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WCCA. \'AU..&Y I c:.A.UI"OitNlA
A Non-sectarian and Non-profit Organization
for Religious and Scientific Research.
P R 0 C E E D I N G S
Yucca Va lley, California
A branch of the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc.
Volume 10 July - August - September - 1974
Number 5
The "Proceedings" is mailed free to those people who
request it and financially support its printing by
contributions. There is no subscription rate. All
donations, checks, money orders, contributions and be-
quests should be made to the Ministry of Universal
Wisdom, Incorporated.
"PROCEEDINGS" are published by the Ministry of Univer-
sal Wisdom, Inc., at Yucca Valley, California.
Printed in U.S.A. Business and Editorial offices:
College Office Building. George W. Van Tassel -
Director; Darlene J. Wing - Secretary-Treasurer;
George W. Van Tassel - Editor. All rights, including
translation, reserved. Manuscripts and photographs
from our members or friends must be accompanied by a
self-addressed, stwnped envelope. As we do not employ
solicitors or representatives, please address all
correspondence concerning "Proceedings", contributions,
donations, bequests, etc., directly to:
P.O. Box 458, Yucca Valley, California 92284
OUR 2 0 ~ YEAR In Publication
We are printing the picture on the front page of
this i s s ue of t he "Proceedings", to inform our readers
who may not ha ve the opportunity to know " ~ a t our
a dvanced science is doing.
Thi s 20 stor y high tracking device is the result of
ma ny indu s tri a l a nd engineering firms, combining their
individual knowledge to produce this ama zing equipment.
The dish is 210 feet in di ameter. It rot a tes on the
horizontal pl a ne on hydraulic pressure of 2000 pounds
to the square inch. This bea ring ring, three stories
up, supports 24,000 tons of the structure a bove it in
a smooth movement relative to the earths rotation.
This "Mars St a tion" instrument is one of four
loc a ted 45 miles north of Barstow, California. The
ent i re Goldstone tracking f a cility covers 68 square
miles. It i s operated by the California Institute of
Te chnology Jet Propulsion La boratory in cooperation
with N.A.S.A.
Other building s contain the vast computer and
t e lemetry banks that opera te to record and track every-
thing in space. This ":Mars" complex is the control,
a nd reception unit, that pictures of Ma rs a nd other
s a tellite transmitters are developed from.
Since this scientific wonder is only 100 miles from
our location, we ha ve visited the location twice by
After years of requests, petitions, and waiting,
our County is finally paving the 2 miles of dirt
road to the "Integratron".
We extend tha nks to t h o s ~ officials who are
responsible for the decision to do this.
The work on the "Integratron" is accelerating.
One associate has moved here from Los Angeles and is
worKing daily in "putting the pieces together".
We cannot go into detail on this, but we do thank
those of you who are ma king it possible to finish it
We left Los Angeles on June 6fu and arrived in
Atlanta, Georgia on the same day. We rented a car
in Atlanta and arrived in Lakemont on that evening.
I was on the trip by Dr. Dorris Andre, a
research associate and a -friend of my family for 20
Our purpose was to confer with T. Galen Hieronymous,
and other associates who were to gather at the Lake
Rabun retreat of Mahdah Love, another friend and
associa te of long standing. This five day conference
lengthened into 12 days, in order to allow for the
arrival of four other associates from 3 other states
who came on the next weekend. We were in North and
South Caroline and Georgia at intervals over this
It became increasingly apparent that the energy
we were discussing could be activated for many pur-
poses and that information released to the public must
be limited.
Another meeting with these associates is planned
for this Fall. This Georgia meeting is only the
beginning of the merging of ideas that will accelerate
our research for humanity.

In the last issue of the "Proceedings" we said that
we would publish a dr awing of a pyramid to go on the
kitchen table in your home. This drawing indicates
dimensions that can all be approximate. The only
critical dimension is the 52 angle of the sides. The
other necessary requirement is that the faces of the
four sides must be perpendicular to North, South, East,
and \\'est. This can be done with any inexpensive
compass providing it is kept away from metal appliances
in the kitchen.
The pyramid can be made of any plastic, wood, or
metal, and can be made attractive with decorations or
paint. . Joints can be glued, or taped, and shelves
should be made strong enough to support around 25 pounds.
Shelves can be made of plywood, or a similar
material. Corner posts can be approximately lW' square.
A hole cy.t in two sides should be about
10" on each side. This permits reaching into items on
the box described next.
A box can be set loosely on the top shelf that
supports the pyramid. Four dowels glued into the
corners of the top shelf make it possible to remove the
pyramid from the shelf rack without requiring it to be
reoriented with a compass.
The pyramid energy will be strongest on the box
inside and diminish down through the lower shelves.
The pyramid will not keep things cold as in refrigera-
tion, but will preserve things in many cases
without spoiling.
Items placed on top of the box will dehydrate
totally in 28 days and may be kept indefinitely then in
jars, or cans, outside of the pyramid on other shelves.
The first shelf directly below the pyramid will
keep milk, eggs, butter, or like products for a longer
period than refrigeration will.
The second shelf down is ideal for vegetables,
bread, or opened canned goods, or left-overs. The
kitchen table top below the second shelf wilL keep
canned goods, or jar items that have been opened and
not all used at one time. If the pyramid is used on
top of a cabinet c ontai n ing shelves, it won't be
necessary to bu i ld t he s helf rack.
Ancient pyramid inf orma tion, from Egypt, indicates
that they used meat mummified (dried) in the pyramid,
which would be on top of the box, for healing internal
disorders and broken bones. The mummified meat was
ground into a powder a nd assimilated by putting it in
water, or milk. No resea rch has been conducted by us
on this, and we do not prescribe it for those who have
physical problems. It would be interesting however to
know if it works.
Many new thing s a re being discovered about this
pyramid energy in priva te research. We will be
interes ted to hear from any of our rea ders who try new
things in this pyrrunid preserver.
A Canadian associ a te, Mary R. Richards, writes, "I
used your idea about pyramid energy, plac e d a simple
cardboard pyramid over a p iece of butter and left on my
c ounter, with a like slice of butter in an open dish
be s ide it - left them overnite. In the a.m. the un-
cove red dish had oily soft butter, the one under the
pyramid wa s firm, almost as hard as the butter in the
Meditation, or prolonged time spent under a pyramid
form will produce headaches and dehydration of the body.
A number of our readers wrote to us asking where they
could buy "Psychic". Their address is: "Psychic",
P.O. Box 26289, Custom House, San Francisco, Ca. 94126
~ - - . f - - - - , 0 - ~
In the "Proceedings" of August-September-October,
1966, on page 7 we printed data on how to make a "free
energy" motor. This was in an article on the "Biefield-
Brown" effect.
In the second paragraph on page seven, we printed:
"A 'free energy' motor can be made with permanent
magnets, using a three gear planetary system between
the rotor and stator, with an even number of magnets
on the rotor and an uneven number of magnets on the
stator. The three gears have three magnets rotating
to time attraction and repulsion between the rotor and
stator magnets polarity-wise."
Now a friend has sent us a drawing of a "Free Energy
Machine" worked out exactly to the method we described.
This drawing carries a symbol which we believe to be
the Westinghouse
We are reprinting the drawing which is dated eight
months later than our "Proceedings" of 1966 that went
to thousands of our readers around the world.
We are happy to see that someone, takes our advanced
ideas in the "Proceedings" and makes use of them. We
do not have time to develop, or produce, the many things
we print. This principle was worked out and does run.
We did this in 1964. A computor analysis of the
function shows an energy output with no fuel, or
Anyone is free to use the material we in the
"Proceedings", whether they be large companies, or
individuals. Our efforts are to make things better
for humanity by revealing beneficent things, not look-
ing for credit, or hiding advanced knowledge.
From 1967 (the date of the drawing) until 1974
(seven years) we still haven't seen the application of
any free-energy devices that would hurt the status-quo
! I
Erich Von Da nike n has blown Darwin and the theory
of evolution clea r out of the windowo His- b_Qoks,
"Chariots Of The Gods", "Gods From Outer Space", and
"The Gold Of The Gods", ha ve presented irrefutable
evidence in ancient artifa cts, around the world, that
the human species did not come up from the apes.
George W. Van Tas s el, in his book, "Into This World
And Out Again", printed 1n 1956, st a ted the same
f a ctua l data using the Bible as the authoritative source.
Here are some excerpts from this book:
" 'In the beginning God (The Creative Spirit)
crea ted the heaven and the e a rth.' (Gen. 1:1).
This creation was a pa rt of the continuously evolving
creation throughout the Universe. Each instant that
pas s es new things are being made, new phases of life
unfold to live in ever progressing cycles of rebirth.
As rel a ted above, God made heaven before the earth.
In the se heavens of the sky He had already created
man i n the infinite ima ge of God.
Ma n wa s crea ted to live in space, even as fish
live in the ocean. On ma ny planets of ma ny other
solar systems, and on other planets in this solar
sys tem, man was developed through hundreds of thou-
sands of years, long before the Earth was habitable.
Ma n was crea ted (Gen. 1:27), he did not evolve
fr om the lower animals.
However, he was not created on the Earth. Man
was created to s erve as the instruments of God's
doing . You know from our records Abon, that our
exp lora tion through va rious expanses of space has
proven that wherever we ha ve gone we h a ve found more
of the of ma n. Anyone who contends that
the Earth is the only planet occupied by the form of
ma n, does not a cc ept God in His infinite completeness.
Their minds ha ve placed a limit on His ability
to perform His crea tions, to one planet.
We of the Adamic r a ce know that Adam was not a
sing le man. This is confirmed in Gen. 1:27 where
the r a ce of man in the original creation is des-
cribed as 'mal e and female'.
In Gen. 1 : 28 t he scripture relates how 'God
ble s sed them' . This is plural, not him, but them.
I And God sai d unto them, (the Adamic race' bot_h __
male and female) be fruitful, and multiply.' This
is all before Eve is ever mentioned and before God
had finished His woik.
So the Adamic race is now established on Earth
beca use we ori g inally colonized it.
Then God finished His work of creation in regard
to man. He had also finished the creation of the .
heavens and the earth and all the host of them.
(Ge n. 2:1). This means a ~ t h e living creatures
that occupy the ma ny planets and the vast heavens.
So God 'ended His work' and rested (Gen.2:2-3),
and still no mention of Eve! Can this be? Yes,
the Christian's Bible is accurate on God's beginn-
ing of His creations.
Next in the Bible comes the summary of the
creation. This is where the people of Earth are
led into confusion. This summary was an added
interpretation by a 'brain'.
For the first time God is left out of the story
and a 'Lord God' (Heb. - Jehovah) is introduced
into the record. This was one of our people of
the Adamic race living in space, who was landed
by our spacecraft with the rest of the original
The men of the colony did not bring their women
with them. This is one of the prime reasons why
we are so interested now in the people of the
planet Earth.
The Lord God brings Eve into the picture - not
the Creator. The Lord God said that the Adamic
man was lonesome. (Gen. 2:18). Then the Lord God
crea ted Eve 'out of a rib' after one of the men
fell into a deep sleep. (Gen. 2:21-22).
The Creator brings about re-creation of people by
birth everywhere in t he Universe, not by making
women out of ribs. Di dn't God already create male
and female in Gen. 1: 27 ?
Our people from spa ce ha ve been watching the
people of for thousands of years. One of their
theorists (Darwin) tried to connect humans with the
lower animals by the theory of evolution. The
connection was not by evolvement from, it was by
breeding with. That is why the evolutionists have
never found the 'missing link'."
Jesus was born here on the earth to demonstrate
before and afterlife as an eternal continuity. As
related by the space people, in Van Tassel's book:
For I know whence I carne, and whither I _g.
(John 8:14).
'I am from above; ye are of this world; I am not
of this world.' (John 8:23).
Tell me more of this unusual planet where people
struggle to live, requested Abon.
Many times we have brought our teachers through
the process of normal birth on the Earth; to try to
teach the humans how to live. Our last attempt was
through one they call Jesus.
The only records available to their
people are misinterpreted, in most cases, by those
who have not understood the laws of nature. Trans-
lation, and the great ignorance among many of the
preachers of their Bible, has led many of the
multitudes into confusion.
In their Bible in Mat. 1:1-17, the genealogy of
Joseph is given. Further it explains in Mat. 1:16
that Joseph was the husband of Mary, and by impli-
cation leads them to believe that he was the father
of Jesus.
If the Earth people would read carefully Mat. 1:
18-25, it would be plain that Joseph became the
husband of Mary 'before they came together', and
'after she was found with child'. In Mat. 1:25,
it is made clear that Joseph 'knew her not.
I t is e i dent that Joseph was a foster father to
Je s us . There was no blood of Joseph in Jesus.
Ma ry i s one of the Adamic race of our people, as
you know, Abon; one of the 'male and female' of the
race of man that God created before 'He ended His
work'. ( Gen. 2:2). This was before the cross-
breeding of the race of Adam and the race of Eve took
Ma ry volunteered for the assignment of bringing
through birth - to the Earth- a true son of our
Adamic race. Jesus also accepted the assignment,
knowing beforehand what his earthly birth would en-
tail. Ma ry became pregnant and was landed on the
Earth by one of our ships.
The 'three wise men' were also our Adamic people.
They 'came from the East', having already been made
aware by telethought, that a creation of Man was to
be brought forth on the Earth.
The three
Earth people
9), until it
being born.
cra ft looked
wise men followed our craft, which the
called 'the star of Bethlehem' (Mat. 2:
hovered over the inn where Jesus was
The luminous force field set up by the
like a star to the Earthlings.
Our people 'stood by' at the birth. The ones
aboard the cra ft were in telepathic communication,
not only with Mary, but also with the three wise men.
Jesus was on the Earth as an example of the ways
by which our people live. He tried to arouse the
reality of the Earthlings to an that
they were living in an extremely dense reflection
of their true selves. He demonstrated the resurrec-
tion, and taught that the people must qualify by
a ction, and not by words alone. Belief is taught
by their churches as a method of being saved. Jesus
taught them tha t belief was an empty illusion unless
it was demonstrated by an act of faith. This is
recorded in their Bible, ( Mat. 4:10), 'Thou shalt
worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou
serve.' He didn't say believe in, he said serve.
Service is an act of doing, not-a belief in some-
thing unseen and unknown.
'I have given them Thy Word: and the world hath
hated them, because they are not of the world, even as
! am not of the world.' (John 17:14).
We have landed many of our people on the Earth in
the last hundred years. This is verified to the
people of Earth by the fact that their sciences have
advanced faster in the last seventy-five years than
they have in the last several thousand years. Most
of them we have plac_ed in the three strategic branches
of their industries; transportation, communication,
and publication.
We have done this in order to control the Earth
people, in event that we should be forced by their
actions to make a hasty landing.
As all of our methods are subtle, We h a ~ e already
educated their younger generation through comic books,
television, and the radio. Our people have advanced
the minds of the youngsters to the point where they
no longer desire to be cowboys - they want to be
spacemen. . Many of their parents who have open minds
are also receptive. In event that we have to make
a sudden landing, the children will rush to greet us -
setting an example for the adults. Their Bible tells
them of this, 'a child shall lead them'.
'Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is
coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the
voice of the Son-of God: and they that hear shall
Of course we know dead bodies cannot hear. So
what is implied here where it states, 'the dead shall
hear the voice of the Son of God'?
You must remember that the man Jesus said many
times, 'It is not I who speak but the Father who
speaks through me.' Of course the spirit of God is
speaking from realms of perfection, from a universal
point of view, not from the surface of the Earth.
The first birth, on this planet, is through the
parent instruments of your conception.
The second birth is when you leave this limited
condition on Earth, and are reborn into your true
Death is the confinement of and to this planet's
surface; not the condition of transition that brings
the second birth.

In the mobi le coffin of the physical body,
can hear and receive thoughts that are not
your own.
You a re reflecting the real everlasting you in
this level. You can't die here: you are already
dead! You died before in order to get here.
Jesus said, 'For I came down from heaven, not to
do mine own will, but the wTilof him that sent me.
He didn' ,t say he said down.
People talk of going down to hell. That is be-
caus e the consciousness remembers having been .!:!!?.
There is no hell more confining, or limiting, than
the dense physical body here. Everyone makes their
own hell wherever they are. The footnote, number
2, at the bottom of page 1342, in the Scoffield
Bible says,
In the sense of the present world
system the ethically bad sense of the word, refers
to the order, arrangement, under which Satan
has organized the world of unbelieving mankind upon
his cosmic principles of force, greed, selfishness,
ambition, and pleasure. The world system is impos-
ing and powerful with armies a nd fleets; is often
outwardly religious, scientific, cultured, and
elegant; but, seething with national and commercial
rivalries a nd ambitions, is upheld in any real
crisis only EJ: armed force, and is dominated EJ:
Satanic principles.
Yes; it wa ys this in the Bible. It isn't in
the Holy script, but it is just as true!
Jesus c ame down to demonstrate the principles
by which you must live in order to gQ !!E. Yes,
humanity on this planet are 'The shall hear,
if they but listen."
Von Danil{en, in his books, offers ancient records,
and artifa cts, that verify the Biblical message.
(continued on page 16)
P.O. Box 458
US.A 92284
t .511 J
(continued from 15)
What the promoters of modern concepts are trying
to do is to twist and coerce everyones thinking into
a way of living.
V.Oil Daniken and I are both Dutch. We both thrive,
and l'ite, on remembrances from the ancient experi-
ence;j;; neither one of us believe we a product
of but rather descendants of h1gher

( Editors note: This information was advanced to us
by twm people from space, called Bor and Abon by a
form of telepathy that is relayed through the inner
ear to the brain. The book referred to in this
article, "Into This World And Out Again" is out of
print and is not available.)
... ,. --

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