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GCSE Short Course

Philosophy & Ethics

Philosophy Topic 1:Good and Evil

Key Vocabulary Moral evil: evil caused by humans Natural evil: natural disasters that cause suffering Satan: ancient Middle Eastern Word meaning `the accuser' Two Types of Evil Moral evil: evil that people bring on themselves or others. Result of their own behaviour, ignorance, selfishness, cruelty or dishonesty. Caused by God giving humans free will. Humans decide whether to do as God tells them or not and by not living as God intends they bring suffering on themselves. Natural evil: evil seen through natural disasters such as earthquakes. It Is no one's fault but seems to be hugely unfair. Some people avoid natural disasters whilst others are victims time and time again depending on where they live and they tend to be poor.

Satan One of God's chief angels who rebelled against God by challenging His authority. God expelled Satan from Heaven and he made his home in hell and set up in opposition against God to lead humans astray. Evidence of Satan in the Bible: Genesis 3 - Satan disguised himself as a snake, entered the Garden of Eden and tempted Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge. From here on he is known as the `tempter' who persuades humans to disobey God. Story of Job - Satan caused Job to lose his health, 10 children and his wealth but Job refused to listen to his wife and curse God or believe his 3 friends who told him it was his own fault and he was being punished by God. Matthew 4 - Story of how Satan tempted Jesus at the start of his earthly ministry. Now remembered through the Christian period of fasting called Lent. There are 3 separate temptations 1. Turn stones into bread after Jesus had fasted for 40 days 2. Throw himself from the pinnacle of the Temple because as God's son he would be kept safe. 3. If he worshipped Satan then he would give Jesus all the kingdoms of the world. Jesus resisted. Christians do not believe in an actual devil. He is a symbol for all that is evil in human nature.

The Problem of Evil and Suffering There are 6 Christian responses: 1. Suffering is a necessary part of life - it challenges humans to search for inner strength. Gives us something to fight against and strive to overcome. It makes us who we are. It makes us stronger people if we have endured suffering. 2. After death all suffering and evil is forgotten. Those who suffer most have eternal life to look forward to where there is no evil or suffering. 3. The suffering of Jesus who was put to death by his enemies. God resurrected him providing Christians with light and hope that they will be resurrected also to gain a new life in heaven. 4. Suffering is caused by sin which is part of human nature. Sin is doing wrong, our attitudes of heart and mind that leads us away from God and causes us to suffer as a result. Suffering is caused by many foolish and sinful acts by our selves or others. 5. Humans have free will and choose to be good or evil. By being more aware of our selves and people around us the world would be a better place free from war, disease, cruelty, violence etc. Our behaviour could prevent a lot of suffering. 6. God suffers with his people in the tragedies of the world. Christians believe that there is not one answer to the problem of suffering or evil but believe in the end the reason will be made clear. They have to accept that God's will is always done. The Right Way to Behave God expects Christians to live holy lives. Follow God's will and make the right choices. This is done in 3 ways:

1. Through the Bible. This reveals God's will so must be studied either alone or in groups. During Lent the Bible is studied more intensely as Easter is the most important Christian festival - Jesus proved he was God's son by being resurrected and gives Christians hope of eternal life Experienced Christians help others with Bible study Decalogue (10 commandments) used as guide for living Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) tells us to do to others as we would have them do to us - Golden rule for Christians 2. From the Example of Jesus Jesus is believed to be the Son of God who taught people about God and how to enter God's kingdom. Showed people how to accept God's will even if it led to suffering Parables told us how to behave and act 3. From Their Conscience Conscience tells us the difference between right and wrong Makes us feel guilty if we go against our conscience Helps us make the right choice Following a Moral Code Christians believe God has a plan for their lives and that they have been called to live a moral and holy life. The Bible provides Christians with help and guidance. Old Testament F i r s t part of Bible Same as Jewish scriptures but books in different order Christians do not follow most of the laws and rules in it 150 psalms are very precious to Christians New Testament 4 Gospels record the teachings of Jesus and tell Christians how to enter the Kingdom of God. In Matthew the teachings of Jesus are brought together in the Sermon on the Mount. In it are a series of statements about people who are blessed and the type of people Jesus expected his followers to be. These are called the `Beatitudes'. It also gives us Jesus' views on murder, adultery, divorce, revenge and loving one's neighbour. There are also letters written mainly by Paul. They give rules on problems early Christians found living in the Roman Empire. Guidance is given on adultery, marriage, divorce, anger etc. but has no reference to Jesus' teachings

BIBLE QUOTATIONS For Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14 When the Pharisees heard this, they said It is only by Beelzebub, the prince of demons that this fellow (Jesus) drives out demons. Matthew 12:24 Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. I Peter 5:8 The great dragon was hurled down that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. Revelation 12:9 I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Luke 10:18 IMPORTANT SCHOLARS St Augustine (Christian Monk) 354 430 CE taught that evil in the sole responsibility of human being for making wrong choices. Irenaeus (Christian Monk) 130 202 CE suggested that man was not created perfect but immature needing to grow and develop to perfection as planned by God.

Topic 3: Religion and Science

Origins of the World/Universe James Ussher (Archbishop of Armagh) 17th century used Bible to date creation of universe to 4004BCE CREATIO EX NIHILO God created world out of nothing' - Bible teaches this. God continues to create and sustain the world. 2 creation stories in Genesis shared by Christians and Jews teach: First Story God rules universe God is divine God is the creator - also stated in the Nicene Creed (most important Christian statement of belief) God created universe, world and humans 6 days of creation God rested on 7th day - Sabbath Everything appears on earth fully formed Second Story Creation of first man and woman - support each other and begin populating earth Created world was the will of God Everything that had been created was perfect Detail of God's creations and their grandeur show His work Creationists/Christian literalists - believe world was created as told in Genesis Non - Literalist Christians - Creation story in Genesis tells us God created universe and everything in it and has a purpose for the world. Believe scientific theories are more historically accurate but whole creation process is the will of God. Each day of creation represents a period of creative time. Allegorical Creation story has a spiritual message Big Bang - Scientific theory. Universe began with an explosion leading to plasma flying through universe at speed. Galaxies formed which are still moving out from point of explosion today. Galaxies cool and slow down. Cooling gases led to formation of stars and planets. This is just a theory with some unanswerable questions - what caused the bang? Where did the matter come from in the first place? Many Christians accept the Big Bang theory and understand God to be the cause of the Big Bang. Teleological Argument - William Paley World is like a watch - carefully designed and made with intricate parts that work perfectly together making the world function. Creator is a designer and maker with great skill - God.

Cosmological Argument - Thomas Aquinas Everything has a cause that is caused by something else that was caused by something else etc. Aquinas says the initial cause of the world's creation and everything that came about from its creation is God.

Theory of Evolution - Charles Darwin 19th century. Darwin studied plant and animal life on Galapagos Islands. He was convinced life developed - evolved, over time. It adapted to surrounding conditions - natural selection, or died out. Strongest survived and weakest died - survival of the fittest. True of humans also.

Science and Religion Science deals with facts and how they should be understood. Facts must first be discovered and then investigated using 5 senses. Religion deals with facts that are discovered and understood spiritually. Religion says God created world based on laws he put into place. Science aims to discover these laws then understand them. Evolution conflicts with Christianity - Genesis says we were created by God in final form. Humans were thought to be unique but now told they were just animals and subject to laws of animal kingdom. Christian Belief Humans are most Important Form of Life Made on last day - peak of creation Made in `image of God' - share some of God's nature Created with an immortal soul unlike animals Promise of reward of eternal life in heaven Created with a conscience The part of the Trinity - the Son was when God came to earth in human form - Jesus Can worship God Intelligent Possess morality - sense of right and wrong Ability to write and read different languages Possess compassion and benevolence Given dominion of the earth - put in charge of all other life Made stewards of the earth - responsible for caring for the earth and everything on it for God. This is a duty as all life is created by God and of equal status Nicolaus Copernicus, Christian Priest - Copernican revolution stating that earth was not at centre of universe with everything revolving around it, but we revolved around the sun.

Responsibility and Care for the Planet Humanity given responsibility for looking after the earth and Christians have realised the importance of responsible management of the earth's resources and environment. Dominion - humans being in charge of the world for God Stewardship - look after the earth and everything on it for God carrying out this duty and responsibility well for the next generation. Christians must deal with: Pollution Depletion of natural resources Combat extinction of vulnerable animals Maintain purity of seas, rivers and atmosphere Deforestation Christian Responses to Environmental Issues Many early Christians believed that dominion meant they could do as they liked with the earth and exploit its resources. Beliefs have now changed. Follow teachings of the Sermon on the Mount (speech given by Jesus found in Matthew's gospel) Must protect everything on the earth and around it Reduce pollution Preserve resources Support and share in the work of groups who are concerned with conservation Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, National trust Improve standard of living of those less fortunate Share_ world's resources more fairly Promote sustainability - replace resources used and replant trees to ensure natural resources and trees are not depleted but kept going. Judge what they do in their own lives by the standards of Christian stewardship - personal duty to take better care of the planet by recycling and conserving energy Remind themselves of their responsibilities for the earth through worship and celebrations harvest festival, saying grace before meals.

How did our universe begin?

Christians believe that God created the world and everything in it.

In the book of Genesis it tells Christians how the world was created in six days and God rested on the seventh. Scientists believe in the "big bang" and the theory of evolution - a process that took millions of years. The big bang is a scientific belief that at the beginning of time there was a large explosion which resulted in rocks and particles being scattered into space. These particles then formed the stars and the planets. Some people believe that the creation story in Genesis is just a symbolic way of explaining the theory of evolution, Christians believe the purpose of life is to love and serve God and to treat all people as being in the image of God. Human beings are made in the image of God - not physically like God but in intelligence, ability to think, etc.

Others say that all knowledge and science comes from God. To them God is still the "first cause" responsible for when the "big bang" happened

Why are we here? What makes us Human? Humans have a "body, mind, soul and spirit". Christians believe that the SOUL lives on after the death of the body. Soul - The inner part of a person not their physical body, an invisible part, their true character and personality. There is no mention of animals receiving a soul. Humans are to rule over all animals. We are like animals because we depend on God and we breathe, eat and reproduce like other creatures. We are different as we have different moral, social, mental and spiritual qualities. Animals are part of God's creation and Christians believe that exploitation of them is against the will of God. Most Christians are concerned to protect endangered species and have involved themselves in creating animal sanctuaries. Jesus described himself as the good shepherd" highlighting the caring attitude towards animals. A wise use of natural resources, we should not be greedy or abuse the earth. We should try not to pollute our environment. Christians see God's work in the continuous life cycle and the patterns of the seasons. They remind themselves of this in their weekly worship and at certain times throughout the year- Harvest, Easter, Rogation days. Throughout the year these festivals remind Christians that God's hand is at work in the continuous pattern and cycle of the seasons.

How should we all care for the world? Stewardship In Genesis humans were given the responsibility of looking after the earth as STEWARDS (they look after it but do not own it).

The earth does not belong to human beings but to God.

We are temporary residents of the earth. We have to pass it on to future generations.

We have a responsibility to care for other human beings.

How do Religious believers care for the world and for their environment?

The Assisi declaration -- 29 September 1986. Christian leaders joined leaders from the other five major world religions at the Worldwide Fund for Nature to declare their promise for conservation. Assisi was chosen in honour of St Francis who is often known as the "green" saint for his love of all animals.

Christian Ecology link - This group formed in 1991 aims to make people aware of the need to preserve the earth's resources through producing newsletters and running conferences.

Christian Aid, CAFOD and Tear Fund, are also charities which draw attention to the abuse of creation, especially in poorer countries of the world.

BIBLE QUOTATIONS Origin of World In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters, and God said, Let there be light, and there was light. Genesis I: I 3 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis I: 27 The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2: 7 Now the Lord God had formed out the grounds all the beats of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them. Genesis 2: 19 The earth is the Lords, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. Psalm 24: I Place of humanity in relation to animals Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Matthew I0: 28 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? I Corinthians 6: 19 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal. John 3: 16 For great is your (Gods) love, reaching to the heavens. Psalms 57: I0 Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe in him. I Timothy I: I6 You are forgiving and good, O Lord. Psalm 86: 5 I will ascribe justice to my Maker. Job 36: 3 Attitudes to animals over their treatment: The seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your ox, your donkey or any of your animals, nor the alien within your gates, so that your manservant and maidservant may rest, as you do. Deuteronomy 5: 13 15 The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. Genesis 3: 21

Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. Genesis 9: I Then God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. Genesis I: 26 Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Luke 12: 24 KEY VOCABULARY Creation Big Bang Evolution Cosmology Natural Selection Design Imago dei Dominion Stewardship Faith Eternal Soul Environment ADDITIONAL IMPORTANT SCHOLARS Stephen Hawking British Physicist well known for scientific contributions to cosmology Thinks that humans are just an advanced breed of monkey who can understand the Universe this makes us special. He thinks Science can explain some of the questions asked by religion. Aristotle Greek Philosopher, taught that the Universe always existed and would always continue to exist. Augustine Church father taught that the Universe was created by God and was about 6,000 years old. Richard Dawkins Scientist and modern supporter of Darwin he is a strong critic of design arguments for the existence of God. He argues that as Scientists come closer to an understanding of has everything works. There is less need to resort to God to explain things. His book The Blind Watchmaker is a challenge to Paleys famous analogy of the Watch. John Polkinghore Scientist, Author and Vicar he thinks that Science and Christianity do not conflict.

ETHICS TOPIC 1: Religion and Human Relationships The Roles of Men and Women within a Christian Family Traditional viewpoint from the New Testament: Based on writings of Paul where women are not allowed to teach or speak in church - man was created first by God and woman created after Adam's request to become his `helpmate'. Also Peter encouraged husbands to be considerate of their wives and treat them with respect 'as the weaker partner'. 1. Role of women to have children, bring them up and run a Christian home. They must submit to their husband's authority in the home. Men provide for the physical needs of the family by earning a wage. Lead family in religious matters at home and in church life and love wives as much as themselves. Modern viewpoint: Men and women seen as equal - female vicars etc and role in the family to earn money and organise the family.

Jesus treated men and women as equals Jesus preached in the court of women in the Temple in Jerusalem Treated a Samaritan (enemy of Palestine) women as his equal Jesus had women followers who stayed with him at the cross and after his death Jesus first appeared to women after his resurrection Christian Marriage Ceremony Order of Service Must be at least 2 witnesses 1. Couple reminded the marriage takes place 'in the sight of God' 2. Couple reminded of 3 purposes of marriage Give mutual help and support in good and bad times Have sexual intercourse in a secure environment where both feel equally loved Have children and bring them up in a Christian home 3. Says vows - solemn promises to keep till death during sickness and health, poverty and plenty. 4. Rings exchanged -- round to show perfect and unending love and o n 3 r d finger on the left hand where a vein goes straight to the heart

5. Blessed by minister 6. Sign the register All positive relationships we have are based on love: + + + + STORGE, affection or liking of something eg chocolate EROS sexual love, passion, desire for partner PHILOS love or care for a friend AGAPE Christian love involving respect, tolerance, equality

Love is a two way process. It is given and received.

HOW DO CHRISTIANS EXPRESS LOVE? Show love for God which also means to love people through: prayer and worship working to help p o o r and oppressed uphold principles of family life and sexual morality questioning the way we live in the world struggle for peace compassion for those who suffer and the needy

FRIENDSHIP "There is no greater love than a man who lays down his life for his friends", Friends are people we depend on, support, share things with, feel close to. Friends should n o t be taken for granted but should be treated with compassion, caring and respect. Should forgive our friends as they never mean to hurt us if they are a true friend.

MARRIAGE "A man will .......... unite with his wife and the two will become one". 1. 2. 3. Marriage is a lifetime partnership between two people who work together as a team. It is the basis for family life. Marriage is a spiritual union between two people and is sacred as it expresses religious principles. Roman Catholic teaching is that Marriage is a SACRAMENT - meaning the wedding ceremony is an outward sign of an inward spiritual blessing received from God. In Protestant Christianity, marriage is seen as sacramental. Christianity teaches that marriage is monogamous - one partner only. Purposes of marriage are: control sexual urges procreation of children (to have children) raise children in a stable and secure environment demonstrate love and commitment to each other Common features in all Christian wedding services: making of vows (solemn promises) exchange of rings signing of register (legal document) 7. Religious wedding: marry in eyes of God and the law marry in a place of worship by a minister make vows and sign register Civil wedding: marry in the eyes of Jaw only marry anywhere by a registrar make vows and sign register 8. Symbolism of rings: circle - eternity of marriage gold - preciousness and purity of marriage 3rd finger - vein runs from here to the heart visible sign to all that you are in a lifelong relationship

4. 5.



"Let no man separate what God has joined together". "If a man divorces his wife, for any cause other than her unfaithfulness, then he is guilty of making her commit adultery if she marries again, and the man who marries her commits adultery also". 1. If a married person has sex with someone other than their wife or husband they commit ADULTERY. The Christian churches agree this is wrong because: 2. breaks the commandments and teachings of Jesus breaks the marriage vows involves deceit as it breaks trust threatens the stability of the family

Roman Catholic Church does not agree with divorce as marriage is until one dies, but they can "annul" a marriage. ANNULMENT - declaration that no real marriage ever existed. They annul a marriage when: marriage is not consummated (didn't have sex) unaware of responsibilities insanity No Christian believes divorce is right but Anglicans and Methodists allow it if the couple have tried to work out their differences. RELATE -- marriage guidance council. Methodists allow divorced people to remarry as they believe they deserve a second chance of happiness. Anglicans allow divorced people to remarry if the minister agrees and has the permission of the Bishop.


4. 5. 6.

CONTRACEPTION 1. Contraception means a method used by a couple to stop unwanted pregnancy.


Two types of contraception:

a) Natural

withdrawal method (penis withdrawn before ejaculation) rhythm method (sex during woman's infertile days)

b) Artificial

manmade methods of contraception e.g. pill, condom, coil

3. Christians used to say contraception was wrong as God created sex purely for creation of children and contraception stopped God's work. NOW Anglicans and Methodists allow couples to use contraception as: stops overpopulation and poverty sex allows a couple to express their love for one another not just the production of children allows couples to decide not to have children only use if both partners agree on the same method of contraception.


Roman Catholics only use natural contraception as: 2 functions of sex is to express love and create life. Artificial contraception breaks second function. Artificial contraception leads to sexual immorality (have sex with several partners). Sex should only be conducted within marriage.

Christianity and Sexual Relationships Pre-marital sex No sex before marriage Leads to promiscuity Leads to many unwanted pregnancies and possible abortions Fewer virgins getting married STI's increase Sex should only take place within marriage Sex should only be to consummate a marriage and should be to reproduce Jesus spoke out against it

Extra-Marital Sex Sex with someone other than your marital partner Adultery Sinful Hurts marriage partner and any children they have

Celibacy No sex Excludes marriage and sex Roman Catholic priests are celibate Shows devotion to God

Homosexuality Roman Catholics strongly opposed Some Anglicans, particularly in Africa, also oppose it They oppose it because o Sexual relationships should be between men and women only o Homosexuality is unnatural o Unable to reproduce



Women are designed to care and nurture children, provide education, support, food, shelter and love for children and to love, respect and support husband. Man's role is to protect the family and provide for them. Ensure they are brought up in a secure, safe and stable environment. CARE OF RELATIVES "Honour your father and mother". `If anyone does not take care of his relatives._ he has denied the Faith and is worse than an unbeliever':



Always treat your own family and relatives with respect, love, care and compassion. Elderly relatives require most help and Christians believe they raised us so it is now our time to care for them. How is care shown: personal elderly and family should have choices home help through family members or nurses put elderly in a suitable retirement home elderly relative moves in with family important that elderly relative is consulted as to the best option for them and family Family is very important: gives people sense of identity teaches children how to behave BIBLE QUOTATIONS



Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the churchNow as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Ephesians 5:22-24 There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3: 28 The LORD God said, It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him. Genesis 2: 18 Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner. I Peter: 1 - 7

God blessed them and said to them Be fruitful and increase in numbers Genesis I:28 Do you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you ....You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your body. I Corinthians 6: 19 20 The Lord God said, Its not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him. Genesis 2: 18 A man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one fresh....... therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate. Mark 10: 7 9 Key Vocabulary Contraception natural and artificial Marriage Monogamy Bigamy Adultry Commitment Cohabitation Rules mutual and complementary Important Scholars Pope John Paul II he said that attempts to redefine marriage to include homosexual couples contradict right reason and create a false understanding of the nature of marriage. Pope John Paul II Spoke of men and women having equal dignity Pope Benedict XVI said that contraception may be permissible in an attempt to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS

Abstinence Vows Love Fidelity Celibacy Vocation

Topic 2: Religion and Medical Ethics ABORTION "You created every part of me. You put me together in my mother's womb". "God created human beings in his own image". 1. Abortion means the death of the foetus in the womb and its expulsion from the body.


Two types of abortion: natural (miscarriage) procured (medically induced)


Legal in Britain since 1967 and updated the Abortion Act in 1990 so procured abortions can be carried out until the 24th week of pregnancy. It became legal so women no longer died or had a serious injury from a "backstreet abortion".


Grounds for procured abortion are as follows after two doctors agree continue pregnancy would risk the physical or mental health of the mother or existing children in the family. risk of permanent injury to mother mentally or physically. risk child would suffer from a physical or mental disability if born. mother's life is at risk.


All Christians believe life is a gift from God and so they all believe abortion is morally wrong.


Anglicans and Methodists will accept an abortion if there are special circumstances. They use SITUATION ETHICS and look at each situation separately and decide what to do on the grounds of love (agape). They will not allow abortion if used as contraception.


Roman Catholics will never allow abortion. LIFE is an organisation which agrees with them.

Arguments in favour of Abortion - Pro-choice Woman has the right to do what she wants with her body Baby has a right to be born into a family that can meet its basic needs for food, shelter and love Disabled babies place huge burden on people Too many unwanted babies in world Other family members have rights Woman pregnant by rape shouldn't be compelled to have the baby

Arguments against Abortion - Pro-life Every child is a gift from God that shouldn't be destroyed Abortion is murder Everyone is vulnerable A foetus is a human being from moment of conception Abortion causes great mental anguish to the mother Many couples are waiting to adopt a child Baby could be placed in foster care Humans made in God's image God knows everyone from the moment of conception God has chosen a person's life work before they are even born

Bible Quotations Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. Jeremiah 1:5 You shall not murder Exodus 20:13

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophet. Matthew 7:12 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb. Psalms 139:13

IVF - In Vitro Fertilisation (test-tube baby) In vitro means in glass Helps women with blocked fallopian tubes conceive Women given drugs to help produce eggs Eggs collected Eggs fertilised with man's sperm outside her body Fertilised egg placed inside womb

AID - artificial insemination by donor o Used when man is infertile o Sperm used from anonymous donor o Sperm placed in neck of the womb and travels to meet women's egg o Egg fertilised o Law in 2004 -- the child has a right to know who it's biological father is o Law led to fewer men donating sperm o AID is opposed by religious people as it is seen as adultery AIH - artificial insemination by husband o Used when there's a medical reason why couple can't conceive o Nothing wrong with the couples eggs or sperm o Husband's sperm collected o Sperm placed in neck of womb and travels to meet the egg o Religious believers approve of this Egg or sperm storage Used if man or woman could die early or become infertile Christian views People who were childless in Bible times accepted this was God's will Jewish people saw childlessness with disfavour IVF and AIH acceptable Roman Catholic views Embryo technology, IVF, AID and AIH unacceptable IVF unused eggs are destroyed or used for scientific experimentation this is wrong. AID, AIH and IVF involve masturbation unacceptable. Condems any procedure involving conception without sexual intercourse. Childless couples should adopt or foster. Bible Quotations Abram said, O Sovereign Lord, what can you give me since I remain childless? Genesis 15:2 Rachelsaid to Jacob, Give me children, or Ill die! Genesis 30:1

Hannah had (no children) .because the Lord had closed her womb. I Samuel I: 2 6 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you. Matthew 7: 12 (Jesus) welcomed them (the crowds) and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed healing. Luke 9:11 Cloning DNA cloning multiple copies made of the DNA sequence and then used for biological/technical experiments. Reproductive cloning used to produce an animal that has the same DNA as another animal. E.g. Dolly the sheep Therapeutic cloning also called embryo cloning,, - is the production of human embryos to gather stem cells to use in research. It takes place 5 days after the egg has been fertilized over destroys the embryo. Many researchers hope the stem cells can be used to treat heart disease, cancer etc. Christian Responses Catholic Church research on cloned human embryos is both immoral and unnecessary, because it involves the deliberate creation of new life for the purpose of removing stem cells. Protestant Church If the embryo is seen as developmental it may be possible to accept therapeutic cloning as embryos are used only for the first 14 days of development. Aquinas Held the view that make foetus receive the soul after 40 days (and female after 90 days)

Suicide I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that God gives me . "Thou shall not kill". All Christians believe suicide is wrong because life is a gift from God so only He can begin and end life. Christian views are more compassionate today. Years ago suicide was seen as a great sin as it meant the person saw no hope in lif e and hope comes from God so they denied God. Nowadays Christians offer love, help and support to stop suicide. 1953 Chad Varah, Church of England Minister, began the Samaritans who offer a service for people who are feeling suicidal. This organisation is named after Jesus' teaching of the Parable of the Good Samaritan where love and compassion should be shown to everyone. Christian views on suicide Today Christians know people put up with a lot of stress and pressure. People commit suicide because they are very unhappy and not because they are sinners.

Christians will pray for people contemplating suicide, will involve them in group activities, listen to them and encourage them to talk to counsellors or contact the Samaritans

EUTHANASIA "The Lord given and the Lord taketh away". "Thou shall not kill". Euthanasia means a gentle and easy death . There are two types: Voluntary euthanasia Compulsory euthanasia patient asks to have life ended due to incurable and painful disease doctors and family decide patients life should be ended so they are no longer suffering. Usually patient is on a ventilator.

All Christians believe euthanasia is morally wrong as God should be the only one to end life. Christians support Hospices where a person is in a loving environment with 24 hour pain control so they can die with dignity. EXIT support voluntary euthanasia and are a society that want it to become legal in Britain as it is in Holland. Non- Conformists and Euthanasia Elderly have right to expect support and help so no need for euthanasia Euthanasia acceptable if patient is brain dead Anglicans and Euthanasia All life is sacred and holy Elderly should be treated with respect and given support and help Brain dead, people in vegetative state and comas allowed euthanasia if family request it Roman Catholics and Euthanasia Euthanasia in any form is wrong Law of Double Effect Drugs can be given to relieve pain but a side effect could be that the patients life is shortened What is meant by the Sanctity of Life? All life is a free gift from God Life is sacred or holy to God Only God creates new life and chooses when to end life Against God's will to interfere with the process of when life begins or ends unless it is for a very good, life giving reason.

Bible Quotations Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. I Corinthians 6:19 You shall not murder. Exodus 20:13 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot. Ecclesiastes 3: 12 God has said: Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you. Hebrews, 13:5

Animal Rights term introduced in 19 th century

Many charities have been set up to protect animals and guarantee that: Animals can live in a way that is in keeping with their nature Animals can live free from harm and unnecessary danger Animals are protected from abuse and cruelty Animals are not exploited by humans Animals protected by many rights that apply to humans Abuses against which animals are protected Factory farming Vivisection - use of animals in scientific experimentation Use of animals for cosmetic testing Medical profession Testing medicines on animals is essential Testing on animals helps ensure new medicines are more effective and safe Christian views on animals in medical research Animals different from humans Humans made in God's image and rule and control animals Animals don't have a soul Christian scriptures look forward to a perfect world where humans and animals coexist Jesus said the death of a sparrow doesn't go unnoticed by God Christians and Vivisection Most Christians eat meat Animals should be respected God gave humans control over animals but this must be exercised carefully Experiments carried out for essential medical research is acceptable Value of animal life is less than human life Some experiments are necessary Experiments shouldn't be carried out to improve cosmetics or trivial reasons Animal being experimented on must be treated humanely

Roman Catholic Views on Vivisection Doesn't give much importance to animals Should concentrate on people who are suffering in the world Approach to animals and pets should be sensible Animals shouldn't be treated cruelly

Many Christians are opposed to things that cause animals some cruelty like: Blood sports Factory farming Transporting live animals for great distances

Bible Quotations God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground. Genesis I:28 The earth is the Lords and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. Psalm 24: I Key Vocabulary IVF AID/AIH surrogacy Abortion Euthanasia Vivisection Exit Cloning Ethics Sanctity of life Quality of Life Pro-life Pro -choice palliative

Important scholars/Teachings Jean Paul Sartre a philosopher and atheist. He did not believe life was sacred. He thought we are all born without a reason and die by chance. Catholic Bishops Conference - Medical research which involves the destruction of human embryos is seen as a crime against their dignity as human beings. Dame Cicely Saunders - Founder of the Hospice Movement based on the belief that it is important for people who are dying to be given the opportunity to face death with dignity. St.Francis of Assisi said that animals had the same source as humans and so inflicting pain on any living creative is incompatible with living in a Christ like way. Pope John Paul II In Papal Encyclicals Human Life states that human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.

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