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“The Bright Light of Truth”

“Love Letters From The Present Moment of Now, Heaven On Earth.”

“Blessed is The Love Called God Everywhere Present Equally Within US ALL”

Love From The Galactic Federation of Light, The Company of Heaven, and From
Galactic Central/Center. WE Are Your Family of Light From The Stars and Beyond,
also known as the Elohim. We are here as your Earth Allies In Service to The Love
Called God Everywhere Present. We Are the Ground Crew Medical team, and have
Bravely Came into illusion to lift ourselves out of illusion so that We Could Be
of Service of the Light, Love, and Truth on Planet Earth=Heart. We have
courageously accepted the Responsibility to assist you out of a 13 Millenia ride
into the lower vibrations, where you were in slavery and darkness. This was the
duality experience and is far from Your Real Home in the Light, the Higher
Vibrations of Only Love and Oneness. Each of you are Brave Souls out of Many
Godzillions that wanted to Be Here for These Exiting times of Transformation and
Change. Understand that You were Each Hand Picked and are Unique Wise Souls. You
are the Ones that are Dedicated to Love, To Be in Service to the Light, and to
Assist your Brothers and Sisters as we end this final cycle of duality. This is
the Reality that is occurring. Each of you Prior to this Incarnation were in class
as we all Discussed the Divine Plan Together. Not one of you on this Planet is
Exempt from this, Each of you were there. You each came here on a Special Mission
and Task, and it is Up to you to remember this. Love is The Key and all else
follows this choice.

Greetings, Many Blessings, Miracles, Magical Synchronostic Events, Clarity, Inner

Peace, Balance, and Joy. Today is Tuesday, July 14th, 2009. Today is a New Day in
Eternity, for Every Moment is Always a Brand New Moment Within Creation.
Yesterday, we talked about preparing for “First Contact”. We do not have the exact
time and date, and that will not be revealed until the Moment it arrives. What we
can say is that the more you Share your Love and Light with the Planet, the sooner
this event will take place. The Ships are getting closer each Moment, but the
Energy frequency of the Planet has to be brought at least half way to the Energy
the Ships maintain. The event of July 21st, will greatly assist in the Increase of
the Frequencies on the Planet. WE are on a Divine Schedule, with an inevitable
outcome. Any day Now would Be Just Great for US, and I'm sure it's the same for
each of you, but still certain pre-events must still occur.

For the Bulk of this Message, we are Going To Quote a Message that was written
March 13th, 2009. WE Feel at this time, that certain understandings need to Be
brought to the Forefront, to be Looked at again and grounded into the Planet
further. Because of the High Velocity Light of the Information we Bring forth,
it's challenging for some to understand what the message is saying. Our intention
for Each of you is that once you read it again, you will Get an AHA Moment [I GOT
IT], as many of you have grown Tremendously in the Last couple of months. You will
be able to See a lot of what we shared in this Message in a New and Different
Light, which will be able to assist you further along your Paths Home. Also, it
will make much more sense to many, once you Look at It again, as So Many others
have come forth validating for you The Truths that WE Share.
Since the Truth [Light] has been hidden for so long, many were not yet ready to
accept the Light and the Gifts that Were Being Offered through these Messages, and
many more are Ready NOW. It's Like walking out of the cave into the Bright
Sunlight, and it takes the Being a Moment to Adjust to the Bright Light. This is
the same with our Information of Pure Light, and Pure Truth. Humanity has been in
a dark cave, watching the shadows on the wall, believing this was Real, and Now
the Light of Truth Is Shining Bright Like the Sun, and the Truth is guiding them
out of the cave. Since the Moments of March many Events have occurred, WE have
Shared a lot of Information with you, and Many More have been waking up to the
Truth within Themselves. The Truth can no longer be denied,and each of You who are
reading the Messages assist in Grounding in the Information and Light into the
Planet, by simply Reading and Being Present Within the Messages. We Honor and
Thank you for Being Here, Reading these Words, and Sharing the Information with

Here are the Quotes, Valuable Information about Your Light Bodies, and Some
Definitions for a ReHearter.

“You Must First Learn to Love the Mirror and in the Reflection of the Mirror you
can See and Connect into the ALL. The Mirror you Look at=You, When you Can Love
your Mirror, all the other Mirrors [all other reflections] begin to change, and
All Transforms into THE LOVE CALLED GOD EVERYWHERE PRESENT. Everywhere you are,
there you are. I am You and You are Me and We are One, which can only occur in
True Reality, where We are Whole, and One, each a Facet of The Brilliance. Love
the Mirror first and you can easily walk through all fantasy/illusion. Then you
are Free to discover You, Connected to the ALL, Equal To ALL of US.”

Some Definitions...

Devote- To Give or Apply One's Self Entirely to a Cause or Outcome, dedicated,

committed, Loyal to the Outcome. Example- We Are Devoted to You, in Every Moment,
To Assist in the Love Called God Everywhere Present. We are In Service to Love and
You are Love.

Datum- A Given determined fact used to make a decision. The Real Point with which
something begins. Example- The True datum, is The Love Called God Everywhere
Present. Love is the Datum.

Appear- To come into View, become Visible, to come into Existence, True Reality
Being Presented. Example- AS all illusion dissolves, all that has been kept from
you will Be revealed, and True Reality will Appear Before you.

Oneness- The Quality or state of Being ONE, GOD, Unique, Wholeness, not divided,
Unity. Example- You are Moving into the Oneness Experience of Complete Harmony,
Balance, and Unity. This is the True Reality Experience of Heaven on Earth.

Experience- Active Participation in events or activities to gain knowledge and

Wisdom, and event or series of events in which you live. Example- Your return to
the Light, Signals the duality experience is over, and the Real Experience of Love
Forever After, Together as One, has been decreed. Love is the Real Experience, and
Your Graduation into Godhood.

Relentless- Steady and Persistent. Example- We, Your Family of Light , are
Relentless. The Real Truth will Be all that is left once illusion falls and We
will Be the ones Amongst you, Holding the Light Up, Standing in the Truth of Love,
and Holding out our Hands In Service. We are In Service to Love and are Persistent
about the Love and Truth on this Planet, The Real Reality. We are From the “Do
whatever it Takes Redundantly, Relentless, Do not give up or give in Department”.
Love is the One and Only Truth.

Everywhere- In all Places all at once. Example- The Love Called God is Everywhere
Present, Within all of Creation. Heaven on Earth's Foundation is The Love Called
God Everywhere Present.

Simple- Easy, “All that was intricate and false was complex, all the while The
Truth was very Simple.” Example- Love is Simple, because all it requires is to Be
Embraced as Truth. All Love Is All Truth. Simple.

Game- A set of rules completely for competition, a diversion, a scheme. Example-

All illusion and duality experience was a game, a fantasy, a dream. In Real
Reality, we do not play games, We Just Serve Love and Each Other in the Grander
Experience of the Expression of Love, Together as ONE.

“Once the dream ends, the dreamer does not die, just the dreamer's ignorance, ego,
and duality. Only Light will Remain, The Truth of Who you Really are, True

Our mission and Task was to Come here and Provide you with the Pre-First Contact
information to Prepare you for the Upcoming Events. With our Information of Truth,
you automatically receive the codes and activations for Your Upliftment out of
duality. Some are resisting this process, but all this is doing is increasing the
Inner Being's Call Home. Resistance will make it very challenging for them as the
Energies will Increase Exponentially. All Connected in will have an Effortless
Way, all in resistance will have a bumpy journey. All is by choice. These messages
are Preparing your Light Bodies as Well, For the Highest Truths are in Fact the
Highest Frequency of Love. They help you raise your Vibrations if you are allowing
this within your being. The Highest Truth=Highest Thoughts, and these help you
lift yourselves out of the lower energies, into the Higher Ones, called Love. This
Is being accomplished, as we Prepare the decloaking of the Ships. We have shared
The Vibration Frequencies of them and all of US must be a match for a connection
to be made, and for them to become visible to you. They are at a Much Higher Level
of Vibrational Frequencies then you have experienced here in duality, because they
are ALIVE.

“We will share with you again that only in duality do you have judgments,
jealousies, a bad or good guy, and competition. You were taught there were such
things as “bad ghosts”, “bad souls”, “bad spirits”, someone had to be the bad guy.
You were even introduced that there was such a thing as a devil, and if you
sinned, you were going to hell. You did not even know that duality was the hell
and there was no such thing as any of that, it was all illusion. There is not
another place in any Universe or Galaxy where the illusion of duality exists. We
all came here for the Unique Opportunity to Be a Part of the Celebration of the
end of the Cycle of duality/illusion forever and ever everywhere. After this, this
illusion of duality will cease. All unconsciousness is Being Transformed Back into
Creation to Be used for The Highest Good of the ALL. This is Love's Decree, and So
it is.

True Reality and Heaven on Earth have Always been here, have Always Existed. You
were just in a dream, and Now you are Awakening from this dream and Will Reconnect
to the Magic and Love of Mother Earth and all of Creation. As you walked around in
duality, you have had many invisible helpers along side of you. In the fantasy you
could not see them, as all was distorted as if you had blinders over your eyes.
The True Reality Experience for you is when these Blinders are removed, and the
fantasy revealed for the illusion it is.
“Ask Yourselves, Why Would We Be so Dedicated, Persistent, Consistent, Redundant,
Unstoppable, Unshakable, and Relentless for Everyone on this Planet, if We Were
Not Sure of The Love We discovered Within AND THE TRUTH, that This Love
Represents? We Trust Love with Everything, as WE Trust Ourselves completely to Be
in Total and Complete Service to Love, Mother Earth and all Her Inhabitants. The
Last One Standing is Love, and Only in Real Love, can Real Truth Exist.”

We Have Set ourselves Free, and Have turned around to say “Here is our Hand UP out

In Truth there is Only ONE of US and this means ALL OF US. As Your Brother Jesus
Said to you “Do onto others as you would have them do unto you” and “Love Thy
Neighbor as Thy Self”. He was saying to you, Love Yourselves and Love Others as
You Love Yourself. What you do to others, you also do to yourself. If you do not
Understand these Basic Truths about Love, you have a long hard journey ahead of
you. In the Upper Realms, We Serve Each other in this way, We Love Ourselves and
each Other, and Everything is Always for the Greater Good of the ALL. If this is
not the goal, then it simply does not occur. What you do to others, You do to
yourself Equally. So whatever energy you send out, that energy comes back to you
[remember you are Powerful Beings of Light, and out of Duality you are Masters of
the Light]. If you are Sending this Energy [Love and Light] out, this is the
Energy you receive Back. This is the Real Truth about the Secret [though their
version was based in illusion] and the Real Law of Attraction of The One. Real
Love Energy Serves the Being and all Other Beings, which in Creation Creates More
Energy of Love with which To Create More from. If you send out Love, Love comes
Back to you. This is the Real and Wholistic Love of the Oneness Experience, The
True Reality of the Love Called God Everywhere Present.”

“Energy's True Purpose is To Create for the Highest Good of the All in ALL Ways.
This did not occur in duality as the energy was split and divided, which is why
you had the illusion of isolation and separation. Now, all of this Energy is Being
Unified on Planet Earth=Heart, end of dream, end of isolation and separation, end
of duality, end of ignorance, end of pain and suffering, all that Will exist is
Love Everywhere as Decreed.”

Donations- We have no income, as we Have no time to get a 3d job. WE are Working

on your Behalf and Are Reaching out to all of you for Love donations to cover our
basic needs. We Greatly Appreciate those of you that have sent in donations in
Honor of our work for you. We have reached out to our Family of Light for Help,
and if there was any way around this at this time, we would not be asking for
monetary Support from all of YOU. This will soon all change, this is a Guarantee!!
ALL Donations Of Energy Go To Support The Family of Light, and ALL for the
Greatest Good of ALL, Thank you for Making a Love Donation today

Events- Release, Release, Release!! WE Highly Recommend Making sure you Have Let
Go, That You Are Clear, and You Are Centered in The Present Moment of Now. Let all
of the old come out, so that You Can Have a Grand Experience as the 5th wave [5D
Thought Reality] Energy Comes in. If not, all we can say is, Have Fun!

Visions- Every Living Breathing Human Being Has Opened their Hearts, Let the Love
in, and Become the Light of God which is The Truth of Who They Are. Then We Stand
as Equals in the Bright Light of the Brilliance of Who We Are Together as ONE.

On Board Ship Monitor- Some are still in Limbo, meaning not really connected to
the old, and not yet connected to the new, just kind of hanging out in the Middle.
Those who attempt to Hang on to the old, wow, will they be surprised when the 5D
Reality comes to the Surface!!

Conscious Thoughts

If You Would Like to Request a Private Session with US, or Just to connect in, you
can email us at

If You have Missed any of our messages you can visit our Website at or for the most recent ones you can visit our Ning site

We Love you with the Highest Love, Honor and Respect. We Love you Unconditionally.
Love Mother and Father God/Amon Ra, Your Family of Light, ALL your Angels, and The
Ground Crew for First Contact.

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