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Textos rea Agropecuaria.

Actividades de Prctica
Trabajo Prctico N 1 Analizar las palabras subrayadas del siguiente prrafo y determinar su significado a travs de las tcnicas desarrolladas. (NO hay que traducir todo el prrafo, solo las palabras subrayadas).
1. 2. 3.

Uso del diccionario. Anlisis morfolgico de la palabra : dada su terminacin a que clasificacin corresponde (verbo, sustantivo, adjetivo, adverbio) Inferencia del significado.

The technology of genetic engineering (GE), wielded by transnational "life science" corporations such as Monsanto and Novartis, is the practice of altering or disrupting the genetic blueprints of living organisms - plants, animals, humans, microorganisms- patenting them, and then selling the resulting gene-foods, seeds, or other products for profit. Life science corporations proclaim, with great fanfare, that their new products will make agriculture sustainable, eliminate world hunger, cure disease, and vastly improve public health. In reality, through their business practices and political lobbying, the gene engineers have made it clear that they intend to use GE to dominate and monopolize the global market for seeds, foods, fiber, and medical products. Genetic altering blueprints sustainable medical vastly dominate reality monipolize

Trabajo prctico N 2: a) Analizar las siguientes oraciones identificando: Los elementos de cada oracin: Sujeto, Verbo principal y objeto /complemento, Uso y funcin de las claves de puntuacin y los trminos referenciales para lograr as una buena coprensin del texto . Elaborar un glosario de trminos tcnicos referido al tema b) Traduce las oraciones. 1- Genetic Engineering is a revolutionary new technology in its early experimental stages of development. 2- This technology has the power to break down fundamental genetic barriers - not only between species - but between humans, animals, and plants.

3- By inserting the genes of non-related species - utilizing viruses, antibiotic-resistant genes, and bacteria as vectors, markers, and promoters - and permanently altering their genetic codes, genealtered organisms are created that pass these genetic changes onto their offspring through heredity. 4- Gene engineers all over the world are now inserting, recombining, rearranging, editing, and programming genetic material. 5- Animal genes and human genes are randomly inserted into the chromosomes of plants, fish, and animals, creating unimaginable transgenic life forms. 6- For the first time in history, transnational biotechnology corporations are becoming the architects and "owners" of life. Fuente: AgBiosafety. En:

Trabajo prctico N 3
Transgenic Crops in Argentina, The Ecological and Social Debt Walter A. Pengue University of Buenos Aires, Argentina Leer el texto y responda las siguientes preguntas: 1-Cual es el cultivo ms importante en la Argentina y cul es la superficie plantada en el pas? 2-Qu sucedi durante la dcada del 90? 3- Cules fueron las consecuencias del cultivo transgnico? There is no doubt that soybean is the most important crop for Argentina, with a planted surface that rose 11,000,000 hectares and a production of around 35,000,000 metric tons. During the 1990s, there was a significant agriculture transformation in the country, motorized by the adoption of transgenic crops (soy -bean, maize, and cotton) under the no-tillage system. The expansion of this model has been spread not only in the Pampas but also in very rich areas with high biodiversity, opening a new agricultural border to important eco-regions like the Yungas, Great Chaco, and the Mesopotamian Forest. Transgenic cropping is a powerful technology. This produced relevant transformations over the environment and society where it is allowed. Migration, concentration of agri-business, and loss of food so vereignty are some of the social results. Landscape transformation in the rural sectoris evident, and the appearance of tolerant weeds to glyphosate is a reality. Nutrient depletion, soil structure degradation, potential desertification, and loss of species are the consequences on the environmental level .

No te olvides de ir completando el glosario de trminos tecnicos

Trabajo Prctico N 4 Trabajo prctico de investigacin:

Los Impactos de los cultivos transgnicos en Argentina. En esta ocasin trabajaremos con el artculo Impacto de los cultivos transgnicos en Argentina Parte 1. Trabajo Prctico Colaborativo: Identificar las ideas principales en grupos de cuatro usando el programa editor de documentos en PDF Foxit reader. Cada integrante seleccionar un color diferente para realizar sus aportes al documento. El programa se lo puede descagar gratuitamente de la web haciendo Click aqu. Parte 2. Realizar una sntesis con el grupo del artculo utilizando el editor de textos para trabajos colaborativos Titanpad . Parte 3. Expresa en el foro en Edmodo tu opinin con respecto al tema y elabora una conclusin en base a ella.

Trabajo Prctico N 5 :

Analizar del vocabulario especfico referido al tema de ganadera.

Elaborar el glosario de trminos tcnicos especficos. Realizar la traduccin .

Breeding Beef Cattle

Larry L. Boleman, Professor and Extension Beef Cattle Specialist Texas A&M University

The function of breeding cattle is complex since they must: Reproduce regularly over a long period of time Have the vitality to maintain themselves in thrifty condition mainly on forages Produce calves and/or yearlings that have enough weight and quality to be profitable when sold PEDIGREE In the selection of purebred breeding cattle, pedigrees should be considered since they will assist in: Detecting genetic defects Identifying outstanding bloodlines Planning the mating and breeding programs. PERFORMANCE Individual performance and the performance of progeny (EPD=s) and close relatives should

be obtained and evaluated and utilized in the following areas: Reproductive performance Growth Rate and Efficiency Carcass Merit (Quantity and Quality) VISUAL APPRAISAL - JUDGING The following characteristics should be visually appraised (eye-balled) and then combined with pedigree analysis and performance records in order to do the most effective job in determining which animals stay in the breeding herd (selection) and/or which sire will be mated to which dams.

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