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Learning: -We have adaptability- our capacity to learn new behaviors that enable us to cope with changing environments.

-Learning is the permanent change in an organism's behavior after an experience. Learning shapes our thought and language. -We learn by association. Example: (seas snail associates water squirt with electric shock) Conditioning is the process of learning associations. Classical Conditioning is when one associates two stimuli and anticipates event. Operant Conditioning is when one associates a response and and its consequence and thus repeat acts followed by rewards and avoid acts followed by punishments. Conditioning is not the only way to learn. We learn from other's experience and examples through observational learning. Pavlov's Experiment: He studied the secretion of saliva from a dog. He studied learning. Pavlov sounded a tone and conditioned dogs dogs to salivate to stimuli. Response to food was unlearned: Unconditioned Response Food in the mouth: Unconditioned Stimulus Salivation: Conditioned Response Tone: Conditioned Stimulus Result of Experiment: Five major conditioning processes- acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, and discrimination. Acquisition: -initial stage of learning; associating a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus so that neutral stimulus comes to elicit a conditioned response. Extinction: -the diminishing response that occurs when the CS no longer signals UCS. Spontaneous Recovery: -reappearance of a weakened CR after a rest pause. Generalization: -response to stimuli to the CS Discrimination: -distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and other irrelevant stimulus. Cognitive Processes: Robert Rescorla and Allan Wagner argued that when two significant events occur close together in time, an animal learns the predictability of the second event. An animal learns expectancy, an awareness of how likely it is for UCS will occur. Conditioning best occurs when the CS and UCS have just the sort of relationship that will lead a scientist to conclude that the CS causes the UCS. Biological Predisposition The biological predispositions of each species dispose it to learn the particular associations that enhance its survival. John Garcia- challenged behaviorism environmentalism. Experiment included rats with radiation enhanced food. Animals aregenerally predisposed to associate CS with UCS that follows predictably and

immediately. Pavlov's Legacy Summary: Adaptation and learning can be studied objectively. It was a basis for John B. Watson 's behaviorism. Chp 21: Operant Conditioning Classical conditioning associates neutral stimuli with important stimuli that produce responses which are often automatic. Operant conditioning help associate behaviors with their consequences. They become more repeated when awarded and less likely to get punished. Respondent behavior- behavior that occurs as an automatic response to some stimulus. Operant conditioning requires Operant Behavior. Operant Behavior operates on the environment to produce rewarding or punishing stimuli. Skinner's Experiments BF Skinner is the most influential and controversial figure on modern behaviorism. He worked with Edward L. Thorndike called law of effect: Rewarded behavior is most likely to recur. Skinner designed a operant chamber (Skinner Box) . Skinner used shaping, a procedure in which reinforcers to guide an animal towards a desired behavior. Principles of Reinforcement Reinforcement- any event that increases the frequency of a preceding response. Reinorcement is any consequence that strengthens behavior. Primary and Conditioned Reinforcers Primary Reinforces= getting food or being relieved of electric shock. Conditioned Reinforces= secondary reinforcers are learned. Continuous reinforcement- reinforcing the desired response every time it occurs.

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