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1. Merokok merupakan salah satu kebiasaan buruk yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan.

Bahaya merokok terhadap kesehatan tubuh telah diteliti dan dibuktikan banyak orang. Efek-efek yang merugikan akibat merokok pun sudah diketahui dengan jelas. Banyak penelitian membuktikan kebiasaan merokok meningkatkan risiko timbulnya berbagai penyakit akibat dari zat kandungan yang berbahaya. zat yang terkandung di dalam rokok tidak lebih 400 zat kimia beracun. Terdiri dari komponen gas 85% dan partikel. Diantaranya, nikotin, gas karbonmonoksida, nitrogen oksida, hidrogen sianida, amoniak, akrolein, asetilen, benzaldehid, urethan, benzen, methanol, 4-etilkatekol adalah sebagian dari beribu-ribu zat di dalam rokok. oleh karena itu merokok dikatakan sangat berbahaya dan juga merugikan. Smoking is one of the bad habits that are dangers to health. Dangers of smoking on health have been studied and proved by many people. Adverse effects of smoking were already known. Many studies have shown cigarette smoking increases the risk of various diseases caused by the content of dangers substances. Substances contained in cigarettes no more than 400 toxic chemicals. Component consists of 85% gas and particles. Among them, nicotine, carbon monoxide gas, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, acrolein, acetylene, benzaldehid, urethan, benzene, methanol, 4-etilkatekol are some of the thousands of substances in cigarettes. Therefore smoking is said to be very dangerous and also detrimental. Topic sentence : Smoking is one of the bad habits that are dangers. Controlling idea : why smoking is said to dangers? Supporting sentences: 1. Dangers of smoking on health have been studied and proved by many people. 2. Adverse effects of smoking were already known. 3. Many studies have shown cigarette smoking increases the risk of various diseases caused by the content of harmful substances. 4. Substances contained in cigarettes no more than 400 toxic chemicals. 5. Component consists of 85% gas and particles. 6. Among them, nicotine, carbon monoxide gas, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, acrolein, acetylene, benzaldehid, urethan, benzene, methanol, 4-etilkatekol are some of the thousands of substances in cigarettes. Concluding sentences: Therefore smoking is said to be very dangerous and also detrimental. 2. Manfaat dari sarapan pagi akan dirasakan jika memenuhi satu syarat, yaitu menu sarapan pagi yang sehat. Contoh menu untuk sarapan agar mendapatkan manfaat sarapan pagi adalah sereal tinggi serat namun rendah gula. Contoh lainnya, misalnya roti panggang yang terbuat dari bahan gandum, dan olesi dengan margarin yang bebas lemak atau selai rendah kolesterol. Sedangkan contoh menu makanan yang membuat kita tidak bisa merasakan sempurnanya manfaat sarapan pagi adalah makanan yang terlalu banyak mengandung garam atau lemak. Contoh lainnya adalah makanan cepat saji yang terlalu banyak mengandung semua zat kecuali serat yang bermanfaat untuk kesehatan. Dengan demikian pilihlah menu sarapan pagi yang sehat agar mendapatkan manfaat dari sarapan pagi.

The benefits of breakfast will be felt if it satisfies one condition, that is a healthy breakfast menu. Example menu for breakfast to get the benefits of breakfast cereals are high in fiber but low in sugar. Other examples, such as baked bread made from wheat, and spread with fat-free margarine or low-cholesterol butter. While the examples of food menus which we can not feel the benefits of breakfast are perfect foods that contain too much salt or fat. Another example is fast food that is too much fiber it contains all the substances except beneficial to health. Thus choose a healthy breakfast menu in order to get the benefits of breakfast. Topic sentence : The benefits of breakfast will be felt if you have a healthy breakfast menu. Controlling idea : what are the menus for breakfast to get the benefits of breakfast? Supporting sentences: 1. Example menu for breakfast to get the benefits of breakfast cereals are high in fiber but low in sugar. 2. Other examples, such as baked bread made from wheat, and spread with fat-free margarine or low-cholesterol butter. 3. While the examples of food menus which we can not feel the benefits of breakfast are perfect foods that contain too much salt or fat. 4. Another example is fast food that is too much fiber it contains all the substances except beneficial to health. Concluding sentences: Thus choose a healthy breakfast menu in order to get the benefits of breakfast. 3. Sebuah rumah sederhana yang terletak di tengah kota majalengka, jawa barat adalah rumahku yang selalu aku rindukan. Meskipun ukuran rumah yang tidak terlalu besar, tapi aku merasa sangat nyaman. Tanaman-tanaman bunga menghiasi pekarangan di depan rumah. Dengan adanya sebuah kolam kecil di samping rumah, dapat menambah kesejukan di sekitarnya. Dekorasi ruangan yang sederhana di ruang tamu membuatku nyaman setiap memasuki rumah. Di sudut ruangan itu, diletakkan sebuah vas bunga yang aku hias ketika masih SMA. Rumah itu hanya memiliki 3 kamar tidur, salah satunya adalah kamar tidurku. Aku sangat menyukai kamar tidurku. Dengan sebuah meja kecil disamping tempat tidur, aku merasa nyaman untuk mengerjakan PR, browsing internet, main game ataupun sekedar untuk melamun. Oleh karena itulah aku selalu merindukan rumahku.
A simple house located in the center of Majalengka, West Java is my home that I always miss. Although the size of the house is not too big, but I feel very comfortable. Flowers decorate plants in the front yard of the house. In the presence of a small pond beside the house, can add to the coolness in the vicinity. Simple decor in living room into the house made me comfortable. In the corner of the room, placed a decorative vase when I was in high school. The house only has 3 bedrooms, one of is my bedroom. I really like my bedroom. With a small table beside the bed, I feel comfortable to do homework, browsing internet, playing games or just to daydream. Therefore I always miss my home.

Topic sentence: My home that I always miss in the center of majalengka, West Java Controlling idea: What she missed from her home? Supporting sentences: 1. Although the size of the house is not too big, but I feel very comfortable. 2. Flowers decorate plants in the front yard of the house.

3. In the presence of a small pond beside the house, can add to the coolness in the vicinity.
Simple decor in living room into the house made me comfortable. In the corner of the room, placed a decorative vase when I was in high school. The house only has 3 bedrooms, one of is my bedroom. I really like my bedroom. With a small table beside the bed, I feel comfortable to do homework, browsing internet, playing games or just to daydream. Concluding sentences: Therefore I always miss my home.

4. 5. 6. 7.

4. Elsa memiliki seorang sahabat yang sangat dekat sekali dengannya, namanya rian. Persahabatan antara dua orang manusia ini membuat banyak orang iri karena kedekatan mereka. Mereka pertama kali bertemu saat mengikuti suatu pelatihan Bahasa Inggris. Di suatu hari mereka berada dalam satu kelompok yang sama, sehingga mereka sering mengobrol. hari-hari berikutnya mereka tidak hanya mengobrol, tapi juga berangkat dan pulang bersama. Mereka juga selalu mengerjakan tugas bersama. Jika elsa sedang ada acara organisasi, Rian juga selalu menemaninya. Setiap ada masalah, mereka selalu saling membantu satu sama lain. karena itulah mereka menjadi sahabat yang sangat dekat.
Elsa has a very close friend to him, his name is Ryan. The friendship between these two humans make a lot of people jealous of their closeness. They first met while attending an English language training. In one day they are in the same group, so they often talked. The next day they're not just talking, but also set out and go home together. They also always do the work together. If elsa is a field organization, Rian is also always accompanied him. Whenever there is a problem, they always help each other. Therefore they became very close friends.

Topic sentence: Elsa had a friend who is very close to him Controlling idea: why elsa and Ryan said to have close friends? Supporting sentences: 1. The friendship between these two humans make a lot of people jealous of their closeness. 2. They first met while attending an English language training. 3. In one day they are in the same group, so they often talked. 4. The next day they're not just talking, but also set out and go home together. 5. They also always do the work together. 6. If elsa is a field organization, Rian is also always accompanied him. 7. Whenever there is a problem, they always help each other Concluding sentences: Therefore they became very close friends.

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