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Product design serves an important function in the production system. It helps determine the eventual commercial success of a product. It determines how the production system should be created, and exactly what equipment should be bought and it determines how easily, and how cheaply, the product can be manufactured. In CAD/CAM , both design and manufacturing are tightly integrated into a continuum of activities. Continuing the integration, we have Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), which includes CAD/CAM, but also extends to embrace the business functions of a manufacturing firm. In this unit a discussion and definition of product design and CAD are given, where an analysis of the design process and the actual application of computer- aided design principles are highlighted.

PROCEDURE a. Procedure of making a modelling using Catia

1. Click Start Mechanical Design Part Design

2. Choose the plane (on the left side) to make a sketch either XY, YZ, ZX. Then click to the plane.

3. Click sketch button (right tool bar). Then, click center rectangular by start it at the center point of drawing.

4. Click Constraint button (right side of the tool bar). Then, click to the line of the rectangular to make it fix and show the dimension of the rectangular. To change the dimensions, double click the length.

5. Click exit workbench (upper right side of toolbar). Then, click Pad button and change the length. Then, click at upper plane of the box and click button sketch to start sketch. After that, repeat step 3 and 4 and exit workbench.

6. Click pocket button, and then click at the rectangular that have been draw. Then, change the length.

7. To make an island, choose the same planes as pocket. Then, repeat step 3 until 6 but make sure the size of the rectangular are bigger than pocket and smaller than the original rectangular. After choose the pocket button and determine the length, select the reverse side.

8. To make a hole, select the bottom of the pocket, then click sketch. Choose the center circle (right side tool bar) and start draw then make it constraint. Then, draw a line as

mirror. After that, choose a mirror button. First choose the object to mirror (circle) then click a line (mirror). After that, delete the line (mirror) and exit workbench.

9. Click pocket button, and adjust the length.

b. Procedure of simulation

1. Click Insert - Body. Starts the sketch by choose the bottom of the island. Then, exit workbench. Click Pad button. Adjust the pad length long than the original.

2. Right click at the Body, and then select properties. Change the name to Stock, the colour of the Body and adjust it until full Transparency.

3. Select Start Machining Advance Machining

4. Double click at Part Operation. Then select machine Numerical Control Post Processor Words click the table and select IMSPPCC_MILL.pptable. Then change the NC Data Type ISO

5. Click Reference axis select at middle point - Then click at the end of the product (at the top of Stock edges).

6. Select the design part and then double click at Part Body. Select Stock, and then click to the stock and click OK.

7. Click Insert Auxiliary Operation Tool Change Face Mill. Then double clicks the dimensions of Rc. Change it to 0mm. Repeat the step by choose the End Mill at the Tool Change. Then change the diameter to 12mm.

8. Select Manufacturing Program, Tool Change Face Mill - Click Insert Machining Operation Surface Machining Operation Facing. Click Stock (right click), hide the stock. Select the start point, and click to the product. Select the upper facing, and then click to the product.

9. Then, show again the stock. Select Tool Path Style One Way. Then change the End of Path Out. After that, change the Tool Side Approach Clearance 2mm. Click Axial Mode Number of without top. After that, change the maximum depth of cut 2mm and change the number of level 20.

10. Same toolbar, select the right side of it. Then click Approach Activate Then click add Axial Motion up to a plane Click at the stock click right side of mouse Choose offset to 20mm. Repeat the step by click to the Retract.

11. To make a pocket, select Manufacturing Program, Tool Change End Mill - Click Insert Machining Operation Surface Machining Operation Pocketing. Click Stock (right click), hide the stock.

12. Then, change the open pocket to closed pocket. Select the bottom of the pocket, and then click to the bottom of the pocket in product. After that, remove all islands. Then click the island, then select the line of the bottom of pocket at the product, and click OK. Then, click to the left side of the toolbar and choose Axial Mode Maximum Depth of Cut. After that, repeat step 10.

13. To make the Profile Countering, repeat step 11 by changing the Pocketing Profile Countering. Change Offset of Bottom to 10mm (based on the product). Select the bottom then click the bottom of the islands. Then, remove all contours. Then select again the contour, and click the bottom line of the island.

14. Select the left side of the toolbar, click Machining click Closed Tool Path. After that, repeat step 10.

15. Click Tool Path Replay at the right side bottom of the toolbar. Then, select Video from last save result. Then click Forward replay button to simulate the machining process. After that click OK.

c. Procedure to generate NC code

1. Click Tool Option Output Select IMS OK

2. Select Manufacturing Program Manufacturing Program Object Generate NC code interactively. Select NC Data Type NC Code - Save

3. Select NC Code Process Fule Hass-@herdenhain 530 Save hass execute or minimise the project

DISCUSSION In learning CATIA we should know how and what is its function in the future, and the purpose is to produce an object. In this discussion we need to know how to make modeling and simulation and generate the NC CODE. Modeling is that we do outside shape of 3D objects with using CATIA, and here we committed a variety of shapes we want. Completion produces the desired object we shall make our modeling simulations on change the name to Stock, the color of the Body and adjust it until full Transparency. Then we select the kind of tool where they face mill and end mill. After completion of all the procedure or steps, then we can produce a video on the way we are modeling, select Video from last save result. Then click Forward replay button to Simulate the machining process. After that click OK., And we do the steps NC code.

CONCLUSION Based from training and simulation approach in CATIA software, we can do a complex machining process, accurate and precise. Besides that, Catia software allows us to create a product which we can conduct simulations to identify if there are any errors in the software or settings. From this software, we can produce code for CNC (G-code/M-code) and we can keep the code to use the

machine to facilitate further processing. In additionally, any modifications and improvements can be made at the G-code itself.

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