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Module: Unveiled Speaker: Eric J. Pepin

Track 1 Eric:I'm constantly, constantly searching for ways to make you understand things. Constantly searching for examples, constantly searching for things that somehow, at the right time in youre life, are going to click, and youre going to (clicks fingers) hit some level of enlightenment. That youre really going to understand something that I'm saying, because everything I say to you guys you really understand. But the things that really are like keys, that are really going to take you somewhere, are the most illusive things to understand. You understand it, but not to a point where it instantly makes this chain of events in your head, just an explosion of pathways, that you just all of a sudden understand, and that's ultimately what you're searching for. So I'm always looking for new ways to explain an old thing. And then it's very unfortunate if you guys say, Well, gee, we already kind of understand it. No, if you really said that, then you really don't know what youre talking about. And why is that? Because if you did understand it, you would be enlightened, but you're not, so the point is that no one should say, Well, I already understand that. No, you have understanding of it, but youre not taking it to where you really need to take it. Do you understand what I'm saying? Something is missing. It's like living in a house your whole life, and then one day you move a piece of furniture and all of a sudden there's this little cubbyhole there. And you're saying, Whoa! You know I've lived here five years. Where did this come from? You're missing something. You think you understand but you're missing something. So it's very interesting to me, when I observe whats going on. What are movies in my opinion? Student: The consciousness of the planet.

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-2Eric: ...which is communicating to living organisms. In a way, it's a part of evolution on a big scale. Its a way of teaching mass classrooms, educating a species of the whole planet. These movies just don't stay in America, they now travel all over the world, to the Philippines, to Europe, to Asia, to all parts of the world. And with this information, the languages are broken down. Theyre translated, theyre whatever, but the same concept for the most part is being told. And it's getting in to the majority of the peoples consciousnesses, particularly the next generation, whos more adept at understanding it, so there is a movement for the whole planet as a living organism in space. Its own intelligence is rising because it has to educate everything. It's like your brain has a total response that the whole body is rewarded for. If we discover there's water because there's something that tells us there's water in the other room, everything in my body is rewarded by the fact of that information. Do you understand? So this information is globally making the consciousness of the planet move in time, as it's as a living creature expanding. We are the neuro system per se. Every human being is made from the substance of the universe, which is the body of God. So we all instinctually have a sense or a desire to return to what we come from, meaning to God. This is why we have primitive man, and we have civilizations on different continents growing completely different. Completely different civilizations and cultures, never knowing about one another until later they bump into each other. Yet the one thing we have completely in common, is that everybody made an assumption or a creation of what God was. We all understood that there was something beyond us, and we of course created upon that and created the idea of that. So we know instinctively that man and the planet are moving towards a consciousness, towards a higher consciousness. Man is also perpetually lazy. It's everybody's problem in this room; it's everybody's problem on the face of the planet. Mankind wants the easiest route. The brain started all this, which makes this very interesting. When you think about what it is that you're trying to achieve spiritually, one of the things that you are trying to achieve is to attain higher dimensions of consciousness. What does that entail? Does that mean experiencing other dimensions? Absolutely. So you would move into a different state of mind and your whole reality, as we perceive it, dissipates. It's gone. You're now in a whole new dimension of space and time, really. This is what you're working for, that's very difficult to do.

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-3What's very interesting now is, what is mankind doing with the technology? They're creating a reality of an illusion. They're creating a cheap imitation of what spirituality is really, moving to the higher dimensions, the other places of consciousness that your mind moves into. Man is still working diligently on creating a false reality, in order to believe that it is going to contain their immortality and happiness. Whatt did we think when we die? And the more that you do it, everyone thinks of a level of blissfulness. Correct? Where you're free of disease; you're free of cold and pain. And what are we doing? What we're creating with these digital worlds is that we're virtually creating the ultimate idea of what we perceive this other level to be. And of course the real question is: do I think this is bad or good? Or what is my opinion? Naturally, I think it's bad. I always say the Darkside will mirror. Mirror -- think about what I'm saying mirror. How close to perfect is a mirror image? It's almost identical. It virtually is except for one slight flaw. It reverse faces everything, but technically, other than that, it's identical. The Darkside and the Force are interwoven in time, moving though a level of time that we can't understand. But there is a moment for it, and it is a dance you could say, a battle as to which one is going to win in the final outcome. The point is that I think that a lot of the need for mans laziness, or trying to create an alternate reality, is its way of thinking that its going to achieve immortality. And in so doing they'll go for the fastest, easiest, quickest route and that will be it. But in the end, when the (Clicks fingers) plug is pulled, everybody ceases to exist. The ones who really achieved the true spirituality into the ultimate consciousness are the ones who will truly become immortal. But like most human beings, they want satisfaction now. So they can't feel tomorrow; they can't deal with tomorrow. When tomorrow gets here, it will be a different story, but it is too late. So it really opens up numerous amounts of interesting ideas when we look at the concept. Now the general human being can understand holographic universes or virtual reality. Where it's going now it will no longer be thuggy Tron-like looking worlds, but really worlds that look absolutely real. And it's funny because there's a level of truth to it. It doesn't mean it is completely evil. No. Evil is one percent. Ninety-nine percent is truth. Otherwise you couldn't get sucked into believing it. It has to be as real as this and theres a truth in it. And spirituality for us is a tool for you guys so you can recognize what it is you need to walk away from and understand it not to be lured in like the little silver fish moving through the water. If you were a fish, you would want to bite it, but you understand that there is a hook there. There's a price. It
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-4may be tempting but you've got to understand what something is. And all the levels of it are just very, very intriguing. Just to give you a little brain storm of thought is what do I always say this all is? It's an illusion. It's an illusion. And it is an illusion! You could say in a way that like a computer generates a virtual world, so is something on a much larger level, generating much like a computer, this reality. You might say, Well if this is an illusion, it's not real. No, it's true to say that it is real up to a certain percent. Everything is energy. Energy is real in the bottom line. It's just constructs of light. Its not the reality of what it really is. It's an illusion still. It's truly a hologram; its truly virtual reality. It's just how we want to perceive it. So when we go into these worlds of virtual reality that we create, we no longer can tell the difference there anymore. That time is already growing near, and you'll see this, not just in a movie but it's going to happen. Youll go in there and you'll feel the texture of the chair, and youll feel this conversation. Maybe they're going to have to have a virtual spiritual teacher. Ah, you're going to have this other reality. And you could stay there forever, not really knowing whats going on, much like the pods for the Matrix. So in essence what becomes reality and what becomes freedom? The difference is that, in the end, one is enslavement, enslavement of your spirit. The other one is true freedom and you don't know the difference. They're made to be like a webbing that you can't see. One has space where you can possibly make it through, and the other one is going to catch you and it's going to destroy you in the end. When I say to you that everything is predictable, everything technically is up to a certain point. There is a point where it's not any more. But on our level we pretty much run on that level which makes it a what? A matrix. If I have the room, as I always taught you guys, it's a perfect sized room. We know the equations of the size. And I take the ball and I bounce it, and I say, Where is it going to stop? Put your finger right on the spot where it's going to to stop. You really can't do it, but if we had a computer to calculate the weight of the ball, the density of the ball, the speed ratio, the room, and all these variables, would it be able to tell you, if it was a super, super beyond what we understand super computers, like the kind of computer well have in another ten thousand years? Would we be able to tell you then where it's going to stop? So what is now random? And what is now predictable? It's only unpredictable because our brains cannot go to that level, unless you learn how. When you become enlightened, you become this super computer. That's the secret.
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Track 2 Eric: So everything is predictable in a way. Even life and human kind is predictable, we just can't perceive it. Some people would say to me, How can you predict the future? Years ago when I used to do readings, it was uncanny how accurate they were. It wasn't because the futures technically written. It is predicted. Do you understand what I'm saying? It is tapping into this consciousness that's here. It's like radio signals moving through the air right now and T.V waves and satellites. We don't think about it, but its moving through us right now. There is a super consciousness that is part of the planet, and another one that is part of the universe. Do you understand? When your mind can move the speed of light rather than biochemically, you can understand the knowledge you want. Now people only pick a certain thing. You might watch T.V but youre missing all the cellular phone calls going on right now through the air. You're missing out on all the pagers. You're missing out on all the ham radio conversations right now. There are probably four hundred stations of satellite T.V., even nine hundred, going through us right now. But you select one. So maybe you select to predict the future with your ability, or you select to do something else spiritually. The idea is you're still limiting yourself because it hasnt really, really hit you what you can do. If you can do one, you can do them all. If everything is an illusion, you can change reality if you can reach enlightenment. But as they show in the movie, it's very difficult to do it and you fall back asleep. This is sleep now. We have super computers that will create these artificial worlds, and theyre going to be amazing. But theres one thing that these computers can't do. Everything you'll see in a virtual world is something that can be conceived, that you can imagine. Anything thats beyond that is outside of the computer, in the true super computer, the consciousness of God, which is incomprehensible to us yet. It is in every corner. Its beyond words. It's so unimaginable to perceive, that it is enlightening in itself. It changes your consciousness to become an older, more powerful being just from observing it. In our little world we see amazing things; it's always about touch, feel, sensation, sex, drugs, rock n roll, whatever you want. We are so limited because this is what we are, what we perceive ourselves to be, so this is the limitation of your program. Think of a computer program. Can a program do something more than what it's programmed to do? Do you get what I'm saying?
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-6So I believe the consciousness of God is the ultimate computer. When you look at super computers on this planet, the best we'll have in thousands of years, and they could create amazing things -- imagine what it could create for virtual worlds versus getting off the planet. It's just a little pea in the solar system which is also a little pea. Then think about the whole universe, and that is the true super computer. What are the possibilities for universes and dimensions that exist within its virtual worlds? You may ask yourself, How does this all work? Man is made in the image of God, and it's probably true to some level -- not in a physical aspect, but in a dimensional conscious way of thinking. When we do that, what do we create for our own virtual worlds? We have our own virtual worlds. That's where we go in our dreams and they're real. Is it not so real in your dreams that you cannot tell the difference? You smell; you taste; youre cold; youre warm; you can have sex. You can do all the things you can do in this reality. Then what is the difference between this reality and your dream world? None. It's just that this is the point of projection. This is the point where it's like a thick line between all the finer levels of other dimensions you can move to and experience. When you go into your mind, there are virtual worlds from your super computer, which is better than any other computer that's going to be made for thousands of years. It's creating its own micro version of the bigger version of what Gods creating, that we are in the thick of. So in essence, when you go into your realm, it is another form of virtual reality. We're just recreating it. We're mimicking it because we want to control it more. The difference between your virtual worlds is you think that you don't have control. But what have I always tried to teach you? Try to wake in your dreams and see your hand. Take control of the illusion. If you can do it there, you can do it here. There's not a difference; you just believe there is. I'm seeing how mans intelligence is growing, in his evolutionary process moving forward as a species. The visionaries are growing. The understanding of spirituality is coming closer, but they don't understand the spirituality at all. Do you understand? They're still separating it. They want their experience, but they want to ignore their existence to God. They want it to all be about physical experience. That's the organic planet; that's the Darkside. Thats all about stimulation, creating a solidified you rather than an energy consciousness you which is boundless. Do you understand? It's all about plugging into gratification through their normal five senses. They cannot perceive what is beyond the five senses, so therefore everything they're creating is really developing your mind to solidify so it can't really expand in its own unique
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-7way. You might be able to fly eventually in your virtual worlds. You may be able to do certain things, but you'll never be able to do what you could never have already imagined. You can only do things that you can perceive now. In the end the people who create a virtual reality and follow that path will reach an end. When you buy a new toy, it's exciting at first. What happens to it eventually when you've mastered it over and over again, or a video game or anything else? It becomes obsolete. You withdraw, don't you? Youre seeking that something else. What happens when you've done the ultimate experiences and you've reached the end of it? Youve done it so may times it's lost its interest. That will eventually be the death of the red cell. We're talking thousands of years into the future, but eventually they will reach an end where theres nothing for them to do. Then they have to turn to God, or they die. Do you understand? They have to leap to that unpredictability of amazement, which is an infinity of knowledge and experience beyond the human races, and any sentient being we become can project into there, and it's still boundless. That's what you really want. Do you follow what I am saying? You want what cannot be understood at this moment. You want what cannot be perceived or conceived. Thats what you really want. We are seekers of experience, so we create our own artificial experience because we're too lazy to really work within this higher level. Its not that it's really terribly hard. The problem is that human beings are perpetually lazy and technology in life deters us from awakening. And the comforts of life deter us from being spiritually awakened. So we have a much harder time obtaining it. First thing you've got to understand is that we're trying to understand something that is a virtually an unknowable way of understanding, because you can't do it with a human brain. You can't do it with human eyes, or sense of smell, sense of hearing, sense of taste, or words that only represent words that only represent things in this dimension that we can understand. And now I'm being asked to link all this, to give you something bigger that you don't understand, that ultimate unknowable thing. And you just can't do it from here. Do you follow what I'm saying? You have to realize what this all is first, and then you can do it. Because then your vocabulary, your consciousness of how you understand things completely, this becomes A B C's. It's nothing. We are energy beings. Perhaps the hologram is inside of us and this is all the reality. If you are the physical you, let's assume you think that this is who you are and your mind is just your mind, and that's an energy place and your dreams are your essence, your virtual world. What I'm saying is that that the body of God is a structure, and the mass of his inner mind is all
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-8of this. Its when you say, This is God's dream. Do you understand what I'm saying? Theres really fantastic thought here, if you can catch the wave, and I don't think you guys are getting it. To imagine the brain of God, imagine something so big that we're just a microscopic ant inside of it. And our little universe is happening just like the molecular stuff under the microscope. Its happening all over us, but were not even aware of it. In your mind you create on a micro level, you're a little miniature of God, you're creating these vast universes in your consciousness, in your dreams and all these scenarios. And what I'm saying is to imagine that God's mind is what we're within, and that these are all the billions of scenarios happening within him. This is why it's all an illusion still. If you could say your dreams are an illusion, then I would say if the mind of God or the universe is the body of God, then this is the illusion for God and we're part of it. The first mistake you can make is to think that God is a man. Or to think that God thinks like a man, or that God is anything like a human being. It's not, but in order to get you just to where you got, for the little tiny piece of knowledge you just got, I had to lie and fool you into thinking in a way that took you outside of the box for a second. Your brain as a human being wants to think of God in a human way. Or that it's a big brain or that it's some structure of matter. It's not. So throw that part out but keep the pearl you got. Do you understand? Now you have an understanding that this is all an illusion. Do you follow what I'm saying? Just like it would be an illusion in your mind, but don't think of the other half, because the other half isnt real. Its only a container to move you to where you are now. If you get stuck on the container then you'll be stuck here. That's the dangerous part. Track 3 Eric: What does everybody do? They go back to sleep. That is the battle of the student, that you go back to sleep. It's like accepting your virtual reality. In your virtual reality world, you begin to accept the virtual reality as your reality and you forget that its really not real. It's so real that you convince yourself it is real, that you forget the fact of even asking yourself is it real or not real anymore. You just accept it in your dream. If this is really a kind of dream also, we've got to be careful we don't get caught up on words. Throw the container out now. Dream is a container to get you to here. Do you understand what I'm saying? Forget about it. It's just a lie, so I can show you how to get to an understanding. In your dream, you have your dream and you think it's
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-9reality. At some given moment, you wake up in your dream and you realize wait a minute, and the ultimate question arises: This isn't real. This is a dream; I'm dreaming, and you all of a sudden have the realization. And then what happens? You go back into the dream world and forget you even asked yourself if it's a dream. Or some part of you knows it is, but it begins to wash away because you begin to interact with the virtual, with the dream or what you could call the visual world or virtual world. Do you understand? You forget. In essence you go back to sleep there. Do you understand? You go back to a dream state consciousness. So when you guys are here, you go to sleep when you lose your spirituality, when you forget to fight for your spirituality, to hang on to your little bit of consciousness. The more you fall asleep, and the less that you do spiritually, the more this world solidifies for you. And the more that you fight to awaken, the more that you begin to see the entities move through here, the other dimensions, the other universes and eventually to be able, hopefully, to begin to affect this dimension. But you go back to sleep! Because it's hard to stay awake. In your dream what do you do? We say in reality when you go sleep, you become part of the machine right? You go to work. You go to sleep. You do everything. Lie down on the chair because it's too much work to what? To find your spirituality again, to work on it. So you seem to automate. Well, what are you doing in your dream? When you wake up in your dream and you realize youre dreaming, what do you do eventually? You go back to sleep, you go back into your dream. What do you do in your dream? You do whatever the dream's program is or wherever it's going to take you. What do you think you're doing here? Nothing different, absolutely nothing different. Tell me what the difference is. Do you understand? There is only one true reality, and that is to become conscious, to have true awareness. It's like being multi-frequency. Remember how I say I can see so many different things? It's like being aware of it all. That's really being alive. That's enlightenment, to be a true sentient being in the universe, to have consciousness, not to be moved by the program. Do you follow me? I choose the destination. I choose to become part of the dream to move along in it, but I can step out when I have to. That's the difference you guys don't have. You guys understand, but you don't understand how to step out. That's why you need the teacher. Do you understand? Even now I pull you out of your dream. Even now I, as the awakened one, have to use my awakenedness to reach you. Do you follow me? In your dream you go back into a sleep state of mind, and you just function. Here you lose your sense of spirituality and you go right back into
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- 10 the program. Am I not right? Can everybody see that? Can you? You understand? That's why you have to fight. It's like trying to stay awake in your dream, how easy is it? Student: Hard Eric: Is it just hard? That's it? Hard? Hard can be done. Moving the table around might be hard, but we can do it. Student: No, it's like near impossible. Eric: Precisely. But is it achievable? Do you get my point? So it's achievable here, isn't it? And having certain people learn to control their dream worlds as they call it. Its virtual worlds. It's no different really than this one, but this is the main one. This is this is the place in between the Darks consciousness and the Lights consciousness. This is the ultimate percolated point where your frequency is. So this is the main one where you seem to be. But the reality is, in your virtual worlds, you are living there and as active there as you are here. You just aren't bridging them together. What do I always say about past lives? You've lived many past lives right? You really can't remember right now, but you have and you guys accept that. So you have memories of other things. Well, what I'm saying to you is, you are existing in other worlds but youre not aware of it. When you go to sleep one minute it could be a day there. In comparison to the universe, I've just come in for a minute, which is a hundred years here. In your dream, what do you do? You convince yourself that youre kind of in control, even though you know you're not. Even though you guys know you're not, youre convincing yourself, Oh I can go back to my spirituality whenever I want, but in reality you're not in control anymore, because you've given up control. You've decided to go on autopilot with the machine. Now when I say to you, Look at your hand in your dream, what makes that so shocking in your dream? Because it's an active choice that shocked you, that was not in the program. It's from another program that leaped over into your next virtual reality in your dream mode. And that's what shocks the system. What do I say here? I say, Whatever is your main pattern, chop it up a little bit. Shock it. Throw something in there that's going to mess it up. I always say to use me in that intimate way, to shock the system, because I'm multidimensional. What if that ripples
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- 11 all of your virtual worlds? You just may not know it, but thats because youre in so much conflict, or you're in so much debate or whatever. It's enough to ripple everything else, to question, Who am I? What am I? In itself the bi-product, eventually, is something more refined. It begins to build what? The body. We always talk about the body. You're building a body for enlightenment. The enlightenment body is a multi-spectrum body. Instead of it being a product of the virtual reality, it can move through them all like frequencies. Do you understand what I'm saying? It's not limited. You can change reality. But it's the same thing. If I keep changing dimensional reality here, it has an effect. This is why I always say it isnt good for me to do things like that. It's not good for me to pull off like major things, because it has an effect on the machinery for this dimension In your dream somethings happening. In a way you kind of know it's a dream, but you're ignoring it. And in a way you kind know whats going to happen, but you kind of don't. And there's a whole purpose behind the dream, because the dream fully intends to do something. In reality, life isn't much different. You know that you are really kind of asleep spirituality because of everything you've learned from me, but yet you still kind of choose to do whatever youre doing. In a way, you already kind of know the outcome of everything youre going to do. In your dream, youre a little bit afraid of what's going to happen, and a little bit curious. In this reality, you're a bit afraid of losing the teacher, but in another way you're curious to do whatever you're doing. It's really not much different. The idea is, how do you get out of the loop? This is why we meditate. This is why we do the things we do. When I say we're not moving slow enough, no one really still understands that. You hear me say it, you nod your heads, but you dont have a clue. And even though I'm going to explain it, and you're going to think you're going to get it, you will only walk away with ten percent of it. And how can I say that for sure? Because I know already, because I've already leaped ahead. But if you really got it (clicks fingers), you'd reach enlightenment like that. When I say we cannot move slow enough, it means to try to be conscious of much as possible. Watch what happens when I'm talking, feel what you feel. See the carpet. Feel the chair that youre sitting in. Feel your hands touching your skin. Hear the sound in the room. Be aware of one another. Be conscious of as many things as you can. And the first question is, What for? It's just going to be the same in two seconds. That's how a human thinks. When you slow everything down, at the beginning its just a struggle to be aware of it, instead of automating in it. When you
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- 12 slow everything down, the longer you can train yourself to be more aware of things, it slips you slowly out of the virtual reality. You become less and less a machine. The machine needs you not to be really conscious. It needs you to interact like a dream. You just move through things. Do you understand? When you become conscious in your dream, what happens? You become awake. Think about it. You guys have the knowledge in you. You have the memory. In your dream when you look at your hand, what are you doing? It's the first thing youre becoming conscious of, for everything else is just happening. You're experiencing. You're doing. You're in the dream. I'm running. I'm walking. There are things happening, but it's a virtual reality. It's building it so fast that you don't see it happening. It looks like it's real. Do you follow me? But if you stop for a second and you question something, what happens? That's the moment you realize you're dreaming. It's the moment you stop and say, Wait a minute, this doesn't seem real. Something triggers you and what are you doing? You're become conscious for a minute. You're questioning and seeing things for a moment, instead of just being. That's what wakes you up, but eventually you fall right back asleep. So thats why I say in your spiritual training, You cannot move slowly enough. Everything is moving so quickly right now. So quickly you have no idea. Speed of light, it's what's creating this frequency. We're all moving at it. But to stop and move your consciousness onto anything, for any given moment, slows it down. You're holding that glass. If you think of that glass everything is speeding around it. But, because your mind can move at the speed of light energy, you can hold it. You just don't understand how. So when you start to look at everything, you begin to hold everything with your mind. Your mind begins to learn after a while to hold reality. And what happens is, its like the movies. Everything stops and you can move around. It's like how they do with the pictures, like how you walk around the objects. It's the only way I can explain it. Its not quite like that, but there's a kind of knowing inside of you that feels good, but it feels really calm. You look and you know that something isnt right, but you just don't know what it is, because you're so used to it always being around. Well, it's the same thing that happens in your dream, does it not? In your dream, all of a sudden you get the sense that something isn't right, and that's what makes you realize its a dream. Track 4
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- 13 -

Eric: So that's how you wake up, by willfully and actively trying to hold things, by slowing everything down in your mind. Stop babbling. Stop talking, just be still. But as sure as in your dream, as you fall back asleep and you forget being about conscious, so do you fall asleep here after. You fall right back into the machine. When you glitch out, it resets you to go back in. It's the same thing happening in this dimension, same thing. So you constantly have to build your strength up and your awareness and your consciousness, through diligence in your spirituality, to someday break free from it. Or you become another red cell. You become part of the product of the machine, spewing it out. It's hard to do, and this is why you want a spiritual teacher, someone whos constant, someone like this pillar that you can project and hang onto or be near. And it somehow holds you into this gravitational pull with all this other artificial-ness. Somehow even when you're moving in the artificial-ness, you know that there is a connection holding you, that you can return when it's time. It's when the teacher says, Sit; let's learn; let's talk. We're stopping everything now. Do you understand? We're moving out of this reality but we say to ourselves, We still know the couch is here. In time it dissipates. As you become more spiritual, things begin to happen. You've got to be careful you don't think in time. Most people think of time as in distance. How long to get from A to B? That's not how time works. Throw time out. Time is a container. It's only going to screw you up. It's from this dimension. Do you understand? When you begin in your mind, to become very conscious of things, you will feel yourself and you can move. You can move. And everything around you is still. Even when I watch water, I can let myself go to the point where I can see the water still. By meditating, by doing your spiritual work, by trying to get as much energy as you can, this is what allows you to escape from this frequency. It's what allows you to change this dimension. It's what allows your mind to bridge time and space. And you will not be able to do it if you keep allowing yourself to fall asleep. And the only way not to fall asleep is to set an alarm clock. Do you follow me? To wake yourself out of your dream, you need an alarm clock. In this world you must have an alarm clock. Your alarm clock really is me in a way. It's to snap you out of your dream, to bring you to here, so you can re-question what you perceive as reality. It's for you to have little spiritual things, like a certain time every day you know you do your meditation. It's what brings you into this place. Do you understand what I'm saying?

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- 14 You set up regimens of gathering with other students because when you collect more like minded people, you can create a bigger bubble as I call it. You can push time better. Do you understand? It works as long as everyone has their mind working with you, but if you have heavy sleepers, that can be like a poison in with you, too. That's why I always say, when I begin to see people begin to slouch and they're not getting it, that they're going to sleep. It's like the universe saying, You're too weak, go fall back into the machine. Do you understand? So you've got to be very careful who you select. You could make it more powerful, or you can introduce somebody in that's going to bring it all down and bring you to sleep. Do you understand? Because they don't have that power to push out of that gravitation. They can't slip out of the thing. This is why the teacher will sometimes push energy out and bring you there. You might hear my voice change. How many of you guys have heard me change frequencies and you hear my voice change? Now I say there's a reason for that. It's because Im really hyperdimensionalizing. You see this, but that's not whats really going on. This is part of the illusion for you, but there's more traveling from this other place out. What keeps you here is your five senses basically: your sense of smell, your touch, your hearing, your eye sight. All of these things are what bind you to this reality or make you believe in this reality. This is what we do. Why do I say, Sit; be still; clear your mind of thought? What happens is you're not using your five senses anymore, or at least youre not being attentive to them. Do you follow me? You're really shutting them all out. So what are you left with? Nothing, technically. So what happens is that you begin to have consciousness, eventually, on other levels that you can't perceive. At first you say, Well there's nothing there. There's nothing there; there's nothing. It's inevitable in human nature, or I should say spiritual nature, that you question and you want to experience things. But the more that you do it, what will adapt is a soul inside of you or a consciousness. It will find other means to experience with. You will develop other ways of experiencing, other than touch and smell and hearing and taste. There are other ways of experiencing. Do you follow me? It's just beyond your comprehension, but you cannot make something that you cannot perceive yet. You can't imagine it, but I am telling you that, as sure as evolution is evolution and it changes everything over time, so will there be things that adapt inside of you, to allow you to experience in other ways you haven't thought of. But you have to endure the natural instinct to use the basic stuff that you have already. Do you follow me? Once you do that, youll be able to
All rights reserved. This document is owned by Higher Balance Institute. Any person is hereby not authorized to view, copy, print, and distribute this document unless by explicit permission of Higher Balance Institute.

- 15 perceive and move through time and space, and move without being seen and be able to do miracles. But you can't do it if you think the way you think. And the only way youre going to get out of the way of thinking the way you think is to stop thinking. Thats because thinking can only tell you what it is that you can imagine, what you can see, what you can understand. You can inevitably understand a whole lot more. It's just that you don't have the faith to take that chance. It's like you're afraid of it, and again that's death, because death means the removal of what you think you are and that's your five senses, too. Questions? Student: You're here in this time, in this space, in this dimension, this life. And it's not the whole of you. Is it just a very small part of you? Eric: Yes. Student: So it's a very small part of us really. Is the rest of our consciousness completely asleep, or are we living other lives at the exact same time? Eric: You are a living what I would call hologram lives, virtual realties, yes. You're living them, but they don't have to be lived in the way you do, and you must remember you can't see the whole path then. Student: Now to become enlightened in this life is to become enlightened in every life that you're living now? Correct? Eric: Yes. Yes. Once you reach enlightenment, its you. It's just a knowing. You just know how to move through it all. But there are limitations when you go into this reality. You must give up in a way, a kind of death, a temporary death, much like you guys forget your past life. There's a part of you that you have to forget, because there is no way for you to solidify in this dimension if you don't. I couldn't be having this conversation with you guys if I really accepted the totality of what I was. If I did, it's so powerful that all of this would disappear, and I would disappear. Do you understand? Or you guys would still keep my body here in your minds, for your own virtual reality, but I really am not here any more. I would become a hologram in a way. Because
All rights reserved. This document is owned by Higher Balance Institute. Any person is hereby not authorized to view, copy, print, and distribute this document unless by explicit permission of Higher Balance Institute.

- 16 I choose not to be fully conscious of my totality of consciousness, that is what allows me to move at the speed that I am with you guys. But I have enough to step out when I want. You've seen me change. There are points where I want to throw up because I can't deal with this dimension as I become more and more spiritual. Do you follow what I'm saying? How many of you guys have begun to see me illuminate? I mean, if you really watch when I start to move up, you'll start to see what looks like an illumination. If I kept pushing it, it would be the dissemination of me in your virtual reality. I would either cease to exist or it would stop and you would see some part of me you recognize as being the typical regular Eric. Do you see what I'm saying? Because I go a movement. When I'm typical Eric, there's this other part of me that is more concentrated in other places in other universes. When I go to work, mostly I'm not here. Do you understand? It's organicness of existing but in part still always being aware. Do you see what I'm saying? It's watching me through a T.V. or experiencing me in person, (Clicks fingers) but being able to shift that fast to what I need to be or to be back here. I don't think of me as being just here. You guys think of yourself as, This is me. I don't think that. I think of this as a fraction of me. Do you follow what I am saying? I am in many places in a way, as consciousness. Student: Going on what another student said, why is there a consciousness here in this place? Eric: Most likely it goes back to the original part of being red cells and creating white cells. Or perhaps you could be living hundreds of lives already but still in this particular tonal speed as your main one. All people start off as organics and they're red cell. They think with a biochemical brain. They're whatever. But eventually you think, Is this all that I am? More than just a man but is this all that I am? And you create a soul, okay, and this is what really creates consciousness. In my opinion the true consciousness is when you question your identity as to, Is this all that I am? The reason why you guys are here is because you guys are obviously much more advanced than other people, just to have the conversation you're having with me. Just the fact of being able to understand any of this, is like huge pieces of building an inter-dimensional body, just by having this conversation. In essence you guys are here because you guys are really on the verge of either finding enlightenment or losing it altogether. The most concentrated you is right here in this room. The other parts of you are really micro-consciousnesses. Theyre still
All rights reserved. This document is owned by Higher Balance Institute. Any person is hereby not authorized to view, copy, print, and distribute this document unless by explicit permission of Higher Balance Institute.

- 17 virtual. They're not even as real as this. This is more the virtual world of God's consciousness, and when you go into your sleep here, you go into micro consciousnesses of what God would be doing. So this is the most solidified for you. This is your meeting ground of understanding. I would not concern myself so much with the containers of our talk about dreams, because you're going to get lost again. What matters most is that you begin to try to be as conscious in this dimension as you can. Your mind uses electricity to think. Your whole embodiment of thought or what it is that you know is energy. Correct? Now your organic body that hosts you needs a recycling period to regenerate. That's what sleep is about, for the brain to get dopamines and whatever else it needs. Does energy need to sleep? Is it even feasible to imagine energy being in a state of, of...? Student: Rest. No. Eric: Do you understand? It's simply going into the virtual worlds and working through those then. You should not get so absorbed with where your mind is going or what its doing. What's more important is that you work on the most important things. And the most important thing is being aware of this dimension and its structure, to be conscious. Weve been over this a million times, in a million different ways; driving and feeling the wheel of the car, to thinking about your body sitting in a chair. What do you guys do? You go back to your dream world. The idea is to incorporate as much of things that shock you awake. To build, you're shifting as much as you can. If you could do it, meditate three times a day. Within four weeks what a huge difference that would be in your spiritual abilities! And the things you could see and do. You would be shocked. Once you get the ball running, it becomes a catalyst for more that automatically puts you into that state of mind. If you begin to see things and know things and feel things, it's what's keeping you more there. In fact, it gets to the point where you're there more of the time than you are here. And that's ultimately what you're trying to achieve. This is why it's important for the body to be healthy. It's important for you to have your finances secure as you can, because anything that can powerfully draw you into this speed of dimension, if you're there too often, will pull you back down here from your spiritual place. And this is where you're going to exist all the time. It's very hard to get back up there. So this is why it's important to have as few distractions in your life as you can.
All rights reserved. This document is owned by Higher Balance Institute. Any person is hereby not authorized to view, copy, print, and distribute this document unless by explicit permission of Higher Balance Institute.

- 18 You have to work. You accept your work. But like my home, my home is all spiritual, also my friends, and I keep my dimension together as much as I can. The more that I circulate in that outside world, the more I fall asleep. In essence that's what you've got to do. This is why I say your house, your room, your space, whatever you have, should have things that remind you of your spirituality. Everything in my life reminds me of my spirituality, the majority of things that I have. Everything has some kind of spiritual incantation in it. And it's there because when my eye sees it, it helps hold me onto this place of slowing things down. When I go out into the world, what's the one place you know you've got to come back to? Here. So if I fall asleep out there, what is the chance of me being woken up by accident again? When I end up going back into the machine, I come back here. My things, my vibration, my tonal, are designed to help (clicks fingers) bring me back. So you utilize whatever tools you have. I don't really need it so much, but its here to help me in case I ever need that. That's what that whole vibration thing is. That's part of that spiritual consciousness. It's a very multifrequency place that instead of you coming in here, out there the machine runs you. In here it's like this little bubble universe that in some part allows you to step out of the program thats programming you all the time. It's like shielding. It's like you can think while you're here and really begin to question things. When you go back out there, you go right back into sleep, right back into automating again. Sleep is a very deadly thing. It's the destroyer of many people who almost became enlightened. It's like relationships. When you end up in a relationship, that person spends the majority of time with you. If they are deep in the machine, what is going to happen to you? This is the person who you probably spend fifty percent of your time with. This is the person you open your consciousness to. This is who you allow in your absolute closest presence. What's going to happen? It's going to bring you into the sleep. Everything, it's all the same stuff; it's just how you look at it. It's very interesting to look at virtual worlds, spiritual ideas of worlds. It's very interesting when I think of the yogi masters, thousands of years ago, when they would go to these other dimensions. In the future we'll have artificial worlds that we'll go to, but they'll be nothing like the real thing. As amazing as they possibly could get, it's a tenth of a percent of what really is out there, that you can experience. I remember one time a student I had who worked very hard at his meditations, and I was working with him, working with him, working with him. And finally he
All rights reserved. This document is owned by Higher Balance Institute. Any person is hereby not authorized to view, copy, print, and distribute this document unless by explicit permission of Higher Balance Institute.

- 19 hit what would be another virtual world. A virtual world of what God was and he experienced it for awhile, and all of a sudden it was too overwhelming for him to bring that here. And he got up and said, Oh my God! Oh my God! It's the most amazing thing I've ever seen, and he went on for about thirty minutes. It was just mind blowing, but he kept having the world of his music and his other things. And eventually he got caught up in the sleep by accident, with everything he experienced. He said there's no way he could draw what he had experienced. There was no way he could explain it. There were no words that could speak it, and you want to stay there forever. It's just because you know that it's just so much more real than here. I think thats part of the reason why I get sick sometimes, when I want to throw up and feel nauseated like being on a roller coaster. When I go there, it feels perfectly natural to me and then when I come here, I realize how fake everything is to me. Everything feels and looks like plastic. Its the only way I can describe it, and then eventually you settle in and you accept this dimension again and you're okay with it. Could you imagine, if you are awake in your dream, isn't there a part of you that that looks around and knows it's all fake? And you want to escape and you almost get nauseated and then all of a sudden you just kind of accept your dream again? Same thing.

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