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Jesus-Sananda Speaks


A Book of Organic Love


Jesus-Sananda the Christ

as dictated to Kuali

Illustrated by Rising Sun

© 1995 Jesus-Sananda the Christ

as administered by His agent, Kuali
According to Universal Law, an idea is infinite. The rights to an idea cannot be held exclusively
by any individual. For this reason, private duplication of this work (i.e. the sharing of this
Message with Loved Ones) is encouraged; however, public reproduction of this book in any form
without written permission of the Author’s agent is expressly prohibited. All other rights reserved.

Jesus-Sananda Speaks

A Book of Organic Love

Jesus-Sananda the Christ
as dictated to Kuali

Introduction by Kuali


The Truth About Jesus - The Truth About Christ

1 The Connection
Are you the one and only Christ

2 The Life & Mission of Jesus as Christ

A personal history

3 The Intimate Jesus

Mother Mary, Mary Magdalen, significant others

4 The Nonpersonal Savior

Parable "Light of the World"

5 Love & Crosses

Crucifixion; Parable "The Beauty in the Beast"

6 Rising from the Dream

Resurrection; Parable "The Awakening"


The Truth About Truth

7 Leather-Bound Liturgies
On the bible and clergy
Parables "The Crystal Stream" and "The Water Frog"
8 Factories for the Soul
Churches and organized religion
Parable "Training Wheels"

9 One Destiny - Many Roads

Other spiritual systems, ritual and other writings


Clues to How It All Really Works

10 Love: The Only Power

Parables "The Rescuer" and "For the Love of Mother"

11 The Good, the Real and the Unreal

On Good vs. evil

12 Reincarnation & Karma Made Simple

Parable "Farming Awareness"

13 Time - ime - me - e
Time and simultaneous/alternate lifetimes

14 Sacred Sex with Dr. Truth

Sexuality issues (abortion, gays, AIDS, genetics)
Parable “A Slight Delay”

15 Heavenly Jams
On music, Creation and creativity


The Choice is Ours

16 How May We Serve the Light?

Humility, charging of fees, diet, addictions

17 On Helping the Unready

18 Our Fine Finned Friends

Dolphins and whales

19 Preparing to Ascend
Ascension -- how do we prepare? - Exercises

20 Times a'Changin'
Second Coming, Earth Changes and choices

21 Christ Coming of Age

The Divine Plan for human/soul evolution,
Starseeds, Soul Groupings

22 The Closing Sermon

Open dissertation and sermon from Christ
To Rising Sun

My Twin Flame,

who walked with me

through hell and into Heaven...

...this book is Lovingly dedicated.


At last our Ascension into Christhood is at hand. Once and for all are we
assured of the uncompromised Love of our blessed Creator. This Love carries
no "ifs", "ands" or "buts..."
I have always had a strong knowing of the existence of a Great Power,
creating and maintaining all of Creation. For years I privately called myself a
Christian, but could not identify with traditional Christianity in the world at large.
Having been raised a Catholic, I rebelled against the dogmatic oppression which
I perceived in the church; something just didn't feel right about many of its
teachings. Nonetheless, I always felt that there was something very special
about this Being whom we call Jesus the Christ.
One evening in October of 1993, a good friend and my wife were engaged in
a good-natured but serious debate over Jesus' relationship to Christ. I listened
silently, and with deep interest...
Was Jesus the Christ? Was He the sole Occupant of Christ
Consciousness? Were we to approach Christ (and thus achieve our link with the
Eternal) through the personality of Jesus? Should we appeal directly to Christ
-or were we all capable, even destined, to become Christ ourselves? How did
this fit in with our new modes of spirituality? I really did not know.
A couple of days afterward I entered into a state of deep meditation.
Suddenly I felt a Presence within and around me. I was fully aware of my body
seated inside my home; yet simultaneously resting inside what seemed like a
brilliant spacecraft (which I later learned was the Golden Pyramid of Sananda).
A beautiful luminous Being, Whom I felt more than saw, gently urged me to
switch on the home computer in front of me. No sooner had the device booted
up than did a flow of thoughts begin to issue from this wondrous Being. With
eyes closed, I translated His communication into words and typed them as best I
could. It was pure dictation in a way, and although I converted the thought-forms
into language, this Being's manner of speaking came through as quite distinct
from my own.
I knew beyond all doubt that the Being I communicatied with was none other
than Jesus; and not only Jesus, but the Totality of Whom Jesus is but a fragment
of personality. On this occasion He answered my question, "Are You the
Christ?" Upon finishing, I felt a peace and connectedness such as never before.
A few days later, I went back with another question about the veracity of the
bible and clergymen. During that session, He welcomed me to return as often as
I wished. Soon I had compiled a whole list of questions. The idea of doing a
book took shape naturally, almost of itself. I soon realized that my Friend and
Teacher had been intending this all along. It made me laugh, the way he had
virtually tricked me into it, letting me grow into the idea as though it had been my
That's just the kind of Guy He Is, though. Jesus-Sananda is always cheerful
and funny. He's kind and incredibly patient. I still marvel that He chose to share
with me so much attention, and that He delegated to me this task of bringing out
His Message ever-new. You might say that Christ is "hell-bent" on getting the
Message out to as many Light Beings here as possible; for the time is now.
Quality of information was a high priority with Jesus-Sananda, and so He
worked diligently with me in order to assure that I produced it in a form which
was true to His meaning. He tells me that we have achieved a very high
accuracy rating -which is irrefutably to His credit, not mine.
Lord Sananda consistently steers clear of any gender-bias in referring to our
Almighty Creator. Jesus-Sananda Himself stresses over and over that our
Heavenly Parent is both male and female. He tells me that we are ready now to
behold the One in Its true, all-encompassing Reality.
As the book took shape, the Christed One kept us moving on a strict
schedule -but at one point, progress on the book began to lag. Expressing my
doubts and fears, He flooded me with the full strength of His compassion.
"You are preoccupied with a friend,” He told me, “and need to realize that
this is from where your other doubts have manifested. I would have you know
some things about you and this Essence...”
He then went on to reveal a trauma which had haunted me for tens of
thousands of years, allowing me to release it in fullness.
Grieving, we are taught, can only be complete in the Loving arms of
someone we totally trust, with whom we can safely reveal ourselves in utter
vulnerability. And so, in the infinitely Loving embrace of the Christed One, I
wept. And wept. And wept. And as pure as the mountain meadow after a
summer rain, so was I renewed.
I cannot tell you of my Love for this gentle, powerful, caring Being -but you
may experience for yourself if you wish. The book you now hold contains one of
Jesus-Sananda’s own methods for personally accessing the Christ .
Great things are now coming to pass for those of us who serve the Light. As
we finally mount the steps of our Ascension, may we anticipate with rapture the
New Age it shall accompany.
It is my hope, and that of our beloved Jesus-Sananda the Christ, that you will
experience much Divine Joy and Blessing in your reading of this book. May the
Oneness of Christ be with you!
Spring 1995


The Truth About Jesus - The Truth About Christ

“...He came to make the human heart a

temple, and the soul an altar, and the
mind a priest.”

- Kahlil Gibran
The Connection
Here is Kuali’s first contact with Christ. It is reproduced here in its original form, including the
musical sounds of the Spirit which Kuali felt and heard. These were accompanied by the sense
of a brilliant luminosity, and dual experience—the body sitting in front of the computer, and
another part of the Self resting within a beautiful Golden Vessel (the Pyramid of Christ). Then
there was the surrounding Presence of a Being woven of the Light Itself...
QUESTION: Dear Jesus, are You Christ? The One and Only Christ?
JESUS-SANANDA: Ah, Beloved. It is so beautiful for Me to see you; to have you request this
blessed meeting with Me.
Yes, I am He... Jesus the Christ, the One they also call Sananda.
It is especially a pleasure for you of all Souls to ask Me here. You have refuted the
teachings of the Ego-Lords, the clergy, the controllers of the masses; yet you did not give up on
Me. I want you to know how very much you are loved by Myself and our Heavenly Parent. I
spread the Ocean of Love and Mercy at your feet. Honor. Care. Compassion. Respect.
You ask Me this question: Am I personally the Christed One? The only One who holds the
God bless you, My precious brother-child! Indeed you are arriving.
The answer to both your questions is YES. I am indeed the One Christ. And You are in
reality the Christed One.
There is no paradox, brother-child. You see, Christ is the Way. This divine state of perfect
connection with the One, linking You straight with It—this perfect state is the same for All. Each
entity which arrives at the State of Christ becomes Christ ... and there is only the One Christ.
I, Jesus Sananda, Am the Christ. You, Kuali, Are the One Christ.
Dear One, do you understand now? Ah yes, I can see you do. Ha, ha! A billionfold blessing!
Now that you have met Me in the neuter-space (no, you did not channel Me, you met Me),
you know the Truth of the One. The One Christ. Now you can set your judgments free. There is
no longer any mistake. There is no ego-personality... there is only the Truth of Love.
I am honored by your deep questing trust and purposeful determination in finding the Truth.
All My love to you, Dear One, beloved Kuali, until we meet again.
The Life & Mission of Jesus as Christ

KUALI: Dear Jesus-Sananda-Christ, would You tell us something of Your personal history and
Mission in coming to live here on Earth?
JESUS-SANANDA: My Love is with you, dear brother-child. I want you to know how valued you
are to Me and all the Light. We thank you for your efforts, your willingness to help Us share this
message with the Earth incarnates. Your reward, as is true for all who serve, shall be grand
I come from a race of Beings which evolved similarly to yours. We too originated in a Free
Will time-space of the denser dimensions and struggled with the suffering of fear and ignorance
as we slowly learned the lessons of Light and Love.
Just as you ask the question, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” so shall you
perhaps be amazed to find that we ourselves were visited by God-incarnate—a volunteer from
the Body of Christ.
It is necessary for the upliftment of a given Soul-Race that the Divine Visitor be of similar
background. In this way the Being of the Absolute can know Its children, seeing them through
their very own eyes. This is much the same as when one of your people becomes a parent—
having been a child itself once, it knows and understands the child. Likewise, the parent begins
to know itself more totally, as it is reawakened to the child within. So does our Creator also
yearn to know Itself more fully. As the children are uplifted through the Christ connection, so is
our Heavenly Parent also becoming ever more aware of Itself.
It is not possible to express in terms of your linear time measurements just how long I trained
for this mission. Much of My study was carried out within dimensions far finer than yours; yet the
foundation for My role was laid in having lived and evolved through the same trials that you
yourselves experience here and now.
There looms large in this also, the matter of what happens to the Ascendant of a Free Will
zone. Such a Being is capable of taking on positions of enormous responsibility with the
Universes of Creation. I gladly assumed several positions of this nature over numerous eons,
yet I consider My Bestowal on Earth to match all other successes in terms of personal
Neither is it wordable to convey the blessed feeling of Oneness With All that occurs in Being
the Christ. Somehow one retains the essence of individuality, but simultaneously Is All. As All of
Creation, I yearned, even as did the Creator, to know All of Itself more intimately. So it was that I
seized upon the chance to visit your little planet with the same exuberance as that which your
children show toward a gift beneath the Christmas tree... Aho! Do you now see?
This world had long ago fallen into the thick blind darkness of ignorance and fear. This is as
in accordance with the Process ordained, however. In a Free Will dimension, Soul must learn
first of the Dark in order to be able to discern the Light. I had landed in the darkest portion of the
globe (the Mediterranean-Middle East), for this area needed a fresh infusion of Light the most.
Jesus was born, as it is recorded, to the blessed Mary, who was indeed a virgin at the time. I
was born at noon on August the 21st in the year 7 B.C. Some shall be surprised by this, although
most have known that the mid-winter celebration date was designated centuries later by the
established Christian religion in an attempt to overshadow the Jewish Hanukkah and other so-
called pagan holidays.
So much for “O Holy Night!” The stars were not brightly shining, but the sun certainly was.
You may also observe how the bimilennial of Jesus came and went in 1993 without comment.
To be candid, I would prefer that any festivities celebrated in the name of Christ omit as much as
possible any reference to the personality of Jesus. It is ironic that Jesus’ actual birthdate, August
21st, would prove ideal in making a fresh start in this direction. It would please Me no end to
have everyone move the Christmas celebration to August, while reverting to a simpler
observance of the Winter Solstice on December 21st.
As I grew, I could feel the pull of the predominant ignorance guiding Me toward that pure
survival-based materialism which was the lot of most here; but My sense of purpose within was
strong. More and more I began to remember.
To complete My remembering of Self and Purpose, I traveled to your Far East regions and
there was put into contact with the true avatars of the time. Three Wise Ones who had been
assigned to watch over Me from the time of My birth showed Me much Love, kindness and
assistance. That sojourn required some eighteen of your annual cycles to complete.
Just as Gaia Herself passes through a progression of cycles or ages, so too does the
consciousness of humanity; in fact, the cycles of mankind are intimately tied to those of Earth
and cosmos. It was a given that your so-called Piscean Age would comprise the darkness before
the dawn with respect to human evolution.
Let Me briefly point out, beloveds, that “evolution” is used by Me to term a concept denoting
the growth of awareness, which is inevitable throughout Creation generally.
It is also a given that the people of this orb of life vitally required an intense infusion of Light
and Love in order to be carried through to their next phase of development, as this Age of Pisces
would bring to Light all of the darkness which had been secretly harbored throughout all of the
ages preceding.
I personally experienced at this time something akin to the thrill of the chase as I had been
sent to hunt down the darkness of ignorance and fear wherever it existed and expose it. In the
main, I anticipated My task with gaiety, foreseeing the fun of it all.
I was most definitely not here to condemn any of Earth’s inhabitants; My task was rather to
shine forth all of the Divine Love that could be manifested within this particular space-time
through the mechanics of the Christ Principle. In reality, our blessed Creator judges no one. It is
we who judge ourselves. We may free ourselves, each of us, as well.
All of the events which were witnessed, written down and passed on to future generations
served the purpose of codifying this new Law of Love which I was sent to introduce and
administer. An idea cannot be killed, as My life so aptly demonstrates.
Yet I always strove during My mission to teach the Law of Personal Responsibility. I was not
claiming to be anything that anyone else could not also be; I actually stated on many occasions,
“You shall do greater things than this,” making clear that My would-be followers would be better
off following their own Divinity Within. I did not ever intend to be labeled “Savior” in the sense
that most people believe... but then that is another story to be described later.
On the whole, My Mission was quite a spectacular success, which is not to boast. We can
see the fruits of this Bestowal coming to full ripeness now. In the intervening moments I have
been working closely with so many of you; far more than I might have been able to touch had I
remained incarnate throughout two of your millennia.
I am honored deeply by all who have earnestly sought My Love. You have spurred My
ongoing growth, which continues for us all, even and especially We Who Have Attained Christ.
I want all of you to know who read this, you cherished Lightbearers, that My Love surrounds
and fills you. I and all the Legions of Light salute you. Your courage is legend.
Blessings and thanks to you, My dear Kuali...
The Intimate Jesus

KUALI: Teacher, we wish to know something of the personal relationships during Your lifetime as
Jesus, particularly with Mary and Mary Magdalen. Also, if this is not too personal, were You
really celibate?
JESUS-SANANDA: Ah, treasured one, you and yours do not pull any punches, as you would
say. Well perhaps I can turn the other cheek, as I used to say, and indulge your understandable

It is fact that My worldly mother Mary was pure and divine a Soul as any can be. She had much
wisdom to offer, yet few knew just how highly evolved She was. It was not generally wise for a
female in that particular time-space to reveal high attainment of any sort. In any case, dear
Mary’s own mission was to serve as the physical vehicle for bringing Me forth into the flesh, and
to help Me grow into awareness of Mine.

I will say that She did indeed conceive Me divinely (though She later bore My other siblings in
the conventional style). My birth of a virgin was owing to certain mechanical necessities, rather
than any intention to have Me make a dramatic entrance. Mary was chosen simply as the best
qualified individual to undertake this important task, and of course She had gladly volunteered.

Mary was kind to Me beyond description. During My infancy and early childhood, I displayed
traits that were more or less typical of any human baby; less than one might expect from a Son
of God. She had superb talents as a mother. Nonetheless, I was aware enough of My origins
that I felt toward Mary as one might toward a supremely Loving nanny. To Me, My Mother and
Father were one in the same; namely the One Parent who conceived All.

Mary often would prod Me to remember who I was, and She was more conscious of My purpose
than many have ever suspected. “Little Messiah” was one of Her pet names for Me when no
one else was around. I was quite attached to Her, and it was not easy to leave when She bade
Me, at the age of twelve, to travel far to the east in pursuit of the teaching I needed.

It ought to be known that Joseph, like Mary, was far ahead of His time. He performed His role of
fathering with utmost diligence. He too knew much of what was happening, and had also
volunteered for His role.

During My active Mission, I typically referred to the Creator as “My Heavenly Father” and other
similar terms. This was necessary in light of the fact that the people I interacted with were
culturally incapable of comprehending any God other than a masculine one. To refer to the
Almighty in any other context would have resulted in My losing the crowd, so to speak.

One of the happiest aspects of My active three-year ministry was being spatially reunited with My
beloved mother Mary. She supported Me in ways that have gone unrecorded or forgotten.
Mary’s constant encouragement and consolation helped immeasurably in getting Me through a
very trying task. My sometimes-lagging spirits were bolstered on Mary’s Loving smile. I Love
Her as no one can imagine.

As for Mary Magdalen, I am pleased to kiss and tell just a little; for She was My one romance in
this lifetime. Magdalen was in reality an Ascended Being who played the role of the fallen
woman. She did not actually ever engage in this oldest of professions. Her purpose was to be
with and assist Me. This was just a small game, and we had ourselves some fun playing it. It
carried the effect of teaching those who witnessed how no one was beyond redemption. In the
culture of the time, a prostitute was held in the most elevated state of contempt, regarded as less
than a slave. Yet as I say, Mary Magdalen was playing a role, and when we met She acted out
the scenario of “repentance.”

Repentance is simply the act of reaching an expanded awareness and acting accordingly. It
entails the cessation of indulging in self-hatred—through action, thought, feeling and attitude.
“Redemption,” then, is that state of renewed Oneness which follows the shift.

Mary Magdalen played Her part magnificently. Yes, we were lovers. When the sexual union is
experienced on all levels simultaneously—that is to say spiritually, emotionally, mentally and
physically—it is in a way the highest expression of Love that can be achieved in your dimension.
When Love is experienced between two kindred Souls via this fourfold expression, the Creator
becomes a part of that experience. You may know that the Creator Loves it when that happens.
It is Sacred.

I do wish to clarify the point that I could not and did not partake of this type of union with just any
person toward whom I might have felt the physical attraction. As I said, the union is spiritual and
Sacred. I would not share the experience with anyone who had not also become Christ, or in
other words, Ascended.

Aha! Now I will get a rise from some readers, to be sure. Yes, I am saying that Mary Magdalen
was also a Christed One. For that matter, so was My mother Mary and father Joseph. Look
within yourselves now... is there not lurking there for some of you a sort of bigotry which
proclaims, “Oh certainly others besides Jesus might also become Christ, but not a woman!”

My darlings, please look deeper and you will soon apprehend that the Christ State resides
beyond your dual dimension. First, the Christed One is that super-intelligent Spark of the Divine,
and secondly that Spark is free to travel and express Its awareness on any dimension It may
choose. This is simply the Way.

In the direction of semantics, I would also like to point out that your word “individual” is con-
structed from compound roots meaning “un-divided-duality.” This interests and surprises on first
realization, since the word is a fairly accurate description of any ensouled entity. The idea of
division, even for those inhabiting the denser dimensions, is purely illusion.

I knew thousands of Souls during My incarnation as Jesus. Invariably those with whom I made
contact had been seeking the Christ-link. There are no accidents. Most personally dear to Me
were John and My eleven other so-called apostles. None of them were Ascended, or Christed;
but rarely does one meet even a single person with a heart as pure as any of these twelve.

John took this game of Spirit a bit over-seriously. That was in fact his major lesson. The Spirit is
Light, literally. You’ve got to be able to laugh at yourself. God is laughing all the time. So My
precious John battled within himself over the question of whether or not struggle was a fact of
Reality. He presented two visions: One, a dire and contentious world where Dark did battle with
Light, and no one could tell for sure which side might win until the end; and one in which the
Great Plan evolved with ease. But John never did believe My claim that virtually all of the
Creator’s children find their way back Home.

Judas is a story all by himself, which I’ll tell later.

The masters I studied under also hold a place dear in My heart. The Buddhist Raman and the
Tibetan lama Dai Lao especially touched Me. We still meet often, much to My perpetual joy.

I could go on, but perhaps this has sated the more passionate areas of your curiosity regarding
My personal relations.
May your Blessings be Eternal!
The Nonpersonal Savior

PARABLE: "The Light of the World"

A man was out walking when he discovered a tunnel in the hillside. Curious, he lit his lantern
and followed this tunnel. Glad was he for his lantern, as deeper and deeper ran the passage, to
places that had never seen the light of day.
At last the man came to a large cavern. To his amazement, there huddled thousands of
people. They too were astonished, both by the strange visitor and the brilliant light which they
had never seen.
"What are you doing here?" he asked, and no one replied.
"Well then," the man went on, "perhaps you would care to follow Me; I can show you the way
Cries and gasps of wonder filled the dense air, but none moved, save one young woman who
felt compelled to follow the stranger. She walked away with the man and his awesome light, out
into the sun.
Back in the deep, dark cavern, the people still talk about the "Sunman" who came to save
KUALI: Christ Jesus, please explain these references to your position as the Savior.
JESUS-SANANDA THE CHRIST: Ha, ha! I cannot help but laugh somewhat, as this is likely the
most misunderstood issue to have come out of My Mission. I am pleased to clarify, though so
many of you have already grasped the truth of the matter.
Put in a nutshell, I would prefer that we hug and embrace, experiencing our true Oneness,
over your washing and kissing My feet...
Let's discuss responsibility -or the "ability to respond.” As in My little story of the cave, most
of the people were not able to respond to the man's offer of guidance. One woman did respond,
however. If we were to carry the tale a bit further in our imaginations, no doubt she would have
returned to her people with the same light and the same offer. Perhaps a few others would have
then responded, while the balance remained, chattering on about the "Light-Woman.” Surely
more return visits would ensue, until all would have stepped out into the light.
The issue of personal responsibility warrants most assertive emphasis by Me. While the
principle of "powerlessness" is rightly advanced, suggesting that one turn one's difficulties over
to the Spirit or Lifestream of God, there still remains the fact that each Soul is ultimately respon-
sible for all of its manifestations.
When Souls turn their wills and lives over to the care of the God of their understanding, this
in itself is an act of taking responsibility -provided that they do so without expectation of a certain
outcome. This becomes, then, the personally responsible act that someone who is out of one’s
own element performs by reaching out for help or guidance.
Take, for instance, the woman who has lost her electricity and has not a clue for what to do
about it; she could learn to do without, but a more personally responsible action would be for her
to seek her neighbor's advice. The neighbor comes over, locates her friend's breaker panel and
demonstrates how to reset the blown circuits.
The neighbor is not responsible, however, for her friend's habit of switching on too many
appliances at one time and blowing circuits. So it is with our Heavenly Parent who sustains us,
all the while requiring us to become ever more personally responsible -for eventually we must
and do learn to take care of ourselves.
You are responsible for your acts; that is spiritual law. You are expected to learn from the
results of your acts; no one else can do that for you.
Beloveds, I, Jesus-Sananda, am the first man in the parable; meaning that I came from out-
side your world of darkness. I am not, however, the first or the only one to have been sent to
your planet for such a purpose. Similar visitations were arranged here on all of the continents.
I will say that I and that handful of others had been specially prepared for a highly special-
ized task. The task was to deliver a 500-trillion-gigawatt jolt of awareness to the consciousness
of the people in that portion of the earth to which I was assigned. Labeling me as the "Son of
God" is not completely inaccurate. I had taken My turn serving on innumerable levels of the
Creative Expression, eventually serving as Lord Overseer of some 97 galaxies of which your
Milky Way is but one. You might say I had covered quite a lot of ground prior to My personal
In addition to having attained Christ, I was capable of directing energies such as this planet
had never before witnessed -and did just that. While the humanity of that time-space were sim-
ple in the cultural/mental senses, they were indeed ready for the Love and Truth of Christ, or I
would not have been sent.
My personal relationship with the One is such that, from vantage point of human conscious-
ness, I Am God. In many ways, this is also quite correct. Having worked so intimately with the
Divine in My capacity as upholder of your local universe, I became largely indistinguishable from
It. So it was that when I came, I came as God, and also as Man.
My visitation also set the pace for an Age, vibrationally speaking, which had the effect of ac-
celerating the rate of maturation, or evolution, throughout the human collective. You need not
take My word in order to ascertain how successful was this aspect of My endeavor.
Now, some time after I had Ascended, or discontinued My incarnate expression here, My
followers literally or inadvertently proposed a strange concept: They said I had "died for all sins.”
I chuckle even now, only for the fact that anyone with any level of cosmic awareness will
perceive how ridiculous that sounds.
It is a most basic point of Spiritual Law that one reaps what one sows. Were My well-inten-
tioned followers suggesting that I might care to breach this Law? The reality runs contrary, I as-
sure you! Not only would I have set Myself up for incarnating for eternities without number, but I
would have robbed mankind of the learning that can only be derived via experience in time-
space. And that would have resulted in a bundle of negative karma the size of which is beyond
ken. Not that such an action would have been allowed, but it is wild insanity to even think of it.
As it was, others more insanely qualified did; not I.
Certain of My so-called apostles were typically human in the aspect of wanting Something or
Someone to take the burden of responsibility away from them. I came and offered the Way to
the Light; I did not propose to relieve anyone of his or her karmic obligations.
Why then, one may ask, did I allow them to advance this erroneous assumption? The an-
swer, My treasured ones, is that it was outside the scope of My Mission to return and correct all
of the misunderstandings which rose out of that Mission -that is, until now. I came and acceler-
ated the rate of planetary evolution; the rudder to steer the course which that evolution took was
left in your hands.
Our Lord is like a gardener, tending Its crop. From time to time It may add nutriment to the
soil, till and water, yet the seeds are designed to grow and the wise gardener allows nature to
take its course. The analogy applies even better if one imagines the gardener tending an ancient
My dissertation on the rising above sin is quite another matter. This is what I was speaking
of, and that is all about moving into the Christ consciousness. Anyone may do this at any point,
although a person carrying a lot of sin on the books would not be ready.
And what, you are asking dear heart, do I define to be sin? Aha! This is truly the crux of the
issue. I call "sin" any act which causes one to move away from God. Were you born "sinful"?
Ah, My darlings, that notion derives from the biblical old testament, and I will soon suggest
where you may throw that!
Each and every Soul is created, or "programmed" as you might put it, to pursue a relentless
path back to the Source. This can be likened to the salmon's journey; the fish will cross thou-
sands of miles of water or die in the attempt. The only difference is that your success is even-
tually inevitable. On the other hand, any Soul bears the potential for taking a wrong turn. Most
Souls in fact do err off course from time to time, more often when they are still immature. This is
understood by the One, and not held against Its children.
More on these topics which include the evolution of Soul and our Creator's Perfect System of
Balance/Justice will follow, but for now I really wish to emphasize how very loved each and every
one of you are by your Heavenly Parent. "For God so loved the world..." is most true. Yet I My-
self would also correct for you this notion about My being Its "Only Begotten Son.” There seems
to be a conflict here, in that the One has begotten so many children, you could not count them.
No conflict exists, however, because God's only begotten Son is... the Christ!
Here we encounter a linguistic quirk -- for when referring to the Child of the One, the biblical
translators specified a male Child. In actuality, any Child of the Creator qualifies as Its “Only
Begotten.” You see, Salvation is won for the Universe... One Soul at a time.
The "Only Begotten Son" reference also points to a confusion over semantics. As humanity
gradually drifted away from consciousness of its Source, Creator saw the need for a Way of re-
establishing this connection. So it was that a marvel of spiritual technology was developed.
You are just now beginning to learn of the miraculous complexity and sophistication of your
own brains -and the fact of how these biological data processing centers interface as one with
the body. The brain of course is not separate but of the body, and the entire body is one brain.
Your scientists have now proven this.
The reconnecting interface with Cosmic Oneness that Christ achieves is incomparably more
complex and sophisticated yet than your wondrous brain/chemical circuitry. It was custom de-
signed for the human spiritual/biological manifestations of Gaia. This interface is unique in all
the Universe. This is the Christ, a special gift of Love to each of you, courtesy of the One.
The Christ is your direct link. Christ was manifested to lift the ensouled human vehicle into
conscious communion with its Heavenly Parent. You can attain Christ whenever you desire.
When you become Christ, you will rise above the error of "sin.” To be Christ is to be saved.
Salvation for One is Salvation for All.
I, dear ones, came to show you the Way to Christ. That is why they called Me Savior. Then
you will show the others the Way, and so become Saviors yourselves. I will share with Kuali, and
so with all of you, just how to accomplish this soon.
I am coming again, as promised!
Love & Crosses

PARABLE: "The Beauty in the Beast"

The First Law of the Sasquatch states, "Never, never show yourself to Man!"
The People of the Hills have lived and survived by this law, in a world where the trait of
Peacelovingness is a flaw punishable by extinction.
Truetree sat on a rock in the sun, grooming his fur when a cry rang out in the snow-white
stillness... a cry not of the ani-mur, and not of his own. In defiance of strong inner conditioning,
he lumbered off toward the sound's direction.
Presently Truetree heard a soft whimpering, and there at the foot of a rock outcropping lay
the crumpled form of a tiny man-child. A trickle of blood ran from its mouth; he could see that it
was badly injured.
How could this one have wandered so far, so deeply into the wilderness, he wondered.
Certainly it would never survive; and he had not the knowledge to heal it. The youngling looked
up in its pain, saw the great beast, felt the kindness in his eyes -and smiled. Compassion
stabbing fire through his heart, Truetree cast the Law from his mind. He gathered the tiny one up
in his arms and strode for the village some ranges away.
It was well after nightfall by the time Truetree reached the village. The huts were lit from
within; he could hear a faint wailing, carried on the wind. The man-folk had surely called off the
search for their little one, Truetree reasoned; yet this creature was already cold and white. It
would never last the night outside.
In that doubt-filled moment, Truetree made his decision. He elected to die, that another
might live. The villagers never thought for even a second, having heard the roar, seeing the
wounded boy at the feet of the enormous beast. They filled him with their arrows before he
could turn.
Truetree died alone, far from the people and home he so loved. He died the hero's death.
He died for Love.
The little boy who Truetree saved understood what had been given. He devoted his life
thereafter to helping others, so that the Love that is born of self-sacrifice spread out in ripples
across the land and was multiplied many times over.
KUALI: Master, were you really crucified, did you suffer this way, and if so, why?
JESUS-SANANDA: My child, there were several purposes to be served through My crucifixion.
So yes, I did undergo that experience for the combined benefit of the One, Gaia as a whole,
humanity in particular, and for Myself.
First I desire to outline the basic purpose of My visit. This purpose was fourfold:
1) To be the Vehicle through which God Itself was able to incarnate and know your life at
the most intimate level; by experiencing life in the human form. God always seeks to be
ever more fully conscious of Itself and Its Creation.
2) To assist humanity in becoming more conscious of God -more specifically, to help Soul
recall its link with the Creator. This connection had long been forgotten by many human
inhabitants of the earth. Christ reestablishes this connection.
3) To focus the Divine Energies onto this planet, thereby accelerating the evolutionary/
initiatory process, for her and all life upon her.
4) To counterbalance, also through this flood of Love's Power, the trend away from spiritual
awareness which had gradually taken predominance here. In other words, to counteract
the general leaning toward fear and thus away from the natural questing for God. This
had been magnified and capitalized by certain interfering extraterrestrial beings and other
non-physical entities who fed off the negative emotions engendered by chaos,
misinformation and ignorance. In this way all manifestations of fear, including anger, lust,
vanity, greed and attachment, were broadcast far and wide across the face of your
mother planet.
When first I came here, I did not recall who I was. The veil was drawn tightly across My vi-
sion, as it is for all incarnates. Slowly but surely, however, with the help of mother Mary, My
Guardian and others, I remembered.
It gradually dawned on Me that I was born man that I might live as man; that I was holding
the consciousness of God Itself, whose desire it was to know the life of Its children. Therefore I
determined to never use My powers in ways that would undermine the natural physical laws of
this earth dimension. I was to provide for Myself in the same ways that all humans must. I
would acquire neither wealth nor power, armies nor position. I would never employ supernatural
devices, though they be readily at My disposal, for My personal advancement or protection. And
most importantly, I would not perform miraculous stunts for the crowd in order to win them over
to the Light.
This business of miracle-working is a real siren's song; on the one hand it makes instant
believers of all who witness them; on the other, it makes sheep of men, herds of women. Soon
the demands for more and yet more grow insatiable, and everyone looks to the Messiah to do
their growing for them. The Hebrew traditions had long predicted the coming of such a Worker
of Wonders. So this simple flaw of human nature I elected never to indulge.
Most of the miraculous acts attributed to Me in your bible are nothing short of hoaxes. As I
have said, it was primary to My Plan never to operate in this way. On a handful of occasions an
event of mystical proportions did transpire; such was the case with Lazarus. You see, the Power
of the Holy Spirit traveled with Me, In Me and through Me, so intensely at times that natural
processes were greatly accelerated. Sometimes the people around Me were moved sufficiently
by the Spirit to heal themselves. There again, as in the case of the lame man who got up and
walked, it was he who had healed himself. When this came to pass, I gloried inside for the
man's good fortune; yet there was a tiny part of Me which cringed slightly, as I knew everyone
would give Me the credit. Alas!
I would have you know that in spite of the negative repercussions arising from the abdication
of personal responsibility chosen so foolishly by so many, the overall impact of My Mission was
positive; more have taken the path of growth, awareness and responsibility than you may know.
The fool goes about loudly boasting his ignorance, while the wise man selects carefully those
with whom he would share his wisdom... lest he cast his pearls before swine.
Now I shall reminisce about how I came to experience death. Born in the flesh, living life in
the flesh, it was meet that I should die as such. Through Me the Creator was experiencing in the
human form. That It might fully know the human experience, It wished to know both human
pleasure and suffering as well. I think you will agree, even if not from firsthand experience, that
the mode of crucifixion is most conducive to expanding one's awareness of suffering.
For this reason, I never resisted the cup when it was proffered, save some moments of self-
doubt in the Garden of Gethsemane. I broke out in a heavy sweat -of perspiration, not actual
blood! That was just another instance of dramatic license taken by My so-called apostles and
their successors. I resolved to undergo the entire experience in full physical consciousness, and
so I did.
While My reputation had spread throughout the land by virtue of My charismatic
demonstrations of God's Love, and not the actual working of miracles other than the miracle of
Love Itself, I had in fact gathered a large following. While I had sought to avoid aggrandizement
of My teaching through any sort of condemnation directed toward the established religious or
political institutions, those did regard Me as presenting an enormous threat to their security. In a
certain sense, they were correct. I was advancing the concept of personal responsibility,
whereas they relied upon the people's dependence.
It was inevitable that I would be targeted for elimination. Charges were trumped up and a
conspiracy plotted. The political emirates in the region preferred that I be found in contempt by
My own Jewish people. They wisely avoided making a political martyr out of any spiritual figure
lest such action lead to popular uprising. So it followed logically that the powers within the
Church must brand Me as a heretic.
Was I the hapless victim of circumstance? Certainly not! There is no such thing as a victim
anywhere in all of Creation. In My own case, I knew well where My path would ultimately lead,
and I adhered to that path diligently. Long before had I realized that the One sought an
experience of this nature. I gladly submitted Myself to Its will.
Now Judas, whom I had taken to task for his fearfulness on many an occasion, grew quite
resentful of Me. Anyone might have served in the role of betrayer, but he was perhaps the best
choice. In any group formed in the current prevailing modes of human consciousness, there
naturally will appear one who works at cross-purposes within, and consequently does so within
the group. This person typically is torn apart by demons of his own making; his pain is such that
anything positive which he might create or participate in must in some fashion be destroyed. He
needs the experience of Being Entropy before he can know what it is to Be Creator.
Judas was such a person, as was each of us at one time or another. It intrigues Me to
consider the contempt in which he is held, even to this day. Consider this: Judas helped Me
fulfill My Mission of his own free will, in spite of how dear was his personal expense. In attaining
full cognizance of what it means to Be Entropy, he underwent such catharsis as few know and
subsequently terminated his incarnation through suicidal hanging. What I am saying is that My
brother Judas has suffered enough. I personally send him My warmest gratitude.
From the time of My arrest, through the mock trials, beatings, physical tortures, public
humiliation, crucifixion and finally the death experience itself, I drank in the experience as a
connoisseur would imbibe a fine wine. I reveled in it, and while one could not detect by the look
on My face, My agony for Me was pure ecstasy. This may be difficult to understand, but from the
level of true Oneness with All, there is no duality. No separations or distinctions. My Parent was
knowing through Me the full extent of human suffering, and it was unbridled joy.
When My passing was imminent, I felt My Creator withdrawing Its Presence from My
physical vehicle. I was recorded as pleading, "Father, why have you forsaken Me?" Many have
attached much significance to this statement. Actually, I had been surprised to find the event
reaching an end so quickly. Had I been quoted in the light of My meaning, the question would
have read, "What, Blessed One -must We end this so soon?"
So it was that My passing through the physical veil was completed.
The death of Jesus is also highly symbolic of what transformation entails for all of us.
Perhaps one finds oneself working at cross purposes within. Should this one be developed and
wise, s/he will accept that a "dying" must occur.
Before one may experience the blessed Ascension, they must descend into the darkest
depths of themselves, squarely face these aspects as being a part of themselves, even holy,
accept them totally.
This sets the stage for Love to do its work. When one has fully embraced the dark side of
Self as outlined, that darkness within is being flooded with the Love and the Light. Any
blockages to advancement are either adjusted or vaporized in the searing blaze of Love. This is
the Fire of Purification which leaves us cleansed and restored to Innocence.
So it is that I say one must be willing to descend into the dark cave of the fearing self, there
to die so that one may be Reborn. As the Indian warrior cries, "Hoka Hey! 1"

It’s a good day to die!
Rising from the Dream

PARABLE: "The Awakening"

In a high mountain village of the Andes one morning, a young girlwoman awoke, captivated
by the memory of her dream.
In her dream she had seen herself flying high above the ridges. She had looked down upon
her village, just a small ring in the distance. She felt the wind in her face, the beating of her
powerful wings and unbridled freedom.
The girl pondered the dream experience; how here she was, a simple village girl at the dawn
of womanhood, soon to be offered a husband... yet the dream had seemed so real! In it she was
a woman and so much more. She could fly, and there the entire world waited for her.
Over the day's course the girl forgot her dream, settling into the reality of life. That night
however, she had the dream again. It seemed to last for days, and she met many others of her
new kind. They soared the winds in delightful adventure, sharing with each other new-found
secrets and teaching the people how to be free.
The sun rose again over the little village, the girl also rose, but this day she could not shake
the feeling of strangeness. Somehow being who she was seemed unreal. Soon the evening
came, and she was back in that enchanted world of wind and skies, comfortable again.
She and her group of wing-people, tired from a long day's flight, spotted a suitable resting
spot near a spring and flowered meadow. There on a bed of soft grass, she drifted off to sleep.
In the morning, she told her companions of the strangest dream. She had been a simple village
girl without even wings, laboring at the same chores as every other woman and never going
anywhere. Strange...
...for two more nights the flying woman had this same odd dream, each time shorter in
duration. Then it was forgotten in the adventure of life's soaring reality...
... meanwhile, a group of villagers mourned the loss of their precious girl. They were baffled
by her disappearance, unable to understand that she had simply awoken.
KUALI: Lord Sananda, please describe the particulars surrounding Your resurrection from the
dead as Jesus.
JESUS-SANANDA: Beloved, it pleases Me greatly to clarify some much misunderstood points
regarding this phase of My visit.
The first thing I would have you children know is that My earthly body was not resurrected.
You see, the old physical shell which housed the persona of Jesus was of no more use to Me in
My transcension than yours is to you upon translating. What occurred upon this occasion was
that My legions of light-beings, coworkers, assistants and so forth were observing this mission
with the most intensive interest. You really do not have a number to assign these multitudes;
suffice it to say they were innumerable, all loyal, supportive and Loving of Me in My service to
the One.
You cannot imagine the Love which the beings within this heavenly hierarchy held for Me.
Their respect was such that they did not wish to see My shell undergo the usual process of
decomposition. They formally requested permission to have it removed and rendered back to
earth from which it came immediately. The permission was promptly granted, not only out of
compassion for My cherished Legions of Light, but due to the mandate from Myself and the Most
High that nothing material be left by Me personally as evidence of My life in the form of Jesus...
no writings, no articles or artifacts -nothing to be set upon by the surviving persons and made
into idols. The Archangel Gabriel Himself oversaw this operation.
On the third morning from the day of My passing, Gabriel came to the tomb of Joseph and
rolled back the stone. The small detachment of Roman soldiers and Jewish sentries standing
guard only saw the heavy disc rolling back of its own accord. Terrified, the Romans returned to
their commander to report this event. It would have stricken you as quite comical, the looks
upon those soldiers' faces and how they did run! All of the men were bribed not to say anything
about what they had witnessed.
An onlooker of sufficiently high vibration would have witnessed a cloud of atoms come
pouring out of the tomb. The winds of Spirit carried away every last particle which made up the
body of Jesus, depositing these back into the earth. You shall be interested to learn that all of us
share the same atoms; every one of you alive today has held in your body atoms which made up
the body of Jesus the Christ. We all have so much in common.
My flesh and bones courteously disposed of, there was nothing physical left of Me as Jesus.
I will mention that your so-called Shroud of Turin is another hoax, insofar as its having anything
directly to do with Me; however it is a genuine marvel of spirito-technology from the standpoint of
your present level of scientific attainment. The being pictured is Jesus, but was produced at
some later time-frame and not by Me.
It was ordained that not only would I live as man, but die as man as well. This meant that I
passed through the same channels as any non-Ascended human being will upon physical death.
There was one major difference, however. When the usual person crosses the veil, he is
accompanied and assisted by various servants from the cosmic realm. I received no such
assistance, owing to My status, and it was a kind of test which was for Me to pass entirely on My
Regardless of the specific process, however, I then took up My "light body,” which you
variously refer to as the Nuri-Sarup, astral or morontia forms. This is still a much coarser form
than that of the unclothed Soul, but infinitely finer than that of the physical, as many of you are
well aware. It was while inhabiting this form that I visited some of My closest relations back on
earth. I was not always recognized until something I said triggered that recognition. These visits
cannot be hastily characterized as real miracles; after all, many of your kind return to visit loved
ones after their passing. Also, this does not involve the spiritual transmutation of existing
physical laws on your planet. I only appeared to those certain individuals as necessity dictated,
in the interest of tying up some loose ends left over from My incarnation.
So much for My resurrection. Much has been made of this subject, when in reality it is
something which happens routinely for many of your kind. Now the process of Ascension, that is
something worth attending to; for we all are destined to achieve it. Ascension you will find to be
the ultimate breakthrough in your quest back to the Center.
And so, My treasured ones, shall we join together in Paradise...


The Truth About Truth

“A new civilization is emerging,

and blind men everywhere are
trying to suppress it.”

- Alvin Toffler
Leather Bound Liturgies

PARABLE: "The Crystal Stream"

Through a sundrenched, verdant valley there ran a cool blue stream which sustained all the
life bordering its shores. A boy came there each dawn to drink in its refreshing essence.
One day the boy thought to save some of the water in a jug. He put a stopper in the jug and
brought it to the square in his village. "Here is the Vessel of Truth," he told his people.
The villagers were impressed. They applied it with finest gilt and they built a special tower in
its honor. Soon all had forgotten the stream in the valley. They prayed beneath the tower
instead, looking up to their "Vessel of Truth.”
Many years later, another young boy wondered about this sacred Vessel. He climbed the
tower and pulled the stopper from the jug. No sooner had the water touched his lips than he spit
it to the ground. It tasted awful!
"From where did come this foul brew?" asked the boy in disgust. The horrified villagers
could only point toward the valley. The child leapt down and ran to the stream. There the waters
coursed, cool and fresh... and delicious.
And so it is with the Truth, that like the waters it must run free. If it is kept contained, it will
surely grow stagnant. One must drink of Truth fresh from the Source.
KUALI: What can You tell us about the Bible and the clergy?
JESUS-SANANDA: My beloved Kuali, it is so good to be visited by you again...
When I took form in the flesh some two of your millennia ago, I did not seek to have My
words taken down, much less to be written in stone, so to speak. It was not My intention that a
book be produced for the masses; nonetheless I knew such would be the case. As it was, I
neither gave nor denied permission for the recording primarily done by Matthew. This was not
My decision to make. As a matter of fact, Matthew needed this exercise of keeping written notes
in order to protect his mind from blowing a fuse. I must say he kept a fairly accurate record,
given any mortal's difficulty in conveying purely through words that which I was demonstrating,
often through the powerful spiritual and emotional impact of the Holy Spirit's flow... in other
words, you really had to be there.
The real problem arises from the compulsive human need to edit what was said. Many well-
intentioned persons wanted to "clarify" what Matthew and others had written. This occurred at
various levels, including copying, translating and compiling. Now this can end up working out
much like your children's game "Telephone," in which one child whispers a message to the one
next to him and so on down the line; by the time this message has passed through twenty sets of
ears it has become almost unintelligible.
Add to this the fact that there were people in high-ranking positions of priesthood, royalty,
etc., who were heavily invested in retaining their powers over the masses. In that these were the
people who ultimately controlled what was passed on down as your modern bible, what would
you expect to happen?
Notice I call this document your bible. It is most certainly not My word, nor that of our
blessed Creator. It is Man's word -written, translated, edited, compiled, re-edited, translated,
reedited again, printed and bound by Man.
By now one realizes exactly where I am going with this. I have My own criteria for the
writings which I have actually sent through various human instruments over the past few
centuries. I will not authorize the release of said material unless it meets My minimum
requirement of at least 90% accuracy. Any less than that I consider to be much too aberrated for
publication. So what would happen, you may ask, should the human instrument decide to go
forward after I have disallowed the inferior material? In that case, it would be that person's own
Cause, and one would shudder to know the consequences; as it happens, this has never
Why would My dictations through the human instrument come through less than perfectly
true? Well, that depends upon the instrument and a certain degree of Free Will probability. I
select the instruments for high quality traits, but I cannot and do not control everything.
So if an 89% Truth rating is deemed unreleasable by Me, what do you suppose the bible's
King James version of Truth rates? Less than 90%? Less than 80%? Try 32.5 percent! Yes, I
who lived as Jesus of Nazareth am telling you that the bible most of you have read is not even
one-third Truth.
Many will wonder what factors I am using to determine Truth content. The criteria from My
viewpoint as Christ comprise three basic questions: Is it True, Is it Kind, Is it Necessary? Most
of the biblical inaccuracies fail the first or third questions and almost all of it flunks the second.
Anything and everything I said during My active ministry was spoken in kindness. While
most people cannot and even should not speak kindly at all times, My high-profile position at the
time demanded that I particularly emphasize this vital aspect of Love. If you come across a
passage which quotes Me as having communicated judgment against anyone, or "Divine" anger
or vengeance, then that passage is not only unkind, it is a falsehood.
I must mention that I had nothing whatsoever to do with the earlier works known in total as
the "old testament.” For My part, I was carrying a message that intended to blast apart many of
these ridiculous and outmoded notions running rife and rampant through the old testament.
Words such as "wicked2,” "unholy,” "unrighteous,” "sin,” "sinners,” "wrath,” "smite" and "strike
down" are all used to characterize an angry and offended Creator. Passages which contain such
words are not only unkind, they are untrue.
Another old testament problem arises from its having been utilized to serve two very
separate purposes, one of those being the compilation of an historical document. Thus we find
long passages and even whole chapters devoted to a history of warring conflict between peoples.
These have nothing of pertinence to offer those in search of enlightenment, nor do those long-
winded genealogies of Hebrew lineage that one must wade through. It all comes down to a
question of "Who's Who and who cares?" Thus a vast amount of this anciently-derived
document fails the question, "Is it Necessary?"
The old testament does provide some items of great beauty and Love, such as the Song of
Solomon and certain of the Psalms; but the bulk of its material is extremely aberrated and fear-
based. It claims repeatedly that "God said this" or "God said that" when in most cases you are
reading from the wildest Lower-Astral hallucinations of a people consumed by fear. Not Love. It
seems ironic indeed that My message has been compiled part and parcel with that which I
sought to correct.
I would also not recommend the majority of that book which is entitled the "new testament,”
in that it is mostly a second- to thirty-second-hand rendition of memories passed down from one
or the other of My so-called apostles over a period of up to 300 years. Again, this material was
heavily edited for a great number of reasons, with honoring the message of Truth being one of
the lowest in priority.
I would especially suggest that you take My dear John's Revelations with at least a grain of
salt. This precious identity had contracted for quite a bit of suffering, torture, persecution and the
like in this particular lifetime -all most beneficial to his personal progress on the Ultimate Path,
but not particularly relevant to anyone else, let alone Everyone Else in the ages to come.
John did experience a great vision, although the aforementioned hardships did color to some
degree his clairvoyance of future events. He did not see all that he might have seen. A large
part of John's original vision -- the Two Worlds/Two Realities portion, including everything
pertaining to the Age of Light Alternative -- was either cut out or twisted into amalgam with the
Armageddon scenario. So this isn't to say John was inaccurate per se, only that there are much
better sources for this same information -the best of which is to be found within yourselves.

This word originates from Wicca, the ancient pagan/nature religion of the native peoples of the British Isles. The term
“Wiccan,” meaning “of Wicca,” was later bastardized into “Wicked.” In later versions of the bible, this label became
synonymous with the unholy as viewed by the established Christian cults. From this perspective, the word appears to have
taken on a most innapropriate connotation -- as inane as it would be to use the word “Hindu” as an indicator of something
Altogether, the Book of Matthew ranks most accurate in all of your entire bible. In its current
state, it runs somewhat less than fifty percent true to what I actually said, but much of what I
covered on subjects such as reincarnation has been omitted entirely.
PARABLE: "The Water Frog"
A group of frogs sat on a log at the shore of a pond, listening intently to a frog preaching from
his perch on a lilypad.
"The water is deep and mysterious," he told them, "so stay where you are and I will tell you of
it. Then you shall run no risks."
To this day, frogs rest safely on the shore, while the Water Frog tells them what the water is...
from the safety of his lilypad.
But sooner or later, you've got to actually dive in.
Now we reach the really interesting part. It is natural for most humans to seek spiritual
guidance from others. Members of your clergy have been using this to their advantage
throughout ages untold. These people have been telling readers of your bible how to interpret its
writings all along.
Most importantly I recommend that you avoid taking at face value the interpretations of any
designated "authority.” While the bible is completely out of the running as far as I am concerned,
there are other writings which, like the bible, are highly symbolic. Symbol and metaphor can
hold great value for those learning to ascertain Truth for themselves. The key words here are
"for" and "themselves.” If something is presented in symbolic form, then it is intended to reach
many people at their level of personal truth. No person can interpret literal Truth for others; an
ethical teacher would not even try.
We dive into some deep and dark waters when we begin discussing the issue of "spiritual
authority.” When combined with human personae, these become contradictory terms. A true
spiritual leader does not tell others how to live, nor how to worship, nor how to serve the One.
The true measure of any destructive cult3 is the degree to which its members have abdicated
their individual responsibilities to a leader. Often these cult leaders occupy positions within
otherwise respected and established churches. They may not be as brazen and obvious as the
Jim Jones archetype, but may operate in similar though subtler ways. Anyone claiming to be the
authorized "go-between" you and the One is a charlatan, dangerous and best avoided.
Especially watch out for someone who tries to control people and situations, making and
imposing rules and penalties for the "unrighteous.”
The spiritual predator seeks to steal power from others. Often these people are very
charismatic. The word "charisma" derives from the same linguistic root as does "Christ.”
Charisma can be positively effective when coming from a true spiritual leader, who is channeling
the Spirit through themselves and sharing it with others. The spiritual predator, on the other
hand, is using "charisma-tism" which like its hypnotic counterpart, lulls the prey into a trance
state and facilitates the stealing of their energies. When you gain the ability to visually observe
people's energy fields, you will notice that these people suck the energy from others, sometimes
until the life-force is totally drained from them.
Some exceptionally charismatic charlatans have built vast empires in the field of
televangelism. They can then hypnotize millions of people at once. Usually these people are
not sucking human so much as monetary energies. They, like their small-cult cousins, claim to
have a monopoly on the Truth, that somehow they are closer to the Source than those within
their audience. They usually read from bibles.
The only link necessary for your absolute connection with the One is Christ. Christ is not a
person, although a person may be Christed. Such a person will help guide you to the Christ
Within, but will never become a spiritual crutch for you to lean on.
Every religion does boast a few rare individuals, men and women who have succeeded in
breaking through the veils of dogmatic suppression into a true spiritual communion with the One.
Some of their writings are truly sacred, going back for centuries. This also points out the fact
that people in general are some of one's best resources for receiving, giving and sharing spiritual
growth. Everyone has something to teach. So long as no single personality is emphasized,
one's personal search for Truth will be enhanced by other people.

Kuali would like to point out that a “cult” is not inherently dangerous. Every “cult-ure” began with a group of like-minded
individuals dedicated to a common cause. There is a popular misconception as to the meaning of this word. Government
and media frequently capitalize on this, tagging certain benevolent groups with this label, thereby garnering popular support
for the persecution of diversity.
Above all, you and you alone are the threshing basket for Truth. You alone must be able to
separate the wheat from the chaff. This is your personal responsibility under spiritual law, and a
necessary step toward your completion in becoming the conscious Co-creator with the Almighty
which It intended for you to be.
I thank you for this audience, beloved Kuali, and send My unending blessings to you and all
of your kindred Lightbearers. Ah-Ho!
Factories for the Soul

PARABLE: "Training Wheels"

The girl is just five years of age, yet just see her, riding like the wind on her new bicycle. See
the smile on her face! Hear her laughter! What could be wrong with this?
Can anyone claim she is riding a bike any less... just because it's fitted with a pair of training
wheels? With the aid of these wheels she learns faster; soon she will be able to ride without
them and freer still will she be.
KUALI: What purpose do churches and organized religion serve, dear Lord?
JESUS-SANANDA: Ha, ha! Near to none, I fear to say! Allow Me to correct Myself post-haste,
lest My humor come back to haunt Me, as have certain other jests I made twenty centuries ago.
I am by My nature more laughter than sobriety; the One Lord Above verily howls with the joy
of Its Love. This fact presents for us a fine segue into a subject murky and full of gravity; for
there are those who must by their own needs, approach the Divinity with deep severity.
Dearest children, is there one among you who does not take some matter seriously? Per-
haps your concern is for the environmental balance of Gaia, your mother planet. Maybe you are
worried over the apparent deterioration of society, the decline of moral ethics and standards.
Then there are the situations of economics, government and politics, advances in science and
technology without conscience, violence rising across the globe unchecked.
Maybe your religious faith gives you a way to cope with what seems to be a world gone mad;
but there is one security a religious organization cannot guarantee you: freedom from your fear.
Do you approach the life of the flesh with growthful expectancy? Or are you still fearful of
the unknown? Are you ready to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit within, no matter where it
may lead? You see, people tend to magnetize to themselves precisely what they believe in. It is
more likely that you choose a religion to reflect your own world/universal views, rather than the
other way round.
Many must and will approach the Spirit in a state of grave seriousness. Less-experienced
Souls frequently exhibit this characteristic, and it only disturbs those who come into contact with
them. Ho! Another little joke. Organized religions are havens for such people; but in reality,
matters of the Spirit are literally something to make Light of.
Now, the established religious orders do indeed serve a vital purpose. There are millions who
need a systematic approach to the questions life poses so incessantly. The organized religion
provides methods desperately needed by more-dependent individuals for dogmatic perception,
interpretation of the meaning of events over time, values to abide by, and even cultural mores
and traditions.
Without these institutions we would certainly witness far more chaos than presently exists.
Literally billions of Souls hold their actions in check only thanks to the mitigating influences of
their respective churches. One has only to look at conditions in many urban localities to discern
what results when the people lack purpose or identification with the Divine. In these instances
one encounters a prevalence of the attitudes which you refer to as "self-will run riot.”
One will often progress to the point where it no longer requires the firm and guiding hand of
the pulpit upon which to base its life. Frequently this one's break with the church is sudden and
dramatic. He or she may disavow all affiliation with any higher power, declaring him- or herself
an atheist. This to My mind is perfectly natural and fine. Far from considering atheists a threat, I
consider them to be allies in the cause of Light. They are now freed from the shackles of dog-
matic close-mindedness, ignorance and oppression. They will learn much, and soon come into
contact with the Great Mystery... provided, that is, that the atheist has not traded one rigid
dogma, that of the prior religion, for another, that of unyielding denial of a Grand Intelligence.
As a relevant aside, I will offer the true definition of "atheist.” The true atheist believes that
the Universe of Creation, whether or not originating from some intelligent Force, is basically
running on a collision course with chaos. The two observable opposite forces are Love, which
leads to an ever-increasing order of diversity and complexity; and entropy, by which the order of
things declines, slows and eventually degrades. Chaos would be thought of as the result of the
self-destructive power of entropy. A true atheist has faith in entropy as the over-riding Universal
force. Some people logically reason that the Universe could not have originated by accident, but
are certain that the Creator, having started it all, chose to leave us on our own thereafter. This
person is still a true atheist.
Kuali mentioned to Me his friend, who is a rigidly self-proclaimed atheist. Yet this person
insists that there is a Force, which he calls "Love,” that he is sure will continue to lead humanity
and the Universe as a whole into ever-expanding circles of order and complexity. Obviously this
person who trusts in and lives by the Law of Love is no "atheist" -rather, in his own way he
serves the Light.
An "agnostic" is a fence-sitter. Usually such a person has gotten a bad taste from organized
religion, cannot reconcile the difference between that and true spirituality, and probably is afraid
to delve into the personal experience which would conclusively validate the existence of a
Higher Power. At least the agnostic is slightly more open to this possibility than the true atheist.
Experience eventually will bear out the Divine Reality; "There are no atheists in the foxholes," as
the old saying goes.
I hold no judgments against atheists or agnostics; nor does the One. It is simply a passage,
often necessary. Whenever such ones do cross over to knowledge that Love does run and direct
the Universe, they shall find themselves in a much happier and more growthful place. Of course
the Universe will benefit as well.
Sooner or later, one begins to have a real experience of the Spirit. There is no more belief
attached as the reality of knowing takes over. At this point the apprentice begins to master the
Mystery. It will no longer need any system for experiencing life or God. It will have outgrown all
the books wherein Truth lies stagnant, the clergy telling it how things ought to be done and
buildings in which to do it. This Soul is now a free agent incarnate in the world.
As I said before, many Souls are not yet ready to handle this high level of freedom; they
need what they need until they no longer need it.
I would also mention that the established religions will not receive well this message which I
dictate to My faithful Kuali. Perhaps some will seize this book and burn it, violently proclaiming
Me to be the devil's impostor. I, your devoted Christ Jesus-Sananda, am fairly well accustomed
to this. After all, I was branded a heretic by the ordained religious leaders of the time-space
during which I visited your earth the last time.
I find that size and centralization is the largest drawback to organized religious bodies. Even
during My visit here, they had centralized at least on regional levels. This places a handful of
persons in charge of the spiritual lives of thousands and sometimes millions or even billions.
This level of power tends to corrupt even those with the loftiest of intentions.
I would advocate that a restructuring of the religious groups' powers be focused at the com-
munity level. The individual churches are then autonomous within certain general guidelines.
Some sects already operate on this basis.
Of late, people are witnessing the abuse of organized religious muscle on the political front.
Here we see massive numbers of people convinced that theirs is the "one true faith;" they feel
justified in foisting their values upon everyone else. This abuse of power, by the many over the
few or even the few over the many, presents serious dangers to basic freedoms which are the
Divine Heritage of all. To see how this works I shall set forth the First Natural Law of Human
Anyone has the Divine Natural Right to do anything one wishes, so long as doing so does not
inhibit the free progress of Nature or other human beings.
Almost everyone living in the world's developed nations takes part in the inhibition of Na-
ture's progress; but it appears that people may realign with this Law by allowing it to govern
again their human relations.
To be observed correctly, this Law requires people to assume total personal responsibility, for
there is no right without responsibility. Being annoyed by someone else's sexual preference, for
example, does not give a person sufficient justification to cite the Natural Law. So long as the
person's physical/spiritual growth is not being tangibly hampered by the others' acts, those others
are well within their Divine Right.
We find the free exchange of ideas inhibited wherever the flexing of large organized religious
muscle occurs. This is another ridiculous example of the self-fulfilling aspect of fear. Trends of
social decay relentlessly increase despite all attempts at social control by the Religious Right.
When a truly free exchange of ideas is allowed, a "bad idea" will simply wither and die. In a truly
free society, the people can see clearly what works and what does not, and will choose accord-
The foundation and structure of My active Ministry in the person of Jesus may best illustrate
what I would propose for those seeking to spread the Message of Light and Love here on earth.
The foundation for this Mission was laid on the principles of Truth, Kindness and Necessity; the
three overshadowing aspects of Love. I personally constrained Myself from the working of
miracles, those acts of higher vibration which transcend the basic physical laws, in any public
settings. I knew that such acts would cause others to turn over their personal responsibilities to
Me, elevating the personality of Jesus above the Message of Christ. Helping others to set them-
selves free was My Mission, after all. I also determined to lead always by My Living and Loving
example, never with words unkind.
Now in order to reach as many as possible, I required an organization. Twelve Soul-
Essences from your sphere had already agreed by pre-incarnate arrangement to assist Me. It
was certainly simple for Me to locate these beings for, although Jesus was not yet conscious of
who these individuals were, a series of mystic "coincidences" led Me to all twelve of them.
My reason for having used the term "so-called" in conjunction with "apostles" up until now is
that I referred to them by a very different term which translates very differently. That term would
be correctly translated as "Cooperatives.” Together we assembled a cooperative enterprise in
which the profits earned were of a spiritual nature. Our enterprise was non-profit in that the har-
vest generated was freely donated to Humankind in general and thus to Gaia.
In our organization each of the Twelve Cooperatives took on a specific task; one handled all
the raising of funds which financed our activities; two assisted Me personally; one traveled ahead
and handled all pre-arrangements for our specific engagements; one kept our books and finan-
cial records; three or more were always on hand to provide for crowd management; and so on.
Some were more active than others in helping to deliver My Message, and three who were liter-
ate actually took down notes on what I said in private as well as at a number of public appear-
Although we traveled extensively covering a wide area, our organization remained local in
the sense that it did not share affiliation with any other enterprise. We functioned much the
same as any church, excepting that the faces in our congregation were constantly changing. We
provided a surprising amount of charity to individuals and groups throughout the region, and ini-
tiated some of the earliest outreach programs of record which extended even into Asia. We also
had a large following of “groupies” as you would call them today, most commonly known as
The organization of My Twelve Cooperatives and Me succeeded in getting My Message of
Love and Self-Liberation to tens of thousands in a time when information was mostly spread on
foot and by word of mouth. It was a smashing success. Our Power came not from people, but
from the Holy Spirit, and that Power was strictly limited to our ethical and responsible use
thereof. In this way we kept the Teachings pure and uncorrupted.
I am recorded as having spoken to My especially cherished Peter thus: "Upon this rock you
will build My church."
In fact, I said nothing of the kind whatsoever; but I did recommend that he seek to foster the
establishment of a number of groups structured along the same guidelines as our original Coop-
erative. Some would be mobile and others stationary. The idea was that each would be fully
autonomous and, while they might send representatives to convene in the open exchange of
ideas from time to time, there would never be any centralization of power which would lead to a
Christian Church as such. Naturally I knew that Free Will's spinning on the roulette wheel of fear
would hit on some terribly nasty results, i.e. institutions, but a great many Soul-Essences did rise
to the new level of vibration which My visit succeeded in establishing.
My Twelve Cooperatives and others who knew Me as Jesus and as Christ continued to
spread the Message long after My Ascension. Some began to sell out its purity of course, and
this trend increased over time. It lead to establishment of the massive Christian empire, with the
same attendant centralization and inevitable power corruption of all large religious organizations.
Dear hearts, do not trouble yourselves with any resistance from the so-called fundamental
front. Do not waste your time trying to convince them of My message of Truth. Leave them to
pursue their "Family Values" in peace. They are no threat to you, and though they do not yet
understand, you who serve the Light in the fullness of pure Truth are naturally of no threat to
It is now time for all those in service of the Light to let go of their attachments to religion. I
represent Truth and Love, not religion. We must also let bygones be bygones for what was sup-
posedly done in God's name in the past. Any among you who have suffered by these actions
must know full well that Jesus-Sananda had nothing to do with them. Additionally, I look for you
to become fully aware of your personal responsibility in all that happens to you in our Creator's
perfect system of balanced justice on the earth dimension.
I come again, precious Kuali...
...only to those who are ready!
One Destiny Many Roads
KUALI: Christed Teacher, there are so many spiritual systems around the world. Must we
choose one?
SANANDA: Child! I should say not! Try on what suits you and fits; if you like part of the outfit,
keep only that. Try another on for size, and another, and another; but avoid those which stifle
and pinch. You cannot undo what growing you have already done; but do not discard that which
fits loosely today -you may grow into it!
This good fashion sense applies to the quest for spiritual attainment. Eventually one out-
grows all external forms, though. Then you realize yourself as you truly are: "I Am One!" Until
that moment of Christed Ascension, the world offers many useful systems free for the taking.
And I shall not discount the bulk of these approaches, not even for their ritual aspects; to the
contrary, ritual done rightly serves a vital and growthful purpose.
Let me begin by establishing the difference between a religion and a spiritual system. While
semantics may be widely interpreted, I wish to define religion as something one thinks and spiri-
tuality as something one lives; religion as what one believes and spirituality as what one knows;
religion as the herded cow and spirituality as the eagle soaring.
There are religions which contain rich, growth-producing spiritual ways of Being with Life.
There are spiritual systems with ritual ways which make them appear to the casual observer
much like religions. For the most part, however, a religion begins as a spiritual approach to liv-
ing, and gradually deteriorates into an empty shroud of worn out ritual, wherein the participants
have lost all sense of the true purpose and meaning of these procedures. A religion is typically a
buried casket full of dead ritual.
"Living Ritual" is what I propose. The practice should always be suggested, never imposed.
It is essential for the celebrants to understand exactly why the ritual is being done, what it sym-
bolizes and how it benefits. People want to be led by example, and when someone says, "I love
doing this thing; would you like to try it?" they will enter into the ritual willingly.
If there appears a lack of wholehearted participation, then the participants have lost sight of
the whys, whats and hows. Living ritual, as with any other live entity, is always growing and
changing. Allow it to. The practice always needs to be approached with lightness of heart. It will
generally feel like fun if it is being done correctly.
Containment of the Truth is impossible. We may write down spiritual principles, but the Spirit
of Truth cannot be encased within the confines of a book. We may utilize a practice or technique
for elevating our conscious awareness, but the practices must remain fresh and ever-changing,
or they will stagnate into rote repetition, lowering the celebrant's awareness into hypnotic zombie-
ism. We may designate a gathering place for worship, but the Holy Spirit is everywhere; thus we
must never become dependent upon a certain time-space location in order to achieve the
spiritual state.
The Spirit of the One is everywhere and all-present indeed. We have access to It always.
We do need to practice and cultivate this awareness on a daily basis in order to grow, just as
does the master violinist. Meditation, prayer, affirmation and ritual practices can all be forms
which our practice takes. This does not mean, however, that we must draw away into reclusivity
and isolation from the world, praying or whatever. The opposite is true. We will want to go out
into the world in full awareness of All that Is.
"Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water," as the East Indians say, "After enlighten-
ment, chop wood, carry water." We wish to cultivate our spiritual outlook to the point that every-
where we go, in everything we do, we are experiencing Life as it genuinely exists -as the endless
continuum of pure Spirit.
I have told you that the Middle Eastern portion of our globe gave rise to the more fear-based
religions, owing to the presence in that region of a powerful negative vortex. This vortex has
long been utilized by the Gray extraterrestrials in order to expand their influences of fear and
chaos on this planet. For this reason, the three major religions born within this region -Judaism
and its offshoots, Islam and Christianity -are steeped in dead ritual, spiced with the gall of an an-
gry and vengeful Father-God, founded in fear and built of chaos. They three stand on the ag-
gressive, exclusive stance that each of theirs is the only true faith. Certain branches of Christi-
anity and Islam even go so far as to judge that "non-believers" must be converted or murdered.
From these roots have sprung the most violent, totalitarian and oppressive atrocities which the
world has ever witnessed.
By the way, regarding speculation made by a friend of Kuali, that I must be "burning in purga-
tory" over the vile injustices wrought in the names of Jesus and of Christ -such is certainly not
the case. I came and taught by example a message of pure Love and Light. The One knows,
there is no responsibility borne by Him in whose name these acts were carried out. That is like
holding your George Washington accountable for every criminal deed perpetrated in the
American Capitol. I must tell you, however... I do not consider Myself a Christian... only Christ.
Please accept now, if you will, the Truth which I affirmed repeatedly throughout My Mission
twenty centuries past -the Truth which was completely erased from what would comprise the bi-
ble by the second century A.D.:
Any faith which proclaims itself to be the "Only True Faith" is false.
In all fairness, I want to recognize some of the wondrous Mystical Masters of the Hebrew,
Christian and Muslim sects, who brought fresh light to those otherwise flawed and outmoded
teachings. Nonetheless, in the main, the adherents of these religious paths have not yet set a
single foot upon the true Highway to Oneness, which Itself contains many fine paths.
Buddhism, Taoism and Hinduism are infinitely superior to the Middle Eastern paths, as relig-
ions go, as the measure of a religion's advancement is in direct proportion to its tolerance for
other ways. Of course even in these, one finds large pools of spiritual stagnation. As I say,
every organized religion is subject to this backsliding dynamic.
What also distinguishes many of the Far Eastern teachings as superior is the emphasis upon
meditation. While meditative practice was virtually outlawed in the Middle East, discarded en-
tirely in favor of prayer as the exclusive spiritual mode of communication, the Far Easterners
kept sight of this basic fact:
Prayer is talking to the One; Meditation is listening to It.
Most people in the world already speak far too much; the greater portion of their sufferings
would vanish were they to learn how to listen more. Meditation takes many forms. The Light
Exercise which I suggest in this book is rather more active; I can definitely recommend the Tran-
scendental mode of meditation, a version of which I as Jesus learned in India and practiced
daily. You may have tried it yourselves, some of you, and know well the benefits which can be
This brings us around to the Native spiritual teachings. I am especially partial to these, and
refer to the indigenous peoples of every continent. Although they present many aspects of relig-
ion, they flow much more along the lines of Spiritual Ways of Being. Some are better than oth-
ers; one must recall that the fear vibration achieved global saturation about two thousand years
ago. To varying degrees the Native systems were touched and altered by this as well.
Still, tied so intimately as they were to Gaia the Earth Mother, the bulk of Native spiritual
ways held a level of quality rarely surpassed. Some of their common values include:
• Oral story traditions which remained fresh and ever-changing;
• Right use of ritual, which also continued to shift and expand and uplift;
• A viewing of Creation as dominantly Good and Whole;
• Observance of the Great Spirit as neither male nor female, but both;
• A strong respect for Mother Earth and all Life upon her;
• A basic respect for all people, regardless of sex, race, creed, age or station in life;
• Leaders as servants -the power of chiefs was actually very limited, women took active roles
in governing tribal affairs, and most decisions were arrived at by consensus;
• The Vision Quest, an intensive form of prayer/meditation ritual which expanded awareness
of Self and Creation.
The Native mode of spiritual living is truly that -not just at certain places and times, but see-
ing the sacredness in every single act, no matter how seemingly small. Most Natives view all
things as equally valid, equally important. By virtue of this, nothing gets missed. In a slower,
more deliberate way than most Westerners can conceive, the Native learns and grows monu-
mentally over a lifetime.
Numerous People of the Light in this current time-space have lived as Natives at one time or
another. A good number of the tribes have been able to preserve their teachings in secrecy, and
they have masters as attained as any who have ever lived. Now is the time for those of the Light
to embrace their Native brothers and sisters, who have so much to teach. One need not seek to
become Indian; the matter is neither racial nor cultural, but spiritual.
One does not need to have been born of Indian lineage to enjoy a spiritual reawakening in
the black hot steam of a sweat lodge. One may not require the austerity of a five-day fast, nor
the flesh-tearing sacrifice of the Sundance; it is the deeply attentive devotion to all things which
we may learn from the Native spiritual systems.
All of Life is spiritual. There is no separation between the material and the spiritual, except in
one's own mind. Living close to the earth, watching Nature move in her awesome and effortless
splendor, these things bring us to intimate contact with the Holy Spirit. You will recall that in Je-
sus' day, I dealt with a simple people who were naturally living closely with the earth. That was
not an issue then. It was not particularly emphasized in the biblical writings, and this never
changed, even as the same industrialization which made millions of bibles available began to
threaten Earth's very existence. You may trust Me on this: It is most definitely an issue now.
You wish to know also of the voluminous writings, particularly those having come out in re-
cent years. There are many, and this is not the first book to be distributed in modern times
through which I have communicated My corrected message.
One of the great classics of all time is the Urantia Book. This book is so vast in size and
scope, so heavily intellectual in orientation, that its appeal is somewhat limited. Still, at an ap-
proximate accuracy rating of just over 92%, this writing is exceptional. On the other hand, you
shall begin to appreciate just how important the matter of accuracy becomes in larger works. In
a bible of about 1,000 pages, approximately 675 contain information which is untrue, unkind or
unnecessary -that is to say that 675 pages could be filled with the false data. Urantia's
erroneous material, at only 8%, still adds up to about 168 pages. The main discrepancies
revolve around Urantia's implied disinterest of the Creator in non-human lifeforms and
Nature/Gaia as a whole, discounting of certain peoples and their valid teachings, and the
incessant referral to the One as "Father.” To Urantia's credit, it presents one of the most
accurate records of My life as Jesus available to date.
"Corona Class Lessons," written by Kuthumi and Myself through the Prophets, is also a very
high quality source of spiritual information. It runs nearly 95% true. "Corona" is very heady ma-
terial too, suitable for those with a strong intellectual bent.
I appear in print under the name Sananda in more than one of the Ashtar books, and this
data was extremely well-recorded at 99% accuracy. I also enjoy the tone of My Sananda com-
munications. You will realize that what I transmit must by necessity pass through the filter of the
human Instrument's perceptive awareness. The more fully the Instrument is living in Love's
Reality, then the more purely and Lovingly shall My message be conveyed.
For omitting any mention of the "Course In Miracles," I might be accused of negligence. This
writing goes beyond anything which has come before. The Course is complete and thorough.
When one applies oneself diligently, the very groundwork prerequisite to Ascension shall have
been laid. The material is understandable to those not dwelling in the mental realm. My channel
in this work performed astonishingly. In this case I must overlook the identification of our Creator
with the masculine, for otherwise "A Course In Miracles" is entirely accurate. I cannot rec-
ommend it strongly enough.
The writings which have come out in the past ten years are some of the best of all. I could
go on and on with titles and authors' names, but I think it shall amuse Me to test out your dis-
crimination. Go to your nearby library or bookstore and browse. Seek always the message of
Love. Feel for when its message sparks your Knowing of the Truth Within. Do not fall for some
aberrated compendium of fear mixed in with the word of Love. Go for what feels right. The sa-
cred writings, no matter how ancient or new, are simply there to get you started, not to become a
crutch which you rush to several times a day.
Remember, your real Knowing is that Within.


Clues to How It All Really Works

“...and now and always I sing the

praises of Love’s power and courage,
as much as I am able.”

- Socrates
Love: The Only Power

PARABLE: "The Rescuer"

A beautiful Being was navigating through space in his shimmering craft of many colors, when
he happened to detect on his scanners that a nearby planet was in trouble.
Our space traveler did not know that the people of this planet were divided into two warring
factions, and their struggles had become desperate. On either side of an enormous barrier
which they had built, the people lived in fear and suspicion of their enemies. There had been so
little contact between the rivaling peoples for so long, that neither had any knowledge of the
other, save for the others' capacity to make war. Both sides had uncovered a deadly substance
from deep below the planetary surface. When mined and made into weapons, this substance
was powerful enough to destroy all life upon the planet many times over.
Perhaps the space traveler would have continued on his way, and the planet's peoples could
have sustained the balance of their opposing destructive forces until...
There was a problem detected by the alien: The substance which they had pulled up from
deep below the surface was necessary to the stability of the planetary structure. It had been
placed in perfect balance by the Creator when the world was formed. Without that vital mineral
buried deeply and exactly where first placed, the planet was about to crack up and disintegrate.
Not wishing to see a viable world become a dead asteroid belt, the visitor maneuvered his
craft toward the largest city on the surface. He intended to warn whomever managed this planet
of the danger which threatened. He was confident that the problem could be corrected, since
calculating replacement of the powerful mineral in the right proportions and at the exact locations
was a comparatively simple task for his onboard computer. After saving the imperiled planet, the
helpful extraterrestrial would depart toward his destination, not being the sort to indulge in
overexpressions of gratitude from those he helped.
Predictably though, the unfortunate space-Being was seized, interrogated, tortured and
killed. It would not have mattered which side he had attempted to warn; he was automatically
assumed to have been an enemy invader. The planet did self-destruct before the one side's sci-
entists could unravel the secrets of the visitor's ship.
Thank Heaven for small miracles.
PARABLE: "For the Love of Mother"
On another planet not far away, a similar situation existed. The world was divided, and two
embittered factions clashed in the terror and destruction of war, while nature paid the ultimate
price for this insanity.
One day a woman, mourning the war-caused loss of her son, heard a knock at the door. Be-
draggled, dirty, exhausted by grief and lack of sleep, there stood a foreign looking woman hold-
ing a pair of dog tags as if they were a rosary. In a thick accent, the strange woman explained
how she had traveled through great hardship and peril in order to bring the first woman these dog
tags -those of her recently killed son. It seems that the foreign woman had found them among
the personal effects of her own son, who had also been killed in the war.
The two women took each other into their arms and wept. They wept for the little boys they
had birthed and raised, now dead; for each other, knowing well the other's grief; for the sorrow of
their nations and a world torn with pain.
After crying for what seemed like hours, the two women made themselves a pact. They
would meet with all the other mothers of their countries and join together in demanding an end to
the war, which they did.
Soon mothers in the millions were marching on the gray men in their capitols. The wire
services buzzed with news stories of the bulldog tenacity with which these women asserted their
cause. Letters and other communication flew across national barriers, and they carried mes-
sages of love, understanding and conciliation.
Before long, even the husbands, brothers and sons could not resist the demands of wives,
mothers and daughters. The pressure on the warring governments mounted until a truce was
Then these mothers, unsatisfied with temporary cease-fires, involved themselves directly in
the peace negotiations until terms for a fair and lasting peace were set forth.
Apparently, this world has outgrown war, for the peace has lasted more than ten thousand
KUALI: Christed One, you have expressed a desire to speak about Love.
JESUS-SANANDA THE CHRIST: Ah, yes indeed, Kuali! For Love is the Power that runs the
Universes. I will enter into this discussion by speaking of Love versus its oppositionary comple-
ment -fear.
The dominant force upon your planet Gaia for the last 5,000 years is that of fear. You have
grown quite at home with this force for that very reason; yet throughout the Universes of Crea-
tion, Love is the dominant force.
I will offer you a simple definition of Love:
Love is the act of nurturing the spiritual growth of oneself, of others, and of Creation.
Love is not a feeling, although it can be experienced as such; Love is action and energy.
Love is always kind, but not necessarily for the short term; Love insistently seeks the greatest
growth for the Whole. Love is always true. Love takes care of what is necessary.
All matter is actually energy, vibrating at a certain frequency. The entire Universe rests
within a matrix-void of pure energy. This energy is the Source, and the Source is Love.
Increasing numbers of people are now becoming aware of the underlying energy Source of
all that exists. They are learning that this energy is freely available to all. You Free Willed Soul
manifestations have the ability to access and direct this energy at will.
All throughout recorded history we find people trying to subjugate and conquer one another,
trying to steal others' energies... as though the energies of one's fellows were the only source.
Also, in having lost contact with the true Source, all people have felt the lack of completeness
within. But this is like a group of starving people sitting upon crates full of food in a vast store-
house. They fight and hurt and steal from one another in a desperate struggle for survival; yet
here they are, surrounded by all they will ever need!
If you should find yourself thinking thoughts which lead to negative feelings for another,
fearful feelings such as anger, envy or hate, you are not only feeling a lack within yourself, but
you may even be sucking the Life Force out of the person about whom you are feeling this.
When people get into arguments or fights, they are attempting to suck the Life Force out of one
another. The same applies to those who play games, trying to trick others into feeling stupid, or
guilty, or whatever.
People have always played out these struggles for energy. But there is another Way...
"What the world needs now is Love, Sweet Love!" The world is overflowing with Love! You
shall be given the keys to the Magic Chest of Love which has been here waiting to enrich you all
Now many are ready to reconnect with the Source. They will no longer need to steal the sus-
taining Force of Life from others; for it turns out that this energy is already available in quantities
much greater than any will ever need. Here is one way to get it:
Go to a natural place; the older and more pristine, the better. Sunrise and dusk are often
good times for this. Half-close your eyes and look for a good sitting place. You will find yourself
drawn to the place. Sit and close your eyes, breathing deeply for a few moments. Feel the en-
ergy around you. Now slowly open your eyes. Let your attention be drawn to a certain tree,
plant, animal or rock. Place your focus, let that relax. In another few moments you shall proba-
bly begin to perceive the aura of energy which surrounds the object of your attention.
Just stay with that for awhile. Then, observe how you can think a thought of appreciation for
this life you are focusing on. Now feel it. As you do this, the energy from the Source which has
been filling you will begin to flow through you and out to the object of your attention. The lifeform
will be filled with energy, and of course so shall you. The more you allow this Love Energy to
flow out to others, the more will flow into you.
You can do this for people as well. Behold the person on whom you have focused your at-
tention as the precious Creation of the One. Begin to appreciate the person. Feel yourself filled
with this wondrous Force. Soon it will flow through you and into s/he whom you are beloving.
Both of you shall be energized. This is Love in action.
As you grow in awareness with daily practice you shall begin to notice these subtle flows be-
tween people. You will feel the effects of someone who tries to manipulate your energy with their
anger or fear. Then you can defend yourself against these attacks. First of all, feel the Love; fill
yourself with the true energy from the Source. If the power-robbing person attempts to suck at
this energy, their own low vibration will result in considerable pain. Next, always expose the
"Why do you think you are such a victim?"
"Why are you so angry?"
"Why do you need to control this?"
These questions expose the intent of your would-be adversary's action. The person relied on
the covertness of his/her manipulation in order to succeed with it. The cat burglar cannot pull off
a crime when everyone knows what he is doing.
Many of you have asked, "How do I know if the action I plan is correct?" The answer, of
course, is that it is correct when done in the Spirit of Love. And how does one determine that?
Aside from the obvious, that a correct action will "feel" right, there are three questions one ought
to ask oneself before carrying out the deed. This is especially important when you have doubt.
Before saying or doing anything, ask yourself:
"Is it true?"
"Is it kind?"
"Is it necessary?"
Many brothers and sisters, intending well, stop at the first question, and having satisfied
themselves of the truthfulness, go on to spew out opinion, observation and information, often
unsought. Kuali, your somewhat humorous characterization of such ones having become
"Sewers of Truth" is quite appropriate. To speak and act out of genuine Love requires satisfac-
tory affirmation of the other two questions.
What is kind? That which nurtures, even demands, spiritual growth. I do not mean to imply
that you should go out banging on peoples' doors and shoving a book in their faces; but true
kindness does not help others to become dependent, either. When a drunk is lying in the gutter,
reaching out with wavering hand for some loose change, would such a gift help this poor soul to
grow spiritually? I think not!
And what, then, is necessary? Given that you earthbound incarnates are, to variable extents,
subject to the laws of time, it would behoove you not to waste yours or others'. If telling
someone something cannot possibly benefit them, why bother? Believe Me when I tell you that
the Great One has very definite priorities, and devotes to those matters Its primary attention.
Having been created in Its image, we would do well to follow suit.
I have barely touched upon these qualifying questions for Love. Many books could be filled
with information on just this one subject; but I think you are off to a good start. Strive to apply
these questions assiduously in all of your affairs, and great things will come to pass. You will
The Legions of Love and Light are on the march, advancing determined to spread the Love
of the One. They cannot be stopped.
The Legions of Love have no enemies. When a candle is brought into a darkened room, is
the darkness its enemy? Of course not. The candle simply gives forth the light which dispels the
darkness. Was the darkness "bad?" Not exactly, the darkness simply was. Is the light "good?"
For our purposes, yes, since we can better understand and utilize all of the good things the room
possesses, thanks to the light.
A similar analogy applies to those who are optically blind. The principle of Light is actually
that of information transfer and exchange. The industrious bat sends out a wave of sound which,
upon its return, carries with it information about the size and distance of objects and obstacles
relative to the furry, flying creature.
Light and Sound are Information. They are of the Holy Spirit.
Love is the candle; the Spirit is its light. Love is the bat; its sounds are the Spirit. God, the
All-Oneness is Love; Its Breath and Light are the Holy Spirit. The Light and Sound carry the
Message of Its Love out to every corner of Creation.
Now then, what is fear? Fear is the experience of separateness. It is loneliness and lack,
and its spirit is darkness.
When one loses awareness of its connection with All, it loses assurance that it will be sus-
tained. This unfortunate one believes that it may cease to exist; it begins to fear.
As this creature begins to fear, the feeling of separateness increases, which leads to more
fear, so soon it enters a vicious circle, like a whirlpool sucking it down into oblivion.
But the One has provided an escape hatch for such unfortunate ones...
Imagine a fish caught in a whirlpool. It struggles and fights, to no avail. Soon the terrified
fish has exhausted itself and, no longer able to resist, it finally surrenders. It surrenders, and
rides round and round, spinning out the bottom of the whirlpool and back into its peaceful ocean
The black hole of fear is to you as the whirlpool is to the fish. Should you find yourself swept
irretrievably into its powerful swirling tide, all you need do is simply ride the currents out through
to the other side. It is only the fighting which would eventually prove fatal; but if you just surren-
der, you'll soon be carried to safety. Then you will recover your true sense of connection with All
Why does the physical universe (along with a few others of lower vibratory nature) need to
be polarized into duality at all? Most of the explanation is technical beyond your understanding,
but it is appropriate here for Me to oversimplify and state that it is so out of mechanical neces-
sity. Nonetheless, we are designed to use these dualities to our unbounded advantage.
The greater the darkness, the brighter the Light; and so, we use the dark to help us know the
Light. We use the Silence to know the Sound.
Again I say to you that We of the Legions of Love and Light find no enemy in the darkness; it
simply is, but We come forth in Love, bearing the Light.
And how may one tell the difference? It is true enough, at times the distinctions will seem
subtle. But these seven guidelines are very simple to follow and observe:
1. Love tells the Truth, while fear hides Truth or lies.
2. Love seeks Knowledge; fear flees and denies.
3. Love demands growth of the Spirit; fear fosters dependency.
4. Love works for the Greater Good over the longest term; fear craves immediate self-
5. Love usually says, "Yes;" fear usually says "No.”
6. Love brings All together in Unity; fear makes barriers and separates.
7. Love "Walks Its Talk;" fear talks one way, but walks another.
Yours is a Universe of Free Will. It is structured thus that you may become Conscious Co-
Creators with the One. All things are allowed, but at any time you are free to claim total connec-
tion with the Oneness. You choose freely of experience that you may learn, until you freely
choose to be consciously a Part of the All-Oneness.
At a certain point in the development of this fabulous lifeform we call Gaia, the element of
fear was introduced. This came through the Free Will choice of certain beings who desired to
exploit your realm in the name of fear. You yourselves chose to experience here, fully aware on
certain levels that this would develop within you qualities which you sought.
While the exploitation of Gaia through fear commenced some 100,000 of your years ago, it
has been only 2,000 years since the vibration of fear reached global consciousness on this
planet. Originating out of a powerful vortex in North Africa, that negative force spread across
Europe and Asia, over the oceans and to every continent.
The beings who seeded and cultivated fear were able to utilize this vibration for their nour-
ishment. One of their primary tools for fear-propagation was darkness -in other words, the inhi-
bition of free information exchange -in yet other words, the blotting out of the Light. Such dark
beings are both incarnate and semi-incarnate extraterrestrials, as well as lower but very powerful
spiritual entities. They have spiritual and technical capabilities which only their Ascended Christ
counterparts can overcome.
One can readily perceive the havoc which these dark ones have wrought upon our Mother
Gaia; yet we have in our favor a Phenomenon against which they are powerless... and the cycle
has come full circle now.
The Phenomenon is this: by its very nature, fear can only add to the power of its legions one
member at a time. It can pick up one new adherent here, and the power of fear is increased by
one; it can add twenty over there, and then twenty are added to fear's domain.
Love, on the other hand, increases geometrically. When two people join the Legions of
Love, their power becomes four; when four join them, their power is magnified fourfold. When
we have one million new members to join hands with the one million already enlisted, how much
greater will be our Power? One million-million, of course! You can see now that Love is in a po-
sition to take this world back by storm!
So, precious darlings, you no longer have any need to fear. You have worked hard and pa-
tiently for eons; be patient just a little longer. This is not a battle to be won or lost. It is the frui-
tion of our Destiny. Step forth lightly and with confidence, letting your Love shine for all those
whom you may meet.
You have arrived, My beloveds, and I am pleased beyond telling. My Love pours out on you
in a great torrent of Heavenly Joy. My Joy is the Joy of the One, who knows your triumph and
rejoices eternally.
Remember, the best way to receive Love is to give it. The easiest way to bring Love into
your life is to start by Loving yourself.
The Good, the Real & the Unreal

KUALI: Christed One, what can You say about Good and evil? Are we forgiven? Do we need to
earn forgiveness?
CHRIST: Oh, precious child! How will you feel when I tell you that you are not forgiven?
"Forgiveness" implies that you had somehow wronged or offended the Creator... but there was
never anything about you to forgive!
Here indeed is a Truth to dash against the rocks of Reality those trapped in the undertow of
self-judgment and low self-esteem. As you consider this and meditate upon your true Nature,
perhaps you will come to see that it is you, and only you, who need to forgive yourself.
You were created by the All-One in Its own image, is this not true? Of course this is true. So
can we suppose that the Perfect Divine Oneness ever judges Itself? Of course not. You were
sent here -by your own choice -to remember your own Perfect Divine Nature.
In the process of remembering, you generally go through a somewhat prolonged period of
trial and error, however. Recall for yourself just how I define "sin": A turning away from your pre-
programmed path back to the Center, sometimes referred to as the Godhead. Sin, by this
definition, is simply a wrong turn, or error.
"To err is human," as it is oft said; but to forgive is also human. I tell you this, because our
Creator sees nothing to forgive.
Now having said all of this, I will repeat that you are responsible for all that you manifest
within these realms of duality. A System has been set up by the One, and is administered
through Its Angelic Agents, to ensure that you reap precisely what you sow. You have Free Will,
or freedom of choice, always. The results of your every thought, word, feeling and deed will
always return to their point of origin: Yourself.
Do not, however, allow this to lead to some conclusion which states that your Creator is ever
offended by your errors. It expects that you will try different things in order to learn what works.
But in another sense, I readily understand the confusion surrounding this issue for some of you.
You see, what happens to a single blade of grass is felt throughout the entire Universal
Being. This fact was very basic to most of your Native Peoples, and of course I mentioned this
numerous times as Jesus. Because of this realization, that one's every act affects every other
part of Creation, one might readily deduce that to offend anyone or anything is to offend God;
and in a certain sense, that is correct... but what I am trying to say, is that from the Center, you
are viewed as Perfection. Nothing about your Nature is seen as anything less than Divine.
So now I come to the eternal quandary, "What is Good?" and "What is evil?" I have already
told you that there is really no battle between the two. I have also hinted at the idea that Good =
Love, and fear = evil. Why do you suppose I have approached this notion in such a roundabout
I did so in order to keep the judgment out of these things. Most people on your planet today
have been heavily influenced by the Piscean doctrine of Good vs. Evil. So instead I told you
that there are only two forces in operation on this physical dimension: Love and fear, which is
absolutely true. I called fear the oppositionary complement of Love. I noted that to know the
Light, you need awareness of the dark. Thus, you may take everything which I have said about
Love and fear and apply those same principles to your understanding of good and evil.
To turn away from one's True Nature is to become unreal. To embrace a paradigm of fearful
chaos is to ally with the un-True. Living by that which is un-True is to live a lie. So it is that evil
is simply the folly of Truth's denial, a self-deception. One has only to readmit the Reality of one's
True Divine Nature to restore the Good.
You may have recognized, all the same, that evil is a very active form of fear, in that it seeks
to block spiritual progress at every turn. It plants within a seed of false pride, and the ego begins
to take over control. This fear-driven ego refuses to relinquish control. The ego begins to fear
the release of fear -that to admit to the falsehood of its basis will result in death.
Yes, death of the ego will result when one finally acknowledges the falsity of fear; but ego-
death only, not of the True Self. For this reason, one who has plunged into the whirlpool of evil's
delusion struggles in desperation to stay inside the funnel. The fear of letting go is the fear of
death; but one cannot hold on forever. Inevitably, this one will tire and finally allow itself release
back into the clear waters of Love. To this one's astonishment, Life, not death, is there waiting.
A renewal has taken place.
Let Me give an example. For over 150 years, American people have been living
extravagantly and wastefully, depleting resources, polluting and disturbing the natural balance
globe-wide. At least until the 1950's 1960's, hardly any Americans were aware of this fact. Up
until the point in time when the people learned just how destructive their lifestyle was to the
planet, they were only responsible for the actual destruction they caused. But to continue in the
same manner after having become aware is to willfully engage in an act which is evil. The level
of accountability, then, is raised considerably. The consequences will be much greater. Those
consequences will vary dramatically from person to person, with those consciously engaged in
extremely harmful acts experiencing a greater result than those more passively and
unconsciously involved. However the American people, as a unit of mass consciousness, are
still accountable and nearly everyone will encounter some level of payback.
To a degree this folly is understandable. The people fear that to change is to die. They
believe their economies will collapse and that they may starve to death. This of course is
absolutely false, but the people are now trapped in a whirlpool of self-delusion. So they continue
to fight their evolution. Their every act leads to more dire consequences, and their fear
increases. But this struggle cannot be sustained indefinitely.
I will go into more detail on this subject later. Until then, do not indulge yourself in dark
imaginings for the future. The overall picture is much brighter than you may suspect.
"What of the Garden of Eden?"
I hear this question rolling through the minds of many. They wonder about this concept
called "original sin" -the idea that we are born sinful, inherently offensive to our Divine Parent.
Now, know the origins of the true concept out of which grew the distorted concept of original sin:
Your original error was made in denying your connection with the One. As you descended
from the plane of your Creation with your ancestral Soul Group, you fell prey to a lie. You were
endowed with Free Will; yet you succumbed to the fear that in reconnecting with the Oneness
you would lose your individual Self. This is pure poppy-cock, of course -but it is the error you
The entire Adam and Eve story is symbolic. It has to do with the Soul Groups who originally
descended to the physical for the purpose of assisting Creation here -and of how they forgot their
purpose. Unfortunately and as usual, the old testament takes a matter of fact and twists it into a
scrimmage between Good and evil.
There is another flaw in the story: Eve as the Original Woman. It is true that before Eve
there had been created the Feminine Archetype, the perfect complement of the Masculine. This
woman was a composite of the characters we know from certain branches of mythology as
Lulutine and Lillith. Lulutine embodied the empowering aspects of helpfulness, support and
nurturing, while Lillith reveals the dark side of feminine power -jealousy, competition for the
Grace of the One, guile and manipulation. But just as Adam was the potential God with all of his
human failings, so the First Woman was the Goddess with all of her imperfection. Both were
created equally by the One.
At some point in the evolution of the male-dominated, fear-motivated Church structures, all
reference to the Archetypal Woman was deleted, replaced with the concept of Eve, a "helpmate"
for Adam. Even her status as an unique Creation of the One was suspended, being made
instead from Adam's rib. Then the stage is set for Woman to carry the blame for all that has
apparently gone wrong in the world. She first tastes the forbidden fruit, then is held liable for
having talked Adam into doing the same -as though Adam had no Free Will choice in the matter!
So our fair and loving Heavenly Parent is cast as the Angry, Offended God... throwing our
fair young Souls to the snake as it were, subjecting them to a test which they cannot possibly
understand, not even informing them that a test was forthcoming, and finally castigating and
condemning them to the roots of their very Souls -and most galling of all, the Souls of their
eternal progeny -for failing at this impossible charade.
I find the whole sordid affair rather insulting. If you knew the boundless Charity of our
Creator as I do, you would understand. It's kind of like calling someone's Mother a Bitch, if you
get My drift. Thus does the old testament treat the Benevolent One. I think that volume would
make a welcome addition to any compost heap.
Forgive Me My passion, devoted ones; but perhaps as you Ascend and attain the Christ
yourselves, you will understand the depth of My Love for It, which makes hearing foolish and
slanderous fabrications a bit difficult to stomach. To put things in simplified perspective, the old
testament serves better the cause of evil -breeding fear and misinformation -than that of Good.
Remember: The evil poses no more a threat to the Good than does the darkness to the
Flame. We must stop this fearing of fear. You are designed to serve the Light. It is your Nature
and your Destiny. You are programmed for it, but will reach your goal through the exercise of
your own Free Will, aligning this quality with the Will of the One.
I want to reaffirm here the Number One Mistake of early Christianity, which has been carried
forward to this day: The idea that I as Jesus or I as Christ paid for your sins. The early
Christians, desiring to spread My Message, compromised the Truth many times. They believed
these compromises would add more followers to the flock, by making Christianity resemble some
of the more god-fearing cults. Ultimately those compromises did indeed attract more followers,
but in sacrificing the Truth, Christianity itself lost Christ.
I brought to you all Salvation, not a ransom purse for a vengeful god.
Christianity's Mistake Number Two was in emphasizing the personality of Jesus over the
Principle of Christ -an error which also persists to this very day. Jesus is Christ. Sananda is
Christ. But you need to focus on Christ... Not Jesus... Not Sananda... Christ!
By the way, this is a good time to clarify for you that there is no hell as it is popularly
conceived. What there is, and some of the old prophets have seen it, is a type of correctional
facility on the lower astral. This has been visited by such persons as your historic Adolf Hitler.
Relatively few are ever brought to this facility, which helps those who have accrued unacceptably
large karmic debts. They are able to rapidly settle a large portion of their account without having
to physically incarnate. While rather unpleasant, the experience of this hell is usually effective.
Unlike your physical plane prisons, it truly rehabilitates and is definitely not eternal.
Again, many volumes could be filled with this one subject regarding Good and evil, but this
should be sufficient for now. The main points to keep in mind are:
1. The Creator loves us totally and unconditionally and is never offended;
2. We are programmed for Good, that is our basic Nature;
3. Evil is a radical manifestation of fear and misinformation but it is not an enemy;
4. To focus on Love, which is Good, with all of one's heart, mind and Soul is the best way of
avoiding that which is not.
Thank you again, honored Kuali, My Love surrounds you and all beloved Kin-Souls in our
Family of Light.
Reincarnation & Karma Made Simple

PARABLE: "Farming Awareness"

A farmer surveyed his newly planted field, and all seemed well. He had made
improvements. He had gotten rid of the bothersome weeds using a powerful poison Then he
had tilled into the earth a potent "miracle" petro-chemical fertilizer. He also used growth-
producing hormones, so that now the crop was sure to flourish.
There was one thing the well-meaning farmer failed to observe. Nearly all of the rich
microscopic life in the soil had died. Indeed the crop of laboratory-hybridized seed stock sprang
to life, but the life force in them was hollow. The plants looked healthy, but were not. Soon
malingering spores produced fungal infections and other diseases.
The farmer sprayed the plants with more poisons and this slowed down the spread of
diseases at first. But it also finished off whatever benign bacteria remained in the soil. Soon the
diseases returned. A plethora of insects, immune to any poison the farmer could throw at them,
came in and devoured all that was left.
The now barren and sterile land was washed and blown away by wind and rain. It became a
desert. The farmer could grow nothing there any longer. Soon the bank came and took away his
Driving aimlessly with his last few possessions in a battered pickup truck, the defeated
farmer passed a lush field. Everything was green and thriving, like the farms he remembered
seeing as a child. A man standing there with a pitchfork smiled and waved.
Stopping, the farmer surveyed this scene with wonder. He marveled at how healthy were the
crops, unblemished and untouched by disease. Soon he noticed a few weeds growing healthy
nearby. Upon closer observation, he saw a very few of those predacious insects which had
destroyed his crop.
"What'cha gon' do 'bout them weeds and critters?" he asked the man.
"Why, nothin' I s'pose," replied the other.
"But them critters'll munch down yer whole crop!"
"I reckon not... the soil here is pure and healthy, the crops is strong. They resist disease.
They can hold their own against the weeds, which my wife likes to use in recipes. Them few
critters git et by the other critters and hey, they gotta live too, right?"
"In the name of gaw!" exclaimed the first farmer.
Standing there in the sun, breathing in the fresh pungent air, knee deep in green, life
overflowing -a faint realization had its dawning within his mind.
This is a simple example of how we learn through Cause and Effect.
KUALI: Dear Friend, there is no direct reference in the bible on anything you might have taught
regarding karma and reincarnation. You have told me that you wish to speak on this subject...
JESUS-SANANDA: Truly, Kuali! Much of importance which I taught was eventually deleted
from your bible; many of My words were altered by someone or another to serve personal gain;
and much more was added which I never did say at all.
And why were you angered so, brother-child, at the words which you just found in the book of
Matthew? Indeed you recognized the lies attributed to Me, statements which I never made... is
that why you threw your bible into the fire? Well, well! Surely the lies were purged in the Flame
of Spirit, and whatever remained was the Living Truth.
Now, there do survive two or three references to the Perfect System of Balance and our
Heavenly Parent's Divine Course of Study remaining in the bible. They are oblique though, and
no doubt slipped through the fine-toothed lice-comb of the biblical editors.
No matter. I will set forth now that which was suppressed.
Let Me begin by stating again the purpose of the spark of Creator which we refer to as Soul:
To grow into full conscious awareness of its Divine Connection to the One, and then to assist the
One in Its ongoing Creation. Soul is most definitely as much of the One as is a Spark from the
original Bonfire, and as such capable of igniting new Fires.
Be assured, each and everyone, that you are not here to serve as pawns in some mythical
Battle between Good and evil, as though the One did not have total and absolute control over
every aspect of Its Creation.
I will do well to point out of course, that your dimension is quite unique in that there exists
here the wild card of Free Will. Even so, the provision for our freedom of choice was made by
the One, so within that context all things remain solidly under our Parent's ultimate control.
Obviously this seeming paradox -the fact of our Creator's total control versus Free Will in
which virtually all things are allowed -has led to much confusion for earthbound incarnates. The
possibilities stemming from this situation are so vast that they can overwhelm the simpler, less-
developed Essence. The concept confuses and frightens such ones, and this is why they will
cling to the simpler notion that we are given a single life, a single "shot" to either succeed or fail
in securing our eternal survival. They cling to this notion, in spite of the fact that it makes no
sense for a Merciful and Loving Creator to have constructed things so.
I have told you before, I will speak it again: Virtually every single Child begotten of the
Parent eventually finds its way Home.
But how is this accomplished, you ask? It is exceedingly simple, really. There is a School.
There are Teachers within the School, Self-experience being primary. The School has one single
Rule, and the Rule is this: You may try anything you desire, and the results of all your actions
will be returned to you. You cannot break this rule under any circumstances, but as soon as you
have mastered the Rule and learned to rise above it, you graduate. Then the good stuff begins.
When I told you that I would not have been allowed to take away mankind's responsibility for
its acts, there was no discrepancy. That would have constituted breaking the Rule, and that is
not permitted. Rising above the Rule however, is where all of our efforts will finally lead.
For there exists a Great Law, that of Cause and Effect; that is to say, for every action there
will be an opposite but equal reaction. "Opposite" in this context refers to the action which you
send forth returning to you. "What goes around comes around," and "What you sow, so shall you
reap" are statements containing this Truth. It permeates the laws of physics, and not only these
but those governing the fields of emotion, thought, psychology and spirituality all the way up to
our Ascended State at which point we may rise above Cause and Effect and become purely
The task which Soul faces in mastering Cause and Effect, or Karma, may involve a highly
prolonged period of trial and error. While the workings of Nature are constructed upon principles
which are the very Genius of simplicity, they have evolved and diversified into a state of
seemingly grand complexity. "The mill of God grinds slowly but exceedingly fine," states the
ancient axiom and it is exceedingly true. In fact, the learning challenge which Soul takes on in
this would make a rat's negotiating a maze the size of North America seem simple by
Perhaps some of you imagine this to be uncharacteristically cruel for our just and merciful
Creator to ask of us. Please bear in mind, however, that Soul resides at a level which is beyond
time as we know it. Soul has all the time in the world, we might say.
The created Soul Essence is given virtually unlimited opportunity for expressing and
experiencing on this plane if it so chooses. It experiences many incarnations in the physical
realm -incarnations numbering even into the millions if need be. To the Essence itself, this takes
no time at all, while its eventual success with all of this available practice and experience is nigh
well a given.
When one views things this way, the situation certainly does appear fair after all. How could
we expect the One to act in any way which was less than perfectly just?
Does it make any more sense to imagine that our loving and merciful Parent would
broadcast its cherished creations like so many seeds, giving them a single day or even but a
season, to flourish or to wither and die? Children, let us be reasonable!
No, the supremely loving One has provided a perfect System whereby the learning Essence
is assured mastery. If one plays the perpetrator in one act, it shall fill the role of victim in
another. If it expresses in Love, likewise Love is what shall be returned unto it.
There remains another option for the developing Soul Essence. There is another way to
balance out the returning effects of a negative act, and that is through Love. Love is the great
transcending Force of all Creation. In order to balance with Love, one counters the negative
impulses with Loving acts.
Let us imagine that you had once stolen some money from a friend. Were you to visit that
friend and offer to return what had been taken, he might forgive the debt. But if you were to tell
your friend how sincerely sorry you were for the past transgression, and then offer to do anything
within reason to try and make things right, there will form a much higher likelihood that not only
shall you be cleansed of the debt, but you may renew a lost friendship.
Now should your friend reject the offer and throw you out of his office, this does not negate
the value of your act. Perhaps you would then donate the amount stolen to a worthy charity.
Trust Me, at this point the accounts shall have been balanced.
If you have committed a seriously negative act such as murder, the Law of Love may allow
you to balance accounts by saving lives. This would be much the same as doing voluntary
community service, and goes much further to benefit the Plan than does one's suffering in
atonement. By the way, the term "atonement" can be pronounced ah-tone-ment to term the
suffering of a penalty, or At-One-Ment, meaning to recover the Oneness that we all share. I shall
leave the rest to your imagination, but you should remember two things:
1. The Law of Cause and Effect is complex beyond any dogma which one might attempt to
frame it in.
2. The Law of Love is the highest of all, and can transmute the workings of any Law
beneath it.
These results are generally not instantaneous. Some of you point to the fact that all life
forms learn most quickly when the effect of a deed comes immediately. That is true enough, but
the System could not have been constructed so. Had instant karma been practical to implement
as a general rule, it would have been.
You see, the initiator of a given Cause actually brings the Effect back to itself, all by itself. A
less-experienced Soul Essence will take a longer time to manifest its consequences than one
which has had more practice. This is why, as one approaches the state of Mastery, the karmic
response follows more and more closely the precipitating Cause -in other words, the Master does
experience instant karma.
Let us consider the term "karma.” We could interpret this phenomenon just as readily as a
form of "judgment,” could we not? So the fact that Soul cycles back to itself the Effect of its own
Cause naturally leads us to this logical conclusion: It is we who judge ourselves. Likewise it is
we who may set ourselves free.
Now I must admonish you that many experiences chosen by Soul will have nothing to do with
Karma or Cause and Effect whatsoever. There are many cases, for instance, when one takes on
suffering or bliss in order to better understand some facet of the Experiential Reality. These
episodes foster an expanded awareness, compassion, understanding and what have you. For
this reason, you will want to refrain from seeing someone else's experience as due to something
they did. Such a view carries much misplaced judgment, and for all we know the being may
have chosen such experience in a more conscious manner.
Where the great Law of Cause and Effect does apply, it is administered with absolute
precision by a committed coterie serving as Agents of the Almighty One. Sometimes referred to
as the Lords of Karma, these dedicated servants assist all who express within the coarser
dimension in keeping their circles complete.
The sheer numbers of these Legions serving in the administration of the Universe would
stagger the mind, much as the intellect is overwhelmed when one looks up at the clear night sky
and ponders the number of stars spread across the vastness of space. All the more so as one
begins to appreciate that every single subatomic particle within the universe of matter knows and
is affected by every other. How could a Mechanism so vast work at all, let alone with such
perfection? Yet It does, by the Love of the One.
Many have not yet fully grasped Its Perfection. Today there are so many struggling with their
perceptions of apparent injustice within the world. These ones suffer more, in ways, than those
actually undergoing the imagined "travesties" of iniquity. These ones lack trust and Love of Self.
They have cut themselves off from conscious contact with the Source through their resentment
against It. They have a "beef with God," as it were. This experience is intensifying at the
present time, that these self-tormented ones may work through the issue and emerge afresh into
the Waters of Purity and Innocence.
Likewise, all forms of balancing the books are accelerating in this current space-time
location. The Soul Essences now sense the Turning of the Age and are striving to settle
accounts, which positions them better for entry into the Next.
This brings us around to the role of the Psyche in present-life terms. Any residual issues
leftover from prior incarnations are always brought into manifestation through present life
conditions. I am saying that if you have come in with a certain issue, it will be made manifest by
the circumstances of your birth, childhood and emotional development.
Whether or not you believe your current challenges to have their roots in a previous
incarnation -which they generally do -resolving those challenges involves taking a deep, long
look at your present life childhood. You have no doubt heard of your Inner Child; are you aware
that your Inner Child has direct access to the Eternal Self? I recommend your getting to know
that precious Child Within, to nurture and treat it Lovingly. Earn its trust!
In some cases, one's achieving release within the emotional body will spell the difference
between enjoyment of Ascension during this lifetime or not. In most cases, Ascension will form
the dividing line between which of the Two Worlds you shall reside in for the coming Age. I will
be discussing the Two Worlds in the next Section.
I will complete this discussion with Love. I send forth Love, and Love returns to Me. In this
way My beloved One becomes ever more conscious of Its Creation. We do well to bear this in
mind always as we approach that state of blessed Ascension.
Ultimately all digressions are Crimes Against the Self. Conversely, to give Love is to receive
Love. As I said before, while ignorance of the law is no excuse, the level of personal
accountability is increased with rising conscious awareness. So the more consciously one acts in
the name of Love, the greater are Love's rewards.
All of Soul's experience revolves around the two primary states of existence within these
realms: Love and fear. Living in the mode of fear causes one to swing on a pendulum of action
and reaction. Living by the Law of Love, one becomes pure Cause. Love leads to Eternal Bliss,
the rising above. Love is the only True Reality.
With every thought, word or deed, ask yourself, "Is this something I want to give, knowing it
shall be returned to me?" Of course one must be honest. Do not use this to stifle your feeling of
expression. Let it guide you in choosing the best course. What serves the Greater Good will
naturally serve you as well.
My Love pulses outward to fill your hearts, returning back through Me to the Center.

KUALI: Will you tell us, dear One, how Time really functions?
JESUS-SANANDA: Gladly, My son. The human intellect is not equipped to conceive of infinite
concepts; yet the Creative Reality is infinite in every aspect. Fortunately, the Soul Essence can
be accessed by anyone, and true understanding known within the conscious human state.
Time is a creation within the dual realities; it does not exist at the level of Christed
Awareness. To put this more clearly, all things exist as One in the state of Christ.
Moreover, "space" is also a creation of the dual spheres. All places exist at one point, at
the Center of Oneness.
Time as you know it is really an illusion. It is composed of twin aspects: Sequence and
Movement. You hear of the so-called "time track" and from your perspective this is just how it
presents itself. It is like a motion picture film. You see an event as one of the frames in the film.
These events are lined up in a certain sequential order, referred to as "chronological.”
You see that as you shift your attention from one frame to the next, the events begin to
take on the appearance of movement. But all of these seemingly separate moments actually
exist together in the same One moment. What is really changing is your focus of attention.
In your time-space dimension, the sequence or order of events appears to be solidly and
immutably fixed. The order cannot be changed, or so do you think. In fact, just as the film editor
may slice a frame or group of frames out of the film and splice them back into any other section,
you may change the sequence of events if you should wish. It is also like a deck of cards, which
you may shuffle into any desired order. The "order" is really just an idea, for all events exist
The movement aspect, however, is much more fluid, as all of you realize. When time
seems to "drag" or "fly,” you are experiencing modulations in the rate of movement. Perhaps
you have found yourself leaving late for an appointment. Given the set travel time, you had no
choice but to arrive late to your destination. Or had you? Perhaps you relaxed and surrendered
the results into the hands of Spirit, then proceeded upon your way, peaceful and contented.
Would it come as such a shattering surprise, were you to find upon arriving, that you were "on
time" after all?
The foregoing is a case where consciousness may influence a shift in attention which
alters the progression of time. It is through these acts of choice that we learn the real nature of
time -that time is not fixed, but rather an idea which can be changed at will.
Kuali, My faithful secretary, believes that he has spent many hours and months in time-
consuming communication with Me. What actually happened, is that one day Kuali achieved a
Soul-Mind link with Me. I was able to communicate the entire contents of this book to his mind in
less than one billionth of a second!
I love to dramatize this idea, but for Me it is really no big deal. Most of that minute
fraction of a second was spent in interface, what you might call logging on and off. A major
difference between My exchange with Kuali and that between two computers, is that he also
received a quantum of My Essence. What this allowed was for Kuali, in his own good time, to
actually be with Me, in My Presence, throughout the writing of this book. Our togetherness is no
less genuine, but this technique assists Me greatly. I perform a great number of activities within
the realms of time-space with many persons. With so busy a schedule, the method of warp-
speed communication allows Me to enjoy productive intimacy with all of them.
Regarding the experience of Soul, I mentioned the millions of physical incarnations typical
in the process of one's maturation. As I said, for Soul this takes no time at all, since Soul exists
outside the boundaries of time.
The common assumption holds that incarnations run in chronological sequence, just as
does time in your perception. This is not always how it happens. Going back to the deck of
cards analogy, one might draw a life in 20th century London, a pitiful alcoholic beggar who
freezes to death one winter's eve. Another card in the stack might depict the sage Nostradamus,
writing contentedly in his Medieval study. This is but a fictionary example by the way, but I
believe you grasp the concept. Soul is created outside of time and space, and may incarnate at
any time or place of its choosing.
Many people are just as dogmatic in their reincarnational perspectives as those who
believe they live but a single life.
If you are ready, then here is more... lifetimes may be experienced simultaneously as well
as alternately. Someone recalls two different incarnations overlapping in time. Is one an
illusion? Of course not. The Soul Essence has experienced both. Both at the same time; not
only that, it has experienced all of its lives in One moment.
Here is more... suppose you have reached a critical cusp of decision in your life. Should
you go this way or that? At last the choice is made. Hopefully, as one looks back, this will have
been the right choice. What if, in that crucial moment of doubt, one split one's consciousness
and went both ways, living out both potentials? That is just what happens, and in fact the
number of alternative "yous" which exist would send the intellect spinning off to lunch. It is not
so hard to visualize, however... just imagine a great tree with many branches, and branches
branching off of branches branching... The Tree of Experiential Knowledge.
In spite of all this, I shall encourage you Light Ones to stay attentively tuned to the Now.
All of Eternity lives in the present. Great havoc is instilled by regret over the past and worry for
the future. Our only opportunity for correcting yesterday's mistakes, our only hope for a bright
tomorrow, lie in living today, one day at a time.
The Eternal Now contains all that we could ever need or want.
Sacred Sex with Dr. Truth

PARABLE: "A Slight Delay"

A child was waiting for her airplane flight. She had planned a trip to go visit some relatives
whom she had not seen for quite some time. The girl was excited, hardly able to wait until she
could board the plane.
Finally the airplane arrived, and lots of passengers moved into and through the terminal.
The child grew more excited, knowing her time was fast approaching.
Suddenly a loudspeaker announced that the outbound flight had to be canceled, due to a
malfunction which had been discovered with the plane... the scheduled takeoff was being
"aborted!" This caused our young friend a great deal of distress, and she turned tearfully to her
"What shall I do?" she cried.
Well, after a few calm moments of discussion with the airline personnel, the guardian was
able to arrange an alternate flight. In what seemed like no time at all, the girl was on her way to
the planned destination, and into the waiting arms of her relatives.
The pilot of this grounded airplane still had a problem to contend with; but from the
standpoint of our little friend's perception, everything turned out just fine.
KUALI: Teacher, with all of the controversy over issues of sexuality -new lab-fertilization
techniques, genetic engineering, homosexual practices, AIDS and other STDs, and especially
abortion, could You shed some Light for us?
JESUS-SANANDA: Cherished friends, it will be My greatest pleasure to clarify once and for all,
these matters which have been given overly much attention -or attention of misguided quality, I
might say...
I want to begin by discussing the Sacred Nature of the sexual union. This union is
particularly sacred for those abiding in the human state of consciousness, and as such will want
to be approached with the greatest Love and respect.
While the mechanism of sex is considered by most to have been designed primarily for the
purpose of reproduction, hence survival of the species, this is not essentially correct. People are
getting the "cart before the horse," as it were.
Gender polarities originate out of the Causal plane of existence. This is the first level at
which the Spirit is split into the force of duality. On your physical dimension, most organisms
beyond the single cell phase are differentiated into male or female orientations. Furthermore,
you will observe among almost all higher mammals a fervent ecstasy attendant with the
experience of coupling. It would be more correct to say that the designed purpose of sex is Love
first, and reproduction second.
The individual, or "un-divided-duality,” can experience its true self-unity through the process
of sharing physical connection with another. In its fully unfolded form, the act of making love lifts
the lovers into a state of Cosmic Bliss, wherein the One becomes a joyful participant. In this
way, the One knows better Its Creation, and thus the sexual union is truly sacred.
Since true Love requires deep intimacy, and that takes time and commitment to develop, the
sexual union should not be entered into frivolously. One will find that there are responsibilities
associated with the joining. For one thing, the two are mixing essences, not purely on the
physical level, but on those of emotive, mental, causal and spiritual planes as well. They
actually exchange karmic influences, and this cannot be avoided.
There is one more potential problem surrounding the issue of "falling in love.” This stage of
pair-bonding has served a vital purpose all through human history; but now, for some it can really
get in the way. Many of you are just beginning to link up to the true Source of energy which I
have already mentioned. As you do this, you are becoming whole and complete people.
Most people on earth today look like "crescent moons" energy-wise, and a very few would
appear as complete "full moons.” Take two people who each are growing into the fullness of
themselves, and then have them meet and "fall in love.” At this point, they will bond powerfully
-but not in dual completeness. They will use each other to fill up their energies. This works for
awhile, and the experience is blissfully ecstatic. Then the plays for control over one another
begin. It can get quite ugly when two people, feeling incomplete, start to compete for one
another's energies.
If you find that you are just now in the process of completing your linkup with the Universal
Source, it would be best for you to delay entering into any romantic relationship. After you have
had some time fully accepting the energy, letting it totally support you, then you will have
become truly whole within yourself. Now you may go forward with a relationship without having it
interrupt your spiritual growth.
Even though the state of sexual bliss can be one of the highest possible experiences for
those incarnate, it can be perfectly fine to use the union for less lofty purposes, such as starting a
pregnancy or releasing pent-up tension.
A real imbalance results, however, from indiscriminate use of the sexual power. Any force,
however sacred, can be misused. We hear the preachers lambasting those who "fornicate" -this
is not what I am speaking of; I am referring to promiscuity, the taking on of many partners
without regard for the sacredness of the union, without having developed real intimacy. Many of
those preachers indulge in promiscuous ways themselves, One knows!
This constraint against promiscuity will not bring judgment from Me or anyone else, it is
simply a matter of irresponsibility. One will want to enter the act of physical Love with full
knowledge of just what one is getting into, if you will forgive the pun.
Now having lightened the atmosphere a bit, I will address the issue of abortion. This entire
debate rages over two central questions, of which most of the debaters are not even aware:
"When is Soul conceived?" and "When is a physical body ensouled?"
Some assume that every egg in a woman's ovaries is holding a potential Soul, which will be
activated upon fertilization. That is rich indeed... are they aware that a woman's ovaries, at the
time of her own birth, contain over 200,000 ova? Do they even know all of the "potential Souls"
which would be lost in every menstrual cycle? And why is not every sperm which a man holds
also a potential Soul?
We know when the ovum is fertilized and a new human body begins to grow. It is believed
by many that God as they understand God has nothing better to do than sit by, poised to create
and flash a brand new Soul into any egg at the moment it is fertilized.
Thus, it is postulated by those misinformed, should the growth of this fetus be terminated for
any reason, then a Soul has been lost for all eternity. Whether by miscarriage or intentional
abortion, we are told, should this as-yet-undeveloped body cease to exist, the Soul implanted
within it will never reach Heaven. Actually, there is wide disagreement on this matter even
amongst the so-called Fundamental Christians; some believe that the now-disenfranchised Soul
does go straight to heaven; others say that lacking baptism, it must go to hell or some no-man's
land called "limbo;" some say it ceases to exist altogether.
The pitifully laughable thing about these wild notions is that they do not even have any
biblically based origin -and even if they had, I am here to set the matter straight.
Our Loving, Just and Merciful Creator does not waste.
No, Soul is not created at the time of an egg's fertilization. Soul is/was/will be created at the
Center, where time does not exist. The Essence of what we are is eternal, unborn and never
dies. Soul simply is. It seeks and chooses the time and opportunity for physical incarnation. It
makes agreements with those who will act as its parents and family before it ever comes in.
Usually the Soul-Essence takes up residence in the new body just before birth. In whatever
case, it can inhabit a developing fetus only as early as the point at which that body could
conceivably survive outside its host -the biological mother. If a baby is born prematurely, the
Soul will often try to inhabit it if the chances for survival are good. This point was never before
six or seven months; with current medical advancements, the point is now closer to five months.
It is possible, of course, to grow a fetus entirely outside its maternal host, although you still lack
the technology for achieving this. Here is the point which I wish to emphasize: Unless a soul
occupies the fetus at some point, there is no true "life" -and the unensouled body will "die.”
The latest time at which a Soul may occupy the fetus is approximately seventy-two hours
after birth. Beyond this time, again, the body will die.
Owing to these facts, I recommend that an abortion be carried out no later than the end of
the first trimester. At present, given your current technological development, there is no chance
whatsoever that the fetus at twelve weeks or less can survive. It cannot under any
circumstances be occupied by a Soul. I must caution you, however -a woman may undergo
severe spiritual and/or psychological trauma after having a pregnancy terminated. This is by no
means always the case, but one should be aware of the potential negative side effects, which
can last for years.
This is why I will again stress the need for personal responsibility. Just as the act of sharing
physical Love is sacred, so too is the conception of a potential human being. Given your present
advances in contraception, there is little excuse for coming down with an unwanted pregnancy,
and abortion is not an efficient means of birth control. I would add that having more women
involved in the fields of government and medical research would have yielded far better forms of
contraception than are available now.
The imbalances caused by increasingly irresponsible attitudes toward sex are wreaking quite
some havoc today. We still have unreasonable population growth, even in the industrialized
nations where birth control is widely available. We have sexually-transmitted diseases which are
spreading epidemically; you will soon see HIV as friendly compared to what is coming. We have
violence and perversions of every description being perpetrated in the guise of sex.
One aspect I will not label as imbalance is the rising incidence of homosexual/transsexual
tendencies. These are not in themselves wrong, immoral or unspiritual, and never were. As
long as humans have been polarized into separate genders, there have been some who were
wired differently from the standard of heterosexual orientation. Notice I label heterosexuality as
"standard,” but not as right, wrong, good or bad.
Those alternatively oriented people are usually Souls beginning to cross over from one
gender into the other -but not always. There are many reasons for one to desire sexual
experience with another of same gender. One very beautiful example occurs when two Souls
who are extremely intimate, and who may go back many lifetimes together, just happen to have
incarnated into bodies of the same sex. Their expression of Love will be just as perfect, just as
honoring of the One, as any heterogenous expression. This is quite common in lesbian liaisons,
and male-to-male contacts as well.
Whereas the percentage of homosexuals has risen, this is not an imbalance; rather, the
swing in this direction is a balanced response to the general sexual imbalance of society as a
whole. Thus you may see it as a healthy choice for some, and for many not a matter of choice at
all, since this is simply their nature which they could not change even if they wanted to. You do
not need to look far to locate the societal imbalances in the sexual arena. So many men deny
and are terrified by their feminine aspects that it has become a veritable Plague; and it is literally
killing them. That is why the fundamentalists, who are exceptionally frozen in their beliefs and
attitudes, are so terrified by homosexuality.
For the sake of balance, I do want to bring up again the issue of promiscuity, which became
a devoted lifestyle for a great many, gay and heterosexual alike, accelerating from the 1960's. I
do not suggest that HIV was a result of gay lifestyles, for it was not; it was the outcome of
imbalances resulting from irresponsible sex practices -primarily those promiscuous unions
wherein sex for sex's sake took precedence over Love between people who had attained
genuine intimacy. Naturally, AIDS has hit every sector of the population. This is another case of
the people at large being subject to consequences which stem from accrued societal karma. No
one is really a victim of anything, and many are choosing to make an exit before the serious
disruptions of Phase II Changes soon to come.
Now I have something on laboratory techniques including in-vitro fertilization and genetic
engineering. Technologies which enable people who could not otherwise get pregnant are
perfectly fine. There is something being missed, however... more people than ever before are
being rendered infertile because of toxins introduced by commercial producers into the food
supply. People are being slowly poisoned and they do not even know it. It would make better
sense to restore the food to a wholesome cleanliness than to develop genetic technologies for
people who have been rendered sterile by contaminated food.
As for other forms of genetic manipulation by science, I find the same to be true -it is
generally of dubious value. Reintroducing genetic diversity and selecting wisely from a broad
range of choices as Nature herself does makes much better sense. Genetic science will take its
place alongside the development of nuclear power as a foolish and overly dangerous way of
getting things done, given the far simpler, cheaper, safer and more natural options available.
Finally, on the subject of sexual perversion, I want to identify this first as an imbalance and
not as a judgment call between good and evil, although it can certainly manifest in that
extremely active form of fear which we know to be evil. Perversion arises for one of two
reasons: the desire for sex for sex's sake; or as a tool of subjugation for the purposes of stealing
the Life Force from another. I would define it most broadly as any act where anyone who is
involved in that act does not wish to be. That includes things other than sex, as you see.
Those who have experienced sexual abuse and violence are affected not only emotionally
but spiritually at a profound level. These people need to work very hard at their healing. Calling
upon the Child Within, practicing various forms of energy work, attending support groups of other
Light Beings, and reaching in to Christ are all good ways for the victims to find healing -and the
"silver lining" which will empower them to become even greater servants of the Light.
Christ, in the light of this new realization of neutral gender will help many as never before.
Those old notions of a strictly male Christ prevented many women from benefiting. How could a
woman who was molested as a child by her father accept and trust a male Christ to heal her?
She needs the Healing of God the Mother! Actually, the Christ Consciousness features aspects
of both genders, since It originates above the dual planes. You may see Christ as a beautiful
woman -a Goddess of Love and Healing. The All-Loving Christ will manifest Itself to you in
whatever form you need It to.
Allow Me to close this topic, dear ones, on a note of Love. Since your sexuality is just one
natural manifestation of Love's Way, it is Purity and Innocence. All we need do is approach a
thing in the Spirit of Love, and it will naturally unfold as pure and innocent. It is only those who
cultivate fear for whom sex becomes perverted; but partake of this force purely in the name of
Love, and for you it shall always be Holy.
In unconditional Agape, receive My wishes, brothers and sisters, that you may find the dizzy,
blistering, blessed heights of Eros' flaming passion!
Heavenly Jams

KUALI: Lord and Friend, I know that our Creator issued a Tone, and in the singing of this made
the Universe of Creation... is it possible for one to recreate this Sound here on Earth?
JESUS-SANANDA: Music! The Song of Heaven... do you imagine that in singing and playing
this Music, you might make a Heaven on Earth? You imagine correctly My child! Each of you
was Created to Dance with Creator in the endless Dance of Creation. This is your purpose.
So in joining consciously this Dance of Creation, the twin Aspects which you will employ are
Love and Spirit.
Love is the Player, the Artist, the Dancer, the One who sends forth the Spirit. It is the Free
Will Intention. It is the precipitating Force. It is the Desire for Motion.
Spirit is the Instrument, the LightSound. Spirit is the Word, the Information. It is composed
of Light and Sound. The Light and Sound are not two things separate, but are equally of the One
Vibration, which is Spirit, or the Breath of our Heavenly Parent. Thus, Spirit is the Motion.
Musically, one works with the Sound. The original Tone cannot be heard in the waves of
vibrating air molecules. It is Primal. When this Tone moves through the layers of Universal
Creation, it echoes and reverberates. The issued Tone always returns to the Center. Creator
hears the returning Tone, and all of the information which the Tone brings back. This is
somewhat like the sonar utilized by bats. When Creator hears its Note return, bringing with it all
of the good news of Creation, Creator is overjoyed. So It resonates with the returning impulses,
harmonizes with the reverberating echoes. This sets up an harmonic feedback, and multiplies
upon itself.
Now, within your dimension, which is currently of the Third Magnitude, the primary Tone
would translate into the note you identify as "C.” This note C may replicate itself on many
octaves, including those above and below your range of hearing. Contained within C are all of
the other possible intervals which lie between a given range of C, its octave above, and its
octave below.
Most music of the western hemisphere identifies the intervals between one octave of C in
half steps, making twelve tones in an octave. We know this division of tones within the octaval
spectrum to be arbitrary, since there is an infinite possible number of tones lying between any
two intervals.
But it is like looking at a rainbow. Somewhere in the rainbow spectrum there is a definite
color of red; elsewhere one finds six other colors, for a total of seven. The eighth color is red
again, as the rainbow is repeated in a new octave. If you have seen double and triple rainbows,
this will make sense. This is why the tonal spectrum from C to C is most pleasing to the ear
when it is divided into a scale of seven notes -seven notes such as C, D, E, F, G, A and B. The
eighth note is the next octave of C.
What we notice is how the harmonic intervals affect our own vibration. We are affected by
the sounding of a C note followed by a G one way. The effect is even more noticeable when the
two notes are sounded together. The impact of this most powerful of dyads is altered or
lessened by the concurrent sounding of other notes. C and G together sound the Power of the
One. An E added to them changes this to the Joy of the One. Lower the E to an E-flat, and you
hear the Sympathy of the One, who knows your sufferings and offers compassion. And so,
everything of Beauty, of Chaos, of Grief, of Joy, of Anger, of Triumph -of anything -can be
expressed in musical terms.
But what Kuali is getting at, the reproduction of the Primal Tone sounded by Creator at the
dawn of Creation, that cannot be done on Earth at her present level of initiation. Those
individuals of a musical bent will, however, experience and learn how to sound that Primal Tone
when they undergo Ascension into the Christ. Since Gaia Herself shall have been Christed,
those of you living in the New World of the Fifth Magnitude4 will be hearing for the first time the
Original Music of the One here on Earth.
My darlings, you have no idea the beauty of this Music! It shall make your present music
seem as but a shadow. This New Music of Creation, you shall be able to enjoy for pleasure and
use in the work of advancing Creation yourselves.
Why does the blackbird sing? This singing serves no apparent purpose for its survival. Why
then? It is because the blackbird, like you, yearns to express itself. It wishes to tell its story, how
it feels, what it knows. Creative expression, then, does not need a purpose. It simply Is. You
are designed with the longing to express yourselves in creative ways, and you do not need a
Artistic creation works of course by the same principles. The Creator originally sent forth the
Light as well. As I have stated, there are seven spectral colors comprising the Light which you
know as white. Between any color within Light's octave reside innumerable hues, shades and
tones. The dark is just as important as the Light, as is Emptiness. There is a reason why we
appreciate the holes and spaces which the consummate artist provides in her work. This same
principle of Openness applies to music.
Simplicity, complexity or a balance between the two will strike an endless variety of chordal
vibration within the beholder. Even chaos can be utilized to advantage; and while an artwork will
usually be static, in that it remains unchanged, there are also unlimited media, Living Art in
which the artworks do change. Additionally, the growing perceiver will appreciate endlessly new
aspects with each viewing.
Most of the finest art is to be found in Nature's ever-changing example. The turning
seasons, now bursting in flower, now subdued beneath the snows, new Life growing and then
receding to death and back to Life again. The canyon-chisel of the river's torrent, the sculpting
knife of the wind, the glaciers, volcanoes and heaving of the earth. Life is transformed, purified,
refined and evolved. All of your creative urges mirror the eternal upward surge of Life Itself.
One of the greatest pleasures a person can know is the joy of Creation. The person receives
additional joy in the Love which others send forth in response to what one has created.
Sometimes a person thinks, "Wouldn't it be wonderful if this were my full-time occupation?"
Yes, for many people this would make for a suitable lifestyle; but for some it will just be
unbalanced, since creative expression takes so many forms; there are the visual and performing
arts, each just as vast as music; there are the communicative/community arts; there are the arts
of design, building, mechanics, technology and invention; and soon, the Creation of Life Itself; all
of these are available to the person who longs for self-expression.
In all cases, the motivation for creative expression must be kept in the realms of purity,
creation for its own sake. That one's creation may serve others is valid; that one may receive
the applause and admiration of one's peers is laudable; that one may be gifted with great
material abundance is worthwhile; but these must never become the ends for which one strives
to create.
And the concept of creating for creativity's sake will make even more sense when one
considers -what is in all of this for our blessed Creator? It Loves companionship but is already
Bliss; It Loves to be worshipped by Its creation but Loves Itself regardless; It Loves to manifest in
the material Universe, but has Everything as it is in abundance. Our Loving Parent Creates
because this pleases It.
May we join together as One in following Its Divine Example. Aho!

While semantics as to whether our next step will land us in the “Fourth” and “Fifth” Dimension vary, it is generally the Fifth
which is mentioned. Sananda informs us that assigning numbers to dimensions is tricky; however most will acknowledge
that there is a stage of transition from “here” to “there.” This transitory step which we are experiencing (a stage in which our
individual realities are already diverging drastically from those of the masses) is most often referred to as the Fourth
Dimension. Upon completing the Shift, we shall actually reside in the Fifth. This is the next logical interval in the Triad of
which the Christed One speaks herein.


The Choice is Ours

“Reverence for nature is compatible

with willingness to accept responsibility
for a creative stewardship of the earth.”

- Rene’ Dubos

“In the unique inner language of his or

her soul, each human being receives
the invitation to rejoin the company of
love and resume a place among the
gardeners of the Universal Garden, the
garden of which this earth is but one
flowering bed.”

- Ken Carey
How May We Serve the Light?

KUALI: Master-Guide, how may we serve the Light appropriately and responsibly? How can we
walk that fine line and maintain balance?
JESUS-SANANDA: There are varied considerations revolving around the ethics and
responsibilities one accepts when entering into conscious Service of the Light. I would have one
know of the benevolently regenerating cycle of Light begetting Light that comes with one's
finding the Real Thing.
As a Servant of the Light, each one has a Prime Responsibility, an obligation of the highest
ethical ramifications: To maintain a good sense of humor. Aha! Did I catch you in the gravity of
My lead-in? Good! Because to Be the Light, one must first be light.
Consider the two words, "humor" and "humility"; how similar they are. He who cannot laugh
has an overblown opinion of himself in a certain way; he lacks humility. It is in reducing one's
egocentric delusion of self-importance that one is able to step in with all of Creation -the
Oneness -and laugh at oneself. Underlying this is the birth of true self-esteem, knowing oneself
as the pricelessly valued Creation of the One.
Growing spiritually is a serious business. It is our only Job. And the corollary to this fact is
that the more serious the situation, the more we must learn to laugh at it.
It is like the story of the family stranded by a great flood on the roof of their house. They
earnestly prayed for God to save them. A man in a rowboat came by, but the people would not
board it; they were waiting for God to save them. Then two men in a raft floated up, and they
would not get on. Finally, as the waters swelled and rose, a helicopter hovered and lowered a
ladder to the people, but they would not climb it. The faithful group was swept away in the flood,
and all of them drowned.
When they reached Heaven, they asked God, "Why did You not save us?"
"I sent you a rowboat, a raft and a helicopter," God replied, "what else should I have done?"
As important as all of us are to the Plan, we do well not to take ourselves seriously. Certainly
we are all created as equals. This is not meant to imply that we are all gifted equally, particularly
not on the material level; these have to do with choices we have made. One who is humble is
neither jealous nor envious.
A most striking feature of humility is that it qualifies leaders. The best person to lead is one
who wishes to serve. The humblest of all is the best leader of all. Such a person is focused not
on personal advancement but on maximum service. This person seeks the Greater Good while
honoring every individual. One who would lead in the moving of mountains must be the first to
take up a shovel.
The humble leader in the coming Age will always lead by example. Recognizing that the
best society is one where all are leaders, this person shall coax and encourage the leadership
qualities out of each and everyone. The humble leader leads in laughter, for where there is joy,
the people shall follow.
To be humble is to acknowledge one's own imperfection. No one can achieve perfection in
the incarnate form, relative to the Christed Soul which lives in Perfection. There are many levels
of perfection throughout Creation; at the human incarnate level, to be perfect is to admit one's
human shortcomings. This is a function of humility.
One needs to constantly examine oneself, and apologize when a lack of Love has led one to
do another harm. One ought to approach the injured party wrapped in a cloak of humility, and
offer to make amends. This act, when called for, must be executed with sincerity.
Never, under any circumstances, accept leadership from a person who cannot apologize.
In this I am not speaking of those timid unfortunates who cannot stand in their Truth, who are
forever apologizing and taking on blame which they do not own. This is false humility, the action
of a prideful ego which seeks martyrdom, which would bear the "sins of the world" -something I
Myself would never do.
True humility is the crowning facet on the gem of Love. Nurture it in yourself, seek it in
others. Remember that to accuse another of lacking humility would be unhumble in itself; but if
you find yourself projecting a streak of irreverence, laughing with the Universe, laughing at
yourself but never at another's expense -then you crown yourself in the spirit of true humility.
You will want to pay attention to those "coincidences.” They are all around, offering one
endless opportunities for growth and Service. The more attention one pays to these, the greater
their frequency; in reality, the coincidences were there all along. The term means "occurring
together,” and these Co-Incidences are certainly not accidental. When you link yourself with the
perfect coordination of the Great Intelligence which directs all events into One cohesive Plan,
you will find your Part.
Begin to experience the energic Force underlying all things. Feel It, allow It to move through
you, express It. You are now ready... aho!
You come to know your Calling. All that you need is provided. If you feel moved to do a
certain thing, to go to a certain place -even if you have no idea how to accomplish that -take the
fool's leap! The people, the resources, the tools and the means shall be placed in your hands.
Do not hesitate -jump!
As you continue to follow Spirit's urgings you will grow stronger. A hunch, an intuition, a
chance meeting with an old friend, all of these you will know to be leading you toward your
chosen Destiny.
On the matter of spiritual economics...
People in this time-space, particularly in the so-called developed nations, have allowed this
matter of artificial currency to grow far out of hand. The first inequity arises from the economic
systems of themselves. They are born of and controlled by the centralized governments, which
are in turn controlled by those in possession of vast wealth.
Not only are these centralized monetary forms artificial -the supplies are regularly inflated by
debt at all levels and outright printing of moneys backed by nothing but belief -the moneys bear
no relation to the actual resources of a given locality.
I want to share with you the First Postulate of Nature: Nothing goes to waste. In fact, the
idea of waste itself is an illusion which is not even possible in the natural world. So you may ask
yourself two questions in reference to any resource you may use. These are, "Where does it
come from?" and "Where does it go?"
When the things you need come from a thousand miles away; when those same items,
having been used and discarded by you, end up in some hole in the ground fifty miles away, or
ten miles away, or out in the ocean -someplace you never see and never go to -you have lost
your connection to Nature.
This is why many are waking up to the need for a return to a localized centering of life
forces... the Community. A community can supply itself with its own means of exchange. Then
the money, hence the local resources, has a better chance of staying and cycling over and over
within the community. Most communities have plenty of resources, those of nature and plenty of
people willing and able to serve. A community can print its own money. This local medium of
exchange will be backed by something genuine, the goods and labors of one's neighbors, unlike
the government money, which is actually backed by less than nothing.
The current centralized monetary system is about to crumble. It causes people to exhaust
resources and themselves in a never-ending chase for more and yet more. This cannot and will
not go on forever, because people have forgotten to ask, "Where does it come from?" and
"Where does it go?"
Resulting from all of this is the inflated perception people now have about their needs.
Nearly all are shocked to hear of the drug addict's two hundred dollar a day habit; yet so many
people require a similar amount just to stay above water in their own financial lives. That these
people are "earning" their incomes rather than "stealing" does not appear to be the primary
issue. What strikes to the heart of the matter is how a middle class person may be struggling
just as desperately and living just as fearfully as the hard-core drug addict.
Being financially "well-off,” "rich,” "provided for" -all of these labels denote something which
does not relate to the amount of currency or assets one possesses. What these things really
denote is the enjoyment of security and abundance, whatever the income/possession level. You
are meant to be secure in the abundance which the Universe shall provide. You are also meant,
in gratitude and commonsense, to cycle your gifts back into the Universal currents -the true
So I advise those of you who offer your gifts and talents in service of the Light to find your
security first. Choose for yourselves a level of being supported which does not require effort to
sustain. That is possible, you know. You may restructure your situation to demand less income
while providing for all of your needs, or you may gather in a greater harvest of the abundance;
but in achieving the latter, be certain that you know from where it comes and to where it goes.
Sharing our spiritual gifts ought to be fun and effortless. This is why I advise one to avoid
getting into a position where one needs to make a living from these services. The need brings
up a desperation which turns a beautiful, uplifting experience into hard work which one then
approaches with anxiety. Now some people are able to maintain the balance and trust which
allow them to actually earn their livings in providing spiritual service. Anyone doing so must
keep alive the sense of wanting to, of enjoyment.
We know that it is perfectly legitimate for someone to charge for giving piano lessons. The
gift of helping another to grow in musical ability is almost purely spiritual. We know that the
same applies to the psychotherapist or rebirthing counselor. It's true that a person who grows
emotionally will probably grow materially as well. The person who becomes a great pianist may
eventually go out and charge for her playing.
Let's say that someone gives spiritual readings. The gift, again, is almost purely spiritual; but
on the other hand, the reader may guide the readee to follow a certain course which results in
the realization of a great material boon. Perhaps advice to play the lottery today, or to write that
book, or to move to Wyoming will pay off in a very tangible way.
In every transaction between two individuals there needs to be a conscious exchange. There
is an exchange anyway, as Universal Law requires that. What we are seeking, particularly in the
arena of spiritual service, is a conscious exchange. This may be as simple as telling the one you
helped, "Go forth and help another, asking that one to do the same." It may involve stating, "You
may pay me what you think it is worth." Or, the provider may simply charge a flat fee.
It is really just a matter of whatever the traffic will bear. It is obvious that some readers,
healers and the like are gouging their clients; but the public has a free choice to take its business
elsewhere. A really ethical servant of the Light will be extremely flexible in the types of
exchange he accepts. For instance, one person's offering a sack of potatoes in payment may
involve a greater sacrifice than another's peeling off a one hundred dollar bill. I will say that it is
never ethical to mix in sex as a medium of exchange.
There is a higher level to attain -the state of Pure Giving. When one has reached this state,
s/he knows that what goes around comes around, but gives purely for the joy and satisfaction
that giving brings. This is a manifestation of the Christed Beingness. We shall all live together,
giving without qualification, in the coming Age of Ascension. Even our receiving shall be a gift; a
gift to the giver.
These people who critically cry out for "freely giving" now are usually attempting to demand
that others rise to a higher level -a level to which they themselves have not yet attained. And
this leads to another precept:
The only example which matters is the example one lives.
I suggest that you never criticize anyone for failing to live up to a certain standard, whether
or not you have reached it yourself -including yourself. You are doing the absolute best that you
can right now; there are no exceptions.
Conversely when one is living one's truth, people are naturally attracted. They are always
more likely to move toward a "good thing" than away from a "bad thing.” So continue to let your
good deeds speak for themselves. Blowing one's own horn is a Piscean concept which has no
place in the new order of things.
The main task before any Soul which seeks to attain the state of Christ realization lies in
replacing all fear with the consciousness of Love. Much of the fearful impulse harbored and
generated yet within many of you arises from something you ate...
What you ate was the flesh of an animal; and not just any animal, but one born, raised and
killed in the Flesh Machine of the late Twentieth Century.
While the vast majority of humanity has consumed very little meat over its history, this was
more often a matter of necessity than choice. The traditional hunter-gatherer tribes faced
difficulties in catching wild game, killing, preparing and preserving it. They were actually quite
conservative and even reverent in their approach to the creatures which gave them life.
Because of this, coupled with a highly organic nature, the animal foods consumed by Natives
were safe, clean and healthy.
Even as certain agriculturally-based societies raised livestock on a growing scale, the
animals contributed to the overall farm organism. They too were raised organically, and in most
cases happily. When the time came for them to be killed, the deed was done as swiftly and
painlessly as possible. Much of this had to do with the fact that those who did the raising and
killing also did the consuming. They realized that a content cow made for better eating.
Not so anymore. There are few truly organic meat-raising operations in existence right now,
and those few definitely do not supply your local supermarket. Instead, the meat is produced in
a toxic, factory-style way; the animals endure a miserable existence and are unhealthy. Their
food is contaminated with insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, antibiotics, growth hormones and
other unnatural substances. They still have a high rate of sickness, but traces of antibiotics still
enter and alter your own system. This is why many antibiotics are no longer effective in the
treatment of disease; to the contrary, these agents depress one’s natural immune functions.
Hormones cause many negative side effects, including accelerated weight gain, abnormalities in
sexual functioning and development and low-level insanity.
As to the X-cides, one might argue that most supermarket vegetables contain at least some
of these same ingredients. That is true, but the animal who ingests these will have all of the X-
cides from all of the food it has ever consumed concentrated within its tissues. If you consume a
lot of animals you will be taking in a vastly greater amount of toxins than someone who eats only
plant products; and a person who spends a little extra on organic foods takes in virtually none at
A spiritual understanding of good nutrition would help. "Prana,” or life-force, is that which
really sustains us in the food we eat. When the prana is healthy, the food is good for us. How
the food is harvested matters. Mammals in particular are very sensitive to the prospect of an
untimely death. If death comes to it swiftly and painlessly, that is no problem; but in the Flesh
Processing Chambers of the modern slaughterhouse, the animal knows of its impending demise
sometimes hours in advance. Its entire tissues are shocked through and through with terror,
especially in the last thrashing moments of its actual killing. I should mention that animals in
today's slaughterhouses are rarely rendered unconscious before being killed.
Imagine now what happens to the life-force in the tissues of an animal which has almost
been frightened to death before its killing. On a chemical level the flesh is flooded with
adrenaline and other substances which chemically communicate fear to mammalian systems.
On a spiritual level, we carry a collective responsibility for misery inflicted on a scale which is so
massive as to be unfathomable. But the major price one pays is in the consumption of fear. You
are what you eat.
I would suggest to all of My beloved relations seeking Ascension that you at least limit your
intake of all animal products. If you feel that your body needs a certain amount of these, then
you may at least find a clean, healthy source for them. Many health food stores now carry
organically raised meats, eggs and dairy items. They are worth the extra cost. One may also
find a small farmer who still produces them in the old fashioned way.
Because one is what one eats, I recommend a balanced diet which is organic, low in protein
and fats, high in fiber and nutrients. I advocate getting all of one's dietary requirements from
real food rather than supplements. Lots of clean, fresh water taken in amounts as large as one
feels comfortable with is also cleansing and uplifting.
Finally, as much as possible eat with joy. This is the original intent of grace or giving thanks
to the One for Its bountiful gifts. Try to give the food your fullest attention, not combining this
activity with others like reading or watching television. Chew each bite fully. When one takes
maximum joy from the act of eating, so does the One. Giving attention to these dietary
considerations will go far toward preparing one for the experience of Ascension.
Shedding ourselves of addictive behaviors is another important preparatory step. We have
all heard stories of drug counselors who secretly abuse alcohol and drugs themselves. It is the
classic case of "physician, heal thyself.”
The present-day society fosters addiction in every conceivable form. Even those who have
discarded the more deadly addictions are trapped within subtler forms.
Perhaps one has cleaned up from substance abuse, people-pleasing and Nintendo, eats
healthfully -but still smokes cigarettes. Perhaps this person imagines that he has come a long
way already, which indeed he has, but there is always another step to take. We see that he has
tried every way to kick the habit short of suicide, but just cannot seem to grasp the necessary
state of mind.
In this case I would have to affirm that this one is wrestling with a pattern of self-judgment.
Somewhere inside, however faintly, he does not view himself in the Light of the One. First of all,
he shall want to recognize this self-loathing as a part of himself.
He needs to empty his mind in meditation and say, "You, the part of me which desires to
destroy me, I acknowledge you. I Love you, for you are as much of me as all of me. I Love you
for the learning you give me. I Love you for the healing you offer me. I am here for you now. I
will pay you my attention and listen to all you have to say. I will shower you with my Love, and
bless you in the name of the One!"
He should try this technique for seven consecutive days. It may benefit to write down any
thoughts, feelings or impressions which arise from the Silence. To bring something up to
conscious awareness is to understand; and to understand is to Love. Love is the Power; the
Power to uplift, to resolve, to raise one's vibrational frequency.
Very likely this person will find the addiction dropping away easily within the seven day
period. In the less likely event that the person must still continue the addictive behavior,
something fundamental will have changed inside. A seed will have been planted that shall
sooner or later lead to emancipation. The Truth shall set one free.
And so, My blessed relations, go forth to serve the Light in good Humor and Humility, in
Synchronicity, in Givingness, in Health, and in Love!
On Helping the Unready

I have been close for some years with a person who holds a highly negative expectancy on
the nature of things and humanity as a whole. Even as my spiritual path was lifting me out of
fear and into Love, his continued to lower him into the depths of a doomsday despair. He has a
good heart though, so common friends and I sought to help him connect with the bright Promise
which we were seeing unfold.
All of our efforts seemed to no avail, however. A time came when our friend moved into a
violent situation. His reactions endangered the lives of innocent ones. While sympathetic to his
plight, we his loved ones knew he had brought these conditions onto himself; yet we still desired
to help somehow. We were also concerned for his mate and especially the child of their union, a
baby girl who we knew was to play a most important role in the Plan.
I include here Jesus-Sananda's offered wisdom on the matter. All specific references are
deleted in order to protect my friend's anonymity. My intent is that this may perhaps benefit
those readers with a similar situation. It is very painful and difficult to see a loved one slipping
away. Solace may be found in His words...
KUALI: Beloved Master and Friend, would You advise me on the action I have proposed to take
on behalf of my troubled friend? And should I share with him my answer?
JESUS-SANANDA THE CHRISTED: Ah, Kuali, My treasured one! I am pleased to be back in
contact with you. I will be happy to advise you on this matter.
As to the Soul Essence which expresses presently as ---, you already know that he has
chosen to experience this lifetime within the mode of fear. This is a good choice on his part, for
there is much to be gained by him ultimately in terms of spiritual growth and awareness by fully
exploring the fear-path. One can only know the Light by also knowing the darkness.
You and your friend have quite a rich history. You have spent some seventeen physical
incarnations together, mostly taking turns as master and pupil in various religious forms arising in
the Middle East section of your globe -the Middle East being the Cradle of Fear, as it were.
Virtually all of the religions from this part of the world feature an angry and vengeful God as the
centerpiece upon which their faiths are based.
Even Christianity, which grew out of My visit some two millennia ago, came to be so, in spite
of the Message of the Loving One which I taught. This is due to the people who tried to carry
forth My Message, people who essentially had not yet learned to Love themselves. All of that
came as no surprise to Me, you may be assured!
At any rate, you have already completed your own experiencing in the mode of fear, and are
now ready to move fully into Love. You have made, and are continuing to make, that shift within
this lifetime. Thus you will experience Ascension during this very lifetime.
In the meanwhile, your friend has some experience yet to gain from the fear-consciousness.
You have found yourself amazed at how closely his world view runs to those dark predictions
found within the Book of Revelations from the Bible, made by My well-intentioned-but-misguided
John. Bear in mind that John's vision in itself was not so erroneous, but that later people editing
and altering his writings sought to set up a fearful scenario for personal gain through control of
the masses.
You need not be so very surprised, since the Soul who now expresses as --had been well-
versed in the dogma of an offended and judgmental God over quite a number of recent
incarnations. He served as a high-ranking member of the clergy several times. So even though
he knows virtually nothing about the biblical revelations, has read hardly a word from the Bible,
he nonetheless knows of these things very well.
For the present, your friend needs and desires a highly intensive experience in the mode of
fear, even so far as exploring that active form of fear which we call evil. However he is not one
of those who has turned totally opposite to the Way Home; rather, he is learning these things in
order to progress more fully in the long run. His world view and expectation of fearful outcomes
resulted in the situation which came about; it influenced his actions and reactions, so that he is
now faced with being jailed. All of this serves to teach him that which he has sought to learn.
Now allow Me to ask you this, Kuali: Why would you wish to deprive your dear friend of the
learning which he seeks? Do you not realize that, although he tells you he wishes for
deliverance, his Higher Being yearns for this experience? Who do you think you are, Kuali?
Jesus the Christ Himself?
Ha-ha! I sometimes cannot help but have some fun driving the nail home, if you grasp My
The point is this: I would never interfere with the lesson-plans of My fellow Souls; if you wish
to follow My example, neither shall you.
I know this pains you. For the very reason that you experienced the consequences of a fear-
based mode of living, you would like to spare other loved ones those same consequences. Yet it
is the compassion and understanding developed which will allow you to serve well, save that you
do not attempt to interfere in the Free Will choices made by others for themselves.
Therefore, I advise you not to carry out the action you contemplate. I urge you to stand by
your friend in the name of Love, but let him find his own Light or darkness as he so chooses. He
will be the better for your Love and Light.
Be prepared to support his family, particularly as We of the Light are watching the young girl
very closely, should he choose to experience incarceration. Yes, as you know, all things are
experienced through individual choice. Thus --will only be jailed if he so chooses; in such an
event, We will appreciate your assisting Us in seeing to the welfare of the child and her mother.
Kuali, you may certainly share My communication with ---. He will be glad to know that the
Brotherhood wishes him well, and that We are surrounding his daughter with Our Love and
Protection...just as you and yours are continually surrounded by the Loving Spirit of the One.
Blessings by the Trillions flow to you, steadfast Kuali!
Our Fine Finned Friends

KUALI: Some in our Circle are very drawn to the dolphins and whales. Would you share with us
Your knowledge of these beings?
JESUS-SANANDA: Kuali, I am most pleased to address this subject, as it presents some of the
more dynamic features of the coming Age -that of inter-species communion and cooperation.
Even as you find yourselves in daily contact with extraterrestrial beings of the Light, so shall
you develop intimate relationships with the aquaterrestrials already cohabiting your planet.
These highly evolved Light beings are, of course, those members of the cetaceans which include
dolphins and whales.
It will help for Me to take you through a short lesson in spiritual biology. Any and all lifeforms
have in common the aspect of being infused with the Spirit. Even the rocks, alive and growing,
contain Spirit. The carbon-based biological entities are all Spirit-endowed, but not necessarily
ensouled as you conceive of it.
The question hinges around the possession of an individualized Essence. For instance, an
amoebae is an organized lifeform, enlivened by Spirit. When the amoebae "dies,” the Spirit
which gave it life recedes back into the void of potentiality. This is like dipping a cup in a well.
The cup is a specific vessel of Spirit. Upon pouring the cup's contents back into the well, the
Spirit dissolves back into the undifferentiated Oneness of All.
A cat, on the other hand, has matured to a stage on your planet in which it can hold the
individualized conscious Essence which we refer to as Soul. Envision a cup full of solid water, or
ice. When the cup is emptied into our imagined well, the ice floats in the general body of water,
is of the water, but remains distinct. In this analogy the block of ice is the individualized Soul
Essence, and does not melt back into the undifferentiated volume of water. If another cup is
used to scoop up that block of ice, then we find the same ice filling a new cup. The new cup is a
new body.
A cat is definitely an ensouled lifeform. The Soul choosing to experience in a cat mode of
consciousness will always incarnate in a feline form. The eternal Essence will likely never return
in the form of a dog, a worm or a humanoid. Transmigration of Soul from one form of material
expression to another is extremely rare. Instead, the Soul oriented toward feline expression will
develop and mature along cat lines. It eventually moves on to inhabit a planet where cats have
become the dominant form of expression, just as the hominid expression now dominates your
Sometimes a certain form of ensouled biological expression attains a degree of maturity
beyond even that which has attained "dominance" on the planet which they both share. Such is
the case with the cetaceans of Gaia. Dolphins and whales, as units of consciousness, have
surpassed the human level of maturational development. Though making comparisons is a bit
of a folly, these beings are spiritually superior to the humans in many ways.
One thing which sets dolphins and whales apart is their absolute Free Willingness to sacrifice
themselves in helping you to advance. They will not be exterminated, of course, but the
individuals among them are quite willing to give anything in their drive to assist humanity. This is
how they have chosen to serve in the Great Plan.
The dolphins, in their natures, hold the keys which will unlock awareness of your actualized
potential. They know how to access all Knowledge within the Universal Mind. Every device,
technology, technique, practice and method which you will ever need is already known or
knowable to the dolphins. By learning to communicate with them, you shall be able to find the
solutions to every challenge you encounter. If you should be confronted with a stumbling block
to establishing a given species within its ecosystem, the dolphins will be there with the
information you need to move forward. If you are trying to develop a safe, environmentally
sound mode of transportation, you may simply ask a dolphin for help. But much more
importantly, these creatures shall soon teach you how to access the Universal Mind at will. They
would only do this, naturally, for a people who had matured to the point of responsible readiness.
The whales have always carried the Universal Plan Blueprint. They hold the secrets of Life
Creation, and how to go about proliferating it. This is the correct way of accomplishing what
genetic science would attempt. The whales, too, will teach the people how.
So as you see, the information for Operation Starseed resides not only in your immediate
outerspace but in your oceans as well.5 The dolphins and whales, physically incapable of
manifesting this knowledge, have nonetheless carried it, guarded and kept it safe until the time
for transmission to you arrived.
There are several other services which these aquatic beings are offering to provide, in terms
of colonizing the oceanic environments and harvesting renewably from the miraculous bounty of
the sea. There are substances of chemical and biochemical composition of which humankind
has yet no clue, but which are capable of catapulting your civilization out beyond the stars.
Most valuable of all, however, are the practical seeds of Divine Conscience which the
cetaceans will sow in your minds. They will usher into Reality on a physical level that which
Christ has opened the way for Soul to attain.
A number of Souls expressing from the dolphin formaspheres have transmigrated into
human incarnate expression recently. As I said, this is rare in the extreme; but the Turning of the
Age allowed and even required that this be done. During and immediately after the Change, you
shall need someone to help your people establish the communication link with theirs. It was far
more practical to have the dolphin Soul take on human form than the other way around. I must
commend these Souls for their rare and selfless courage. As painfully difficult as it is for them,
so great is their Love.
Look around and you may be fortunate enough to meet one of the dolphin/humans. Recall
their sacrifice and be grateful. Be prepared to accept their Loving offer of helpful friendship
when the time arrives.

There is also much data coming to light on the subterraneans and the important role they shall play in the coming Shift.
Preparing to Ascend

KUALI: Master, my friends and I are interested in the subject of Ascension more than any other
topic; can you describe the Ascension process, and perhaps suggest any techniques we might
follow which would help prepare us for it?
JESUS-SANANDA: First of all, precious ones, please allow Me to clarify once again a basic
distinction which you all will be well to begin making...
I am Jesus-Sananda the Christ. I hold the consciousness of all these aspects of My Being
simultaneously. It is not surprising that so many of you have placed your emphasis upon My
personality as Jesus; nonetheless, one must place principles before personalities.
Let me say that again: One must place principles before personalities. Yes, I am the Christ,
Jesus, Sananda the Lord Administrator of some 97 of your galactic groupings; I am so closely
associated with the Oneness, the One Whom you somewhat inaccurately identify as being
somehow distinct and separate from all of Its Creation, that you might even view Me as God
Itself from where you stand and view things. Yes, I am all of these things; yet for you to view Me
solely as My Jesus aspect is to place a terrific limitation upon your perception of Me. I am that,
and so much more!
During My incarnate expression as Jesus, I was continually speaking from and as Christ. So
it came to pass that people asserted, "Jesus said this," and "Jesus said that," when in reality it
was Christ who said these things.
Likewise, so many carry signs on the bumpers of their cars proclaiming, "Jesus Saves!" I
love these children, even in their ignorance. Jesus does not save. Jesus was a man, just one
physical aspect and personality of All that I Am. But the misunderstanding is easily corrected,
because you see:
Christ Saves
Christ is what We All of Us Are. It is reaching the consciousness of Christ that we seek. We
Are Christ, the Living Consciousness of All. When we attain full consciousness of this reality,
then we have Ascended!
Ha, ha-ho! Even now, I, who exist beyond the limits of time, can feel the thrilling within so
many of you, as the fact of your knowing the Truth in what I have just said rises to the surface of
your minds and hearts. Those of you who witnessed the astronaut Armstrong's first steps upon
your moon felt so moved by the one small, powerful act. It was your recognition of humanity's
destiny to seed the stars. As you, dearest beloveds, reach the understanding of what I have just
said, I am infinitely more moved; for I see how close you are, individually and collectively, to
Now, I was an Ascended Being, i.e., having attained Christhood, prior to My visit as Jesus.
My Ascension from the Jesus form took place in less than the twinkling of an eye, and was not
particularly dramatic from the viewpoint of those clothed in the flesh. I simply and apparently
Your Ascension will be quite the same. One day, one moment, you are ready; you are called.
You will very likely be taken "up" flesh and all. Yes, you will undergo Ascension, most of you,
while still in possession of your physical vehicles. I believe many have referred to this as the
Rapture, using a term which itself is much misunderstood.
It is not the "good" people who will experience Ascension, it is the mature enough, or the
ready. And what, you rightly ask, constitutes "readiness"?
Firstly, this readiness has nothing whatsoever to do with the Christian-advocated states of
"baptism" or "rebirth.” The prior term relates to an organized religious ritual of no relevance at
all; the second has more to do with making a pledge to other adherents of certain churches that
one promises not to challenge the religious authority or the biblical scriptures. Yes, many who
have undergone the so-called Christian rebirth experience report a powerful connection with the
Source; but much of this is psychological in nature, the bonding with a group. Some of the
reborn have indeed had a genuine spiritual awakening, but when compliance with the orthodoxy
comes part and parcel with the agreement that one enters into, the person being reborn has
really but half awoken. It is the "wide-awakening" which we seek.
The true qualification is that of consciousness and vibration. You will find that a goodly
number of those destined to Ascend are not necessarily "spiritual" in the way we are conditioned
to think. They may be simply good people who have an overall optimistic approach to living and
toward humankind in general. These are the people who without ritual or fanfare go out into the
world spreading deeds of kindness, helping others to grow spiritually and generally spreading the
The fact that these ones do not consciously saying to themselves, "I think I will go out and
share my spirituality with everyone I meet today" is completely immaterial; it is the fact that they
give of themselves with good intent and in the light of Truth that matters. These quietly spiritual
beings of the Light are raising their own vibrational frequency in all that they do.
Likewise, those of you who think of yourselves as "spiritually aware" must do your footwork.
Reading the right books and using so-called "hip" terminology do not qualify anyone for
Ascension. Here are the most important steps one who earnestly aspires to attain Christhood
will want to follow:
1. Consciously choose Love over fear. Then Love can manifest in one's life, replacing all
fearful outcomes with Loving ones.
2. Become conscious of the subtle workings of fear within and take action to replace these
with the vibrations of Love. This will allow higher-frequency vibrations to lift one into
3. Strive to Be Love in every thought, word and deed, as wakefully as possible. After all,
one who Lives Love Becomes Love.
4. Share your Light with all who may benefit from it; the more illuminated the world
becomes, the more people shall be able to find the Light. Every single one of you makes
a difference.
To further emphasize Step Two above, I want you all to know just how vital it is for you to
turn away from fear. This vibration will prevent your Ascent. It has dominated your world for
ages; you must actively seek out every last vestige of it which you might be harboring within.
When you find yourself indulging even the fleetingest impression which is fear-based,
immediately reaffirm your commitment to Love. Replace the lower energy with that of the
I will qualify this slightly... as one connects totally with the Source of All, s/he will become
highly clairvoyant. If such a person receives a strong urge not to board a certain air flight, for
instance, then that person ought to comply. This is the Inner Voice which knows what the five
senses cannot.
In terms of your linear time, this event will not be simultaneous for all. There will be one
here, another there, sometimes a small group, and at other times a vast wave. The timing of
these Ascensions does not matter; what does matter is the process.
Many of you are already feeling a rise in your levels of vibrational frequency. As the overall
frequency of Gaia is being raised, the rate of evolution is accelerating incredibly. You find
yourself growing now as much in a month as you used to over a lifetime, or more. You find
yourself growing lighter, and you see or feel the energies of all that surround you. You begin to
feel filled by the True Source, the Holy Spirit. No longer does one need to clash in battles for the
energies of others. Conflicts drop away. Fear becomes a faint memory.
One day you shall be standing amidst the beauty of all that you perceive and find yourself
glowing brighter than you imagined possible. You shall feel the Oneness intensely. Everything
around you will glow with Light Energy, no longer solid at all. You will see that you too are pure
Light. And then suddenly, you shall vanish from view as others gape on in astonishment. You
will have entered the New Earth.
The Christed One is invisible to anyone not yet Ascended, unless the Ascended Being
chooses to make Itself so. There will not be much cause for this sort of occurrence.
I must warn you, dear ones, of something very pleasant. Over the next decade, everything
relating to the physical reality on your verdant planet will be subject to change and
transformation. Throughout all of your recorded history, only a handful of Ascensions have taken
place. This is about to change beyond all your wildest imaginings. If a mere one percent of your
population were to Ascend, the entire life of our precious Gaia would be utterly transformed; as it
is, roughly five to ten percent of humanity is about to Ascend. You have no idea the full extent of
uplifting change this will bring about, not only for yourselves but for Gaia herself.
You will receive awareness or notification of your Ascension at least several minutes to
several days prior. Please be assured, those of you with young children or other dependents,
that they will be taken care of during your absence. In most cases, your children will be joining
you; they might even precede you! Now, more than ever, look to the children. Many of those
having come in during the most recent generation are very highly evolved. They have much to
teach, so pay attention, please.
As a new initiate of the Christhood you will enter that place which I fondly call the "neuter-
space.” It is a dimension materially very fine, and completely independent of your linear time.
You would probably have Me say that the neuter-space exists outside of time, but that is not
really correct; if anything, your linear-time dimension exists outside of the neuter-space. So the
neuter-space has been accurately referred to as Inner Time, or the Nagual.
Regardless of what your Dimension of Ascension is called, regardless of whether you
mentally comprehend its structure, you will suddenly know the true Oneness with All. A few
incarnate humans have actually attained this state while inhabiting earth -mostly the Mystics and
those of the Native-Shamanic persuasion. In any case, you will know this state. You will
knowingly Be Christ.
At this point, your body will undergo a restructuring. It is easy for you to compare this to the
changing of the gross, not-too-handsome, slow caterpillar into the lovely, graceful, fluttering
butterfly. Just be aware, however, that the difference in your new Light body will be much more
striking yet.
Your Ascended form will be capable of navigating the various dimensions, or planes, at will
-all the way inward to the threshold of the Soul Plane, that is. You will be able to raise or lower
its frequency, so that You, as Soul, will have the ability of manifesting Yourself on any vibration
Your level of conscious attainment will be that of Soul or Self-Realization.
Many of you Ascended Ones will want to return to the newly-Ascended Gaia and the Physical
Universe from which you came. There is much good to be done here, spreading Life, Love and
Light, and this physical vibration is no less valued by the One than any other portion of Its
An immediately perceivable benefit for the Ascended Ones will be their ability to transport
and communicate with a thought. The movement, of course, will be instantaneous. Accustomed
to living the Law of Least Resistance, you Ascended Ones, or Starseeds, will go entirely beyond
the present industrial-technology in developing new methods of Mind-fabrication and Vedic
Technology which are effortless and totally benign to the environments, whether those systems
be planetary, galactic or cosmic. The use of these new technologies will be life-expansive and in
harmony with the wholeness of Creation.
This, after all, is what all of us are created for: To grow into conscious Oneness, and to
participate in the ongoing process of Creation.
I have a bit to add about how the Oneness is perceived from the Christ viewpoint. Imagine
yourself seeing the words on this page; now imagine that this page that you are seeing is, say,
twenty feet away from you, yet the words remain clearly readable; now imagine that this page
you are viewing is placed at the far end of the universe, yet you still perceive these words with
absolute clarity...
Now, suppose that another copy of this book has been placed right beside the first one you
were reading from across the universe, and that you are seeing the words on the pages of both
books with the same total clarity and comprehension.
Very good, My beloveds, now stay with Me!
Imagine another book opened beside the first two, then another and another until an infinite
number of books is forming into a ring clear round you. You can read the pages to your right, left
and behind just as easily as you do the one straight ahead; in fact, you are seeing all of the
pages within this entire circle with equal clarity, simultaneously -and understanding all within the
same moment!
Very, very good!
Next, I want you to focus on the first book you viewed, back when straight ahead was the
only direction in which you could view. See a book placed just above that one, then another and
another, until a new ring rises up, over, under and back up to meet that first book.
Now, what are you seeing? Do you not see yourself surrounded by two infinite circles, one
horizontal and one vertical? Remember how these circles are formed of infinite numbers of
books opened to pages from all of which you are reading and comprehending what is written
upon them.
It will not be much more of a stretch for you to fill in the quadrant voids between these
conjoined circles, right, left, above and below, until you are looking out from your centerpoint into
the infinite surrounding sphere and perceiving it all at the same moment!
This is an oversimplified model of how one views Creation from the vantage of Christ. You
may wish to practice this technique of visualization for a few moments each day. You may
substitute the pages with stars, faces, musical notes or sounds, hearts of feeling, or anything else
that might resonate more harmonically with your own unique vibration.
Do not be discouraged if you should have difficulty with this visualization. I laid it out in
stages, that you might try moving through this step by step. If it remains difficult for you, just lay
the exercise aside; there are others which will be better suited to you. There are many good
books, audios and videos which contain helpful exercises for expanding the awareness.
The understanding of God held by the various indigenous or Native peoples of your
lifesphere was often well-developed; much closer, I might add, to the reality of It than that of
most of modern Western "civilization.” I am not using your word "God" very often in this text,
because most of you have been conditioned to conceive of God as a single, distinct Being. This
is not the case, whatsoever.
God is not a Being apart from Its Creation; It is All, and All is It. The One resides at the
center, the periphery, and everything in between. Its Spirit breathes through All, and Christ is the
Mode by which you experience your true Oneness with All.
This experience is beautiful beyond telling. I become the Oneness, realizing at last just how
much Love this Beloved One has for Me -and thus for Itself -that It has provided, via Christ, the
Way for Me to know It and It to know Me and for Us to be One!
Can you now feel at least an inkling of My perpetual Joy? Ah, My cherished treasures! If
only you could know a fraction of My celebration over that Divine State which awaits you; of
course, from where I stand, you have already arrived, and are celebrating with Me!
Thundering across to you My happiness in these recent statements has left the head of My
poor-but-loyal Kuali resounding and trembling in blissful aftershock, so that he is having some
trouble transcribing; therefore I shall subdue Myself just a little.
There is a massive shift coming about for Gaia and all of humanity. The five-to-ten percent
of you who are slated for Ascension, in other words Christhood, are being prepared even as you
live and breathe -and particularly, I might add, as you sleep. There is really not much you need
do in the way of conscious preparation, but I will suggest that you pay attention to attitude
primarily, and some of the exercises secondarily.
The first attitude you will want to nurture is one of Loving Expectancy. Expect Love to
dominate your life, and It will. Pay attention to the sometimes-subtle encroachment of fear. Pay
attention, but do not fight it; no, dear ones, simply observe the fear passing through your
consciousness, then move your attention back into Love.
Another attitude to be constantly held is that of Service to the One. We may also call this
principle the Love of the One. I was correctly quoted when I admonished, "Love God with all
your heart and all your Soul; and love your neighbor as yourself." We are here to glorify, or
amplify, the Love of the One. It glories in each of us that we might respond in kind, setting into
motion the ultimate spiritual harmonic feedback. It is Good, let Me tell you.
Since all sin is merely a turning away from the Source, you have no need for fighting sin. All
you need do is turn in the direction of our Parent each day, each moment. Pledge yourselves to
Its service upon arising, upon retiring, and as often as you can remember to do so in every
moment in between. I have much to say about the nature of this service, but remember that
above all it carries out the mission of increasing Love, Light and Life. If an act does not magnify
these, just let it pass and rededicate yourself to the Love of the One.
I will suggest the following Exercise In Light which you may perform as often or as little as
you desire, up to twenty or thirty minutes per day. It will help you to build conscious awareness
of your imminent Christhood...
Seat yourself comfortably in a cross-legged position or on a chair with both feet firmly resting
on the ground. With eyes closed, allow your breathing and heartrate to stabilize, then slowly and
deeply inhale. On the exhalation, see a number 3 on the screen of your vision, slowly shrinking
to nothing. As you do this, see only 3, think only 3.
Inhale deeply again, and on the exhale, see the number 2. As it shrinks, see only 2 and think
only 2. Inhale once more, exhaling this time with the number 1. At the end of this, relax for a
few moments, feeling the quiet peace of the One.
Let your breathing stabilize. You may breathe through your nose or open and relaxed mouth.
Breathe slowly, deeply as you are comfortably able, and smoothly.
Feel yourself relax now, beginning with all of the muscles of your face. With each
exhalation, let go of another muscle group. Relax around your closed eyes, your cheeks, your
mouth, tongue, chin, scalp, and so on. Pay close attention to your neck and shoulder muscles,
letting them go. Relax all the way down your back, and the sides and front of your torso. Let go
all of your stomach muscles, and down to the groin, hips and buttocks. Feel your upper and
lower arms go limp. Release the tension with each and every breath. Let this soothing relaxation
travel through your wrists and into your hands and fingers. Still breathing, relax your legs, the
thighs and hamstrings, knees, calves, shins, ankles, feet and toes.
Take a few more breaths, becoming aware of how very relaxed your body has become. If
there is any remaining tension anywhere, just breathe through the area, letting it dissipate like
rising steam.
Now, there is a chakra just six inches or so above your head. It's called the "Upper Room,”
and is up to one foot across. It may appear in the shape of a rhombic dodecahedron, or twelve-
sided sphere. Just will this Upper Room to open up, and it will appear -you'll feel it. If you have
any trouble with this, just know that the Upper Room is there and go on.
Feel the vibrations in this Upper Room, and your body's response. The trillions of cells within
your body begin to awaken and rejoice as they feel the presence of their Source.
The cells of your brain begin to tingle, and the sensation moves back and down your spinal
cord, spreading throughout the nervous system to every ending. Experience, now, Knowing
The cells in your lungs and respiratory system are tingling. This feeling travels through the
alveoli, with its millions of air sacs, exchanging life-giving oxygen with the blood, and on into the
heart. From the heart it spreads throughout the vast network of blood vessels and capillaries to
every part of the body. This is your Feminine side awakening. Experience, now, Feeling
The cells within your liver are responding to the high vibrations from your Upper Room.
They too tingle, and the feeling spreads throughout all of the organs of the endocrine system, the
pancreas, the spleen, the kidneys, the hormone-producing glands, every part of your lymphatic
network and its unicellular free agents. This is your Masculine side awakening. Experience,
now, Sensing Awareness.
Take a moment to enjoy, as you experience simultaneously, the Trine Awareness of Knowing,
Feeling and Sensing. Continue breathing, smoothly, slowly, deeply.
Now a Light bursts forth within the Upper Room. It is a small ball, two inches or so across,
burning with the most intensely bright, white Light. Its Light is almost blinding. Sense this Light
moving down into the center of your head. Allow its Light to gently fill your skull, every part of it.
Even your hair begins to glow.
As the Light fills you, allow any discord that is ready to be released to gently loosen, floating
within the Light. You may see these particles and shreds of unbalance and disharmony drifting
loose from the various parts of your body, like pieces of black debris. Love these aspects of
yourself, then let them be carried into the brilliant stream of Light.
You feel the ball of bright, white Light moving down through your neck and throat, all through
the torso. Allow the shining orb to tarry anywhere it might travel; if any place experiences
sensations of pain, let the Light go to it. Be conscious of this Light filling and caressing all of
your organs, right on down to those used for waste elimination and those of reproduction.
Now this ball of Light travels back into the Upper Room. It sends a beam of liquid Light
through the top of your head, which begins filling your entire body, from the soles of your feet
right on up through your hands, arms and torso, right up to the top of your head.
When you are filled with the Light, two holes open up in the soles of your feet, and the liquid
Light which fills you begins to drain down through them. All of the loosened-up black debris is
carried down and away as you are completely drained of the cleansing white Light.
The ball of white Light in your Upper Room now directs two rays into the soles of your feet,
sealing the drain-holes. It begins to flood you with new, clean, white Light, backfilling your entire
body. This flood of Light continues until your are once again glowing with the intense liquid Light.
The Lightball now shuts off the flow. Something new is happening. The Lightball begins to
expand and rise, soon reaching the size of a beach ball and hovering about three feet above
your head. This huge, brilliant ball starts to inch forward into a downward arc. The ball is
arching away from its position above your head in a perfect semicircle which ends about twelve
feet below your feet.
This point, twelve feet or so below your own feet, is the floor of what is called your "Lower
Room.” This room contains vital elements of your subconscious, as well as lots of psychic
When the huge ball of Light reaches its destination at the floor of your Lower Room, it begins
to spin very rapidly in a counterclockwise direction. The powerful spinning of the blinding
Lightsphere is sucking in all of the black debris and incinerating it. All of the dark particles which
you have released are being burned, consumed in the bright, spinning energy.
From the floor of your Lower Room, the spinning Lightball rises, all the way up to your feet,
up around and past your legs, your torso, arms, neck and head, all the way back to its starting
position three feet above your head. It sweeps into itself all of the loosened black debris.
Sometimes you see snakelike strands of the dark stuff being sucked into the ball from below and
above, incinerating in the powerful spinning Light.
When the ball has reached its top position above your head, the spinning stops. In a
moment, the ball again moves forward and down, arching perfectly toward the floor of your
Lower Room. Once down, the ball leaps into its spin again, this time clockwise. As it spins, your
Lower Room is being filled with Light, filling in any voids created by the now-cleansed debris with
the Light of the Spirit.
This healing-filling action of the Light-plasma continues as the huge orb rises up through the
Lower Room and through your body, finally coming to rest at its top position above your head.
Again the spinning ceases.
Now you feel a shower of Light being switched on as the large ball above your head sends
down a flood of warm brightness over you.
At the base of your spine now, you will feel a tail grow. Feel this tail grow deeply down into
the Earth Mother. As your tail reaches her central core, you feel a pulsating, nurturing energy
feed up from the tail's tip, up its length and into your body, where it meets with your heart.
Earth Mother's energy meets with that of the Holy Spirit at your heart center. You can feel
the exploding energies multiply as Heaven and Earth join as One. Let the Power issue out from
your heart in concentric waves. Let these waves envelope the Earth. See Gaia surrounded by
the intense, white Light of Loving Awareness, and watch this Light suddenly burst forth,
illuminating the Universe.
You may bask in this nova of healing Light for awhile. Listen to your breath. Soon all
thoughts recede into the silence of Oneness. Be silence and bliss. Take your time. This may be
the most soothing experience you've ever known.
When you've had enough pleasure, Mother shuts off her flow and the tail recedes back into
your body. The giant Lightsphere ceases to shower you. It descends and shrinks until it is once
again a two-inch ball resting inside your Upper Room. In a small flash, it disappears, leaving
behind the luminescent Room itself. With a quick spin and sparkling twinkle, the Upper Room
vanishes, and you are finished.
Lightly now, reenter your "everyday" world. Feel your breathing. Slowly and easily move
your fingers and toes. With each breath, feel another part of your physical body awaken; the
arms, shoulders, neck, face and head, the chest, stomach, upper and lower back, buttocks, lower
abdomen, thighs, knees, etc. Gently open your eyes.
Know, however, darling ones, that the Upper Room is still there with you, as is your
connection with Earth Mother. You can recall their presences at any time. The physical
residence of your Higher Self, feel free to call upon its Awareness whenever you desire.
Would you like to access Me directly, as did Kuali? I was amused when My devoted
secretary came to Me with requests that he channel My answers to their personal situations.
"How much might Kuali charge?" they asked.
To those who wonder about such things, here is My Message:
You and you alone are capable of achieving Christhood; go forth and contact your
Christed Self Within.
I sent this Message out, via a human medium -the next thing I know, the people are wanting
to contact Christ through the medium! Now hear Me clearly, precious ones: Each of you shall
meet the Christ in person; that is to say, alone -no interpreters, no go-betweens. In this you must
do for and all by yourself.
So! Here is how you may access the Christ directly...
Follow the Light Exercise until you have illuminated the Universe as described. Now
"compact" yourself again, that is to say, allow the flows from Mother Earth and Light Globe to
cease. Retract your tail and Allow the Globe to shrink and lower back to its original position
within the Upper Room.
Now erect a Pyramid of Light about you. Make it large enough for Two. Feel yourself sitting
or reclining within this Pyramid, and feel it begin to rise, just like an elevator. You will ride your
Personal Pyramid up quite some distance. Let your feelings tell you just how far up to go.
At a certain point, you will approach My Pyramid -the Pyramid of Christ. These colors are
somewhat optional. You may find that colors of selected shades such as Pink or Blue are more
harmonic to your personal frequency. You may also hear various tones, and do feel free to chant
any Mantra or Holy Word which activates your High Self.
Let your Personal Pyramid of Light rise straight up into Mine. Your consciousness will merge
with that of the Christ. Then you shall become Aware of My Presence. You and I shall be as
One. You may perceive Me as having a personal form, or merely as an Orb of Light; however
you see Me is just fine. You will feel My gently enfolding Love, and shall probably wish to
embrace Me, just I do you.
Now we will communicate in Oneness. You may ask Me anything you wish, and I will remind
you of that which you already Know. In this moment you shall have access to the Infinite All!
When We have completed our audience, you will gently "part" as it were, reassimilating into
your usual state of "un-divided-duality." Your Pyramid will now slowly descend back to the
timespace where your body awaits. The memories of what has transpired will generally be
retained in the physical consciousness. What is more, your personal vibration shall have been
raised considerably. You will feel "Lighter." What you yourself have attained, then, can never be
taken away.
I Am Christ. I am Love. I am Yours!
Times a'Changin'

KUALI: Good evening to You, dear Lord and Friend! What would You tell us about your Second
Coming, and the prophesied Time of Cleansing or Earth Changes?
CHRIST: Yes, My honoreds and beloveds... it is with great joy that I share these glad tidings with
you; for it is not the "End Times" of which we now speak, but of the New Beginning.
I will suggest that you now throw out your bibles -or, should you desire, burn them in
symbolic ritual, as did My trusty Kuali. While the biblical writings do contain Pearls of great Truth
and Love, there is no longer sufficient cause to warrant one's diving down through those murky
waters of fear and disinformation which now comprise the bulk of the bible's content. Rather, all
of your answers are to be readily obtained directly from your own Divinity Within.
Begin to listen to your Inner Word. See and hear It. Hearken and follow It. Feel free to
cross-check this IN-formation with those you Love and trust. Above all, trust yourself and stand
by your Truth, but bear in mind that if your are receiving clearly, the Light and Sound of your
Knowing will blend harmoniously with That which is given to your spiritual peers.
Conversely, he who feels entirely alone in his realization has surely been deceived. Now
more than ever, the Truth which is the Light and Sound of the Holy Spirit is flowing through to
many, and clearly. There exist only two reasons for a great difference in the messages received:
Either one has deceived oneself, or one has fallen in with the wrong group of peers.
As Kuali's Twin Flame requested, I will explain the event which has been billed as My
Second Coming. Back in Galilee and Nazareth, on numerous occasions I said, "I will come
again." There was also recorded the prediction loosely translated as, "I shall come as a thief in
the night."
Please remember not to bother looking up these statements in your bibles, which by now you
have hopefully burned! I personally receive such a thrill each time another one of Us casts off
the shackles of dogmatic manipulation and steps forth into the fresh, clean Light of Truth.
You must realize by now that when I said, "I will come again," I was speaking as Christ. This
is a vital detail, as it is not Jesus who will come to lift you into the Ascended State, nor will
Sananda. No! Christ Itself will come to you. There is no personality associated with the Christ;
rather, Christ is the I Am that I Am, your Link with the One.
So it is. I have already explained that Ascension will occur, not at a single given moment,
but over a period of months for the Mass Ascension. It will come for most individually, and in
some cases, small groups. Those of you who are scheduled to become Christed will undergo the
transformation by the time Earth enters Phase II of her cleansing. We are already well into
Phase I.
And what is Phase I? It is the time you now occupy, the threshold of what can only be
described as Earth's finest moment, dubbed the Dawn of Posthistory. It commences the
culmination of an effort begun over five billion years ago, as expressed in your concept of linear
time. To experience incarnation within this particular timespace is a privilege defying
The shift begins with Phase I, which is characterized by subtle signs. The changes in
progress now are vast and profound, but are readily discernible only to those who are alert. We
see changes in the global weather patterns, slight enough to be interpreted as unimportant, were
not one watching for them. There has been a perceptible increase in the frequency and intensity
of natural phenomena such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and floods. Social and
economic deterioration progress at rates with which the present forms of government are no
longer able to keep stride.
Concurrently, Phase I features a literal explosion of conscious awareness among the people
of this planet. So-called New Age thinking has reached critical mass; this is also frightening the
daylights out of those in charge of more traditional social, political and religious institutions. That
is why so many of them are attempting to organize and draw battle lines to fight this trend of
unfolding consciousness. Such efforts will prove as futile as firing bullets at smoke.
Phase I shall lead into Phase II in just a few years. I hesitate to set forth even a specific
year, but entry into Phase II within the range of 1997 to 2003 is presently over 99% probable.
The scenario of Armageddon will occur much as prophesied by John for those who desire
and choose that for themselves. It has already begun, in fact, for certain peoples of crystallized
dogmatic perception. Those people murdered by your government in Waco, Texas had chosen
for themselves the Armageddon scenario. You need not grieve so piningly for the children,
however. Everyone involved had chosen and contracted for that experience; a few achieved
dramatic completions and shall return to serve in prominent positions with the Brotherhood of
On the other hand, you are positively free to choose a far different experience for
yourselves, should you desire. This is attributable to the grand Pairing of Worlds which is
initiated with the commencement of Phase II.
Yes, we shall witness the splitting of Gaia into twin dimensional realities within an identical
time and space. You may picture a pair of ships passing in the wee hours. One is set to go
lumbering off into the night while the other is bearing toward the dawn. As the ships pass one
another, almost touching sides, one has the opportunity to choose which vessel and which
course suits the better. In the space of one magical moment, you may remain aboard whichever
ship you now occupy or leap across to the other. Since entering that enchanted moment during
the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, most passengers have already selected, more consciously
or less so.
One reality involves the fulfillment of this planet's coarser potentialities as established within
the historically fear-based mode of experience. There lives today a majority of Essences who
will want and need to flow down this branch of "reality.” You may safely infer that this reality will
not form a very pretty sight. As much as eighty to ninety percent of the present human
population will choose this avenue. Most of these Souls will be able to experience along lines
similar to recent ages until the opportunity to advance arrives again at the onset of the next
To briefly digress, some are aware that this cleaving of Worlds has come to pass before,
numerously. Many of you were residing in Atlantis during a more recent occurrence. You chose
to stay on with the dark ship. Now you are ready for the Sunrise Cruise... in the meantime, you
could not imagine the Love and Joy which has been attained on the Light Ship you passed back
in the days of Atlantis!
Gaia will also evolve into the posthistorical dimension of Love Actualized. This is the next
logical step in the maturing progression of planetary spiritual development. For the minority
ready and willing to choose this world, the Aquarian Alternative shall ensue. I have much to
cover on this forthcoming Age of Illumination. You can benefit greatly from visualizing this
option deeply and daily; as one who activates a powerful electromagnet, you will draw yourself
into your bright new potential.
Does this concept of selecting one's own reality trouble you? Surely you have seen friends
and loved ones who based their realities on certain world-views and got precisely what they had
expected. Think on how starkly your reality diverges from that of someone locked up in a prison,
a starving peasant in Africa, a guerrilla revolutionary in Central America... not only do people's
realities differ even now, but individual realities -as with destinies -are arrived at by Free Will
The ships are still in passing even now. For a brief few years, it will seem for the passengers
of both worlds that all hell has broken loose.
(Kuali, I shall relate to you specific earth-change data as presently trended in our next session;
be sure to achieve impeccable contact with Me beforehand)

As presently trended, Gaia shall carry humanity upon her back into the Tempest of Change
sometime in the vicinity of 2000 A.D. Within the span of a few years' time you shall not even
recognize your world. Geological adjustments ordinarily requiring millions of annums to
complete shall progress entirely within seven.
The first event to transpire has been accurately-as-yet foreseen with the crash of a huge
meteor in the Nevada desert. This disturbance triggers a domino-like chain of events, starting
with the first of two polar axis shifts. At the completion of these shifts, most parts of the globe
will be experiencing drastically different weather patterns. Tropical locations shall be taking on
winter snows; deserts will receive increased rains; cold areas shall have warmed considerably.
Partially orchestrated through the auspices of the Light Administration, partially through Gaia's
own initiative, this fundamental change is designed to offset what would have otherwise cast
Earth into a new Ice Age, which would have come full upon us in less than twenty years, as have
others in the past.
Almost immediately after the precision-planned meteor crash, the American west coast will
begin to shake thunderously. The tectonic plates beneath it will slide, gradually settling most of
the present land mass of California into the Pacific Ocean. Also witnessed at this time will be
spectacular eruptions of Mt. Whitney and others. While there will be some warning for our
enlightened coworkers in California, Oregon and Washington, many portions of the region shall
be very suddenly devastated.
Settling of land masses into the sea shall occur more gradually; however inhabitants of most
major metropolitan centers will find these areas virtually crippled, with all centralized systems of
power, water, transportation and hence availability of vital services and supplies completely
broken down.
We shall see this scene repeat itself over and over again in all large cities across the globe
for two reasons: One, the urban areas have become unconscionably voracious in their
consumption of vital resources while spewing toxic by-products out across the land, air and sea,
severely threatening the balance of Gaia's entire biosphere, that precious blanket of life which
she strives so lovingly yet painfully to maintain; and two, the cities are totally dependent upon
systems which cannot function through the severity of Changes which are coming during Phase
For this reason, most people living in rural areas will fare much better. There is little need for
any of these to fear a sudden onslaught of refugees from the cities; most avenues of escape
from them will have been cut off; moreover, there is something elemental in the mentality of
most urban dwellers which dreads venturing forth into the unknown countryside, and pitifully few
in any case are equipped with the knowledge of wilderness survival.
Rural dwellers would do much better to stockpile food than arms. On the other hand, should
one be expecting violence during the great hubbub of Phase II, he is very likely to get it; but I
would rather recommend prudent passagers to set aside foodstuffs in several secure, dry caches
about their properties. Seeds, particularly of the organic non-hybrid variety, would also be good
to store. One can live on a diet exclusively comprised of sprouts. The health of body and
vibrational frequency are greatly elevated by these, notwithstanding monotony to the palette.
About the time of the west coast disturbances, several major earthquakes will rock the north-
central portion of the country, leading to a monumental deluge from the Great Lakes. These
shall eventually coalesce into one vast Lake while the Mississippi Basin forms a collossal inland
sea. South Florida will disappear, and New York City will follow soon after -the former settling
into the waters, the latter being leveled by earthquakes. Moreover, we shall see the northeastern
region from New York State to beyond the Canadian border transformed into an Arctic wasteland
as a result of the polar shifts.
Most areas remaining above water, aside from the Northeastern section of America will have
much warmer climes due to changed wind patterns.
There are already many prophecies coming to the light of general knowledge at this time;
should one desire greater detail on this matter of upcoming Changes, one may go to any
metaphysical library or bookstore.
Better still, My beloveds, you may meditate and seek Inner Guidance on just where Spirit is
calling you. Some may be summoned to the cities, helping others until the "end.” Many of you
will be active in the less-disturbed rural areas, helping to initiate the new Community. Above all,
I want to encourage those of you in the Light to keep your attentions most strongly focused upon
Service, not mere survival. Survival can be useful, but know that you have already determined
your courses. Far better to perish temporarily in Service of the Light than to survive a living
I also offer this advice somewhat mootly to most of you, since by these times you shall have
already been lifted up into the Ascended State. It is more a matter of your taking your positions
prior to the realization of that blessed Event.
No doubt some of you are wondering what impact the major polar axial shifts and resulting
climatic changes shall have upon existing ecosystems. The fact is that non-human life in many
places will also be devastated. Many species will be wiped out by this; but a kind of "Noah's Ark"
operation has been in progress for some time now, carried out in part by the celestial/extrater-
restrial Ashtar Command of which some of you have heard. Just as many human lives will be
spared and enhanced, so shall the greater portion of Gaia's diverse lifeforms. Quite a few
among you shall be entrusted with the task of re-seeding the Mother with new Life as we pass
from Phase II to Phase III.
It is now time for us to enter genuine Community. Community is the most effective vehicle
for propagating Love within human society. It is sadly lacking and sorely needed at this time.
Go, therefore, and find Community wherever you can. Be discriminating. Seek out that
community which honors diversity and individual freedoms, while yet maintaining a balanced
emphasis on personal responsibility -actually there is no freedom without responsibility, and a
group of people which shoulders the dictates of some specific leader has neither.
Community is a featured glory of the coming Light Age. I have much more to elaborate on
this presently. For the moment however, I would have you know that seeking out genuine
Community right now is a matter of good positioning on your part. Your enjoyment of the
Transition shall be greatly enhanced, I can assure you.
And so it is that Phase III shall initiate the bright New Age of which we have long dreamed.
From the beginning of this Phase, up to eighty percent or more of the incarnate souls currently
inhabiting this planet will have groaned off and away on the dark ship of My brother John's
biblical Revelation. Meanwhile, you shall take up residence in a World such as you have never
before known.
Christ Coming of Age

KUALI: What, dear Friend, might we expect in the New Age of Aquarius? Are we really
Starseeds? How shall we accomplish this? What is this we hear of "Soul Groupings?”
JESUS-SANANDA: Aho! Now the "good stuff" begins in earnest, as I have told. Why, do you
suppose, that your planet has been so closely monitored for all of these ages -or were you aware
that it has been?
You on this planet have chosen to take part in a Grand Experiment indeed. The culmination,
or rather the harvest, bears out the hypothesis of the Experimenter -that races of physically
incarnate Beings could be evolved exclusively by their own Free Will, to go forth and multiply
And why does the aspect of Free Will make this experiment so very significant? It is said
that you were created in God's own image. Note that it is your Free Will which is referred to
therein. This aspect provides you with a level of Power to assist the One which is unmatched in
any other among Its unbounded manifestations. No other lifeform, physical or celestial, has
been imbued with such total freedom of choice as you ensouled Homo Sapiens of Gaia now
Our Creator has its legions of assistants spread liberally out from the Center; It has Lords
and Administrators, Angels and Archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim, and host upon host of
benevolent Entities serving throughout the Inner Spheres; It has highly advanced races of
physical, meta- and super-physical beings stationed all over your physical Universe. Many of
these are of physical extraterrestrial origin. They have performed beautifully in executing the
Manifestation and Maintenance of Creative Process.
Most of these, however, were not significantly endowed with the Creationary Force of Free
Will, such as that which the Creator Itself possesses. In this sense, it was much like creating
with computers, which make fine tools, but are not capable of acting out of self-volition, as does
the One Itself.
So it was that the One realized Its need for something more - something to better connect Its
various levels of Creation -a lifeform which was extremely well-grounded within the mechanism
of Free Will, yet fully aligned with the Awareness and Purpose of the One. It was determined
that such a race of incarnate beings could be developed. They could be infused with near-
absolute Free Will and then schooled under controlled conditions to use this Free Will for the
purposes of Creating in concert with the One, because they desired to do so.
Furthermore, the One created the Christ Consciousness Link as a means of connecting
totally with these self-motivated co-creators as they matured. The Grand Experiment was
initiated over five billion years ago, although attempting to fit this conception into a linear time
frame is rather inaccurate. Many planets and solar systems were seeded with lifeforms which
would develop the Free Will aspect to more limited degrees; your region of time-space, however,
was allowed the fullest Free Will of all. I, Jesus-Sananda the Christ, originate from one of the
worlds in this region. Having evolved Myself through the same trials of Cause and Effect as
have you qualified Me to bring in the Christ Consciousness to your world.
I will say that your people have been given the highest level of Free Will of all. It was quite a
task to keep this project, namely yourselves, within reasonable boundaries. Until you matured,
you had the capacity to go forth and destroy the Universe. This accounts for the necessity of a
splitting of worlds to occur in order to move forward those who are ready. Now again, as a
measurable portion of your humanoid race has attained the refinement which We sought, We
bear the fruits of Our labors. You cannot imagine the sublime Song of Satisfaction which
reverberates across the Ocean of Oneness over this triumphant success.
Fleets of extraterrestrial assistants, along with many curious from other worlds, fill now the
space just outside Earth's atmosphere. This is an august occasion, to be sure, and everyone who
knows wants to witness it.
I have mentioned the parasitic, gray aliens which have cultivated and fed off of your
vibrations of fear and confusion. These shall be allowed to continue their activities on and
around the chaos world which you Ascended Ones forsake for the New. You no longer have
need for such base vibrations.
Even as the activities of the gray ones intensify, your planet is being deluged with a flood of
Light and Love, beamed physically from above in space and spiritually from the Center. Such
opposing forces would threaten literally to blow Gaia apart; yet the actual result will be the
propulsion, physically intact, of her evolved consciousness into the Fifth Dimension.
The old age of Pisces was one of "belief;” the New Age of Aquarius is that of "Knowing.” You
who have chosen to rid yourselves of dogmatic superstition-illusion now take the fool's leap into
the reality of Knowing ever more fully the Unknown.
As the mist of the Changing clears, golden shafts of sunlight illuminating the world about, you
shall find your long-lost Companions. Each of us is united within a grouping of complementary
Essences... the Soul Grouping to which one is bonded. You could call this alliance your true
"Karass.” As with the karass of Vonnegut's conception, most of you in your Groups have been
bouncing off of one another in aimlessness, like so many balls in a keno machine; sometimes
meeting, on occasion even recognizing your joint purpose for ever-so-brief an instant, then
drifting apart to nowhere again. For most of you, this has been going on over several thousand
incarnations. You know one another only too well.
What is most significant about your Karass is how infinitely greater your collective power is
than the sum of its parts. Usually twelve in number, a Soul Group is formed by mutual
agreement between Essences. The pact was made eons ago, before time-space, as you issued
forth from the Center. In a sense, none of you are complete without the others; you surrendered
a certain portion of yourselves to the Whole. Such a union involves the healthy interdependence
bonding, wherein all is gained and nothing lost. One still maintains one's distinct individuality -as
though there was ever any reason to fear loss of the Self!
Yet fearing the loss of Individual Self in merging with the Oneness has proven to be the great
downfall of your race, almost from the beginning -the Original Sin or Error, as you have heard it
expressed. Is an atom of oxygen any less distinct in its marriage with another oxygen atom, or a
pair of hydrogens? Are you any less individual at a ball game, singing with a choir or lying
beside your mate? Of course not! You are always still you, the one and only you. It is the fear of
losing yourself which is in error.
Now, even in the midst of Phase I, these Soul Group connections are being made, of strong
and lasting nature. A couple of you here, three or four there, you are rediscovering your Karass.
If I told you what one fully reintegrated Soul Group can accomplish, you would not likely believe
Me. Can you guess, then, what over forty million of them will do? That is how many fully
functional Groupings we shall have among you when just ten percent of your number has
Many of you are finding some of your Karass-mates as we speak. The balance of these
reunitings shall be brought about at the time of Ascension, so do be patient. The Love and Light
to be experienced in your fully connected Group Self will be well worth the wait.
Earth in the Age of Aquarius is distinguished, in one way more than any other, by the Spirit of
Community. This is the time when cooperation influences all acts. We shall see the old
superstructures of the 20th Century have collapsed. All true power will have been placed in the
hands of the autonomous, sovereign communities. There will be no centralization of political
power such as you have previously known it; rather, any matters affecting bioregions or the
global community as a whole shall be undertaken in loving and respectful cooperation between
the people who comprise such groupings. Majority rule, along with its numberless tyrannies,
shall be unheard of. All decisions shall be of a consensual nature -when everyone wants
something, then so shall it be.
The communities will not have need of much in the way of commerce, import and export; all
of their needs and most of their wants will be supplied locally. Even the local currencies which
foster trade within a community will soon be replaced by the widespread growth of Charity as a
virtual institution. Knowing that giving is its own reward, that one naturally reaps what one sows,
the people will give to one another without relent. This will extend out to include whatever free
trade over greater distances does transpire, and people will be safe and free to travel such as
never before.
I see some of you scratching your heads in doubt, but you must see past your present
illusions to a world in which people, while even more highly individualized than any now, are
totally immersed in the Oneness which comes with Christhood. Ascended Beings naturally want
and see the Greater Good without conflict. Rather than bashing divergent beliefs one against
one the other in debate, hoping to arrive at some watered-down compromise, the Christed
People synthesize all truths into the One. It is great fun, I can assure you!
Your first task as a species will be toward restoring Life's balances on Gaia, who shall also
have attained the state of Ascension. You will find yourselves working with Her. You know of the
Native peoples' approach to living with Gaia in every enterprise. You have witnessed the havoc
wrought by industrialized technology. You have even caught the faintest glimpse of "earth-
friendly” technology in the latter part of this century. Can you imagine a situation in which all
technology adds to the procreation of Life?
This is precisely what you have to look forward to... you shall be the new Native Technicians,
incorporating the best from both approaches into a permacultural ethic of practical living. Again,
working with Gaia to restore the diversity of Life on earth shall be your starting point.
You shall have your work cut out for you, but a work of Joy shall it be. Since the change of
climate in many regions will have devastated the local ecologies, you will carry out the task of
reseeding those regions with lifeforms adapted to the new environments. Extraterrestrial friends
shall you encounter in abundance. You shall come to know and love many of these "star
people.” They have preserved many species, even those which you had thought to be extinct,
and will bring them here for re-establishment. Likewise, so shall the beautiful aquaterrestrial
beings, the whales and dolphins, assist you; likewise shall you discover priceless new friendships
in their Loving domains. You must do the actual work yourselves, but the extra- and
aquaterrestrials will help in ways you cannot now dream.
Imagine, if you dare, a world of Nature in full splendor... golden fields of grain waving in the
breeze... vast forests clothed in green and teeming with life... creatures great and small,
traversing once again their domains in amplitude... songs of birds and insects filling the air with
their music, the pulsing of Creator's Original Song and the thundering waters pure and clean...
...imagine riding a craft which glides soundlessly above a pristine landscape... and here and
there you see the products of Humankind, blended and balanced and beautiful... your house is a
haven for the Soul, holding you close to the bosom of your Mother Earth, providing in abundance
all of your basic needs while feeding and interfacing totally with Nature... your community is your
tribe and family, a family where exchanges are the willing gifts of Love, and all is honor and
honesty, sharing and nurturing, support and cooperation...
Can you dare to imagine, My cherished kin? Can you set aside the notions of laboring just to
survive, fearing and warring, dying and grieving, and for what, to what end?
My blessed children, to whom My Love runs so deeply, you are Children of the Stars! You
are meant to thrive and grow, to quicken every life you touch, to go forth and seed the cosmos
with Life!
It is not much of a stretch now to see how, once all is in order upon Earth Mother, you shall
be given and develop for yourselves the technologies which will enable you to venture far out
into the infinite Universal expanse. These technologies, like their earth-serving counterparts, will
utilize the free energies of space, taxing no planet, disturbing no extraterrestrial environment.
You shall have the power to bring inert spheres to life. Dimensions will open up to your ready
access, and the Light and Love of the One shall fill the Universe; as above, so below! These are
your destinies, should you so choose them. They are your Gift, Heritage and Legacy, bestowed
by the generous Love of the One.
Life, Love and Light are Ours to share in adventure...
...Together in the New Age of Christ!
The Closing Sermon

KUALI: Beloved One, please share with us whatever additional information You would wish to
JESUS-SANANDA THE CHRIST: Ah, My valued child, Kuali... as you have seen, the Spirit has
guided you through this process every step of the way. You have observed how gently, how
smoothly and naturally one's experience comes when having fully let go and surrendered to the
Holy Spirit.
As your good friend asked whether you were "freaked out" by the sudden Power of
transmitted Light, you realized all at once how pleasant and joyful this experience has actually
been. There was never the slightest sensation of anything like fear or panic, as you basked
trustingly and with serenity, in the gentle bliss of Christ's enveloping Love.
This is the Reality, the true spiritual experience. One is totally protected and Loved. One's
fears melt and vaporize, and as the mist clears, so are the senses restored to clarity.
I want you to take a deep breath and let yourself open up to what I have to share with you...
As We dwell in the Being of Christ, We find our true Salvation, We are projected into Truth.
We encounter our Divine Purpose. We are bathed clean and delivered into the Purity, the
Yes, you may partake of this State at any timespace point, even from deep within the greenly
wooded forest. As Christ, I speak as the One, and would have you know this:
All of My creations are naught but of the One. And you are of the One, and so One with all of
My creatures. You may awaken to find the great bear napping at your feet. Be at peace. You
and she are One. You may gently nuzzle her fur if you wish, and there will be no harm. You will
nestle in the hollow of the mighty oak, rocking in your arms the mountain lion cub as his mother
looks on with contented pleasure. You will caress the feathers of the golden eagle, the flank of
the bull elk, and all will be One. The trout may feed from your hand, and the rodents nestle on
your lap. All will be One.
This is how you were made to be. Let go, give in to the Love, Be It.


As black the clouds of thunder roll,

As raindrops dance upon your smile,
As brightly shine the
Sunrays, spreading color 'cross the land,
So shall you be
Purified and made Anew.

As winds of Change come roaring,

Bearing mountains in their grasp,
And eagle's talon grips the fallen prey,
As prey is lifted up to be
Reborn new Life to touch the Sun,
So shall the Gift of Change be
Given You.

And when the Mother, rolling over,

Shows Herself in Power,
And slips a mountain's hand around you,
Then sets you safe to ground,
Then so shall you be Power
In the Love that keeps and
Cares for You.

The Universe of Creation is turning upon the axis of Love; by Light is Its direction shone for
all to see. There is an Intelligence, an Intention, a Direction, a Plan... and you shall see that It is
And You, My blessed Creation, whom I Love as I Love Myself, You shall see that all Reality
is of the Good.
Blessed Be the Oneness!

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