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through the keyhole is d$,,,, whcre o is thc scattering cross-section of the keyhole.

The received field vector is




'Link-optimal space-time processing with mdliplc transmit and icccivc imtenniis', Lo he piiblishcd i n IEEE Commun. I.ert. 6 IRAI.IXX!, G.C, and CIOFFI. J.M.: 'Spatio-tempolid coding for wircless commiinicalions', IEEE 7ions.. 1998, Cowl-46, (3), pp.
357-366 7
E I K : v., ~ I:OIIIUNU. S J , LING, I., RUSTAKO, A J , I L and VALUNZUULA. R.A : 'Comparison of a computer-based propagation

wherc h, and 11, are complex Gaussian cocffcicnts describing the scattering al the receive array. Thc channel inalrix H is thus given hv
. .

prediction 1001 with cupcriment;il data collected iii urban microcelliilin cnvironmenls', IEEE J. .Se/. Areas Coitsnun., 1997,
SAC-IS, (4), pp. 677- 684

which is clearly a dyad with one degree of freedom. As thc coccficieiits q , a,. b, and b2 are independent, all entrics of thc channel matrix H arc uncorrelated. Thus, the channcl matrix has low correlation and ycl a single degree of freedom In contrasl to the usual case, each enlry of H is distributed not as a complex Gaussian hut as a product of complcx Gaussians. The probability dislribution of powcr p for such a process may bc shown to be [7].f(l,) = (2/h2)K0(2~p/6), where b is the average powcr sitd KO is the modified Bcsscl funclion. In the above the concept of a 'spatial keyhole' was presented. Similar phenomena may be found in othcr bascs. For example, Shiu et al. [3] has pointed out similar behaviour in the casc of two rings of scatterers, at large separation. In that case, the single dcgrcc of freedom is supported by a 'spcctrd kcyhole' (i.e. a single planc wave between the scattering rcgions)). An example of a keyhole in a realistic environment is propagalion in a hallway or a tunnel. At microwave frequcncics the hallway inay be thought of as an overmoded waveguide. Thc number of modes supported by a waveguide limits the maximum number of degrees of frcedom. Correlation bctwccn antennas will reduce the capacity fiirthcr. In the presence of loss, the lowest order mode dominates at large dislances from the source. The channcl thus has only a single degree of freedom, represented by lhc lowcst order mode, a 'modal kcyhole'. In outdoor environments, the receiver is oflcn obslrucled from the lransmiller by a diffracting edgc, such as a roo[ edge, or a building corner. If the doiniiiant path from the lransmitter to thc receiver is via diftraction at the roof edge, the edge acts as an equivalent horizontal line saurce with varying current strcngth along its Icngth. If the base imlennas are vertically scparatcd, the richness of the perceived channel is collapscd, and a 'kcyhole' is formed. Increasing thc vcrtical sepal-alion would not bc of any USC. This may be remedied by placing the basc antcnnas in a horizontal array. In that case, adcquatc antenna separation will hc required lo assure low corrclation [4].


Impedance characteristics of planar bow-tielike monopole antennas

Zhi Ning Chcn
l h c impcdancc cliiiiactcristics or pliiniir bow-tie-likc inonopole antennas I n y e becn studicd cxpcl-imwtdly.The planar how-liclike monopole antcnna achicvcs B bra;ril bandwidth, typically of >75% A modificd tbnnula is suggested to iscuratcly cvaluatc tlie frcqucncy corrcspanding to the lower edge or ilic impcdancc


Inlmducfion: Planar monopole antennas are interesting duc to their broad impedancc bandwidth and simple planar structurc, where a thin planar clement can he readily employed instcad of the wire element of a traditional monopolc antenna. A typical circular planar monopole with a 1:X bandwidth was presented in [I]. Planar monopolc antennas with various planar elements, such +is clliplical (circular), rectangular (square), and trapczoidal plates, have also been proposed and investigated cxpcrimentally and numerically [Z, 31. Formillas havc becn used to evaluate the frequency corrcsponding to tlic lower edge of the impedance bandwidth (FLFSRW) [4]. Thc impedance characteristics of planar circular monopole antennas have been analysed by the method of mamcnts with a wire grid and triangular cell mcsliing [S, 61. In this Lcttcr, planar bow-tic-like (BTL) monopole antcmias arc presented and experimental invcstigations on their impedance characteristics carricd out. A typical broiid impedance bandwidth of 75% is realised. A modified formula is suggcstcd for the BCLUrate evalualion oflhe FLEIBW of planar BTL monopole anlennas.

Conclusiun: We have shown that dcgcnerale channels, called 'keyholes', may arise under realistic assumptions which have zero correlalion between the entries of lhc channel matrix H and yct only a single degrcc of frcedom.
Acknowledgment: We are deeply thankful to M.J. Gam far the

original discussion on the concept of 'keyholes'.

26 April 2000 0 IEE 2000 aimronics L ~ I W online ~ NO: zuuonxzx D o l : 10.1049/e1:20000828 D. Chizhik, G.J. I'oschini and R.A. Vzilcnzuela ( E d Lubo,,v, Lureti1 Teelmologies, 791 Ilr,bnddKcypoi.I Rood Holmdel, NJ 0773.1, USA)



E-mail: chizhik~IuccntcolIri~c~t.~~~,,






measurement,^ m m r l msultr: Thc gcoinctry of thc proposed planar BTL monopole mlenna is shown Fig. 1. A 0.5mm thick BTL brass platc was located vertically above the ground, operating as a radiator clcment. A 5 0 a coaxial probe fed the BTL plate a1 the midpoint of its bottom side through an SMA connector. The probe had a diameter of 1.2nini. The gaps between the ground plane aiid thc bottom side were d = O.Xmm, 1.6" and 2.4mm. The BTL plate was considered a s a squarc platc measuring W x W = 40 x 40mm2 with two identical trapezoidal notches. The distance between the top points of thc trapczoidal notches was D.We

communic*tions in

a fading cnvironmcnt whcn using multiple antennas', Wirclms Perso,in/ C h " m 199R. 6, (3). pp. 311-335 I:oSCHINI. C.I.: 'Laycrcd space-time architecture for wirclcss

communication in a fading environmcnt whcn using multipleelement mtennas', Bell Llrhs Ted?.J., 1996, 1, (2), pp. 41-59 3 SHIU, n.-s., FOSCHINI, G.J., MNS, M.J., and KAIIN, J M : 'Fading correlation and its effect on the capacity of multiclcmcnt antenna systems', IEEE Twns.. 2000, COM-48, (2), pp. 502-513



LOZANO, A.: " x i

antenna separation an thc capacity of RLAST in correliilcd channels', submiltcd l o IEEE Commun. L e n



2 n d June 2000

Vol. 36

No. 13

iiicasurcd thc input impcdancc using an IWBSIOC nctwol-k analyser. The measurement range was from l GHz to 4GFIz.

whcrc all dimcnsions in cqns. 1 and 2 are scaled in millimetres. According to the rorinaila in eqn. I, the 1 q e r the tire;% of lhe platc, the lower the FLEIBW. However, the mcasured FLEIBW also shows that thc FLEIUW is more dependenl on the lenglh of the outline of the plate with the exceplion of its hollom side than the arcs of thc plate. Based on this conclusion, a modified Coxmula (cqn. 2) is givcn. It is clcar from Fig. 4 that lhe PLEIBW d c u laled using eqn. 2 agrces better with tlic mcasurcd FLEIBW.


f ! 1.4 m

m w d

1.3 -

I . t






......................... ........

__.. ......................... ......._..

20 I


20 0, mm



Il$cus,sion: The inpul impellan= characleristics of a kind of planar bow-tic-likc monopole anlenna have been investigated experimenl;ally. A broad ianpcdancc ba~idwidth,typically >75% for VSWR = 211, was achieved. The Crequency cor~-csponding lo the lowcr cdgc of the impedance bandwidth was accurately evaluated by incalls of a inodificd formula. It was found that the bandwidth is mainly dcpciidcnt oil the ~ c of a thc planar monopole. Basically, the larger the arca, lhe broadcr thc bandwidth. However, the length o f the outline with the exception of the lenglh of the bottom side has ii striking efl'ect on the frequency corresponding to the lowcr cdge of the impedance bandwidth. The longer the oullinc, lhc Iowcr tlic frcqucncy.

J~c~l-i-gop d

Fig. 3 Mcii.rured i h " ~ ~ i d r 1 a~ ~ u i m rli,sforice t D

ri = 2.4mm ' I = 1.6" .......... d = O.Xmm

W = 40mm

The VSWR was measured againsl freqnency for different dislances 11 for c/ = OX", l.6mm and 2.4mm, respectively. The mcasurcd VSWR with d = 2.4lnm is plotlcd in Fig. 2. The impedance bandwidlhs achieved Tor all dare illuslrated Fig. 3. Prom the measured VSWR, ii was found lhat the square platc has thc widest bandwidth (of 75%))and thc BTL platc with lhc lcasl /> has l h e lowesl FLRIRW (1.26GHr). The dift'erence belween the PLEIBW For the cases D = 40mm and D = 5mm was 170Mlh (13.5% at 1.26GI-12).The fecd-gap h x l a signific;ml cflccl on lhe bandwidth. In this design, the Iargcr the fccd-gap, tlic widcr the bandwidth I&. 4 gives the measured and evaluated FLEIBW against thc distance 11 for ii = 2.4mm. The calculatcd FLEIBW wcre ohlained from the simple formula (eqn. I ) hased on the equivalent cylindrical monopole and the modified formula as describcd in cqn. 2, mpcctivcly. lJ.24 x 300 F [Crllz] = 1v d

110, ha, SF.KI, 1 1 . .



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I I A M M O U O . M., POCY. 1).

imped;uicc of


F [GHa]=

0.14 x 300

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22nd June 2000

Vol. 36

No. 13


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