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Name: Claudio Guajardo Manzano

Subject: English Pedagogy
Teachers: Isabel Vásquez V.
Rodrigo Gonzalez.
Class: Professional Practicum
Year : 2009

Introduction 3
Reading Articles 4-5
Pedagogical Artifacts and Reflective Writing 6-7
Formato de Consejo de Curso 8-9
Reunión de Profesores
Reunión de Apoderados
School Information 10
Unit Plans and Lesson Plans 11-20
Learning Material 21-49

This portfolio has the purpose to show the different steps and
aspects within my practicum, I will also give some commentaries about
this experience and situations that were the result of the process of a
student doing my praticum.
This kind of workshops show the results of the process in which I
was involved, it also shows the methodology, activities and lesson plans
that I had to do while I was doing my practicum.
The main goals in this process were trying to do more interactive
activities and exercises, and to get the students internalize the knowlegde
on an effective way.

Author: Barnett, Marva A.
Source: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics Washington DC.

Teaching Reading in a Foreign Language..

Researchers in first language acquisition have contributed much to the understanding of

how reading processes develop. First language research has found that readers'
purposes and approaches to texts differ not only by text, but by the individual reader.
Second language researchers have drawn upon this information and have found
similarities between the reading strategies of first and second language readers.
Furthermore, second language researchers have learned how expectations defined by a
reader's culture influence what the reader understands when reading.



When teachers of second language reading recognize that each reader brings to the
reading process a unique set of past experiences, emotional and mental processes, level
of cognitive development, and interest level in the topic, they also recognize that not all
teaching strategies will be effective for all students. When isolating the most effective
teaching strategies to use with a group of students, the second language teacher must
also consider those reader strategies that are not necessarily related to content
schemata. Such reader strategies include the following:

- using titles and illustrations to understand a passage,

- skimming, scanning, summarizing, guessing word meanings, becoming aware of the

reading process, and taking risks. All of these strategies can be targeted for use with
foreign language materials.

Another step in effectively teaching students how to read materials written in a second
language is helping the individual reader to identify effective reading strategies based on
text variables. One important part of this step is alerting the readers to significant
aspects of text variables that will affect second language reading. For example, pointing
out the differences between a fairy tale and a newspaper article helps the reader to
recognize the different text types and to prepare for the uncomplicated sentence
structure, high-frequency vocabulary, and, in most cases, happy ending that typically
characterize a fairy tale. On the other hand, the same reader would need to prepare very
differently to read a newspaper article about the technicalities involved in negotiating a
disarmament treaty. In this case, the vocabulary would be very specialized and the
sentence structure more complicated.



To encourage students to use effective strategies when reading in a second language,

the teacher can develop simple exercises to elicit information via targeted strategies.
These exercises can be divided by the stage of reading at which they occur.

"Prereading" activities introduce students to a particular text, elicit or provide

appropriate background knowledge, and activate necessary schemata. Previewing a text
with students should arouse their interest and help them approach the text in a more
meaningful and purposeful manner as the discussion compels them to think about the
situation or points raised in a text.

The prereading phase helps students define selection criteria for the central theme of a story or
the major argument of an essay. Prereading activities include: discussing author or text type,
brainstorming, reviewing familiar stories (students review Cinderella before reading Cendrillon),
considering illustrations and titles, skimming and scanning (for structure, main points, and future

"While reading" exercises help students develop reading strategies, improve their control of the
second language, and decode problematic text passages. Helping students to employ strategies
while reading can be difficult because individual students control and need different strategies.
Nevertheless, the teacher can pinpoint valuable strategies, explain which strategies individuals
most need to practice, and offer concrete exercises in the form of "guided reading" activity
sheets. Such practice exercises might include guessing word meanings by using context clues,
word formation clues, or cognate practice; considering syntax and sentence structure by noting
the grammatical functions of unknown words, analyzing reference words, and predicting text
content; reading for specific pieces of information; and learning to use the dictionary effectively.

"Postreading" exercises first check students' comprehension and then lead students to a
deeper analysis of the text, when warranted. Because the goals of most real world reading are
not to memorize an author's point of view or to summarize text content, but rather to see into
another mind, or to mesh new information into what one already knows, second language
reading must go beyond detail-eliciting comprehension drills to help students recognize that
different strategies are appropriate with different text types. For example, scanning is an
appropriate strategy to use with newspaper advertisements whereas predicting and following
text cohesion are effective strategies to use with short stories. By discussing in groups what
they have understood, students focus on information they did not comprehend, or did not
comprehend correctly. Discussions of this nature can lead the student directly to text analysis as
class discussion proceeds from determining facts to exploring deeper ramifications of the texts.

"Follow-up" exercises take students beyond the particular reading text in one of two ways: by
transferring reading skills to other texts or by integrating reading skills with other language skills
(Phillips, 1985).

Transferable reading strategies are those that readers can assimilate and use with other texts.
Exercises that emphasize the transfer of skills include beginning a new text similar to a text for
which effective strategies have already been taught, i.e., giving students the front page of a
newspaper to read after they have learned to read the table of contents of a journal.

Integrative activities use text language and ideas in second language listening, speaking, and/or
writing. Integrative skills exercises include such activities as students reacting to texts with
summaries, new endings, or pastiches; reenacting text; dramatizing interviews based on the
text; carefully listening for key words or phrases in authentic video or audio tapes; and creating
role-play situations or simulations of cultural experiences.

Reflection N°3 Post observation-feedback

Taking into account the first lesson you received some feedback from your guide
• What aspects do you identify as critical once you have finished the lesson?
Refer about your own expectations, fears and resolutions.

At the begining the class was complicated because all the students were different
and they were restles and was difficult to keep them quiet, but my guide teacher said
my students were like that all the time, so she gave me some tips for the next class in
order to keep them calm and interested.

• Also Refer about the feelings that came up when socializing the above issues
with him or her.

When I finished my class I felt a little worried because it was the first day and that day I
wanted to do everything good. I thought that this was a real chance to prove myself that I
was able to do it well, eventhough at first I felt frustrated due to the students behaviour
and my lack of experience at teaching, I really believed that I was giong to be able to
improve my methodology and have a better relationship with the students.

Observation stage.
Pedagogical Artifacts nº1

When I started my observation class I spent two weeks observing my students.During

this period I had the opportunity to know them and also I could know what were their
dreams and hopes.
Another important fact was that I could observe was the management of the teacher in
the classroom and the way she solved the problems that happened during the class.
Another point was that the students knew the purpose of my presence in the classroom.

Reflection nº1:

I believe that it is very important to know the students, because it is the only way that I
have to confront and resolve problems . When we know them we can internalized and we
can resolve conflicts in an assertive way .
While I was observing I could see how they worked, it was positive because I could
prepare material according to their needs.

II. Team-teaching stage.

a) Pedagogical Artifacts nº2

She works with photocopies and most of the time she writes some exercices on the
whiteboard, sometimes she works with some text where students had to translate, I think
she used this method to keep them quiet.
My teacher always told me about the subject that she was teaching. And the purpose of
the class .
When the students were working I always tried to help them to understand the subject or
resolve any doubts and also I brought a lot of material to be used by the teacher.

b)Reflection Nº2. “Interactions in the classroom”

Sometimes was a bit complicated to keep them quiet because they are restless and some
of them do not pay attention to the class. I belive that they should work with something
more fun because they get bored doing the same activity all the time( translating texts or
Formato de Consejo de Curso

Nombre del establecimiento educacional: Colegio Cardenal José María Caro

curso: 7º Básico
Profesor Jefe: María Teresa P.
Profesor en practica: Claudio Guajardo Manzano
Fecha: 04-06-09
Hora Inicio: 12:45
Hora termino: 13:20

II Desarrollo del consejo de Curso:

1. Tema de orientación: Cambios físicos y Psicológicos de la pubertad
2. OFT Cubierto: formación afectiva social y académica
3. Tabla del consejo de curso: No existe, es la profesora quien comienza la actividad y los
alumnos opinan referente al tema propuesto. Los alumnos participan en las actividades del
subsector y tienen un espacio dedicado a su organización como curso dirigido por la directiva.

Formato de reuniones de Profesores

I. Datos Generales
Nombre del Establecimiento Educacional: Cardenal José María Caro.
Profesor en Práctica: Claudio Enrique Guajardo Manzano
Fecha: 24 de Junio de 2009
Tabla de la Reunión: No existe tabla, los contenidos no van abordados en un orden cronológico.
Hora de Inicio: 16:10
Hora de Termino: 17:30

II. Tabla de Reunión:

La Directora, que es quien dirige la reunión, comienza a hablar sin proponer los temas a
conversar, por lo cual no hay una tabla ni orden en los temas que se abordaran. Por lo tanto al
finalizar la reunión y analizando nuestros apuntes llegamos a determinar los temas que se
tomaron en el consejo.

El primer tema del consejo fue información sobre la jornada a la que asistió la Directora y la jefa
de UTP. A rasgos generales en esta jornada se hablo sobre:

• La optimización en la utilización del tiempo de las horas de clase, también los resultados de
las pruebas SIMCE.
• Llamada de atención a los profesores para que se preocuparan del orden, aseo y decoración
de las salas.
• Otro tema que se trato y que la Directora manifestó como muy positivo fue que las
planificaciones de Lenguaje y Matemáticas vienen ya desarrolladas.
• Evaluación de contenidos a los alumnos, la jefa de UTP debe conocer las pruebas con
anticipación, una vez evaluadas debe haber una revisión con los alumnos para ver los errores y
como mejorarlos, en este punto hay una intervención de la Directora en la que plantea que ella
debe ir a observar las clases y que le gustaría ser invitada por los profesores.
• Lista de obligaciones del profesor.

El segundo tema en cuestión se refirió a que profesores irían al curso de formación de futuros
El tercer tema se refirió a que profesora se haría cargo del Primero Básico el próximo año.
Como cuarto tema se hablo del concurso de poema que se realizara a vuelta de vacaciones.

Como finalización del consejo, los profesores fueron invitados por las Parvularias de Kinder y
Pre-kinder par que conocieran las actividades que se realizan en un día de clases.
III. Comentario:
A modo personal me pareció muy importante y entretenido que al final del consejo fuimos
invitados a participar en una actividad en la sala de Pre-kinder y kinder donde las parvularias
nos hicieron participar en una jornada de clases en la cual ellas mostraban lo que se hacia con
los alumnos. Hubo una pequeña introducción de cómo ellas comenzaban la clase y de los
materiales utilizados y de los logros que se podían conseguir con estos donde hubo una activa
participación de los profesores.
Se termino la reunión con una pequeña once donde fuimos cordialmente invitados todos los

Formato de Reuniones de Padres y Apoderados

I.-Datos Generales

Nombre del establecimiento educacional: Colegio Cardenal José María Caro

Curso: 7º Básico
Profesor Jefe: María Teresa P.
Profesor en práctica: Claudio Guajardo Manzano
Fecha: 18 de Junio de 2009
Hora Inicio: 16:30
Hora termino: 17:45
Tabla de Reunión:
Comportamiento general.
Participación de los padres en el proceso de enseñanza de los alumnos.
Finalización de semestre.

II.-Tema Principal

Se convoco a los apoderados con el fin de conocer el comportamiento general de los alumnos
en la sala de clases y que los apoderados apoyaran más a los alumnos al momento de hacer
un trabajo o estudiar, ya que de esta forma se motivaría y crearía el hábito de estudio en los
Se converso sobre la desconcentración de los alumnos y la forma en que afectaba el
aprendizaje de una materia.
Al momento de hablar sobre la finalización del semestre se propusieron algunas ideas que
podrían realizarse al final de este, con el fin de programar y ver los posibles problemas que
podrían suceder al momento de efectuar una actividad.


Como conclusión los apoderados se comprometieron a tener una participación más activa en lo
relativo al aprendizaje de sus hijos, pero los apoderados hicieron hincapié en lo referente a
Ingles ya que se les haría difícil ayudarlos por la falta de manejo del idioma.

School Information
School Colegio Cardenal José María Caro
Principal Selma Alliendes Cabrera
City Viña del Mar
Address Avenida Principal s/n Población Cardenal Caro Chorrillos
School’s phone number 2676792
Grade 7th grade
Schedule Monday 10:00-11:40 and Wednesday 12:00-13:30
Guide teacher’s name Ingrid Maturana Riffo
Guide teacher’s email address

Lesson plan

Date: May 20th of 2009.- Level: 7th grade

Expected Outcomes: Acquisition of new vocabulary
Skills: Speaking and Reading related to places of the city
Prepositions of Place: between, next to, in front of,
across, behind, under, in, on. etc.

Resources: flash card, whiteboard, sheet of paper with exercices, photocopies, etc.

Time Comments

Introduction: 10`
Students will answer “present” or “absent”.
- Role calling. Students will answer about what day is
- Date. today.
- Review. Students will remember last lesson.
- New learning Students will know the topic to teach

Core of the class:

Pre-stage: 20` Students will see some flash cards

related to places
Students will know the use of prepositions
Students will repeat the name of places

While-stage: 30`

Students will fill in the blank with the

appropiate preposition.
Students will write sentences using
prepositions and places of the city.

Post-stage: 20`
Students will work with a puzzle using
prepositions and places of the city.

Closing: 10’

Recap main points learnt. Students will share what they learnt.
Future learning. Students will know what they will learn
next lesson.

Lesson plan (Supervised)

Date: May 25th of 2009.- Level: 7th grade

Expected Outcomes: student will learn the use of
Skill: Reading comprehension Simple Present.
Students will identify the general and specific
Students will identify the order of the elements of
Present Simple

Resources: cd radio, flash card with places of the city, sheet of paper with exercices.

Time Comments

Introduction: 10`
Students will answer “present” or “absent”.
- Role calling. Students will answer about what day is
- Date. today.
- Review. Students will remember last lesson.
- New learning Students will know the topic to teach

Core of the class:

Pre-stage: 20` Students will know the use of Simple

Students will identify the structure of
Present Simple questions
(do /does)
While-stage: 30`

Students will answer some questions

about the text.
Students will create some sentences
using the correct form of Present Simple
Post-stage: 20` Students will match according to the
Students will fill in the blanks some
sentences in Present simple.
Closing: 10’

Recap main points learnt. Students will share what they learnt.
Future learning. Students will know what they will learn
next lesson.

Lesson plan

Date: May 27th of 2009.- Level: 7th grade

Expected Outcomes: students will identify the
Skill: Reading and Writing negative and interrogative form of the use of
Simple Present.

Resources: text, whiteboard,dictionaries,pencils,eraser,sheet of paper with exercices,etc.

Time Comments

Introduction: 10`
Students will answer “present” or “absent”.
- Role calling. Students will answer about what day is
- Date. today.
- Review. Students will remember last lesson.
Students will know the topic to teach

Core of the class:

Pre-stage: 20` Students will guess what is the topic

Students will match some exercices
about Simple Present

While-stage: 30`
Students will create sentences using the
correct form of Simple Present

Students will complete questions with the

correct use of verb to be or do/does

Post-stage: 20`
Students will answer some questions to
complete the chart.

Closing: 10’

Recap main points learnt. Students will share what they learnt.
Future learning. Students will know what they will learn
next lesson.

Lesson plan

Date: June 1st of 2009.- Level: 7th grade

Expected Outcomes: students will apply and
Skill: Reading and Writing identify the use of Simple Present

Resources: sheet of paper with exercices, whiteboard, eraser, pen, marker, game,dices, coins, etc.

Time Comments

Introduction: 10`
Students will answer “present” or “absent”.
- Role calling. Students will answer about what day is
- Date. today.
- Review. Students will remember last lesson.

Core of the class:

Pre-stage: 20` Student will underline the verbs in simple

Students will answer according to the text

While-stage: 30`
Students will put in order some sentences
Students will complete some exercices
( fill in the blanks)

Students will create sentences using

simple present form. (negative and

Post-stage: 20`
Student will play a game in group of four
using the structure of Simple Present

Closing: 10’

Recap main points learnt. Students will share what they learnt.
Future learning. Students will know what they will learn
next lesson.

Lesson plan (Supervised)

Date: 10 de junio 2009.- Level: 7th grade

Expected Outcomes: To identify specific and

Skill: listening general information.
Resources: radio, cd, book, white board, pencil, sheet of paper with exercices, etc.

Time Comments

Introduction: 10`
Students will answer “present” or “absent”.
- Role calling. Students will answer about what day is
- Date. today.
- Review. Students will remember last lesson.
Students will know the topic to teach

Core of the class:

Students will predict what is the topic
Pre-stage: 30` about
Students will listen to a conversation

While-stage: 20`
Student will choose the correct answer

Students will repeat the dialogue in

Post-stage: 20`
students will perform the conversation in

Closing: 10’
Students will share what they learnt.
Recap main points learnt. Students will know what they will learn
Future learning. next lesson.

Lesson plan (Supervised)

Date: June 15 of 2009.- Level: 7th grade

Expected Outcomes: student will learn the use of

Skill: Reading and writing Simple Future.
Students will identify the general and specific
Students will identify the order of the elements of
Simple Future

Resources: power point, sheet of paper with exercices, marker, whiteborad, pencil, radio, cd, etc.

Time Comments

Introduction: 10`
Students will answer “present” or “absent”.
- Role calling. Students will answer about what day is
- Date. today.
- Review. Students will remember last lesson.
Students will know the topic to teach

Core of the class:

Students will watch a power point with the
Pre-stage: 20` use of Simple Future
Students will know the structure of Simple
Students will know the use of Simple

While-stage: 30`

Students will choose the correct the

alternative using Simple Future

Students will match with the correct

picture using Simple Future

Post-stage: 20` Students will complete sentences using

the structure of Simple Future

Students will create sentences with the

use of Simple Future

Closing: 10’

Recap main points learnt. Students will share what they learnt.
Future learning. Students will know what they will learn
next lesson.

Lesson plan

Date: June 17th 2009.- Level: 7th grade

Expected Outcomes: to identify the general and

Skill: Speaking, Reading and writing specific information.
Resources: , pencil, sheet of paper, white board, marker, etc.

Time Comments

Introduction: 10`
Students will answer “present” or “absent”.
- Role calling. Students will answer about what day is
- Date. today.
- Review. Students will remember last lesson.

Core of the class:

Students will read a text and they will
Pre-stage: 20` identify the use of simple future.
Studentss will comment the tale and will
give their opinion.

While-stage: 30`
Students will write the names of their
classmates in a sheet of paper and they
will predict or say about their future
Students will write sentences according to
the answer.

Post-stage: 20`

Students will put some verbs with the

correct form of Simple Future

Students will work in pairs and they will

create sentences about their future
Closing: 10’

Recap main points learnt. Students will share what they learnt.
Future learning. Students will know what they will learn
next lesson.

Lesson plan (Supervised)
Date: Monday, 22nd of June Level: Seventh grade

Skill: Speaking and Reading

Expected Outcomes: Acquisition of new vocabulary related to Occupations (builder, singer,
cook, etc.) and related to Sports (tennis, baseball, soccer, golf, etc.)
Exchange information about occupations. The use of Simple Future for future plans.
Resources: Flashcards, boardgame, whiteboard, puzzle, sheet of paper with exercises, pen,
markers, dice.

Time Comments

Role calling 10 min Students will say present or absent.
Date Students will answer what day is today.
Review Students will talk about the last class

Core of the class 25 min Students will see some flashcards related to occupations.
Pre-stage Students will ask their classmates to complete a class
survey sheet about occupations.
Students will fill in the gaps using the appropiate verb

While-stage 20 min Students will see some flashcards related to sports.

Students will connect the pictures to their appropiate

Post-stage 25 min Students will complete a puzzle using the Future Simple
Students will play a boardgame in groups of 4. Students
will answer using the Simple Future structure.

10 min

Closing Students share what they have learned

Recap main points

Lesson plan (Supervised)
Date: 24 de junio 2009.- Level: 7th grade

Expected Outcomes:
Skill: Reading To identify and get the general and specific infromation.
Acquisition of new vocabulary:

Resources: sheet of paper with exercices, white board, marker, pencil, etc.

Time Comments

Introduction: 10`
Students will answer “present” or “absent”.
- Role calling. Students will answer about what day is
- Date. today.
- Review. Students will remember last lesson.

Core of the class:

Students will predict what is the topic
Pre-stage: 30` about.
Students will read a text “ welcome to the

While-stage: 30`
Students will underline in the text the
structure of Simple Future.
Students will answer according to the text

Post-stage: 10`
Students will create sentences and they
will be asked by their classmates about
their future

Closing: 10’

Recap main points learnt. Students will share what they learnt.
Future learning. Students will know what they will learn
next lesson.


Lesson plan (Supervised)

Date: July 1st of 2009.- Level: 7th grade

Expected Outcomes: to get the general and

Skill: Reading specific information and using the new
vocabulary: highways,streets,buildings,
maps,desk,trains, airplanes, land, top,every,etc

Resources: hojas de block, lapices de colores, goma , white board, text, sheet of paper with
reading exercices,etc.

Time Comments

Introduction: 10`
Students will answer “present” or “absent”.
- Role calling. Students will answer about what day is
- Date. today.
- Review. Students will remember last lesson.

Core of the class:

Pre-stage: 20` Students will read a text about the future

While-stage: 30`
Students will draw their future using
some words in English that appear in the
text ”welcome to the future”

Post-stage: 20`
Students will expouse their drawing and
they talk about their future.

Closing: 10’

Recap main points learnt. Students will share what they learnt.
Future learning. Students will know what they will learn
next lesson.

Write with the correct preposition

: in, on, under, in front of, behind, at, between, next to, opposite to,etc.


1) The cat is ________ the table

2) There’s a big tree ________ the house
3) The plane if flying _______ the clouds
4) She’s standing __________ the piano.
5) The movie theater is _________ the right
6) He’s sitting _________ the phone
7) The calendar is __________ the clock
8 ) The cabinet is ________ the sink.
9) There are some shoes _________ the bed.
10) The plant is _________ the piano.
11) Paul is sitting _________ Anna.
12) In Japan people drive ________ the left.

Grammar Exercises

Add one of the following prepositions: in, on, under, in front of, behind, at.

Example: He lives ______ Italy. - He lives in Italy.

1. He works a bank.
A. on
B. at
C. under

2. The lamp is the table.

A. in
B. on
C. under

3. I sleep my bedroom.
A. at
B. on
C. in

4. He lives 26, Rosewood Street.

A. in
B. at
C. on

5. She lives a farm.

A. at
B. on
C. behind

6. The store is the library.

A. next to
B. on
C. in

7. The car is the house.

A. on
B. in front of
C. under

Simple Present

Read the text and answer the questions.

Mr. Lee is a bus driver. Every day he gets up at 7:00 a.m. and prepares for his day. He showers, eats a
sandwich and he drinks a coffe in his breakfast , and puts on his uniform. His wife drives him to the
station where he checks in with his supervisor. Then, he gets on Bus #405 and starts the engine. He
pulls out of the parking lot and begins his route. At his first stop, he picks up Mrs. Miller, who lives in
a red house on the corner of Main Street and Seventh Avenue. She works at the post office and has
to be to work by 9:00. At the next stop, the Bartlett twins get on the bus. They attend class at
Bayside Elementary. More children get on at the next three stops, and they ride until the bus reaches
their school. Mr. Lee enjoys seeing the kids every day and is happy to see them again in the afternoon
when he drives them safely back home.

What does Mr.Lee do?___________________________________________________________

What time does he get up?________________________________________________________
What does he eat in his breakfast?__________________________________________________
Does Mrs. Miller work in a supermarket?_____________________________________________
Where does Mrs Miller live?___________________________________________________
What time does she start to work?_______________________________________________
Do the Bartlett twins go to the stadium?_____________________________________________

Put the following sentences in order using the correct form of
Simple Present

1. She/ parents/ with/ her/ in / lives/ Madrid

2. Likes/ on/ to/ friends/ play/ she/ basketball/ Sunday/ with/ her
3. with/ his/ he/ to/ brother/ the/ cinema/ goes
4. Father/ my/ in/ a/ factory/ works
5. Cooks/ my/ pasta/ mother/ very/ well
6. Friends/ lot/ have/ They/ a/ of
7. Mexico/ travel/ every/ year/ we/ to

Mary’s week days.
Mary wakes up at 6: 30 in the morning every day. She takes a shower and puts on her
uniform . Then, she goes to the kitchen and has breakfrast with her mother and her little
brother, Daniel. After that, she goes to the bathroom, brushes her teeth, combs her hair,
and gets ready to go. Usuallly, she leaves her home at 7:30 and arrives at her school at 7:50.
She attends classes from 8:00 in the morning to 2:00 pm everyday. On Fridays , she meets
Grabriela, her best friend. They both like to watch movies together, also they like to eat
pizza. Mary doesn’t like to study very hard and she doesn’t like to play with her little brother
because he is too boring for her.

1.-Underline the verbs that are in the Present tense.

2.-Answer the following questions according to the text.

a). What time does Mary wake up in the morning?
b).When does Mary and her friend meet?
c). What does Mary like to do when she meets her friend?
d).Does Mary like to study?
e).Does Mary like to play with his little brother?

3.- Fill in the blanks.( Choose the correct form of the Simple Present)
a)Mary _________the guitar on weekends.( play/plays)
b) Mary__________her grandmother on vacations. ( visit/visits)
c) Daniel_________To buy toys. ( doesn’t like/ do like)
d) Gabriela________her teeth every day after every meal.( brush/ brushes)
e)They ___________ do their homework every day.( don’t/ doesn’t)
Choose the correct preposition

1. the monkey is :a) next to the giraffe b) in front of the giraffe c) behind the giraffe

2. The ball is : a) in the box b) under the box c) opposite to the box

3. The cellphone is: a) on the table b) in the table c) behind the table

4.Where is the ball ? : a) next to the tree b) in front of the tree c) in the tree

5.The elephant is : a) behind the lion b) in the lion c) next to the lion

6. Where is the ball ?: a) on the box b) under the box c) in the box

7 Where is the plate? a) in front of the dog b) beetwen the dog and the milk c) next to the milk

Engish test
Present Simple

1. Write the personal pronoun that correspond to each auxiliar



2.- translate the following personal pronouns

I: You: he: She: It: We: They:

3.- Put the verb in the correct form of Present simple

1. She ______ ( play) tennis everyday

2. They ______ ( go) shopping to the mall
3. He _______ ( work) in a supermarket
4. We _______ (travel) to the South
5. She _______ (go) to the beach
6. The dog_____ (eat) meat
7. You ______ (drink) too much coffee
8. He ______ ( cook) pizza for his mother

4. Match the correct sentences

___ no, I work in an office

1. Do you like pizza?
___ I eat bread everyday
2. Where does your mother work?
___ no, he doesn´t, he drinks tea
3. Does she play the piano?
___ She works in the Post office
4. Do you work in a factory?
___ yes I do , I like it very much
5. Does Peter drink coffee?
___no she doesn´t, she plays the guitar
6. What do you eat everyday?

5. Translate the following questions into Spanish

1.Do you play volleyball?______________________________________

2.She likes sweet and chocolate________________________________
3. They work in the Museum___________________________________
4. Peter writes a poem_______________________________________
5. Where do you work?_______________________________________
6. Does he live alone?________________________________________
7. She drinks milk everyday___________________________________
8. They travel to Brazil every year______________________________
9. We go to school in the morning_______________________________
10. He eats only vegetables___________________________________


A day at school
Randall: Hello. Today I'm interviewing Joshua on his experiences going to a Japanese school.
Now Joshua, what time do you go to school?

Joshua: Eight O'clock.

Randall: Eight O'clock. And do you go by yourself, or on a school bus?

Joshua: No, I have a group that goes with me.

Randall: So you go with a group?

Joshua: Uh-huh.

Randall: Now what kinds of things do you take to school?

Joshua: I take my taiso fuku, that is gym clothes, and I take my backpack and my books [ Oh,
okay. ] and stuff like that.

Randall: Okay and what is the first thing you do when you get to school?

Joshua: We do "kiritsu, rei."

Randall: "Kiritsu" and "rei." Now what are those?

Joshua: It means "stand up, bow."

Randall: Stand up and bow.

Joshua: Uh-huh.

Randall: And what do you study at school?

Joshua: We study kokugo, that is writing and reading and stuff like that [ Okay ], andsansu,
that's math. [ Okay. ]. And, let's see . . . , we do gym too.

Randall: Okay, and where do you eat lunch? Do you have a lunchroom or cafeteria?

Joshua: No, we eat in our classroom.

Randall: You eat in your classroom! [ Yeah. ]. Oh wow. That is very interesting. Now what time
do you come home from school?

Joshua: We come home sometimes at 3:00 and sometimes at 2:00.

Randall: Okay, well thank you very much Joshua.

Joshua: You're welcome.

Listen to the conversation and choose the correct alternative
A day at school

1. How does Joshua go to school in Japan?

A. He takes a school bus every morning
B. He rides the subway at 8:00 AM.
C. He walks with a group of students.

2. Which item did Joshua NOT mention when talking about the things he takes to
A. backpack
B. gym clothes
C. school hat

3. What is one of the first things Joshua does when he arrives at school?
A. He practices his reading and writing.
B. He stands and bows to the teacher.
C. He puts on his gym clothes for class.

4. Where does Joshua eat lunch at school?

A. in his classroom
B. in the lunchroom
C. in the gymnasium

5. What time does Joshua probably get home from school most days?
A. between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM
B. between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM
C. between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM

Simple Future

• El futuro simple se usa para hablar de acciones

que van a ocurrir en el futuro.

• Para formar el futuro simple usamos:

auxiliar Will más el verbo


I will buy a car Yo compraré un auto

sujeto auxiliar verbo

• Es muy frecuente que Will aparezca contraída de la forma 'll


She will buy a car Ella comprará un auto

She'll buy a car Ella comprará un auto

I 'll go to the supermarket Yo iré al supermercado

He'll play tennis tomorrow Él jugará tenis mañana

Forma afirmativa de Futuro

I will eat
You will eat
He will eat
She will eat
It will eat
We will eat
They will eat

• La forma negativa del Futuro Simple se forma añadiendo

not entre el auxiliar y el verbo


I will not play tennis Yo no jugaré tenis

auxiliar verbo

She will not travel to Mexico Ella no viajará a México

Para hacer preguntas en Futuro Simple se usa:

Will sujeto verbo


Will you play tennis? ¿Jugarás tenis?

Will she buy a car ? ¿Se comprará ella un auto?

Will he travel to Mexico? ¿Viajará él a México?

Write sentences using Simple Future with the following verbs:

write: escribir/read: leer/drink: beber/cook: cocinar/eat:comer
Yo bailaré I will dance

1-Yo escribiré

2-Tú leerás

3-Antonio comerá
4-El beberá
5-Ella cocinará

Choose the correct alternative using the Simple Future form

1- Jugaremos en el parque
a) Will play in the park b) we will play in the park

2- ¿trabajarás mañana?
a) Will you work tomorrow? b) do you work tomorrow?

3- ¿comprarás una casa?

a) You will buy a house b) will you buy a house?

4- no comeré pescado
a) I do not eat fish b) I will not eat fish

Match the sentences with the

corresponding picture

• He will eat

• She will travel

• We will play

• They will buy

• She will cook

Write sentences using the following verbs in the negative form
write: escribir/ read: leer/drink: beber/ cook:cocinar/

I will not travel to Brazil


Write this sentences using the interrogative form

write: escribir/ read: leer/drink: beber/
cook:cocinar/ eat:comer

Will he play tennis?

1- ¿escribiré?
2-¿Tu beberás coca cola?
3-¿Antonio comerá pizza?
4-¿Ella cocinará?
5- ¿María leerá un cuento?

Complete the sentences using will + the verbs from the list

travel read play visit go cook

1. _____ the children _______ soccer tomorrow?

2. Sarah ___ _______ to school next month

3. She ___ _________ to Spain

4. ___ the men ________ a book?

5. She ___ _______ her mother

6. Carlos ___ _________ a lasagna

Create sentences according to the pictures

Affirmative (eat)


Interrogative (cook)


Negative (wash)


Chooose the right alternative of Simple Future

1. I _____ to the supermarket tomorrow

went/ will go

2. She _____ the baby next week.

will see / saw

3. The policemen_____ in ten minutes

arrived / Will arrive

4. Your teacher _____ to you tomorrow

Talked / will talk

5. They ______ at 6.00 o'clock every day next week.

Get up / will get up

Tick under the occupation



Connect the pictures to the descriptions
Use Simple Futuro

a) ___________ I will play baseball

b) ___________ This Friday Iwill play tennis

c) _________ Next Monday I will play jockey

d) ___________ On WednesdayI will play football

e) _________ Tomorrow I will play soccer at school

f) __________ But on Tuesday I will play golf

What will you do next week?
Play the Start
Clean my room Go to the cinema Free Go to a party
Visit guittar

Watch a movie
I will sing a Karaoke

Work with Buy a bicicle Visit my Cook pizza Play with Travel to
my father grandmother my Jamaica
friends Go back
2 spaces
I will not play soccer

Go to the Free Read a book Take a picture Listen to music Finish

doctor Go forward
1 space

Reading and writing
Complete the sentences with the correct verb
Using simple Future ( will + verb)

watch ride buy


send go read

1.- On Monday, I _________ a great film

2.- On Tuesday, I _________ some flowers

3.- On Wednesday, I _________ an e-mail to a friend.

4.- On Thursday, I __________to the Park

5.- On Friday , I ___________in my bike

6.- On Saturday I, ____________a book

7.- On Sunday I, _____________ a rest

What will you do?

1 2 4

Choose the correct verb:

eat, play, work, sell, hide
Travel, think, sing, go,
read, paint, break, write

Across down
1. I will _____ my house
2. I will ______ to New York

3. He will _____ his car

4. He will____ Pasta

5. I will _____ a book

6.I will ____ Karaoke this week
8. She will___ shooping
7. My father will ____ a letter


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