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Vitor Vieira Vasconcelos 1 Paulo Pereira Martins Junior 2 Leandro Arb D`Abreu Novaes

PhD. Student in Geology, Master in Geography, Specialist in Soils and Environment, Bachelor in Philosophy, Bachelor Student in Geography, Tc. Informatics, Tc. Environment, e-mail:

Geologist., Dr.Sc.T., Prof. Adj. IV UFOP, Resercher, CETEC, Av. Jos Cndido de Oliveira, 2000, 31170-000, Belo Horizonte, e-mail:

Geographer, specialist in Geographic Information Systems. CETEC, correio-e:

Paper originally published in Portuguese, at:

VASCONCELOS, V.V.; MARTINS JUNIOR, P.P.; NOVAES, L.A.D'A. Sistema Inteligente de Apoio Deciso em Gesto de Recursos Hdricos e Projetos Agrcolas. SIMPSIO NACIONAL DE RECURSOS HDRICOS, XVI. Joo Pessoa, Paraba, 2005. Anais... SBHR, 2005. Available at:

Vitor Vieira Vasconcelos 1 ; Paulo Pereira Martins Junior2 ; Leandro Arb dAbreu Novaes 3 Abstract This paper introduces the partial results of implementation of the SisDec series of software systems, applied to the scientific management of the environment and as a support to decision-making, presently available through the Internet. As its first module, the implementation of Agro-Hydros brings into focus the management of the agricultural activities regarding water and soil conservation. Agro-Hydros supports intelligent operations to help with decision-making, bringing together a wide spectrum of knowledge about environmental aspects with texts, maps, illustrations, databases and mathematical models with the possibility of a friendly interaction. This system will work within an integrated portal, which also operates: the SIGea, a system for geoprocessed information, and SisORCI, a system for structured information focused on ecology and economy. With these implementations, which are financed by Fundo Setorial CT-Hidro 2002 / MCT, we are looking to minimize the difficulties of manipulating dense interdisciplinary information. Moreover, we aim to disseminate environmental scientific knowledge, which is usually more restricted to the academic milieu.

Resumo --- Apresentam-se resultados parciais de implantao da linha SisDec de sistemas integrados de gesto cientfica ambiental como apoio deciso, futuramente acessveis via internet. Como primeiro mdulo da linha SisDec, implementa-se o mdulo Agro-Hydros, que enfoca a gesto de atividades agrcolas com critrios de conservao de gua e solos. O Agro-Hydros suporta operaes inteligentes de auxlio a deciso, conjugando um amplo leque de conhecimentos sobre questes ambientais, na forma de textos, mapas, ilustraes, banco de dados e modelos matemticos, sendo que toda a interao ocorre de modo amigvel. Este sistema funciona dentro de um portal integrado que tambm incorpora: o SIGea, sistema de informaes geoprocessadas, e o SisORCI, sistema de informaes estruturadas com enfoque em assuntos ecolgico-econmicos. Com este empreendimento, financiado pelo Fundo Setorial CT-HIDRO 2002/ MCT procura-se minimizar as dificuldades de manipulao de informaes interdisciplinares concentradas, alm do problema da disseminao do conhecimento cientfico sobre o tema ambiental, costumeiramente mais restrito ao meio acadmico. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Agriculture, Water Resources Palavras-chave: Inteligncia Artificial, Agricultura, Recursos Hdricos
1) Tc. Informtica, Tc. Meio Ambiente, Grad. Filosofia, Bols. BIC-CNPQ, CETEC, Av. Jos Cndido de Oliveira, 2000, 31170-000, Belo Horizonte, correio-e: 2) Gel., Dr.Sc.T., Prof. Adj. IV UFOP, Pesq. Pleno CETEC, Av. Jos Cndido de Oliveira, 2000, 31170-000, Belo Horizonte, correio-e: 3) Grad. Geografia, especialista em sistema de informao geogrfica. CETEC, correio-e:

1 - INTRODUCTION Objective Presenting the Agro-Hydros sub-system, of the Intelligent System to help with Decision-Making SisDec

, as a tool to disseminate the associated scientific knowledge on

agriculture, water resources and environment, particularly for end users. The program is, therefore, an environmental decision aid system to the conservation of water resources and to the planning of agricultural projects. These products were developed in the Project CRHA and were supported by the MCT / FINEP / Sectorial Fund CT-Hidro-2002. The CRHA Project Conservation of Water Resources in the context of Environmental and Agricultural Management of Basins was developed in CETEC Foundation (Department of Environmental Analysis Techniques) and in Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (Ouro Preto Federal University, Minning School, Department of Geology) in a network coordinated by the Prof. Dr.Sc.T. Paulo Pereira Martins Junior. The project aims to provide, in an interdisciplinary approach, strict criteria for a better management of water resources. The objective is to build an agro-hydroenvironmental logic for water basins, bringing to the agricultural activities, with or without irrigation, the concernment for land-use planning and environmental management of water resources. 1.1 Status of Environmental and Water Resources in the Paracatu Basin The Basin of the Paracatu River is located in the Northwestern region of the State of Minas Gerais. It is the largest water basin that flows into the So Francisco River (regarding territorial area and water flow). The basin is an agricultural frontier that has been recently occupied, where formerly an extensive area of natural vegetation was deforested due to cattle raising activities. Currently, the irrigation fronts lead to deforestation and to an intensive use of water. Therefore, there are conflicts regarding the water availability, mainly within the sub-basin of Entre-Ribeiros. These problems may increase in the near future. 1.2 Guiding Environmental Fundamentals Water Resources Conservation The crucial role of water resources in sustaining ecosystems, human settlements and economic activities (such as industry and farming) is the reason for water conservation, in the appropriate quantity and quality.

Interaction between Economy and Ecology The ecological-economic relationship implies, as inferred from the etymology of both names, the need to make human activities coherent, without antinomy with the world of Nature [Martins Jr. et al., (2004-A)].1 Land-use Planning The land-use planning can be understood as the planning and management of the human activities in a specific territory. The objective of land use planning is to provide the rational use of natural resources of a region, reaching the best productivity, together with the maximum of environmental preservation and conservation [Martins Jr. et al. (2005-A)]2. Permaculture: permanent culture that takes advantage from the facilities and products from Nature without bringing harm to it. Permaculture is based on a productive project with a dynamic structure similar to Nature, working through cycles of reprocessing and transformations [Mollison & Holmgren (1981)]. 2 BASIS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - AI Multi-expert Systems programs which aim to simulate the reasoning of two or more expert professionals in distinct domains of knowledge. Knowledge base Subsector of an AI program, which includes structures for known database, information and logical patterns in the problem domain. Inference Structure Part of the program that will manipulate the data from the knowledge base, perform the consequent logical reasoning, search and provide the most appropriate answers to the user. CommonKads Method Knowledge Engineering method for the implementation and management of knowledge-intensive systems [Schreiber et al. (2000)]. Unified Modelling Language - UML language used in Software Engineering for standardized modeling in the implementation of computer software [Booch et al. (1999)].

Our translation of: A relao ecolgico-econmica obedece, como os prprios dois nomes traduzem, necessidade de fazer das atividades humanas atividades coerentes, que no entrem em antinomia com o mundo da Natureza. [Martins Jr. et al. (2004-A)]. 2 Our translation of: Ordenamento do territrio pode ser entendido como o planejamento e gerenciamento das atividades humanas em um determinado territrio. O objetivo do ordenamento territorial prover a utilizao racional dos recursos naturais de uma regio, obtendo uma maior produtividade, em paralelo a um mximo de preservao e de conservao ambiental. [Martins Jr. et al. (2005-A)].

3 PORTAL TO HELP IN THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS ON ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Objectives As a method of transferring knowledge on environmental sciences, the CRHA Project aims to implement a network of Internet systems to help in the decision-making process on environmental issues. The systems will have a strong emphasis in the social, economic and ecological aspects, seeking the appliance of the concept of eco-sustainable development. One of the most important cares is the friendly interaction with the end users, as a way to effectively disseminate the environmental knowledge. 3.1 Presentation of the three systems The server and the base for data and thematic information are located in the CPD. There are three systems: [1] SisORCI - System of intelligent research and information storage on EcolologyEconomics. In topics designed in charts, this system has explanatory texts, structured information about cultivars and other agricultural information, conservation issues, mathematical models and utilitarian programs [Martins Jr. et al. (2004-c)]. [2] SIGea - System of Geo-referenced Geographic Information, is a broad server for maps and geo-referenced information. It will provide web access, including visualization, uploading and manipulation of images and data [Martins Jr. et al. (2003-b)] and [3] SisDec Agro-Hydros Multi-Expert Artificial Intelligent System, to help in the decisionmaking process on Environment, Water Resources and Agricultural Projects. The system provides the user with general advice on sustainable land-use management, emphasizing water management. The Agro-Hydros is a module of the SisDec, which focuses on the agricultural context and the conservation of water and soil. 3.2 Interaction among the Three Systems The SIGea stores the geo-referenced information used by SisDec and SisORCI, and also structures and visualizes such information from the three systems. The SisORCI has specific interfaces with SIGea, acquiring examples of maps, usually in the topics of Geosciences and Ecology. The SIGea will also be important as primary database on which the Agro-Hydros will access data to process the logical reasoning simulations.

Likewise, the SisORCI system will store the scientific content about the integration of ecological thought with economic thought in three levels: Macro-Economics/Ecology, MicroEconomics/Ecology and Ecology/Economy. The SisDec provides the user a rich information database using the available content of the SisORCI system, whether they are texts, didactical illustrations or management models. In some cases, the texts will be provided through the visual interface of SisDec; in other moments, there will be a hyperlink to open the SisORCI portal.

Figures 1 and 2 Screen images of the SIGea portal in Access (left) and of the SisORCI portal (right), available at 4 SISDEC SYSTEM TO HELP IN THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS ON ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT

The goal of the SisDec program is to specify the logical reasoning used by scientists and professionals from environmental and agricultural sciences, in the way they deal with the information from a specific site. Thus, these forms of reasoning may be programmed in a logical language and run by computational servers, providing service free of charge through Internet. This service is particularly important because it can help the decision-making process on environmental issues for whatever users, who may or may not have access to the services of high qualified professionals of environmental, water, agricultural and economic sciences. Summing up, the program has some options of basic advice and, starting from this piece of information, the user is guided to seek for deeper technical aid with the host institution or with rural and environmental extension companies. Furthermore, the users will also 6

have the option to use the content provided by the SisDec as a basis to be interpreted by the technical staff of their choice. The knowledge organization proposed for the SisDec Agro-Hydros aims to [1] support the practical demands of executive projects in the basin, as well as the mitigation of environmental impact and the planning of agricultural projects, [2] answer a list of questions that are usually asked by people who are in doubt about what should be done in the specific geo-environmental contexts of their rural properties, [3] interpret the problems of each rural property, inferring the cartographic and scientific database, in a way to obtain the most reliable answer for the representable reality [4] aid both the rural landowner and the manager, supporting them to develop a reasoning on local, sub-regional and regional scales. [Martins Jr. et al. (2003-C)] All the languages and platforms used in the development of the SisDec incorporate the open or free source philosophy. The core of the SisDec is programmed in PROLOG with the GNU-PROLOG platform. The method Commonkads provides the architecture standard, while the knowledge modeling uses UML language with the ArgoUML program. The interface is programmed in Java and HTML. 4.1 Agro-Hydros Module According to the progressive incorporation of new knowledge, the SisDec system is programmed in modules, in a way that each new module expands the available information and functions. Two of these modules are: the Agro-Hydros, which has the function to help in the decision-making process on agriculture and environment; while the second module is specific for the water management. In the current stage of development of the Agro-Hydros program, the knowledge is modeled for three specific functions: [1] the question What do I plant?, which uses the criteria of agroclimatology and soil aptitude; [2] the question Where do I plant it?, in which the first question incorporates a spatial dimension, considering restriction criteria regarding the environmental and water context of the analyzed area, aiming at water conservation; [3] the question How do I plant it?, which gives the users, according to the information from their profile and from the analyzed area, the specific advice about the agricultural techniques that are ecologically correct, as well as complementary water and soil conservation techniques. Agro-Hydros includes interaction between maps and SIG data, provided by the SIGea, in a way that they can show the user a 3D map with the advice of where to plant and which areas need to be preserved.

Menu -> File View Help

Questions > SisDec, Agro-Hydros What do I plant? Where do I plant it? How do I plant it?

/ SisDec SiGea SisOrci

/ External Services

Maps -> SiGea

I need additional information

SisOrci ->search for:

Answers and Explanatory Texts - > Agro-Hydros and SisOrci

(Example) The conservation of water resources includes: (1) keeping the recharge zones in good infiltration conditions; (2) minimizing the superficial flow from rainfall through the proper use of the land in agriculture and foresting; (3) proper use of water for irrigation, in the correct amount for the optimal return regarding cultivar / environmental conditions / sprinkling technique; (4) proper urban supply; (5) using the methods of accumulating rainfall water, particularly in the semi-arid and arid regions; (6) conservation of the riparian forests; (7) protecting the areas around springs and water courses.

Agriculture Water Erosion Optimal Land Use

Figure 3 Simulation of SisDec Agro-Hydros interface, articulated with SIGea and SisORCI. 4.2 Artificial Intelligence Modeling As every expert knowledge is presented in several different ways, the most efficient strategy is to model the knowledge through various complementary approaches. In the knowledge modeling process of SisDec Agro-Hydros, the main chosen modeling method was conducting interviews with environmental experts who were participating in the CRHA Project. According to the CommonKads method, the interviews started with general topics, and gradually went into more specific topics. The interviews were recorded and their important contents were transcribed into standardized documents. Among the many methods of acquiring knowledge, the following were used: text writing, concept lists with definitions, maps, tables, hierarchies, flowcharts, organizational charts, schemes and case resolution examples (classical, real and hypothetical cases). Such variety is justified, because it allows specialists to express their knowledge in the most diverse possible ways, as each method captures different details of knowledge. However, the represented knowledge in SisDec Agro-Hydros does not only come from a direct acquisition from specialists, but also from books, papers, tables, files, databases, maps, SIG data, etc. All these data also complement the knowledge database of this multi-expert system. 8

Organizational Model The organization model, which is the most general one, was the first in the modeling process. It consists of a set of tables that contextualizes the knowledge domain and the problems to be solved. This model is also important because it includes the planning, the general directives and the domain outline for the remainder knowledge modeling process. It was possible to draw a plan for the tasks, agents and other remaining processes that would follow along the implementation of the program. In addition to the tables, UML schemes (Figures 4, 5 and 6) were detailed, representing the conception of SisDec Agro-Hydros. Agents Model In this sub-procedure, the SisDec modules and the partner systems SisORCI and SIGea are articulated, detailing the interaction among each program block. The general aspects of this interaction have already been addressed in this paper, in the sub-topic Interaction among the Three Systems, inside the topic Portal to help in the decision-making process on environmental management. Task Model In this sub-procedure, the general functions of SisDec Agro-Hydros were recursively decomposed in sub-tasks, detailing the activities and reasoning that the program executes (Figure 7 and other more detailed diagrams from this initial one). In the end, the logical paths will be detailed enough to be programmed in PROLOG. Knowledge Model after delimiting the knowledge, it must be progressively detailed in standardized forms, until it turns into logical formulas that may be implemented in the source code (Figures 8 and 9). In this context, the main efforts were to model the knowledge on environmental and agronomy sciences that are necessary for the functions of the program. Ultimately, the goal is to obtain an ensemble of geo-environmental logical injunctions that enable to choose among many solutions of land and water use. These solutions aim at maintaining the general stability of the natural systems, producing the minimum irreversibility in whatever subsystem, while guaranteeing the appropriate economic productivity [Martins Jr. et al. (2003-A)]. The logical consequences from the attributes will generate the recommendations provided to the users. At the end, the guidances and maps are accompanied by the ecological, economic and social explanations, presenting the justification for the chosen answer. There are three main goals for these explanations: [1] showing the user how the answer from SisDec is reliable and sound; [2] convincing the user, through these arguments, to implement the presented guidance; and [3] being a tool for environmental education, as the users become more aware of the implications of their productive activities.

Figure 4 Case Use Diagram, in which the typical and potential users are represented, followed by the respective functions performed during the interaction with the SisDec Agro-Hydros.


Figure 5 Activities Diagram, exposing the various interaction paths between the User and SisDec, during a typical execution of the program.


Figure 6 Context Diagram, showing the agents, objects and relations to be detailed in the following process of Knowledge Modeling 12

Figure 7 Case Use Diagram, specifying the hierarchy between the tasks and subtasks performed by SisDec Agro-Hydros. 13

Figure 8 Activities Diagram, detailing the initial logical modeling of the explicit reasoning of the question Where do I plant it?. Analogous diagrams were developed for the questions What do I plant? and How do I plant it? 14

Figure 9 Class Diagram, modeling of the objects that will be used in Agro-Hydros Environmental Criteria for Helping Decision-Making During the knowledge modeling, the following aspects have been detailed: [1] what is legitimate to do in a given circumstance with profit purposes, coherently with the environmental aspects; [2] in which extent the impact to be caused should be borne, i.e., in extreme cases such as extensive agriculture, what the limit would be when agricultural undertakings tend to cover large areas; [3] which the alternatives are for agriculture when facing environmental constraints; [4] what can be remediated by mitigation and preventive technical solutions, and which the costs are for respecting the economic-ecological approach; [5] what is forbidden by law; [Martins Jr. et al. (2003-A)]. During the process of knowledge modeling, a methodology based on interdisciplinary matrices [Martins Jr. et al. (2005-B)] was elaborated. In these matrices, the environmental characteristics are exposed in the lines, while the important information for Agro-Hydros decisions is exposed in the columns, and the relations between them are exposed in the intersections.


Table 1 is an outline of an interdisciplinary matrix with information related to water resources. Each intersection leads to a scientific explanation about the line vs. column relation, to be detailed in a new specific interdisciplinary matrix. In the end, this progression to more detailed matrices leads to quantitative, semi-quantitative and qualitative relationships, in which the environmental attribute (water resource, in this specific matrix chain) causes a specific change in the advice provided to the user. Other matrices are focused on information regarding soils, vegetation, lithostratigraphy, structural geology, hydrogeology, geomorphology and slope gradient. Table 1 Interdisciplinary Matrix about themes and interactions regarding water issues of conservation, consumptive use and control of availability and spatial-temporal distribution, on areas with intensive agriculture. Geo-environmental Soil Water resources Preservation and Soil Characteristics Aptitude conservation conservation of vegetation conservation
Springs Reservoirs Recharge zones and areas Brittle structures Ductil structures Infiltration Post-rain runoff Local water balance

In Figures 11, 12 and 13, below, there are maps showing the spatial distribution of some geoenvironmental characteristics related to water resources, according to Table 1. These maps were obtained from the SIG base of SIGea system, which will serve as the knowledge base upon which the inference structure of Agro-Hydros program will simulate the logical reasoning and, then, provide advice to the users. Special emphasis must be given to aquifer recharge zones, because of their important hydrological function on the superficial infiltration process. These zones demand especial care in their occupation, because the infiltration will supply the superficial and underground water bodies. In Figure 11, the litho-stratigraphic units are: [A] Unconsolidated beddings Qa; [B] Tertiary Quaternary: Debris sediments, laterized or not TQd; Older debris sediments, laterized or not TQd -; older . [C] Cretacious: Ucuruia Formation Ku; Mata da Corda Formation Kmc; [D] Eo-Cambrian, So Francisco Super Group, Bambu Group: Trs Marias Formation EoCtm; Paraopeba Formation


EoCp, EoCpa, EoCpd and EoCpc; Parano Formation EoCpa; [E] Pr-Cambrian: Canastra Group PCc.

Figure 11 Map of brittle structures over litho-stratigraphic base of the Paracatu Basin, as a stage for the research of specific areas of recharge inside the aquifer recharge zones (available in the scale of 1:100,000). 17

Figure 12 Entre-Ribeiros Sub-basin, in the Paracatu Basin. LANDSAT image and indication of the aquifer recharge zones from the preliminary mapping in 1:500,000 scale. CONCLUSION Current Development Stage SisDec is currently in the end of the first modeling phase, the organization model, in which the context of the program and its functions are delimitated. The knowledge modeling is on its initial phase, undergoing in deep epistemological reflection on the information patterns for the knowledge base and the reasoning to be modeled for the three core questions of Agro-Hydros module. As soon as the activities reach a mature and stable model, the programming of the core code in PROLOG will start. SisORCI has already, as a complete product, the charts of impact and correlation circles, detailing how the economic and ecological elements interact among themselves. The charts are also the structure for storing the content of undergoing researches, in a way to maintain their transdisciplinary approaches. A preliminary version of SisORCI is already available on the website However, in the undergoing researches there are plans for adding many more 18

technical and scientific texts about information products, econometric models and general data about agriculture, cartography, besides many other themes, which will also be available for web access.

Figure 13 Aquifer Recharge Zones in Paracatu Basin in the available scale of 1:500,000, currently under verification to delimitate the precise areas of recharge within these zones [RURALMINAS, (1996)]. 19

SIGea already has a consolidated technology of 3D imaging. It has a large SIG database for Paracatu Basin and new maps and georeferenced information are continuously being aggregated. The SIGea database [Tolentino et al. (2004)] already has a preliminary version in Access code. However, its base version will be programmed in SQL. The interface of the SIGea is being programmed in JAVA, and it will incorporate the interaction with the SisDec users, through the interface of Figure 3. All the development process of SisDec, SisORCI and SIGea, as well as the environmental studies about the Paracatu Basin developed in the CRHA Project, are documented in a total of 46 technical notes to date. Further Developments In the future, it may be interesting to adapt SIGea and SisDec to other basins beyond Paracatu River Basin. However, it will also imply the adaptation of the database and of the inference reasoning to the environmental characteristics of the new region, incorporating the databases that are eventually available for these places. The methodological and theoretical development obtained in the development of SisDec takes into account the criteria of re-usability for further developments, supporting the development of new modules of SisDec and new specialized environmental systems based on artificial intelligence. In further developments, SisDec may incorporate the support for permaculture, including integrated land use for agriculture, forestry and livestock. Complementary to the goal of incorporating a wider range of social and environmental criteria, there is also the goal of including the management of water resources through the tools of water use granting and charging.

Environmental, Social and Economic Impact The main benefits of SisDec Agro-Hydros, integrated with the services from SisORCI and SIGea, are providing help in environmental decision-making for farmers and basin managers. Through its use, the users would assume a more coherent posture regarding their land use activities, incorporating the correct environmental variables and their implications in the economic productivity in their decisions. The information of Agro-Hydros may be useful either for a place where the farmer wants to start a new productive activity, or for a place where there is already an effective land use. The Basin Committee, while adapting its organizational structure to use SisDec in an efficient way, will easily play its role as regional environmental manager. With the development of the National Policy of Water Resources, the water agencies may also use SisDec, taking advantage from its 20

decision support. The program allows a way of interacting farmers and basin managers, as it integrates the two approaches of land use planning into a broader environmental reasoning approach. The SisDec, SIGea and SisORCI websites are also, indirectly, good tools for environmental education, while proposing ecologically appropriate choices for the users and explaining them about the ecological-economic justification for these proposals.

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