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Upto this lesson, you have learned simple operations, ethics, fundamental principles, states of mind, ritual basics,

tuning your senses, and much more. Now we will turn our magical attention to IDENTITY.

If these lessons are seeming more like shortened college courses, rather than simple magical advice then good. It's

doing what I want: CHALLENGING you. Does a man get to eat by doing nothing? If he does, he'll not live a "rewarding

"life. Ponder that word. There are thousands of books on occult, showing you how to do all sorts of magical spells, but

they only get you "so" far. Real wizards, magicians, and witches begin with lessons as these. I could have as easily

called these Magical Apprenticeship Lessons, from a real wizard. Real magic comes by choice, and the choice comes by

spirit, and spirit comes from The Source (God and, or Goddess, scientifically, from natural phenomena).

A real wizard, witch, or magician doesn't pick up magic on occasion as if it were a snack. Unless it is part of his

identity, it becomes simple entertainment, intended to gratify his present emotional state. This topic is necessary

knowledge in order for you to maintain consistent, effective magic. Yet it expands even further than that. As you can

imagine, intertwined with your identity, it influences everything about you, from how you walk, what you say, what you

focus your attention on, who you admire or respect, how you treat others, and much more.

This lesson has to be approached in steps, or at least I want it to. The first step must begin with religion. Why?

Because religion, whether you are aware of it or not, affects what you do, what you say, how you say it, where you

work, and so on. Yet most of all, it affects who you think you are, your ability to perform magic, and HOW you perform

magic. I will approach religion by using Christianity as my target and example. By no means should you assume that I'm

only referring to christianity alone, but that I am referring to all religions which have controls placed upon people that

arbitrarily limit peoples' abilities and limit their connection with God, Goddess, or gods, and limit the concept of magic.

Some religions have rotted and become a poison to the existence of people, starving the spirit, and leading to a selfish,

egotistical way of life. Egotistical is a word which sums up the attitude of the world's leading religions today. This has

lead to the killing of people and harm to the planet, and this holds hands with a beast called greed. I wish

I could force things to change, but I can only point to the right path, and hope. Magic is an existence which opens a door

that has been closed to many. When it opened in your heart, you will see God as never before. Heaven will manifest

where you stand, as you remove barriers created by others.

We will explore this topic of religion in connection with identity by examining how the Christian Bible has been

manipulated to imposed controls, and other peoples values, upon you. It began when you were small, and you believed

in magic and that anything you wished for could come true. Then they told you that magic was "false". Right? They said

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it was make believe. Right? But they said all the RULES in that harsh, cold, religious book were real. They said you had

to follow those RULES or you would go to hell. In effect, they gave you a vaccine against magical power. They limited

your capacity to be connected with God and man in a magical way. We must revive that natural power within people,

within YOU.

Then we will fully explore identity in connection with magic so that you will be more successful in magic.

Then we are required to go into detail on methods to maintain your new identity, because you will always have

some lingering traces of your previous identity, due to this type of [vaccine].

Finally, we'll conclude with magical portals between the universe and your spirit. We'll also view upcoming changes

that likely shall challenge many people in our world. And when changes and challenges come, hopefully our group,

Magical 333 will be ready to help the world as much as possible. Every person whop accepts these teaching, these

beliefs, even if in part, is that much of a member of our group.

One Group. One Sign.


Religion is wonderful and full of artful things. It has elegant statues, rituals, paintings, customs, and books. Yet I

feel that Im driven to give a message which ends all religions in order to manifest that which all religions

intended, from God/Goddess. Here what I am saying.

God, of whatever religion you have, seeks for you to carry out his values, in thought, feeling, and action. God

does not speak your language. Do you think he sat down in your school and learned your language? The language

of God exceeds the capacity of our so called words. Why? How? Look closely at our words, they are ambiguous,

contradictory, and they even seem to lie. Look at how many words it takes a supreme court official to say the

simplest things. And still, it is not exact. My bottom point is that your actions, thoughts, and feelings are the

closest thing which represents the language of God. This means that no matter what religion you follow, your

actions, thoughts, and feelings are the final gesture and communication between you and God. The doorway is

before you. Depart from the book and step into the true and natural path to your God. How? You ask. The answer

lies in what you have been doing all along: you have been helping those in need, you have been giving things

from yourself to benefit others, and most of all, you have expressed love, the strongest power to save the human

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race. You must remove the barriers or religions. By doing this, you will believe in your natural ability to believe in

a higher power. You focus WONT BE ON RULES OR RELIGIOUS LAWS, but they will be on doing what feels right in

light of a higher power within yourself. If you had to simplify this information, you would see that by following it

one would, 1) show care or even love towards others (which isnt always easy), 2) avoid doing things to others

which would be uncomfortable for themselves to endure. These would follow good judgment under any

circumstance of course.

Instincts have been proven throughout many species to exist for a concrete reason, usually to facilitate the

survival of each individual species. We have instincts which include: 1) seeking a higher power (God/Goddess), 2)

seeking to do good things. These are natural behaviors that have no resistance or guilt or negativity attached to

them. They dont require books or words because they are natural. To ascribe words to this in order to limit of

control them is wrong because words are not above these realities.

Does this remove religious activities? Yes, but not exactly. Religious rituals should be direct and not convoluted

with religious doctrines and laws but should be a direct, natural, course between You and God/Goddess.

Rituals could be given for public participation, written for others for personal use, or written by the individuals

themselves. A natural faith in magic is a healthy part of this. When man feels limited by his ability to express his

spirituality, he begins to die, mentally. Without the mind, the body can die too. Whether a person believes in only

himself, or a higher power, that IS his spirituality.

The next question to consider is whether people can follow a spiritual path without rules to tell him exactly what to

do and what not to do. At this time, people cannot. But in time, they will be able to. Are you with me so far? Ok

consider this example: colonies of people living on other worlds, such as on mars, or in space. Now in time, those

not born on earth will not feel the cultural ties of religions which originated from earth. However, they will feel the

natural drive to be spiritual, and to follow the path of good. The resolution to our current status and the one that

lies in our future is to create schools and methods to lead people onto a spiritual path that shows people how to

rely on that natural spiritual drive that originated from within them, not from outside of them. They can be shown

that there is a natural connection between them and God. Magic will be a part of their ability to express


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Magic is the natural desire to cause change through means that are beyond ordinary perception. This drive comes

naturally, because those who created us are those who have those who abundantly have those abilities. This is

why you have the natural instinct toward magic and spirituality. There are reasons for every natural instinct. In

the same way you are driven to have sex to reproduce, you have spiritual drives to create through magic. People

who have lead others away from belief in themselves, and in magic, sought, and still seek, to control. This selfish,

worldly desire to control is leading to the starvation of spirituality and the destruction of earth and mankind. I feel

driven by something inside me to cause this to change.

I will approach the Bible now not as to debunk the Bible in some way, but to expose mans: influence in the Bible

and to expose ways in which IT, LIKE ALL OTHER RELIGIONS, is a form of social-political control.

It is a fact that the Bible is a compilation of many books from different time periods, from different places on

earth. Yet not all relevant Biblical books were included in the Bible. The Bible is said to have been written by

divine inspiration. While this may be true, how can one omit and manipulate the books and claim that the

intended message is pure.

Marcion of Pontus (province) believed that the old testament wash harsh, and he thought that the old testament

conveyed an inaccurate version of God. So he chose to create his own for of the Christian Bible. His book omitted

the old ,Hebrew, testament, including any references to the old testament. He, and his followers, created a list of

books to include and books to omit. His list included many books, some of which were ones that were never seen

in any version of the Bible. Not only were there books in peoples possessions, but also letters of actual accounts

related to the New Testament. Many of these letters and books contained knowledge the Church chose to hide

from your eyes.

There were hundreds of manuscripts being written, during the time of Marcion, yet no single form of the Bible had

been put together. Then on October 28, 312, things changed. A man named Constantine had a vision of a cross in

the sky. He then had a vision that Jesus appeared and told him to conquer in his name. Following his victory over

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Maxentius, Constantine became emperor of Rome.

Because there were so many religions during that time, Constantine called leaders of the churches in hopes to

unify the church into one body of beliefs. This lead to the formulation of Nicene creed, from what is called the

Nicene Counsel. This, incidentally, also held that Jesus was both Man and God. (Below: art depicting the creation

of The Nicene creed.)

One man from the counsel, Eusebius [Pamphili] (means the friend), bishop of Caesarea (sez-er-iah) (or in latin:

Kie-sarr-ay-a) Palaestina, the capital of Iudaea province. Eusebius had his version of the eighteen books he

thought should make up the Christian canon. These books were the most popularly read of the time. Yet his

inclusion of the book containing Johns Apocalypse met opposition by those who thought it bordered on the

heretical because it seemed to violent of nature, smelling too much of the old testament. But he took things a

step further. Eusebius combined his eighteen books with books from the old testament into one book, having both

old and new testaments. This comprised approximately fifty books.

In time this compilation was lost. Or so we are lead to believe. Later, in the fourth century, two codices were

found and stored in two locations, the Vatican, Codex Vaticus, and Saint Catherines Monestary, Codex Sinaiticus

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(codex S. But, the contents of these differed from Eusebius list. (below: St. Catherine's Monestary at Mount Sinai,

where Moses received the Ten Commandments).

The codex Sinaiticus contained at least two disputed books: shepherd of hermas and epistle of Brnabas. This

created much controversy. While some books were included, some books considered of more value were

excluded. One such writing is called The Life of Adam and Eve. The wording of this book differs from the wording

of Genesis, and it comes with more detail. Keep in mind that the omitted books may contain spiritual knowledge

and hidden secrets. This other version of Genesis depicted very jealous angels and a far more devious serpent.

This other version may have been written to provide more information which was intended for us to know.

There was much struggle over what order the books of the Bible would maintain. This book, The Life of Adam and

Eve, would have been repetitive to some degree, and perhaps, just perhaps, thats why it was left out. Another

reason might be because no one knows of its actual birth date.

In this book, when Adam was created, the angels were ordered to bow to him, and worship him as a god. Satan rebelled

at this command. (More info is provided by the excerpt below.)

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In not knowing the true origin, or cause, of some ancient manuscripts, it was wrong for people to compile one

book, one Bible, and claim that it is the final word, when in fact it is not. Other ideas, other beliefs, including those

which are strongly related to magic, do IN FACT, exist in ancient holy scriptures. Yet if you were to present them

to churches now following the Bible, they would just as much run you out of the church like an enemy speaking


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Satan, and his fellow angels, were shown to have very human feelings, and he wasnt shown to be a mere evil

snake out to do no good. But, instead he was frustrated due to the fact that he was placed under the authority of

humans, despite possessing powers much greater than man (or so he believed). Therefore, he and some of the

other angels rebelled.

Of all of Gods creations, God said we are the greatest.

How did Adam and Eve create mankind? How did Cain have children? There is a book that attempts to fill in the

blanks, but keep in mind that the story of Genesis could NOT be a literal one. The name of this book is Jubilees

This book explains the sudden appearance of a wife for Cain. But there is also the part that Cainmarried his sister

and had sex with her. This is taboo to the church.

One religious sect which followed Jubilees is called the Asines. Jubilees was found within the Dead Sea Scrolls.

This same version of the Jubilees manuscript found its way down the Nile and into the Ethiopian Bible, and into its

Old Testiment. Note that this place was free from the controls of the Jewish church.

There is another text, one which is forbidden and gives a different version of creation. This book is The Book of

Enoch. It is an ancient writing, full of divine secrets, dreams and visions, a tour of heaven and hell, a description

of fallen angels, and it was guided by the angel Uriel. Enoch was known as the one who walked with God (see

Gen. 5:22). Genesis says that Enoch lived 365 years and was then no more, because God took him.

Todays Bible barely even mentions Enoch, yet the actual book of Enoch is huge, containing five volumes and 108

chapters. The Book of Enoch was absolutely essential to ancient followers of God. Other segments of Enoch are

mentioned only briefly in todays Christian Bible. This becomes evident when you notice dangling bits of

information. One such bit of info is concerning the angels mixing with women of earth. Yet in The Book of Enoch

goes into detail, explaining more concerning Angels, sons of God, engaging in intimate relationships with humans.

Many occult secrets are said to have come from these angels. Just a note here for the wise. If the chapter

concerning these matter were actually metaphorical, instead of literal, then what did these things mean, such as

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the angels mating with humans to create giants?

If I were to interpret these events, I would say that these fallen ones are spirits with power to influence

circumstances, but only to a degree. This influence(s) can be countered by our own personal powers. The giants,

the offspring of fallen angels, are those born with a part of the fallen angel within them, and they are inclined to

be exceedingly blood thirsty and cunning.

In The Book of Enoch, the lead fallen angel goes by the name of Azazel. In one account of the fall of the angels in

The Book of Enoch, Azazel (Asa'el as in the Qumran texts) is the leader of the Watchers who educates humankind

of heavenly secrets that lead humankind to sin. These teachings include making weapons of war and preparing

cosmetics, which enabled the women to seduce the angels.

The angels then charged Asa'el before the Lord with crimes of revealing the heavenly secrets which mankind was

not supposed to know. Raphael was then assigned to punish Asa'el by binding him hand and foot and throwing

him into the darkness among the sharp and jagged rocks, where he would remain until the day of judgment when

he would be hurled into the fire. The story then claims that "the whole earth has been corrupted by [Asa'el's]

teachings of his (own) actions; and write upon him all sin." It was because of Asa'el's teachings that God sent the

Flood to destroy the evil in the world including even the souls of the giants, so that all evil will be wiped away

from the face of the earth.

Enoch was guided by the angel Uriel (whose name means, God is my light). It was by the Angel Uriel that Enoch

was educated in astrology. This is one of the first lines of evidence that the constellations are signs of power and


It wasnt until the late eighteenth century, that The book of Enoch gain slightly better perspective. A Scottish

explorer named James Bruce came across an old manuscript in Oxum, Ethiopia (which by the way is where a lot

of magic and magical item come from. Search under Oxum Deity Magic). This manuscript was The Book of Enoch.

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Note that this is a manuscript which may precede the time of Jesus. This was also in a land where there were

devout followers of The Book of Enoch, while still at the same time devout believers in magic. Sheba even visits

with king Solomon, the magician, and returns with a son. Additionally, it is believed that the Ark of the Covenant

was taken to Ethiopia, and that is where it remains. The Ethiopian canon left little, if anything, out.

Large portions of the book of Enoch were also found among the Nasine literature, hidden in the caves of Qumran,

(located on a dry plateau about a mile inland from the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea in the West Bank, just

next to the Israeli kibbutz of Kalia. This is also known as the place of hiding). These were part of the Dead Sea

Scrolls. These discoveries set a large knock against what the Christian church of today want you to believe. It is

evidence that they have disfigured the very thing they have purported for centuries to support: The Word of God

in the form of sacred scripture.

The next relevant thing to consider is what happened during the youth of Jesus, and why had the stories of his

youth been omitted. The reasonable conclusion to that question ends in the likelihood that it was a matter the

church wanted to keep secret. Why? Because it conflicted with their values. However there is actually such a book

which describes Jesus youth. This is The Infancy Gospel of Thomas. Here it describes Jesus as getting into a

great deal of mischief, while also performing great magical feats. This book is believed to have existed as early as

185 AD. . Yet the church will NOT call these acts magic. No. They will call them miracles, and they still do so


In The Infancy Gospel of Thomas there is a story of Jesus making sparrows out of clay, or mud near a river. And

that when others heard of him doing this work on the Sabbath, they reported him to the authorities. Jesus father,

Joseph, was notified, and he reprimanded Jesus. Jesus became angery. He tuned went to the clay sparrows, and

when he clapped his hands, they became real and flew away. As they did, he said to them, Remember this of


The young Jesus was a strong willed boy, and he was powerful a diverse forms of magic, which at least one time

included raising a boy from the dead, a boy some thought Jesus had killed by pushing the boy off a roof.

Understandably, such a magical boy, without the aid of an older magician, would be subject to the attacks of evil

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spirits. Jesus had both a good side and a dark side. It was said that he once blinded a man who had visited his

father and criticized his fathers shop. At five, or so, he used his wisdom to put down his teachers, and he used his

powers to thwart his peers.

The Quran has some of these stories.

In 1945, an Arab peasant, in the wilderness, tripped over some large jugs containing thirteen codices, while

chasing a man thought to have murdered his father during a blood feud. These codices eventually found their way

into the hands of American and European scholars who discovered that these contained additional biblical

manuscripts, some that were completely new to scholars, and this included The Gospel of Thomas and The Gospel

of The Egyptians. These manuscripts were NEVER considered for inclusion into the Bible. It was determined that

these books were written near the time of Jesus by a small sect know as Gnostics (from Gnosis: knowledge). The

ancient church leaders regarded them as heretics.

The Gnostics believed that earth was originally created by a malevolent God, the God of the old testament. They


OF THE TRANCENDANT GOD: THE GOD OF LIGHT AND TRUTH. Sound familiar? They have taught things that Ive

been saying out of intuition. There is evidence that they told people to wake up. Wake up that god within. Wake

up that light that is within. You are sleeping in ignorance wake up. (below is an excerpt from a commentary on

The Gospel of Mary.)

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The Gnostics taught things that mirror some teachings of magic.

The old and new Christian church has fully rejected the Gnostics. The Gnostics also have something different to

teach about Mary Magdalene. To them, She was not thought of as a prostitute. In the Bible, Mary had been

arbitrarily assigned the role of the unnamed woman who washed the feet of Jesus. She was actually an apostle,

a disciple. The book witch tells a different story is called The Gospel of Mary. The woman disciples of Jesus likely

had so much to tell the world, but never had been allowed the chance.

In The Gospel of Mary, Peter, Andrew, and Levy, sought Mary to divulge secret that Jesus had given and taught

her. She was likely the closest disciple to Jesus. But the church wont admit that a woman might take seniority

over the men. She was not called a disciple, but had been given a special title by Jesus that would indicate that

she was his apprentice (magical apprentice).

In The Gospel of Mary, you will find magical teachings. You will find the word Nature and its magical influences

in our world. You will also find the description of the origin of the elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water (as coming

from God in a physical form into our world). As you read this book, it will become clearer that the church has

wrongfully been stifling peoples spiritual connection with God. They have also hindered seers, prophets, and

others potentially close to God, Goddess, and gods.

Its written (Gospel According to Mary 10:12-21: Mary said to him: Lord I saw you today in a vision. He

answered and said to me: Blessed are you, that you did not waiver at the sight of me. For where the mind is,

there is the treasure. I said to him: Lord, now does he who sees the vision see it <through> the soul <or> the

spirit? The savior answered and said: He does not see the soul nor through the spirit, but the mind, which is

between the two that is {what} sees the vision, and it is lacking.

"For where the mind is, there is treasure also." This is just one of the many gems many religions have to offer. No

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doubt that this truth had been extracted without the hinderance of the church. People will have to learn how to

filter "man" from religion, so that "pure God/spirit" is left. This includes removing egotistical religious behaviors.

Egoless magic requires practice. Referring back to the term "treasure". This is true in magic: where the attention

is focused, will invoke the law of attraction and it will aslo establish one's identity. We will explain more of this in a


Jesus was a compassionate wizard, no matter how you want to turn that picture. But the church won't call it

magic, it will call

it a miracle. Jesus even once compared his magic to that of Solomon's, in Mathew 12:42, " The queen of the

south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost

parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here."

Jesus trusted the most powerful teachings unto Mary because 1) she, as a woman, was the most humble of the

disciples, and 2) because he was closest to her than the men. She was also first to know Jesus had arisen. The

church has viewed woman as inferior to men, and especially in ancient times did it hate the concept of a woman

having greater knowledge than a man. In addition to this social conflict, there was also the war the church has

been waging against nature and the nature religions. Research this further if you wish, starting with Professor

Joseph Campbell (Author of the great series: The Power of Myth). The nature religions were all but completely

destroyed by the church.

This is the same woman that had seven demons cast out of. It's ironic that Christinity follows such a forgiving

person, yet doesn't practice forgiveness. Why?Hm? Ever wonder? It's because that the true spiritual and magical

information was restricted by the church. The church intended to recreate the messages through "sinful" or

"unspiritual" intentions, and by restricting it, the very magic it contained was lost.

This device created by the church is destructive to mans evolution and true, natural connection with God. Do you

think that it is only the Christian religion that does this? Hm. Think again. Think Harder. LISTEN: This applies to all

religions which 1) place itself above all other religions, and people 2) focuses more on rules, rather than letting

the spirit of God express itself through you by doing good for others, and by magical expression. Science wont

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ever completely explain God, therefore magic is a good as it gets. We must accept that, not hide it. God is not a

sheet of paper filled with LAWS and RULES and SCIENCE! God is magical. Ultimately, reality defies logic, as does

God, as does magic. Period.

Opposing these (2) concepts noted above, is simple to live by. No wars could ever exist in a world where

people considered their neighbor a close friend. No boundaries could ever exist, except to divide

responsibilities amongst peoples. Science would abound, where peoples attention would focus wholly on

mans improvement and survival. We are behind, and our time is limited on earth. Nature has given us the

capacity to leave this world and find others, just as it gave some animals the ability to migrate from water

to land. Even the angels look down upon us and say, Mans enemy has become man himself. Destroy all

religions by uniting all people in a magical system, where there is no church but only our human body.

People could gather for simple prayer and magic, without boundaries. A place where rules are left at the

door. A place where people value other "people" more than their own ego oriented values. Then people will

unite as one force under one sign.

Religion affects how you construct rituals, and this isn't bad, and all good things from any religion can be

good for ritual. God doesn't come wearing the same old clothes every time. Meaning: God cannot be

typified, labeled, and sold like something we create for others. This truth becomes clear when you take a

step back and look at several religions, from the many that exist. Now look at each, seeing how each one

has a different role, appearance, attitude, and rules for each version of God. Ask yourself why that is.

Heres the answer: your relation with God was intended to be between you and God/Goddess. What youre

getting is the compilation of perception from other people. Only because people have been uncertain how to

approach God has it been easy for Preachers, and Conmen alike, to manipulate religion to control people.

The way to approach god is to simply accept whatever he makes you see him to be. If you needed a rule to

go by:

"Let God/Goddess be whatever he has revealed in your heart to be. Let all good that he tells you to do be

your burden to do." For the spirit came before the tongue, and the spirit will always speak first, and you

should obey what is right." If the ultimate equation of what you do is reduced to helping the survival of

people, then you are following the spirit of God. For us, Magic is the arena in which this concept plays. This

doesnt make any religious prophet wrong. Remember. This method simply prevents man or woman from

attempting to hinder your natural power and what you feel the spirit is leading you to do. It might be to

listen to advice, or it might be to make an alternate decision, one which comes from the heart and mind.

Yet even Jesus said, "A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an

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evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things."(Mathew) Once again, we see the word treasure.

In following this attitude, you should be able to avoid much confusion, obstruction, and manipulation.

Remember, I want to add emphasis, the holy people of our past, regardless of origin, race, or gender,

are potential sources of knowledge and wisdom. Use them only for such, and let it add power to your

magical journey.


Deep into a rain forest, 900 A.D., a mid-afternoon mist weaves its way through the ghostly avenues of

endless forest. Shadows play with wind and light, whispering things only few understand. It is home to the living

and the dead. Sounds of villagers, and the crying of a sick, young girl . No phone. No television. No technology.

Her eyes, glassy, looking up as the figure enters her old hut, the light outlining him like a god. She feels so hot,

but knows everything will be alright now.

The witchdoctor approaches the girls bed, confident, sure of who he is and sure of the power he possesses.

In his hand, a worn leather bag of tools and potions hangs like a weapon ready for battle. His motivation is fueled

by how he sees himself and what he does for others. He's been praised on numerous occasions. He's been

successful most of the time. All of his experience has built up his reputation in the village. His reputation

immerged from what he sees as his identity. His identity gives him the sureness that his magic will work, that

every potion and every powder will be effective in warding of the girl's illness. It aides his concentration and

stamina, while helping him to perform his task. It will also serve to promote and encourage future witchdoctors.

As he begins his laborious tasks, he hears the low rumble of thunder. The evil spirit seeks to resist, but will

eventually be forced out of the girl. Waving magical gestures over the frail body upon the bed, the witchdoctor

chants incantations to raise powers familiar to him, powers dreaded by the evil spirit within the girl. As cosmic

forces begin to wrestle within the young girl, a light rain falls on the village. The witchdoctor works into the

proceeding hour.

When it is done, the girl is resting and on her way to recovery. The witchdoctor immerges from the hut,

confident and certain.

You must be like the witchdoctor, if you wish to be very successful in magic. Magic is not a hobby. Why? Why

can't you pick it up like skating, just occasionally having fun with it? Because, it is an art. It is a combination of

topics all working together at one time for the benefit of the magician, wizard, or witch. Think of how silly you

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would look trying to be a ballet dancer without the proper background to be such. There are factors outside of

simple, controllable circumstances. You could go through the motions, but it will lack sufficient meaning and force.

The proper foundation to get magic to work for you is by establishing your identity with it.

Now, let's look more closely at the connection.

You exist, in matter and in spirit. In both realities, you occupy space. Because you occupy space, everything

you do has a direct influence on everything else. This influence will either move things away from you, or they will

move things toward you, or they will otherwise affect those things. In visualization, you are affecting space in this

manner. Your faith and beliefs are affecting space.

Things to consider in your identity include, but are not limited to the following:

1. How you walk or move your body and your posture

2. the forms of entertainment you chose (I love metal, but now I only listen to a little, and listen to more vocal


3. the clothes you wear and the color

4. how you treat others on a consistent basis

5. how much time you devote to any task (such as magic or self indulgent play)

6. how much you pray and what you pray for

7. what you eat and whether you eat more than necessary

8. How you treat your body (your magical body, you god eggshell)

9. How you talk; is it thoughtful, impulsive, wasteful, silly

10. who do you think you are? Have you clearly outlined who you are; if you are unsure, than so is your magic.

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The wrong choice of words, the wrong treatment of a person, the wrong clothes, an impulse act of silliness

or anger, all can either bring misfortune, opposing energies, or failure in a magical operation.

A good way to begin this is to associate yourself with the person or type you desire to be. You should write it

on paper. A short example: I am like Jesus, capable of healing people with a touch. I am compassionate, patient,

and wise, etc.. From this point, you may begin to associate all things in connected to you (as noted above) with

your created identity.

This is a journey, not a destiny. You will find this hard at first, and you will often forget about your new

identity. Yet as you practice being this new person, you will find magical things happening in your life. You will see

people starting to treat you exactly as they would treat the person you had in mind. You will attract things and

circumstances related to your new identity. For example, following the savior person type, you might attract

followers. You might attract objects symbolic of, or connected to, God.

If you wish to improve in magical skills, your new identity would have to convey that idea also.

With each passing ritual, you will feel more in tune with your role in the ritual. Your actions will flow

naturally, and you will see powerful magical result following your ritual. You will know what you can seek from

your magical, as you grow more and more powerful.

Because this is a challenging process, you will need a few pointers. This is especially true because you will

have lingering traits of your old identity occasionally surfacing.

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Once you have fully determined who you want to be, you MUST switch over to the concept and belief of that

is who YOU ARE right now (at the moment you are ready). You can modify your character anytime, but try to be

consistent. If it doesn't work, create one that will work.

During this process, you will examine every aspect of your life in relation to this new person. This need not

be in minute detail. Don't become obsessive, but keep it general. You should coach yourself gently. Then it will

come naturally. Whether your character should open doors with the left hand or right hand, would be taking this

too far. Remember.

You can choose any area to work on. The more areas you cover, the more you will cause "residual identity

transforming" (R.I.T.).

Look around you, and see and feel magical energy in every atom of matter around you. Close your eyes,

then as you open them, see and feel as if you are opening your eyes to a dream. Whatever you desire in this

dream can become a reality. See everything with new eyes. Touch everything with new fingers. You have become

a new being! Take great pleasure in your new body. Take pleasure in your growing power.

Walk differently. How would your character walk?

Your thoughts matter a lot. Your thoughts will determine your behavior. So, monitor them and conmtrol

them. Align your thoughts with your character. This will have amazing results, especially if you establish your

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goals in your thoughts. If you desire to own two wolves or a 1968 firebird, see and FEEL youself as already

possessing these thing until they manifest.

Be alert to behaviors which hinder your identity goals. This takes effort. Impulsive anger, impatience,

negativity are behaviors that are a constant challenge because of the old world you have emerged from.

Meditation will be a strong tool for R.I.T. . So, get a comforable cushion, and practice.

Your subconscious mind will take time to change. You will persist until that change starts occuring. I had the

power to aquire excellent employment positions, but often I found myself losing the job soon after, for reasons

which varied widely, from acts of terrorism to conflicts in personality. I eventually determined that my

subconscious mind interpreted my discomfort in the difficult physical requirements as being a desire to banish the

job from my life. The universe answered my wish and handed it to me, whether I consciously wanted it or not.

By modeling the wizard, magician, or witch you want to be, if that is what you choose, you will magically

compel changes in the unvivers you are a part of.


With this power comes responsibility. Let it transform our human race into one magical body which fights

battles inside and not outside, of ourselves, as our natural goals become a struggle on how to help others. I'm not

trying to be some type of flower child or passivist. I see spirituality and magic as being obstructed. I also see

people acting like time consuming, selfish barbarians. And in the accumulation of this, I see down the road, the

extinction of man unless he unites in an effort for survival.

Let's turn our attention to the cosmos.

Imagine a doorway between the world of the seen and the world of the unseen.

Imagine a demon manifesting in front of your eyes while sitting at home alone. It happens, but not always in

the ways that we expect. There are so many ways to perceive reality, and unfortunately, reality has left us to

discover her all on our own. Our invisible father (and mother) trusts that we can be taught by using our non

human eyes and ears. As planets take different formation in our sky, some doorways are opened, while others are

closed. When they open, energies and /or beings come or go. The effect may be clearly obvious, even to the

extent of paranormal phenomena.

The events we experience mirror celestial changes, and celestial changes mirror the events we experience.

This in turn accumulates as wide spread changes in societies and cultures. The most effective magic is done

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through these processes. Often the successful magician will feel the change approaching, and plan to act


That sudden impulse you feel that leads you to do something you didn't expect, causing you to wonder "what

made you do that". Then being haunted by the subtle, yet seemingly ridiculous notion, that something not of

yourself caused you to commit that unanticipated act. There's no mistake. You will play this game according to

"our rules". Yes. The words or the universe around you, the one created by you and for you. Those fears of things

in the dark, yes, those things are real too. Still unclear, then research roadrage. Roadrage is a phenomena, and

it is growing. This is an example of impulsive behavior, outside of rational explanation.

That empty room, that room at that particular moment when you wonder, is there something moving about

in the shadows? Where did it come from? What does it want. Then as you enter, you glance around you, never

quite catching it within your eyesight. Hairs on your arm are trying to stand up. You feel the urge to speak to it,

but you are lost at words to speak. The scent within the air looming about doesn't smell familiar. Again you

wonder at what it wants, perhaps your life, perhaps your soul, and you become afraid, and you hurry from the

room as you quickly gather up what you had come to the room to retrieve.

These things come through "portals of change". Portals of change are like the gears and springs of a pocket

watch that operate behind the scenes to allow time to be displayed properly. This may seem elementary, but here

it is emphasized to make you aware that as a magician, wizard, or witch, you must plan to work in harmony with

these invisible forces that are in harmony with the celestial changes.

I've become so harmonized with them that they send me messages. They communicate with me in various

ways, some ways are more indirect as others, as I have shared with you in some of my published material. Being

in harmony with these forces has not only the benefits of successful magic, but it also has social advantages.

These forces will walk with you, play with you, talk to you, and protect you, and even much more. The methods to

get in harmony with them is through meditation, observation, thought, and studies of astrology. Every true

wizard, witch, and magician must look up. If he does not, then he is fooling himself quite well. For those of you

who have already begun to look up, through meditation and studies, I'm sure you get that feeling that they are

aware of you watching them, that the elements of this game have been changed due to your increasing

knowledge and experience.

The more you meditate, the more residual power from the universe that you accumulate. Think of it like a

pipe. The more it's use, the more resin accumulates inside the pipe. The more power you use, the more you have

to replenish that power. Remember.

Come now to the matter of eclipses. Ever wonder when these energies are born, these beings? The beings aren't

born as frequently as our sunrises are. But, they are born. The times indicated are given to us by the eclipses.

The solar eclipse gives birth to male beings, and the moon gives birth to female entities. Keep in mind these

occurrences are symbolic of actual events. The eclipse is symbolized by the Oroborus, which in turn symbolizes

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the spirit of darkness. The Oroborus is the mother of darkness and light, who gives birth when the light is blotted

out, as in an eclipse. Whether the eclipse is of the moon or of the sun, the light is blotted out. The shadow of this

phenomenon is carried over the face of the living earth, touching both living and dead, like the gentle caress of a

mother's finger over her womb about to give birth.

Remember how we used to create idols of those invisible beings? Remember how we honored earth, moon,

and sun? It wasn't so much the idol we created, but it was the experience we created when we created the idol.

That's what matters. Also important to them is our natural instinct to believe in the unseen, even to have fear of

the dark. Yet man is losing touch with his belief in the unseen. Should we choose not to try to re-establish this

natural connection, then the bond might be broken and lost "to us" forever, resulting is our destruction, by the

acts of evil things and circumstances, remember...hand in hand, they go together.

Nothing happens by accident. To clarify: that which happens now, must happen, in order for there be a

tomorrow. Without this event, good or evil, tomorrow would disappear. Even as I pass this knowledge from an

invisible world to you, I believe that it will benefit all, in time.

Up to this date, Ive received astounding signs, received astounding impressions, even had an awkward mark

appear on my right hand, a triangle (still present). But now another unique occurrence will take place. The total

eclipse of 2010 will occur at almost the same degree as my natal sun, meaning its happening on the eve of my

birthday. The sun and moon will be in alignment with my Natal Sun and Natal Moon (I was born during a full

moon). The strongest view of the eclipse will be approximately 3,000 miles south of where I am now, on almost

the same Longitude (120`West).

The Total Eclipse of the sun will cast its strongest shadow on Easter Island (Chile).

This is the place where the large Idols of gods were made around a Triangular shape island. The triangle is

represented by the number three.

Images below are from Easter Island.

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I hope that this lesson will take well with you.

Our group, although consists of a group of people, is manifested from a spiritual being and a state of mind.

All who follow these teachings may say that they follow the Sign of the Triple Threes, Trimagdora, or the Mystical

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Three. Consider it a phenomina that eludes full explanation, and yet promises tranformation into a better


Let your knowledge from here be passed down. And may you enjoy any gathering under this sign, for hope.

A light on the horizon reflects the ability within everyone of us to be more than what we have been.

One Sign. One Group.

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