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Boy in the Striped Pajamas Answers to these questions should all be written neatly in the students ELA notebook.

Meeting 1 Chapters 1-3 1. Why do they have to turn the lights off at night? 2. Bruno describes the servants in his new house. Who do you think they are and how did they get there? 3. Bruno claims that the other children don't look at all friendly. Why might he make this declaration? What do you think he's seen? Meeting 2 Chapters 4-6 1. Find Boynes simile on page 31 and talk about why he might choose to compare the garden to a candle light in a huge castle 2. Why do you think Bruno's mother says, we should never have let the Fury come to dinner. 3. Why is Bruno surprised when Maria tells him he isn't supposed to say what he feels? Why is this important in the story? Meeting 3 Chapters 7-10 1. What is the current relationship between Gretel and Lt. Kotler? How did you come to that conclusion? 2. On pg. 85, Brunos mother tells Pavel, If the Commandant asks, well say that I cleaned Bruno up. What are the possibilities if the Commandant finds out Pavel helped bruno and why do you think so? 3. How do you think Bruno's grandmother reacted to his letter? What clues in the text lead you to believe that? Give page number and line. 4. Why might Bruno's mother and Lt. Kotler be whispering alone in rooms?

5. Why do you think John Boyne (author) spent half of the book giving background before Bruno ever met the Boy in the Striped Pajamas? Meeting 4 (Chapters 14-17) 1) On p. 158, Bruno reveals that Shmuel told him his grandfather hasnt been seen for days and no one knows where he is. What do you think happened to him? 2) Give evidence that something inappropriate might be going on between Brunos mother and Lt. Kotler. 3) Why do you think it could be important that Bruno thinks he looks just like Shmuel after his head is shaved? 4) In Depth (4-6 Sentences) After reading Ch. 17, give at least three examples showing Bruno has grown up and changed his beliefs from the beginning of the novel. Meeting 5 (final meeting) (Chapters 18 - end) 1) After Ch. 18, list evidence that, although Bruno has grown up quite a bit, he is still very innocent. 2) After Ch. 19, use inference and background knowledge to guess what you think happened at the end of the chapter. Where were the boys and what happened to them? 3) Read the final lines of the novel, from Of course this all happened through not in this day in age. What is ironic about this statement? Name every way you can think of? 4) Read the Authors Note and write a paragraph discussing your thoughts on John Boynes reference to fences that still exist.

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