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Roy G. Callahan, USN, Ret.

1529 NW 143rd Street Gainesville, Florida 32606 Tel: (352) 332-9144 Fax: (352) 332-9144

Governor Rick Scott Office of the Governor The Capitol Tallahassee,, Florida 32399-0001 Dear Governor Scott:

Friday, October 18, 2013

The US became a signatory to a nonbinding statement of intent titled Agenda 21 when, with the stroke of a pen, President George H.W. Bush, along with 177 other liked minded Marxists signed this UN agreement. President Clinton (Slick Willie) attempted to deliver the coup de grce by authoring and signing Executive Order #10852 in 1993 that created the Presidents Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD). However, both attempts to place Americans under UNs global control are failures if Congress, state legislatures, and state executives nullify them as unconstitutional acts by asserting the U.S. Constitution is the law of the land. Comparing Article 29, Clause 3 of the Universal Declaration of Rights with the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights shows both acts violate the actors oaths to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Article 29, Clause 3- Universal declaration of Human Rights - UN Charter states Rights and freedoms in no case may be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations thus making the Universal Declaration of Human Rights incompatible to the rights granted in our Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. (Unalienable rights granted by God v. rights granted by Marxist UN bureaucrats) Agenda 21 and sustainable development leaves no stone unturned and no person outside of its reach. To accomplish its goals it is necessary to make everyone a steward of the environment. All School programs push sustainability and other Marxist maxims on unsuspecting Human Capital using methods that are not dissimilar to the indoctrination Hitlers youth or Stalins Young Communist League received. The script, content, and authority parallel Chapter II. Proletarians and Communists item #10 in the Communist Manifesto. 10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. When, in the course of development, class distinctions have disappeared, and all production has been concentrated in the hands of a vast association of the whole nation, the public power will lose its political character. If implemented, Agenda 21 will Destroy the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of rights. Indoctrinate American Children Freedom of travel tries to destroy the automobile Dissolve Parental Rights, and destroys the nuclear family. Eliminate if not destroys Christianity Mandates where you live

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Private property rights Punishes everyone with higher taxes Restricts the number of children couples can have. Restricts the amount of water everyone can use. Forces everyone to participate in community projects

Forbids people from entering woodland and wetland areas Restricts civil liberties guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. Restricts the amount of trash or waste everyone can get rid of Tells farmers and everyone else how much they can farm and harvest on their own land Replaces individual rights with community rights.

REGIONAL COUNCILS are unconstitutional. Their affiliation with the United Nations through the National Council of Cities violates Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution. Every county in Florida is a member of FAC) Florida Association of Counties. that shills for the United Nations and Agenda 21. FAC in turn works with (NACo) the National Association of Counties.

The U.N. 2002 Johannesburg Summit, Page 108, states: Thee examples that demonstrate role and importance of local authorities in implementing Agenda 21 initiatives are (1) National League of Cities, (2) Florida Association of Counties and (3) Florida City/County Management Association. Individual municipalities, leagues, organizations, and local community authorities have endorsed the Earth Charter. ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability endorsed the Earth Charter in 2000. The National League of Cities and National Association of Counties created NARC (National Association of Regional Councils) stating they are the voice of regionalism. The Florida League of Cities is a voluntary municipal league consisting of 404 of Floridas 408 municipalities and six charter counties. It is part of the National League of Cities. It has direct ties to the United Nations and Agenda 21. Their mission statement says they support the UN Earth Charter. A copy of this declaration (Attached) was sent to the Florida Congressional delegation on August 25, 2001. There is no mention of allegiance to the United States or THE US CONSTITUTION. It endorsed the Earth Charter in 2001. Similarly the US Conference of Mayors, the official nonpartisan organization of the nations 1,183 cities with populations over 30,000 also endorsed the Earth Charter. Enterprise Florida endorses sustainable development for the United Nations and Agenda 21. The Nature Conservancy deals with land acquisitions, permanent easements (land grabbing). It is directly connected to the United Nations through Agenda 21. Page 2 of 4

Regional Plans like Seven/50 use faulty science to steal private property following Agenda 21. Florida is funding NGO's mandated by the Agenda 21 / Johannesburg Implementation Plan. Their raison dtre is the elimination of local governments by promoting regionalism through unelected boards. There are thousands of NGO's and Non Profits and legislatures rarely put the pieces together so nobody really knows how much land these NGOs actually own. Like a jigsaw puzzle with thousands of pieces no one knows and special interests ask for more and more money for conservation. Each organization is part of ta bigger picture and each gets grants for land individually. They must be defunded and declared unconstitutional if America is to survive. What follows is a list of known Nongovernmental Organizations (NGO's). They represent shadow governments running the state. They are funded by taxpayers but they become part of the COG in order to get additional funding. Their sole purpose is to seize land and regionalize America. They are useful idiots that do not realize they are aiding and abetting the destruction of a representative republic that will be replaced by un-elected thugs/goons. Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) League of Mayors NACO, FAC Parks and Recreation Nature Conservancy Sierra Club Enterprise Florida Florida Forever International City/County Management Association/ Florida City/County Management Association UNESCO Department of Interior North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Metropolitan Planning Organization. HUD Department of Transportation. Department of Agriculture, Federal and State Department of Education, Federal and State Regional Councils Department of water management Florida Fish and Wild Life 1000 Friends Audubon World Heritage National League of Cities/Florida League of Cities American Planning Association/ Florida Planning Association. U.S. Green Building council and LEED National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Council of Government Environmental Protection Association/ Florida Department of Environmental Protection (EPA/DEP) National Governors Association U.S. Chamber of Commerce/Florida Chamber of Commerce Department of Energy, Federal and State

Representative Yoho and I met at his Gainesville Office after his NO vote on the Debt Ceiling and his return from Washington on October 18, 2013. We discussed Education and Agenda 21. Representative Yoho advised me that you and he had a long conversation regarding education since his office is putting authoring a bill that will defund and ultimately eliminate the Federal Department of Education over time. I was glad to learn you enthusiastically support his effort. I was surprised to learn how literate Representative Yoho is regarding Agenda 21. As I was showing him a picture of Our Region Tomorrow that deals with regionalism, he told me he had trouble sleeping after he read Hope for the Wicked The Master Plan to Rule the World authored by Ted Flynn. He indicated that reading this book is what made him get involved in politics and run for office. Having read Global Tyranny, step by step The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order William F. Jasper I identified with what he was telling me. In mentioning my service Mr. Yoho tacitly acknowledged we are still fighting an ideology that so many others of my generation lost their lives fighting in Korea and Vietnam. This acknowledgement is in part one of reasons for this let-

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ter. This is also an effort to supplement the information I provided to Representative Perrys office on August 27, 2013 with CD and other data that was lost. . The people of the Third Congressional district made a wise choice when the elected Representative Yoho. He has taken a principled and constitutional stand on every issue before him. You recently invoked the 10th Amendment to protect Floridas education system. Agenda 21 as it exists within the state of Florida is unconstitutional because it violates Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution. I am asking you to show the requisite leadership and invoke Article 1, Section 10. I have also attached a copy of an Agenda 21 law that ought to do the trick if you can find a representative that wants to enter it in the next legislative session. I sent it to mine and I havent heard if hes interested or not. Looking forward to your reply, I remain Yours in the Bill of Rights,

Roy G. Callahan Member, Florida Oath Keepers/John Birch Society Copy to Rep. Perry, State Senator rob Bradley; Rep. Ted Yoho et al

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