask for asslstance
(8) To complaln about a defectlve
(C) To lnqulre about a shlpment
(D) To order some products
60. when were the products sent!
(A) A day after the order
(8) On September 9th
(C) The day he ordered them
(D) Two days after the order
61. what's the shlpplng number!
(A) 35560l342
(8) 33560l342
(C) 33660l342
(D) 3356l0432
62. How many days of vacatlon can part-
tlmers get!
(A) l2 days
(8) l5 days
(C) 20 days
(D) 25 days
63. what does the woman want to do!
(A) Ask for a slck leave
(8) Plnd out about her rlghts
(C) Get unpald leave
(D) Transfer her vacatlon
64. what advlce does the man glve her!
(A) To ask the Human Pesources
(8) To become a full-tlmer
(C) To take her slck leave
(D) To take some unpald vacatlon
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
65. why lsn't Mr. Lee ln hls offlce!
(A) He got flred.
(8) He took tlme off to study.
(C) He's got slck leave.
(D) He's on vacatlon.
66. what does the woman want Mr. Lee to do!
(A) Contact her ln person
(8) Dlscuss her changes
(C) Lmall her the artlcle
(D) Pevlew her artlcle
67. what can be lnferred about the man's [ob!
(A) He's Mr. Lee's advlsor
(8) He's Mr. Lee's edltor
(C) He's Mr. Lee's professor
(D) He's Mr. Lee's secretary
68. why has the CLO called a meetlng!
(A) To examlne the cause of low
(8) To lnform the staff about reglstratlon
(C) To organlze the advertlslng campalgn
(D) To reprlmand the staff
69. what can be lnferred about the
advertlslng campalgn!
(A) |t mlslnformed the publlc.
(8) |t targeted the wrong audlence.
(C) |t was aggresslve.
(D) |t wasn't very successful.
70. what ls true about the number of
reglstered students!
(A) |t decreased.
(8) |t fluctuates.
(C) |t ls stable.
(D) |t soared.
HeIIenic American Union
l4 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
Part 4
Directions: ou wlll hear some talks glven by a slngle speaker. ou wlll be asked to answer three questlons
about what the speaker says ln each talk. Select the best response to each questlon and mark the letter
(A), (8), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks wlll not be prlnted ln your test book and wlll be spoken
only one tlme.
71. |n what fleld dld Stlglltz establlsh hls career!
(A) Accountlng
(8) Lconomlcs
(C) Polltlcal Sclence
(D) Publlshlng
72. How can Stlglltz's latest book be descrlbed!
(A) A general tome on macro-economlcs
(8) A crltlque of globallzatlon's problems
(C) A memolr of hls years as presldentlal
(D) vlews on how to lmprove globallzatlon

73. what ls Stlglltz' vlslon for globallzatlon
(A) Approprlate regulatlon wlll allow the
market to beneflt all.
(8) Dlfferent rules for developlng and
developed natlons
(C) The world 8ank, |MP and wTO should set
the rules.
(D) wlthout regulatlon, the market ltself wlll
create prosperlty.
74. what type of commentary ls thls!
(A) A report for a sports newscast.
(8) A report by a televlslon anchorman.
(C) Commentary on a game ln progress.
(D) Coverage of the role of parents ln sport.
75. why has the event been well attended by
the publlc!
(A) Pamous brands are belng advertlsed.
(8) Teams are recrultlng young athletes.
(C) They have a chance to wln prlzes and
meet stars.
(D) They get a game tlcket at the door.
76. what lntended outcome of the event was
(A) Athletes demonstrated new products.
(8) 8uslnessmen were able to talk to parents.
(C) Parents got to speak wlth sports doctors.
(D) |ndustry professlonals made contact.
77. what does thls talk lntroduce!
(A) A collectlon of photos of a natural
(8) A tour through a shopplng mall
(C) The llfe story of an artlst
(D) The Tv coverage of an art exhlbltlon
78. what ls the sub[ect of the works that wlll be
(A) A forest flre that destroyed mountaln
(8) A work pro[ect that took place ln a
mountaln area
(C) Hldden chlldhood psychologlcal
(D) The destructlon of lnstalled monuments
79. where dld the artlsts do thelr work!
(A) |n a studlo wlth 8ennlngton
(8) |n homes around the area
(C) |n school wlth thelr teachers
(D) At the scene of a flre
80. what ls the speaker's posltlon!
(A) A member of the government.
(8) Lxecutlve of an exportlng flrm.
(C) Head of a government taskforce.
(D) Owner of a food processlng company.
81. why has thls worklng group been created!
(A) To arrest shady buslnessmen.
(8) To close offendlng buslnesses.
(C) To cover up company errors.
(D) To lmprove standards and compllance.
82. what can the llsteners expect from thelr
(A) A degree of reslstance to change.
(8) 8locklng of measures seen as extreme.
(C) Pull support for lmplementlng thelr plan.
(D) Llp servlce wlthout real backlng.
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
83. what group of llsteners does thls report
(A) 8uslness travelers ln Lurope
(8) People llvlng ln the eastern US
(C) Pesldents of the Texas gulf coast
(D) weekend holldaymakers
84. what can be sald about the current
Luropean weather!
(A) The north ls currently warmer than
southern reglons.
(8) The south ls currently wetter than the
(C) The temperatures drop sllghtly from
west to east.
(D) The temperatures rlse sllghtly from west
to east.
85. what weather phenomenon ls glven
partlcular attentlon!
(A) The long perlod of raln ln southern
(8) The posslblllty of fog ln some areas
(C) The prospects of a catastrophlc storm
(D) The unusual heat waves ln northern
86. what graphlc does the speaker NOT suggest
(A) 8ar chart
(8) Llne graph
(C) Ple chart
(D) Scattergram
87. what ls the goal of the presentatlon belng
(A) To compare the company to others ln lts
(8) To encourage people to lnvest ln the
(C) To lnform lts employees of the
company's growth
(D) To show the company's artlstlc deslgn
88. what ls the speaker lndeclslve about!
(A) The amount of company growth to
(8) The colors to represent hls company
(C) |n the black
(D) The order ln whlch to present the slldes
(D) The type of graphs to lnclude
89. when ls thls program llkely to be broadcast!
(A) Late Saturday evenlng
(8) Mldday on a Prlday
(C) On a Sunday evenlng.
(D) On a Monday mornlng
90. what does the speaker flnd most notable
about the meat restaurant!
(A) |t offers an unusually wlde selectlon of lts
(8) |t serves splcy condlments wlth lts meals.
(C) |t uses both ordlnary and unusual cuts of
(D) |ts dlshes are named after famous Tartars.
91. what theme connects the two restaurants
(A) 8oth are located ln the clty center.
(8) 8oth grow the food they serve.
(C) 8oth serve a varlety of meats.
(D) 8oth serve uncooked food.
92. where does western |nter-8ank operate!
(A) |n the USA
(8) |n 1apan
(C) |n Lurope
(D) |n all three areas
93. who ls the caller uslng the telephone menu
(A) A new, Lngllsh-speaklng customer.
(8) A Spanlsh speaker lnterested ln a new
(C) An Lngllsh-speaklng owner of an old
(D) An exlstlng 1apanese customer.
94. what must the caller do to return to the
maln menu system!
(A) Choose the language he/she best
(8) Go through the entlre llst of menu
(C) Opt for general bank lnformatlon.
(D) Press any number except 5.
HeIIenic American Union
l6 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
95. On what does the caller base hls vlews of tax
(A) Hls economlcs tralnlng.
(8) Hls own past experlence.
(C) The reversal of tax pollcy.
(D) The success of "trlckle-down."
96. what ls the caller's maln contentlon!
(A) All cltlzens should recelve a tax cut.
(8) All voters need to understand
(C) Lconomlcs ls best taught ln unlverslty.
(D) Lconomlcs educatlon ls well funded.
97. To whom ls the caller dlrectlng hls questlon!
(A) A guest on the program.
(8) A polltlcal consultant.
(C) An economlcs professor.
(D) The host of the program.
98. who ls the speaker!
(A) A teacher ln Zorka's hlgh school.
(8) An educatlonal advlsor on the radlo.
(C) An expert on 8ulgarlan educatlon.
(D) The educatlonal counselor ln a school.
99. what has spurred the growth ln the testlng
(A) Lmployers who demand tests from
(8) New laws passed by governments.
(C) The need to [udge the sultablllty of
unknown appllcants.
(D) The rapld growth of large unlversltles.
100. what does the speaker advlse the wrlter to
(A) Ask a teacher whlch tests they llke best.
(8) Check what her chosen unlversltles
(C) See whlch tests are prepared for ln her
(D) Take all the tests that she thlnks may be
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
|n the Peadlng test, you wlll read a varlety of texts and answer several dlfferent types of readlng
comprehenslon questlons. The entlre Peadlng test wlll last 75 mlnutes. There are three parts, and
dlrectlons are glven for each part. ou are encouraged to answer as many questlons as posslble wlthln
the tlme allowed.
ou must mark you answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not wrlte your answers ln your test
Dlrectlons: A word or phrase ls mlsslng ln each of the sentences below. Pour answer cholces are glven
below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (8),
(C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
HeIIenic American Union
l8 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
101. Lurope's economlc recovery wlll last only lf
________ governments declde to make
deeper economlc reforms.
(A) lt
(8) lts
(C) thelr
(D) they
102. The company's CLO has lmplemented the
company's ________ procedures for
employees ln accordance wlth the Law.
(A) dlsclpllnary
(8) dlsclpllned
(C) dlsclpllnlng
(D) dlsclpllne
103. Scandlnavlan lnflatlon has been ________
ln the last couple of months and lts
governments are taklng further measures to
keep lnflatlon numbers down.
(A) enhanced
(8) overturned
(C) subdued
(D) upturned
104. ________ slgns that Mr. Prancos was
softenlng hls stance towards the protestlng
(A) Havlng shown
(8) |t was the
(C) Most of the
(D) There were
105. The |nternatlonal Lnergy Agency's
________ on the supply of oll and natural
gas was pesslmlstlc because of slow
productlon among non-OPLC countrles.
(A) outlet
(8) outllne
(C) outlook
(D) output
106. Pollowlng the ________ of a new Chlef
Lxecutlve last sprlng, there ls a sense of
fresh dlrectlon and energy ln our
(A) appolnted
(8) appolntee
(C) appolntlng
(D) appolntment
107. PDA Ltd. ________ appllcatlons for the
posltlon of System Coordlnator. Por a
detalled posltlon announcement, please
vlslt our webslte.
(A) lncltes
(8) lnfrlnges
(C) lnstllls
(D) lnvltes
108. Surprlslngly, Gertz Ltd., ________ ls a newly
establlshed company, got a government
(A) that
(8) where
(C) whlch
(D) whose
109. ________ the graphlc deslgner call tell
hlm |'m tled up today and that | wlll call hlm
(A) |f
(8) Provlded
(C) Should
(D) Unless
110. The department's secretarlat wlll be at your
________ should you need any help.
(A) convenlence
(8) dlsposal
(C) [urlsdlctlon
(D) speclflcatlons
111. Mr. Krammer ls renowned for hls ablllty
to develop and malntaln relatlonshlps wlth
hls colleagues that result ________
optlmum solutlons for the good of the
(A) at
(8) ln
(C) from
(D) to
112. The dlrector got the secretary ________
all prospectlve cllents and lnform them of
the company's new products and servlces.
(A) contact
(8) contacted
(C) to be contactlng
(D) to contact
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
113. Plnanclal analysts advocate that balanclng
the needs of producers and consumers ls
________ cruclal as lncreaslng the supply
and curblng energy demand.
(A) as
(8) so
(C) too
(D) very
114. Duncan, a food company, agreed to buy
a Dutch company ________ ln baby food
and cllnlcal nutrltlon for the slck and the
(A) speclal
(8) speclalty
(C) speclallzlng
(D) speclallzatlon
115. The foundatlon's dlrector ________ the
sclentlflc operatlons of the organlzatlon.
(A) coexlsts
(8) contextuallzes
(C) cooperates
(D) coordlnates
116. The CLO declded to unvell the company's
new products ln an elaborate ceremony
broadcast on Tv ________ the |nternet.
(A) and
(8) as well
(C) but
(D) or
117. The company's Sclentlflc and Technlcal
Advlsory Panel ls comprlsed of ________
sclentlsts appolnted by the CLO.
(A) emlnent
(8) lmmlnent
(C) lmpendlng
(D) pertlnent
118. Prospectlve candldates for an executlve
posltlon must have a ________ command of
the Lngllsh language and exceptlonal
analytlcal and wrltlng skllls.
(A) strong
(8) stronger
(C) strongly
(D) more strongly
119. The company's Dlrector adopted a proactlve
approach ln developlng and malntalnlng
a program of lectures whlch have helped
COM8| ________ lts ob[ectlves.
(A) be furtherlng
(8) further
(C) to have furthered
(D) to furtherlng
120. The chlef accountant asked to see next
year's proflt ________ so as to start worklng
on the company's budget.
(A) proflles
(8) pro[ects
(C) pro[ectlons
(D) prosecutlons
121. The |nternatlonal Plnanclal |nstltutlon seeks
an outstandlng professlonal to
asslst ________ a broad range of analytlcal
and advocacy actlvltles.
(A) at
(8) for
(C) ln
(D) wlth
122. The Unlted Natlons Lnvlronment Program ls
recrultlng two Program Offlcers for lts
Secretarlat ________ ln UNLP's offlce ln
washlngton, DC.
(A) belng located
(8) to locate
(C) to be located
(D) to be locatlng
123. A successful CLO should have the ablllty
to ________ authorlty to co-workers to
perform thelr asslgned functlons.
(A) delegate
(8) denounce
(C) deputlze
(D) detect
124. The CLO malntalns that our company's
latest ________ wlll enhance our bottled-
water dlvlslon.
(A) acqulrlng
(8) acqulred
(C) acqulsltlon
(D) acqulsltlve
HeIIenic American Union
20 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
125. Less developed countrles recelve ________
from the Luropean Unlon to flnance varlous
development pro[ects.
(A) allowances
(8) bonds
(C) grants
(D) stakes
126. The new secretary ________ some
problems whlch she could not handle
wlthout the dlrector's asslstance.
(A) ran after
(8) ran for
(C) ran lnto
(D) ran through
127. Shareholders ln both companles flnally
________ an agreement and declded to
proceed wlth the merger.
(A) approached
(8) arrlved
(C) consented
(D) reached

128. |nvestors reacted nervously to the bad news
stemmlng ________ the slowdown
ln Amerlca's houslng market.
(A) by
(8) from
(C) of
(D) off
129. Mr. Delancas' ________ effectlve
communlcatlon skllls, coupled wlth
hls ablllty to thlnk on hls feet, helped hlm
get promoted qulckly.
(A) hlgh
(8) hlgher
(C) hlghest
(D) hlghly
130. The marketlng dlrector managed to
________ the target audlence's awareness
wlth hls new advertlslng campalgn.
(A) augment
(8) lnfluence
(C) ralse
(D) rlse
131. After weeks of ________, Alhan's CLO
formallzed hls $362 bllllon offer to Trlnto,
the global mlnlng glant.
(A) speculated
(8) speculatlng
(C) speculatlon
(D) speculator
132. The company's CLO ls an lndlvldual of hlgh
lntegrlty wlth the ablllty to lnsplre and
motlvate ________ employees.
(A) another
(8) one another
(C) others
(D) the other
133. The 8oard of Dlrectors was lmpressed by Mr.
Delagua's ablllty to lmplement necessary
changes and hls ________ of new buslness
methods to meet new challenges.
(A) appllcatlon
(8) appllcable
(C) apply
(D) applylng
134. Some companles cut the prlce of thelr
products by as much as $l00 ln Amerlca ln
an ________ to boost thelr sales.
(A) commlsslon
(8) effort
(C) undertaklng
(D) venture
135. Stockmarkets ln Amerlca and Lurope fell
sharply and the dollar contlnued lts sllde
as a result ________ the slowdown ln
Amerlca's houslng market.
(A) by
(8) from
(C) ln
(D) of
136. The executlve manager handed ln hls
reslgnatlon ________.
(A) notatlon
(8) notlce
(C) notlced
(D) notlfled
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
137. The CLO announced that the company
would take flrm and ________ actlon to
counter thelr rlval's promotlonal campalgn.
(A) punctual
(8) stablllty
(C) subordlnate
(D) tlmely
138. The board of dlrectors unanlmously
approved of Mr. Grabbs' belng ________ to
chlef executlve offlcer.
(A) promoted
(8) promotlon
(C) promotlonal
(D) promotlng
139. More and more companles are beglnnlng
________ survelllance cameras around the
(A) belng lnstalled
(8) lnstalllng
(C) to lnstall
(D) to be lnstalled
140. Many companles pay Prostlnl, a flrm known
to offlce workers for ________ web-based
e-mall securlty and spam-slevlng
technology, a great deal of money.
(A) lt
(8) lts
(C) thelr
(D) thelrs
HeIIenic American Union
22 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
Part 6
Directions: Pead the texts that follow. A word or phrase ls mlsslng ln some of the sentences. Pour answer
cholces are glven below each of the sentences. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark
the letter (A), (8), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
7o: [
Sub|ect: Notlce of probatlonary status
Dear 1onathan,
Por the flrst two years that you dlstrlbuted our products you exceeded our expectatlons. Slnce
then we have seen a decrease ln your shlpments. As our general agreement ______, you must
malntaln at least 300 unlts to be consldered a dlstrlbutor for our product.
141. (A) exerclses
(8) ldentlfles
(C) stlpulates
(D) verballzes
Our records show that you have malntalned a stock of 2l0 unlts, ______ the requlred 300. |f you
are not able to malntaln thls level of actlvlty, you wlll no longer quallfy to be a dlstrlbutor.
142. (A) apart from
(8) other than
(C) lnstead of
(D) unllke
Please let us know ______ we can do to lncrease your customer base.
143. (A) how
(8) lf
(C) that
(D) what
8est regards,
uestions 141 - 143 refer to the followlng emall.
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
7op Notch Iranchise
Tired of working long hours and ______ others go home with all the financial rewards? Theres
no need to be jealous of them, as you too can be one of them.
144. (A) see
(8) seelng
(C) seen
(D) to see
With a Top Notch franchise, you are the boss and we are the support system, providing you
with a proven method of success. Top Notch franchise training programs will equip you with
the necessary tools needed to start, build, and ______ your business, and you'll also benefit from
our national advertising.
145. (A) lnvolve
(8) malntaln
(C) progress
(D) recover
The benefits of being ______ own boss are considerable, but fear of business risk keeps many
people from succeeding. Don't be one of them. What have you got to lose? Visit us now at or call us today at 333-3333 about buying your own Top Notch franchise.
146. (A) one
(8) the
(C) thelr
(D) your
We look forward to working with you.
uestions 144 - 146 refer to the followlng advertlsement.
HeIIenic American Union
24 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
uestions 147 - 149 refer to the followlng letter.
Dear Mr. Delonghl,
we are pleased to provlde the enclosed credlt hlstory lnformatlon ______ Mr. Davld Longfleld.
Lnclosed ls the flnanclal lnformatlon you requested. | am confldent that thls lnformatlon wlll
be used wlth dlscretlon.
147. (A) about
(8) for
(C) to
(D) wlth
Our records ______ that Mr. Longfleld's credlt llne has lncreased from $500.000 to $l,000,000
because he has been an exemplary customer and has never neglected payment durlng the
flve years he has held an account wlth us.
148. (A) had shown
(8) show
(C) showed
(D) would show
we appreclate your concern about grantlng such a hlgh credlt llmlt and would llke to assure
you that based on our flve-year experlence wlth Mr. Longfleld, such a credlt llne should be a
______ lnvestment for your company.
149. (A) confldent
(8) protectlve
(C) sound
(D) shaky
ours slncerely,
1ack Myers
Store Manager
XZ 8ank
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
uestions 150 - 152 refer to the followlng bulletln.
Alrllnes that are members of the wATA (world Alr Transport Assoclatlon) have establlshed the
followlng recommendatlons for the carrlage of pregnant women and bables:
______ mothers
150. (A) Lxpectant
(8) Lxpected
(C) Lxpectedly
(D) Lxpectlng
whlle alr transport ls deemed safe for pregnant women, each alrllne may apply lts own certaln
restrlctlons. |t ls advlsable ______ each alrllne well ln advance to check travellng pollcy.
151. (A) contactlng
(8) havlng contact
(C) to contact
(D) to be contacted
Alr transport ls not recommended ln the perlod ______ the flnal month of pregnancy and
seven days subsequent to chlldblrth.
l52. (A) ad[olnlng
(8) extendlng
(C) prologlng
(D) spannlng
wATA general regulatlons recommend that medlcal authorlzatlon to fly be sought:
HeIIenic American Union
26 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
Part 7
Directions: |n thls part you wlll read a selectlon or texts, such as a magazlne and newspaper artlcles,
letters, and advertlsements. Lach text ls followed by several questlons. Select the best answer for each
questlon and mark the letter (A), (8), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
uestions 153 - 155 refer to the followlng letter.
153. why dld Mr. Llverpool wrlte thls letter!
(A) To request legal advlce from Mr. Green
(8) To seek compensatlon for damages
(C) To demand hls barn be repalred
(D) To refuse the lnsurer's settlement offer
154. what can be lnferred from thls letter!
(A) Mr. Green estlmated the amount payable to Mr. Llverpool.
(8) Mr. Green wlll send contractors to lnspect the barn.
(C) Mr. Llverpool's barn was destroyed ln the Hurrlcane.
(D) Mr. Llverpool wlll not let thls lssue rest.
155. what ls the mlnlmum amount of money that Mr. Llverpool expects to recelve!
(A) $300
(8) $l,200
(C) $l500
(D) $l,750
Dear Mr. Green:
| am wrltlng concernlng clalm #760. The amount that your ad[usters have set for the damage Hurrlcane
Harry caused to my barn ls unacceptably low. The amount that your company has offered would not
even allow me to do the work myself, as the materlals alone would cost almost $300 more than your
| am lncludlng estlmates from four lndependent contractors that | have asked to lnspect the damage
to my barn, and thelr estlmates vary between $l,500 and $l,750.
| would llke your company to take lnto conslderatlon the estlmates | have provlded and reevaluate
your settlement offer. |f you contlnue to deny the fact that your offer ls unacceptably low, | wlll need
to seek legal counsel.
| wlll appreclate your lmmedlate attentlon to thls matter.
ours slncerely,
M. Liverpool
Mathew Llverpool
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
1|NGO Computers and Suthertech Computer |ndustrles, |nc. announced today that they have
slgned a deflnltlve merger agreement. The strateglc comblnatlon wlll have approxlmately $5
bllllon ln annual revenues, 5,900 employees, 23 facllltles worldwlde, a leadlng global posltlon
ln computer manufacturlng.
The merger transactlon, expected to close ln the second quarter of thls year, ls sub[ect to
stockholders' approval under the Hart Scott Podlno Act, reflnanclng of lndebtedness and
other customary closlng condltlons. Under the terms of the merger agreement, whlch was
unanlmously approved by the 8oards of Dlrectors of both companles, Suthertech stockholders
wlll recelve 0.685 1|NGO shares ln exchange for each of thelr Suthertech shares. Upon the
completlon of the transactlon, 1|NGO stockholders wlll own approxlmately 5l percent and
Suthertech stockholders approxlmately 49 percent of the merged entlty.
156. what ls the purpose of thls artlcle!
(A) To announce the effect of the Hart Scott Podlno Act on mergers.
(8) To lnform shareholders about the merger.
(C) To publlclze a merger of two computer companles.
(D) To support the 8oard of Dlrectors' declslons.
157. Accordlng to the artlcle, what ls TPUL!
(A) 1|NGO shares wlll sell for $0.685.
(8) Suthertech Computer |ndustrles has 23 plants world wlde.
(C) Stockholders have to approve the merger.
(D) The merger has already been flnallzed.
158. what can be lnferred about the merger!
(A) |ts company's shares wlll sell for $5 bllllon.
(8) 1|NGO Computers ls ln debt.
(C) Suthertech shares are worth less than 1|NGO shares.
(D) Suthertech stockholders wlll be the ma[orlty shareholders.
159. when was thls artlcle prlnted!
(A) Around September
(8) 8efore Aprll
(C) |n the mlddle of the year
(D) 1ust before the New ear
uestions 156 - 159 refer to the followlng artlcle.
HeIIenic American Union
28 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
uestions 160 - 162 refer the followlng emall.
160. what ls the maln purpose of thls emall!
(A) To accept a posltlon
(8) To request an appolntment
(C) To negotlate payment
(D) To decllne an offer
161. whlch of the followlng ls TPUL!
(A) Ms. Lee ls currently unemployed.
(8) Ms. Lee worked ln the same company for elght years.
(C) Ms. amoto lntervlewed Ms. Lee.
(D) Ms. amoto ls ln charge of accounts.
162. |n the flrst paragraph, llne 3 the word "commensurate" ls closest ln meanlng to
(A) balanced
(8) lndlcatlve
(C) matched
(D) sultable
SU81C7: ALl23-QP/20__
Dear Ms. amoto
| am pleased to have the opportunlty extended to me to work for your department. Thls posltlon lnterests
me greatly. However, | feel that the remuneratlon package you offer ls not commensurate wlth my
educatlon and experlence.
Please conslder that after elght years of experlence ln the fleld, | wlll be able to be effectlve lmmedlately. |
am eager to get started ln the new [ob as soon as posslble, and am confldent that we can reach agreement
on remuneratlon.
| would llke to meet wlth you agaln to dlscuss thls, and wlll call to arrange an appolntment.
8est regards,
Katle Lee
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
uestions 163 - 165 refer to the followlng table.
163. whlch sub-reglon has the greatest Porest area!
(A) Lastern and Southern Afrlca
(8) western and Central Afrlca
(C) South and Southeast Asla
(D) North Amerlca
164. whlch reglon has the most forest coverage per hectare!
(A) Afrlca
(8) Asla
(C) Lurope
(D) South Amerlca
165. whlch sub-reglon accounts for the least global forest area!
(A) Carlbbean
(8) Central Amerlca
(C) Northern Afrlca
(D) western and Central Asla
Forest cover by sub-region 20__ and distribution
Forest area
% of Iand area % of gIobaI forest area
Lastern and Southern Afrlca 226 534 27.8 5.73
Northern Afrlca l3l 048 8.6 3.32
western and Central Afrlca 277 829 44.l 7.03
7otaI Africa 635 412 21.4 16.08
Last Asla 244 862 2l.3 6.20
South and Southeast Asla 283 l27 33.4 7.l6
western and Central Asla 43 588 4.0 l.l0
7otaI Asia 571 577 18.5 14.46
7otaI urope 1 001 394 44.3 25.34
Carlbbean 5 974 26.l 0.l5
Central Amerlca 22 4ll 43.9 0.57
North Amerlca 677 464 32.7 l7.l4
7otaI Nortb and CentraI America 705 849 32.9 17.86
7otaI Dceania 206 254 24.3 5.22
7otaI Soutb America 831 540 47.7 21.04
WDRLD 3 952 025 30.3 100
l hectare (ha) l0 000 square meters (m) 0.0l square kllometres (km)
HeIIenic American Union
30 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
uestions 166 - 169 refer to the followlng memo.
166. what ls the purpose of thls memo!
(A) To announce changes ln company structure
(8) To declare a merger wlth PGA Unlted
(C) To motlvate employees to work harder
(D) To request attendance at upcomlng meetlngs
167. when wlll employees be lnformed about thelr company status!
(A) |n December
(8) |n 1anuary
(C) |n Pebruary
(D) |n March

168. Accordlng to the memo, what ls TPUL!
(A) PGA Unlted wlll secure [obs for all employees.
(8) No executlves wlll be made redundant.
(C) Not all departments are affected by the merger.
(D) Some employees wlll recelve a bonus.
7O: All employees
IROM: venessa Hardwrlght
SU81C7: Peductlon ln staff
DA7: December 28, 20__
As antlclpated, the recent merger wlth PGA Unlted has resulted ln overlap of some functlons.
Consequently, lt ls necessary to reduce our work force ln those areas ln whlch we have
slgnlflcant dupllcatlon of effort.
Lffectlve March 3, we wlll experlence a 30% reductlon ln staff, rlght across senlorlty llnes.
Persons affected wlll be notlfled by the end of next month. These employees wlll recelve two
months' severance pay.
Our personnel offlce wlll hold a serles of meetlngs ln the mlddle of Pebruary to dlscuss
unemployment lnsurance beneflts and to help those affected secure new [obs. |f you plan to
attend, call Marcos Twlne at extenslon #l3l.
we thank you for all your hard work. Unfortunately thls layoff could not be avolded. we wlsh
you employment success ln the future.
vanessa Hardwrlght
Z8T Llectronlcs
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
169. what mlght a 'predatory lender' do to a
(A) Charge hlgh lnterest to the rlch.
(8) Peduce lnterest for low-lncome cllents.
(C) Pefuse to lend lf repayment ls rlsky.
(D) Take advantage of the customer's need.
170. whlch practlce would NOT be predatory
accordlng to thls artlcle!
(A) A 20-year home loan at 5% per annum
(8) A fee of .05% per day on an overdue
(C) A home loan at l8% to a marglnally
employed buyer.
(D) A one-week advance on wages at a flat fee
of 5%.
171. why does the lendlng lndustry say hlgh lnterest
ls good for some borrowers!
(A) 8orrowers can take advantage of sales.
(8) 8orrowers cannot get better rates.
(C) |t keeps money movlng ln the economy.
(D) wlthout lt, loans would not be avallable.
172. why mlght government lntervene ln lendlng
(A) To end the current debate.
(8) To keep the economy stable.
(C) To protect honest lenders.
(D) To provlde work for teachers.
173. |n Paragraph 3, llne 2 the word "promlse" ls
closest ln meanlng to
(A) avowal
(8) guarantee
(C) lmpllcatlon
(D) potentlal
uestions 169 - 173 refer to the followlng artlcle.
Predatory Lending: Debate in DefauIt
Parallellng the subprlme mortgage crlsls ln the US, a larger debate broke out regardlng the need for curbs on
'predatory lendlng' practlces. Central to the debate was the deflnltlon of predatory, and there ls stlll conslderable
dlsagreement. Untll the term ls deflned by law, lt remalns a catch-all for a varlety of what consumer advocates
call 'unfalr' loans, made to the eventual detrlment of the borrower.
Prlnclpal among these are loans tallored for hlgh-rlsk subprlme borrowers, often wlthout adequate checks
on lncome and repayment potentlal, and hlgh-lnterest, short-term flnanclng. |ncluded ln thls second group
are payday and tax-refund-antlclpatlon loans - both taken to tlde the borrower over untll expected lncome ls
recelved - as well as credlt card late-payment fees and checklng account overdraft fees. The fees charged on
these short-term advances often amount to an annual lnterest rate well ln excess of the market rate for hlgh-
rlsk. Lenders dlspute that these fees are lnterest.
Consumer groups charge that hlgh lnterest rates and fees take advantage of the desperate borrower, whlle
advocates for the lendlng lndustry note that the promlse of hlgh return encourages lenders to glve loans even
lf the rlsk ls greater. wlthout that, loans would not be avallable to many low lncome and mlnorlty borrowers.
On the other hand, the concentratlon of hlgh-rlsk lenders ln low-lncome nelghborhoods means that more
equltable flnanclng may not be accesslble to some who could quallfy. And that, say soclal crltlcs, means that
lnterest ls transferred from the poorest members of soclety lnto the pockets of the wealthy.
The lndustry re[olnder ls <|>caveat emptor<|>, let the buyer beware. |n thls vlew, lt ls the borrower's
responslblllty to seek the best loan product and to understand the detalls of the contract. And yet, the fact
that 'predatory lendlng' ls an lssue suggests that some authorltles recognlze the need for better consumer
educatlon and posslbly government regulatlon. Certalnly, the crlsls created by the subprlme market collapse
shows the lmpact rlsky lendlng can have on the economy as a whole. whether to protect the more vulnerable
borrower or to dlscourage volatlllty ln the economy, some brakes may need to be put on hlgh-rlsk lendlng
HeIIenic American Union
32 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
uestions 174 - 178 refer to the followlng artlcle.
volunteerlsm, as a way of provldlng needed servlces, ls hardly new. Throughout hlstory, people have pltched
ln to help thelr nelghbors accompllsh some task, asklng no pay ln return. |n earller tlmes, voluntary efforts
were woven lnto the pattern of soclety, a good example belng nelghbors helplng to bulld a home for
newlyweds. Over the past couple of centurles, however, volunteerlng has lncreased, and, slnce the mlddle
of the 20th century, the wldespread use of volunteers ln some socletles has glven rlse to volunteer program
management as a professlon. (|vP l998)
The use of volunteers, however, ls by no means unlform around the world. |n less-developed countrles,
tradltlonal mutual-ald actlvltles are supplemented by charltable programs. where the economlc-polltlcal
model leans toward soclallsm, volunteer labor ls less common, as soclal servlces are provlded by the
government. |n Greece, for example, all three models were seen untll the 2004 Olymplad, when vast numbers
of cltlzens were needed, and responded. volunteerlsm ln Greece took a glant leap forward from the famlly-
and church-centred actlvltles of the past and exploded lnto the publlc sector. Local authorltles, most notably
ln Athens, then followed up on the Olymplc success wlth new programs ln whlch cltlzens can become
Contrasted to the newness of efforts ln some countrles are those where volunteer programs are well underway.
|n the US, volunteerlsm ls a hlghly developed fleld, lncreaslngly necessary ln recent years, as polltlcal pollcles
have reduced the budgets of soclal servlce agencles. The propenslty for volunteerlsm, however, has hlstorlcal
lmpetus ln the US, wlth roots ln the charltable obllgatlon demanded ln early Purltan settlements. (Plscher,
Some LU member states also have a long tradltlon of volunteerlsm and, as a result, volunteer management
has become a professlon. The UK, for lnstance, has set occupatlonal standards (vSNTO 2004) and offers
tralnlng courses and quallflcatlons ln volunteer management. Pesearch ls underway to brlng standards lnto a
common framework that can be understood across the LU (vSNTO 2004), to quantlfy the value of volunteer
contrlbutlon, and to assess the dlfferent cultures that lmpact volunteerlsm ln the member states. (CLv, 'Pacts
and Plgures' study, 2003-2005 ongolng)
174. whlch statement best descrlbes the hlstory of
(A) |t ls a relatlvely recent type of actlvlty.
(8) |t ls more common now than ever before.
(C) |t orlglnated ln the weavlng lndustry.
(D) |t was more prevalent ln the past than now.
175. why dld volunteerlsm expand ln the Greek
(A) A ma[or event necessltated the use of
(8) Charltles lncreased thelr support for the
(C) People were used to helplng each other.
(D) The government provlded most servlces.
176. How can volunteerlsm best be descrlbed ln the
(A) |t ls an unpopular obllgatlon.
(8) |t has a strong hlstorlcal base.
(C) |t ls no longer as essentlal as lt once was.
(D) Polltlcal pollcles have made lt unnecessary.
177. what ls the goal of volunteerlsm research ln the
Luropean Unlon!
(A) To establlsh volunteer quallflcatlons for the
(8) To lmprove the quallty of cultural events.
(C) To lncrease the number of volunteer
(D) To set standards for the member states.
178. |n paragraph 3, llne 4 the word 'propenslty ls
closest ln meanlng to
(A) avoldance
(8) hesltatlon
(C) popularlsm
(D) tendency
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
179. what can be lnferred from the letter!
(A) Mr. Kosmlsky has agreed to represent
(8) Mr. welllngton has glven full power of
attorney to Mr. Kosmlsky.
(C) SHLMPTO |nc. ls taklng the LPA to court.
(D) The Senate hearlng wlll take place ln Aprll.
180. what ls NOT mentloned ln the letter!
(A) Mr. Kosmlsky's employment offlce
(8) Pecords showlng SHLMPTO |nc's handllng
of the vlolatlon
(C) The LPA comlng ln touch wlth SHLMPTO
|nc. personally
(D) The LPA's envlronmental regulatlons
uestions 179 - 180 refer to the followlng letter.
RafaeI kosmisky
LegaI agIes
255 Second Avenue,
Iirst IIoor,
SeattIe, WA 98104
5th ApriI 20__
Dear Mr. kosmisky:
We authorize you to represent the interests of our company at the upcoming Senate hearings
on environmentaI reguIation. You are authorized to use any IegaI means you deem necessary to
demonstrate to the subcommittee that SHMP7O Incorporated understands and compIies with PA
We have memos in our possession that cIearIy show we were aware of the probIem and had taken
steps to cIear up the issue Iong before we were contacted by the PA.
We agree to your rate of $275 per hour pIus expenses and ask that you biII us every four weeks. With
each biII, pIease incIude a Iog which documents what action has been taken in the case during that
biIIing period.
PIease caII our office if you agree to these terms.
Yours sincereIy,
0eorge UellingLon
Ceorge WeIIington
HeIIenic American Union
34 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
uestions 181 - 185 refer to the followlng two texts.
NI8lK Wl8 808II N0
181. what does the advertlsement offer!
(A) A way the flrm can have emall wlth lts own
(8) A webslte wlth unllmlted emall accounts.
(C) Plenty of storage for company documents.
(D) varlous plans for webslte, emall, and
domaln reglstratlon.
182. How dld Alleen learn about the new offer!
(A) Alleen learned about lt from a colleague.
(8) Antrex sent lt as an emall advertlsement.
(C) Ken learned about lt from a colleague.
(D) The advertlsement was dellvered by the
183. How much does Alleen thlnk she can save lf she
takes the 2-year plan!
(A) -70 per year.
(8) -90 per year.
(C) -l03 per year.
(D) -l86 per year.
184. what ls the name of the flrms current web host!
(A) Antrex.
(8) |LM.
(C) Trlmmo.
(D) we aren't told.
185. what does Alleen want to know before she
okays a change!
(A) That her flrm wlll remaln competltlve.
(8) That the new host would provlde steady
(C) That the new host wlll be cheaper than the
old one.
(D) That she hasn't overlooked any new hosts ln
the market.
l00 Mg8 storage 500 Mg8 storage 2 Gg8 storage
l Gg8 flle transfer 5 Gg8 flle transfer l0 Gg8 flle transfer
5 Pop L-malls l0 Pop L-malls 30 Pop L-malls
l Sub domaln 3 Sub domalns l0 Sub domalns
-6.90/month l0.90 l4.90
-80.00/year -l20.00 -l70.00
-l50.00/2 years 200.00 300.00
DA7: Peb. l2, 2007
SU81C7: New Server!
Have a look at thls ad | [ust got ln my lnbox. At flrst glance, lt looks a lot more economlcal than the hostlng package
we've got rlght now. The 8uslness package alone would save us about -70 a year. |f we took the 2-year plan, that
would [ump to -90 a year. Plus, wlth that plan, we could save the 2-year domaln fee, and | thlnk that went up to
somethlng llke -26 the last tlme we reglstered.
|'m golng to check wlth |LM and see lf they're offerlng anythlng competltlve. | hate to change hosts when we've had
such good servlce from them, but they need to stay competltlve lf they want to keep customers. |n the meantlme,
see lf you can flnd out anythlng about Antrex. | guess we ought to see lf they're rellable over tlme. There are so many
new companles ln the market now, lt's hard to tell. So, let's do a llttle checklng before we change.
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
uestions 186 - 190 refer to the followlng two texts.
CaIIing on IORP Members!
we glve plenty of travel advlsorles, and not a few
speclal member dlscounts, ln thls magazlne. And
many of you have wrltten to say how helpful they
have been.
Now, we want to hear more from you!
Send us your experlences and the travel tlps you've
gleaned whlle maklng use of our past advlce.
what's your best packlng tlp!
where have you been that you'd
recommend to others!
Have you found a way to make alrport
walts less palnful!
Don't thlnk anythlng you've learned ls too small,
too unlmportant. |t mlght [ust help others make
the most of thelr holldays.
The Travel Ldltor
Thanks to our loyal |OPP members for these .
7ips for Cruising:
Pack llght and keep your sultcase wlth you llke an alrllne
"carry-on." That way you can avold the check-ln at the
dock, and all that waltlng to get luggage when you
home tlred but happy. Also, you'll be sure to have your
luggage when you need lt.
|rls Henry, wokegan, w|.
My wlfe and | have found that shlpplng our dlrty clothes
home after a few days on the boat ls economlcal and
very practlcal. |t's cheaper than havlng the valet wash
our clothes, and by the end of the trlp, we have plenty of
space for souvenlrs. we post a package of clothes from
ports-of-call along the way, and our laundry arrlves home
almost as fast as we do. Herbert Panscroft, 8lackton,
8uy the cheapest fare you can get for a crulse. Prlces go by
the slze of cabln, wlth or wlthout a wlndow, and wlth or
wlthout a balcony. Lverythlng else - food, entertalnment,
and so forth - ls pretty much the same prlce. The best
tlme to book a crulse ls at the beglnnlng of the season,
before the cheaper cablns are taken. Another good tlme
ls about 3 weeks before salllng. Then the crulse company
ls trylng to flll the shlp and you may flnd better rooms at
a dlscount. ou can book dlrectly wlth the crulse llne or
through a travel agent, and lf you're a repeat customer,
you should expect a llttle glft of frult or flowers ln your
Allen woolbrldge, North Hampton, MN
186. what ls the maln reason for thls request!
(A) |OPP wants to know lf members use the
(8) |OPP wants members to get others to [oln.
(C) The edltor wants members to share thelr
(D) The edltor has run out of ldeas and needs help.
187. what does Ms Henry llst as an added beneflt ln
her tlp!
(A) She can get on the boat faster.
(8) She has less welght to carry.
(C) She saves tlme gettlng off the boat.
(D) She never has to contend wlth lost luggage.
188. How does Mr woolbrldge get the best prlces on
(A) He always gets a cabln wlth no wlndow or
(8) He books when the crulse llnes are offerlng
cheap fares.
(C) He only makes reservatlons dlrectly wlth the
crulse llne.
(D) He travels at the beglnnlng of the crulse season.
189. whlch wrlters seem concerned about what they
(A) All three wrlters.
(8) Henry and Panscroft
(C) Henry and woolbrldge.
(D) Panscroft and woolbrldge.

190. |n the flrst text, paragraph 3, llne l, the word
'gleaned' ls closest ln meanlng to
(A) gathered.
(8) lmproved.
(C) read about.
(D) wrltten down.
HeIIenic American Union
36 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
uestions 191 - 195 refer to the followlng two emalls.
Popular Party Polltlcal Actlon Commlttee
Dear 8ob,
we scored a ma[or vlctory thls week ln the Lducatlon 8lll. Thls leglslatlon means that more chlldren
wlll recelve a hlgh quallty educatlon ln schools across the country. we couldn't have achleved thls
exceptlonal result wlthout the support of hundreds of thousands of people llke you!
Cllck here to send a thank-you emall to your elected offlclal.
|n the weeks and months ahead, the opposltlon wlll no doubt try to block further progress such as
the Lducatlon 8lll. we've got to be ready to meet thelr arguments ln the strongest way, by gettlng our
message out to the voters. Among other moves, a masslve campalgn ls belng planned to place ads
wlth every ma[or channel and natlonwlde newspaper.
our contlnued support ls cruclal.
Make a secure onllne contrlbutlon to the party.
Dear Commlttee for Progress,
|'m afrald the Lducatlon 8lll you mentloned ln your recent emall falls far short of what |'d llke to see
done ln the area of educatlon. Thls and other recent leglslatlon shows nelther the vlslon of our party
nor the change lt promlsed durlng the last electlons.
Consequently, | have declded to contrlbute only to speclflc candldates whose vlews reflect my own. |
wlll not be sendlng money to support the party ln general, l.e. where | do not have dlrect control over
what lt ls spent for.
At such tlme ln the future as party work once agaln meets lts promlse, | wlll reconslder my posltlon. |n
the meantlme, | wlll appreclate your removlng my name from the party contrlbutor rolls and from the
malllng llst for thls newsletter.
Pobert 8alne
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
191. Wbo is tbe sender of tbe first Ietter!
(A) A group of concerned cltlzens.
(8) A commlttee of a polltlcal party.
(C) A polltlcal candldate
(D) A polltlcal party
192. Wbat does tbe first Ietter say about tbe ducation iII!
(A) |t was easlly passed lnto law.
(8) More work ls needed to pass lt.
(C) |t was also supported by the other party.
(D) Slmllar leglslatlon wlll meet opposltlon.

193. Wbat does tbe committee bope aine wiII contribute!
(A) A free advertlsement ln hls newspaper.
(8) An advertlsement on hls Tv channel.
(C) Money for the commlttee to buy advertlslng.
(D) Money to buy a newspaper company.
194. Wby does aine object to contributing to tbe committee!
(A) He feels the party should donate to hls candldates.
(8) He ls dlsappolnted wlth hls party's effectlveness.
(C) He plans to swltch to a dlfferent party ln the future.
(D) He thlnks the Lducatlon 8lll was too strongly worded.
195. In tbe second text, paragrapb 3, Iine 1, tbe word 'promise' is cIosest in meaning to
(A) A verbal vow.
(8) A wrltten vow.
(C) Contentlon.
(D) Potentlal.
HeIIenic American Union
38 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
uestions 196 - 200 refer to the followlng two texts.
Rockets Away!
Pockets are flrlng up ln the western deserts of the USA, as a new sport takes shape. Pocket raclng,
actually taklng off and leavlng the earth's atmosphere whlle raclng around a course 'drawn' ln the
sky, ls becomlng a reallty, thanks to an experlmental alrcraft that uses rocket power. The result
ls a vertlcal take off, amld yellow plumes of flame, an apogee about one mlle up, a wlld race
around the vlrtual track at speeds up to 320 mlles per hour. The take-offs have been descrlbed
as "mezmerlzlng" and the the planners say extra "plt stops" have been planned lnto the course
to glve the publlc as many of these dlsplays as posslble.
Accordlng to entrepreneur, Peter Dlamandls, thls ls [ust the leadlng edge of the space tourlsm
buslness, and one that's geared at maklng the publlc slt up and take notlce. He's already sold
over 3,000 seats at somethlng llke $3,500 to people who want short [aunts ln welghtless space,
and some much costller tlckets for real space travel.
Dear Sports 8eat,
| read your recent artlcle on Pocket Paces wlth dlsmay. At a tlme ln hlstory when we're urglng people to cut
down on thelr fasclnatlon wlth gas-guzzllng speedsters, Mr Dlamandls seems lntent on slurplng up that
last drop of petroleum and spewlng lt all over the stratosphere as 'yellow plumes of flame'. To paraphrase
the old adage, "where there's flre, there's smoke." And smoke ls the last thlng a planet, swelterlng ln the
greenhouse effect and choklng on lts own pollutlon, needs.
Desplte my grave mlsglvlngs to the contrary, | slncerely hope Dlamandls' race fans thlnk twlce before
supportlng thls scheme wlth thelr hard-earned cash. Actually, | hope Dlamandls hlmself thlnks better of
what he's plannlng to dump lnto the atmosphere. Or perhaps, the government wlll step ln and ban thls
along wlth other 20th century dlnosaurs such as trafflc [ams and bull flghts.
Ldgar Poe
walden, MS
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
196. what ls the sub[ect of the artlcle!
(A) A new entertalnment form to encourage tourlsm.
(8) Coverage of the flrst, groundbreaklng "rocket race."
(C) The career hlstory of a sport developer.
(D) The posslble effects of a new sport on ecology.
197. what aspect of the sport ls mentloned as most appeallng to the publlc!
(A) The lntense competltlon.
(8) The showy take-off.
(C) The unlque type of alrcraft.
(D) The vlrtual racetrack.

198. what ls Mr Poe's maln ob[ectlon to the new sport!
(A) |t encourages more pollutlon.
(8) |t ls dangerous to anlmals.
(C) |t perpetuates an old-fashloned ldea.
(D) |t promotes fasclnatlon wlth machlnes.
199. whlch solutlon does Mr Poe NOT suggest may llmlt the new sport!
(A) The government wlll outlaw lt.
(8) The new alrcraft wlll not pass fllght tests.
(C) The promoter wlll change hls plans.
(D) The publlc wlll refuse to support lt.
200. |n the second text, paragraph 2, llne l, the word 'mlsglvlngs' ls closest ln meanlng to
(A) condltlons.
(8) doubts.
(C) mlstakes.
(D) questlons.
HeIIenic American Union
40 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
|n the Llstenlng test, you wlll be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken Lngllsh. The entlre
Llstenlng test wlll last approxlmately 45 mlnutes. There are four parts, and dlrectlons are glven for each part. ou
must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not wrlte your answers ln your test book.
PAR7 1
Dlrectlons: Por each questlon ln thls part, you wlll hear four statements about a plcture ln your test book. when
you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best descrlbes what you see ln the plcture. Then
flnd the number of the questlon on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements wlll not be prlnted
ln your test book and wlll be spoken only one tlme.
Look at the example ltem below.
Now llsten to the four statements.
(A) They 're leavlng the room.
(8) They're turnlng on the machlne.
(C) They're standlng near the table.
(D) They're readlng the newspaper.
Statement (C), "They're standlng near the table," ls the best descrlptlon of the plcture, so you should select answer
(C) and mark lt on your answer sheet.
Now Part l wlll begln.
Look at the plcture marked number l ln your test book.
(A) The man ls pushlng hls sultcases.
(8) He ls walklng along the platform.
(C) The traln has [ust arrlved.
(D) The man ls wearlng a coat.
Look at the plcture marked number 2 ln your test book.
(A) The man ls standlng behlnd the two women.
(8) All three of them are talklng.
(C) They are servlng the customers.
(D) They are standlng behlnd the counter.
Look at the plcture marked number 3 ln your test book.
(A) He ls cooklng the food.
(8) The walter ls servlng the customers.
(C) He's carrylng three dlshes.
(D) She's settlng the table for three.
Look at the plcture marked number 4 ln your test book.
(A) She's looklng through the mlcroscope.
(8) The woman ls plugglng ln the equlpment.
(C) She's programmlng the computer.
(D) The woman ls pulllng the handle.
Look at the plcture marked number 5 ln your test book.
(A) The man ls grllllng sausages.
(8) He's wearlng a vest.
(C) The man ls dolng the washlng up.
(D) He's worklng outdoors.

Look at the plcture marked number 7 ln your test book.
(A) She's glvlng a concert.
(8) The tour gulde ls standlng behlnd the man.
(C) The tour gulde ls explalnlng the monument's hlstory.
(D) The man has turned hls back to the woman.
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
Look at the plcture marked number 7 ln your test book.
(A) The woman ls cleanlng flsh.
(8) She's ln a restaurant kltchen.
(C) She's holdlng a knlfe.
(D) She's wearlng a scarf around her neck.
Look at the plcture marked number 8 ln your test book.
(A) She's wearlng her sunglasses.
(8) The woman ls talklng to the sales person.
(C) She's waltlng ln llne.
(D) They are standlng on each slde of the counter.
Look at the plcture marked number 9 ln your test book.
(A) The pollce offlcer ls glvlng a flne.
(8) He's controlllng the trafflc.
(C) He's checklng the trafflc llghts.
(D) He's ln front of the car.
Look at the plcture marked number l0 ln your test book.
(A) The hotel room ls ready for guests.
(8) The bedslde lamps are off.
(C) The palntlng ls over the beds.
(D) The closet ls made from metal.
PAR7 2
Dlrectlons: ou wlll hear a questlon or statement and three responses spoken ln Lngllsh. They wlll not be prlnted
ln your test book and wlll be spoken only one tlme. Select the best response to the questlon or statement and
mark the letter (A), (8), or (C) on your answer sheet.
Por example, you wlll hear: where ls the meetlng room!
ou wlll also hear: (A) To meet the new dlrector.
(8) |t's the flrst room on the rlght.
(C) es, at two o'clock.
The best response to the questlon "where ls the meetlng room!" ls cholce (8), "|t's the flrst room on the rlght," so
(8) ls the correct answer. ou should mark answer (8) on your answer sheet.
Now let us begln wlth questlon number ll.
ll. who cancelled the meetlng!
(A) Peter en[oys attendlng meetlngs.
(8) The CLO ls ln a meetlng.
(C) The manager dld.
l2. who forgot to swltch off the copy machlne!
(A) George made coffee last.
(8) | need to copy a document.
(C) Probably the secretary.
l3. who called a cab!
(A) Mary ls golng to the alrport.
(8) The cubs are playlng wlth thelr mother.
(C) The taxl meter ls runnlng.
l4. what's the qulckest way downtown!
(A) ou're a fast drlver.
(8) Take the metro.
(C) The road's under repalr.
l5. what dld you expect!
(A) An apology.
(8) |'m expectlng a phone call.
(C) |t was unexpected.
l6. when should we leave!
(A) Any mlnute now.
(8) | wanted lt yesterday.
(C) |t struck mldnlght.
l7. when dld he call!
(A) 8y the hour.
(8) Por the tlme belng.
(C) | can't recall.
l8. when was he told!
(A) Soon as he came ln.
(8) Sooner or later.
(C) 8y the mlnute.
HeIIenic American Union
42 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
l9. when's your appolntment!
(A) | was appolnted an asslstant.
(8) |t's been cancelled.
(C) es, | had an appolntment.
20. why haven't you flnlshed yet!
(A) | prefer lt undone.
(8) He's always on tlme.
(C) Too many thlngs to do.
2l. who should | thank!
(A) |'ll always be thankful.
(8) ou're welcome.
(C) The manager of course.
22. why shouldn't we expand!
(A) Lxtenslons sult you.
(8) | extended my stay.
(C) The rlsk's too hlgh.
23. why ls she so agalnst the ldea!
(A) No ldea.
(8) |'ve got a brlght ldea.
(C) our ldea scares me.
24. why should | belleve you!
(A) 8ecause | llke you.
(8) |'ve never lled to you.
(C) Honesty ls thelr motto.
25. why not order the lobster!
(A) |t's out of season.
(8) Put them ln order.
(C) our order ls ready.
26. where do | have to slgn!
(A) Next to your name.
(8) Slgn your papers.
(C) Stop at the stop slgn.
27. How often does she leave early!
(A) Larller than you thlnk.
(8) He often does overtlme.
(C) |t's turned lnto a hablt.
28. How could |'ve been so selflsh!
(A) |t can happen to anyone.
(8) Shellflsh are tasty.
(C) Take care of yourself.
29. How can you manage all that!
(A) Hls managlng skllls are lnnate.
(8) The manager ls very nlce.
(C) wlth great dlfflculty.
30. There's a protest march taklng place.
(A) | wlll make some more space.
(8) That's why | can't flnd a cab.
(C) es, lt ls expected ln March.
3l. |sn't he already a member!
(A) No, |'ll be [olnlng hlm later.
(8) es, | reglstered hlm myself.
(C) es, he does remember.
32. Hasn't he already recelved a free copy!
(A) Not accordlng to our records.
(8) The copy wlll be sent.
(C) es, lt's free of charge.
33. | heard the |PS ls audltlng them.
(A) | wouldn't llke to be ln thelr shoes.
(8) es, | work ln audltlng.
(C) es, they work for the |PS.
34. would you llke any salad dresslng!
(A) 1ust a llttle oll, please.
(8) No, |'ll change over there.
(C) es, | llke thls dress.
35. ou aren't authorlzed for levels three and above.
(A) | need to level wlth you.
(8) | was granted access today.
(C) Ms. Plvoldl authored them.

36. |s sales tax lncluded ln the prlce!
(A) es, lt's been added.
(8) es, lt was overprlced.
(C) es, lt sells lots of coples.
37. Haven't we met somewhere before!
(A) | would have remembered.
(8) Old hablts dle hard.
(C) es, |'ve done thls before.
38. Let's not make any hasty declslons.
(A) |t's dlfflcult to say.
(8) Thls ls really tasty.
(C) es, let's thlnk about lt.
39. Have you met Mr. 1ones yet!
(A) No one has lntroduced us.
(8) They shook hands yesterday.
(C) es, the Dow 1ones ls on the rlse.
40. where's our florlst's number!
(A) At number 5, [ust past the florlst's.
(8) Check ln the drawer.
(C) Press 9 before dlallng the number.
PAR7 3
Dlrectlons: ou wlll hear some conversatlons between two people. ou wlll be asked to answer three questlons
about what the speakers say ln each conversatlon. Select the best response to each questlon and mark the letter
(A), (8), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversatlon wlll not be prlnted ln your test book and wlll be spoken
only one tlme.
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
Now let us begln wlth questlon number 4l.
Questions 41 - 43 refer to the foIIowing conversation.
W: we need to hlre a temporary asslstant to help us wlth thls pro[ect untll our regular asslstant fully recovers.
M: eah, lt wlll take hlm at least 2 months tlll he's able to return to hls dutles.
W: | know . that's why | hate lt when people around me become lndlspensable. |t [ust makes me feel
helpless sometlmes.
M: |n the meantlme, why don't we try flndlng someone from our staff to replace hlm! That way we'll avold the
tralnlng perlod slnce all staff know, more or less, how thlngs run around the offlce.
4l. what ls the problem wlth her asslstant!
42. what does the woman lmply about her asslstant!
43. what are they plannlng to do!

Questions 44 - 46 refer to the foIIowing conversation.
M: when dld you say you are golng on that buslness trlp agaln!
W: well, |'m leavlng on wednesday evenlng, but | won't be back untll Tuesday.
M: The conference ls on for two days lsn't lt!
W: well, yes, but slnce my husband ls comlng wlth me thls tlme, we thought we'd take Monday off and spend
the weekend by Lake Como near Mllan. we've heard so many good thlngs about lt, and wlth my new
posltlon we haven't had the chance to go on vacatlon ln the last couple of years.
44. How many days wlll she be away from work!
45. when ls the conference!
46. what can be lnferred about the woman!
Questions 47 - 49 refer to the foIIowing conversation.
W: | thlnk we need to ask the Staff Dlrector to order two new desks for us. Mlne ls very small, whlle yours ls
very blg and takes up too much space. And we could do wlth new wallpaper as well.
M: That's flne by me, but the company ls on a very tlght budget thls year, so they mlght not approve any of lt.
we're lucky we've stlll got a [ob.
W: why don't you draft a formal request, and we'll see what happens!
M: Sure! There mlght even be some old desks avallable ln the warehouse that would sult us perfectly.
47. what does the woman want to do!
48. what does the man lmply about the company!
49. what does the woman ask the man to do!
Questions 50 - 52 refer to the foIIowing conversation.
M: Dld you hear on the news how the $8.l bllllon deal between Ma[or Llectrlc and Arbltrary Laboratorles
W: No, | dldn't even know that the two companles were plannlng to merge.
M: No, they weren't merglng. |t's [ust that ML expressed lts lntentlon to buy Arbltrary's medlcal dlagnostlcs
dlvlslon, but apparently they couldn't agree on the terms.
W: well, you can't blame them. Lven $l0 bllllon wouldn't be enough for such a lucratlve dlvlslon.
50. what does the man lnform the woman about!
5l. How much had the company offered to pay!
52. what can be lnferred about Arbrltrary's medlcal dlvlslon!
Questions 53 - 55 refer to the foIIowing conversation.
W: |'ve booked the alr tlckets to Pome but | haven't booked a hotel yet.
M: Try flndlng one near the shopplng dlstrlct or better stlll, near the hlstorlcal center.
W: These two areas are wlthln walklng dlstance, and | checked the hotels ln both areas, but the prlces were
really steep. And besldes most of them are fully booked, but lf | book one 8km from the hlstorlcal center,
then thlngs change rapldly. 8km lsn't that far, and we could always rent a car.
M: Anyway, we'll be spendlng most of our tlme slghtseelng, so why spend a fortune on accommodatlon!
53. what does the woman stlll need to do!
54. what ls lmplled about the hotels ln the hlstorlcal center!
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55. where wlll she book a hotel room!
Questions 56 - 58 refer to the foIIowing conversation.
M: |t seems that thls year's economlc forecast for the government's deflclt ls a lot less gloomy than we
orlglnally thought. |n fact, lt seems to be rather promlslng.
W: why what does the paper say!
M: |t says that tax revenues were hlgher thls year than expected durlng the sprlng, so the spendlng deflclt wlll
only be $255 bllllon thls flscal year. That's around $45 bllllon less than had orlglnally been thought, whlle
others predlct that the actual deflclt wlll be even less when lt's made offlclal ln September.
W: |t was about tlme they actually announced somethlng posltlve. They can't expect the publlc to contlnue
paylng heavy taxes when there seems to be no hope for the economy to start boomlng agaln.
56. what are the predlctlons for the deflclt thls year!
57. what can be lnferred about the country's economy!
58. what does the woman lmply about the publlc!
Questions 59 - 61 refer to the foIIowing conversation.
M: | ordered some products from your company a week ago but they haven't arrlved yet, although you had
assured me you would shlp them one or two days after | placed my order.
W: Glve me a second, slr, to track down your order. yes, here lt ls. The products were shlpped on September
the l9th, that's a day after you placed your order. The shlpplng number ls 33560l342 and the courler
company ls 8LC.
M: Oh, OK. |'ll try contactlng them to flnd out what's taklng them so long to dellver the package.
W: My guess ls that they they've got problems wlth the customs offlce. |n any case, call me lf | can be of any
further asslstance.
59. why dld the man call!
60. when were the products sent!
6l. what's the shlpplng number!
Questions 62 - 64 refer to the foIIowing conversation.
W: |'ve been worklng part-tlme ln thls company for 2 years now and | would llke to know how many days of
vacatlon |'m entltled to slnce | haven't taken any so far.
M: Let me see. full-tlmers can get 25 days off a year, so part-tlmers can get half of lt and a day of slck leave a
month. Unfortunately you can't transfer last year's vacatlon.
W: | wlsh |'d known that earller. So lf | want to take 2 weeks off thls summer, |'ll have to take my slck leave as
M: Or you could take some unpald leave, you never know when you mlght need your slck leave. 1ust make
sure you ask the Human Pesources Department to approve lt.
62. How many days of vacatlon can part-tlmers get!
63. what does the woman want to do!
64. what advlce does the man glve her!
Questions 65 - 67 refer to the foIIowing conversation.
M: Mr. Lee lsn't comlng ln today. Can | take a message!
W: |'d rather talk to hlm ln person. Do you know when he's comlng back!
M: |'m afrald he's not comlng ln for the next couple of weeks. He's on a sabbatlcal to work on hls dlssertatlon.
W: well, ln that case could you please tell hlm that |'ve revlewed hls artlcle and that he needs to contact me to
go over my revlslons ASAP! Unless you can glve me hls home number and |'ll contact hlm ln person.
65. why lsn't Mr. Lee ln hls offlce!
66. what does the woman want Mr. Lee to do!
67. what can be lnferred about the man's [ob!
Questions 68 - 70 refer to the foIIowing conversation.
W: The CLO has called a meetlng. He wants us to update hlm on the number of students who have reglstered
for our postgraduate programs thls year.
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Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
M: Hmm, he knows that the number of reglstered students has plummeted thls year, and he ls looklng lnto
the causes.
W: |f you ask me, the advertlslng campalgn should have been more aggresslve.
M: eah, | know exactly what you mean. | saw the newspaper ad yesterday and you need to read lt very
carefully to see that we are offerlng postgraduate programs and not [ust undergraduate ones.
68. why has the CLO called a meetlng!
69. what can be lnferred about the advertlslng campalgn!
70. what ls true about the number of reglstered students!
PAR7 4
Dlrectlons: ou wlll hear some talks glven by a slngle speaker. ou wlll be asked to answer three questlons about
what the speaker says ln each talk. Select the best response to each questlon and mark the letter (A), (8), (C), or (D)
on your answer sheet. The talks wlll not be prlnted ln your test book and wlll be spoken only one tlme.
Questions 71 - 73 refer to the foIIowing radio program.
welcome back to The 8ook Stall. Thls week | read 1oseph Stlglltz' latest book and | en[oyed lt! Maklng Globallzatlon
work was a refreshlng, readable foray lnto the sometlmes confuslng world of macro-economlcs. Stlglltz, a
presldentlal advlsor and former chlef economlst for the world 8ank, was the 200l Nobel Laureate ln Lconomlcs.
He had prevlously publlshed Globallzatlon and |ts Dlscontents, a compendlum of the problems globallzatlon has
created. Hls lntlmate knowledge of world 8ank, |MP and wTO operatlons relnforced hls vlew that developlng
countrles were not helped by - ln fact, were frequently hurt by - the self-lnterested pollcles of much more
powerful developed natlons. |n thls sequel, Stlglltz lays out hls vlslon of what's needed. Hls nearly four decades
of research and lmportant role ln shaplng economlc pollcy have convlnced hlm that a modlcum of government
lnterventlon and regulatlon, partlcularly ln trade agreements, can level the playlng fleld among natlons and brlng
the beneflts of market economy to all. After the break, |'ll be back to read a few of Stlglltz' thoughts on how thls
could be carrled out. ..
7l. |n what fleld dld Stlglltz establlsh hls career!
72. How can Stlglltz's latest book be descrlbed!
73. what ls Stlglltz' vlslon for globallzatlon pollcy!
Questions 74 - 76 refer to the foIIowing commentary.
well, Shannon, thls Sports Palr has certalnly been well recelved here. All three floors of the expo center are
full, some 250 exhlbltors all together, ranglng from top-ranked sports teams through equlpment and apparel
manufacturers to sports medlclne and dletary supplement provlders. wlth game tlckets and products as door
prlzes, plus the chance to meet some star players, the publlc has, not surprlslngly, come out ln force to share ln
the excltement and see where the lndustry ls golng. Although thls event was lntended prlmarlly as an lndustry
meet-up, some 3000 people have come through the doors each day. And what |'ve seen here lncludes a lot of
parents wlth thelr young athletes. One father | talked to sald he was looklng for lnformatlon to help hlm [udge
lf hls chlldren were gettlng good tralnlng advlce from thelr coaches. Hls son, though, seemed more lnterested
ln state-of-the-art basketball shoes. And there are plenty of those on dlsplay. 8ut | also observed a lot of earnest
buslness dlscusslons taklng place, wlth equlpment makers presslng thelr case wlth wholesale reps and sports
retallers. | see 1lm Manlx, [ust comlng thls way. He's Sales Manager of Lnvlda Pootwear and the dlrector of the falr,
so |'ll try to get a word wlth hlm .
74. what type of commentary ls thls!
75. why has the event been well attended by the publlc!
76. what lntended outcome of the event was reallzed!
Questions 77 - 79 refer to the foIIowing taIk.
One of the more creatlve approaches to helplng chlldren deal wlth catastrophlc events ln thelr llves sprang
from the fertlle mlnd of artlst Lleanor 8ennlngton. Her own works have always been shopplng sprees lnto those
hldden, and most palnful, reaches of her own experlence. when 8ennlngton heard of the chlldren whose peaceful,
mountaln vlllages had been swept away ln the recent wlldflres, she knew that art would offer them a way of
worklng through thelr nlghtmares. what we have here ls an lnstallatlon of monumental value, a record of the flres
seen through the eyes of chlldren, who, wlth 8ennlngton's semlnal lnstructlons for thelr teachers, put thelr worst
fears to paper, palnt, papler mache, and collage. They created a stunnlng wltness to the horrors they saw and,
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46 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
subsequently, trled to forget. Those fears come allve ln thelr creatlons, allowlng them, the wltnesses, and us, the
receptors, to deal wlth the scenes burned lndellbly on thelr psyches. Thls flrst work, by Dlmltra Halklas, shows her
home ln ashes. Purther along .. |fade|
77. what does thls talk lntroduce!
78. what ls the sub[ect of the works that wlll be descrlbed!
79. where dld the artlsts do thelr work!
Questions 80 - 82 refer to the foIIowing report.
All rlght, let's get started. we've been tasked wlth a [ob of monumental proportlons. Let me begln by remlndlng
you that we've got over 2,000 drug companles and l50,000 food processlng companles, not to mentlon thousands
of small exporters. And ln recent months, a few of the, shall we say, "less responslble" ones have falled to llve
up to good practlces. Pecalls of thelr dangerous products have undermlned our reputatlon ln the lnternatlonal
market. Somehow, thls team has to brlng thls glant under control and to do that lmmedlately. we'll start wlth
a thorough revlew of product standards to ldentlfy whlch ones need to be tlghtened. Then, after developlng
recommendatlons for lnspectlon and enforcement, members of thls taskforce wlll dlrectly supervlse executlon of
the plan. | can assure you, we wlll have a free hand and full backlng of the governlng councll. |mprovement of our
lmage and contlnued economlc growth are foremost ln thelr mlnds. ou'll flnd my actlon outllne ln the folders
you've been glven .
80. what ls the speaker's posltlon!
8l. why has thls worklng group been created!
82. what can the llsteners expect from thelr government!
Questions 83 - 85 refer to the foIIowing weather report.
1enny Holmann here wlth world weather Today. Hurrlcane Xavler contlnues to bulld ln strength as lt approaches
the Texas gulf coast. we're expectlng thls to become a Category 5 storm as lt makes landfall tomorrow near
Galveston and authorltles there are beglnnlng evacuatlon, and buslnesses ln the area wlll remaln closed for
several days. US cltles on the Atlantlc seaboard, however, are en[oylng sunny weather wlth temperatures ln the
hlgh 20's. Temperatures dropplng from west to east ln Lurope, the southern Medlterranean rlm ls also en[oylng
a resplte after the extreme heat they've had thls summer. 8arcelona ls a sunny 28, Pome 27, and Athens 25. And
these condltlons are expected to hold throughout the week. |f you're flylng lnto London or 8russels though, be
prepared for some delays. The north contlnues to suffer what now seems llke unendlng raln, wlth temperatures
ln the teens: London l7 Celslus, 8russels l5, Parls l5, and Prankfurt l3. And where the raln has let up, mornlng
ground fog has dlverted some fllghts, so check our frequent weather updates on your laptop or cell phone at
wNN-dot-com. |'ll be back wlth an update on Hurrlcane Xavler ln the next hour.
83. what group of llsteners does thls report target!
84. what can be sald about the current Luropean weather!
85. what weather phenomenon ls glven partlcular attentlon!
Questions 86 - 88 refer to the foIIowing taIk.
Okay, thls ls what |'ve put together so far. Thls ls the cover sllde, and the second has our team llsted. | thought |
would start wlth a ple chart to lllustrate our market share. Then, | want to use thls llne graph to show our company's
growth over the past flve years. And then, thls multlple llne graph, showlng our growth agalnst the other leadlng
competltors. They're scattered all over the charts, and we clearly are ln the lead. | thlnk a bar chart at thls polnt
mlght be good, somethlng that shows the dollar amount of market share for each of us, flve years ago and today.
we can put today's bar ln the brlght color wlth a darker shade of the same color for the amount flve years ago.
what |'m stlll up ln the alr about ls whlch color to glve our company throughout. Ped would stand out - and that's
what we want lf we're to attract addltlonal lnvestors - but | also lean toward brlght green or even black. 8oth
colors are percelved as posltlves ln buslness [argon. |'m really not sure about thls. what do you thlnk!
86. what graphlc does the speaker NOT suggest uslng!
87. what ls the goal of the presentatlon belng dlscussed!
88. what ls the speaker lndeclslve about!
Questions 89 - 91 refer to the foIIowing radio taIk.
Pellow dlscernlng dlners, |'m tempted to call thls week's report, "The Paw Story". Por your eplcurean pleasure thls
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
weekend, |'ve checked out two new restaurants - flve star, ln my book, both of them - one of whlch speclallzes ln
uncooked meat and the other ln fresh veggles. Aptly named, The Total Tartar, ln Kenslngton, offers an array of 'beef
steak tartar' the llkes of whlch | have never seen before. ou can choose from ground round to dellcate, paper-thln
sllces of slrloln wlth garnlshes and condlments from mlld to very splcy. | had the Attlla Speclal, tlny cubes of raw
steak wlth scorchlng hot chlll peppers and a vlnalgrette dlpplng sauce. Superb! |f meat, raw or cooked, lsn't your
thlng, |'d recommend The Herb Garden, out near the rlver ln Tootlng 8ek. They llterally have thelr own garden,
organlc of course, and every lngredlent ls plcked fresh the same day. | partlcularly llked the llttle auberglne boat,
heaped full of seasonal salad, ln a llght, yoghurt-based sauce. well worth the rather long trek out to the 8ek. |'ll be
back after thls rather lntruslve break, wlth my recommendatlons on wlnes.
89. when ls thls program llkely to be broadcast!
90. what does the speaker flnd most notable about the meat restaurant!
9l. what theme connects the two restaurants dlscussed!
Questions 92 - 94 refer to the foIIowing recorded message.
welcome to the telephone customer servlces of western |nter-8ank. Por Lngllsh, press l. Por Spanlsh press 2.
Por Prench, press 3. Por 1apanese, press 4. |pause-tone| w|8 ls here to serve your banklng needs. |f you need
lnformatlon about an exlstlng account, please press l. To open a new account, please press 2. Por general bank
lnformatlon, press 3. |pause-tone| ou are one of w|8's valued customers. Por the balance ln your account, press l.
To change the way you recelve bank statements, press 2. To order new checks, press 3. To speak to one of our bank
advlsors, please press 4. To return to the menulng system, press 5. Thank you for calllng western |nter-8ank.
92. where does western |nter-8ank operate!
93. who ls the caller uslng the telephone menu system!
94. what must the caller do to return to the maln menu system!
Questions 95 - 97 refer to the foIIowing caII-in taIk show.
es, Larry, thanks for taklng my call. Lh, you know, | was ln the work force back ln the 80's when they told us that
reduclng taxes on upper lncome brackets would 'trlckle down' to the rest of us. 8ut, of course, lt dldn't, and we only
saw lmprovement ln wages and [ob creatlon when that pollcy was reversed by the next admlnlstratlon. Tlme and
agaln, we've seen that hlgh-end tax cuts only help, well, the hlgh end. 8ut, the past few years, a new generatlon of
voters have been assured, once agaln, | mlght add, that tax cuts for the rlch would somehow beneflt them. And,
unfortunately, a lot of them bought lnto that ldea, a notlon whlch, ln my mlnd, has been repeatedly dlsproved. So,
| guess my questlon for Mrs. Prlce would be ln two parts. when are we golng to requlre baslc economlcs theory to
be taught ln hlgh school - not [ust ln unlversltles - and what proposals does she offer to make sure that fundlng
ls avallable to make that part of the natlonwlde school currlculum!
95. On what does the caller base hls vlews of tax pollcy!
96. what ls the caller's maln contentlon!
97. To whom ls the caller dlrectlng hls questlon!

Questions 98 - 100 refer to the foIIowing taIk.
Zorka ln 8ulgarla wrltes, "whlch test should | take to go to unlverslty ln the UK!" well, | need to come back to that
questlon, and start wlth the reason for tests. Teachers have always tested to see lf thelr students have absorbed the
lesson. And some unlversltles have used tests as one crlterla for admlsslons. |ncreaslngly, though, moblllty from
clty to clty, country to country and contlnent to contlnent, have caused employers and educators to demand tests,
especlally of forelgn language, as part of thelr acceptance scheme. They don't know the appllcant's capabllltles
personally and can't walt for a perlod of tlme to see lf they'll work out. So they rely on standard tests. when large
unlversltles or governments mandate a partlcular test, thls glves a boost to the preparatlon and testlng lndustry.
That havlng been sald, Zorka, you should start wlth the unlversltles you're hoplng to attend and see what tests
each requlres. Check them out onllne, or ask your teachers and advlsors for thelr recommendatlons. And that's lt
for today. |'ll be back agaln next week wlth Ldu-Hour .
98. who ls the speaker!
99. what has spurred the growth ln the testlng fleld!
l00. what does the speaker advlse the wrlter to do!
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48 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
PAR7 1
(8) The man ls pulllng hls sultcases whlle l. woll|n olcn the lotlctm.
(D) All three of them are standlng behlnd the counter ready to serve customers. 2.
(C) The walter ls probably taklng the dlshes to hls customers' table. 3.
(D) The woman ls pulllng the handle to operate the machlne. 4.
(8) The man ls frylng some tradltlonal pancakes and he 5. |s weot|n o vest.
(C) The tour gulde ls standlng ln front of a group of people and she ls showlng them around the 6.
monument explalnlng lts hlstory.
(C) The woman ls trylng to open the shell uslng a 7. ln|le.
(D) The counter ls between the two women. 8.
(8) The pollce offlcer ls slgnallng the cars to stop. 9.
(A) The hotel room ls neat and tldy for the next guests. l0.
PAR7 2
(C) ll. 7he monoet J|J ls a loglcal response to the questlon whc concelleJ the meet|n.
(C) l2. ltccocly the sectetoty ls a loglcal response to the questlon whc lctct tc sw|tch cll the ccy moch|ne.
(A) l3. Voty |s c|n tc the o|tctt answers whc.
(8) The second speaker advlses the flrst speaker to take the metro lf he wants to go downtown qulckly. l4.
(A) The second speakers says that he was expectlng an apology. l5.
(A) The second speaker lnforms the flrst speaker that lt ls tlme for them to leave. l6.
(C) The second speaker cannot remember when he called. l7.
(A) l8. As sccn os he come |n ls a loglcal response to the questlon when wos he tclJ.
(8) l9. lts ceen concelleJ ls a loglcal response to the questlon whens ycut oc|ntment.
(C) 20. 7cc mony th|ns tc Jc answers why, provldlng a reason for not flnlshlng the thlngs that he was
supposed to.
(C) 2l. 7he monoet answers whc.
(C) 22. 7he t|sls tcc h|h answers why, provldlng a reason for not expandlng.
(A) The second speaker cannot understand why she does not llke hls ldea. 23.
(8) 24. lve nevet l|eJ tc ycu answers why provldlng a reason for bellevlng hlm/her.
(A) 25. lts cut cl seoscn answers why provldlng a reason for not orderlng the lobster.
(A) 26. Next tc ycut nome answers whete.
(C) when somethlng 27. tutns |ntc o hoc|t lt becomes a regular occurrence.
(A) 28. lt con hoen tc onycne answers hcw, explalnlng that anyone can act selflshly sometlmes.
(C) 29. w|th teot J|ll|culty answers hcw, explalnlng how dlfflcult lt ls to deal wlth so many thlngs.
(8) The second speaker can understand now why he cannot flnd a taxl. 30.
(8) 3l. es, l te|steteJ h|m mysell ls a loglcal response to a yes/nc questlon.
(A) 32. Nct occctJ|n tc cut tecctJs ls a loglcal response to a yes/nc questlon.
(A) 33. 8e |n scmeccJys shces means tc ce |n o s|tuot|cn thot oncthet etscn |s |n.
(A) The second speaker wants only some oll for hls salad. 34.
(8) The second speaker explalns to the flrst speaker that he was glven permlsslon to go to levels 3 and 35.
(A) 36. es, |ts ceen oJJeJ ls a loglcal response to a yes/nc questlon.
(A) The second speaker says that he would have remembered lf they had met before. 37.
(C) 8oth speakers agree that they need to thlnk carefully before they make any declslons. 38.
(A) The second speaker says that he has not met Mr. 1ones as they have not been lntroduced. 39.
(8) 40. Checl |n the Jtowet ls a loglcal response to the questlon whetes cut llct|sts numcet.
PAR7 3
(D) The woman says that they need to do somethlng untll thelr 4l. teulot oss|stont lully teccvets so lt can be
lnferred that he ls slck.
(C) The woman says that she hates lt when people around her become 42. |nJ|sensocle so lt can be lnferred
that her asslstant ls good at hls [ob.
(D) The woman says that they should hlre 43. o temctoty oss|stont.
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(C) The woman says that she ls leavlng on wednesday evenlng and she wlll not get back untll Tuesday, 44.
so she wlll be away from work for three days, Thursday, Prlday and Monday.
(8) The man says that the conference ls on for two days and the woman says that she and her husband 45.
are golng to go to lake Como for the weekend, so lt can be lnferred that the conference ls on
Thursday and Prlday.
(8) The woman says that because of her new posltlon they have not had the chance to spend some 46.
quallty tlme wlth her husband, so lt can be lnferred that she has been very busy lately.
(D) The woman says that they need two new desks ln thelr offlce and the man says that they need new 47.
wallpaper too.
(8) The man says that the company ls 48. cn o vety t|ht cuJet and that they are lucky theyve st|ll ct o jcc
so lt can be lnferred that the company ls downslzlng.
(D) The woman asks the man to wrlte a memo asklng offlclally for two new desks. 49.
(C) The woman says that 50. the Jeol cetween Vojct llectt|c onJ Atc|ttoty locctotct|es untoveleJ whlch means
that the deal between the two companles falled.
(C) The woman says that Ma[or Llectrlcs offered Arbltrary Laboratorles $8.l bllllon. 5l.
(8) The woman says that 52. even 510 c|ll|cn wculJnt ce encuh lct such o luctot|ve J|v|s|cn so lt can be
lnferred that Arbltrary Laboratorles ls a very profltable dlvlslon.
(8) The woman says that she hasn't 53. cccleJ o hctel yet.
(D) The woman says that hotel prlces ln the shopplng dlstrlct or near the hlstorlcal center are 54. teolly stee
(8) 8oth speakers agree to book a hotel 55. 8lm ltcm the h|stct|col centet of Pome - outsklrts.
(C) The man says that 56. th|s yeots eccncm|c lctecost lct the cvetnments Jel|c|t |s o lct less lccmy. and
later on he adds thots otcunJ 545 c|ll|cn less thon hoJ ct||nolly ceen thcuht, wh|le cthets teJ|ct thot
the octuol Jel|c|t w|ll ce even less when |ts moJe cll|c|ol |n 5etemcet.
(D) The woman says that they are expectlng 57. the ccunttys eccncmy tc stott cccm|n oo|n.
(D) The woman says that 58. they cont exect the ucl|c tc ccnt|nue oy|n heovy toxes lmplylng that the
publlc was rather frustrated by the whole sltuatlon.
(C) The man ls calllng the company to flnd out lf they had shlpped hls order. 59.
(A) The woman says 60. the tcJucts wete sh|eJ cn 5etemcet the 19
, thots o Joy oltet ycu loceJ ycut
(A) The woman says that 6l. the sh||n numcet |s 335601342.
(A) The man says 62. lull-t|mets con et 25 Joys cll o yeot, sc ott-t|mets con et holl cl |t so that makes lt l2
(8) The woman wants to flnd out how many days of vacatlon she ls entltled to. 63.
(D) The man advlses her to get some unpald leave. 64.
(8) The man says that 65. Vt. lee |s cn soccot|col (t|me cll ltcm wctl Jut|n wh|ch ccllee ct un|vets|ty
teochets con stc the|t usuol wctl tc stuJy}.
(8) The woman has revlewed hls artlcle and now they need to dlscuss her revlslons. 66.
(D) |t can be lnferred that the man ls Mr. Lee's secretary slnce he offers to take a message and knows 67.
about Mr. Lee's sabbatlcal and schedule.
(A) The man says that the CLO has called a meetlng as 68. he |s lccl|n |ntc the couses of low reglstratlon.
(D) 8oth speakers feel that the advertlslng campalgn was not successful as the woman says lt was not 69.
vety otess|ve and the man agrees wlth her.
(A) The number of reglstered students has decreased 70. (lummeteJ}.
PAR7 4
(B) 71. Thls answer ls based on repeated reference: moctc-eccncm|cs, lctmet ch|el eccncm|st, Nccel louteote
|n lccncm|cs, tcle |n sho|n eccncm|c cl|cy.
(D) 8ased on context and comparlson to hls prevlous book: 72. ln th|s sequel, 5t|l|tz loys cut h|s v|s|cn cl
whots neeJeJ.
(A) 8ased on thls sentence: 73. l|s neotly lcut JecoJes cl teseotch onJ |mcttont tcle |n sho|n eccncm|c
cl|cy hove ccnv|nceJ h|m thot o mcJ|cum cl cvetnment |ntetvent|cn onJ teulot|cn, ott|culotly |n
ttoJe oteements, con level the loy|n l|elJ omcn not|cns onJ ct|n the cenel|ts cl motlet eccncmy tc
HeIIenic American Union
50 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
(A) Thls answer ls based on the background nolse, the reporter's addresslng some other person (the 74.
anchor). |t ls obvlously not coverage of a game, and the role of parents ls only touched on brlefly.
(C) Thls based on: 75. w|th ome t|clets onJ tcJucts os Jcct t|zes, lus the chonce tc meet scme stot loyets,
the ucl|c hos, nct sutt|s|nly, ccme cut |n lctce.
(D) The alm ls set up ln: 76. Althcuh th|s event wos |ntenJeJ t|mot|ly os on |nJustty meet-u. The
reallzatlon ls noted ln: l olsc ccsetveJ o lct cl eotnest cus|ness J|scuss|cns tol|n loce, w|th equ|ment
molets tess|n the|t cose w|th whclesole tes onJ sctts teto|lets.
(D) Thls talk concerns art works not photos. Although only the oral component, the plece refers to vlsual 77.
ob[ects, so the optlon concernlng Tv coverage ls correct.
(A) Thls answer ls based on: 78. ch|lJten whcse eocelul, mcunto|n v|lloes hoJ ceen swet owoy |n the tecent
w|lJl|tes . o tecctJ cl the l|tes seen thtcuh the eyes cl ch|lJten . shcws het hcme |n oshes.
(C) There are no other references to where the work took place, but the artlsts are the chlldren and the 79.
place ls supported by: ch|lJten, whc, w|th 8enn|ntcns sem|nol |nsttuct|cns lct the|t teochets, ut the|t
wctst leots tc oet, o|nt, o|et moche, onJ cclloe.
(C) |n addltlon to the take-charge tone of the speaker, thls answer ls supported by: 80. weve ceen tosleJ
w|th o jcc cl mcnumentol tcctt|cns . memcets cl th|s tosllctce . cull l|nJ my oct|cn cutl|ne
(D) After summarlzlng the problems they wlll correct, the speaker says: 8l. well stott w|th o thctcuh
tev|ew cl tcJuct stonJotJs tc |Jent|ly wh|ch cnes neeJ tc ce t|hteneJ. 7hen, oltet Jevelc|n
teccmmenJot|cns lct |nsect|cn onJ enlctcement, memcets cl th|s tosllctce w|ll J|tectly suetv|se
execut|cn cl the lon.
(C) Thls ls based on: 82. l con ossute ycu, we w|ll hove o ltee honJ onJ lull cocl|n cl the cvetn|n ccunc|l.
(A) whlle condltlons ln the US are descrlbed, the detalled focus ls on Luropean cltles and buslness 83.
travellers ln Lurope are suggested by: ll ycute lly|n |ntc tc lcnJcn ct 8tussels thcuh . checl cut
ltequent weothet uJotes cn ycut lotc ct cell hcne
(8) Thls ls stated ln: 84. w|th temetotutes Jtc|n ltcm west tc eost |n lutce . and further supported by
detalls of temps ln Luropean cltles.
(C) The other condltlons are mentloned, but Hurrlcane Xavler wlll be followed wlth another update. 85.
whlle the Luropean weather ls of most detalled lnterest to travellers, the prospects of excltlng storm
scenes are used to keep them tuned to thls statlon.
(D) 8ar, llne and ple charts are speclflcally mentloned. Scattergram ls not. 86.
(8) Thls ls based on the ltems shown: market share, growth, growth compared to competltors and 87.
capped wlth: thots whot we wont |l wete tc otttoct oJJ|t|cnol |nvestcts.
(C) The speaker says: 88. whot l'm st|ll u |n the o|t occut |s wh|ch cclct tc |ve cut ccmony thtcuhcut
The use of the ldlom up ln the alr whlch means not declded on clearly shows that the speaker ls
(8) 89. Thls ls based on: lct ycut e|cuteon leosute th|s weelenJ.
(A) Thls answer ls based on: 90. cllets on ottoy cl ceel steol tottot the l|les cl wh|ch l hove nevet seen celcte .
and supported by mentlon of the range of dlshes.
(D) Thls ls supported by: 9l. twc new testoutonts - l|ve stot, |n my cccl, ccth cl them - cne cl wh|ch sec|ol|zes
|n uncccleJ meot onJ the cthet |n ltesh ve|es. whlle fresh could also refer to the recent plcklng of
the veg crop, the other three optlons are clearly wrong.
(D) whlle lt's posslble that forelgn language communlcatlon ls offered ln any of the three lndlvldual 92.
optlons, the llkellhood ls that the bank operates ln many countrles, l.e. all three of the cholces.
(C) After the flrst selectlon, the menu contlnues ln Lngllsh. After the second, the caller ls addressed as a 93.
valued customer, l.e. an old account.
(8) Peturnlng to the menulng system ls the last cholce glven. 94.
(8) The caller makes frequent reference to hls own experlence: 95. l wos |n the wctl lctce . they tclJ us . we
cnly sow |mtcvement.
(8) After notlng that younger voters have none of hls experlence, the caller says: 96. o lct cl them ccuht |ntc
thot |Jeo and then goes on to ask about economlcs educatlon ln hlgh schools.
(A) The caller greets the host, Larry, then addresses hls two questlons to Mrs Prlce, who would be a 97.
guest. we are not told what her [ob ls.
(8) Zorka's teacher would not note she's wrltten from 8ulgarla, nor would a 8ulgarlan expert. An 98.
educatlonal counsellor would be speaklng wlth Zorka ln person, not about her.
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
(C) The other three optlons are results of the need to [udge unknown appllcants ln a moblle work 99.
(8) The speaker advlses Zorka to research what her chosen unlversltles requlre. Pecommendatlons from l00.
teachers have to do wlth thelr professlonal [udgement (hopefully) not whlch tests they personally
PAR7 5
(8) l0l. lts ls a possesslve pronoun whlch stands for the possesslve noun phrase lutces cvetnments.
(A) An ad[ectlve - l02. J|sc|l|noty - ls needed ln thls sentence to modlfy the noun tcceJutes.
(C) l03. 5ucJue means tc slcw on |ncteose.
(D) l04. 7hete wete ls used as an lntroductory sub[ect ln thls sentence.
(C) l05. Outlccl means o l|lely lutute s|tuot|cn.
(D) A noun - l06. oc|ntment - ls needed ln thls sentence after the artlcle the.
(D) l07. lnv|tes collocates wlth appllcatlons and lt means tc tequest scmeth|n lctmolly.
(C) The relatlve clause l08. wh|ch |s o newly estocl|sheJ ccmony further deflnes the company.
(C) |n formal styles l09. |l can be dropped from a condltlonal sentence and the auxlllary shculJ ls put before
the sub[ect so 5hculJ the toh|c Jes|net coll. ls used lnstead of : ll the toh|c Jes|net shculJ coll
.(|nverted condltlonal).
(8 ll0. } 7c ce ot ycut J|scsol means tc ce ovo|locle tc hel scmecne.
(8) The verb lll. tesult ls followed by the preposltlon |n and lt means couse, ct|n occut.
(D) ll2. Cet + scmecne + |nl|n|t|ve w|th tc - ct the sectetoty tc ccntoct oll tcsect|ve cl|ents - means to make
someone do somethlng.
(A) ll3. As + oJject|ve / oJvetc + os ls used to say that people or thlngs are equal ln some way.
(C) ll4. 5ec|ol|z|n |n cocy lccJ. ls a reduced relatlve clause used lnstead of: wh|ch sec|ol|zes |n cocy
(D) ll5. CcctJ|notes means cton|zes.
(A) ll6. AnJ ls used to llnk two or more grammatlcally slmllar expresslons.
(A) ll7. lm|nent means well-lncwn, tencwneJ.
(A) The ad[ectlve ll8. sttcn ls used to modlfy the noun ccmmonJ. A fact ls stated and not a comparlson.
(8) The verb ll9. hel ls followed by an lnflnltlve wlthout to. lel + scmecne + |nl|n|t|ve w|thcut tc - hove
heleJ COV8l lutthet.
(C) l20. ltcject|cns means teJ|ct|cns.
(D) The verb l2l. oss|st ls followed by the preposltlon w|th.
(C) l22. 7c ce lccoteJ |n uNlls cll|ce |n wosh|ntcn, 0C ls a reduced relatlve clause used lnstead of: whc ote tc
ce lccoteJ |n uNlls cll|ce |n wosh|ntcn, 0C.
(A) l23. 0eleote means tc oss|n, tc ollccote.
(C) A noun - l24. ocqu|s|t|cn - ls needed after an ad[ectlve - lotest.
(C) l25. Ctonts means lunJ|n, mcney |ven tc o etscn ct cton|zot|cn lct o sec|ol utcse.
(C) l26. kun |ntc means tc ccme octcss tcclems ct ttcucle unexecteJly.
(D) l27. keoch collocates wlth oteement. 7c teoch on oteement means tc mole on oteement occut
(8) The verb l28. stem ls followed by the preposltlon ltcm and lt means tc ct||note ct Jevelc ltcm
(D) l29. l|hly ls an adverb used to modlfy the ad[ectlve ellect|ve.
(C) l30. ko|se collocates wlth owoteness and lt means to brlng somethlng to someone's attentlon.
(C) A noun - l3l. seculot|cn - should follow the preposltlon of to complete thls sentence.
(D) l32. 7he cthet ls needed ln thls sentence because lt ls followed by a noun and lt cannot have a plural form.
(A) l33. Al|cot|cn ls a noun and the possesslve pronoun h|s ls followed by a noun.
(8) l34. lllctt means on ottemt tc Jc scmeth|n.
(D) l35. As o tesult cl ls used to refer to scmeth|n thot hoens cecouse cl scmeth|n else.
(8) l36. Nct|ce ls used to refer to scmeth|n wt|tten thot |ves |nlctmot|cn occut scmeth|n.
(D) l37. 7|mely ls used to refer to o c|nt cl the Joy, weel, etc. thot |s su|tocle lct o ott|culot oct|v|ty tc hoen.
(A) The past partlclple - l38. tcmcteJ - should follow belng to complete the gerund ln the passlve - ce|n
HeIIenic American Union
52 Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
(C) An lnflnltlve wlth to - l39. tc |nstoll - should follow the verb ce|n.
(8) The possesslve pronoun - l40. |ts - ls needed ln thls sentence to modlfy the noun technclcy.
PAR7 6
(C) l4l. 5t|ulotes means sec|l|es or ctJets, tequ|tes.
(C) |nstead of means l42. |n loce cl scmecne ct scmeth|n else.
(D) l43. whot we con Jc tc |ncteose ycut custcmet cose ls a sub[ect clause. what ls needed because lt refers to
the thlng(s) that need to be done.
(8) 8ecause of the parallel structure - l44. 7|teJ cl wctl|n lcn hcuts onJ . - the gerund see|n ls requlred
ln thls sentence.
(8) l45. Vo|nto|n means tesetve, lee, susto|n.
(D) The possesslve pronoun l46. ycut ls needed ln thls sentence as lt refers to self-employed people.
(A) The noun l47. |nlctmot|cn ls followed by the preposltlon occut.
(8) The slmple present ls used to lndlcate a serles of completed actlons or events ln the present. l48.
(C) l49. 5cunJ means ccJ, sens|cle, or tel|ocle.
(A) l50. lxectont means tenont.
(C) The ad[ectlve l5l. oJv|socle ls followed by an lnflnltlve wlth to - tc ccntoct.
(D) Spannlng means l52. tc ccnt|nue lct o ott|culot lenth cl t|me.
(D) Llverpool has already sought compensatlon and recelved an offer, whlch he states ls unacceptably l53.
(D) Thls ls supported by: |f you contlnue to deny the fact that your offer ls unacceptably low, | wlll need l54.
to seek legal counsel.
(C) $l500 ls the lowest of four blds from lndependent contractors. Llverpool expects to be compensated l55.
for both materlals and labor, no matter who performs lt.
(C) Deflned ln the tltle and detalled ln the text. l56.
(C) Pule out: 0.685 ls a percentage, not a currency. The merged entlty wlll have 23 plants. The merger ls l57.
expected to close ln the 2
quarter, l.e. future. Stockholder approval ls speclflcally stated.
(C) Thls ls supported by: l58. A 5uthettech shote |s wctth .685 cl o 1|nc shote.
(8) Aprll marks the beglnnlng of the second quarter. l59.
(8) She wants to set an appolntment to negotlate her pay. l60.
(C) l6l. Thls ls supported by: l wculJ l|le tc meet w|th ycu oo|n...
(C) vocabulary: Commensurate means of an equal or approprlate value. l62.
(D) Lurope and South Amerlca have more but are not llsted as optlons. l63.
(D) Thls ls found ln the l64. % cl lonJ oteo column.
(A) Thls ls found ln the l65. % cl lccol lctest oteo column.
(A) Speclflcally, l66. teJuct|cn cl cut wctl lctce.
(8) Thls ls based on the memo date and: l67. cy the enJ cl next mcnth.
(C) Thls ls based on paragraph l: l68. |n thcse oteos |n wh|ch we hove s|n|l|cont Jul|cot|cn cl ellctt.
(D) 8ased on: l69. o vot|ety cl whot ccnsumet oJvccotes coll unlo|t lcons, moJe tc the eventuol Jett|ment cl the
ccttcwet. The other three optlons are not detrlmental to the borrower.
(A) Compare annual lnterest rates among the optlons: 8 glves l82% not compounded, C glves l8% to a l70.
borrower llkely to default, D ls an annual rate of 260%.
(D) Thls ls based on paragraph 3: l7l. .wh|le oJvccotes lct the lenJ|n |nJustty ncte thot the tcm|se cl
h|h tetutn enccutoes lenJets tc |ve lcons even |l the t|sl |s teotet. w|thcut thot, lcons wculJ nct ce
ovo|locle tc mony lcw |nccme onJ m|nct|ty ccttcwets.
(8) Thls ls supported by: l72. Cetto|nly, the ct|s|s cteoteJ cy the suct|me motlet ccllose shcws the |moct t|sly
lenJ|n con hove cn the eccncmy os o whcle.
(D) vocabulary: promlse lndlcates the potentlal for hlgh return on hlgh rlsk. l73.
(8) Thls ls lald out ln paragraph l: l74. vclunteet|sm, os o woy cl tcv|J|n neeJeJ setv|ces, |s hotJly new. .
Ovet the ost ccule cl centut|es, hcwevet, vclunteet|n hos |ncteoseJ.
(A) Thls ls based on: l75. ln Cteece, lct exomle, oll thtee mcJels wete seen unt|l the 2004 Olym|oJ, when vost
numcets cl c|t|zens wete neeJeJ, onJ tescnJeJ.
(8) Thls answer ls based on: l76. 7he tcens|ty lct vclunteet|sm, hcwevet, hos h|stct|col |metus |n the u5, w|th
tccts |n the chot|tocle ccl|ot|cn JemonJeJ |n eotly lut|ton settlements. (l|schet, 1989}
HeIIenic American Union
Practice xam for tbe 7DIC' 7est
(D) Thls ls supported by: l77. keseotch |s unJetwoy tc ct|n stonJotJs |ntc o ccmmcn ltomewctl thot con ce
unJetstccJ octcss the lu.
(D) vocabulary ltem, synonyms. l78.
(8) Thls ls based on an understandlng of power-of-attorney, supported by: l79. we outhct|ze ycu tc tetesent
the |ntetests cl cut ccmony ot the uccm|n 5enote heot|ns cn env|tcnmentol teulot|cn. cu ote
outhct|zeJ tc use ony leol meons ycu Jeem necessoty.
(D) Lach of the other optlons are mentloned: Kosmlsky's address ln the lnslde address of the letter, l80.
memcs |n cut cssess|cn and celcte we wete ccntocteJ cy the llA.
(D) Thls ls based on the flrst text wlth the array of dlfferent hostlng offers and a rullng out of the other l8l.
(8) Thls ls based on: l82. love o lccl ot th|s oJ l just ct |n my |nccx.
(C) She states what would be saved wlth the one-year plan, then wrltes: l83. ll we tccl the 2-yeot lon, thot
wculJ jum tc C90 o yeot plus half of the plus -26 domaln fee (a total of 90 + l3 l03)
(8) Thls ls glven ln: l84. lm c|n tc checl w|th llV onJ see |l theyte cllet|n onyth|n ccmet|t|ve.
(8) Thls ls based on: l85. l uess we cuht tc see |l theyte tel|ocle cvet t|me. 7hete ote sc mony new ccmon|es |n
the motlet ncw, |ts hotJ tc tell. 5c, lets Jc o l|ttle checl|n celcte we chone.
(C) Thls ls based on the flrst text, ln partlcular: l86. 0cnt th|nl onyth|n ycuve leotneJ |s tcc smoll, tcc
un|mcttont. lt m|ht just hel cthets mole the mcst cl the|t hcl|Joys.
(D) Thls ls based on: l87. Alsc, ycull ce sute tc hove ycut luoe when ycu neeJ |t.
(8) Cheap fares may be offered early ln the season, OP shortly before salllng. He gets the cheapest one l88.
avallable at the tlme.
(D) Panscroft: l89. lts cheoet thon hov|n the volet wosh cut clcthes. and woodbrldge: 8uy the cheapest fare
you can get for a crulse. Henry does not mentlon prlce.
(A) vocabulary ltem: l90. leoneJ ls an old farmlng term for gatherlng the crops, used malnly flguratlvely ln
modern Lngllsh.
(8) Thls ls stated ln the logo: l9l. lculot lotty lcl|t|col Act|cn Ccmm|ttee.
(D) Thls ls stated ln: l92. ln the weels onJ mcnths oheoJ, the ccs|t|cn w|ll nc Jcuct tty tc clccl lutthet
tctess such os the lJucot|cn 8|ll.
(C) A typlcal method ln such polltlcal emalllngs, support deflned as a request for money: l93. . o moss|ve
como|n |s ce|n lonneJ tc loce oJs w|th evety mojct chonnel onJ not|cnw|Je newsoet . cut
ccnt|nueJ suctt |s ctuc|ol. Vole o secute cnl|ne ccntt|cut|cn tc the otty.
(8) Thls ls most dlrectly supported by: l94. 7h|s onJ cthet tecent le|slot|cn shcws ne|thet the v|s|cn cl cut otty
nct the chone |t tcm|seJ Jut|n the lost elect|cns.
(D) vocabulary ltem, recycllng /relnforclng one used earller ln thls test. l95.
(A) Thls ls a glst questlon. The other optlons are lncluded but are only partlal responses to the overall l96.
(8) Thls ls based on: l97. 7he tole-clls hove ceen Jesct|ceJ os mesmet|z|n onJ the the lonnets soy extto |t
stcs hove ceen lonneJ |ntc the ccutse tc |ve the ucl|c os mony cl these J|sloys os css|cle.
(A) Poe's entlre letter lends to thls, but lt ls speclflcally stated ln: l98. AnJ smcle |s the lost th|n o lonet,
sweltet|n |n the teenhcuse ellect onJ chcl|n cn |ts cwn cllut|cn, neeJs.
(8) The other three optlons are speclflcally mentloned. Also, lt could be assumed that slnce rocket races l99.
are already ln progress, fllght tests have to some degree been passed.
(8) vocabulary ltem: mlsglvlngs are doubts. 200.
Purther 5 tests are avallable ln the HAU's publlcatlon
Practice xams for the 7OIC* 7est
TOL|C' Test, Practlce Lxamlnatlon ls accompanled by an audlo CD.

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