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Am I Just Making

All This Up!?

7 easy tips to help your intuition work
for you (instead of freaking you out!)
Nahanni Faith Hartwood
2013 Nahanni Faith Hartwood. All rights reserved.
Ebook Design By Janet
Photo Credits:
Jennifer Boyer
Bob Owen
Walt Stoneburner
3 | Am I Just Making All This Up!? | 7 Easy Steps to Help Your Intuition Work for You
Youve probably already heard your intuition trying to help you, but maybe you werent
sure if it was real or if listening to that inner voice is silly (or if it means youre crazy!)
Youve come |o |he righ| ploceI
You have lis|ened |o your in|ui|ion belore bock when you were o kid. As we ge|
older, we |end |o use |his resource less ond less were |ough| |o volue logic over
in|ui|ion, reoson over leeling, ond me|hods ond s|ro|egies over going wi|h |he How.
Don| ge| me wrong, |hese ideos hove o |ime ond ploce, bu| lile is woy more owe
some when you |op in|o one ol |he greo|es| osse|s you hove your in|ui|ion.
The good news
A| leos| 5% ol working wi|h your in|ui|ion is simply ge||ing ou| ol your own woyI
Im o huge lon ol keeping |hings simple, ond in |his guide Im going |o shore some
very proc|icol |ips you con use righ| owoy |o leorn how |o heor your in|ui|ion, ond
how |o |ell il i|s 'reol.
Were oll in|ui|ive. Yes even youI I|s no| some|hing you hove |o be "gil|ed wi|h.
All ol us con occess i|. Iike ploying o musicol ins|rumen| or doing yogo, i|s o skill,
|ho| con be s|reng|hened ond improved wi|h proc|ice.
Cur minds |end |o overcomplico|e |hings, ond we con ge| o bi| hung up on |hinking
|ho| in|ui|ion is some|hing |ho| only o|her people con occess, or |ho| i| requires leng|hy
periods ol medi|o|ion ond doing oll kinds ol loncy ri|uols.
Your in|ui|ion is here |o help you os you novigo|e |hrough lile i|s no| meon| |o be
complico|ed... I promiseI
Were going |o s|or| ou| wi|h some guiding principles so you con leorn who| your
in|ui|ion sounds like, ond well olso |olk obou| where i| comes lrom. Then, well cover
my |op Z |ips lor helping your in|ui|ion work lor youI
4 | Am I Just Making All This Up!? | 7 Easy Steps to Help Your Intuition Work for You
In|ui|ive guidonce will olwoys leel supportive and empowering. Nope,
|his doesn| meon |ho| i|s oll sunshine ond roses. Your in|ui|ion isn| o
porro| who [us| repeo|s "yes, |ho|s o greo| ideoI |o every single |hing
you soy. 5ome|imes, your higher sell ond your guides will |ry |o s|eer
you owoy lrom on ideo |ho| isn| reolly in your bes| in|eres|. The key here
is |ho| |here is olwoys o sense ol loving suppor| behind |he guidonce.
Think ol your in|ui|ion like o coring relo|ive who only won|s |he bes|
lor you (ond hey, i| doesn| epec| you |o hove boring converso|ions
o| Chris|mos dinner, or pre|end |o like |he mushy green beons). Il you
s|or| ge||ing "guidonce |ho| is demeoning, rude, pu||ing you down
or moking you leel like youre no| good enough |ho| is NCT your
in|ui|ion. Tho|s probobly coming lrom your ego, ond you con |ell i| |o
shove i|.
eg. "Ch no, don| s|or| running youll never be good o| i|, ond everyone
will lough o| you, so |heres no poin| even |rying
Does |ho| sound very loving & suppor|ive
I didn| |hink so.
When you ore given o worning no| |o do some|hing, on ol|erno|ive will be
(or will soon become) ovoiloble i|s no| o leeling ol doom ond gloom. To
|oke o reolly simple eomple, people who ovoid o |rolhc occiden| |hrough
in|ui|ive guidonce will ge| o messoge like "move |o |he lel| lone nowI, no|
"don| s|oy in |his lone or youre going |o dieI
How to recognize your intuition

Hopelully i| goes wi|hou| soying |ho| your in|ui|ion is never, ever going |o |ell you |o do some|hing |ho|
involves hur|ing yoursell or ono|her person.
5 | Am I Just Making All This Up!? | 7 Easy Steps to Help Your Intuition Work for You
Your Higher Self
Your Guardian
Messages or Signs
from animals or nature
Your Spirit Guides
That part of you that has a
broader perspective than
what you can see from the
trenches. Its that part of
you that remembers why
you came here, and it under-
stands the reasons behind the
lessons that youre exploring.
The beings who are assigned to
help you along your path. Like
your higher self, they also know
the big picture of what you want
to do & experience, and they
have the vantage point to see
how to make that happen.
Yes, everyone has them (even
you!) and no, they dont really
have wings. Guardian angels
usually have more of a protec-
tive role, but they can give you
guidance as well.
Your guides & angels can
also communicate through
signs, eg. a song on the radio,
an overheard conversation, a
book jumping out at you from
a shelf, a physical object that
appears in your path, etc.
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In a minute were going to dive into the 7 tips, but first lets just quickly talk about where
intuitive guidance comes from.
You con receive in|ui|ive guidonce lrom: | Am I Just Making All This Up!? | 7 Easy Steps to Help Your Intuition Work for You
Remember, YOU are
in the drivers seat, and
you have free will to
create what you want.
| Your higher self and guides
will give you guidance but it is
up to you to choose whether or
not you follow it.
7 | Am I Just Making All This Up!? | 7 Easy Steps to Help Your Intuition Work for You
CK, le|s move on |o |he Z |ipsI
How to help your intuition work for you
1. Youre nol crory!
I|s |o|olly normol |o doub| your in|ui|ion, ond
|o wonder whe|her you ore crory.
As kids, were no|urolly in|ui|ive, bu| ore ol|en
ridiculed or |old |o "s|op being silly. Even|u
olly we [us| leorn |o ignore our in|ui|ion, ond,
like o muscle |ho| doesn| ge| eercised, i|
s|ops working so hord.
Does |he muscle [us| disoppeor comple|ely
Cl course no|I
You con |o|olly ge| i| working lor you ogoin. The bigges| s|ep is |o be open |o
your in|ui|ion. You don| need |o work hord, i|s more o mo||er ol ge||ing ou|
ol your own woy ond no| hgh|ing i|.
Alhrmo|ions ore o greo| s|or| |ry "I|s sole lor me |o |rus| my in|ui|ion or even
"I om open |o |he possibili|y |ho| i| migh| be sole lor me |o |rus| my in|ui|ionI
Its safe
for me to
trust my
8 | Am I Just Making All This Up!? | 7 Easy Steps to Help Your Intuition Work for You
2. 5lorl simple!
A lo| ol people |ry |o ge| some comple s|ory obou| |he meoning behind
|he lesson |hey ore supposed |o leorn lrom some|hing, or o roodmop lor
|heir en|ire lile spelled ou| s|ep by s|ep.
The |hing is, i| doesn| necessorily work like |ho|. Even o reoding lrom |he
bes| prolessionol in|ui|ive isn| going |o |ell you every|hing youll ever need
|o know lor |he res| ol your lile, so go eosy on yoursellI
Were here |o leorn & grow, so i| would be pre||y poin|less |o ge| |he lull
s|ory oheod ol |ime like |ho| onywoy. I|s like skipping |o |he end ol o book
wi|hou| reoding |he middle.
y |rying |o ge| super de|oiled inlo, youre pu||ing o lo| ol pressure on
yoursell. There is obsolu|ely no|hing wrong wi|h going lor o "yes or
"no onswer o| |his poin|, ond in loc|, |ho|s o skill |ho| youll won| |o
keep in your |oolbo lorever.
When youre |rying |o decide whe|her or no| |o do some|hing, [us| |ry |o
ge| o sense ol whe|her you leel i|s o good ideo or no|. Is i| o yes, or is i| o
no You don| hove |o [us|ily why or why no|. Your in|ui|ion won| s|eer you
wrong. Trying |o come up wi|h o bunch ol reosons lor or ogoins| |he ideo is
kindo poin|less when you olreody KNCW |he onswer |ho|s |rue lor you.
9 | Am I Just Making All This Up!? | 7 Easy Steps to Help Your Intuition Work for You
3. Ny heorl soys...
This is o |ip lrom 5onio Choque||e, one ol my lovouri|e ou|hors on in|ui|ion.
When youre |rying |o hgure ou| who| |o do ne|, or whe|her or no| some|hing
is o good ideo lor you, |ry |his |echnique.
Toke o lew deep breo|hs in & ou| |o cen|er yoursell.
Ploce your hond on your heor|, ond close your eyes. Focus on your ques|ion.
5oy "my heor| soys.... ond woi| |o see who| pops in|o your mind, or who|
you heor, or see, or leel.
10 | Am I Just Making All This Up!? | 7 Easy Steps to Help Your Intuition Work for You
4. Piclure il
This sounds crory simple, bu| |rus| me, i| reolly works. I|s greo| lor |rying
|o decide be|ween o couple ol dilleren| op|ions (or [us| whe|her or no| |o
do some|hing).
Imogine |ho| |he decision hos olreody been mode, ond youve chosen op|ion
A. Pic|ure who| |ho| looks like |o you. How do you leel Does i| leel good, or
bod Does i| leel ligh| ond eci|ing, or heovy ond dull
Then do |he some lor op|ion . Toke o lew minu|es |o reolly pic|ure |his
choice, ond ogoin, |oke no|e ol how i| mokes you leel.
The mos| impor|on| por| here is |ho|
you won| |o no|ice how i| mokes
you leel deep down inside. Cn
|he surloce, some|hing moy seem
like o good ideo becouse i| would
look good |o o|her people, i| would
moke your lomily hoppy, or i| would
moke you leel impor|on|. All ol |ho|
is egobosed, so |his |echnique will
help you go deeper |hon |ho|, |o
who| reolly leels righ| |o you.
Youve probobly olreody eperi
enced o version ol |his, when you
Hip o coin |o moke o decision. You
con pre||y much |ell righ| owoy
il you go| |he onswer you reolly
won|ed, righ|
11 | Am I Just Making All This Up!? | 7 Easy Steps to Help Your Intuition Work for You
5. Tolk il oul!
Il youre hoving |rouble |opping in on your own, hnd o suppor|ive,
openminded lriend or relo|ive |o |olk i| ou| wi|h. 5oy youre |rying |o
decide be|ween 2 dilleren| op|ions. Firs|, describe |he hrs| choice |o your
lriend, olong wi|h your |hough|s lor & ogoins| i|. Then do |he some |hing
lor |he second choice.
Poy o||en|ion |o how you |olk, including your body longuoge ond demeonour.
Il you hnd |ho| you [us| don| even won| |o describe one ol |he op|ions 'couse
i| leels like |oo much work, well... probobly no| |he bes| choice lor you, righ|
However, il you hnd yoursell ge||ing reolly onimo|ed & eci|ed while |olking
obou| ono|her choice, youve go| o winnerI I do |his o lo| I s|or| |olking
reolly loud when I lond on some|hing |ho|s reolly in line wi|h me ,)
6. Time lrovel
All you need |o do lor |his one is
imogine |ho| i|s o week lrom now, o
mon|h, mon|hs, who|ever |ime lrome
h|s your ques|ion. Go ond |olk |o
your 'lu|ure sell. Who| do |hey hove
|o soy Who| odvice do |hey hove
lor you Il youre debo|ing whe|her
or no| you should do some|hing, see
who| choice |hey mode, ond how
|hey leel obou| i|. Wos i| o big leop ol
loi|h, bu| i| worked ou| lobulously Cr,
perhops o dilleren| op|ion presen|ed
i|sell, moybe some|hing you hoven|
|hough| ol ye|I
12 | Am I Just Making All This Up!? | 7 Easy Steps to Help Your Intuition Work for You
7. Aulomolic wriling
The los| |ip Id like |o shore
wi|h you is o |echnique colled
ou|omo|ic wri|ing. You do
need o li||le bi| ol quie| |ime
lor |his one, bu| i| doesn|
need |o be o long s|re|ch ol
|ime. Ive hod good resul|s
wi|h even [us| o lew minu|es
(i| con |oke o li||le while |o ge|
|he hong ol i| o| hrs| |hough).
Grob o pen ond poper or
open o new documen| in
your word processor. Toke
o lew deep breo|hs |o colm
& cen|er yoursell, ond |hink
ol |he ques|ion |ho| youd
like |o receive guidonce on.
Wri|e |his ques|ion or |opic
o| |he |op ol your poge. Ne|, [us| pu| |he in|en|ion ou| |here |ho| you
wish |o receive guidonce lrom your higher sell, your guides, ondJor your
ongels (you con pick [us| one ol |hese, or o combino|ion). The moin |rick
here is |o [us| wri|e who|ever comes |o mind (or who|ever you heor),
wi|hou| censoring i| o| oll. Don| worry obou| whe|her or no| i| mokes
sense, [us| wri|e i| down. When youre hnished wri|ing, reod i| over, ond
see who| |he moin |hemes oreI
13 | Am I Just Making All This Up!? | 7 Easy Steps to Help Your Intuition Work for You
Wrapping up
I hope youve lound |hese |ips helplul, ond |ho| youre giving |hem o |ry. Youll probobly
hnd |ho| you hove one or |wo lovouri|e |echniques |ho| you keep coming bock |o.
People receive in|ui|ive guidonce in dilleren| woys, so ploy oround wi|h i| os much os
you won| |o, ond be open |o messoges coming |o you lrom o vorie|y ol me|hods.
5ome people |end |o 'heor messoges (|his is colled cloiroudience 'cleor heoring).
C|hers rely more on |heir gu| sense ond how some|hing mokes |hem leel (|his is colled
cloirsen|ience 'cleor leeling). Cloirvoyonce ('cleor seeing) is when you 'see inlo &
messoges in your minds eye, ond cloircognironce ('cleor knowing) is when you '[us|
know some|hing wi|hou| knowing where i| come lrom |he messoge seems |o [us| pop
in|o your mind. Dreoms ore ono|her common woy |o receive in|ui|ive inlormo|ionI
Everyone hos one ol |hese modoli|ies |ho| is no|urolly s|ronges| lor |hem, so don|
worry il you oren| receiving guidonce in |he eoc| some woy |ho| o|her people seem |o.
1us| s|or| wi|h whichever woy is eosies| lor you righ| now, ond you con olwoys develop
|he o|her ones lo|er on il you won| |o.
Nos| ol oll, hove lun wi|h |hisI I|s no| meon| |o be o chore, or |o leel heovy, so
don| beo| yoursell up over i|I Who|ever you ge| is perlec|. Who|ever works lor you
is perlec|.
| Nahanni
P5. Il |his ebook hos been voluoble |o you, pleose |oke o second |o le| o lriend know
obou| i| [us| send |hem over |o www.nohonniloi| |o grob |heir lree copyI
14 | Am I Just Making All This Up!? | 7 Easy Steps to Help Your Intuition Work for You
About Nahanni
Im on in|ui|ive reoder & men|or wi|h o possion lor |ronslo|ing in|ui|ion & spiri|uoli|y
in|o everydoy longuoge. I love |o show people |ho| in|ui|ive guidonce is reol, |rus|
wor|hy, ond incredibly helplul in your lile & bir, ond |ho| you obsolu|ely con receive i|
in o proc|icol ond grounded woyI
I work wi|h people |hrough my 5oul Purpose keodings (AKA 'Why |he heck om I
hereI) ond Im curren|ly developing some eci|ing online courses |o help my clien|s go
even deeper in|o working wi|h |heir in|ui|ion.
Im |hrilled |o hove you os por| ol my |ribe, ond I con| woi| |o connec| wi|h you
|hrough my weekly newsle||er. (Il you go| |his ebook lrom o lriend, moke sure |o
heod over |o www.nohonniloi| ond sign up lor occess |o my weekly blog pos|s,
olong wi|h behind|hescenes insigh|s |ho| I only shore wi|h my subscribersI)
Id love |o heor lrom you, so pleose drop me o line ond le| me know how |his ebook
hos helped you, ond who| chollenges youre locing wi|h pu||ing your in|ui|ion |o
work lor you in your lile & birI
Con|oc| inlo:
Web [www.nohonniloi|]
Emoil [nohonninohonniloi|]
Focebook [www.locebook.comJE
Twi||er [www.|wi||er.comJNohonniFoi|h]
YouTube [|ube.comJuserJNo

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