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Prince or Princess?

Steps towards choosing your babys gender before conception.

Written by: Alicia Pennington

Published by: Alicia Pennington COPYRIGHT 2009 All Rights Reserved This report is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may not sell, giveaway, or otherwise distribute this report in any manner. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author. Disclaimer This report is written for informational purposes only. The author has made every effort to make sure the information is complete and accurate, up to the publishing date.

This e book is intended for information and research purposes only. The author, publisher and all affiliates connected with the production of this e book wish to make it clearly understood that they do not imply any results to those persons using the information gained from reading this e book. Neither is the author, publisher or the affiliates responsible for any results brought about through the usage of any of the information contained herein. The author, publisher and all affiliates disclaim any personal liability, loss or any risk incurred as a direct result from the usage of any information or any advice contained within, in a direct or an indirect way. All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents Introduction ...........................................................................................Page 5 Ovulation ................................................................................................Page 7 How to know when you are Ovulating Basal Body Temperature How to take your Basal Body Temperature Cervix Mucus Physical Aspects Falling Pregnant ...........................................................................Page 16 Alcohol Stress Diet Positive Negative Conception ..............................................................................................Page 23 Fetal Development Birth Plan Labour Boy or Girl? .................................................................................. Page 31 All Rights Reserved

Genetics Natural Methods ....................................................................................Page 33 Preconception Gender Diet How it Actually Works Girls Diet Boys Diet X and Y Sperms .......................................................................................Page 40

For a Boy

For a Girl Timing Intercourse .................................................................................Page 44 Sexual Positions ......................................................................................Page 46 For a Boy For a Girl Summary ................................................................................................Page 58 For a Boy For a Girl All Rights Reserved

Introduction Couples are offered the opportunity of knowing their babys gender during pregnancy if they so wish and many people do like to know in advance. The preparation for the babys arrival is slightly more organised if the parents are aware of the gender. Simple tasks such as decorating the nursery are instantly made easier in the knowledge of whether the baby will be a gorgeous girl or a cheeky chap. The challenge of choosing a name is difficult enough at times but at least if the babys gender is known prior to the birth the parents know if they are selecting a girls name or a boys name. Items of clothing can be purchased in anticipation of the babys arrival and again this is simplified through knowing if you are looking at buying pretty pink dresses or cute blue trousers. What if couples could actually decide the gender of their baby and plan to give birth to either a girl or a boy? So instead of being told if they are having a boy or a girl they

can actually decide between themselves which gender they would like the baby to be. In the following book we will be discussing how the gender of the baby can be determined. We also talk about factors that can be used to plan your babys gender; such as diet. This book will offer guidance and advice to couples covering what they should do and what they should not do to enhance their chances of conceiving a baby of their own specific gender choice. Some people may argue that the natural scheme of life is jeopardized when you begin to plan and things that are normally left to chance become predetermined but one of the most natural acts in the world is the pregnancy itself and of course the birth. Having the chance and the option to decide the gender of the baby is surely a blessing and if couples prefer to plan in advance then is that really such a bad thing? If couples do not wish to plan or know their babys gender prior to the birth then that is their decision to freely make just as the couples that do wish to have some choice in their babys gender is their decision to make. All Rights Reserved

Ovulation Understanding the ovulation process will help you to have a clearer picture of pregnancy. During your menstrual cycle there is a fertile time and within this time an egg will be released from the ovary. The ovaries are egg producing organs which are oval shaped. They measure roughly 3cms x 1.5cms x 1.5cms. Every single month an egg will develop and mature inside the ovaries, the eggs only mature individually and approximately 28 days following the previous one. The mature follicle is called a graafian follicle and during the concluding stages of growth the graafian follicle makes its way to the actual surface of the ovary and makes a thin projection. In ovulation the thin projection ruptures and releases the egg. Now the egg continues its journey into the fallopian tubes heading towards the uterus; this section of its travels takes the egg approximately 3 whole days to complete.

The fertilization will occur within the fallopian tubes, if the egg happens to be fertilized then its next step is to attach itself to the uterine wall. If the egg is not fertilized then it will simply be expelled during the menstrual cycle. Understanding the ovulation process will allow an insight into the way that the female body works leading to pregnancy. It is not as complicated as you might initially think and it is quite fascinating and amazing to know that from an egg a beautiful baby develops.

How to know when you are Ovulating It is a common misconception that women ovulate upon the 14th day of their cycle; this is actually only true if the woman in question has a perfect 28 day cycle. The truth is that most women will ovulate 14 days prior to their next menstruation cycle / period. All Rights Reserved

If the woman usually has a 30 day cycle the ovulation would happen on the 16th day and not on the 14th day. Now a lot of women find the whole knowing when they are ovulating process problematic due to the fact that they are not always regular with their cycle. They might discover a cycle is a straight 28 days followed by a 30 day cycle and then even a 32 day cycle. The irregular cycles can prove to be pretty frustrating if the woman is trying to ascertain when she is going to ovulate. There are 2 main methods that can be employed to help in knowing when ovulation is about to happen and to be certain that it is actually happening. They are keeping a check on your body temperature and checking and analyzing the mucus from your cervix. Basal Body Temperature Your basal body temperature is your bodys temperature whilst you are resting and prior to rising from bed, this is why it is so important to take the reading at the same time on a daily basis. Once you have ovulated your temperature will rise by approximately half a degree. The shift in your temperature will be so minimal and this is why it is so imperative that the reading is taken at the exact same time each morning. All Rights Reserved

Now the method of charting your temperature may seem a little daunting to begin with and not every woman can commit to reading their temperature so frequently and also charting all the results, it does take a lot of commitment and also organisation to complete it sucessfully. Each morning when you wake up reading your temperature must be the initial thing that you do and it has to be taken before you go to the bathroom or as much as sit up in bed. When you have a reading you must record it; by doing this you can build a picture through comparing and analyzing all the temperatures together. Just after you have ovulated the temperature readings will increase by roughly half a degree. You are probably reading this now and thinking, how do I know if I am about to ovulate though? Well you will not know to begin with but the concept behind taking your basal body temperature is so that you can form a picture and eventually be aware of when you are about to ovulate on a monthly basis. You will need to do this for approximately 3 4 months to obtain a true picture. How to take your Basal Body Temperature Prior to going to bed ensure that you place a thermometer beside your bed the important point here is to make sure that it is within easy reach and that you do not need to move around or actually leave your bed to reach it. Do not even complete the simple task of sitting up in bed, the smallest of movement can actually throw your bodys temperature right off the mark. Make sure that you All Rights Reserved


read your temperature at the same time every morning, if there is a time difference for one reason or another then ensure it is no longer than half an hours difference between mornings. The minute you awaken take your temperature prior to any other normal tasks such as going to the bathroom or sitting up in bed. Your temperature can be taken either orally or via your vagina it will make no difference to the readings of your basal body temperature. The important thing to remember is that when you decide on your chosen method you must stick to that particular way. Follow all the instructions carefully for your individual thermometer so that you can obtain the best reading possible; if you happen to be using a mercury style thermometer then ensure you leave it long enough to obtain your final temperature reading. This might take approximately 4 5 minutes. With the mercury thermometers also make sure that you shake it down prior to going to bed; if you leave the shaking down until the following morning the action can throw the results off mark. Once you have your temperature reading make sure that you write it down. There are some basal thermometers that come with a function for memory, a good old fashioned method using pen and paper works well too! There will be occasions when you need to wake up at an earlier or later time than normal, when this happens simply take your temperature as you generally would but All Rights Reserved


ensure that you write the time difference down on your chart. To obtain an accurate reading of your temperature you must have slept for a minimum of 4 hours, if you experience a restless nights sleep this can actually completely throw the results off track. You still need to take your temperature upon waking but make a note on your chart that your sleep pattern was different and interrupted. Charting your basal body temperature does not prove successful for each and every woman, some women do not notice much of a rise in their bodys temperature but this does not always mean that they are not actually ovulating. I would advise seeing your doctor if you are concerned at all as he / she will be able to offer you the best advice on which way to turn next if you have tried to read and chart your basal body temperature and discovered it to not be very successful. All Rights Reserved


Cervix Mucus The cervix is often also referred to as the neck of the uterus it is the narrow, lower section of the uterus where it joins together with the top end of the vagina. Most women will notice that the amount of moisture within the cervix varies considerably, at times there is a lot of moisture and at other times the cervix is dry. The correct terminology for this moisture in the cervix is mucus and the quantity of this mucus will tell you where you are within your cycle. When a woman has just had her period the cervix will be in a dry and arid condition. The continuation through the womans cycle will show an increase of mucus which will line the vagina. When ovulation takes place there will be a bigger increase in the quantity of mucus and it does serve a purpose.


The greater amount of mucus is in preparation for the arrival of sperm. The mucus prepares the cervix so that it can safely receive the sperm and so that it can offer the sperm a higher survival chance. This is the reason for there being a higher quantity of mucus present in the cervix during the ovulation process than during any other time throughout the cycle, it is not just the fact that the mucus is more abundant during this time but it also adopts a consistency that is totally different to normal. The mucus will appear either white or cloudy a long way in advance of ovulation, if you were to attempt to stretch it between your fingers it would simply break. When you approach the ovulation time the cervix mucus turns even whiter and much more slippery in its texture; the mucus will now stretch between your fingers and not break. When this occurs it is a definite indication that you are close to ovulating. Once you have finished ovulating you will return to either having none or very little mucus or you could experience a thick discharge. It will probably seem a little peculiar to you analyzing the mucus initially but it will soon become second nature to you. All Rights Reserved


Physical Aspects There are certain physical aspects that some women experience prior to their ovulation and also during the time that they are ovulating. Many women have twinges or cramps located in their lower abdominal region, the pains are generally situated to the one side and can last between literally a few minutes to a few hours. The name given to these cramps is Mittleschmitz and they are actually quite common; women who experience them usually find that they are accompanied by a general feeling of discomfort. It has been likened to feeling bloated after eating too much, there is a heavy feeling to the stomach area. Women often experience their breasts seem to be more sensitive than normal, the nipples may feel slightly sore. Headaches are another common ailment that generally occur prior to ovulating and this can be accompanied by a nauseous feeling; some women can also experience dizziness and have problems sleeping. It is always worth making a note if you do feel something that is out of the ordinary as all this information can go towards helping you to ascertain more clearly when you are due to begin your ovulation. A woman will generally experience the same symptoms each month although sometimes they can vary, for instance one month


you might feel nauseous coupled with a headache and the following month you may lose this only to be replaced with stomach cramps. Rest assured though ladies as it is not all doom and gloom, many women experience an increase in their sex drive prior to ovulating or during their ovulation. They generally have a feeling of extra confidence and well being around the time of ovulation.

Falling Pregnant There are factors to consider when it comes to actually falling pregnant in the first instance regardless of the gender of the baby desired. Having a healthy body and weight are essential and also maintaining your bodys ideal weight is very important. Cutting out habits such as smoking and drinking are also very important as these can have a negative effect when you are trying to conceive. Alcohol Alcohol consumption should be drastically reduced, better still cut out completely when you are trying to conceive. Drinking alcohol has been proven to reduce the chance of conception. All Rights Reserved


The alcohol reduction should also apply to the male in the partnership as they can also be affected; with many whom drink too heavily there can be problems concerning impotence and possible liver problems. The liver problems can cause an increase in the estrogen hormone levels which can have devastating results on the mans sperm as they can be suppressed and damaged. The man will usually experience a lower sperm count too. Stress The word stress is defined as any event taking place that causes the person to feel threatened or upset; there are numerous occurrences throughout a persons life that cause them to experience stress such as problems at work, deadlines, family troubles or being involved in an accident of some sort. Your body goes through a process when you are under stress, it releases CRF hormones (Corticotropin Releasing Factor) and these travel to the brain and activate the adrenaline. The adrenaline then releases neurotransmitters which are chemical All Rights Reserved


messengers, within the collection of neurotransmitters is the stress hormone known as Cortisol. Along with all this turmoil going on inside your body you will display signs on the outside such as shaking, sweating, faster breathing and a much increased heart rate. The medical profession are still unclear how stress actually causes a lower conception chance but it is thought that is linked through the hormones and reproduction.

The same mechanism maintains and regulates stress hormones along with sex hormones, so it is thought that perhaps when stress is experienced it throws the whole hormonal balance that is required for reproduction completely off course. Try and relax as much as you can, engage in a hobby such as yoga and learn how to breathe correctly and switch off from the world around you. Animals are a great source of enjoyment for many people and it has now been proven that those people who share their lives with a pet live longer and generally All Rights Reserved


more stress free lives. Through gently stroking an animal such as a cat, dog or rabbit peoples heart rates are reduced considerably and there is a general feeling of calmness. Animals love the attention and generally display their appreciation which in turn makes us feel happy, the soft purr of a cat or the contented sigh of a sleepy dog immediately make you feel relaxed. Diet Another contributing factor towards a lower rate of conception can be the comsumption of a poor diet whilst eating a healthy and well balanced diet can increase the chances of conceiving. There are certain foods that are deemed to have a negative effect on conceiving and some that are considered to have a positive effect. These are to be taken into account alongside the individual gender diets as this is more general advice regarding diet and not gender specific. Positive We are constantly told just how important fruit and vegetables are in our diets and this is especially true whilst you are trying to conceive and actually throughout pregnancy. Fruit and vegetables are imperative for us to be able to maintain a healthy body. The organically grown vegetables as they all essential minerals All Rights Reserved

best kind are the variety of fruit and contain lots of the and vitamins that our


bodies require especially during conception and also later on during pregnancy. Your body requires a balanced level of iron content so you need to be consuming protein rich foods. The best sources to obtain iron from are foods such as poultry and very lean meats. Vegetarians can consume foods containing protein including pulses, soya items, nuts, seeds, cereals and some dairy products. If you are concerned about your iron levels then you can always seek some advice from your GP who might recommend that you take a B12 or calcium supplement on a regular basis. Folic acid is another imperative nutrient to ensure that you consume before, during and after pregnancy. There are several fortified breakfast cereals that are great sources of folic acid, orange juice is another good source. Try to eat lots of leafy, green vegetables. You also need to make sure that you have enough calcium in your diet. All Rights Reserved


Good sources of calcium can be found in many vegetables including kale and broccoli also items of fruit such as oranges contain a high content of calcium. There are many dairy products that are excellent sources of calcium, cheese is one of the best but just be careful not to consume too much as it is also contains a high level of fat unless of course you opt for a lower fat variety. Low fat yoghurts are another very good source of calcium and are a good, healthy choice. Negative Foods to avoid when you are trying to conceive are ones that contain preservatives and all the other chemicals including ingredients like artificial sweeteners because these can actually upset your hormonal balance. Avoid foods that contain a high fat content and diet sodas or drinks that contain aspartame. You need to limit your intake of caffeine as this constricts the blood vessels which reduces the flow of blood to the uterus and in turn stops eggs from being able to attach to the uterine wall. All Rights Reserved


Limit the amount of refined carbs that you have such as the ones discovered in pastries, white bread and certain types of pasta. These lack the essential iron and B vitamins that you require.

You can eat products such as rye bread or whole wheat sour dough loaves these make the perfect alternative to normal, regular white bread. Try not to consume a big quantity of meat if you are trying to conceive because meat actually causes the bodys natural ammonia levels to rise considerably and this can then inhibit the eggs attachment within the uterus. Follow a sensible diet, take part in some light exercise and try to relax and unwind whenever possible, you will find that you feel better and more at ease which will help you to conceive and also help you through pregnancy. All Rights Reserved


Conception We need to understand the basics of conception and what actually happens in the female body during the process of becoming pregnant and during pregnancy before we move on any further. Women will generally ovulate regularly once every month; ovulation is the process of an egg being released by the womans ovaries. When a 28 day menstrual cycle is present then the ovulation will typically happen on the 14th day. During sexual intercourse the man will ejaculate sperm this will then travel from his testicles through his penis and into the womans vagina. If one, single sperm meets

the egg then fertilizatio n might happen. When a man ejaculates there are actually between 60 and 500 million sperms that are released at the same time and all of them follow the same route, it is almost reminiscent of a race taking place and all the sperms are heading for the finish line.


The sperms all cross the uterus collar in just 10 minutes of their starting point and only roughly between 100 and 200 of the sperms will be chosen and arrive at the location which places them in the most strategic position. Impregnation of the egg can occur for approximately 24 hours after it departs from the follicle. If a sperm is successful and manages to penetrate the egg the sperm will then lose its tail and then the head of the sperm will increase in size, the grand entrance of the sperm will coax the egg into a reaction and it will also begin to increase its size. All Rights Reserved



The whole process involving the sperm actually fusing with the egg is entitled fertilization. If this takes place the egg will journey to the lining of the uterus, this is called implantation. The fertilized egg, or zygote, will begin to divide and this will progress to the development of an embryo. The embryo will, if all goes well, then produce a baby in 9 months. The ultrasound scans are carried out periodically throughout the pregnancy to ensure that everything is running as it should be. SCAN AT 4 WEEKS


Fetal Development The ultrasound scan image above shows that at 4 weeks old the baby to be has now formed into an embryo. At 6 weeks the embryo is approximately the size of a lentil and the head seems to be completely out of proportion with the rest of the embryo. At this stage the features on the face are now beginning to form. There will be tiny dark coloured spots where eventually there will be eyes and there are small openings where the nostrils will be located. The ears at the present time are just tiny little pits. Where the limbs will be eventually at the moment there are miniature protruding bud like formations. At 6 weeks the little heart is beating at approximately 150 beats each and every minute. A lot of women board the rollercoaster of emotions during the 9th week of their pregnancy, they are happy one minute and sad the next. This is perfectly normal and nothing to be concerned about. The fetus will now be growing very well and by the conclusion of the 9th week it will measure approximately 2.3cms in total length and it will now weigh roughly just 2 grams. The tiny wrists and ankles are now formed and the digits that are the toes and fingers are now visible. The fetus at 10 weeks is approximately 3cms long and 4 grams in weight and the liver, brain, intestines, kidneys and also the lungs are completely formed and working. All Rights Reserved



The head is approximately half the length of the total body and the forehead temporarily bulges and is positioned high on the head; this will alter into a more human like feature. Until this point the eyes have been positioned on the sides of the head and now, at week 12 they are more or less in the correct location. The ears are nearly in their normal position and the liver is actually making its own bile. Movement cannot be felt as of yet by the pregnant mum to be but if her abdomen is gently prodded the fetus will react by squirming. All Rights Reserved


The babys face is actually developing now and the once tiny embryo is starting to take on a human form. Now the fetus measures approximately 5.5cms in length and weighs about 14 grams. SCAN AT 12 WEEKS

The fetus has now developed more reactions to events in general but all still without the movements being experienced by the mum to be. By 15 weeks the fetus now weighs about 70 grams and measures approximately 11 cms in length. The legs are now growing at a quicker rate than the arms and all the limbs can now move around. The miniscule fingernails are even fully formed at 15 weeks. The external genitals of the fetus are developing well at this point and they


might have developed enough at 15 weeks to ascertain the gender of the baby via an ultrasound. The fetus now at 18 weeks old is about 14.2 cms in length and weighs in at 190 grams. Now the chest will move up and down in a breathing manner but there is no air being taken in just the amniotic fluid. The breathing motion is the fetus copying the breathing pattern of its mum to be. Very often an ultrasound scan is recommended around the 18 week period just to check that everything is going along as it should be. This is the perfect opportunity to check for any birth defects and to confirm that the gestational age is correct. Now we will jump to the final trimester and it is now week 29. The baby now weighs 1.1kgs and measures 38 cms. The brains rate of growth is very fast at this stage and the head is growing bigger. During this final trimester period the babys nutritional requirements seem to reach their ultimate high and it becomes even more important that he/she receives the correct assortment of nutrients. You will need to consume lots of protein, vitamin C, iron, folic acid and calcium; it is estimated that approximately 200 milligrams of the nutrients that you eat are absorbed into the babys skeleton daily. By week 36 of your babys growth the measurements are roughly 45 cms in length and the weight is approximately 2.7 kgs. Week 37 sees you at full term in your All Rights Reserved


pregnancy and your baby will now measure about 50 cms long and weigh in at approximately 2.8 kgs, the babys head should now be in the pelvic cavity. Many babies actually possess a full head of hair at this stage with their locks being about an inch long. Birth Plan A birth plan is an imperative piece of equipment for any mum to be to have. It is a way of expressing your wishes to your midwife and also to the doctors who will be looking after you during labour. The basic concept behind a birth plan is that it provides knowledge for the people playing the most important roles when it comes to your babys birth. It lets them know what type of birth you would ideally like to have and what you do not wish to happen; the birth plan can never be written and set in stone because anything could change at the actual time of the birth. The idea is to write your birthing plan so that your words do not make your midwife feel pushed into a corner, the midwife may have to make a quick decision that could involve a course of action not mentioned in the plan. You need to ensure that she can do this before the time because you may not be in a position to answer her at the actual time. Labour It is hard to actually define when labour begins because for each individual woman the pain and experience is different. Labour is not so much of a single event as more All Rights Reserved


of a process leading to the birth of your baby. General symptoms associated with labour usually include stomach cramps, broken waters and possibly some discharge. If you are worried or in any doubt call your midwife as they are there to help and advise you. Then of course the final stage is the birth and again this is a varying experience for individual women and the duration can be short or long; your doctor, midwife and people assisting with your birth will be able to answer any queries you might have. Then all that is left is for you to enjoy your baby boy or girl and this leads us nicely into the next section of our e book, the babys gender and whether parents can actually decide to have a girl or a boy. Boy or Girl? Genetics When it comes down to determining your babys gender it is your genetics that now take their place at centre stage. All Rights Reserved


To put it simply chromosomes are what relay the genetic information from the old cells to the new cells. This occurs from one generation to the next hence the inheritance of certain family traits. Now each and every individual cell within an organism contains 2 copies of every individual chromosome that happens to be present within that particular organism. Humans possess 46 chromosomes in total and 23 of them were inherited from their father and 23 were inherited from their mother. The actual reproductive cells of either the egg or the sperm are called gametes and these only have the 1 set of chromosomes. A living embryo is formed when the 2 gametes unite with one another; the embryo has 2 sets of genetic information. We have 2 copies of the genetic information for an individual trait; it might be that occasionally just the 1 copy controls the traits expression and other times it will be both copies that influence the trait. Therefore as a direct result from this action the baby will be born with characteristics from both the father and the mother. All Rights Reserved


Natural Methods Preconception Gender Diet Is it thought that what you eat can actually affect whether you conceive a girl or a boy. The food that you consume prior to conception plays an all important part in choosing your babys gender. The theory behind it works on the principle that altering your diet before you conceive will offer you a higher chance of conceiving a baby with the gender of your choice. Couples that are planning to have a baby often wish to just slightly tip the scales towards the gender of their choice rather than leaving it to pure chance. Ionic equilibrium means to modify your diet prior to pregnancy, it is all well and good making up your own mind about the gender of your baby but the problem could arise because your bodys condition might actually prevent the conception that you are hoping for. Through altering your bodys chemistry and condition via following a preconception diet you can actually alter the pH level within your body. Then because the pH level has changed this can then alter the polarity of the egg; this alteration will eventually lead to the attraction of one particular gender more than the other. Making choices with your diet now prior to conception will make all the difference to your bodys condition and will increase your odds to conceiving a boy or a girl. All Rights Reserved


Altering your diet in this way has been proven to be successful during research carried out under clinical conditions approximately 96% to 98% of the women who agreed to be a part of the research were found to conceive the gender that they hoped for. How it Actually Works The tissues in your body are made up from cells and these cells possess structures called receptors. The receptors activity is highly influenced by alterations to the ionic concentrations of the bodily environment surrounding them. Through varying the ratio of potassium and sodium to the ratio of magnesium and calcium you are helping your body to condition itself to conceive the gender you are hoping for. The womans diet in the months leading towards conception really does have an important role in deciding her babys gender. Conceiving a baby boy is given a higher chance through an alkaline based environment whilst an acidic based environment is favourable for conceiving a baby girl; the acidity level of the womans vagina on conception will certainly have a direct impact on the gender. Man actually carries 2 chromosomes these are the X chromosome sperm (girl) and the Y chromosome sperm (boy) now the X sperm are always bigger, slower and much All Rights Reserved


more resilient within the womans tract. The Y sperm are always smaller, faster, weaker and generally less resilient in the womans tract. The internal environment, or the tract, of the mum to be can undergo changes and be adjusted to attract either the X sperm (girl) or the Y sperm (boy) you must always remember that the Y sperms are the weaker ones of the 2 types. If the woman has a very highly to be a much harsher environment acidic tract this will prove for the Y sperms to actually survive within. They will be eliminated through the acidic content therefore only leaving the X sperm to reach the ovum which will result in the conception of a baby girl. Now if the tract has a high alkaline content then this will actually act like a booster for the weaker Y sperm, marry this to the fact All Rights Reserved


that they are already faster than the X sperm and will undoubtedly win the race to the ovum this will give the result of a baby boy being conceived. So as you can see the chances of conceiving the gender type that you desire are especially high through using a preconception diet but couples embarking on any natural gender selection process must be aware that there is always a percentage of failure involved. Keeping positive and totally focussed will help you to believe that it is possible and that you will succeed in your quest to conceive either the son or the daughter that you are wishing for so badly. To some couples trying to choose the gender of their baby and to plan ahead is just a bit of harmless fun; sure they would like to believe that they will be blessed with the gender that they hope for. To other couples though selecting their babys gender is a very serious concern and one that engulfs their whole lives. Many families long for a daughter as they have all sons so far or vice versa; and for others it might be their first child but they wish for a particular gender. All Rights Reserved


Girls Diet If you are hoping to conceive a beautiful, bonny girl then try to consume foods that are rich in magnesium and calcium. Dairy products such as milk, yoghurt and cheese are an excellent choice. Fish is another excellent product to eat if you are trying to conceive a baby girl as are lovely, leafy green vegetables and salad items. Avoid food that contains a particularly high salt content and also refrain from adding a lot of salt to your food. Fruits such as apples, grapefruits and tangerines are very healthy and are important items to consume when trying to conceive a baby girl All Rights Reserved


along with eggs and believe it or not you can also indulge yourself in some delicious ice cream! We mentioned leafy green vegetables but another vegetable to eat when trying to conceive a baby girl is the trusted carrot, the good thing with this vegetable is the fact that they can also be nibbled on whilst they are raw and in this form they are wonderful for your teeth. Boys Diet If you are hoping to conceive a bouncing, cute boy then try to consume foods that are rich in sodium and potassium. Bananas are one of the best sources of potassium available in the world of food. They are also an excellent supplier of energy and of vitamins B and C. Red meat is recommended on the menu when trying to conceive a boy as is a higher salt content throughout the diet; too much salt though is not good for you so your daily intake of salt needs to All Rights Reserved


be no more than 6 grams. There are some tasty fruits suggested as part of your diet and these include melons, peaches and apricots, potatoes are another food that you are encouraged to eat as is rice. Fish is a good addition to your diet especially if it is just grilled plainly with nothing added to it. Sweet corn and sausages are also good foods to consume if you are trying to conceive a boy. The general advice is to cook the food mentioned by using the healthiest method possible. Items such as the sausages need to be grilled or even baked in the oven rather than fried as fried foods tend to hold the grease. You can make the food more interesting to eat if it helps by doing simple things such as mashing the banana up and popping it in a sandwich or grilling the tomatoes instead of eating them as they are with a salad. When they are grilled eat them with the grilled sausages for a tasty meal. If you can use your imagination whilst cooking the food you can transform some of the food that you might not fancy into tasty dishes. All Rights Reserved


X and Y Sperms

This is all about the premise of the sperms that carry the X and Y chromosomes actually having different characterisitics to one another; and if the circumstances are altered then either sperm will have a higher chance of fertilizing the egg.

The reproductive environment can actually be influenced to act favourably towards either the male or female sperm, the sperm that actually fertilizes the egg determines the babys gender. Sperms that are carrying the X chromosome will produce a girl and sperms carrying the Y chromosome will produce a boy.

Sperms with the Y chromosome (boy) are:

Smaller and mush faster than the sperms carrying the X chromosome The sperms carrying the Y chromosome die faster than the X chromosome sperms

Sperms with the X chromosome (girl) are:

These sperms will be much slower than the sperms with the Y chromosome They can tolerate the acidic environment of the vagina prior to the fertile cervical fluid being produced

For a Boy All Rights Reserved


To conceive a boy couples need to have intercourse as close as they can to ovulation. This is due to the fact that the sperms carrying the Y chromosome are faster than the sperms carrying the X chromosome. There should therefore be a higher percentage of the Y chromosome sperms reaching the egg before the X chromosome sperms have a look in. The theory is that a sperm carrying the Y chromosome for a boy should fertilize the egg.

Couples should actually refrain from having intercourse for approximately 4 5 days prior to ovulation, intercourse should take place literally just before ovulation and during the period of ovulation.

Intercourse should occur in a position that allows for deep penetration to occur; a recommended sexual position is for the male to enter the female from behind whilst she kneels up.

This position will place the sperm in closer proximity to the actual cervix; this is the location where the cervical fluid is at its friendliest to the sperms carrying the Y chromosome. Therefore a higher quantity of these sperms will survive as they have to endure a shorter travelling distance.

The male half of the couple should cease wearing any close and tight fitting clothing as the heat produced from wearing garments that are too tight can kill off both the Y chromosome carrying sperms and the X chromosome carrying sperms. The smaller All Rights Reserved


sperms, those with the Y chromosome, will perish quicker than the bigger X chromosome sperms. This will lessen the chances of conceiving a boy as there will be fewer boy sperms left.

When trying to encourage the conception of a boy it is recommended that the female should have an orgasm. This is due to the fact that during an orgasm the alkaline secretions within the vagina are increased and this is especially favourable to the sperms with the Y chromosome.

The female should experience an orgasm prior to her male partner or having an orgasm during the time that the male orgasms too.

For a Girl

To conceive a girl the couple should have intercourse 2 3 days prior to the ovulation period avoiding having intercourse right before ovulation and then having intercourse again approximately 2 days after ovulation.

When intercourse takes place a few days prior to the ovulation period then just those sperms with the X chromosome (girl) will be left actually within the females reproductive tract awaiting the eggs arrival to be fertilized. Couples hoping to conceive a girl should have intercourse All Rights Reserved


with shallow penetration allowed. The missionary sexual position is the best option for many couples.

Through adopting a position that will give shallow penetration the sperms will be deposited further away from the actual cervix; this will allow the slower X chromosome sperms a better chance.

The female of the couple should refrain from experiencing an orgasm on this occasion because the environment around the vagina will become more alkaline based. The sperm carrying the X chromosome prefer a more acidic environment.

The female should not drink too much caffeine whilst trying to conceive. Always remember that nothing is 100% guaranteed to work. Try not to pin all your hopes on the initial attempt because the chances are if you are stressed out and worried you not only will not conceive the gender of your dreams but you probably will not conceive at all. You need to relax and unwind and enjoy the prospect of conceiving; do not make the whole conception process too regimental and completely organised. Couples can discover that the act of lovemaking turns into more of an act of desperation to conceive than an actual act of love and passion.

Keep it fun whilst still planning the important issues such as the best sexual positions to adopt and the timing side of intercourse. All Rights Reserved


Timing Intercourse The concept behind timing intercourse when it comes to deciding the gender of your baby is all to do with the differences between the male and female sperms and ovulation. If you have intercourse at a closer time to your ovulation there is a higher percentage and likelihood that you will conceive a boy, as the boy sperms carry the Y chromosome and are:

Smaller and much faster than the sperms carrying the X chromosome The sperms carrying the Y chromosome die faster than the X chromosome sperms

The male sperms will therefore reach the egg before the female sperms as they are faster at moving. Intercourse should happen during the times of your peak, fertile cervix mucus (egg white in colour) appearing or within a timescale of no more than 12 hours prior to your ovulation occurring. If you are charting your basal body temperature and you notice a dip in your bodys temperature then this is an excellent time for intercourse to take place or even the following morning will be fine, or both if you so desire! Now the girl sperms carry the X chromosome and are:

These sperms will be much slower than the sperms with the Y chromosome All Rights Reserved


They can tolerate the acidic environment of the vagina prior to the fertile cervical fluid being produced

If you have intercourse approximately 2 4 days before your ovulation then there is a higher chance of you conceiving a girl. This is due to the fact that the female sperms actually live a lot longer than the male sperms, therefore allowing a higher percentage of the female sperms to reach the egg than the male sperms. Do not have intercourse for a few days after the intercourse takes place prior to ovulation as this will then allow for the male sperms to die therefore increasing the percentage for the conception of a girl.

You want to avoid having intercourse when you have peak cervix mucus as this is more beneficial if you are wishing to conceive a boy. All Rights Reserved


Sexual Positions To recap on the knowledge that we have previously gained regarding the differences between the male and female sperms. We know that the male sperm contains the Y chromosome and the sperms are lighter in weight, smaller in size, quicker at moving and more fragile than the female sperms. The female sperm contains the X chromosome and the sperms are heavier in weight, larger in size, slower at moving and more robust than the male sperms. So what can we now accomplish with this valuable knowledge? We can plan ahead and change the sexual position that we adopt so that it will work favourably in conceiving either a boy or a girl. For a Boy The 2 imperative pieces of information that we have learnt pertaining to the male sperms is that they are speedy but at the same time exceptionally fragile in comparison to the female sperms. The male sperms, through their speed, should in all probability be able to win the race against the female sperms easily. This can only be possible though if the race takes place in an environment that is hospitable to the sperms to begin with, now the downside to the vagina is that it is fairly acidic so not a great place for any sperm to live! The male sperms are effected more than the female sperms due to their fragility. Through this information we can


ascertain that there is a much higher chance of the female sperms surviving than the male sperms, not great if you are wishing for a boy! Do not worry as all hope is not yet lost as we can assist the male sperms to make their journey successfully and to give them a fighting chance against the female sperms. What you are trying to do is to ensure that the male sperms begin their travels as highly positioned within the vagina as possible. The ideal location for the male sperms to be is to be placed above the neck of the cervix. So sexual positions where the mans penis can achieve deep penetration into the womans vagina are best as this will help the male sperms to reach their perfect location. The position above the neck of the cervix is ideal because the environment here contains much less acid so therefore making it a better place for the sperms to survive in, especially the delicate male sperms. A good position for the man to obtain a deep penetration is the doggy position. The woman needs to be kneeling down with her hands placed upon the floor in front of her knees, as pictured on the All Rights Reserved


right. The man can then place is penis into her vagina from behind her. A slight variation on this position can involve the woman resting her upper body on the bed and the man entering her from behind as before. This subtle alteration can offer the woman more comfort as she is then resting her upper body weight on the bed rather than supporting it on her hands. Another variation on the doggy style sexual position is for the woman to be standing and for her to bend over, the man can then also place his penis into her vagina from behind allowing him to gain deeper penetration. The position below also offers the woman more support because she is resting her body weight upon the mans knees, the position still allows for the deep penetration required to help the male sperms make it to a safer environment for them to survive. All Rights Reserved


Another sexual position to try is the spread eagle position. This involves the woman lying on her front and spreading her legs apart as far as she can manage, the man can then place his penis into her vagina from behind. The man then needs to support his own body weight on his elbows or his hands or, if the woman feels comfortable enough, he can place his weight onto her. This position also offers deeper penetration. A sexual position that offers the deep penetration needed is the position called the deckchair position. The woman lies on her back and elevates her legs, she can either part her legs or not it does not make a lot of difference to the penetration gained. The man must support his weight on his hands for this particular position. The sexual positions mentioned so far to obtain deeper penetration all have 1 thing in common and that is they all place the man in control. The advantage with this is the fact that the man is aware when he is going to ejaculate and it is at this point that he needs to thrust his penis deeper into the womans vagina, this is because when he All Rights Reserved


does actually ejaculate the male sperms will have a better chance of making it to above the neck of the cervix. There is a position that allows for deep penetration but also places the woman in control and that is the cowgirl position. This is where the woman sits astride the man with a leg either side of his body. In this position the woman can gently lower herself down onto the mans penis and she can control her own feelings. The important thing to remember with this position is that the man needs to communicate with the woman the time when he is about to ejaculate. When he lets her know this she needs to push downwards even more onto his penis as this will then ensure a deeper penetration. All Rights Reserved


When it comes to the orgasm with the deeper penetration positions then both parties should attempt to orgasm together. The concept behind this is that when the woman orgasms her body will automatically reduce the amount of acid within her vagina, this is done to produce a safer and much friendlier atmosphere and a better environment for the sperms to live. Now because the male sperms are so much more fragile in comparison to the female sperms it is vital to achieve a safe environment for them immediately to keep them alive. So by reaching your orgasms simultaneously the correct environment will be set from the beginning and the male sperms will have a welcoming atmosphere from the start. Never be afraid or embarrassed to discuss with your partner how you like to reach your orgasm as this is a very important part of intercourse. The ideal part of the cowgirl sexual position when compared to some of the other deep penetration positions is the fact that the man has his hands completely free to enable him to be able to touch the woman exactly where she likes to be touched.


For some women they enjoy their breasts being gently fondled or sucked and in the cowgirl position this can be achieved; many men find it a great sexual stimulation to have the woman on top as they enjoy the woman being placed in the more domineering position for a change. The reverse amazon sexual position pictured on the right is an alteration to the cowgirl position. This allows the man the freedom of his hands too as the cowgirl position does. The man needs to support himself on a pillow or lye down flat upon his back, relax and let the woman do the work! All Rights Reserved



There are numerous sexual positions to allow a deep penetration. For couples who like to experiment whilst having intercourse there are sitting positions like the picture on the left. This is a good position for both people but especially so for the woman as, like some positions previously mentioned, the mans hands are completely free in this position. The woman has a great advantage with his hands being in a position where she can be tenderly caressed, this will all help her to reach an orgasm. Adventurous couples may try experimenting with the assistance of items of furniture. These sexual positions are favourable for the woman as they offer her support whilst still enabling the man to obtain a deep

penetration. We have already seen the reverse amazon position and the position pictured at the bottom of this page is the amazon variant. This is simply a varied amazon type sexual position. All Rights Reserved


It is a great position for those couples who like to face their partner when having intercourse. The woman is the more dominant person during this position, she can control her own orgasm and the man must ensure that he lets her know when he is going to ejaculate. The woman can then push down harder and firmer on the mans penis to ensure a deeper penetration at the point of ejaculation. The amazon variant sexual position also offers diversity because the woman can easily alter it into a cowgirl position or by turning she can make the position into a reverse amazon position.

For a Girl Now the female sperms are bigger than the male sperms not only this but they are also slower, weigh more and are a lot tougher than the male sperms. This information needs to be taken into consideration when wishing to conceive a girl. The sexual positions to use are the complete opposite to those for a boy, you are looking to achieve a shallow penetration. The female sperms need to be positioned around the region of the mouth of the cervix, this means that the female sperms All Rights Reserved


have a much longer distance to travel for egg fertilization but due to them being tougher than the male sperms they will stand a very high chance of survival. Now there are not as many sexual positions offering a shallow penetration as there are for a deep penetration, however the few that there are can be extremely enjoyable for couples! The missionary sexual position is deemed as the most traditional position to have intercourse in. The woman lays flat upon her back and spreads her legs the man then places his penis in her vagina. He can either support his weight on his hands or elbows or place his weight onto the woman. Although this is a sexual position ideally intended to offer a shallow penetration it does require a certain amount of care to be taken. The man must ensure that during his ejaculation he does not thrust too far into the womans vagina as the female sperms need to be deposited around the mouth of the cervix and not towards the neck or beyond the cervix neck. All Rights Reserved


Not always an easy task for the man to suddenly pull back from the woman as he ejaculates and he obviously does not want to pull back completely but he must try to achieve the maneouvre. If given the option of ejaculation occuring too deeply or pulling out of the womans vagina completely then the latter option is the better to go for and when you think about it all this will mean is that you need to try again, now there cannot be too much wrong with that now can there? Another position that offers a shallow penetration is the spooning position. This position involves the woman lying on her side and the man cradling

her from behind. The man enters the womans vagina from behind in this position. This is a good sexual position for conceiving a girl due to the physical aspect. The man cannot obtain any deep penetration in this position so the female sperms will always be deposited at the mouth of the actual cervix. Many women like this position because it offers an opportunity for slower and much more loving intercourse. It is a position to be savoured and enjoyed, much like the All Rights Reserved


lotus pictured below. The man kneels and the woman also kneels but does so whilst sitting astride the man. Due to the mans position he cannot carry out deep penetration and so this is another good position for the female sperms to be placed in the perfect location for them, the mouth of the cervix. It is also another sexual position that is good for a

slower kind of intercourse to take place. The lotus position is especially loving because the couple face one another and can cuddle as they have intercourse, this is the main reason that it is favoured by numerous women. Now for the women there is a downside to wishing to conceive a girl, the woman should not orgasm. Through not experiencing an orgasm it will help in the conception of a girl. The vagina has less

acid content during an orgasm because this makes for a safer environment for the sperms. The female sperms are tougher though than the male sperms and so you do not wish to reduce the acidity of the vagina therefore making it a better environment for the male sperms. The woman should not orgasm when the man does, she should not orgasm shortly afterwards either as time needs to elapse to allow the female sperms time to make their journey. There are many other options for the woman to All Rights Reserved


achieve an orgasm and I am sure the man will not mind helping her to reach her goal!

Summary I hope that after reading my e book you are now convinced that there are steps that can be taken to help you choose the gender of your baby. Through diet, timing of intercourse, sexual positions and understanding the female body itself regarding ovulation it is possible to select your babys gender. To make it even easier for you to view quickly I have included a summary for a boy and also a summary for a girl making it possible to see at a glance the steps you need to take. For a Boy When planning to conceive a boy the first thing to consider is your diet and eating the types of food that are enriched with potassium and sodium such as: Bananas All Rights Reserved


Red Meat Melons Apricots Peaches Potatoes, especially baked Rice Fish, grilled Sweetcorn Sausages, grilled Remember the healthy option is to grill rather than fry and do not overload items such as sweetcorn and baked potatoes with heaps of butter, this defeats the object of the dish being healthy and good for you.

The next thing to think about is the timing of intercourse. For a boy you need to be having intercourse closer towards the ovulation time as there is a higher chance of the male sperms reaching the egg prior to the female sperms. The male sperms are much faster and also smaller than the female sperms. All Rights Reserved


Intercourse needs to happen when the fertile cervix mucus is appearing, the mucus will be white in colour and a much thicker mucus than normal. When it comes to sexual positions for conceiving a boy then you are aiming for positions that offer deeper penetration. Due to the male sperms being smaller and more fragile than the female sperms they need to be given a headstart so positioning them above the neck of the cervix will offer them a good advantage. The doggy position is a good one for a deeper penetration. This involves the woman kneeling down and the man placing his penis into her vagina from behind. The man should thrust deeper when he ejaculates as this will help the male sperms to reach their desired destination. There are several other sexual positions shown here that enable the man to obtain a deeper penetration. The orgasms need to happen at the same time for a boy due to the environment created when the woman orgasms and when the man orgasms because he pushes deeper the male sperms are deposited exactly where they need to be and in a welcoming environment. The main point to consider and to remember is that the male sperms contain the Y chromosome therefore they sperms but they are also a lot are faster than the female more fragile and lighter. All Rights Reserved


For a Girl When planning to conceive a girl the first thing to consider is your diet and eating the types of food that are enriched with calcium and magnesium such as: Cheese Yoghurt Milk Fish, grilled or baked Green Vegetables Salads Apples Tangerines Grapefruits Carrots, cooked or raw Always remember to either grill or bake your food as these methods of cooking are so much healthier than frying. Now the next point to consider is the timing of intercourse. When you wish to conceive a girl intercourse needs to happen approximately 2 4 days prior to the


ovulation time. The female sperms are much more robust in comparison to the male sperms and live longer than them, they can survive in the area of the mouth of the cervix whilst the female sperms prefer the environment beyond the neck of the cervix. You want to refrain from having intercourse again within the following few days after the initial intercourse this will then allow the male sperms to die off and therefore will increase the percentage rates for a girl to be conceived. Now because the female sperms can survive in the mouth of the cervix the sexual position used needs to reflect this by only allowing for a shallow penetration to take place. There are a few sexual positions shown here. The most popular and most commonly used position is the missionary position. This position involves the woman lying upon her back and the man lying on top of her, face downwards. The man then enters her vagina with his penis and this allows for a shallow penetration. The man needs to be aware that at the point of ejaculation he must pull out slightly and not thrust any deeper. He does not want to pull out completely but enough to stop a deeper penetration occurring. Now the not so great news for the woman is that she should not orgasm as the environment created around the vagina will not be so welcoming to the female sperms because it will become more alkaline based . They much prefer a more acidic All Rights Reserved


environment and so they will stand a better chance of survival if the woman refrains from experiencing an orgasm. The main point to consider and to remember is that the female sperms contain the X chromosome therefore they are slower than the male sperms but they are also a lot more robust and heavier. I hope you have enjoyed reading my e book and that it has answered some questions for you about choosing the gender of your baby and also given you some ideas and points to think about. Whether you are wishing for a bonny little princess or a cute little prince to join your family I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the luck and happiness in the world. All Rights Reserved


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