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Stargate Cipher 2012

Athens Olympics, Contact, Life On Mars, Holy Grail, Ultra Technology & Mayan Calendar
By Goro Adachi Oct 23, 2004 Goro Adachi

Thus Spake Ziusudra

'Contact' is taking place... right now. SETI radio telescopes can't detect it, UFO enthusiasts won't see it, Scifi fans don't realize it, the general public doesn't have a clue - because it's coming like a thief in the night. It's designed to be a stealth process and a riddle. There is a built-in screening mechanism that makes it a gateway, through which advanced knowledge can be transmitted to those who pass the 'test'. But those who fail it are to face 'Judgment'. Sounds clich, but the emerging 'Contact' situation does, artificially or not, seem to carry the essence of the 'Judgment Day' storyline. On one level, the process is quite sick; on another level, it can be quite natural. Natural because the primordial 'survival of the fittest' process embedded in nature itself is already a test; but rarely are the stakes this high as apparently are in this 'Contact' case... Let me put it this way, human civilization is about to go off-planet - namely to Mars. Mankind is finally advanced enough to defy the gravitational pull that has kept us firmly under the sky all through known history. The way things are moving, the new Columbus is likely to reach the next New World out there before 2020 if not 2015. For the receiving planet, this is to be a 'Genesis' moment - extraterrestrial seeds arriving and giving life force to a desert planet. It's the creation of a whole new world and we are the Creator. In other words, it's a big deal - a cosmic event.

If there is a 'higher intelligence' carefully monitoring mankind's development, this is where a major decision would have to be made otherwise it would be too late. 'Abortion' would be considered unpleasant at any level. It's like parents seeing their teenager child about to become sexually active and feeling the need to talk to him/her about the risks and responsibilities involved. If they don't think their child is mature and wise enough, they would have to step in and make sure he/she does not engage in an 'act of creation'. And that's the point where human civilization - the 'teenager' - appears to find itself at this time in the 21st century. The 'Contact' scenario is shaping up to be a test to determine how wise we are, so that the supposed 'Watchers' - whoever or whatever they are - would be able to take appropriate actions as needed. This brings to mind the story of Eden and the Flood in the Book of Genesis - and it's becoming increasingly apparent that we're in a way actually living it right now. Human civilization may well be 'aborted' within decades if not years depending on how well we do on the 'test'. In the Sumerian version of the story ('Eridu Genesis'), the gods led by Enlil decide to wipe out mankind, but one god - Enki - finds a way to warn Ziusudra, a Noah figure, instructing him to build a boat in which to survive the coming cataclysm. Enki does this by ostensibly 'talking to a wall' as Ziusudra listens nearby thus technically avoiding direct communication. In other words, the important instructions for building an ark, for going through the 'stargate', come in secret... in code, to be received by the wise only. That's how it's done... apparently since the 'time of Genesis'. And as was then, so is now. The warning and instructions are to be hidden between the lines; they are to be in disguise so as not to become an open public announcement. The purpose is not to inform everyone, but to inform only those who deserve it, so to speak. Depending on who does the judging, this can be a sick and dangerous process. Think Hitler, think 'Final Solution'... Think genocide. The process may be about saving 'worthy people', but it can easily be twisted into being about killing off particular groups of people, or races, deemed 'undesirable' by those playing God. In this article will be presented findings - some of them dark indeed - that may well turn out to be the modern version of Enki's secret communication - a warning, a test, transmitted by the 'Enki faction' of a certain 'cabal' in anticipation of the coming 'end of time'...

Mission To Mars
Lines from a trailer ad for the 2000 sci-fi film, Mission to Mars: "For 25 years, the government has concealed evidence of a life-like formation on Mars..." "...the conspiracy will be exposed." "...'it's the Face. It's real. Somebody put that thing there, and it's NOT us'..." "But SOME secrets should never be uncovered ..."

Basic storyline of Mission To Mars: When the first manned mission to Mars ends in disaster, a second mission heads to Mars to rescue the survivor, continue the exploration of the planet, and investigate what went wrong. They find out that there's something on Mars that relates to the origin of life on Earth... Key scenes from Mission To Mars:

The 'Face On Mars' discovered .

Astronauts inside the Face watch a simulation of a comet hitting Mars .

Impact destroying the Martian ecosystem .

Ships/seeds leaving the planet for survival .

An alien being emerges .

...and shows a model of the DNA double-helix .

A ship is shown to have carried the DNA 'seed' to... .

Earth. [Special thanks to 'lomovsky' for posting many of the pictures in the Etemenanki forum.] The story was 'retold' four years later, on August 13, 2004, in front of a global audience at the Athens Olympics... It was more shrouded in symbolism to be sure, but clear enough for those capable of multicontextual thinking. So much so that I found myself commenting on it the day before the opening ceremony: There is an intriguing... potential connection between life on Mars and the Athens Olympics. If the rumor is correct that the open ceremony will feature a simulated comet striking a lake, a pregnant woman, and a DNA projection, I'd say that would have be considered an allusion to the scientifically plausible and increasingly popular theory that life here on earth was seeded by rocks from Mars. Turns out, [Athens' patron goddess] Athena (also known as 'Pallas Athena') is associated with 'a stone fallen from heaven' - as we learn: The epithet Pallas applied to Athena is commonly explained as meaning "young woman, virgin", by quoting pallax, "young man" and pallakis, "concubine" (pileges in Hebrew); but it is significant that the Greeks did not feel that the name Pallas had such a meaning and looked for other explanations. Pallas is associated with the palladion which is a stone fallen from heaven. ...NASA's 'Athena' [MER] rovers are exploring... Mars right now! I'd say the message would be quite clear. [emphasis added] The Olympics-Mars connection actually emerged as a key themes months earlier. From my article The Lucifer Time Code: Part 1 (May 3, '04): ...August 13/the Olympics, is a symbolically momentous period that carries a lot of ominous themes such as 9/11, Iraq, Osirian resurrection, Schwarzenegger/Horus, 'Antichrist', nuclear, blackout, Lucifer, IsisMagdalene, Mars, and such. [...] It is the womb of Isis-Mary-Venus that facilitates the continuation of the Osirian seed. This is the key element of the story of the Holy Grail - or the 'Blood Royal'. What is curious here is that the combination of Mars and the notion of seeds invokes 'Panspermia', the theory that life may be transferred from one planet to another through, for example, meteorites . Since NASA claimed they found evidence of life in a Martian meteorite in 1996 (on August 6/7, of course), scientists have come to take seriously the idea that life on Earth was originally 'seeded' by rocks from outer space, particularly Mars . This makes us wonder about the possibility of the historic 2003 Mars flyby being a simulation of Martian seeds reaching Earth. In other words, we may have a symbolic story going right now where Earth was seeded by Mars-Horus back in August 2003, and the birth of a new life is imminent in 2004... So as far as I was concerned the Mars/Panspermia theme had already firmly established itself by spring, pointing ahead to the Athens Games.

But in terms of astronomy, more than Mars the year 2004 has been he 'year of Venus', thanks to the 'Transit of Venus' back in June when the brightest planet in the sky moved across the Sun's disk - a very rare phenomenon that repeats every 100-120 years and always in pair; the last pair in 1874 and 1882, and this time 2004 and 2012. This has much to do with the 'Lucifer Time Code' that I've talked a lot about this year, after all Venus is traditionally identified with Lucifer ('lightbearer') though also equatable with Mary Magdalene/Virgin and the whole 'goddess' complex. My interpretation has been that this prominence of Venus is inseparable from the 'life on Mars' situation and on a more earthly level, Arnold Schwarzenegger. The key here is a complex of associations deriving from ancient Egyptian tradition: Venus-Mary corresponds to Isis the Egyptian goddess par excellence; Mary's son (or 'husband') Jesus becomes Horus, the royal child of Isis and Osiris; the typical depiction of Mary suckling baby Jesus is often compared to Isis suckling Horus; and Horus was practically interchangeable with Mars, called 'Horus the Red' by the ancient Egyptians. Like Venus, Horus is heavily woven into the fabric of symbolism enveloping this time period, and expressed prominently through the figure of Schwarzenegger, aka 'The Olympian'. He is famous for appearing in films like Total Recall - all about Mars (= Horus) - prefiguring his political career facilitated by the infamous 'total recall' election in California last summer/fall when Mars was at its closest point to Earth. And there were 'rituals' as well, the most significant I've detected so far being Ronald Reagan's funeral service early June this year, which overlapped the time of the Venus Transit (June 8). It was on the final day of the week-long funerary proceedings, June 11, when Reagan was finally laid to rest at Simi Valley near Los Angeles, that the Governator's powerful 'occult' presence became undeniable. In short, the 'ritual' was designed to symbolically transfer Reagan's 'sprit of kingship' to the next incarnation embodied by Arnie. This was in accordance with ancient Egyptian tradition in which Horus is conceived by Isis at the time of his father's death. ('Arnold' is even an anagram of 'Ronald', and both were a Hollywood actor who became governor of California.) Because Horus in a more astronomical context was signified by the rising Sun and Osiris by the setting Sun, it was very telling that the burial ceremony was openly coordinated with the Sun setting in the background. As I've mentioned many times before, in an astonishing moment of 'magical coincidence', Schwarzenegger saying final goodbye in front of Reagan's coffin precisely coincided with the Sun disappearing under the horizon. In addition, at that same moment was the Sun rising at the horizon as viewed from Giza/Cairo (Egypt), as if to commemorate the birth/conception of the new king 'Horus', where the Olympic torch was passing through calendrically on that very day (June 11)!

Here is my comment at the time: Make no mistake: Schwarzenegger will soon be the leader of the United States, if not the entire world . Probably sooner than we think. And his leadership will likely bring about the termination of the the United States as we know it. In other words, a 'messianic' king was conceived through an occultic ritual, celestially marked by the unification of Venus and the Sun. And through Horus' interchangeability with Mars it also insinuated life being given to the Red Planet as well as the idea that a 'life on Mars' revelation which should come in the near future would be analogous to the 'birth of Horus'. My past comments related to this context included these: It is the womb of Isis-Mary-Venus that facilitates the continuation of the Osirian seed. This is the key element of the story of the Holy Grail - or the 'Blood Royal'. [...] Based on the duration of human pregnancy, the birth of the Martian Horus-Antichrist is to be expected in... May/June 2004! And from May 14: May happens to be the traditional Mary's month in many cultures. It's associated with an old tradition called Tricesimum, or 'Thirty Day Devotion to Mary', originally held from August 15 to September 14 (closely overlapping the period of the Athens Olympic Games this summer). It was almost certainly no coincidence that the Games began on August 13, exactly 225 days after January 1, 2004, which matches Venus' orbital period around the Sun... 225 earth-days! Also: ...NASA's Mars probes/rovers Spirit and Opportunity [exploring the alien planet since] winter/spring ('04) are called Mars Exploration Rovers or ' MER'. It's... fitting that 'mer' relates to 'Mary' and water. The rovers just recently made headlines as it discovered evidence of past Martian water in March. [...] Further, 'mer' has the meaning of 'love' and... relatable again to the lovegoddess complex of Isis-Mary-Venus... the mother of Horus.

It was in this overall symbolic context that Athens' opening ceremony was unveiled. Sure enough it was all about Mars, Panspermia, Holy Grail, messianic birth, Venus-Isis-Mary, and more. The message was surprisingly obvious - so much so that it seemed to suggest we are rapidly approaching a threshold of some kind in this period. Here is my commentary from Aug 14, a day after the ceremony: I just watched the pre-taped Olympics opening ceremony on NBC. Really beautiful. Great stuff Greece put together...

[T]he leaked information was very accurate. All the elements, including a comet, lake, pregnant woman, and DNA projection, were there... [It's interesting that we had a bizarre mainstream news story] just prior to the Olympics, [stating] that fragments of an alien ship [were] found at the site of the famous Tunguska explosion (1908) widely thought to have been cause by a meteorite. The story certainly 'seeded' the idea [of there being a potential connection between] a space rock and ET life [as per my 'Martian seed' interpretation of the opening program]. As the Athens show progressed from the comet strike scene we were shown the god of love Eros overseeing the evolution of man and... civilization, sometimes giving a helping hand. [It was clear to me that] Eros was a replacement for Venus the goddess of love [probably because using] Venus here would have made it all too obvious.

But the idea of Eros/Venus watching over mankind is an odd one - not really supported in terms of mythology. [So what was the message here?] Well, since Eros/Venus is the god/goddess of love or sex, his/her assistance would have involved... breeding. Using breeding to better mankind - this is called 'eugenics'. And the field of eugenics was pioneered by, you guessed it, the Nazis. Near the end of the... storytelling, the progress... finally leads to the pregnancy of a single woman. This would be the 'perfect child' created through the careful eugenics program known as 'history'. A gigantic DNA double-helix is then projected above the lake - the perfected DNA... It's a 'messianic' child - the Holy Grail. [In] addition to being Mary's womb, the Grail - as 'lapsit exillis' - is a form of 'stone fallen from heaven'.

This form of perfection is what the divine fire given to mankind by Prometheus naturally strives to achieve. And... this fire is what is represented by the Olympic flame.

Prometheus is considered very much comparable to Lucifer. And Lucifer is Venus... Eros.

Bingo. ...The passing of the torch is the passing of the Promethean genetic material. It's the process of eugenics. In the 20th century, this originally 'divine' process was mimicked or 'hijacked' by the dark forces of the Third Reich, later absorbed by the US (via Operation Paperclip etc.), in an attempt to realize their own vision of a 'master race'. The 'messianic child', then, would be an 'anti-messianic', or 'anti-Christic', child in the Nazi scenario. Enter Arnold Schwarzenegger - 'The Olympian'. You know, I've been actually trying not to take it too literally. But the repeated hints are becoming quite insistent... We know about Arnold's familial Nazi background and his admiration for Hitler (recorded on video). Arnie, a legendary bodybuilder supposedly having a 'perfect' body, is also a genetically-engineered advanced human in the film ' Twins'. [And we don't have to go over] how he becomes associated with Mars (Total Recall), the Antichrist/Beast (Apollyon = 'Destroyer' = 'Terminator'), etc. through movies. ...the Nazis are closely associated with the 'Holy Grail' technology of antigravity - if not time manipulation - that can be viewed as a form of 'stargate', a hyperdimensional gateway. ...Arnie's Terminator character comes from the future through a stargate machine. As popularized by researcher Richard Hoagland, hyperdimensional physics (inseparable from the Cydonia...) prominently involves the tetrahedral angle/latitude of 19.5 degrees, or more accurately 19.47 degrees. The coincidence [involving] the number '19.47' and Arnold's birth year '1947' is certainly amusing. [And take a look at the 'stargate' machine from the film Contact. Does it not resemble this strange structure from the opening ceremony?]

So... what are we to think? While these connections don't have to be taken so literally, I think the gestalt of the suggested context can be taken quite seriously - not that that wasn't the

case already. One thing is for sure: there is no question that the 'super torch ritual' involves Arnold, as a Nazi legacy, prominently. A 'false gift' from the Third Reich... The Manchurian Candidate opening on Arnie's birthday (July 30)... A 'life on Mars' announcement likely coming soon... Well, pretty heavy stuff to wonder about. [...] Arnold is scheduled to give his televised primetime speech at the Republican National Convention on August 31, just two days after the conclusion of the Olympic Games. He will probably give a memorable speech and place himself on the national political map more firmly... Soon after this posting came an email from reader 'John', informing me about an intriguing possibility supportive of my eugenics interpretation: I heard on talk-radio in Toronto about Olympics. A registered nurse (RN) called & said the overhead shot looked like an ovum with red colour. The RN said the long torch looked like a medical instrument for injecting a [fertilized egg] in an ovum.

He also mentioned 'The Bourne Supremacy', a film with an evocative title released only weeks before the Olympics; and another called 'Code 46' dealing more openly with the subject of eugenics that was released on August 6, a special day marked last year by Arnold's announcement to run for governor. Now let's examine the giant DNA that was projected above the lake inside the Olympic stadium...

I'm pretty sure most people didn't know what to think of this puzzling display. Without the 'Martian Panspermia' context, the strange sequence of a comet strike, a giant face, a centaur, Eros, a pregnant woman, and DNA would have made little sense. The context had to be there - which actually had been subtly suggested through an unofficial 'prelude' phase leading up to the day of the ceremony. For example, we had the strange Tunguska-ET story along with other supplementary news items like ' Alien message 'may be in our DNA' telling us: Forget waiting for ET to call -- the most likely place to find an alien message is in our DNA, according to an expert in Australia. Professor Paul Davies, from the Australian Centre for Astrobiology at Macquarie University in Sydney, believes a cosmic greeting card could have been left in every human cell.

The coded message would only be discovered once the human race had the technology to read and understand it. Writing in New Scientist magazine, Davies said the idea should be considered seriously. These stories, the type normally shunned by the mainstream news media, were actively being promoted around the time of the Olympics - presumably to give us contextual clues. But more importantly the contextual primer was the film Mission To Mars. Even though there are similar ones like Total Recall (1990) and Red Planet (2001), only Mission To Mars goes into the Panspermia/rock-seeding theme and also I found it telling that the official website for the Athena/MER rovers gives the title 'Mission To Mars' to all its webpages - see screenshot.) As they say, a picture speaks a thousand words... Well, three pictures in this case:

Beyond this visual connection, Mission To Mars also contains a lot of allusions to Mary-Venus-Isis prominently expressed through the 'M' symbolism, the esoteric shorthand for Mary Magdalene, related to her initials being 'MM'. It's likely no coincidence that in Roman numerals 'MM' denotes '2000', i.e. the year Mission To Mars was released. It was also insinuated by the semi-official shorthand for the film - 'M2M'. Some ad graphics were actually quite blatant in suggesting a genetic connection between Mars and 'MM'.

The 'MM' signature was also used earlier this year in Pepsi's big-budget Super-Bowl commercial featuring warrior 'goddesses'. Back in February I interpreted the ad as part of a '2004 omen' associated with the 'Lucifer time code' designed to guide our attention toward the Athens Olympics - the gladiator/ancient Olympic stadium setting suggestive of this for instance. (See The Lucifer Time Code: Part 2.)

A row of 'M's seen on the inner walls of the Greco-Roman coliseum.

Within the M2M movie itself, there is one particular scene in which one of the astronauts playfully makes a model of DNA using M&Ms candies and comments 'this is the DNA of my perfect woman'. A perfect 'MM' lady naturally being Mary Magdalene. Coincidence? Very unlikely.

I immediately understood the (not so) hidden message of this scene as I was already looking into something like this in 2000. I knew of no one else investigating the 'MM' aspect of Mars back then (or perhaps even now) and so I remember finding it an encouraging, and of course mysterious, sign. Not directly caused by this, but I made the following 'declaration' on March 11, '02 on this website: ...I will say that Mars/Cydonia anomalies and the Grail-Ark-Shroud-Fisher King theme are to merge in a startlingly direct and elegant way.

The Quest for the Grail is an interplanetary saga. Later in Endgame III (Nov 24, '02): ...both Jesus and Mars are associated with Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis... Horus being the embodiment of the 'Blood Royal' (stemming from the union of Osiris/Jesus and Isis/Magdalene), this lets Mars analogous to the Grail. [...] The basic implication... is that Mars-Horus is connected with the Grail tradition involving Jesus and Mary. Critical to this interplanetary connection is the so-called 'Face on Mars'...

'Face On Mars' & the Sphinx

There was no way we could ignore the giant face sculpture at the center of the Olympic stadium, notably accompanied by an intensely red centaur. My first reaction was 'maybe this is a stylized Face on Mars' - i.e. the anomalous face-like 'monument' in the Cydonia region of Mars, popularized by researcher Richard Hoagland, author of ' The Monuments of Mars'. (His group originally called itself 'Mars Mission'.)

My casual hypothesis was to eventually turn into something much more. The surrounding symbolism was indeed unmistakable...

Geometric shapes projected onto the Athenean Face... which together with the red centaur creating a wonderfully perplexing scene for the audience.

The mathematical diagrams were almost certainly meant to evoke - among other things on other levels what makes Cydonia remarkable, i.e. the elegant geometric scheme encoded into the layout of the 'monuments' including the Face.

And the red centaur? Was it compatible with the underlying 'Martian' allusion?

Well, sure enough, yes. I recalled that: 1) like the centaur, the Great Sphinx at Giza is a mixture of man's head and a beast's body; 2) in ancient Egypt the Sphinx was a form of Horus ( Horakhti or 'Horus of the Horizon') and so was Mars ('Horus the Red'); 3) like the centaur and Mars, the Sphinx was originally painted red; and 4) the name 'Horus', through the ancient Egyptian term heru, could mean 'face'.

And more along these lines (from Endgame III): ...according to Greek tradition, the sphinx - an alter ego of Horus/Mars - was a mixture of Leo's body and Virgo's head; or to use another terminology, the Sphinx is a combination of Horus and Isis, or Jesus and the Virgin! Complementarily, it just happens that Leo and Sirius/Venus, the star of Isis-Mary, were both associated with Virgo in ancient tradition... Note that Jesus himself, like Horus, is clearly a leonine figure in that he was a direct royal descendant of King David, the 'lion king' (the Davidic tribal symbol was the lion). The Sphinx and Mars, therefore, represent the sacred union of Jesus and Mary, or Osiris and Isis. In other words, the Sphinx/Mars is the Grail, the Blood Royal, and the Shroud. Furthermore, in light of our foregoing discussion, the Martian counterpart of the Shroud, i.e. the ' Face on Mars', would become a monumental embodiment of the Jesus-Mary union. And then on to the next level: But here is a new discovery revealed for the first time [that] will begin the process of bringing the whole field of Cydonia investigation into a new dimension, and I think a lot of the researchers will not be able to keep up with the shift and will soon find themselves 'out of the game'. This involved the mirroring of each side of the 'Face' to create two faces, one hominid and one leonine, a coding/decoding process first suggested by Hoagland.

Here we already have an echo of the Sphinx - a mixture of a man and a lion. (Mars is Nr-Simha, the 'ManLion', in ancient Hindu myths.) Then came the next revelation. From Endgame III: I took another look at the image and... there it was, a human torso. It was rendered with apparent nipples, a navel, and hands clasped at the genital area. What caught my attention next were the seemingly accentuated breasts and the swollen belly. I [had to wonder]: "Is this a depiction of a pregnant woman?"

Then it hit me. This was the body of Virgo, the Virgin, and it was pregnant with Horus-Jesus! Indeed, just as is the torso image, Virgo traditionally "is a headless constellation, the stars marking the head being very faint." It was becoming surreal. I added: ...the 'Face on Mars' produces a lion head and the pregnant body of Virgo - i.e. the mirror image of the Sphinx, which traditionally has Virgo's head and Leo's body! (It must also be recalled that the cosine of the Giza latitude equals the tangent of the Cydonia structures' latitude both equaling e/pi.) A 'pregnant', Martian Sphinx/Grail... Well of course, the Athens story did feature a pregnant woman, giving 'birth' to a 'messianic' child or a perfected DNA, the Grail! (This was one of the most dramatic scenes of the opening ceremony.)

The parallel was reinforced when the Athenean Face broke apart, revealing a headless and legless human body inside (mimicking the left/torso side of the Martian Face).

As if these weren't enough, the head-body duality has another surprise in store - and this is from my 'black project'. For the 'lion head' created from the Cydonia Face to proportionally match the size of the 'Virgin body', the former has to be made smaller, and it's not to be done arbitrarily but in accordance with the underlying Earth-Mars connection. I discovered that the Earth-Mars diameter ratio, 1 to 0.53, is perfect for the Martian Sphinx!

Riddle of the Sphinx

Fittingly enough, the most famous sphinx legend comes from Greece. In Apollodorus 3.5.8 it is told that there was a sphinx monster at Thebes who devoured all those who could not solve its riddle, which meant pretty much anyone who was unfortunate enough to have encountered the monster. The riddle was: ' What walks on four feet in the morning, on two at noon, and on three in the evening? ' After many were killed, Oedipus finally solved it by answering 'Man crawls on all fours as a baby, walks upright in the prime of life, and uses a staff in old age'. The correct answer destroyed the sphinx. A little cryptic, but I found the legend reenacted in Mission To Mars - in effect acknowledging the connection between the Face/Mars and the Sphinx. The sphinx's wrath in the film comes in the form of a twister emerging from the Martian Face. The circular nature of the whirlwind relates to the fact that the Athenean Face was ostensibly a sculpture from the ancient Cycladic civilization, the name 'Cyclades' coming from the Greek term 'cyclos' meaning 'circle' (as in 'cyclone'). This will prove important later on. In any case the twister in the movie appears to be in a murderous rage and terrifies the human explores. But they later discover a coded signal transmitted by the Face/twister containing DNA information, which is almost but not quite human. Why? This is the 'riddle of the sphinx'. The humans eventually figure out that it's a test and that the solution is to make the DNA perfectly human and transmit it back to the Face. In other words, the 'answer' turns out to be 'man', just as is the case in the Greek sphinx legend.

Satisfied with the 'answer', the Martian Face/Sphinx opens up and lets the humans enter the structure. And once inside they are shown the history of Mars and Earth, i.e. the interplanetary seeding process of Panspermia.

This is a pattern closely mimicked by the Athens Face breaking up into pieces being followed by a theatric simulation of the entire history of human civilization, ending with the messianic' DNA projection of 'MM'.

Notice that the DNA double-helix is also a genetic 'twister'. In Greek mythology, furthermore, a 'whirlwind' is personified by a giant monster called Typhon, from which comes the term 'typhoon'. Typhon was the father of the sphinx and just as Typhon was a serpentine monster the name 'sphinx' meant 'strangler'/'throttle' evoking a serpentine wrath. The implication being that the wrath of the twister/typhoon/Typhon in M2M does signify that of the legendary sphinx.

And then there was Hurricane Charley... A real 'twister' arrived in Florida on Aug 13 to almost overshadow the opening of the Olympics. Perhaps just coincidence, but consider the following: 1) Florida is the 'Sunshine State' and relatable to sun-god Horus

embodied by the Sphinx/Mars/Face, 2) the Cycladic islands, from which had come the sculpture represented by the Athenean Face, were believe by the ancients to circle the sacred island of Delos, the birthplace of Apollo, the Greek sun-god, and 3) the name 'Charley' means 'man', i.e. the very answer to the sphinx riddle! In addition, the general path taken by Charley to get to Florida (and by the subsequent hurricanes) was from the direction of Cuba (or the West Indies). This brings to mind one particular scene from Athens, coming near the beginning of the show (see picture right). Remember the Elian Gonzales saga from '99-'00? Here is what 'garfield' astutely pointed out in the Etemenanki forum: Friday, August 13th was the 78th BIRTHDAY of Fidel Castro, Cuba's enduring leader. It was also the day a super hurricane thrashed Cuba on its way to Florida. Hurricane Charlie [sic] and tropical storm Bonnie were the names of these twin storms that menaced the south. Bonnie and Charley have allusions to the legendary Scottish prince, Bonnie Prince Charles Edward and his escape on a boat to the Isle of Skye, immortalized in the Skye Boat Song... This is the same Florida-Cuban regional waters where a few years back, the Cuban boy Elian Gonzales fled with his mother on a boat to Florida but ended up shipwrecked. All these occurred before the 2000 election controversy. [link] The same Elian which Goro had associated with Moses, the baby 'saved from water' or 'drawn out' by the princess from the reeds. The same Moses associated with the Ark of the Covenant and its parallel Noah's Ark and the story of the Flood. Water-Ark-Argo-Mars. Standard fare for site regulars by now. [The name] Elian has connections [via the presumed variants 'Eliane' and 'Elaine'] also with the Greeks' Helen, and the Sun Gods Helios and Apollo... There is also the infant Greek Perseus and his mother Danae, cast into the sea in a wooden chest (ark) and saved by fishermen, as was Elian. All these express the same theme enacted in the Olympic ceremonies where a boy sailed on a paper boat... The name 'Cuba' is said to come from cubanacan meaning 'center place' and the paper boat scene was immediately followed by the centaur's appearance. Is there a center/centaur pun intended here? Probably so, as we will see later on.

'Alien' Technology
Was Hurricane Charley part of the 'super torch ritual'? Is that even possible? Hard to accept - because it would imply someone literally controlling the weather. It's a wild concept indeed and yet something very unusual was happening. Even the mainstream news reported on the unnatural behavior of Charley: Charley's force took forecasters by surprise: Charley quickly grew from a Category 2 to a Category 4 storm Friday and its course took a sharp turn to the right, which put it some 70 miles south of the originally projected bull's-eye. With so much media focus on Tampa and St. Petersburg, many residents in and around Punta Gorda were caught unprepared. The hurricane left at least 15 people dead in its wake a wake that might not have been

nearly as big if the storm had stuck to its original path and struck the big evacuated cities farther up the coast. Hurricane Charley's sharp turn baffles scientists :

A last-minute swerve to the right by Hurricane Charley which devastated the coastal Florida town of Punta Gorda over the weekend, has baffled experts. The 258 km/hour hurricane that flattened the US town on Friday afternoon, killing at least 20 people and injuring many others, was predicted to hit land 70 miles further north, but changed direction within minutes of the coast. "There was a sudden intensification and a veering to the right of track, and we're all trying to work out why," said Mark Saunders, a tropical storm expert from Benfield Hazard Centre at University College London, UK. In an unprecedented development, three more major hurricanes successively followed Charley in a short period of time, all striking Florida... So it is legitimate to at least wonder whether some kind of weather manipulation was involved - which is theoretically not impossible with high-powered electromagnetic devices like HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) up in Alaska.

The technological idea behind the notorious HAARP project is speculated to stem directly or indirectly from Nikola Tesla - specifically his claimed 'death ray' (teleforce) invention. Though undeservingly less famous than Edison, Tesla was a great genius and an inventor very much ahead of his time. So much so that within 24 hours of his death in 1943 his technical papers (including his 'black notebook') were mysteriously seized by someone and the rest subsequently by the US government (the Office of Alien Property). It is a known fact that he envisioned controlling the weather. ...[H]e wrote a sensational article for Century Magazine. In this detailed, futuristic vision he described a means of tapping the sun's energy with an antenna. He suggested that it would be possible to control the weather with electrical energy. He predicted machines that would make war an impossibility. And he proposed a global system of wireless communications. To most people the ideas were almost incomprehensible, but Tesla was a man who could not be underestimated.

Understandably, Tesla has been called the 'Master of Lightening', making him almost analogous to Zeus (Jupiter), the god of thunder and the supreme Greek deity honored by the Olympic Games - increasing his relevance to our discussion. Tesla's name was also immortalized by the 'Tesla Coil', a historically important invention used to produce arcs of electricity or 'lightening' as shown in these pictures below. (Incidentally the Tesla Coil involves 'twisters' of wires.)

As HAARP senior science advisor Dr. Dennis Papadopoulos admitted, there is at least a conceptual connection between HAARP and the Tesla Coil: There are three things I can think about Tesla when I'm talking about this particular project [HAARP]. The first ... we should think of Tesla every time we look at a microwave oven; again the radiation frequency of the microwave oven and the concept of the microwave oven was Tesla's. The second thing is, it is a frequency transformer. Tesla, with the Tesla coil, changes one frequency to another frequency. What we are doing up there, we're taking at 5 megahertz a frequency which radiates in the ground and we transform it into 1 hertz, 5 hertz, 10 hertz, or whatever it is. So we have really a frequency transformer similar to what Tesla was thinking . Third, and most important, once we create the waves they propagate exactly the way Tesla conceived it through the earth ionosphere waveguide. On a more speculative level, Tesla is associated with exotic ideas linked to antigravity and scalar electromagnetics. (He's even rumored to have contributed to the 'Philadelphia Experiment', a supposed time-travel incident in 1943.) These can be collectively called 'hyperdimensional physics' (HPD) - a scientific model utilizing hyperspace, i.e. higher dimensions beyond our four space-time dimensional reality. (It is a 'stargate science', if you prefer that phrase.) HPD is also the 'Holy Grail' Hoagland claims to have discovered in the geometric scheme of the Martian monuments. Mission To Mars doesn't miss a beat here either, as Hoagland commented in "Mission to Mars": The NASA/Touchstone Version of "The Monuments of Mars?" (2000):

The major Hollywood personality recruited to oversee this unprecedented film nothing less than a NASAsupported "fictional confirmation of Cydonia!" -- was award-winning veteran, Brian DePalma.

DePalma, in addition to his credits on a score of other major films, went into this project with a (required?) "special insight" into the singular possibilities inherent in an "alien science" discovered "on location" on the Planet Mars: His own brother -- Dr. Bruce DePalma -- a very unorthodox (if brilliant) former MIT engineer and physicist. For Richard Hoagland -- working quietly on the science and engineering implications of his Cydonia discoveries for almost ten years -- collaborated heavily along the way (with, among others) one "Dr. Bruce DePalma"-- Yes, the same brother of this very pictures esteemed Hollywood Director! [...] When initially brought together in 1989, Hoagland and his colleagues had just published the outlines of something termed "Hyper-dimensional Physics" decoded through the hyperdimensional geometry of the ruins specifically grouped around "the Face." When placed alongside DePalmas previous laboratory data, the "HD Model" seemed for the first time to be able to explain several of the otherwise inexplicable and astonishing laboratory results independently documented by DePalma going back some ten years before Cydonia was even photographed! Those highly significant experimental results ranged from DePalma's creation of a rotating energy device (the "N-Machine"), that (like stars and planets) apparently taps into the seemingly "unlimited energy potential" of free space to gravity-defying, rapidly spinning and precessing, massive systems. The latter is best exemplified by DePalma's disconcerting discovery in the early 70's that in opposition to all ideas in current physics -- a rapidly spinning system (see graphic) flies higher and farther against gravity than a nonspinning system!

These extraordinary experiments in fundamental physics even included observation of exotic biological effects experienced by living organisms directly exposed to those mysterious "rotational energetic processes."

Ultimately, much of DePalma's most remarkable experimental data, after detailed comparison with the theoretical predictions (produced from the geometric decoding of "the Message of Cydonia") were found to elegantly conform to Hoagland's "Hyperdimensional Model." These impressive confirmations were not only included in later editions of Hoagland's best selling history of the Cydonia investigations (" The Monuments of Mars"), it was a highlight of his many invited addresses to NASA over the years and even at the UN! [...] The pieces of the puzzle are coming together beautifully to form a coherent big picture... Tesla certainly does appear to be a key factor in the 'super torch ritual' and we are encouraged to take his inventions and future visions seriously. It's particularly interesting to note here that Tesla's 'Death Ray' has been blamed for the Tunguska explosion, normally thought to have been caused by a meteor/comet or, as recently reported in the news, a UFO crash... At this point we begin to wonder: recall that Tesla's papers were confiscated by the Office of Alien Property - an incidental hint perhaps? Hyperdimensional physics is already a form of 'alien science' through its Cydonia connection, and we have the following data points lending some support to this line of thinking: The meteorite/Tunguska connection is extraterrestrial in nature. HAARP is the third US ionospheric research site; the others are located near the Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico and near Fairbanks, Alaska. (Another one operating in Tromso Norway.) Arecibo Observatory is famous for its association with SETI, i.e. Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, as featured in the movie 'Contact'. Tesla actually claimed he regularly communicated with aliens.

More strikingly, there was a remarkable 'crop circle' created in a wheat field near Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England, June 20 this year - less than 2 months before the Athens Olympics.

[picture from]

English papers reported on this otherworldly creation: It's the most intriguing crop formation seen in the West for years... ...[A]ccording to experts, this pattern apparently represents a diagram of an electrical transistor designed 100 years ago by the world's most mysterious inventor. Crop circle experts say it is uncannily similar to plans for one of Nikola Tesla's early pieces of equipment Yes - Tesla! A crop circle, ostensibly a message from 'aliens', alluding to Tesla just before the Olympics... What are the odds?! (The Tesla angle in the story, which I don't know is valid, may well have been something artificially added somewhere along the process by an 'insider' involved in the 'super ritual'.)

This is a major gateway leading us to the next Pandora's Box...

Close Encounter of the Third Reich Kind

It was through the 6-part Endgame series that I began to notice the dark significance of the rise of Schwarzenegger (2003). It led to the detection of the 'super torch/Venus/Lucifer ritual' earlier this year, discussed in the Lucifer Time Code series, which in turn would point ahead to the Athens Olympics as a key period - the climax of the torch ritual. And here we are now - looking into the 'alien technology'/'Contact' theme found woven into the Athens event. In a way we've come full circle. You see, the driving force behind the Endgame series was a crop circle - a decidedly alien-looking crop circle/glyph... It mysteriously appeared on/around August 14, 2002 - 225 days from the first day of the year, calendrically the same as the opening day of the Athens Games which too came 225 days after January 1! The date got shifted to August 13 because 2004 is a leap year; it was apparently more important to keep the Venus number '225' rather than the date (Aug. 14) in the year of Venus (2004). Found 'digitally' encoded into the 'disk' of the crop glyph was the following message (emphasis added): Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. EELRIJUE. There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING (BELL SOUND) As some have noted, the first part clearly comes from the saying 'Beware of Greeks bearing gifts' deriving from the famous mythological tale about the Trojan Horse. This year's Olympics were held in Greece! The clues are overwhelming: the Athens Games were a big deal in the realm of the symbolic/secret communication and Contact was its main theme. And the theme, it turns out, was already well underway by 2001, if not 2000, through a series of crop glyphs. Here is from Endgame I:

Signs of Deception
One of the biggest movies [of summer 2002] was Signs which deals with the mysterious crop circle phenomenon. In real life, appearing almost concurrently with the film was a remarkable crop "circle" in Hampshire, England [at Crabwood Farm] depicting a cartoonish alien holding up a disk.

[The glyph was created] on/around August 14, which is exactly one year after another very similar formation appeared at Chilbolton Radio Observatory just few miles away (see picture below).

Steve Alexander

These crop glyphs [attracted a lot of] attention - even Richard Hoagland discussed it extensively - as it seemed to have been [a stylized] 'response' to the interstellar SETI radio message transmitted in 1974 from the Arecibo radio telescope to a potential extraterrestrial civilization out there.

The original Arecibo message had a pictorial section where Earth was pointed out as the home planet of the race that sent out the signal; but [in the crop glyph] not just Earth but Mars (and apparently the theoretical 'exploded planets' between Mars and Jupiter, Planet K/V) was also marked - as if to say that mankind is actually an 'interplanetary' race that has a close connection to the Red Planet (and the 'exploded planets' which are now the asteroid belt). Hoagland wrote: An alternative interpretation is that this line represents this solar system with additional, now missing members including an unknown fourth and fifth planet, the latter orbiting where the current asteroid belt resides. As noted earlier, the timing of this glyph is startling and highly "suspicious." In our recently published "Tides" paper, the original fourth and fifth planets have been destroyed. This destruction then releases Mars (a satellite of one of these former worlds) to become a new fourth planet on its own. This identical scenario eerily seems to be depicted in the Chilbolton glyph. Why? And why NOW? [...] In such a horrific scenario, these catastrophic events might have triggered a desperate attempt to survive by sending refugees to Earth (the only inhabitable planet remaining in the solar system). So, is the glyph trying to tell us that an effort was made to implant the dying populations genetic code in terrestrial life forms here on Earth thus accounting for the inference of "genetic engineering" higher in the glyph ultimately resulting in ourselves? ...[The] Martian link is seemingly reinforced by the accompanying 'face' glyph which is quite evocative of the 'face on Mars'.

This is nearly identical to the Mission To Mars scenario. It's probably safe to say that the crop formations and the Olympics were designed to interact to convey a profound message - an alien message... 'Contact'. In the 1997 film Contact featuring Jodie Foster, the first alien contact takes place through a video of Hitler making a speech in 1936... at the Berlin Olympic Games! It was at the Berlin Games that the Olympic Torch relay tradition - the centerpiece of the 'super torch ritual' - came into existence. It turns out to be a decidedly Nazi ritual. And the star of the Berlin Games was Jesse Owens from the United States, whose nickname was 'Tan Cyclone' - the familiar twister/circle theme again.

The hidden/occult star of the current 'super torch ritual' was/is Arnold Schwarzenegger, also known as 'The Olympian', who famously has a familial Nazi background.

Let me point out again: 1) Schwarzenegger's ominous rise in politics in summer/fall 2003 (through the California recall election) coincided with the historic close encounter between Mars and Earth, 2) one of his most popular films is Total Recall, a story about Mars, 3) in Twins Arnold is a genetically engineered 'superman', 4) in the popular Terminator series Arnold is a future cyborg that enters our world through a 'stargate', etc. etc. It's all there. 'Stargate' technology is prominent in Contact which deals with a massive blueprint of an alien hyperdimensional transporter machine found encoded in the video of Hitler/Berlin Olympics. It was this same theme that was woven into the Athens Olympics, as these pictures alone can illustrate...

In hindsight the connection was also intimated when the show began with a drumbeat intended to mimic a heartbeat, just as the alien communication in Contact begins with a heartbeat-like signal picked up by the radio telescope.

It is also significant that Contact was originally a novel written by Carl Sagan - who was no stranger to the Cydonia/Mars investigation. Wrote Richard Hoagland: ...NASA's own quarter-of-a-century position on Cydonia research, as well as those of its planetary scientists, has been uniformly caustic; especially dismissive on the subject was the well-known NASA "spokesman" on the theme of extraterrestrial life, the late Carl Sagan. In his own repeated public dismissals of Cydonia, Dr. Sagan's well-known scorn ranged from once comparing the appearance of "the Face" to the random appearance of "Jesus Christ on a tortilla chip " to more "technical" statistical denials: "Why not one postage-stamp sized mesa out of the 150 million square kilometers of Mars that looks a little odd ..?" Yet privately, Sagan had a long and highly personal relationship with Cydonia and its researchers: among other things, over the years this involved several private briefings from Hoagland himself and various members of his research team, including one where Carl personally implored Hoagland to "keep up the good work." This, while simultaneously publicly proclaiming a very different view

It was Sagan, just days after the release of the original Viking "Face" image in 1976, frame 35A72, who pushed to have the Viking 2 landing site switched from Cydonia -- on the grounds that it was a "rocky Northern latitude." The Viking Team subsequently put the Lander down at an even rockier and more northerly latitude -- but well away from Cydonia itself! Much later in this schizophrenic public/private Cydonia involvement , Sagan authored what has come to be viewed as the definitive "Cydonia hit piece." In this now infamous article, appearing in PARADE Magazine in 1985 and titled, "The Man in the Moon," Sagan not only sarcastically compared "the Face" to that infamous tortilla chip (as well as to a "Richard Nixon eggplant!"), he published artificially "colorized" versions of the object -- to bolster his contention that "in a separate spacecraft photo with different lighting, it seems to be an irregular hill " Sonoma State University ethicist, epistemologist, historian of science and Chairman of the Department of Philosophy, Dr. Stanley McDaniel, took Sagan sharply to task for this grossly unfair article in 1993. In an exhaustive published document titled, "The McDaniel Report: On the Failure of Executive, Congressional and Scientific Responsibility in Investigating Possible Evidence of Artificial Structures on the Surface of

Mars and in Setting Mission Priorities for NASAs Mars Exploration Program ," McDaniel showed not only the clear scientific errors of all of NASA's years-long "objections" to Cydonia, but of the high-profile Sagan "hit piece" as well. In that section of his work, McDaniel methodically exposed the deliberately deceptive tactics used by Sagan to advance his cavalier "dismissals" of the Face, which included creation of deliberately misleading images, labeling these outright "propaganda methods." [...] Then, near the end of his life, Sagan underwent his final public change on the subject of Cydonia: in a 180-degree turn from the PARADE article, he went out of his way to separate the "Cydonia investigation" from the other, "pseudo-science" targets of his last published work, " The Demon Haunted World." In this final written statement of his life, Carl Sagan deftly contradicted all his previous "official" positions on Cydonia: pointing out that the Cydonia investigation, as distinguished from most "extraordinary claims," stood apart -- by having the one essential precept of " good science" it could actually be tested. He concluded his "about face" by arguing that, as a clear "scientific problem," Cydonia deserved to be fairly tested in the coming years via a veritable fleet of new missions then heading back to Mars Which, curiously, is precisely when NASA (and Russian) missions to the Red Planet literally began to disappear Carl Sagan died while Contact was being filmed - his final message still echoing around the world as we speak...

Eye In the Sky

The notion of 'stargate' technology coming from the Nazis, as implied in Contact and the 'super torch ritual', is probably closer to reality than the 'alien' scenario. This would at least partially explain the cartoonish appearance of the alien crop glyph. The 'ET' is in effect a puppet covering for someone else... someone foreign and mysterious but more earthly. The 'aliens' from the Third Reich.

As explained in Endgame II (Oct 16, '02), the sudden appearance of the glyph coincided with the US release of 'The Hunt for Zero Point' by Nick Cook, aviation editor of Jane's Defence Weekly in Britain. I wrote: ...the alien crop formation was reportedly created on/around August 14, 2002 in England (the land of Nick Cook, the author of the book). Due to geography, U.S. time is as much as 8 hours behind Britain. So, the August 14 of Britain was necessarily overlapping the August 13 of the U.S. In other words, for all intents and purposes, the 'alien warning' and The Hunt for Zero Point appeared simultaneously! The book is all about the rumored existence of 'stargate'/antigravity technology which Cook traces back to Nazi Germany. Here is from the book's inside flap: The atomic bomb was not the only project to occupy government scientists during the 1940s. Antigravity technology, originally spearheaded by scientists in Nazi Germany, was another high priority, on that still may be in effect today. Now, for the first time, an acclaimed journalist with unprecedented access to key sources in the intelligence and military communities reveals suppressed evidence that tells the story of a quest for a discovery that could prove as powerful as the atomic bomb. [...]

The ideal shape for a gravity-defying vehicle happens to be a perfect disk, making antigravity tests a possible explanation for numerous UFO sightings during the past fifty years. Chronicling the origins of antigravity research in the world's most advanced research facility, which was operated by the Third Reich during World War II, The Hunt for Zero Point traces American involvement in the project, beginning with the recruitment of former Nazi scientists after the war, and reveals the United States' suppression of Germany's attempts to harness hitherto unacknowledged forms of propulsion, which would have devastated the world's petroleum industry overnight. Has it been proven that the Nazis mastered antigravity? Not quite. But Cook does plausibly argue that there was a machine kept extremely secret by the Nazis which may well have been the Holy Grail technology not just an antigravity machine, but possibly a time machine... a bona fide 'stargate'. The project went by two codenames: Chronos and Laternentrager ('lantern holder'). The machine itself was called Die Glocke or 'the Bell'. I postulated this might be relevant to the Crabwood formation's 'bell' reference... Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. EELRIJUE. There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING (BELL) In the original ASCII computer code (in which this message was encoded), 'Bell' is actually '007', which brings to mind the 007 (James Bond) movies. The 1995 installment, 'GoldenEye', is particularly interesting in that it features the Arecibo telescope. We learn: The telescope was used in the filming of two notable movies: as the villain's antenna in the James Bond movie GoldenEye and as the real antenna in the movie Contact. Perhaps the alien's creepy, distinct eye - unusual for a 'grey'-type alien - was a hint. Together with an allusion to phi - or the Golden Ratio - the GoldenEye connection actually becomes quite plausible. The phi link here is this: the glyph's appearance on/around August 14 marked the phi point - i.e. 1.618:1 ratio - of the year 2002 as did the opening day of the Athens Games (2004 is a leap year).

Eye + Golden Ratio + '007' = 'GoldenEye' There is even a potential connection with Tesla because 'GoldenEye' in the movie refers to a secret satellite-based electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon system capable of destroying any electronic device. This sounds like Tesla's 'Death Ray' weapon but in a more 'Star Wars'-type context. Incidentally the American Star Wars/SDI program was initiated by Ronald Reagan whose last name evokes 'ray gun'. His death in June was one of the year's biggest US events and his funeral (June 11) was a big part of the 'super torch ritual' commemorating the passing of the 'kingship' to Schwarzenegger. We covered all that... Another possibility here is the GoldenEye link being a hint as to how the crop glyph was created. Assuming that 'stargate' technology does exist somewhere today, we can easily envision those few with access to it, probably in the dark world of the military-industrial complex, having some 'fun' creating elegant crop circles with a special satellite. It's not that fetched an idea at this point. Under the flashy 'alien contact' storyline is therefore hidden the 'real' message all about super-advanced secret technology, or 'Ultra-Tech'. This is supported by the strange fact that the glyph was a close replica of a graphic found on the 'Watcher' website (first mentioned in Endgame II) on which is discussed familiar

issues such as Mars/Cydonia, fallen angels (Lucifer), and the Antichrist (though with more Christian overtones overall). The graphic says 'Ultra-Tech'...

The main brain behind the Watcher website is David Flynn who recently published his own book Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars, now endorsed by Hoagland. I have communicated with him and having read each other's book we agreed that our findings (mine being The Time Rivers) are pieces of the same grand puzzle.

David Flynn left, Hoagland right He informed me that the 'Ultra-Tech' logo design (done by his brother) alludes to the rumored story of the US military-industrial complex secretly back-engineering alien technologies recovered from the legendary Roswell UFO crash. As noted earlier, 'flying saucers' are associated with antigravity and often theorized to have been advanced vehicles developed by the Nazis. I for one cannot discount the possibility that the whole UFO/alien mythology is in fact a contextually modulated story about the hidden Nazi legacy. So the 'Ultra-Tech' graphic brings us right back to the 'stargate' theme, further corroborated by the existence of another version of the graphic showing a rotating tetrahedron instead of a computer circuit. Recall that tetrahedral geometry is the key to 'stargate'/hyperdimensional physics as deriving from Hoagland's Cydonia investigation - most prominently expressed by the latitude pinpointed by a circumscribed tetrahedron, 19.5 degrees, or to be more accurate, 19.47 degrees.

Curiously, the Roswell crash took place in '1947' - which is even the year of Schwarzenegger's birth. In fact these two events came in the same month... July. There is more to this hyperdimensional aspect of the glyph, as I found out when I contacted David Flynn recently via email to check if I got the story of the Ultra-Tech logo correct. I did, but after being told about my article he informed me that he had done his own investigation into the glyph and promptly sent me a collection of graphics, originally created for his presentation at Roswell July 4th this year. These were exciting discoveries very much in line with my own findings and decidedly hyperdimensional...

David noted there were 59 horizontal lines in the rectangular frame and 33 lines of spiraled ASCII codes along the bisected disc which together pointed to 1947 and 19.47 because: 59 x 33 = 1947, and 33% of 59 = 19.47! He also found pi (= 3.14159...) deeply embedded in the puzzle. The glyph's bisected circle was a hint since pi is a mathematical constant representing the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Going beyond this, David discovered that the Roswell crash site itself was a pi-encoded geographical position, as shown in these illustrations:

This even correlates with Contact because Sagan's novel includes an important development involving pi:

In a kind of postscript, Ellie, acting upon a suggestion by the senders of the message, programs a supercomputer to compute the digits of [= pi] to record lengths, and to analyze the stream of numbers for a non-random pattern. Far from the decimal point, she finds that a special pattern does exist far earlier than statistically likely. It is an unmistakably intelligent artifact, "the artist's signature," woven into the fabric of space. It's also an important point that the Roswell UFO crash came on/around July 4, Independence Day. We have the 1996 alien movie involving Roswell titled 'Independence Day'. The holiday's most prominent symbol is the Statue of Liberty which is also a memorable symbol used in the film. The same director who did 'ID4' is behind The Day After Tomorrow released earlier this year, reiterating the Lady Liberty/torch connection see graphics below - and the weather/hurricane connection... (after all ,the film is all about the weather going crazy).

(There is also a 1949 book called 'Sixth Column' published also under the name 'The Day After Tomorrow'. The story involves electro-gravitic 'ultra technology'!) Lady Liberty is of course the world's most famous torch-bearer - a big part of the 'super torch ritual' anchored by the 'light-bearer' star Venus. Tellingly, this year's 'Lady Liberty day' (i.e. Independence Day) was specifically designed to interact with the Athens Games, the climax of the torch ritual, in that: On July 4 (the 'torch' day), Greece's national soccer team won the European Championship in a historic upset. The Tour de France (another major sporting event) began on July 4. (The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France.) As per tradition the race ended in Paris, the city of Isis-Venus ('Par-Isis'). Paris as a character in Greek mythology is analogous to a torch. On July 4 the cornerstone of 'Freedom Tower' was laid at Ground Zero, the site of the WTC towers. 1) The new tower is designed to reflect the basic shape of the Statue of Liberty. 2) A 'tower' is representative Mary Magdalene (= Isis-Venus), an alter ego of Lady Liberty, as 'Magdalene' ('Magdala') denotes 'tower'. 3) The name 'Tour de France' can mean 'Tower of France', practically synonymous with 'Freedom Tower'. 4) The Pentagon, another structure attacked on 9/11, signifies Sirius-Venus-Lady Liberty (traditionally symbolized by a


pentagram). 5) 2001 was 225 years after the birth of the United States (1776), '225' being the orbital period (in earth days) of Venus around the Sun and matching the opening day of the Athens Games (225 days after 1/1/04).

Common to both Athens and Paris is the notion of the prime meridian (chief longitudinal line). Paris has the historically and Gnostically important Zero Meridian/'Rose Line', and the Mars rover Opportunity carrying the 'Athena' payload landed in Meridiani Planum ('Meridian Plane') near the Martian Meridian in January 2004. This becomes important combined with the following... Just a month after its rare union with the Sun, Venus crossed the Galactic Meridian (i.e. longitude 0/180) on Independence Day and at the hyperdimensional latitude of -19.5!

The crossing occurred just as Venus was making a U-turn, changing its (apparent) direction from retrograde to direct. This was indeed yet another manifestation of the 'Tour/Tower de France' theme since 'tower', as well as 'tour', etymologically derives from a root word denoting 'spinning' or 'turning'! It also relates back to the twister theme.

Apparent path of Venus as it crossed Galactic Meridian near Aldebaran (meridian not shown). All together, Independence Day 2004 featured no less than four 'Tour de France' manifestations: 1) start of the Tour de France race, 2) Freedom Tower's cornerstone laid, 3) Statue of Liberty, a form of Venus and a gift from France, highlighted by the holiday celebrations, and 4) Venus making a 'hyperdimensional turn' at the Galactic Meridian. Another 'Tour de France' manifestation worth noting is the Eiffel Tower in Paris, where the Tour race traditionally ends (Champs Elysees). It is the 'tower' of France, if not of the entire world, standing in the Champ de Mars, or 'Field of Mars', hence underscoring the Martian Meridian association. Another key point here is the fact that the Meridian crossing was closely marked by the position of Aldebaran, a bright star in Taurus known also as... the ' Torch-Bearer'! It's also called 'Bull's or God's Eye', conjuring up the (Golden) 'Eye' theme again. As already noted, GoldenEye refers to a 'Star Wars'-type satellite weapon relatable to Reagan whose recent death event coincided with the Transit of Venus and concluded on June 11 with the 'passing of the torch' ritual involving Schwarzenegger. Well, it just happens that Venus was crossing the Galactic Meridian on that very day too! I wrote elsewhere: ...the recent Transit of Venus... coincided with the week-long funerary proceedings following Ronald Reagan's passing. The transit took place on June 8 at the edge of the Milky Way and very close to the Galactic Meridian (i.e. longitude 0/180). Few days later on June 11 Venus actually crossed the Meridian, coinciding with the funeral/burying of Reagan down on earth which also simultaneously signaled the 'rise of Schwarzenegger'.

Back to the July 4 crossing, I noticed that it took place at a V-shaped region of Taurus known as the Hyades. As pointed out by Jane B. Sellers and later by Robert Bauval ( The Orion Mystery, pp.147ff), it was associated with the Egyptian god Seth (or Set), the embodiment of evil/chaos and Horus' archenemy. In their epic battle, Horus lost his left eye and Seth his testicles. In this context the left eye of the Crabwood alien was perhaps an allusion to Seth. Indeed, Seth was considered a 'foreigner' or 'alien', and the name Seth - also spelt 'Set' - brings to mind SETI, Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence... The fact that only the right side of the face was highlighted alludes to the double-face model of the Face on Mars in which the right side represents the head of the beast (leonine). Now check out the following, written by me back on October 24, '03: In the first Endgame article, I discussed what appeared to be a 'leak' by an 'insider' posted on the former message board of Richard Hoagland's Enterprise website. [...] The post by 'KBS' included only a series of numbers that was hyperlinked to a webpage displaying the 2002 'alien disk' crop glyph. Soon another poster there (perhaps the same 'insider')... found the following encoded message: ' HaPPy AnNiVerSaRy, HoAglAnd'. ...The key: the message was posted on August 27 ('02) . And with the mention of 'anniversary', meaning 'returning with the year at a stated time', it became clear... that it was pointing ahead to the August 27 of the following year, 2003 - the exact date of [Mars' historic close approach to Earth]! Since Hoagland is [the famous 'Mars/Cydonia guy'], there was no question that this was the intended message. ...The alien crop glyph, to which the coded message was hyperlinked, was created on Aug. 14 (= Aug. 27 Gregorian); and the message itself was posted on Aug. 27 (= Aug. 14 Julian) and pointed ahead to the Aug. 27 of 2003. [...] ...On [or very near] the predicted 'Hoagland anniversary' day ( 8/27/03), Richard Hoagland [published] his new paper on his website [featuring] a new picture of the 'Face on Mars' taken by the Odyssey spacecraft...

Hoagland begins the paper by stating: This startling new image of the well-known "Face on Mars" (above [right]) may ultimately be regarded as one of the most important photographs of the entire Space Program. For, after almost 30 years of acrid controversy and debate, a "whole new side" to this perplexing Martian mystery - and the profound social and scientific questions it continues to present - has now literally dawned... He goes on to discuss how the lighting of the rising sun reflected on the eastern side of the 'Face' reveals a new mystery, an inexplicable amount of reflectivity. The paper is all about the brightly lit right half of the Face.

This 'beast' revelation closely coincided with the 'rise of Schwarzenegger' whose political ascension began on August 6 ('03). His designated role in the 'super torch ritual' is an 'Antichrist' or... ' Beast' which is symbolically coherent. But Arnie is also a form of Horus, contradicting his Seth/Beast connection. It would still make coherent sense, however, if - as likely - the 'rise of the Terminator' signifies the 'rise of a false Horus', i.e. Seth. At any rate, it cannot be missed that the 'light bearer' star (Venus) illuminating the Hyades (= Seth) on the torch/light day (July 4, '04) was a reproduction of sunlight illuminating the beast side of the Face. A direct comparison (using the glyph) below reveals an intriguing resemblance.

Even the glyph's angle relative to the grooves in the field corresponds to the angle made by the Galactic (shown) and Ecliptic (not shown but basically horizontal) grid systems. Finally, interactions between Seth and Horus (such as their great battle) can be epitomized by the pictorial theme showing them in the 'act of churning/drilling' which, combined with Seth being the god of wind and storm, brings back the twister theme. The act of churning had another version in which the Nile twin gods do the 'drilling' instead of Seth and Horus. The interchangeability is also evident in the close link found between the Horus-Seth battle and the 'Winding Waterway', an Egyptian term for the Milky Way and its earthly counterpart the Nile. From Pyramid Texts 594-6: Horus has cried out because of his Eye, Seth has cried out because of his testicles, and there leaps up the Eye of Horus, who had fallen on yonder side of the Winding Waterway, so that it may protect itself from Seth. Thoth saw it on yonder side of the Winding Waterway when the Eye of Horus leapt up on yonder side of the Winding Waterway and fell on Thoth's wing on yonder side of the Winding Waterway. O you gods who cross over on the wing of Thoth to yonder side of the Winding Waterway, to the eastern side of the sky, in order to dispute with Seth about this Eye of Horus: I will cross with you upon the wing of Thoth to yonder side of the Winding Waterway, to the eastern side of the sky, and I will dispute with Seth about this Eye of Horus. [emphasis added] In my book The Time Rivers I argue that the 'Winding Waterway' is a more specific reference to the Nile's huge, anomalous bend in Sudan. The Nile being an unusually straight river flowing directly northward - the first hint that it's an intelligently designed river - the big bend, where the water suddenly turns around and flows southward, is very notable. It is the only section of the Nile that clearly 'winds' - hence

a 'Winding Waterway'. And here '19.5' emerges again: the bend's northern peak precisely pinpoints the tetrahedral latitude of 19.5 (or 19.47) degrees north!

The Nile bend even pinpoints longitude 33.0 degrees east... '33' being the other important hyperdimensional, as well as ritualistic/Masonic, number. (The Nile is a 'hyperdimensional river'.) You may recall that the the alien glyph's disk contained exactly 33 lines... The frame contained 59 lines; 33% of 59 is - as David Flynn pointed out - exactly 19.47... The Time River Theory is not yet widely known - I call it the 'Nile denial'. But it is a major piece of the grand cosmic 'puzzle'. It's an 'alien message' so big and unexpected that it had been overlooked all this time. While this article puts emphasis more on the Nazi/ultra-tech aspect of the 'alien message', the involvement of Cydonia, the Nile, and such make it plain that we are ultimately dealing with a cosmic design that is truly 'out of this world'. These are quiet whispers of a higher intelligence...

Terminator Code 311

Aldebaran highlighted by Venus' 'hyperdimensional turn' on July 4, also known as 'the Follower' or 'Torch-Bearer', is a 'red giant'. And it is - a big reddish star, in the Hyades cluster representing the 'head' of the celestial bull Taurus. Aldebaran is usually seen as the right eye of the Bull, whereas the left eye is star '311' (Epsilon Taurus). Perhaps not widely used but the numeric '311' designation is repeatedly mentioned in The Orion Mystery by Robert Bauval: It is... interesting to note that the 'eyes' of the bull were Aldebaran and star 311 (Epsilon Taurus), the latter being the 'left eye'. [p.158] I found these 'eyes' to be a key to the 'riddle' of Terminator 3, released in mid-2003 right before the 'total recall' election won by Schwarzenegger, the occult 'Torch-Bearer' and a big Hollywood star... Terminators are machines with artificial intelligence - A.I., which can be interpreted as 'eye' or 'a(n) eye'. Terminators are also 'aliens' or 'foreigners' from the future making them comparable to Seth/Set the alien god. The Terminator's 'eye' would then be Set's eye, as are Aldebaran and star 311. (Remember, the Hyades represents Set so these stars are not only the Bull's eyes but also Set's eyes.) And 'Set eye' would be SETI - i.e. SET-I or SET-Eye... well, maybe. The main ad graphic used for T3 encodes these associations. The Arnie-Terminator's face, taking up most of the space, emphasizes his red right eye as if to allude to Aldebaran, the red giant star

representing the right eye of the Bull/Set. (It also evokes HAL the 'red eye' A.I. from 2001: A Space Odyssey.) And only one side of his face is illuminated... just like the Crabwood alien glyph, the Ultra-Tech picture, and Hoagland's 2003 Face picture!

At the Terminator's left-eye region is a reflected image of 'Terminator TX', the most advanced killing machine featured in the film. While capable of shape-shifting, TX appears mostly as a beautiful feline woman, seemingly alluding to the beastly feline/leonine left/east side of the Face on Mars... (And the lion is the most feared 'killing machine' on land.) The 'TX' designation conjures up 'Texas', the official abbreviation of which is in fact 'TX'. Many scenes in the film are very Texas-like to underscore the connection. It cannot be missed that Texas represents the political 'Ground Zero' in the post-9/11 period under the Bush presidency. Both Bush and Cheney are from Texas and have done shady dealings with corrupt Texas energy/oil corporations like Enron and Halliburton. Without Texas there probably would have been no Iraq invasion or even 9/11. Schwarzenegger has a shadowy Texas connection as well - a connection seemingly acknowledged in T3 as he utters 'TX corrupted me'...

The fact is, Arnie's rise in California politics has much to do with the state's disastrous energy situation (massive blackouts etc.) which in turn was driven by the corrupt practices of Texas energy companies, particularly Enron. It is known that Arnold met with Enron's CEO/Chairman Ken Lay in a private meeting convened in 2001 to discuss energy issues. As reported on August 14, '03 by IPA (confirmed by FTCR in Oct '03): Consumer advocates with the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, Heller and Balber said today: "The California energy crisis was the culmination of a decade-long push to remove consumer protections and regulatory oversight of California's electric power system ... Leading the charge was Ken Lay, the former CEO and Chairman of Enron, whose close ties with the Bush family were supplemented by campaign contributions both in Washington and across the country, notably including more than $100,000 to California Governor Gray Davis. It was, of course, no surprise that Governor Davis failed to meaningfully take on the power industry's manipulation of the California energy market during the crisis, opting instead

to sign overpriced power contracts and force consumers and taxpayers to pay for the miserable failure of deregulation..." "In order to counter the virtual public consensus that deregulation ought to be dumped, Ken Lay, during the spring of 2001, began a series of high-powered meetings to salvage the deteriorating argument for his energy scheme.... He met privately with Vice President Cheney in the days leading up to the administration's publication of what became an extremely Enron-friendly National Energy Plan. Successful on the national front as a result of his longstanding relationship with key Republicans, Lay hoped to regain his footing in California by forging ties with prominent Republicans in the state. In May of 2001, Lay convened a private meeting with junk bond king Michael Milken, Los Angeles' then-Mayor Richard Riordan and Arnold Schwarzenegger, at which Lay reportedly presented his vision of solving the state's energy deregulation crisis by, absurd as it sounds, expanding deregulation..." Enron has since imploded of course, but Enron's backing of Schwarzenegger tells us a lot about his nature, or at least his assigned 'mission'... his destiny/fate. It is symbolically noteworthy that 'Enron' spelt backwards is 'Norne', the name of the 'three goddesses of fate' in Norse mythology. The idea of fate/destiny would then relate to such things as the 'Spear of Destiny', i.e. the holy lance of St. Longinus said to have pierced the side of Jesus. It's essentially an alter ego of the Holy Grail and said to have been possessed or sought by various messianic or antichristic leaders throughout history like Herod the Great, Constantine, Hitler, etc. The Spear represents the power that 'Antichrist' must possess in order to succeed in his endeavors. And this association suits Arnold's role well - the false Horus (i.e. Set) or the false 'messiah'... and/or indeed the 'Antichrist'/'Beast'. As I wrote on August 20, '03: ...there is an allusion to the emergence of an antichrist in the Book of Revelation 9:11 (yes, 9-11): And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. ...'Abaddon' and 'Apollyon', both mean the same thing - ' Destroyer'. [...] And of course... Schwarzenegger is none other than the 'Terminator'! [Arnie was also Conan the Destroyer (1984).] The Terminator series is all about the end of the world or 'Judgment Day' (the title of the second installment), i.e. typical stuff from the Book of Revelation. My interpretation has been that, like the Grail 'rose line', the Spear and its original possessor St. Longinus together allude to a longitudinal line (meridian), thus dovetailing with the foregoing Meridian theme. Even the name 'Terminator' is suggestive in that astronomically it refers to the line separating the illuminated and dark sides of a celestial body such as the Moon (and the line on the Moon tends to be longitudinal...) The Spear of Destiny now resides in the Hapsburg Treasure House Museum in Vienna, Austria - the country where Schwarzenegger was born and raised. So, we could say Schwarzenegger is a 'Trojan Horse' sent into the US government - ultimately the White House - to play the role of the Beast/Antichrist in the coming period of intense troubles... possibly World War 3 in which the United States would be the new Nazis, the 'Fourth Reich'. (Note: I'm not saying Arnie literally is the 'Antichrirst'/'Beast'.) This process was perhaps kick-started on 9/11, 2001 - exactly 225 years from the birth of the US (1776) and the year highlighted by 2001: A Space Odyssey, the ultimate red-eye A.I. ('HAL') movie. Closely related to this, it was the Odyssey probe that took the Face picture on Oct. 24, '02 showing its illuminated beast (eastern) half, discussed in Hoagland's paper published when Mars was making its close approach to Earth last year seemingly commemorating the 'rise of Schwarzenegger'. I certainly find it fitting that it is in Homer's epic called The Odyssey ('the greatest tale of all time') that the story of the Trojan War is told, famous for involving the Trojan Horse tactic

masterminded by one 'Odysseus'. This shows that the ultimate 'false gift' (Trojan Horse), Odyssey, and '2001' are all closely intertwined. The Contact theme becomes more prominent in '2010: The Year We Make Contact', a sequel to '2001'. Its plot involves Jupiter transforming into a star which the original author Arthur C. Clarke (2010: Odyssey Two) calls 'Lucifer', i.e. Venus the 'light bearer'! Venus' July 4th 'hyperdimensional turning' at -19.5 deg. Galactic Meridian near the red-eye star Aldebaran carried all these associations. In a way the 'Super Torch Day' (7/4/04) was a 'Super Eye/A.I. Day'. Now, while Aldebaran, the red/right eye, was clearly a key component of the encoded symbolism, we find more sinister and explosive implications attached to the left eye represented by star '311'. First, in Terminator 3 are given specific time references to the beginning of 'Judgment Day', to be marked by world-wide nuclear detonations. There is one particular scene containing the following conversation between Arnold-Terminator and John Connor (future leader of mankind):


The first launch sequences will be initiated at 6:18 p.m. John Connor: What, today? Terminator: Affirmative. Kate: John, what is he saying? John: Judgment Day, the end of the world - it's today 3 hours from now. Terminator: 2 hours, 53 minutes. We must continue south into Mexico to escape the primary blast zones. The coding is quite simple: we can simply turn the numbers into days: i.e. '6:18' into 618 days and '2 hr 53 min' into 253 days. Based on the repeated references to 'today' or 'from now', we can count forward from July 2, 2003, i.e. Terminator 3's release date. This yields the following: 7/02/03 + 618 days = March 11, '05 7/02/03 + 253 days = March 11, '04 Both 'March 11', one year apart - leaving little doubt that the decoding is valid. And '3/11' is... yes, ' 311', as in the 'left eye' star 311! Now, do you remember what happened on March 11, '04? This is chilling: on that very day came ' Spain's 9/11' - 10 bombs exploding on four packed morning commuter trains in Madrid killing 191 people and injuring 1,800... A huge, shocking event, the impact of which is still being felt today even in the US (politically mostly). Some people quickly sensed something ritualistic about it, pointing out hat there are

exactly 911 days in between 9/11/01 and 3/11/04. Well, indeed, it was 'prophesied' in Terminator 3. It was a 'Judgment Day ritual' for Arnie! We even find that adding the encoded '253 days' to Jan 1 brings us to September 11 (Sept 10 for leap years)!

Given all these 'coincidences', the terror attacks were likely not an al-Qaeda operation per se, but an event orchestrated ultimately by... shall we say 'TX cabal'. The 'TX ritual' even involved Lucifer. Get this: very near the Atocha train station where a total of seven bombs exploded, killing about 100 people, is a park called the 'Retiro' in which stands ' El Angel Caido', said to be the world's only sculpture solely dedicated to... Lucifer the light-bearer/Venus! There is more: Madrid derives its name from Mayrit (referring to the River Manzanares), meaning 'source of water' or 'rich in abundance of waters'. This is important in that star 311 (as well as Aldebaran) is in the Hyades star cluster and 'Hyades' means 'the rainy ones' and it's been called 'the watery Hyades', 'a watery constellation', etc. So Madrid is the 'source of water' and the Hyades is a watery/rainy star cluster! I've also noted that the involvement of trains may be a sick pun, since 'Hyades' can mean 'to rain'... (Get it? Train, to-rain.) They do leave their fingerprints.... Finally, adding '311' days to the day of Arnold's California 'total recall' election (Oct 7, 2003) gives us August 13, '04 - the opening day of the Athens Olympics, the climax of the 'super torch ritual'.

True Lies
So when is the 'Judgment Day'? Is there a time code for that? The answer is a qualified 'yes'. That is the 'Lucifer Time Code'. How literal, however, is still in question and we'll go into that issue later on. Instead of looking into the future, let me here illustrate how the 'Contact ritual game' can be traced backward into the 1990s (at least). The familiar themes of Contact, SETI/Set, Osiris/Horus, Hoagland, Trojan Horse, ultra-tech, terror, Scifireality crossover, etc. were already being expressed in late 1998 through a series of curious developments. This was the 'hoax' involving the supposed discovery of a SETI signal coming from the direction of EQ Pegasi. Here is the gist of the story: On Thursday, October 22, 1998, at 21:13 UTC (9:13 p.m. UK time), Paul Dore, an engineer with Siemens Corp., reportedly picked up a strange signal emanating from the constellation Pegasus . In an Internet post, Dore stated that he had been doing SETI research for "a year and a half," using the company's 10-meter (30-foot) dish antenna, plus "Inmarsat LNA with about 25db gain." [...] He... calculated the coordinates of the transmission: Right Ascension - 23 degrees, 31 minutes, 48 seconds; Declination - 19 hours, 55 minutes, 50 seconds. The signal had come from the star system EQ Pegasi about 22 light-years (132,000,000,000,000 miles) from Earth.

After a careful check of the equipment, Dore began scanning again at approximately 21:17 UTC on Friday, October 23. "The same signal was picked up, and it was at the same right ascension and declination." Once Dore posted his information, a lively debate ensued on the Internet. [...] While the debate raged, Dore logged three more hits, on Monday, October 26, at 5:58 and 6:45 UTC and on Tuesday, October 27, at 7:15 UTC, all from the EQ Pegasi system. He said he had picked up the signal on frequency 1453.07512Mhz, plus or minus 400hz Doppler. While proponents claimed that a similar anomalous signal had been detected coming from EQ Pegasi on September 17, 1998, the SETI League branded the incident a hoax. [...] In an official statement, Dr. Paul Shuch of the SETI League said, "The non-profit, membership-supported SETI League has been analyzing this claim since Friday night (October 23). None of our 63 active stations around the world have been able to confirm it." "The 'signal' has been discredited by a host of radio astronomers, amateur and professional, who have analyzed the GIFs posted to the Internet," Dr. Shuch said, "The person who reported the alleged signal has violated every principle of responsible science. He has not fulfilled the carefully-crafted SETI League signal detection protocols to which all of our members are signatory." It was BBC's David Whitehouse reporting on the development, on Oct 29, that gave it some credibility and ignited a buzz on the internet. Enter Richard Hoagland. He jumped on this, and on Nov 2 wrote : Later in the day on the 29th, a story began to break concerning a possible "SETI hit" by a private amateur radio astronomer. Paul Dore, a veteran of the British military industrial complex, reported the signal. After an initial report of a "Halloween hoax" (later disputed by the Dore), it became obvious that something strange was going on. There were reports of confirmation from a German team, and then another amateur astronomer in the U.K. Efflesberg in Germany was quick to deny they had been searching for the signal, but did admit (after press reports their astronomers were in London) that some of their staff was "abroad." Then the Harvard Project BETA, which had been updating its web site every ten minutes with real time data, suddenly went dark after uploading an image indicating they were looking in the direction of the purported signal. Harvard SETI officials have denied finding anything, either on their current search or when they previously examined EQ Pegasi in September. At the same time, they admitted to some "anomalies" in the data. Maybe in light of current events you should consider releasing the raw data, guys? That same evening, TEM principal investigator Richard Hoagland went on the Art Bell Radio program to discuss the reports. He argued that the signal was most likely not coming from EQ Pegasi, but rather from a point in space nearby, perhaps as close as ten billion miles out. He predicted that the signal was in fact coming from a "probe" that would soon begin to decelerate. Only two days later a Japanese amateur astronomer reported picking up the signal and indicated that it was indeed slowing down. Based on inside "Pentagon sources", Hoagland also expected a landing in the American Southwest on or about December 7th. [...] Oh, and at the rate the signal is "decelerating" -- about 1 to 1.7 MHz per day -- it should reach that "motionless" state -- about the first week of December. [...] Besides the obvious connections, SETI literally being translated as "Set's eye", there are the not so obvious connections. Project BETA had its origins at NASA, and moved into a privately funded effort led by the Planetary Society, the organization founded by Carl Sagan. [...] As things stand of this writing, a major press conference is scheduled for Wednesday [Nov. 4] in London. Nathan Keys of the London Based newspaper Sun, reports that the conference will be held under the auspices of the International Astronomical Union and the British Astronomical Association. Hardly the type of people to be involved in a hoax. It should be an interesting week ... Not surprisingly the press conference was canceled. Hoagland wrote in an update:

Within hours of Richard C. Hoagland's November 2-3 appearance on the Art Bell program and the posting of our SOHO/SETI article on this web site, Paul Dore, the engineer who first reported the anomalous signals from the direction of EQ Pegasi, suddenly cancelled his press conference that had been scheduled for Wednesday, the 4th of November. He sent an e-mail outlining a story of threats and intimidation. First, two astronomer's scheduled to appear at his press conference called and cancelled with no explanation. Then three intelligence agents (one from NSA) showed up at his house while he was at work, and by their presence had terrified Dore's wife. He was subsequently told that what he had picked up was a secret "deep space" intelligence satellite, and he was coerced into signing a document that threatened him with prosecution if he spoke about it. It was all beginning to sound like the usual conspiratorial hoax scenario. The aura of trickery and deception was growing and Hoagland would acknowledge as much. Still, he would perceptively sense that in the 'hoax' itself was encoded a message, not unlike the Crabwood alien glyph that had a design deliberately susceptive to skepticism. A simple but effective psychological technique. Perhaps the most telling was Dore's final public statement on the issue, the coded nature of which Hoagland talked about in his article 'The Art of Talking in Code'. Excerpts from the 'Dore' statement [emphasis added]: Monday, the second of November has got to be one of the worst 24 hours I've ever experienced. Here is a brief synopsis of the events that ensued. "6:00am I arrive at work, do some rather routine things and cull overnight data. [...] 7:00pm I arrive home to find three gentlemen in my residence. My wife Helen has the look of sheer terror upon her face. [...] It turns out that what I discovered was infact [sic] a classified intelligence satellite having to do with something known as Project 415. [...] ...the details I cannot go into but I am satisfied that what I picked up was infact [sic] a secret deep space satellite for purposes of national and international (it seems) security. [...] I had visions of going down in history as being the first human being to detect signs of other intelligence in the universe and while I found intelligence alright, it certainly wasn't the kind of intelligence I hoped to discover. I am a bit depressed now, though that could have as much to do with the weather. My family and I have decided that I should not purse this line of research any further. Should I ever discovery anything else strange in the course of my work I will be very careful about revealing it. The combination of First Contact, a secret satellite, and an 'eye in the sky' ('Project 415' which does exist and has to do with advanced electronic surveillance) immediately reminds us of the 'GoldenEye' satellite... And Dore calling his wife 'Helen' may well have been a clue, in that Pegasus (as in EQ Pegasi) is one of the two famous mythological horses, the other being the Trojan Horse, the 'false gift'. It was the Trojan Horse that ended the Trojan War, a war caused by the abduction of a beautiful woman named... Helen ('Helen of Troy'). And the abductor was 'Paris'. 'Paul Dore' is an interesting name too since 'Paul' means 'small' and 'Dore' is 'door'. Together it says 'small door' or 'small gateway'. Remember the last line from the alien glyph message? ' Conduit CLOSING (BELL/007)'. A 'closing conduit' is indeed a 'small gateway'... Now let's examine the 'Helen' sentence: My wife Helen has the look of sheer terror upon her face. The Great Sphinx, a form of Horus/Mars, has the epithet 'the Father of Terror'; and Mars' satellites are called Phobos, 'fear', and Deimos, 'dread' - making Mars a 'planet of terror'. The Face on Mars would then be analogous to a 'face on terror', echoing 'terror upon her face'.

Given the significance of the terror day, 9/11, in all this, we find it interesting that Hoagland mentions December 7 as a key date linked to EQ Pegasi: [Hoagland] predicted that the signal was in fact coming from a " probe" that would soon begin to decelerate. Only two days later a Japanese amateur astronomer reported picking up the signal and indicated that it was indeed slowing down. Based on inside "Pentagon sources", Hoagland also expected a landing in the American Southwest on or about December 7th. [...] Looking back, the insider information seems to have been part of the 'hoax' not to be taken literally. The very 'sci-fi' idea of an alien-ship 'landing' should have raised a red flag. The key to the code is 'December 7' being the 'Pearl Harbor day'. Together with the 'terror' reference, those of us in the post-9/11 world cannot help but associate it with 9/11 which many did view as the 'second Pearl Harbor'. Well, sure enough, only few months before 9/11 on May 25 was released the film 'Pearl Harbor'...

The only other major film dealing with Pearl Harbor aside from Tora! Tora! Tora! is 'The Final Countdown' (1980) - involving time travel by a warship, very much like the Philadelphia Experiment! The 'stargate' theme again... Another Hollywood connection - 'Star Trek: The Motion Picture' (1979), as Hoagland commented: Later, a new posting on the EQ Pegasi web site, [now gone] ostensibly from an Australian hacker, showed images supposedly "lifted" from the SETI web site. It showed data from the September observations, described as "anomalous" by SETI researchers, and showed a clear signal at 1210 MHz. The posting pointed out that NASA's computers and SETI's line were directly linked, in spite of the "propaganda" to the contrary. It also revealed the site that the data had been culled from, listed as: VGER.SETI-INST.EDU HERTZ.SETI-INST.EDU MX.NSI.NASA.GOV Now, my efforts to get through to this site have gone for naught. But there still seems to be a hint of something curious in the domain name itself. The first word, "VGER" just happens to be the name of the alien probe from "Star Trek - The Motion Picture". You may recall that VGER, an enormous probe that headed directly for Earth at amazing speed, only to stunningly decelerate into Earth orbit, began as a mythical " Voyager 6" and then mutated into an alien form. It seems a strange name for a web site devoted to storing data from a "non-hit", don't you think?

This is fitting in that Hoagland's team/website, which must have been part of the intended audience for the EQ Pegasi 'hoax', is called 'The Enterprise Mission', an obvious reference to Star Trek's starship 'Enterprise'. The story of the 'V'ger' probe yields more clues, starting with the fact that it travels through some kind of space-time distortion like a black hole - i.e. a stargate - and pops up elsewhere in the universe. Here is a brief summary: V-ger, as it called itself (pronounced vee-jer) was an ancient mechanical space probe that was on a mission to explore and discover and report back its findings. The probe was "rescued" from the depths of space by a civilization of mechanical aliens and reconfigured so that it could actually accomplish this mission for the entire universe. Eventually, the probe did acquire all knowledge and, in so doing, achieved consciousness. The Star Trek crew come upon this now-sprawling monstrous collection of cosmic information at a time when the alien was searching for its original creator and the meaning of life. The stenciled letters on the side of the original probe revealed the characters "V" and "ger". Shortly thereafter, Captain Kirk discovers that the probe was Voyager 6, which had been launched by humans on Earth in the late twentieth century. Apparently, the "oya" that fits between the V and the "ger" had been badly tarnished and was unreadable.

The story involves not only the stargate theme but also artificial intelligence, a la 'Rise of the Machines', like Terminators coming through a stargate... And by the way, the idea of V'ger searching for its creator is expressed through the missing 'oya' portion in that 'oya' means 'parent' in Japanese. V'ger was imperfect because it was missing its parent, humans/humanity. Upon returning to Earth, it was recognized for what it really was - 'Voyager'... The 'oya' was finally back together with V'ger, making it complete. 'Voyager 6' in any case was a fictional probe, but it was loosely based on Voyager 1 & 2 launched in 1977, each carrying a 'Golden Record' disk, a SETI communication device containing information about Earth. In Endgame I interpreted this very disk as corresponding to the disk held by the Crabwood alien!: Now, like the Arecibo signal, behind the Voyager disk project was Carl Sagan (whose novel became the movie Contact). Originally, however, it was Pioneer 10 launched in 1972 that carried the first SETI message to potential ETs out there. Sagan was involved here as well, but the real originator of this grand idea was none other than Richard Hoagland (who took the proposal to Sagan).

As you can see, this is all a big web of symbolic inferences, together transmitting a surprisingly coherent and multi-layered message. The Athens Olympics were the latest and so far the most in-yourface installment of this coded 'Contact' program covered in 'true lies'. The message is not that 'aliens are coming!' Not really. It apparently has more to do with political and social secrets and conspiracies involving 'ultra technology'. One last thing I should mention regarding EQ Pegasi: Hoagland ended up theorizing that the 'December 7' date 'leaked' to him actually had something do with weather manipulation involving HAARP. It's deja vu all over again... Oh, and the first sentence from the Dore statement: Monday, the second of November has got to be one of the worst 24 hours I've ever experienced. This year's US presidential election is held on November 2, immediately preceded by the Contact/stargate event in Athens and the Florida hurricanes which were potentially 'weather manipulation' events... From the last paragraph of the Dore statement: I had visions of going down in history as being the first human being to detect signs of other intelligence in the universe and while I found intelligence alright, it certainly wasn't the kind of intelligence I hoped to discover. I am a bit depressed now, though that could have as much to do with the weather . Very interesting...

Continued in Stargate Cipher 2012: Part II

Stargate Cipher 2012 Part II

Athens Olympics, Contact, Life On Mars, Holy Grail, Ultra Technology & Mayan Calendar
By Goro Adachi November 24, 2004 Goro Adachi

...continued from page 4 of Part 1:

Closing the Loop

As discussed in Part I, the opening ceremony in Athens was a mesmerizing event both in terms of visuals and symbolism. The encoded message was so 'multidimensional', however, that there were further 'clues' to be introduced as part of the secret communication. This, though not unexpected, became clear two weeks later as the Olympics' closing ceremony unfolded on August 29. There the gaps in the message were filled, completing the special 'Contact transmission'.

I posted the following commentary on September 7 covering many key points, making it an appropriate place to start our exploration of the new dimension, the second half of the Athenean Stargate Cipher:

Lucifer's Downward Spiral [Edited throughout for clarity but no change in content] To understand the esoteric aspects of the ending ritual in Athens, we need to go back and review the special celestial configuration observed on August 10 which lays the foundation for the rest. First, Venus the 'light-bearer' planet was seen crossing the Galactic Equator (i.e. the center line of the Milky Way, or galactic latitude zero) where Venus became the ' torch' of Orion. This was accompanied by Mars joining Regulus, the heart star of Leo the celestial Sphinx.

Venus, when rising in the morning situated precisely due east as viewed from Giza, coincided additionally with the moment of sunrise (altitude 0 on the horizon)! (Sunrise azimuth = 72 deg.)

A similar configuration a week earlier (August 3) commemorated the reopening of the Statue of Liberty, an earthly 'torch bearer'. In Athens' dawn time on August 4, which overlaps New York's August 3 (6-7 hours behind Greece), Venus crossed the heavenly due-east line exactly when Sirius - a star largely interchangeable with Venus in symbology - was rising right at the horizon.

The 'due east' theme was amplified by the Aug-10 configuration alluding to the Great Sphinx, a monument famously facing due east. The allusion derives from 1) Mars being a form of Horus, thus also of the Sphinx, and 2) Mars uniting on Aug 10 with Regulus the heart star of Leo, the lion constellation interchangeable with the Great Sphinx. Interestingly Regulus interacts further with Venus - the planet/goddess of love - in that love and the heart symbol are traditionally inseparable. These observations then led to the following revelations... Venus had been crossing the due-east line everyday at exactly the same time in the morning around August, the month of Olympics! As viewed from Athens, for example, Venus reached due east at about 5:10 am everyday starting around July 25 and ending around September 8. As viewed from Giza, the daily due-east alignment took place at ~5:24 am beginning around July 17, ending early September. (Here is an animated illustration, and here is an unanimated version.) The reader needs to understand that this is highly unusual. Planets are always in motion, moving at different speeds. In order to stay in one position relative to Earth's rotation as expressed in the due east sky, a celestial body has to carefully keep up with the continuously shifting sky configuration. Staying in one place, as this Venus has been, doesn't mean it is 'stationary'; it means it is moving at a very specific rate to maintain its position in the Earthbased local sky. In other words, its movement can be seen as almost 'intelligent'. Venus in this unique way highlighted the time around August as a special period. Now let's see how this context interacts with the symbolism of the closing ceremony which on its surface was not as flashy as the opening one though I had no trouble detecting its multileveled 'messages'. The centerpiece was a strange golden wheat field in the shape of a spiral, connected by a long, straight causeway with the Olympic-flame tower standing at the edge of the stadium.

This, I eventually inferred, was a reference to the 'Fibonacci spiral' - deriving from something called the Fibonacci squares which in turn are based on the Fibonacci number sequence.

Indeed there was much more to the symbolism of the closing ceremony. For starters Athens' wheat spiral was an obvious reference to... crop circles! (See Part 1 for significance of 'crop circles'.) It's more than an insinuation - it's in your face! Fasten your seatbelt and let us delve into the rest of the story...

Sun Stone From Heaven

First up is the issue of the September 8-10 window related to Clinton's heart problem. I wrote: The imagery of the little girl carrying the fire (= Venus) away from the torch column (= due-east line) and snuffing out the flame now seems to take on a rather dark connotation. This is probably too speculative at this point - but is some kind of sacrificial king-killing intimated here? On September 11, a 'king' did perish in a suspiciously typical helicopter crash in... Greece. (Greece's 9/11 overlaps 9/10 US time.) The 'king' was Petros VII: ...the 115th Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa... was the man widely believed to have been responsible for the resurgence of the Greek Orthodox Church in Africa. He was elected in 1997 to lead the oldest Christian group on the continent, which traces its origins back to St Mark, who was said to have established it in the 1st century AD. In the early days of the church, the influence of the bishop of Alexandria was second only to that of the Pope in Rome, though it started to wane in the 4th century after the Roman Empire adopted Christianity as its only religion. It is significant that he was a Pope even though not the Pope (of Rome) as my view has long been that the Papacy and the US presidency are often symbolically interchangeable. I accordingly commented on Sept 3: ...the extensive symbolism seems to point to the imminent exit of the Pope... US presidents belong to our 'Babylon/Sun King' group that includes the Pope. I have long pointed out that there is a symbolic parallel between the American presidency and the papacy. Petros VII, the head of the (Greek) Orthodox Church, was one of the three 'Popes' in existence today: The heads of the Coptic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church of Alexandria are also called "Popes" for historical reasons, with the former being called "Coptic Pope" or "Pope of Alexandria" and the latter called "Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa" ... The Greek-ness of Petros VII certainly resonates with the Olympics theme, underscored by his helicopter going down after leaving Athens! The name 'Petros' (= 'Peter'), meaning 'rock' or 'stone', is also congruent, rendering the event analogous to a rock falling down from the sky a la the Panspermia/Grail theme highlighted at the Olympics. Recall that Athena, the patron goddess of Athens, is traditionally associated with a stone fallen from heaven. The involvement of a helicopter is similarly suggestive: 'heli' usually means 'Sun' and 'Copt' would refer to an ancient Egyptian. One of the most sacred cities in ancient Egypt was Heliopolis, the 'city of the Sun', where the Benben Stone, the Egyptian version of the 'stone fallen from heaven', was traditionally worshipped. (The Benben Stone was typically placed at the top of an obelisk/pillar, very much like the capstone of the pyramid.) So the fall of Petros VII in a way reenacted the fall of the Benben Stone or the ' Sun Stone' (from the sky). Incidentally Florida is the 'Sunshine State', hit by Hurricane Charley on Athens' opening day featuring a simulation of the same Panspermia theme... Panspermia is the process of cosmic seeding and as such it is essentially a story of 'Genesis'. And Petros VII's helicopter crashed on September 11. Putting the two together yields a virtual 'instruction' encouraging us to look up Genesis 9:11 or Genesis 11:9 in the Old Testament. Verse 11:9 would be more consistent with my other findings that involved this type of 'date-verse conversion' coding, and I was already very familiar with Genesis 11:9 - talking about the Tower of Babel, comparable to the Twin Towers destroyed on 9/11, the modern version of the archetypal Tower. Here is the scriptural passage:

Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. Three points: 1) the Tower of Babel was built in Babylon - 'Babel' and 'Babylon' being practically interchangeable terms - where 'the people is one and they have all one language' (Genesis 11:6); 2) in modern times NYC is the new Babylon, the ultimate melting-pot city of all races and the home of the United Nations; 3) the name Babylon/Babel means 'gate of the god'. The gate of the god... the 'stargate' theme again. This association confirmed in Contact (a story about constructing a 'stargate') find that the enigmatic financier in the story who guides Ellie path is named 'S.R. Hadden' who in the original novel owns an amusement park called 'Babylon' and his name 'S.R. Hadden' was a reference to Esarhaddon, King of Assyria from 681 to 669 BC. like Babylon/Babylonia was in Mesopotamia now known as Iraq was this Esarhaddon who rebuilt Babylon including the Esagila (Etemenanki), i.e. the historical Tower of Babel!

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The Tower of Babel further correlates with the heavenly stone theme in connection with the so-called 'fallen angels' mentioned in Genesis, i.e. the 'Nephilim'. In Isaiah 14:12, it is made evident that the 'fallen angels' would collectively correspond to Lucifer (Venus): 'How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! '. With this in mind, here are some of my ideas from 2001: In Genesis, the cause of the biblical Flood is - rather mysteriously - associated with 'fallen angels', or 'giants'/'sons of God', more properly called the 'Nephilim': There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth... This is a typical English translation of Genesis 6:4-7 that contains some errors, including the last phrase, 'men of renown'. It may be more accurately [translated] as 'the people of the shem'. What, then, is the 'shem'? Zecharia Sitchin writes: The persistence of biblical translators to employ "name" wherever they encounter shem has ignored a farsighted study published more than a century ago by G. M. Redslob in which he correctly pointed out that the term shem and the term shamaim ("heaven") stem from the root word shamah, meaning "that which is highward." (The 12th Planet, pp.147-8) The shem was also [associated] with fire and a stone; the shem thus was a 'highward fire-stone'. It is... apparently a reference to a meteorite. This is strongly corroborated by the fact that: Shems were particularly associated with something called an-na, which meant 'heavenly stone', a term that was also used to define a shining metal. The use of the word shem in respect of its 'shining' aspect is apparent in the alternative name for Prince Utu, brother of Inanna His epithet was Shem-esh: the Shining One. (Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings, p.120) So, what we have here is this: the shem was a 'heavenly shining fire-stone' while the Nephilim, i.e. the 'fallen angles' (also called the 'Shining Ones'), were the 'people of the shem'. The shem also figures in the tale of the Tower of Babel: let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a shem, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

Again, the shem is directly associated with heaven, and here it is additionally linked with the top of a tower which makes the shem very much comparable to the Egyptian Benben Stone which too is thought to have been a meteorite and was placed at the very top of a pyramid or obelisk. [T]he Babel story conceptually parallels the saga of the 'fallen angels' who were punished by 'God' for overreaching just as [were] the builders of the Tower. So a chain of symbolic associations has been established: Petros VII's helicopter crashing on 9/11, representative of seeding by the Benben Stone, alludes to 'Genesis 11:9' - concerning the Tower of Babel comparable to the Twin Towers and the stargate theme - which in turn relates back to the heavenly stone theme again. We certainly detect a coherent underling context here. Further, the word 'tower' is etymologically related to 'turn' as discussed before 'turn' as in the Tour (turn/tower) de France and as in the turning of Venus, both of which highlighted Independence/Torch Day (see Part I) thus also highlighting the Statue of Liberty in the new Babylon where the Twin Towers stood. Here we find that the term 'Babel' itself, said to mean 'confusion', further implies the notion of turning/twisting; for example, 'Kablah' deriving from the Arabic root KBL denotes both 'to twist' and 'confusion'... On the main 'torch day' of 2004 marking the start of the Olympics (8/13), a system of turning winds called Hurricane Charley arrived in Florida the Sunshine State. It was the beginning of Florida's nightmarish hurricane season comprised of unprecedented four major direct hits in the short time span of August through September. Someone, it seemed to many of us, was trying to make a statement. A 'message' indeed began to emerge with Hurricane Frances, the second in the series, making landfall on September 5 - just days after the end of the Athens Games and just days before the Petros VII's fall from the sky. Hurricane Frances, viewed as 'turning Frances', would become an 'in your face' reference to the 'Tour de France' theme! (The 'French Revolution' is also hinted here but that's for another time.) Just three days later on September 8 - the day marked by the Venus-Saturn-Moon-Galactic Center-due east alignment at Giza - came another 'in your face' signature event.

It was quite remarkable... the coherence and the sheer obviousness of the 'ritual' by NASA, an agency historically built upon Nazi leadership (Wernher von Braun) and technologies. So much so that it seemed to carry the message 'if you don't get this, you just don't get it'. The event was the crash landing of NASA's Genesis probe returning from the Sun: NASA's solar capsule 'Genesis' crashes into Earth (See video) Genesis crash a disappointment, but a better simulation of asteroid hit

It had it all: 'Genesis', the Sun, a heavenly stone, seeding, Contact, 2001, spinning, wind, Florida, helicopter, DNA, and Mary-Isis-Venus. A probe named Genesis launched in 2001 from Florida (Cape Canaveral), very much looking like the typical UFO/flying saucer returning from the Sun after collecting solar wind samples, came crashing down to earth like a rapidly spinning heavenly

stone on a day marked by a special celestial alignment involving Venus, although it was supposed to be picked up by a helicopter in midair. What it was, was a more realistic manifestation of the same theme expressed at the Athens opening ceremony! Indeed, it was the completion of the process initiated on August 13, specifically the aspect relating to artificial insemination (AI) - the Olympic-flame tower being analogous to the medical instrument used for the insemination procedure, as discussed in Part I.

At the Olympics the flame signifying the cosmic 'seed' was lit on the AI tower/instrument but was never overtly injected into the ovum/egg represented by the Olympic stadium.

The closest it got was the simulation of a 'comet' striking the lake/stadium at the very beginning of the show before the flame was on the tower and when a giant DNA double-helix was projected above the lake, which while very suggestive did not convey the idea of 'injection' as symbolically desired by the AI symbolism.

The key to the riddle here is the date September 8 and the other prominent symbolism attached to the Olympic-flame tower, the Venus-due east alignment - i.e. the alignment that ended on Sept 8 as seen from Athens. This was a very elegant design. The Olympic flame was both the cosmic seed (or Sun Stone) and Venus in its multi-leveled symbolism, and so Venus finally dismounting the due-east heavenly line on Sept 8 (+/- 1 day) was also when the cosmic seed symbolically moved off the artificial-insemination instrument. And it was on this very day that the Genesis capsule from the Sun - making it a 'Sun Stone', a cosmic seed got 'injected' into the earth itself, completing the insemination process! It will be interesting to see what will come out of this 'eugenics' ritual after a 9month 'pregnancy' period. The projected birth date based on the average human pregnancy duration would be around June 8, '05 - which remarkably is the same date marked by this year's Venus Transit, i.e. the very rare 'marriage' of the Sun and Venus! Early June '04 was also a period marked by Ronald Reagan's death and funeral (June 5-11), a death that ritualistically transferred his 'kingship to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Together with the Venus-transit symbolism, we could say it was then that Arnold got 'pregnant' with his future 'kingship'. So it seems probable that the same period in 2005 will interact with Schwarzenegger or at least the American presidency in some way, especially since Venus in early June '05 will be crossing the Milky Way (at the Galactic Equator on June 3) as if to echo the Venus transit in that general region and Venus crossing the Galactic Meridian on July 11, Reagan's burial day when Arnold got 'pregnant'.

Let me also note that Athens' DNA projection, signifying the messianic bloodline from Mary-Isis (i.e. the Grail/lapsit exillis, 'stone fallen from heaven'), interacts with the Genesis crash via its name: Holy Grail/Holy Blood DNA of Mary Gene of Isis Gene-Isis Genesis And the date: Sept 8 was the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. The Genesis ritual was also a Contact/Stargate moment carrying a clear UFO/ET theme and was entirely fitting and predictable. It was actually amusing to see the mainstream media pushing this very theme around the time of the Olympics, evident from the following list of news stories published in early September: 9/01 9/01 9/02 9/02 9/07 9/09 CNN: Space signal studied for alien contact BBC: Alien probe 'best way to find ET' Is strange space signal a sign ET's mother has called back? ABC: (Alien) Message in a Bottle CNN: ET should write, not call Does ET Use Snail Mail?

Some of them were treated as the day's top news items. Here are a couple of screenshots exposing this strange behavior:

This next one from the front page of shows the prominence accorded to the Genesis crash on September 8:

Note the link under 'More Top Stories' titled 'Ivan devastates Grenada', a piece about an incoming hurricane that would make landfall on September 16, hitting parts of Florida right after Frances and Charley before that.

Ivan made 'contact' somewhere between Mobile and Pensacola, the latter being a place prominently featured in Contact. Indeed, the first 'face to face' contact in the story takes place on a virtual-reality Pensacola beach! Ivan was followed by Jeanne, the fourth hurricane to hit Florida on Sept 25. 'Jeanne' is fittingly a homonym of 'gene'...

Genesis Project: Seeding & Eugenics

Let's return the Star Trek theme. As noted by a couple of Etemenanki readers, Star Trek movies II and III involve the 'Genesis project', a program designed to seed life where there is none. The combination we see here - Star Trek, Genesis, and planetary seeding - reiterates the point that a ritualistic design was lurking behind the Genesis probe crash. But it goes further: the main antagonist in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan,

called Khan, is portrayed as a 'former tyrant of Earth's Eugenic Wars'. Eugenics... bingo - a key theme from the Athens opening ceremony. Now check out the ending: With the Enterprise doomed without warp power, Spock suddenly enters the starship's radiation chamber to repair the warp drive. McCoy tries to stop the determined Vulcan, but Spock takes the upper hand and touches the doctor's forehead cryptically, murmuring "Remember." Just as the Genesis torpedo explodes, destroying Khan and the Reliant with it, the Enterprise zips into warp. The crew and ship have been spared, yet Spock, dying of severe radiation, has willingly given his own life. With the Enterprise safely away, McCoy tells Kirk to come to the ship's engine room. There, a stunned Kirk must bid an emotional farewell to his dearest friend. Kirk need not mourn, says Spock, for his sacrifice was logical. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one" he tells his captain. Spock dies, but in contrast to a new birth -- the new living star and planet formed from the nebula and Genesis. A sullen and mournful funeral is held for Spock, and, accompanied by Scotty playing "Amazing Grace" on his bagpipes, Spock's coffin is sent to rest upon the new planet. As Spock dies, a lifeless planet comes alive - a familiar theme of rebirth/resurrection typically expressed by the story of Osiris who was murdered by his brother Set, resurrected by his sister-wife Isis, and fully returned to life in the form of his son Horus. The theme is more explicit in the sequel Star Trek III: The Search For Spock in which Spock is literally resurrected: Kirk and party rescue Spock and Saavik from the Klingons and learn that an unstable element used in the Genesis Device threatens the stability of the planet, which is likely to explode within minutes. One factor of this instability, however, is the rejuvenating effect it had on Spock's body. With the planet reaching critical mass, Spock finally achieves the age he was just before his death on the U.S.S. Enterprise. Kruge, still alive on the Klingon Bird-of-Prey and angry at the death of his comrades, beams down to the planet. There, he fights one-on-one with Kirk, eventually falling to his death. The Enterprise crew, Saavik, and Spock then escape in the Bird-of-Prey, just as the planet violently explodes, a victim of its own dangerous growth. This may constitute an uncomfortably realistic clue as to what is happening to our own planet right now. Certainly overpopulation is a very serious issue and 'instability' is an appropriate adjective for our post9/11, post-Iraq invasion world. We also detect an implication here, because the Genesis crash has made Earth comparable to the movie's Genesis-seeded planet, that 'destruction is coming to Earth soon'. There is also the other side of the coin, the 'rebirth' theme, personified by Horus in ancient Egyptian tradition who in turn is identifiable with Mars. As one who has been pushing the idea of man's imminent visitation/migration to Mars being a momentous event analogous to Columbus reaching America, a new chapter for human civilization, what I see here is a 'rebirth' scenario involving a dying Earth and a Mars coming to life. In a way we are returning to the place of origin, the realm of Genesis... For many people the idea of resurrection immediately brings to mind Jesus, who is essentially a Christianized Osiris-Horus. The birth (resurrection) of Horus is the resurrection of Christ. This is something found encoded in the Olympics' closing ceremony. As reader 'pjk' pointed out: You missed the biggest symbolism of the closing ceremony--the resurrection theme itself. During Orthodox Easter one small light leaves the petafion--tomb of Christ. That light then lights others, and as one passes the light on, one says "Christos Anesti!" (Christ is Risen). The response is "Alithos Anesti (Indeed He is Risen.) Unless you're Orthodox you would have missed it. No one in the stadium missed it!

This also represents a continuation of the eugenics theme, i.e. light/life/seed being passed on. The biblical association further confirms the theme's relevance to the Holy Grail - the royal blood stemming from Jesus and Mary, related to the heavenly stone theme. The mounting redundancy is a sure sign that the pattern is a valid one.

Mind Control: Monarch In Whirlwind

Another significant clue found in the Star Trek associations is the notion of 'mind control', as for example we find that The Wrath of Khan prominently features 'Ceti' eels capable of mind manipulation. The reader may recall that I brought up the subject of mind control in Endgame V (June '03) as something potentially linked to the Ultra-Tech symbolism:

...the phrase 'Ultra-Tech' [was in effect alluding to] Nazi 'ultra'-technology. [W]ith the emergence of the CIA in our discussion we are now encouraged to pay attention to MK-ULTRA, the agency's infamous mindcontrol project stemming from the work of former Nazi scientists. This is quite literally 'ultra tech' seeded by the Third Reich. It's been theorized that HAARP and the like are capable of influencing human behavior - a realistic enough possibility. Some of the films we've already discussed also involve mind control - namely Total Recall and The Manchurian Candidate (both associated with Schwarzenegger). There is however one particular movie not yet discussed - somewhat different but more 'mind blowing' - that's been brought to my attention by a number of Etemenanki readers as having great significance in this context - The Wizard of Oz (1939).

The story involves a tornado (echoing Mission To Mars, Set, and Florida hurricanes) that bridges two different worlds/dimensions like a 'stargate'. And there is one scene, pictured below, clearly showing a big yellow spiral looking extremely similar to Athens' 'crop circle'! When I saw the image, I knew - agreeing with the observant Etemenankians - that The Wizard of Oz was an integral part of the Contact ritual message.

In the story, Dorothy - main character - is swallowed up by the tornado, through which she enters an alternate reality called the 'Land of Oz' where she is told by a witch to follow the 'Yellow Brick Road' stemming from the spiral in order to return home (Kansas). We can view Dorothy as an alter ego of Ellie Arroway in Contact who similarly travels to a virtual alien world through a twister-like wormhole in the space-time continuum opened up by a stargate machine, which is also a theme woven into the Athens opening ceremony. Indeed, on her otherworldly journey Dorothy encounters various witches, just as the Olympics' opening day Aug. 13 was a day sacred to the witch-goddess Hecate closely associated with torches. Related to this also is Contact in one scene showing Halloween, another day associated with witches. We even find that the name 'Dorothy' means 'gift from God' to resonate with the Olympic flame representing the ultimate gift given to mankind by its creator god Prometheus.

So definitely there are connections... And isn't it kind of heart-warming to see a classic fairy tale finding its way into the Athenean Contact message? Actually, no. As is often the case, the more fluffy the appearance, the darker the hidden implications. And it does get intensely disturbing... It turns out The Wizard of Oz has a sinister side that would embolden my speculation regarding MK-ULTRA as there is a conspiracy theory out there claiming - not without evidence - that there is an MK-ULTRA offshoot called 'Project Monarch' that employs the Oz story as a tool to mind-control the 'chosen' - usually said to be abused - children, turning them into 'Monarch slaves'. According to Cathy O'Brien, described as a successfully deprogrammed former Monarch slave whose horrible life story is told in her book, Project Monarch operates like this: Dissociative Identity Disorder ~ DID (formerly termed Multiple Personality Disorder) is the mind's sane defense to an insane situation. It is a way of dealing with trauma that is literally too horrible to comprehend. Incestuous rape violates primitive instincts and surpasses pain tolerance. By compartmentalizing the memory of such horrendous abuse, the rest of the mind can function "normally" as though nothing has happened. This compartmentalization is created by the brain actually shutting down neuron pathways to a specific part of the brain. These neuron pathways are triggered open again when the abuse recurs. The same part of the brain that is already conditioned to the trauma deals with it again-and-again as needed. [...] This Project Monarch mind control operation was then, as now "recruiting" multigenerational incest abused children with Dissociative Identity Disorder for its genetic mind control studies". I was a prime "candidate", a "chosen one". [...] Government researchers involved in MK Ultra Project Monarch knew about the photographic memory aspect of MPD, as well as other resultant "super human" characteristics. Visual acuity of an MPD is 44 times greater than that of the average person. My developed and unusually high pain threshold plus compartmentalization of memory were "necessary" for military and covert operations development. [...] My father seized the opportunity as it would provide him immunity from prosecution. He was hurriedly flown to Boston for a two week course on how to raise my brother and I for this off-shoot of MK Ultra, Project Monarch. [...] My Uncle Bob helped my father decorate my bedroom in red, white and blue paneling and American flags. He provided assistance in scrambling my mind according to Project Monarch methodologies. This was to confuse fantasy with reality when it came to fairy tale themes, particularly Disney stories and the Wizard of Oz, which laid the base for future programming. As I said, disturbing stuff... The issue of photographic memory and the notion of 'super human' remind us of Schwarzenegger who is a Hollywood-made 'superman' associated with 'Total Recall' - 'total recall' being synonymous with photographic memory. And again, The Manchurian Candidate was released just this year on Arnold's birthday (July 30) shortly before the Athens Olympics. O'Brien writes more on the Oz connection: The majority of my programming was Oz-theme based . This means the combination of codes, keys and triggers to access me were related to L. Frank Baum's story The Wizard of Oz. Whether or not it was Baum's intention, it is evident that his psychologically intense story was used for manipulating minds. Much of The Wizard of Oz lends itself to themes commonly used by perpetrators. For example, nearly all Multiple Personality Disorders (MPDs) have suffered the loss of pets during ritualized torture. And all of Dorothy's nightmarish experiences "over the rainbow in Oz" stemmed from her desire to risk her own life to protect her threatened pet. Abusers use this lesson to condition the victim to drop all resistance and cooperate or "I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog (or child) too." The "over the rainbow" scramble of dreams vs. reality provides abusers with a theme by which to manipulate an MPD's subconscious perception of switching personalities. Oftentimes this theme is used to suggest a trans dimensional experience like that of Oz so that a victim will perceive the experience as "just a bad dream" like Dorothy was told upon her awakening in her own bed back in Kansas.

Could this be true? We almost find ourselves hoping it's not, but there seem to be enough smoke to suggests some kind of fire out there. A particularly intriguing clue I've found in this direction is the film The Butterfly Effect released January this year.

First there is the 'butterfly' association - as 'Monarch' is presumably a reference to the Monarch butterfly (see picture). Secondly, the storyline: although 'the butterfly effect' ostensibly refers to an aspect of 'chaos theory' that states 'small variations in the initial conditions of a dynamical system can produce large variations in the results', the story deals more with abnormal behaviors exhibited by the mind/memories. The plot outline sounds suspiciously familiar: A young man (Kutcher) blacks out harmful memories of significant events of his life. As he grows up he finds a way to remember these lost memories and a supernatural way to alter his life. Blacking out disturbing memories is the very process exploited by the trauma-based mind programming method, i.e. Project Monarch. The unexpectedly dark story from Hollywood involves incestuous sexual abuse, pet killing, and prostitution... These are all key elements of the Monarch programming! The Butterfly Effect is also a story about time travel thus confirming the stargate-mind control connection. The original scenario used by the 'butterfly effect' theory adds another level of interconnectivity: Edward Lorenz first analyzed the effect in a 1963 paper for the New York Academy of Sciences. According to the paper, "One meteorologist remarked that if the theory were correct, one flap of a seagull's wings would be enough to alter the course of the weather forever." Later speeches and papers by Lorenz used the more poetic butterfly, possibly inspired by the 1952 Ray Bradbury short story A Sound of Thunder. In that story, a time traveller accidentally steps on a butterfly in the distant past, causing broad changes in the present. A common description of the effect says that a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil can cause a tornado in Texas months later. Altering weather... Tornado... Can you say HAARP? Florida hurricanes? The Wizard of Oz? It's all there. Now, in light of the newly introduced context of mind-control, what are we to make of this 'twister'?

Remember, this one came on Sept 2, merely days after the Athens spiral (Aug 29) and Schwarzenegger's charismatic national convention speech (Aug 31). This 'twister' was set up only for George W. Bush on the final day of the convention... It is almost as if we are to view Bush as a 'Dorothy' or a 'Manchurian Candidate' - i.e. a mind-programmed 'monarch'. Perhaps it's not so literal; it may well have been just a way of attaching the notion of a 'monarch' (president) to the twister theme so as to amplify the Project Monarch allusion. Or it may well have been a foreshadowing, a 'prophecy', announcing the rise of a real 'Monarch' underway... We should take into consideration, however, the fact that Cathy O'Brien outed Dick Cheney, along with Bush Sr., as one of the brutal Monarch handlers/programmers. The story related is so appalling, even for Cheney, that I'm frankly not sure how credible her claim is. But if there is some truth to it, then we can't help but wonder if George W's apparent subservience to the Vice President has something to do with mind programming. Well, who knows. What I feel is more important is the potential implication of this kind of mindcontrol operation (or psyops) being used against the entire US population. Remember, we are talking about a trauma-based mind-control method. What is Bush-Cheney's America but a trauma-driven nation? The events of 9/11 psychologically traumatized American people - no one disputes that. And there is no question that the Bush administration has invoked 9/11 again and again and again and again to program and trigger the trauma-driven mentality. Then in the spring of 2004 came the gruesome videos showing Americans and others getting beheaded. Scenes so violent they were sure to psychologically traumatize anyone who watched them. I would compare this to the pet-killing ritual of Monarch. The same period also brought the US a sense of profound national shame - the Iraqi prison torture scandal. It came right after the release of a 2-hour torture film called The Passion of the Christ, deliberately designed to shock people, especially the religions ones. Its video/DVD came out on August 31, the day of Schwarzenegger's speech in NYC... As Cheney and Bush took their turns at the RNC following Arnold (Sept 1 and 2 respectively), another shocking event unfolded in Beslan, Russia. This was a school hostage situation ending disastrously, leaving hundreds of children dead and others at least tortured (i.e. physical and psychological suffering). Also disturbing in this case were the images coming through the media that were subtly moving in the direction of child pornography - see these pages on CNN and BBC for example. It just seems to get sicker and sicker.

Torture is of course an essential component of the trauma-based mind-programming methodology. Accordingly we see more and more people acting as if they are robots responding mindlessly to commands coming from authority figures, particularly the Nazi-like radical rightwing propaganda network (helped by the subservient and useless left counterpart), closely tied to the Texas oil-energy forces pulling political strings with their oily fingers. Fitting, therefore, that in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, the 'mind' of Schwarzenegger's Terminator character gets reprogrammed by the Terminator 'TX'. As I wrote earlier: The 'TX' designation conjures up 'Texas', the official abbreviation of which is in fact 'TX'. Many scenes in the film are very Texas-like to underscore the connection. It cannot be missed that Texas represents the political 'Ground Zero' in the post-9/11 period under the Bush presidency. Both Bush and Cheney are from Texas and have done shady dealings with corrupt Texas energy/oil corporations like Enron and Halliburton. Without Texas there probably would have been no Iraq invasion or even 9/11. Schwarzenegger has a shadowy Texas connection as well - a connection seemingly acknowledged in T3 as he utters 'TX corrupted me'... The fact is, Arnie's rise in California politics has much to do with the state's disastrous energy situation (massive blackouts etc.) which in turn was driven by the corrupt practices of Texas energy companies, particularly Enron. Both in T3 and Total Recall, Arnold's character ends up fighting against his handlers... which is very interesting and may hint at what he would do once installed in the White House. Should this scenario play out in real life, his Antichristic or Beast-like role would end up transforming into one we might call the 'Last Action Hero' who defeats the insidious 'TX' cabal. Something to keep in mind in the coming years as events unfold. The 'endgame' began on 9/11. There is a growing perception even inside the US that the official explanation of 9/11 is just one big fabrication. A large and growing body of evidence suggests that a rogue faction in/behind the US government and military-industrial complex was behind the trauma-inducing events. In his new book Crossing the Rubicon, respected independent investigator/journalist Michael C. Ruppert (of From the Wilderness) even names Dick Cheney as a 9/11 mastermind. On his website is written: The attacks of September 11th, 2001 were accomplished through an amazing orchestration of logistics and personnel. Crossing the Rubicon discovers and identifies the key suspects and persons of interest - finding some of them in the highest echelons of American government - by showing how they acted in concert to guarantee that the attacks occurred and produced the desired result. [...] After two and a half years of research and writing, Ruppert said: "In my new book I will be making several key points: 1. I will name Vice President Richard Cheney as the prime suspect in the mass murders of 9/11 and will establish that, not only was he a planner in the attacks, but also that on the day of the attacks he was running a completely separate Command, Control and Communications system which was superceding any orders being issued by the FAA, the Pentagon, or the White House Situation Room; 2. I will establish conclusively that in May of 2001, by presidential order, Richard Cheney was put in direct command and control of all wargame and field exercise training and scheduling through several agencies, especially FEMA. This also extended to all of the conflicting and overlapping NORAD drills -- some involving hijack simulations -- taking place on that day. 3. I will also demonstrate that the TRIPOD II exercise being set up on Sept. 10th in Manhattan was directly connected to Cheney's role in the above. 4. I will also prove conclusively that a number of public officials, at the national and New York City levels, including then-Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, were aware that flight 175 was en route to lower Manhattan for 20 minutes and did nothing to order the evacuation of, or warn the occupants of the South Tower. One military officer was forced to leave his post in the middle of the attacks and place a private call to his brother - who worked at the WTC - warning him to get out. That was because no other part of the system was taking action.

5. I will also show that the Israeli and British governments acted as partners with the highest levels of the American government to help in the preparation and, very possibly, the actual execution of the attacks." So the clues are there. The subtitle of Ruppert's book is The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil to paint a picture paralleling my own view - that the United States as we know it is about to be terminated (already in the process) and the 'torch' of the New World is being passed on to Mars. Even Cathy O'Brien's book concerning Project Monarch carries a similarly suggestive title: ' TRANCE Formation of America'... In this light the unprecedented event of having a series of four major 'spirals of wind' hitting Florida - a state governed by Bush's brother - starts to hint at a mass mind-control operation being conducted against the American populace. It is only fitting that there is a significant overlap between weather-manipulation and mind-manipulation methodologies/technologies.

Exit the Matrix - Mayan Final Countdown

Those who are continuing to resist the media-assisted psyops in the United States can clearly perceive the nation entering an 'alternate reality' based on lies, arrogance, fear, and denial. When the mainstream media keep feeding people unbalanced and heavily filtered information, it gets very difficult to not have a very skewed worldview. Control the information flow, and you control the people. Just look at what the Nazis were able to achieve with their bold propaganda tactics of 'big lies' (or 'shock and awe'). You don't have to go high-tech to carry out effective 'mind control' operations. Well-coordinated networking is often all you need to create a false reality for the lowly populace. When the government and the corporate media are on the same side opposite the general public, 'reality' is easily what they decide it is. Americans today are kept in a bubble, surrounded by cleverly crafted illusions. Clearly it is by design that the US finds itself increasingly out of step with the rest of the world. We now have a convenient term for describing the situation - 'the Matrix'. It's a great metaphor provided to us by the the popular 'The Matrix' movie trilogy. And it seems only natural that within The Matrix itself is found a lot of metaphoric references to The Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland.

The naming and concept of 'the Matrix' apparently came from a four-episode serial on the British sciencefiction television series Doctor Who, called The Deadly Assassin (1976). This relates back to the Monarch project designed among other things to create sleeper assassins who can be 'triggered' into action. Additionally The Matrix's main concept of machines vs. humans closely follows Schwarzenegger's Terminator series.

Another word interchangeable with 'illusion' or 'the Matrix' is 'Maya' of Hinduism and Sikhism: A modern concept that illustrates Maya/Illusion wonderfully is the Sci-Fi Movie "The Matrix". Everything in The Matrix is believed to be real, until the character Neo wakes up, and sees that it's just a dream world. One who is asleep never knows he is until he wakes up. The term is popularly known for being the name of a mysterious Mesoamerican civilization. Not only did the ancient cultures of Mesoamerica - Maya, Aztec, etc. - inhabit areas straddling the hyperdimensional latitude 19.5 N, they used planet Venus as a key component in their famously sophisticated time-keeping system, which tells us there is something worth investigating here. These days the Mayan culture is attracting more and more attention thanks of course to '2012', now looming right around the corner - i.e. the 'end date' marked by the Venus-driven Mayan calendar. It's important to note again that the year 2004 is celestially stressed by the Transit of Venus, the rare union of the Sun and Venus - a phenomenon that occurs in pairs every 100-120 years. The last pair was in 1874 and 1882, and the latest pair in 2004 and... you guessed it, 2012.

This implies that the 'super torch ritual' of 2004 involving themes of Contact, stargate, Mars, Genesis, heavenly stone, planetary seeding, etc. were designed to interact with the year 2012, making 2004 a point in the spiral of time vertically aligned with the Mayan 'end date'. The sense of design dramatically increases when added that the start date of the ('Long Count') Mayan calendar is widely thought to be either August 11 or August 13, 3114 BC - 'August 13' being the date marked this year by the opening of the Olympics. (August 13 is important even to the Aztec/Tenochtitln calendar for which August 13, 1521 is one of the two dates widely used to correlate it with the western Julian calendar.) It's also ritualistically noteworthy that '3114 BC' would turn into 3-11-04, the date of the Madrid train bombings involving the world's only Lucifer (= Venus) statue, 'prophesied' by the 'Terminator Code' as discussed earlier. In this emerging big picture, the earlier 'Sun Stone' (= heavenly stone) theme highlighted by the successive 'falling from the sky' events of Pope Petros VII and the Genesis spacecraft would morph into a gateway connected to a whole new complex of 'signs' indirectly showing us what we're facing at this momentous point in history... Turns out, one of the most striking crop circles in 2004 - created on August 2-3 at Silbury Hill near Beckhampton, Wiltshire in England - was what we may call a 'Sun Stone' crop circle!


As noted by the 'Crop Circle Connector' website, the mesmerizing formation looked very 'Aztec': Whoever, or whatever, is responsible for the August 2 to 3, 2004, crop formation at Silbury Hill, the design in its border is a mirror image of a rare statue of the Aztec God, Xochipilli, The Prince of Flowers, Maizes, Love, Games, Beauty, Song and Dance. Xochi means 'flower,' while pilli means either prince or child. In the mid-1800's, a 16th century Aztec statue of Xochipilli was unearthed on the side of the volcano Popocatapetl near Tlamanalco, Mexico. The statue is of a single figure seated upon a temple-like base. Two key things here: 1) Xochipilli being a god of love and games makes it relatable not only to Venus but also to Eros - the male god of love - who played such a major role in the open ceremony at the Athens Games; 2) Xochipilli being literally 'flower prince' makes it relevant to Florida and its ritualistic hurricanes ('winds circles') since 'Florida' is a Spanish adjective meaning 'flowery'. Next, the crop circle appearing on August 3 (started on August 2 and completed the next day) has the function of reinforcing the above associations:

1. The ultimate 'torch bearer' Statue of Liberty, closed to the public after 9/11, reopened on August

2. Venus the 'torch star' was situated inside the band of the Milky Way (i.e. our spiral galaxy) at the
'torch' region of Orion (making the constellation an analogue of the Statue of Liberty).

3. At dawn of August 4 in Athens, overlapping New York's August 3 (6-7 hours behind Greece), Venus
crossed the heavenly due-east line exactly when Sirius - a star symbolically interchangeable with Venus - was rising at the horizon. Venus at this special moment was approximately 33 degrees

(32.67 degrees) above the local horizon - '33' being a well known Masonic 'ritual' number (and the number of the Nile's 'anchor meridian', 33E, in my Time River Theory).

So there is enough here to suggest to us that the 'Aztec crop circle' was another key piece of the 'alien message' puzzle driven by the 'super torch ritual'.

Next up is the elevated significance accorded to the 'Sun Stone' theme. The combination of 1) the Aztec culture, 2) the circular nature of the crop glyph, and 3) the Mayan calendar theme in the background together evokes the famous Aztec Calendar (link 2, 3) shown below.


On the Crop Circle Connector page is noted: Historically, the Aztec name for the huge basaltic monolith is Cuauhxicalli Eagle Bowl, but it is universally known as the Aztec Calendar or Sun Stone. It was during the reign of the 6th Aztec monarch in 1479 that this stone was carved and dedicated to the principal Aztec deity: the sun. The stone has both mythological and astronomical significance. It weighs almost 25 tons, has a diameter of just under 12 feet, and a thickness of 3 feet. Yes, the Aztec Calendar is widely known as the 'Sun Stone'! Now let's go back to the 'Sun Stone' ritual carried out by NASA on Sept 8, i.e. the 'Contact' moment when heaven and earth were united as the Genesis space capsule returning from the Sun crashed into the Utah desert. On the same day was produced a due-east alignment of Venus, Saturn, Moon, and Galactic anticenter as seen from Giza where stands the Great Pyramid missing its capstone/Benben Stone - the 'Genesis seed' - analogous to the 'Sun Stone'. The symbolic implication being that the pyramid's missing 'Sun Stone' returned from the sky in the form of the Genesis capsule. The Genesis probe's mission was about bringing back the 'winds' of the Sun (solar wind samples). The solar wind - charged particles, or ions, spewed by the Sun - has much to do with the 'sunspot' activity driving solar flares and coronal mass ejections which in turn affect the earth's magnetic field and cause the aurora phenomenon near the polar regions. Every 11 years the Sun reaches a 'solar maximum', i.e. when the number of sunspots peaks or when the Sun is the most active. This is known as the sunspot cycle; it's the state of the Sun or... the 'sunshine state', as in Florida - the state hit by four major hurricanes or... winds! (So the Florida hurricanes were symbolically 'solar winds', hinting at the importance of the 'state of the Sun'.)

The previous peak, that of 'Cycle 23', officially came in 2001, the year of 9/11. As well known, 9/11 produced a lot of '11's, starting with the 11-shaped Twin Towers, having 110 floors, getting hit on the 11th day of the month by two planes the first of which was Flight 11, and such. Now with the persistent 'Sun Stone' theme alluding to the sunspot cycle, it becomes highly suggestive that the next sunspot peak, exactly 11 years from 2001, will mark 2012, the Mayan end date! This connection is reinforced by Maurice M. Cotterell's theory presented in The Mayan Prophecies (1995, co-written with Adrian Gilbert) showing that the strange rhythm of the Mayan calendar - which is a more sophisticated 'cousin' of the Aztec calendar - coherently interacts with the complex cycles of the solar magnetic fields. And here comes the punch line: it's already been claimed, quite convincingly, that the 'Aztec crop circle' is a coded calendar pinpointing the year... 2012!


On the Crop Circle Connector webpage is featured the following analysis done by one 'C. Lewis' making the case that the circle's design encodes a 'Mayan calendar' sequence, counting down to 'time zero': The Calendar Clock [some emphasis added/removed] The new Silbury crop-picture takes 'crop messages' to a new level! Anyone can see that it encodes some kind of important message, relevant to ancient Mayan-Aztec prophecy. So I spent several days learning Mayan-Aztec calendar systems, and now believe that the interpretation is

unique and straightforward. It seems to be just a large " calendar clock", with time shown in four different units (analogous to days, hours, minutes or seconds) along the outside, plus a 'moving clock mechanism' in the center. Both 'inner hands' tell us that we lie precisely (52 / 6) = 8.67 years from the end of the 'Fourth Sun' in 2012.9, where 2004.6 (August) + 8.67 = 2012.9 (almost). The same picture would have had to be drawn in February 2004.2 to be perfectly accurate (no crops were growing then). Aztecs and Mayans used three different calendar systems with 260, 360 or 365 days per year, but the cropartist for simplicity drew everything in 360-day 'years'. Outer dial of the clock: 4 shaded areas represent 5200 years each, and symbolize four previous or current "Suns", just as for the Calendar Stone in Mexico. 10 outer boxes per Sun (over any 90 degree quadrant, with boxes 1 and 2 always shaded) represent 520 years each. 10 inner boxes per Sun (again over any 90 degree quadrant) represent 52 years each (the most fundamental Mayan unit of time covered 52 years, as the convergence of 365 and 260-day calendars). Finally, because we lie so close to 2012.9, the crop-artist added a feature not present in Mayan-Aztec culture: he/she divided the two inner-boxes closest to any shaded region into finer divisions of (52 / 6) = 8.67 years, by means of (2 x 3) =6 fine-lines. Now both "hands of the clock" point precisely to the last fine line before any shaded region, meaning that we lie today "8.67 years from the end of the Fourth Sun". Inner hands of the clock: two 'bundles' of 20 fine lines [ed. note: actually there are only 19 fine lines, but the number would remain 20 if the attached curved line is counted - Goro] tell us that we are working in Mayan-Aztec mathematics. For most historical dates or 'long count', the Mayans or Aztecs used powers of 20: for example 20 days per month, 20 years, 20 x 20 years, 20 x 20 x 20 years. Thus within any 'Sun' of 5200 years (as shown four times on the outer dial), we find 13 x 20 x 20 = 5200 years calculated in another way, and sometimes represented as 13.0.0. Looking again at the inner hands, we see however only (2 x 6) = 12 thick curves above and below: signifying 12.0.0, and indicating that 13.0.0 is near. [Ed. note: As before, if the bundle of 19 fine lines are counted together with the curved lines, the total number would be 14 (i.e. 7 x 2); the bundle counted as only half a line because of the irregularity, thus representing 0.5, the total number would be 13 (i.e. 6.5 x 2), as in '' or the end/completion. Applying this to the earlier case, we would have '19.5' as the number, thus seemingly alluding to the tetrahedral/hyperdimensional/stargate angle. - Goro] Summary: Two different Mayan-Aztec calendar schemes are encoded in the diagram, leaving no possibility for error. The outer dial counts time as 52 x 10 x 10 =5200, and uses a set of six fine lines near any shaded area for greater accuracy, namely 52 / 6 = 8.67. [ed. note: the significance here being that subtracting '8.67' years from the Mayan end date of Dec. 21, 2012 brings us to 2004, i.e. when the crop circle was created. - Goro] The inner hands count time as 12 x 20 x 20 or 12.0.0, since 13 x 20 x 20 = 13.0.0 = 5200 has not yet been reached. [ed. note: or as I've noted, the inner hands can easily be interpreted as signifying Goro] Because the information provided in both parts is redundant, we can be sure that the interpretation is correct. In other words, "the end of the Fourth Sun is near and on schedule". An incredibly clever scheme of pictorial mathematics. C. Lewis As far as I can tell, the above analysis is internally consistent (though shaky in some areas) and makes a strong case for the crop formation being a reference to the Mayan Calendar and 2012. The fact that

mainstream news organizations like BBC ran a story on this otherworldly creation just a day before the opening of the Olympics (Aug 12), discussing its Mayan nature, speaks volumes about its intended significance.

Cosmogenesis Alignment
The deeper we look into the Mayan Calendar, the more we realize that it is central to the 'alien contact message'. All the preceding themes of Contact, stargate, Mars, America, Nazis, Sun Stone, Genesis, eugenics, weather control, mind control, Schwarzenegger, Mary-Venus-Isis, 9/11, and such share a convergence point on the Mayan 'end of time' 2012 (as well as 2010). For instance, the Mayan calendar (specifically its key 260-day cycle called 'Tzolkin') encodes within in its scheme not only Venus but also phi (Golden Ratio/Proportion). As explained by Maya expert John Major Jenkins: The word tzolkin refers to the sacred cycle of 260 days which is the centerpiece of a sophisticated calendar system developed almost 3000 years ago by the indigenous people of Mesoamerica. The Classic Maya civilization (200 A.D. to 900 A.D.) brought this system to its highest and most profound expression. They utilized the tzolkin cycle and the solar year cycle to predict eclipses, planetary motion, and to schedule agricultural activities. [...] The "key" to the Venus Calendar of the Maya is the 260-day tzolkin cycle. The framework of days created by the tzolkin cycle allowed the ancient Maya to predict exactly when Venus would rise as morningstar. The full "Venus Round" period created by the combination of tzolkin, Venus cycle and solar year, amounts to just under 104 years. Evidence concerning the details of this system are contained in the Dresden Codex, one of the few remaining Mayan books. [...] My work proposes that the Maya discovered and incorporated universal principles into their calendric philosophy. Perhaps I should be a little less cryptic and explain exactly what I mean. The Golden Proportion is a unique ratio responsible for the generation of self-same similarity in nature. "Self-same similarity" refers to an organism or process which replicates itself based upon its previous form. For example, seashells or pine cones tend to grow by replicating the same pattern over and over; these forms are typically spiral shaped. But self-same similarity is not limited to spirals. Tree branching, human reproduction and cell mitosis are processes ruled by self-same similarity. The specific mathematical growth pattern followed in these processes is governed by the Golden Proportion (symbolized by the Greek letter f; PHI). The Pythagorean school of thought believed that the celestial order was determined by the Golden Proportion. It is also one of the foundation principles of ancient Egyptian Sacred Science. [...] I argue in my book Tzolkin that the Golden Proportion is at the core of the tzolkin's mathematical and philosophical dynamics which connect human unfolding with the planets (the subject-object interface). [...] In this way the Golden Proportion, like the tzolkin, provides a connection between organic spirals in nature (including the "spiral-unfolding" of gestation), and planetary cycles such as the 5:8 Sun/Venus ratio. For readers unfamiliar with this amazing fact, this is just to say that Venus passes through exactly 5 morningstar risings every 8 years. 5:8, like 13:20, is a PHI ratio. [...] So the Golden Proportion is one of the "universal principles" which the Maya seem to have intuited and incorporated into the structure of the tzolkin calendar. This is the central insight opening the way to a more detailed discussion of the "core principles" of Mayan Time Philosophy. That these "core principles" are universal is, in itself, a breakthrough in our understanding of the Mayan calendar. So we are back to the phi/Fibonacci spiral, highlighted during the closing ceremony in Athens! And of course, Athens' spiral was literally a crop circle - one associated with a torch, Venus, and the Sun Stone just like the Aztec/Maya crop circle. They were clearly alter egos - conceptually interchangeable and designed to corroborate and enhance each other's encoded 'message'!

Aug 29, '04

Aug 03, '04

The Mayan 'end date' even ends up interacting with the Milky Way in a surprisingly direct way - specifically with the Galactic Equator and Center, just like the Athens spiral/circle. Earlier I wrote: ...the Milky Way is indeed a starry spiral. ... The [Athens] spiral's causeway [aligned with the Olympic flame tower] can signify a celestial line such as the Galactic Equator/Meridian or the due-east column highlighted by Venus.

Well, indeed, it turns out that the Mayan 'end time', Dec 21, 2012, is understood by John Major Jenkins explained in his books Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 and Galactic Alignment - to have been designed to pinpoint the solstice Sun's rare (13,000-year cycle) alignment with the Galactic Equator/Center!



Dramatically echoing the cosmic design is this familiar scene from Athens' opening ceremony featuring the giant Face and a red centaur...

As we recall, the 'Martian' face emerged after the centaur threw a spear into the lake. The centaur, while already compared to the Great Sphinx, inevitably reminds us of the constellation Sagittarius known as 'the Archer' and traditionally perceived as a centaur with a bow and arrow. The following passage from Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning (Richard Allen, p.354) all but confirms the connection: An inscription, on a fragment of a planisphere, transcribed by Sayce as Utucagaba, the Light of the White Face, and by Pinches as Udgudua, the Flowing (?) Day, or the Smiting Sun Face, is supposed to be an allusion to this constellation (Sagittarius). [emphasis added] So the Athenean Face was the 'White Face' or 'Smiting Sun Face' and the centaur the Sagittarius constellation. The significance being that the Galactic Center is located in Sagittarius. Not only that, in its traditional depiction Sagittarius aims its arrow closely at the Galactic Center!

That Sagittarius, Mars/Cydonia, the sphinx, and the Face are closely interconnected is made more evident in the book Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars (2002) by David Flynn from the 'Watcher' website which is of course already inseparable from the 2002 Crabwood alien crop glyph. Here are relevant passages: Sagittarius is important in reckoning the cataclysmic Aion cycle of time, pointing out as he does the place where the Ouroboros serpent [the Milky Way] is "connected"... Sagittarius resides on one of the two places the Milky Way intersects the ecliptic... [p.14] The skill of hunting and invention of archery was credited to the Kabiroi or Kouretes, the origin of the name of the island of Crete. The Semitic word for hunter is tzidon, the root of "Sidonia" and "Cydonia". [p.74] Euphratean Cuneiform inscriptions associated the constellation Sagittarius with Nergal, the god of Mars... The Mesopotamian archer-god Nergal was associated with war, fire and the planet Mars, and was the double of the constellation Sagittarius, the arrow-man who pointed the sign of the suntelia in the mouth of the Ouroboros. [p.82] According to the records of the Assyrians and Babylonians, Nergal was considered the deity represented by the sign Sagittarius... Unlike the depiction of Sagittarius in modern zodiacs as a half human half horse, Nergal was often depicted in Babylonian art as a distinctly Cydonian, lion with a human head... The Egyptians depicted Sagittarius with the same sphinx-like lion/human features which they had attributed to their god Horus... The Egyptian Denderah... Zodiac depicts Sagittarius as an archer with a face in two halves, a face of a lion on one side and the face of a human on the other. [pp.209-210] It all fits beautifully. At this point we can safely conclude that the causeway pinpointing the center of Athens' spiral, symbolic of the Galactic Center (or anti-center), did indeed represent the Galactic Equator (a line that always passes through the Galactic Center). Naturally the Olympic flame would signify the solstice Sun in this model supported by the opening ceremony depicting the heavenly flame as a form of ' Sun Stone' fallen from heaven.

And isn't it just perfect that Jenkins' 1998 book, the first to reveal the galactic nature of the Mayan end-date, is titled 'Maya Cosmogenesis 2012'? The term 'cosmogenesis' together with the Sun's galactic alignment flawlessly describes the crash of the Genesis capsule after returning from the Sun, taking place 10 days after the appearance of Athens' spiral, Sept 8, when there was a Venus-Saturn-MoonGalactic Center-due-east alignment at Giza at which stands the Great Pyramid missing its Benben/Sun Stone symbolized by the Genesis capsule.

Even the 10-day offset between the Athens spiral and Genesis is perfect because the 'Aztec crop circle' was created exactly 10 days before Athens' opening ceremony. Let us now go through Jenkins' summary of Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 (source) to get a clearer understanding of his work: Historically, [Maya Cosmogenesis 2012] is to my knowledge the first in-depth, serious, and comprehensive exploration of the Galactic Alignment; in a sense, I broke the case. Here I would like to summarize the salient points of my new reconstruction that contributes a great deal to our evolving understanding of ancient Maya cosmology. We have entered a new era of understanding. 1. The Maya intended the 2012 end-date of the 13-baktun cycle of their Long Count calendar to target the rare alignment of the solstice sun with the Galactic Center of our Milky Way galaxy. 2. They encoded this alignment into their basic institutions, including the Creation Myth, king accession rites, and the sacred ballgame. I term this idea-complex the Galactic Cosmology. 3. Izapa is the origin place of the Long Count and the Maya Creation myth, which serve as the astronomical, calendric, ritual, and mythological foundation of the Galactic Cosmology. 4. An unrecognized astronomical message in the Pyramid of Kukulcan at Chichen Itza (where the famous shadow-serpent event occurs every equinox) involves the alignment of the sun and the Pleiades in the zenith. My reconstruction here is supported by evidence in Maya iconography, calendrics, and archaeoastronomy. I termed it the Zenith Cosmology. 5. In addition, I identified the New Fire ceremony and the Calendar Round as the systems used to track the alignment of the sun and the Pleiades in the zenith. 6. Thus, Chichen Itza was identified as a place that recognized not only the future 2012 alignment of sun and Galactic Center, but a future convergence (in the 21st century) of solar and Pleiadian energy. 7. Given that the Pleiades and the Galactic Center are roughly opposed in the sky, I proposed that the Maya understood the two alignments to occur in the 21st century (over Chichen Itza, at least) as an opening of the Evolutionary Axis that extends from the Galactic Center, through earth, and out towards the Galactic Anti-Center region of the Pleiades. The implications of this are profound, and embrace ideas in Vedic and Egyptian cosmology.

All of this is completely new, with no inkling of a precedent elsewhere. None of this is derived directly from the work of others; however, my findings did emerge from a comprehensive synthesis of academic perspectives and source studies. In the largest context of what seems to be implied, if not demonstrated here, the Maya were interested in two parts of the sky and two precession-caused alignment that occur in those directions. Both of those alignments are very rare and involve the entire frame of the sky rather than merely local conjunctions of planets. The alignments of our local solstice/equinox framework to the Galactic Center and to the Pleiades, incredibly, both occur in the 21st century. The Maya created an entire set of myths and deities to encode these celestial convergences . The former is the resurrection of One Hunahpu; the latter is the return of Quetzalcoatl. Astronomically speaking, we are aligning via the solstitial axis with the Galactic Center and the Galactic Anti-Center . [...] Related links for further exploration: The How and Why of the Mayan End Date in 2012 AD Maya Calendar and Cosmology Review-Essay of The Mayan Prophecies

What's really intriguing here is that the precise alignment of the solstice Sun and the Galactic Equator has already taken place in 1998, and Jenkins readily admits this. It is true that 14 years represents a negligible difference for an ancient calendar that covers a vast period of time, but for our recent 'rituals' emphasizing the galactic alignment, this is a big issue that cannot be brushed aside. So let's get even more precise about this using the following information provided by Jenkins: article by Daniel Giamario pointed out that European astronomer Jean Meeus calculated and published in his book Mathematical Astronomy Morsels, the date of May 1998 for the alignment. Later on in '98, I was told that the Nautical Observatory calculated - with overconfident precision in my opinion October 27, 1998. Can you believe this? It was the very days surrounding 'October 27' in 1998 that gave us the EQ Pegasi 'ET contact' fiasco! As discussed in Part 1, that 'hoax' was apparently designed to function as a precursor to the 'Contact' crop glyphs that would come into existence just few years ahead (2000, 2001, and 2002/Crabwood). See the implication here? It was apparently for this reason, i.e. the actual 'Mayan' galactic alignment, that the 'Contact' ritual series extends back to ~Oct. 1998. This in turn makes evident that 1) the 'ritual' is real, 2) our decoding so far is valid, and 3) the 'Contact' communication has much to do with the Mayan 'end of time' concept.

Titanic Fall
In the ritualistic 'countdown', the significance evidently attached to 2004 derives from the Transit of Venus (the second of which will mark 2012). Another time code here involves the film/book, '2010: The Year We Make Contact' (or 'Odyssey Two'), a sequel to '2001: A Space Odyssey'. Aside from its Contact theme, the plot involves turning Jupiter into a star dubbed 'Lucifer'. Jupiter is the god celebrated by the Olympic Games, and Lucifer is of course Venus. And it also interacts calendrically with 2004 in that the latter marks the midpoint between 1998 and 2010 - 6 years on each side. Clues like these encourage us to view '2010' as part of the grand 'ritual'/riddle. Naturally it carries a dark connotation since 2001: A Space Odyssey was 'answered' by the 9/11 attacks in 2001. We could even infer that there is an active timetable counting down to a major event in 2010 designed to finish off the United States thereby clearing the way for the rise of the next New World, Mars. It's certainly ominous that 2001 is 9 years away from 2010 and 11 years from 2012 - i.e. 9 & 11 - seemingly acknowledging the 9/11 connection and the 2-year difference between 2010 and 2012. The projected 'major event' in 2010 (and/or 2012) is likely to be an orchestrated 'inside job' like 9/11, carefully planned and executed by a secret cabal made up of Nazi-related bankers, corporations, and generally the military-industrial complex that has access to 'ultra technologies' stemming from the Third

Reich, Tesla, and such. As increasingly evident these days, global production of oil is peaking right now or will peak very soon within years - meaning the age of (cheap) oil is about to end rather abruptly. This also means that human civilization itself is on the verge of collapse, ready to descend into a new dark age... literally. Survival becomes a key issue and this naturally gives rise to ugly selfishness and fierce fighting... on a global scale. It will be survival of the fittest at its worst. This, of course, need not happen. It wouldn't have become a major problem to begin with had the 'ultra technologies' been shared with the rest of the world outside of the small circle of the 'Chosen Ones'. Compared to oil and gas, hyperdimensional energy is the Promised Land - the ultimate (unlimited) energy source. Almost certainly this kind of 'stargate' technology exists somewhere in the 'black' world today. So the question is: When the known energy resources dwindle to the point of not being able to support the modern civilization, will the 'cabal' finally allow their precious toys to be 'discovered' by the rest of the world? The answer is not clear because the chances are that we're not dealing with people we would consider rational. Besides, unleashing 'stargate' technology is like giving a chained slave a key to freedom. An unlimited source of energy - or the active use of hyperspace - inevitably leads to dramatically reduced power and control for the the elite, the 'gatekeeper'. So which are they going to choose: power and chaos, or no more power and real freedom for all people? The US invasion of Iraq (land of oil) is a good indication as to which path we're on at this time... and this road will lead to dark places. It is instructive to compare the situation to the sinking of the Titanic. The 1997 film by James Cameron (who also directed two Terminator films) vividly depicted the disturbing reality of our world - the elite easily getting their seats on the lifeboats while many of the poor folks, mistreated, were left behind to die with the doomed ship.

Like the United States being the world's only superpower, the Titanic at the time of her launch was the largest passenger steamship in existence and was considered a pinnacle of man's technological achievement. Mirroring today's American mentality, people back then commented 'Not even God himself could sink this ship'. Well, as the saying goes, 'pride goes before a fall' - i.e. the 'Lucifer' scenario. The heavy involvement of Venus (Lucifer) in the 'Contact' ritual complex currently active can easily be interpreted as a portent of the same scenario repeating, and this time the 'Titanic' is the United States, which incidentally was the destination of the Titanic.

The Titanic was the second 'Olympic'-class liner constructed by the 'White Star Line' Company - subtly relating to the themes of the Olympics and the Milky Way. More interesting is the date of its sinking, April 15, 1912 - evoking 'Project 415' mentioned in Paul Dore's final statement regarding the issue of EQ Pegasi. Was it a hint that there was a project underway attempting to bring about the titanic fall of the United States? That the year was 1912 - exactly 100 years from 2012 - also gives us more reason to purse this line of thinking. It may seem a stretch to bring the Titanic into the ritual complex, but there is at least a precedent already in existence to suggest the prophetic nature of the maritime tragedy. This is the documented fact that the Titanic story was unmistakably told 14 years before the disaster took place (the Titanic didn't even exist at the time) in Morgan Robertson's 1898 novel titled Futility. In Futility (1898) Ship Number of Passengers Pride Destination Event Time of Impact Lifeboats State-of-the-art British ocean liner called the Titan Capacity: 3000 Onboard: 3000 Considered unsinkable New York Collision with iceberg Sinking of ship April Near midnight Not enough lifeboats Actual Event (1912) State-of-the-art British ocean liner called the Titanic Capacity: 3000 Onboard: 2228 Considered unsinkable New York Collision with iceberg Sinking of ship April 15 11:40 pm Not enough lifeboats

James Cameron's Titanic was released in December 1997 and remained at #1 for months in 1998 - 14 years before 2012 - to become the highest-grossing film in history. In light of 1) the prophetic nature of Futility published 100 years before Titanic (1898/1998), 2) the prominence of Hollywood movies in the Contact/Mayan ritual complex, 3) James Cameron using Schwarzenegger in three of his films ( The Terminator, Terminator 2, & True Lies), and 4) 1998 being the year of EQ Pegasi 'Contact' fiasco and the Mayan alignment of the Milky Way and the solstice Sun, we can't help but suspect that Titanic is indeed symbolically relevant - specifically carrying the implication echoing Futility, i.e. that Cameron's film was a preview - this time more metaphoric than Futility - of what awaits us 14 years or so ahead, around 2012...

Realm of Genesis: To Be Or Not To Be

With the apparent reelection of George W. Bush, the world seems to be marching right ahead along the path to mass deaths and destruction. It's almost a given that the 'Titanic' will go down one way or another but it doesn't have to be ugly or unnecessarily painful just as the invasion of Iraq and the ensuing chaos and deaths were easily avoidable. Indeed, Iraq is probably a chilling preview of where we are headed on a larger scale and especially for the main instigator, the United States. Martial law, a police state, civil war, World War III... Whatever it may be, it's well on its way and unless we collectively wake up to realize where we're rushing toward, an apocalyptic and carefully choreographed 'Judgment Day' scenario is likely to play out in the near future. It's likely that, for the cabal of the self-appointed 'Chosen Ones', this would merely represent an acceptable solution for population reduction. Perhaps they'd consider it a convenient screening process needed before mankind - or their kind - moves on to the next New World, Mars. It may well be that they are already actively assisting the process in order to have it coincide with the Mayan calendar. Is this their longplanned 'Final Solution' being implemented at last? Do they dream of raising a racially advanced Fourth Reich on Mars? Are these just paranoid thoughts? Perhaps. Unfortunately I don't think they are farfetched at all. As they say, 'power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely'. History is corruption and now is the pinnacle of corruption. Now is when absolutely corrupted absolute power can create a worldwide and practically instant calamity because they now have the 'end of the world in a box' technology to bring about 'Armageddon' if they wish to do so. And this is prophetic more in the sense of a self-fulfilling prophecy... but perhaps it makes no difference in the end. With their advanced technologies, the 'Chosen Ones' would have the ability to become either the savior or destroyer of the world. It's a choice between continuation and a new start. This would be a major fork in the road for mankind, and without concerted effort on the part of the 'lowly' populace to wake up to the hidden reality and truth, the 'Titanic' appears destined to sink to the bottom of the ocean like Atlantis. It's a major gate that we are going through here at the 'end of time' in the 21st century. Being the last superpower left on this planet, the United States' role is naturally critical. The presidents who are to lead the nation in the coming years will play a major role guiding the ship to its destination for better or for worse. They will represent the eye of the hurricane, the center of the galactic stargate, and a monarch in the twister...

It then must be of utmost importance to the cabal - because many aspects of their 'Armageddon plan' would have to be implemented through the presidential 'gate'. The cabal would find it necessary to tightly monitor and control the upcoming leaders. Total control, if possible... i.e. a direct access to their minds. Surely, Project Monarch, MK-ULTRA, Manchurian candidate, and such would come in handy in situations like this if such projects are indeed actively being pursued in the black world. And we wonder: Is this where this charismatic, Hitler-admiring, Martian Terminator A.I., aka 'The Olympian', enters the scene to guide the ship through the gate to its watery grave?

Is Arnold Schwarzenegger slated to be installed in the White House in or around 2008, just in time for the 2010/2012 event(s) presumably already planned behind the scenes? Is Arnold going to be a literally mindcontrolled leader? Is he at some point going to turn around and fight his controllers? As of winter 2004, this appears to be an uncomfortably probable scenario. Following his late-August Republican convention speech, the idea of an Arnold presidency is, as I had predicted, openly being pushed in Washington DC and the media (this was an idea very few people took seriously before summer/fall). Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Nov 27: Sen.Orrin Hatch is pushing 'Arnold bill' 29: President Schwarzenegger? 13: Ads to back Arnold for President 19: Madeleine Albright backs foreigners for presidency 20: Arnold's world tour may be a presidential campaign trail 21: 'Arnold for President' is no joke

The gaining momentum for the movement is such that Alex Jones (radio host, owner of &, who has been warning about Schwarzenegger from the very beginning, paralleling my own work/Etemenanki, has just launched in mid-November an anti-Arnold website called Arnold Exposed designed to build up a counter movement against the elite's effort to put Arnie in the White House (which requires changing the US Constitution). Things are definitely heating up on that front. What was a joke just months ago is now suddenly a very serious issue. I had predicted for months that his appearance at the Republican Convention would be a marker event, designed to catapult Arnold onto the national stage in preparation for his eventual presidency (and/or vice presidency). In other words, it was predictable. Predictable because it's all largely scripted.

The basic setup seems to be that the American public is to be forced into a 'mindcontrolled' false reality ('the Matrix') and this illusion or 'Maya' is to come crashing down around 2010-2012 when a programmed 'Terminator' would be heading the nation, in effect fulfilling the Mayan prophecy. The 'Mayan collapse' then paves the way for the rise of the next hi-tech New World, Mars, a booby-trapped A.I. Promised Land. Tangentially related to this, perhaps, is the curious scientific discovery that the Local Sidereal Time (i.e. the position in the local sky) of the Galactic Center has a strong correlation with the amount of coherent intuitiveness humans (and presumably other animals) are able to access. In other words, the Galactic Center, the heart of the Milky Way spiral marked by a black hole, appears to to have some 'control' over our mind actually the most 'divine' transdimensional aspect of the mind which can be called the 'soul' or psi.

Could this perhaps imply that our 'Mayan alignment' (or the geometry) involving the Galactic Center/Equator and the solstice Sun constitutes some kind of breakthrough moment for the mysterious psicorrelation phenomenon? Could it perhaps suppress and/or amplify our 'psychic' faculties to a greater degree than before? Psi being a 'stargate within', it would be more coherent to suppose that the 'Mayan' alignment/geometry would have an amplifying effect, allowing us to open our 'inner eye' like never before in known history. Put another way, our mind would be freer, just as the disclosure of 'stargate' technology, if done properly, would bring about a much freer form of civilization. In this light it could be said that the American presidency residing at the center of the spiral as shown in the picture right, analogous to the Galactic Center, would signify a mind-controlled/controlling gatekeeper who can either prevent us from becoming truly 'free' or help us go through the 'stargate' and move into a more multidimensional state of being. Our 'freedom' being equated with the cabal losing its power over the 'slaves', they could easily have a twisted desire to hijack the 'divine' cosmic process and send a Trojan Horse into the 'gate' in order to shut it all down (or at least 'corrupt' the process). They don't want us escaping the Matrix. They'd rather play God and do the 'Judgment' work themselves... They'd rather develop and unleash selective/ethno-specific biological weapons to bring about their apocalyptic Final Solution, wiping out the 'undesirables' while they ride out the storm underground. These are very conspiratorial ideas to be sure, but things do appear to be moving in this direction at the present time and unless we change course we are likely to end up where we're going.

There may be a less sinister interpretation however - if that's possible. It may be that whatever it is, it's ultimately set up as a 'test', something analogous to the riddle of the sphinx in Greek legend. The sphinx asks a question and unless the right answer is given it's termination time. The correct answer in the legend - as well as in the Mission To Mars version - is 'man', which seems to be related to to the Gnostic principle of 'Know thy self', associated with the Oracle of Delphi, the traditional home of the omphalos (navel) stone, the Greek version of the Benben/Sun Stone. Fittingly enough the idea found its way into The Matrix... Oracle: Neo: Oracle: Neo: Oracle: Neo: Oracle: Oracle: Oracle: OK, now I'm supposed to say, "Hmm, that's interesting, but..." then you say... ..."but what?" But... you already know what I'm going to tell you. I'm not The One. Sorry, kid. You got the gift, but it looks like you're waiting for something. What? Your next life, maybe. Who knows? That's the way these things go. Do you know what that means? [points to a banner] It means know thy self. I wanna tell you a little secret, being The One is just like being in love. No one needs to tell you you are in love, you just know it, through and through.

It could easily be said that the essence of who we are is our DNA and so the ultimate expression of 'self knowledge' would be the DNA code, which was of course an idea artfully transmitted at the Athens Olympics and in Mission To Mars. And the knowledge of self opens up the gate...

This model of there being a 'stargate' signifying 'Judgment at the end of time' is agelessly embodied by the Great Sphinx - a baffling ancient monument at Giza sometimes fittingly called the 'Father of Terror' as the Sphinx's silent inquisition does terrify mankind. The 'stargate' role of the Sphinx becomes particularly evident when seen in the context of the Time River Theory (TRT) as revealed in my book The Time Rivers (2003).

In the TRT the unusually 'vertical' river, the Nile, the longest in the world and perceived as the terrestrial Milky Way, is a literal 'river of time' which has its 'beginning of time' at the equator and its 'edge of time' at Giza/Cairo (30N) where the Great Sphinx resides facing due east. Tracing its eternal gaze along the 30th parallel we arrive at the mouth of another historically important ancient river, the Tigris-Euphrates - two of the Garden of Eden's four rivers according to the Book of Genesis. These rivers flow through the 'land of Genesis' now called Iraq and its mouth, where the water drains into the Persian Gulf, happens to mark 30N and consequently align with the gaze of the Sphinx.

The TRT interprets this alignment as representing a 'timegate' where the time-stream 'jumps' from the Nile to the Tigris-Euphrates. It apparently signifies mankind returning to 'Genesis', the place of our origin, analogous to the the 'Garden of Eden' or the 'Golden Age'. The TRT argues that this 'jump' into the realm of Genesis is largely constituted by mankind moving on to Mars - the very planet interchangeable with the Great Sphinx. It is where the timeline of human civilization splits, just as does the Nile after passing Giza/Cairo. Even the name 'Cairo' is a big clue here, after all it means 'Mars'. It cannot be missed that Iraq, representing the realm of Genesis, is indeed the historical place of the 'Garden of Eden' (Sumer) and that Iraq is the very nation the United States decided to invade in 2003, the year when Mars was at its closest point to Earth in known history. The final nail in the coffin is the fact that the Nile, as decoded by my TRT, reveals an embedded timeline (past and future) pinpointing the 21st century as the 'edge of time' marked by the Sphinx at latitude 30N - i.e. more or less right now! The message is therefore unnervingly clear: We are rapidly approaching the 'end of time' represented by a 'stargate' guarded by the Great Sphinx, and in order for us to go through the gate into the 'realm of Genesis' we must solve the 'riddle of the Sphinx'. Solving the riddle means getting rid of all the illusions making up the false reality - i.e. you are to 'know thy self'... to know your 'Genesis'. Failing to do this would result in termination. The United States forced itself into the 'gate', or Iraq, in 2003 without 'solving the riddle'. Instead of trying to know itself, the US f*cked itself. In my estimation, the US is already failing the 'test' miserably and is more or less doomed, probably facing termination in the near future. i.e. the 'ugly ending' scenario. Iraq can now be seen as the preview of what's to come. I'd say when we see the US aggressively going after Mars - should be within years - is when we can expect the great 'American experiment' finally resulting in a massive failure just like its disastrous adventures in Iraq. It's termination time. This, whether we like it or not, is 'Contact'. It's more about higher intelligence than some bug-eyed extraterrestrial creatures - though the extraterrestrial aspect is there especially through the 'monuments' of Mars. Incidentally, the fourth Star Trek movie fittingly titled 'The Voyage Home', which is a sequel to the one about Spock's resurrection on the Genesis Planet, presents a similar scenario in which an alien space probe transmits a signal to Earth, causing havoc on the planet involving storms, and unless the signal is properly

answered the planet is to be destroyed. Almost expectedly, the right answer is eventually acquired through time travel... In real life, of course, no time travel for us yet. But I hope that aggressively multi-contextual thinking process, such as one demonstrated in this article, is also effective in initiating and accelerating the process of fleshing out the hidden nature of reality and who we really are. Because the increasing obviousness of the 'rituals' such as those surrounding the Athens Olympics and Schwarzenegger probably means that the 'sphinx' is already asking us 'the question', and for the answer we'd ultimately have to look within to know ourselves, or else we would be deemed - fair or not - 'unworthy' and made to go the way of the dinosaurs. Indeed, if we refuse to evolve further as sentient beings who seek truth, what would be the point in keeping us around? If we have already reached our potential, if the current state is the best we can do and we are satisfied, then maybe it's not such a bad idea to wipe us out just about now, along with those who think they're gods. But I'm not that pessimistic yet in that I don't think (but who am I to judge?) mankind's creativity has peaked. We still retain enough power to push the limits of reality. The key is to realize what's illusion and who we really are beyond the senses and physicality. We as human beings naturally seek these metaphysical answers but organized religions/cults are now firmly in place in most modern societies to deceptively block or derail these efforts. Religion, as it typically exists today, poses as the gate to the Beyond, the realm of Genesis, when in reality it is set up more as a trap preventing many from going through the 'stargate'. The desire and process of going through the gate is powerful - like sex - and like all things powerful it attracts corruption. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, just as sex can be both love making and rape, which are polar opposites. It's time to realize this: religion as we know it today tends to be a rapist posing as a love maker. It's time to get out of denial - which is a river in Egypt. As indicated by the Mayan calendar, the Time River code, and such, there is apparently a 'cosmic' timetable for the process of going through the 'gate', for our 'graduation' so to speak. And that time appears to be the 21st century, i.e. now. This then puts us on a collision course with the corrupt 'gatekeepers'. It's 'Illusion vs. Truth', or in a sense, 'Machines vs. Humanity'. Welcome to Armageddon. You're either with truth or with corruption. Let's roll.

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