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PRECIPITATING FACTORS PTB Exposure to bacteria causing pneumonia

Bacteria enter into the lower airway Fever Activation of inflammatory reaction cough

Release of cytokines

WBC, mostly neutrophils, migrate into the site of infection

Dead bacteria and macrophages or phagocytes form exudates

Rapid shallow breathing

exudates fill the normally air-filled spaces

productive cough

Partial occlusion of the bronchi or alveoli Decrease in alveolar oxygen tension


consolidation of the lobe


Increased capillary permeability

Fluid shift from the extracellular to interstitial spaces

Accumulation of fluids in the pleural cavity

Lung compression Tachypnea Arthralgia myalgia Decreased lung expansion

Affected portion of the lung become airless reduction in the surface area available for diffusion

Absence of breath sounds

Alveoli collapse


Impaired gas exchange

Venous blood that enters the pulmonary circulation Passes through the underventilated area and travels to the Left side of the heart poorly oxygenated


Mixing of oxygenated and unoxygenated or poorly oxygenated blood

Arterial hypoxemia

Excessive fatigue

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