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FIVE IDIOTS AND COMPANY 2010 COMMS NOTES The amount of voltage induced in a wave by an EM wave.

Field strength* The purpose of an AFC in an FM receiver? To help maintain a steady LO frequency* Channel capacity of seven macro cells 12 channels/cell split into 4 mini cells 336 channels per area* What refers to a unit of an assembly or section and associated fittings, forming a rigid structural system used to support cable? Cable tray* In FM receiver which circuit removes amplitude variations? Limiter* Typical PCS power output. 10 mW* The fields surrounding the antenna which do not collapse back their energy back into the antena but rather radiate it out into space. Radiation Field* A type of device noise intensity decreases with frequency Flicker* Sky wave operates in frequencies 3 to 30 MHz* An increase in light intensity results in fast optic switching due to: Amplification of optical signal* This is a measure of output current for a given light power launched into the diode Responsivity* 422 4342 pulse dialing 0.3 sec interdigit delay 4.1 sec*

What do you call the combining circuit used in TV Matrix* Commonly used in electron optic polarization Lithium Niobate* Advantage of using high IF Better image rejection* VHF transmitter has a typical power of: 1W* Typical conduit shall be supported every ? seven or five* Standard test tone power 1mW* What does aspect ratio mean Ratio of screen height to its width* Solution to degradation of SNR Companding* Orbital planes for GLONASS 3* Which of the following statements is true regarding waveguide bends and twists? A ninety degree bend can only be used if the carrier is mitered* CDMA concept change in carrier frequency Frequency hopping* A closet by terminating facilities for key telephone system services, stations and central offices and PBX but does not contain key telephone system circuitry. Satellite Closet* Reference tone level for dbA. Negative eighty five dBm* Bonding jumpers which connect communications cable grounding conductors

and the grounding electrode of the building shall not be smaller than what copper size? 14 sq. mm* Indirect frequency synthesizers will include. Phase locked loops and voltage controlled oscillators* Industrial noise frequency. Fifteen to 160 MHz* A device incorporated in a communications receiver to reduce impulse noise is called the. Noise Blanker* GPS Earth station requires how many satellites? 4* Non metallic cable shall not have a bending radius less the ======= times the diameter of the cable. Five* Consider as the Father of WIFI Vic Hayes* Bluetooth standard 802.1five* A system cables and/or wires are placed with in the ceiling space and poked up through the fire resistance floor struction to the office or room above. Poke through* A measure of an increase of photons that produces photoelectron or electron hole pair Quantum efficiency* Affect bandwidth: Material dispersion* Waveguide acts as a/an: High pass filter* The banks and office buildings, a unit load of ====== VA per square meter shall be included

for the general purpose receptacle when the actual number of outlets is known. 8* Optical network ensured standard that light has a connectivity. SONET* Glonass has ====== satellite in each plane. 8* What determines the selectivity of the receiver. The bandwidth of the tuned circuit* Which fax group that uses QAM. Group 3 fax* GPS inclination Fifty five* Echo completely out of control. Singing* What circuit accompanies a mixer? Local oscillator* What would be produced by weak blue, weak green, weak red on color CRT? Gray* Increasing light intensity will make fast optic switching due to =========. A purification of optical signal* The gunn diode oscillator. Depends on the formation of the charge domain* What is the lowest number of sections required by comm. Rx. 4* Reflection coeffecient for open wire transmission line. 1* GPS radius: 20200 km*

A system has 10kHz of BW for a 10 kHz modulating signal what is approximate deviation: Sixty five kHz* At 20 km in free space from a point source the power density is 200 microWatt/m^2. what is the power density twenty five km away from the source?: 128 microW/m^2* CPDP uses what modulation technique: GMSK* Minimum illumination recommended for reading: 8000lx* 10 min radio black out: R2* Frequency for the pilot subcarrier for commercial stereo FM: 19 kHz* GPS, SPS horizontal accuracy: 100 m* GPS, PPS horizontal accuracy: 22 m* When a conduit enters a box, fitting or other enclosure a ====== shall be provided to protect the wire from abrasions: Bushing* Minimum length to be considered as transmission line: 0.1 Wavelength* Fusion splice loss: 0.09 dB* The key to achieving receiver sensitivity is the reduction of: Internal noise*

How many oscillators does a black and white TV receiver contain? 2* Marconi antennas are usually used at frequencies below? 2MHz * Circular/ellipsoidal cross section operating into the distribution duct of cell from which the wire of cables coverage? Insert * The portion of the field energy that does collapse back into the antenna and is therefore limited to the zone immediately surrounding the antenna. Induction field * Used as k factor. 4/3 * Weak signal radio black out. R1 * This determines the responsivity that is achieved relative to the wavelength at which responsivity is specified. Spectral response * The first device that transmit voice using light. Photophone * In a mobile radio communications system will be found. Base station, repeaters, links, and mobile transceivers * The rating of the branch circuit using flat cable assemblies shall NOT exceed 30 A * A receiver must be able to select one carrier frequency while disregarding (ideally) the existence of the other carrier frequencies in the same overall frequency range. This receiver quality bears the name.

Selectivity * The ------- determines the maximum data rate capability of the detector Responsive speed * Beamwidth of reflector antenna in base station 60 degrees * What are the letter and number designation of carrier and one SB? H3E * Quadrature detection uses. Differential amplifier * Bluetooth spread spectrum. Frequency hopping * One hour radio black out: R3* The frequency of the oscillation generated by a magnetron is mainly determined by: The dimension of each cavity resonator* Noise due to discrete particle. Shot noise* Data rate of V. 32. 9.6 kbps* Galileo uses ====== satellites. 30* Conductors in concealed knob and tube wiring shall maintain a clearance of not less than ======== between the conductor and the surface over which it passes. 26 mm* Using TE 10 mode microwave power can only be transmitted along a rectangular provided. The width dimension is greater than one half of the wavelength in free space*

The ratio of the superheterodyne receiver at the desired carrier frequency to that of the image frequency is called: The image rejection ratio* Tunes the receiver to different stations. Local oscillator* The term pulling refers to: The change of the crystal oscillator frequency by loading* Determine the power saving in percent when the carrier is suppressed in an AM signal modulated to 80%. 75%* Mechanic splice attenuation. 0.1 dB or less* Unit of electric field strength. V/W* GNSS by the European community is called Galileo it uses how many orbital planes? 3* The change of the modulated carrier frequency from the original RF to the IF of the superheterodyne receiver is known as: Frequency translation* Troposcatter operates in frequencies. 350 MHz to 10 GHz* Visible light spectrum. 400 to 750 nm* The frequency range over which rectangular waveguide is excited in the dominant mode is limited to: The difference between the frequency at which the cutoff wavelength is twice the wide dimension and the frequency fot the cutoff wavelength is twice the narrow..* 3G data rate for high speed vehicle. 144kbps*

An indication of radiated field strength around the antenna. Radiation field strength* When receptacles are connected to a 30A branch circuit the maximum allowable cord and plug connected load shall not be more than ========. 24A * DSB SC system must suppress the carrier by 50dB from original of 10W. What value must the carrier be reduced? 0.0001W* How many cathodes are there in shadow mask tube? 3* Audio frequency response is confined to: 300 to 3000 Hz* Cellular CDMA bandwidth. 1.23 MHz* Electronmagnetic wave transport what? Energy* Light duty arrester are used for anticipated transients. Not exceeding 5 kA* In PLL demodulating an FM signal, the output of the VCO is the same as the: Input FM* In a TV picture tube what is the purpose of large picture tube voltage? Attracts electrons toward the face of the tube* Sensitivity of cellular receiver: 50dB* Partition of L or C: Iris*

In every drawing, the title block shall be a standard strip, which shall contain the name of the project owner, title of the sheet scale used, name and signature of the PEE. How much wide is the strip? 40 mm* With highest modal dispersion. Step index multi mode* The provision of voice communication using Internet Protocol technology, instead of traditional circuit switched technology. Voice over internet protocol service* Raceway of cross section placed with in 7 or first below the floor and transmitter the destination duct or cell to the terminal of ionospace. Headset* Morse code basic unit: Dot Length* Memorandum circular for VOIP: MC 05=08=2005* Offset frequency of VHF repeaters. 5MHz * Modulation index of AM wave is changed from 0 to 1. The transmitted power is: Increased by 50%* The most effective filter for separating luminance and chrominance frequency component. Comb* Conductors after the final overcurrent device and before the load served are called: Branch circuit conductors* Identity which of the colors signals which originate in the camera itself with color pickup. Red, Green, Blue*

One or more non metallic surface extension shall be permitted to be run in any direction from an existing outlet but not on the floor or within ===== from the floor. 50mm.* Memorandum Circular for the 3G spectrum allocation. MC 07=08=2005* With eight allowable tone frequency. Touch tone telephone* What type of second detector is used for AM? Diode detector* Reference frequency of CCITT pshopometric noise measurement. 800 Hz* Rectangular waveguide; width = 0.8m. height = 0.6m frequency of operation = 12 GHz. Determine the cutoff wavelength. 4.06 cm* Operation maintenance of an FMBC station that is exempted from DO 88. Less than 3kW ERP* Optical fiber most widely or commonly used. Step index single mode* F1A reference tone level. Negative 85dBm* Optical fiber with smallest bandwidth. Glass fiber core* The infrared region covers the range of: 700 to 1200 nm* What band channel 14 of TV channel belong? UHF* The cable mostly used by the 10 and 100 Mbps Ethernet installation is the ======= cable. ISTP*

LEO satellite distance. 22300 miles* 2 out of 7 codes. Touch tone* Intend to connect other channel. Communication links* Approximately what is the bandwidth occupied by the chrominance video signal for color TV? 1.8 MHz* Class 3 analog cellular power. 3W* How many mixers are in SSB receivers. 2* Which of the following is a continuous wave modulation? PCM* Cockpit instrument which provides 2 separate items of information in relation to the runway. ILS system* Not an advantage of fiber optics. Cabling, splicing simplicity and efficiency* Reference of subscriber by sending a dial tone. First selector* Transmitter = receiver switch. Duplexer* Impedance of a half=wave antennas at the open ends is approximately. 2500 ohms* Incandescent operating life. 4000hrs* What is the blanking level for negative transmission? 75%*

Direct FM can be achieved by. A reactance modulator and a varactor diode* Two half=wave dipoles are represented by 50 km., they are aligned for optimum recdeption. The transmitter feeds its antenna with 10 W ant 144 MHz. Calculate the power received. 2. 96 x 10^=10W* In a single gun color CRT, what electron travels straight through the tube? Green* Satellite altitude described its. Orientation* GPS, PPS vertical accuracy. 27.7 m* In fiber optics, what is power per unit area? Irradiance * Why is visible light LEDs not used? High losses * Among the connectors and transmission lines for coaxial, which is the least expensive as is widely used for CATV, VCRs, and TV sets? f-type * Development of GPS. 1978 * Where is the degaussing coil in a TV set? Around the tube face * Intermittent operation in which the load condition is regularly recurrent. Periodic duty * Signal receive and intelligence frequency due to double k factor. Second harmonic * Which major element of a superheterodyne receiver must be nonlinear? Mixer *

Antenna height above earths surface = 35,790 km, earth radius = 6378 km. Determine the angle of declination? 1.94 degrees * Refraction of waves is relatively insignificant at frequencies above about? 100 MHz * The function which tends to silence the receiver in the absence of transmitted carrier is called? Squelch * Board examiners have at least. 10 years experience * In video system, what determines the maximum number of vertical picture elements? Number of lines on the screen * A rectangular waveguides is operating in the dominant mode, TE10 mode. The associated flux lines are established. Transversely across the narrow dimension of the waveguide * Frequency in VCR control signal. 30 Hz * A system uses a deviation of 100 kHz and modulating signal, what is approximate BW? 230 kHz * Maximum data rate of GPRS. 171.2 kbps * .exceed percent of the continuous load. 125 * ???????? 9600 bps * ???????? One fifth square meter * offered by local exchange and inter exchange operators and oversea carriers.

Enhanced service * ?????? The correct ratio of the electric field intensity to the magnetic flux density to create the necessary electron drift velocity * Class II. 1.6 W * ?????? 9.05 171.2 kbps * ?????? 10.2 microsec * The frequency deviation permitted for narrow band FM is usually. 5 kHz * The phase difference bet. I and Q color signal carrier is 90 degrees * Not major section required by laser: Monitor * First documented the prediction that laser light was possible. Albert Einstein * AMPS channel has a bandwidth of 30 kHz * Telephone set ringing side voltage. -42 to -52 Vdc * Transmission line does not depend on Length * ILDs lifetime is approximately 50,000 hours * GLONASS uses .. operating satellites 24 * For the dominant mode of a rectangular waveguide, the distance between two instantaneous consecutive position of

maximum field intensity ( in a direction parallel to the walls of the waveguide) is referred to as half of the Guide wavelength * An AM signal displayed on an oscilloscope has maximum span of 5 V and maximum 1 V. What is modulation index? 67% * Phenomenon whereby waves traveling in straight paths bends around an obstacle. Diffraction * Data rate for CPDP. 19. 2 Mbps * A UHF television transmitter must cover a range of 470 -890 MHz * Typical separation distance bet satellite = 1833 miles. This is equivalent to .. degrees. 4* Does not contribute to coupling mismatch Modal dispersion * Hertz antenna are predominantly used with frequencies above 2 MHz * Average rate of transmission of sound energy in a given direction through cross sectional area of sqm at right angle to the direction Sound pressure * GPS, SPS time accuracy 340 ns * Percentage of primary color used in color TV are needed to produce the brightest white 30% red, 59% green, 11% blue * When the loop in a PLL is locked what is the difference in frequency detected by the phase detector? 0 degrees *

High speed networks data rate 2.048 Mbps * Not a characteristic of light detector Dispersion * A type of microphone which has a permanent magnet. Ribbon * LED lifetime is approximately 200, 000 hours * Which refers to any person, firm, partnership or corporation, government or private, engaged in the provision of telecommunications services to the public for compensation? Public communications entity* What determines the amplitude of the side bands in phase detector. Bessel function * Dispersion caused by a portion of the light energy traveling in the cladding Wavelength dispersion * Reliability = 99. 99, determine the amount of outage 53 mins * Commonly used for low power oscillator Tunnel diode * Reduce crosstalk Frequency hopping * Impedance of a half wave antenna at the source ends is approximately. 73 ohms * If a rectangular waveguide is to be excited in the dominant mode, the E-probe should be inserted. At a distance one-quarter wavelength from the sealed end *

Device that operates by velocity modulation Klystron * 3G data rate for stationary transmission 2 Mbps * 1-2 hours radio black out R4 * What value of L and C in an L network are required to match a 10 ohm transistor amplifier impose to a 50 ohm load 27 MHz? L=118 nH, C= 236 pF * In hospital, the general lighting required shall be VA/sq m. 16 * What is the amount of loss for a microwave communication system with a system reliability of 99.999%? 50 dB * Circular operating thru the four structures. Sleeves * Angle of inclination for GLONASS. 64.8 deg * It refers to equipment located in the premises of a customer which is not part of but are connected to the system or networks of the PTE Customer premise equipment*

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