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Born Into Illuminati, Italian Aristocrat Goes Public

About Opus Dei, Jesuits and Vatican NWO

by Greg Szymanski, Oct 18, 2006
Last Updated: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 06:44:57 AM

Leo Zagami knows his life is in danger, but Illuminati insider who broke away from
Satanism wants to warn Americans about the "evil enemy" destroying freedom.

Greg Szymanski

Leo Lyon Zagami of Sicily knows he is risking his life to rebel against Satanism and bringing
to light what he knows about the evil Vatican-led Illuminati.

And Zagami isn't your typical Illuminati researcher, but someone born into the satanic New
World Order by his aristocratic bloodlines, his mother being related directly to the famous
Queen Mother (Lyon Family) and his father being the son of the Marchesa Di Gregorio, one
of the most prestigious noble families of Sicily in charge for many centuries of the Sicilian
Knights of Malta.

"That means I'm technically a Sicilian Don and a Prince of the Sacred Roman Empire and a person protected by
their own Vatican secret constitutions, so they can't touch me," said Zagami from his home in Norway, adding
it is no longer safe to live in Italy after he recently broke away from the satanic clutches of his former
Illuminati masters.

"And that's the reason why I'm going to be making many more revelations (God permitting) until the time
comes for the return of our only true Grand Master and the fall of Rome and the Anti-Christ when the terrible
judge will be upon them with no mercy as the Malachi Prophecies tell us."

Leo Zagami

Zagami claims to have a boat load of inside information about influential members of the Illuminati on both
sides of the Atlantic, information if revealed that could rock the very foundations of Satanism controlling the
Vatican, the U.S. and Italy.

After breaking ties with the American Illuminati in 2003 and the Monte Carlo P2 Lodge (Ordo Illuminatorum
Universalis in June of 2006 after a secret Conference in San Cerbone, Zagami had this to say about the Jesuit
and Opus Dei connection to the Illuminati and Freemasonry:

"I had a close encounter [with] a big friend of the Jesuits in Rome, a guy called Alberto Moscato who is a 33rd
degree Mason in charge of the satanic activities of the Ordo Templi Orientis in Italy," added Zagami.

Alberto Moscato

"And obviously being active in the Illuminati Rites of Freemasonry contact had to be made but I was always
very sceptical of them as they are dangerous and I was closer to the Opus Dei at the time but some
interesting episodes occurred and I know many of the characters who serve them like slaves.

"There is, semi-officially, a war going on between the Jesuits and the Opus Dei but at the end they are
working for the same owner and the same New World Order plan, just on different levels so to please their

"The Opus Dei is the real Catholic Masonic lobby of today, as Licio Gelli said a couple of months ago in a
interview and a lot of Italian Freemasons have now the double card of being Masons and Opus Dei members.
They are working at very high levels in the Government and political parties like Alleanza Nazionale to take
over the show.

Massimo Introvigne
"But the Jesuits are now in firm control of the faith and of the mind because of their underground network of
Masonic Illuminati linked to Black Magic circles and all these new religious movements through people like
Massimo Introvigne that you should investigate a bit more ...

"Jesuit policy has always been to act in a more subliminal and far more effective way because that's how they
take control the show but Opus Dei is growing faster and faster under their eyes...

"The Opus Dei actually supported me for a while in my struggle against the evil Jesuit lobby and the satanists
in Freemasonry because they are afraid of their black magic circles and many times the Opus Dei tried to
break into the satanic lodges in Rome of Alberto Moscato but the Jesuits always warned Moscato also a Knight
of Malta first.

"My problems actually started in Freemasonry when I started to criticize openly the way the Opus Dei wanted
to copy these patterns by recreating similar circles and Illuminati lodges which they did like Di Bernardo in
Italy, though the people working for the Jesuits in Freemasonry are much more involved in the esoteric and
better at it unfortunately.

"At the end I gave up any support from Vatican insiders and I'm never going to trust them again they are all in
it together with the devil himself, all working in the Illuminati Lodges.

"The Jesuit Order is now promoting a specific Rite of Freemasonry called the Rectified Scottish Rite, which is
a more Christian Rite in eyes of the Masonic sheep of today but in reality still in the hands of the same

Zagami recently went public with a new web site, trying to warn America and the rest of the world about how
the Vatican-led Illuminati has America targeted for destruction. He also wants to protect his home country of
Sicily, warning people that the Vatican "is the real Mafia."

He will appear today for two hours today on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal at, his first interview in America, naming names and telling people that the Jesuits and the
Vatican have firm control over the U.S. government with the intent on turning the country into a police and
fascist state, which is the Jesuit government of choice.

"As you can imagine my revelations and my war against these people have not made me so popular in Italy
these days with the usual Mafia.," said Zagami. "But I'm going to try not to end up like my grandfather (a
Sicilian Senator called Leopoldo Zagami) who preferred to shut up and was poisoned in the parliament
because of these evil people AND I WILL TALK ONCE AND FOR ALL BECAUSE SICILY NEEDS IT, the Vatican is the
real MAFIA!

"I am putting together my new web site mainly to protect my life and the life of my family by exposing them
first all over the web so a murder now will not be so easy for them. I have been arrested and tortured before
during my mission against the NWO Satanists and I know now that after revealing my membership in the
Monte Carlo Illuminati Lodge of the P2 and my connection to GLADIO I am risking my life even more, so let me
tell you that Italy is still a very risky place for people like me even though I'm an aristocrat connected to
those famous bloodlines that rule the show. With that said, I still prefer to live in Oslo (Norway).

"But as you can also imagine I have lots of fans worldwide (due to Zagami's work in the arts and music) and I
have managed during my many years of work in the Freemasons, the Illuminati and other groups to find a few
genuine Brothers who support my cause and want to fight this incredible evil that generates from Vatican
control, like the Boutros Ghali family for example.

"After I first left the American Illuminati in 2003 I tried to distance myself from them but time after time
they stopped me and made me realize that there was no exit for me as I was one of them and that's because
of my blood (the infamous bloodlines). My full name is in fact Leo Lyon Zagami and I'm related by blood from
my mother's side to the famous Queen mother (Lyon family) and my father is the son of the Marchesa Di
Gregorio, one of the most prestigious Noble families of Sicily in charge for many centuries of the Knight of
Malta of Sicily (a very powerful post indeed).

"That means I'm technically a Sicilian Don and a Prince of the Sacred Roman Empire and a person protected by
their own Vatican secret constitutions, so they cant touch me and that's the reason why I'm going to be
making many more revelations (God permitting) until the time comes for the return of our only true Grand
Master and the fall of Rome and the Anti-Christ when the terrible judge will be upon them with no mercy as
the Malachi prophecies tell us.

"I don't think we are fare from that moment that's why I want to openly challenge the decadent and corrupt
aristocrats of Europe now, including the corrupt English Royal family though Prince Charles is not too bad and
we have a common spiritual teacher in Sufism).

"Obviously my mother Jessica Lyon Young didn't want me to create all this trouble but she saw with her own
eyes what they did to me after I rebelled against the Satanists and she can't stand the Freemasons, the
Illuminati or the Opus Dei, as my mother used to work for the Vatican in the early 80's with her own radio
show on Catholic Radio!

"I started with them, I know them as I know my family and I actually used to consider them my family until I
discovered the full truth of the evil game they were playing...then I got disgusted and felt a sense of shame
for my corrupt religion and for my beloved city of Rome.

"But now I'm Muslim, married with two lovely kids and I'm very happy for saving my soul at last and
discovering the true Jesus - Jesus the man and the Prophet of a great new Revelation and not the false God of
the Vatican made conspiracy to take over the world. Don't forget in all this the Jews of Rome... La Banda
della Magliana... the Jewish Ghetto and their Jesuit link with Andreotti and the P2. The show must go on,
somebody said but for how long?"


[1] Leo Zagami's web address:

Greg also has his own daily show on the Genesis Communications Network. Go to Greg
Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at
He also writes for his own site
Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006
Radio Greg is also regular on the first Thursday of
every month at 9-10 pm pacific time.


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