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Lesson One: Agony Entering the Narrow Gate Leccin uno: Agona Entrando Por La Puerta estrecha

Hay una puerta y un camino que conducen a la vida, pero pocos son los que la encuentran.

There is a gate and a way which lead to life, but few are those who find it. El cielo es el objetivo de muchos, pero pocos estn dispuestos a entrar por la puerta y caminar la senda como Cristo lo requiere. El hombre que desea pasar la eternidad en la presencia de Dios debe estar dispuesto a perder su vida por la de Cristo. Debe luchar con todo su corazn y capacidad: debe estar dispuesto a negar a s mismo, sus ambiciones y sus deseos. Debe resistir a conformarse con el mundo y estar dispuestos a sacrificar todo lo que tiene en el presente para lo que est por venir. Y debe hacerlo con la disciplina de un atleta. Heaven is the goal of many, but few are willing to enter the gate and travel the path on Christs terms. The man who desires to spend eternity in Gods presence must be willing to lose his life for Christs. He must strive with his own heart and ways: he must be willing to deny himself, his ambitions, and his desires. He must resist conformity to the world and be willing to sacrifice all that he has in the present for that which is to come. And he must do this with the discipline of an athlete. Las sendas que muchas gentes en el camino de la vida y la religin es una de facilidad y sin esfuerzos. Es una ruta de acceso amplio, con mucho espacio para el pecado, el ego y la mundanalidad. Sus sendas les cuestan un poco ms que tiempo. J.C. Ryle dijo: "podramos bien temblar y tener miedo si nuestra religin es de las multitudes. Si no podemos decir ms que eso, que vamos a dnde van los dems y adoran donde otros adoran y esperamos que nos vaya como a los dems, que estamos literalmente pronunciando nuestra propia condena.

His Delight: The Pathway of Pleasing God 2010 Julie West

The pathway many people travel in life and religion is one of ease and effortlessness. It is a broad path, with plenty of room for sin and self and worldliness. Their travels cost them little more than time. J.C. Ryle has said, We may well tremble and be afraid if our religion is that of the multitude. If we can say not more than this, that we go where others go, and worship where others worship, and hope we shall do as well as others at last, we are literally pronouncing our own condemnation. 1

La puerta de la misericordia y la gracia est abierta a todos aquellos que quieran entrar. Pero, no puede entrar por "por un simple deseo o esfuerzo propio". "esfurcense por entrar por la puerta estrecha, pero para muchos, les digo, intentarn entrar y no podrn" (Lucas 13: 24, RVA). "Angosta es la puerta y difcil es el camino que conduce a la vida, y hay pocos que la encuentran" (Mateo 7: 14, RVA). The gate of mercy and grace stands open to all those who would enter. But, it cannot be entered by mere wish or slothful endeavor. 2 Strive to enter though the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able (Luke 13:24, NKJV). Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it (Matthew 7:14, NKJV). Lucas 14: 28, dice: "no empieces sin calcular el costo" (NLT). Luke 14:28 says, Dont begin until you count the cost (NLT). Costly Costosa Un hombre comienza su viaje en este mundo al que ha de venir, como todo hombre hace: en el camino de la destruccin. Es una manera muy amplia, abierta a los dictados del corazn malvado del hombre. Es el camino del pecado y rebelin, la autosuficiencia y la autonoma de Dios. Han sido caminados por todos, pero no terminados por los pocos que han encontrado otra manera. A man begins his journey from this world to that which is to come, as every man does: upon the pathway of destruction. It is a broad way; wide open to the dictates of mans evil heart. It is the way of sin and

His Delight: The Pathway of Pleasing God 2010 Julie West

rebellion, self-sufficiency and autonomy from God. It has been traveled by all, but not finished by the few who have found another way. Turn to Matthew 7 and read verses 13-14. lean versos 13-14. Volvamos a Mateo 7 y

A lo largo del camino a la destruccin, se encuentra una puerta estrecha. En su entrada, un hombre colgado en una Cruz: ensangrentado y herido, despojado de su dignidad y honor. " La gente que pasaba por all insultaba a Jess y se burlaba de l, " (Mark 15: 29, RVA). En agona, clamaba, "yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida. Nadie viene al padre excepto a travs de m"(Juan 14: 6, RVA). Along the pathway to destruction, lies a narrow gate. At its entrance, a Man hangs upon a cross: bloodied and bruised, stripped of dignity and honor. And those who passed by blasphemed Him, wagging their heads (Mark 15:29, NKJV). In agony, He cries out, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me (John 14:6, NKJV).

Pero para aquellos que se conforman a deambular sin rumbo fijo con las multitudes, no es ms que un espectculo. Su persona es repulsiva; su puerta y su camino son indeseables. Lea Isaas 53:3. But for those who are content to wander aimlessly with the multitudes, He is nothing more than a spectacle. His person is repulsive; His gate and His way are undesirable. Read Isaiah 53:3. Por qu es Cristo repulsivo a las multitudes? Por qu son indeseables su puerta y su camino? (Vean otra vez Mateo 7: 13-14.) Why is Christ repulsive to the multitudes? Why are His gate and His way undesirable? (Glance back at Matthew 7:13-14.) ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Considere tambin la posibilidad de Juan 3:18-21, Hechos 4:12, 1ra de Timoteo 2:5 - 6, y 1ra de Pedro 2: 8. Also consider John 3:18-21, Acts 4:12, 1 Timothy 2:5-6, and 1 Peter 2:8.

His Delight: The Pathway of Pleasing God 2010 Julie West

La Cruz de Cristo se mantiene erguida en la puerta estrecha como una representacin del precio que se pag por nuestras iniquidades (Isaas 53:5). Tambin representa el costo para aquellos que desean encontrar vida (Lucas 14: 28). "La salvacin es absolutamente gratis, pero costo todo lo que somos y lo que tenemos". The cross of Christ stands erect at the narrow gate as a representation of the price that was paid for our iniquities (Isaiah 53:5). It also represents the cost to those who desire to find life (Luke 14:28). Salvation is absolutely free, but it costs everything that we are and have.3 "Su profesin de fe en Cristo le ha costado algo?" Si es as, qu? Has your profession of faith in Christ cost you anything? 4 If so, what? _______________ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Warren Wiersbe ha dicho: "muchas personas que "confan" en Jesucristo nunca dejan el camino amplio con sus apetitos y asociaciones. Tienen un cristianismo fcil que no exige de ellos nada." Warren Wiersbe has said, Many people who trust in Jesus Christ never leave the broad road with its appetites and associations. They have an easy Christianity that makes no demands on them. 5 Puede un hombre caminar en dos caminos diferentes al mismo tiempo? Explique. Can a man travel on two different roads at the same time? Explain. __________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Proverbios 16: 25, dice: "hay un camino que le parece adecuado al hombre y que le aparece recto delante de l, pero al final de la misma es camino de muerte" (AMP). Proverbs 16:25 says, There is a way that seems right to a man and appears straight before him, but at the end of it is the way of death (AMP). Some Other Way Cualquier Camino

His Delight: The Pathway of Pleasing God 2010 Julie West

Como dijo Cristo, la puerta es estrecha. Por naturaleza es pequeo y pasado de moda, obligando a aquellos que entran a detenerse en vez de seguir adelante. Adems, la palabra "restringir" en Mateo 7:13-14, lleva a cabo la idea de correr en contra de inclinaciones naturales. As Christ has said, the gate is narrow. By nature it is small and constricting, forcing those who would enter to stoop in order to go in. In addition, the word narrow in Matthew 7:13-14, carries the idea of running counter to natural inclinations.6 Leer Mateo 10:22, 16: 24-27 y Lucas 14:25-33. Read Matthew 10:22, 16:24-27, and Luke 14:25-33. Cmo estos mandamientos desafan las tendencias innatas del hombre, llevndole a sus rodillas? How do these commands challenge a mans innate tendencies, bringing him to his knees? _______________________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ El precio para entrar por la puerta estrecha es grande. Se necesita que un hombre deje el camino de las multitudes, y dar su vida, sus derechos y aspiraciones, as como a renunciar a todo lo que tiene. De hecho, es una puerta de abnegacin y sacrificio. The cost to enter the narrow gate is great. It requires a man to leave the path of the multitude, to lay down his life, his rights and ambitions, and to forsake all that he has. It is indeed a gate of selfdenial and sacrifice. Muchos hombres han tratado de pasar por la puerta con el pecado y su ego arrastrando detrs de s. Pero sus esfuerzos resultarn infructuosos. Como Mateo 16:25, dice: " porque cualquiera que quiera salvar su vida la perder, pero quien pierda su vida por m la salvara" (RVA). Many men have, and will, attempt to go through the gate with sin and self and worldliness in tow. But their efforts will prove unsuccessful. As Matthew 16:25 said, For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it (NKJV). Porqu muchos del camino creen que no es necesario abandonar todo y seguir a Cristo?

His Delight: The Pathway of Pleasing God 2010 Julie West

Why do many travelers believe it isnt necessary to forsake all to follow Christ? _________ _______________________________________________________________________ _

Muchos desean el cielo. Muchos desean el favor de Dios. Pero muchos se niegan a venir a cuentas con Cristo. Volvamos a Lucas 13 y leamos los versos 22-30. Many desire Heaven. Many desire the favor of God. But many refuse to come on Christs terms. Turn to Luke 13 and read verses 22-30. "Quien pues, puede ser salvo?" (Mateo 19: 25, RVA). Quizs las enseanzas de Cristo haban provocado en la conciencia del hombre lo suficiente para causarle a cuestionar la declaracin anterior de Cristo. "Seor, dijiste que hay pocos que encuentran la salvacin?" Who then can be saved? (Matthew 19:25, NKJV). Perhaps Christs teachings had stirred the mans conscience just enough to cause him to question Christs previous statement. Lord, did you say that there are few who find salvation? Escriba la respuesta de Cristo en el espacio proporcionado. (v.24) Record Christs response in the space provided. (v.24) ____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Quizs el cuestionamiento del hombre debera incitarnos al autoexamen. Si Cristo ha dicho que hay pocos que se salvan, muchos "tratarn de entrar y no sern capaz", entonces qu? "Qu influencia debera tener sobre m? Voy a ser uno de ellos? Qu voy a hacer, y qu ser de m?" Perhaps the mans inquiry should stir us to self-examination. If Christ has said that there are few who are saved, that many will seek to enter and will not be able, what then? What influence should this have upon me? Shall I be one of them? What shall I do, and what will become of me?7 Qu peligro reside en negarse a cuestionar su salvacin?

His Delight: The Pathway of Pleasing God 2010 Julie West

What danger lies in refusing to call your salvation into question? ____________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Lucas 13:24 dice: "Lucha por entrar por la puerta estrecha" (RVA, el nfasis es mo). La palabra griega para "luchar" en Lucas 13:24 es agonizomai. Significa "hacer algo con gran intensidad y esfuerzo hacer todo lo posible, [y] esforzarse." En el nuevo testamento, agonizomai tambin se traduce como "luchar", "competir", "trabajar" y "contender". Curiosamente, la palabra inglesa "agonizomai" proviene de esta palabra. Luke 13:24 said, Strive to enter through the narrow gate (NKJV, emphasis mine). The Greek word for strive in Luke 13:24 is agonizomai. It means to do something with great intensity and effort to do everything possible to, [and] to strain oneself to. 8 In the New Testament, agonizomai it is also translated fight, compete, labor, and contend. Interestingly, the English word agonize comes from this word. Lean los siguientes versculos y describan lo que significa "esforzarse": Juan 18:36, 1ra de Corintios 9:25, Colosenses 1:29, Colosenses 4:12, 1ra de Timoteo 6:12, 2da de Timoteo 4: 7. Read the following verses and describe what it means to strive: John 18:36, 1 Corinthians 9:25, Colossians 1:29, Colossians 4:12, 1 Timothy 6:12, 2 Timothy 4:7. _______________ _______________________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Cristo no est implicando que un hombre sea salvo por esfuerzo laborioso. Sin embargo, l est advirtiendo a todos los hombres en contra de la creencia de que pueden entrar en la puerta con facilidad. Todo hombre que viene a Cristo debe agonizar sobre su condicin pecaminosa, est obligado a luchar con su corazn, luchen en contra de su carne, y pongan todo su esfuerzo para resistir la conformidad del mundo. Y debe hacerlo con la disciplina de un atleta.

His Delight: The Pathway of Pleasing God 2010 Julie West

Christ is not implying that a man is saved by laborious striving. However, He is cautioning all men against believing that they can enter the gate with ease. Every man who comes to Christ must agonize over his sinful condition: he must wrestle with his heart, strive against his flesh, and put forth every effort to resist conformity to the world. And he must do this with the discipline of an athlete. Slo unos pocos continuarn buscando la puerta y entrar en el camino estrecho una vez que aprenden lo que significa esforzarse. Por qu? Only a few will continue to seek the gate and enter the narrow path once they learn what it means to strive. Why? ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Hebreos 11:6 dice que "sin fe es imposible agradar [Dios], porque el que quiera venir a Dios debe creer que es, y que es galardonador de aquellos que le buscan diligentemente " (RVA, el nfasis es mo). En este pasaje, la nueva traduccin viviente utiliza la palabra "sinceramente" en lugar de "diligentemente"; la nueva versin internacional utiliza la palabra "seriamente". Qu nfasis coloca estas palabras en nuestra bsqueda? Hebrews 11:6 says that without faith it is impossible to please [God], for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (NKJV, emphasis mine). In this passage, the New Living Translation uses the word sincerely in place of diligently; the New International Version uses the word earnestly. What emphasis do these words place on the manner of ones search? ______________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _

Para complacer a Dios debemos creer que El "Es", y que "es galardonador". De quin? "De aquellos que le buscan diligentemente." Por qu muchas personas creen que van a ser recompensados con la eternidad en la presencia de Dios sin tratar con diligencia?

His Delight: The Pathway of Pleasing God 2010 Julie West

To please God we must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder. Of who? Of those who diligently seek Him. Why do many people believe that they will be rewarded with eternity in Gods presence without diligently seeking Him? _________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Lea Proverbios 8:17 y Jeremas 29:13. Quines son los que encontrar la puerta y el camino? Read Proverbs 8:17 and Jeremiah 29:13. Who are those that will find the gate and the way? _______________________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Vain-Confidence Confidencia Vana

Volvamos a Lucas, captulo 13. Despus de que l exhort al hombre a esforzarse a entrar por la puerta estrecha, Cristo ilustrando ms su punto describe aquellos que crean que podan obtener el cielo por esfuerzo propio. Turn back to Luke, chapter 13. After He exhorted the man to strive to enter the narrow gate, Christ further illustrated His point by describing those who believed they could obtain Heaven by slothful endeavor. De acuerdo al verso 26, por qu la gente confa en que sern permitidos en el Reino? According to verse 26, why were the people confident they would be permitted into the kingdom? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Confirmando el error en la declaracin de Cristo de que: no los he conocido, la gente grit, " comimos y bebimos en su presencia " (RVA). Considere lo siguiente: se le permitir a un hombre en el Reino simplemente porque ha compartido el pan de Cristo y que ha andado en su compaa? Un hombre le se permitir porque ha tenido comunin en el lugar donde mora Cristo? (Considere a Judas Iscariote).

His Delight: The Pathway of Pleasing God 2010 Julie West

Assured of the error in Christs claim to have never known them, the people shouted, We ate and drank in Your presence (NKJV). Consider the following: Will a man be allowed into the kingdom simply because he has shared Christs bread and has been in His company? Will a man be permitted in because he has fellowshipped in a place where Christ dwells? (Consider Judas Iscariot.) ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _ "Enseas en nuestras calles" (v.26, RVA). Sera suficiente escuchar las enseanzas de Cristo? Se salvara el hombre porque conoca bien los conceptos bblicos, las doctrinas y las leyes? You taught in our streets (v.26, NKJV). Is it enough to listen to Christs teachings? Will a man be saved because he is well acquainted with Biblical concepts, doctrines, and laws? _______________________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Hoy en da, uno podra decir: "Yo ense en mi iglesia!" Y Cristo responder de la misma manera que l respondi a los hombres de pie en la parte exterior de las puertas del cielo: "s, lo hiciste. Pero, sometiste tu corazn a M? Prestaste atencin a Mis enseanzas o despreciaste Mis instrucciones? Today, one might say, You taught at my church! And Christ would reply in the same way He replied to the men standing on the outside of Heavens gates: Yes, I did. But, did you submit your heart to Me? Did you heed My teachings, or did you despise My instructions? "Yo no los conozco, de donde son. Aprtense de m, todo ustedes obradores de iniquidad"(v.27, RVA). Cristo no qued impresionado con su pretensin de piedad; l vio los huecos de sus corazones. I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity (v.27, NKJV). Christ was not impressed with their pretense of piety; He saw the recesses of their hearts. Es imperativo tomar nota de que los hombres en la ilustracin de Cristo no negaron que necesitaban a Cristo para obtener la

His Delight: The Pathway of Pleasing God 2010 Julie West

salvacin. Sin embargo, parecan que no tenan necesidad por lo contrario. Qu evidencia apoya esto? It is imperative to note that the men in Christs illustration did not deny that they needed Christ to obtain salvation. But, they appeared to have no need for Him otherwise. What evidence supports this? _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Intentaron entrar por sus propios meritos? Explique. Were they attempting to enter on their own terms? Explain. ________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Tambin parecen creer tenan derecho de entrar en el Reino. Qu indican esto acerca de cmo se vean a s mismos? They also seemed to believe that it was their right to enter into the kingdom. What does this indicate about how they viewed themselves? _________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Los hombres de Lucas 13 deseaban entrar, pero no pudieron. Lo qu se debera haberse buscado con empeo se hiso negligentemente. En qu debera haber agonizado, y entonces, haber dejado a los pies de la Cruz, no fue inquirido. The men in Luke 13 desired to enter, but they were unable. What should have been striven after was sought halfheartedly. What should have been agonized over, and then left at the foot of the cross, was not forsaken. Juan 10:1 dice: "ms ciertamente les digo: l que no entera por la puerta, pero sube de alguna otra manera, el mismo es un ladrn y un ratero" (RVA). Mientras un hombre dese guardar su vida, debe entrar por otro camino. John 10:1 says, Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber (NKJV). As long as a man desires to keep his life, he must enter in another way. Para concluir, Deuteronomio 30:19-20 dice: "Hoy te he dado ha elegir entre la vida y la muerte, entre las bendiciones y

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maldiciones. Ahora llamo a los cielos y la tierra como testigos para presenciar la eleccin que hagan. Ah, para que elijan la vida, para que t y tus descendientes puedan vivir! Puedes hacer esta eleccin si amas al Seor tu Dios, y le obedeces, y te comprometes firmemente a l. Esta es la clave de su vida. Y si amas y obedeces al Seor, se alargarn tus das en la tierra que Jehov jur dar a sus antepasados Abraham, Isaac y Jacob "(NLT). In closing, Deuteronomy 30:19-20 says, Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him. This is the key to your life. And if you love and obey the Lord, you will live long in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (NLT).

His Delight: The Pathway of Pleasing God 2010 Julie West

1 2

Ryle, J.C. (1993). Matthew: Expository Thoughts on the Gospels (51). Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway Books.

Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., Fausset, A. R., Brown, D., & Brown, D. (1997). A commentary, critical and explanatory, on the Old and New Testaments (Lk 13:24). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc. 3 Utley, R. J. D. (2000). Vol. Volume 9: The First Christian Primer: Matthew. Study Guide Commentary Series (64-65). Marshall, Texas: Bible Lessons International. 4 Wiersbe, Warren (2001). The Bible Exposition Commentary/ New Testament, Volume 1 (31). Colorado Springs, Colorado: Cook Communications. 5 Wiersbe, Ibid.

Vine, W. E., Unger, M. F., & White, W. (1996). Vol. 2: Vines complete expository dictionary of Old and New Testament words (426). Nashville: T. Nelson. 7 Henry, M. (1996). Matthew Henrys commentary on the whole Bible: Complete and unabridged in one volume (Luke 13:23-30). Peabody: Hendrickson. 8 Louw, J. P., & Nida, E. A. (1996). Vol. 1: Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament: Based on semantic domains (electronic ed. of the 2nd edition.) (662). New York: United Bible societies.

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