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A large two-stroke
crosshead engine of MAN-B&W for generating electricity.

In the background and right,

a large disc generator with a diameter of 8 metres.

disc generator

18.4.3 Utilizing two-stroke low-speed crosshead engines operating on

H.F.O., Engine category lV
Compared to the engine category III, the use of
these engines is negligible. The power outpur for each plant varies from 20 to 240 M\7. Obviously,

also limited. However, the energy company,s preferences play an important part.

From an economic view, diesel power plants with four-stroke medium-speed V-engines using, H.F.O.,
are the most cost-effective investment.

this is dependent on the type and number of engine(s). A low number of engine revolutions requires a low number of revolutions for the

18.4.4 Floating diesel power plants with both four-stroke trunk piston or two-stroke crosshead engines operating on H.F.O., Engine

categories llland lV
The power output for each plant reaches approximately 200 M\7. The plant consists of a large floating pontoon equipped with all the required facilities, these include diesel gensets, a

According ro the formula:

in which:

P = number of pole pairs;

control room, a workshop, fuel- and lubricatingoil storage tanks and a step-up transformer for the
medium voltage gensets. Floating diesel power plants are completely selfsufficient; they can be supplied with fuel and parts when at sea and can be towed to most locations. The underlying concept is that of a mobile power plant, which can be deployed anyr,vhere in the

n = number of revolutions per second, the number of pole pairs at an engine speed of two revolutions per second (120 per minute) is 25 and the number

of poles therefore:


= 50

Therefore: -50 =


t " '' 50 '.

Obviously, the floating plant musr be connecred to the medium- or high-voltage local network.

Fifty poles at this large a capacity take up a great deal of space, and consequently the generator has
a very large diameter, the so-called disc generator

Advantages of floating plants

or disc dynamo. The diameters of these generators

can reach as much as 5 to 12 metres.

The floating installation is anchored at the location where the energy is required. Expeditious delivery times of approximately twelve months.

The size and weight of these sers are huge, but compared to the more prevalent four-stroke trunkpiston engines driven by gensets, the number of moving parts is significantly lower. This generally implies that the number of malfunctions is

Modular construction, of both gensets and

buildings. Very flexible deployment ro locations. Construction in boat yards by modular construction.


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