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Ayam Tangkap Aceh

1. Materials Should be Purchased by 30 September 2013.

1. 1/2 ekor ayam negeri 2. 1/2 liter minyak goreng 3. 4 tangkai daun salam koja (temurui) lembar daun pandan, iris kasar 4. 1/2 cangkir air matang 5. 1 buah cabai hijau 6. 1 1/2 batang serai, memarkan 7. 100 ml air matang 8. 5 butir merica 9. 2 lembar daun kunyit, iris halus 10. 1/2 buah bawang merah Bumbu 11. 1 batang bawang daun, iris hales 12. 1 bawang putih (3 siung dirajang, 3 siung dihaluskan) 13. 2 buah cabe rawit 14. 1/2 ruas ibu jari (2 cm) kunyit 15. 1/2 ruas ibu jari (2 cm) jahe 16. 1/2 sdt garam 17. air asam jawa, secukupnya Additional Material 1 cup Rice 1. 1/2 ekor ayam negeri

Purchase all the Materials by Monday 30 September 2013.

Kitchen Utensils N/A

Monday, 30 September 2013

Actual Time

2. Prepare all Materials by Wednesday, October 2 2013

Cleaning the chicken: rinse with water and make sure chicken is clean. Cut chicken into 3 small pieces of any desired shape.

Bowl, Chopping Board, knife.

20 Minutes

Planning of Ayam Tangkap



1. 1 cup of rice 2. 1 1/2 cups water

Rinse the rice with water several times to remove harmful materials (e.g. pesticides). Cook the rice with the 1 1/2 cups of water for 30 minutes.

Kitchen Utensils
Rice Cooker

40 Minutes

Actual Time

1. 1 batang bawang daun 2. 1 1/2 siung bawang putih 3. 1 1/2 buah bawang merah 4. 2.5 buah cabe rawit 5. 1/2 ruas ibu jari (2 cm) kunyit 6. 1/2 ruas ibu jari (2 cm) jahe 7. 1 buah cabai hijau 8. 1 1/2 batang serai, memarkan 9. 4 tangkai daun salam koja 3 Cooking on Thursday, October 3 2013. STEP ONE: Preparing the Spices and Chicken 1. 1 batang bawang daun, iris halus 2. 3 siung bawang putih 3. 2.5 buah cabe rawit 4. 1/2 ruas ibu jari (2 cm) kunyit 5. 1/2 ruas ibu jari (2 cm) jahe 6. 1/2 sdt garam 7. air asam jawa, secukupnya 8. 100 ml air matang 9. 3 Potong Ayam

Place each spices into a separate container.

9 Containers

10 Minutes

Peel and wash all garlic, turmeric* and ginger. Cut all spring onions** and chili smoothly. Then blend all spices with 100 ml of water in a blender until smooth. Add Tamarind and Salt after. Cut the Chicken to get 6 pieces.

Blender Knife Chopping Board Bowl (to place spices) Blender

10 Minutes

*Kunyit ** Bawang Daun

Ayam Tangkap Aceh


STEP TWO: Marinading 1. 6 potongan kecil ayam 2. Bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan

Marinade* the Chicken in the bowl of the blended spices for 10 minutes.

Kitchen Utensils

11 Minutes

Actual Time


Planning of Ayam Tangkap



STEP THREE: Frying 1. 1/2 ekor ayam negeri 2. 1/2 liter minyak goreng 3. 4 tangkai daun salam koja (temurui) lembar daun pandan, iris kasar 4. 1 buah cabai hijau 5. 1 1/2 batang serai, memarkan 6. 5 butir merica 7. 2 lembar daun kunyit, iris halus 8. 1 1/2 buah bawang merah

Slice the Koja leaves (roughly), turmeric* leaves (smoothly), shallots and green chili. Crush the lemongrass** using a pestle. Heat the frying oil in a pan until it reaches the boiling point. Fry the chicken until it turns brown in color (make sure the chicken is drowned in the oil. Remove most of the oil and leave just a small amount of oil. Add the spices one by one when the chicken is almost fully cooked. Keep on frying it for about 3 more minutes.

Kitchen Utensils
Chopping Board, knife, bowl, pan, pestle*, wooden spatula/ spatula

20-25 minutes. Depending on the temperature of the oil.

Actual Time

*uleg *Kunyit **Serai

Ayam Tangkap Aceh

4. Serving and Displaying on Thursday, October 3 2013

Serving Rice The fried chicken and spices

Serve the Chicken on a plate, accompanied with a small serving of rice.

Kitchen Utensils
Display Plate (white) Bowl (for leftovers) (OPTIONAL) Small mug / bowl to shape the rice

5 minutes (should not take more, make sure to serve it hot!)

Actual Time

5. Completing Survey on Thursday, October 3 2013


Complete the survey for the original dish and the cooked dish.

Survey Original Dish Cooked Dish

10-12 Minutes

6. Cleaning on Thursday, October 3 2013

Dirty kitchen utensils

Rinse the utensils with water and rub the surfaces with a soapy sponge. Rinse again with water to remove the soap (make sure it is clean and that there is no more soap left behind)

Soap and Sponge

10 Minutes

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