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Western Mindanao State University COLLEGE OF HOME ECONOMICS Zamboanga City Name: Ridzhana A.

Asmad Class Schedule: Saturday/3:00-5:00pm Course/Year: BSND-1B

Try This! Label the following diagram and state the function of each part. Anatomy of the Female Reproductive System

1. Uterine Tube It transport ova toward the uterus, and sperm from the uterine cavity into the tubes. 1a. Fimbriae - It responds to changing levels of sex hormones to swell at the time of ovulation in order to stimulate the ovary so that it will release an egg.

2. Uterus - The main function of the uterus is to carry the foetus and to provide nourishment to the developing baby prior to birth. 3. Pubic Bone It helps form the pelvic girdle. It also has a joint between the two bones called the pubic symphysis and it softens during pregnancy so when a woman delivers a baby it comes apart enough to allow the baby to pass through the birth canal. 4. Urethra It carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. 5. Clitoris It is responsible for feelings of sexual pleasure when stimulated. 5a. Labium Minus - helps stop the vagina from "opening" while you are not aroused. When you are aroused, they will swell up and consist of some nerves to aid with sexual pleasure. 6. Vagina - distends to envelop the male's penis during sexual intercourse. It is the receptacle for sperm, the passage way for menstrual blood, and the foetus during childbirth. 6a. Vaginal Orifice - It is the opening of the vagina, it releases menses, discharge, and babies. It also is where the penis goes during intercourse. 7. Anus - transmit faeces from the rectum to the external environment. 8. Rectum - to act as a temporary storage site for faecal matter before it is eliminated from the body through the anal canal. 9. Uterus to hold a developing foetus to maturity; when it is ready to be born. It is the site for implantation of fertilised ova, placentation, growth and development of the foetus. 9a. Cervix - allows flow of menstrual blood from the uterus into the vagina, and directs the sperms into the uterus during intercourse. It also provides support to the uterus as it is made of strong muscles. 10. Ovary it produces eggs. It also produces hormones which regulate other female sex organs.

1. Fallopian Tube - connects the ovaries to the uterus. One egg cell each month is released from the ovaries floats down the fallopian tubes, and into the uterus. 2. Uterus - to hold a developing foetus to maturity; when it is ready to be born. It is the site for implantation of fertilised ova, placentation, growth and development of the foetus. 3. Ovary - it produces eggs. It also produces hormones which regulate other female sex organs. 4. Cervix - allows flow of menstrual blood from the uterus into the vagina, and directs the sperms into the uterus during intercourse. It also provides support to the uterus as it is made of strong muscles. 5. Vagina - distends to envelop the male's penis during sexual intercourse. It is the receptacle for sperm, the passage way for menstrual blood, and the foetus during childbirth.

Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System

1. Rectum - stores faecal matter temporarily before it is removed from the body through the anus.

2. Urinary Bladder - collects urine excreted by the kidneys before disposal by urination. 3. Seminal vesicle - produces a sugar-rich fluid (fructose) that provides sperm with a source of energy and helps with the sperms motility (ability to move). 4. Prostate Gland - to secrete prostate fluid, and to help propel this seminal fluid through the urethra and into the vagina during ejaculation. 5. Bulbourethral Gland - produces a clear, slippery fluid that empties directly into the urethra. 6. Epididymis - transports and stores the sperm cells that are produced in the testes. It also brings the sperm to maturity, 7. Testis - to produce millions of male sex cells called sperm and also to make male sex hormones. 8. Scrotum - acts as a climate control system for the testes. 9. Penis - to pass urine out of the man's body and to pass semen into the vagina of a woman during sexual intercourse. 10. Urethra - carries urine or semen. 11. Vas Deferens - transports mature sperm to the urethra in preparation for ejaculation.

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