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Verb + Gerund or Infinitive with the Same Meaning After some verbs, you can use a gerund (doing)

or an infinitive (to If you begin cooking now, dinner will be ready by 7:30. If you begin to cook now, dinner will be ready by 7:30.

do), and the meaning is the same.

These verbs include:

like, love, hate continue begin, start

+ to do

or doing

He loves playing soccer. He loves to play soccer. She continued speaking. She continued to speak. He began drinking. He began to drink.

*really dont like, , detestar, aborrecer, , (),

, . .

Verb + Gerund or Infinitive with Different Meaning

After some verbs, you can use either a gerund or an infinitive, but the meaning changes.
Remember + doing something in the past. (You do it and then you remember.) Remember + to do something in the future. (You remember and then you do it.)

a. b. a. b.

Where are you going? To the market. Why? Remember to get some milk, OK? I will. He hasnt bought the milk yet.

a. Here is the milk that you asked me to buy. b. Thanks. Im glad that you remembered to get it. When he was at the supermarket, he thought, "I need to buy some milk," and then he bought it. a. Whos this in this picture, Mom? b. Its you, sweetheart. And look at your little teddy bear. I remember giving it to you on your birthday. She gave the child the teddy bear a long time ago. You stop doing something that is already happening. You are doing it. Then you stop doing it. Stop to do is the same as stop in order to do. ( , para hacer, , ) You are stopping because you need to do something.

a. Why are you late? b. My gas tank was almost on empty, so I stopped to get some gas. (because I needed to get some gas) a. Do you still smoke? b. No, I stopped smoking last May. (She smoked for a long time. Then she quit.)
Try doing means to use an alternative way ( Try to means to make an effort* to do something.

, , , *, esfuerzo, ,

)or method.

a. Are you ready for the test? b. I dont know. I tried to learn all the verbs, but I had a hard time memorizing them. a. Hey, the radio wont work. b. Why dont you try turning this knob* to the right? , botn, ,


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