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There are 7 + 1 (7 is the nu !er "# $er#e%ti"n& ' is the nu !er "# ne( thin)s*. 1. I a 2. I a 1. I a 5. I a 6. I a /. I a 7. I a the !rea+ "# ,i#e - ."hn /017. the ,i)ht "# the ("r,+ - ."hn '012. the +""r - ."hn 1304. the )""+ she$her+ - ."hn 13011. the resurre%ti"n an+ the ,i#e - ."hn 11026. the (a78 the truth8 an+ the ,i#e - ."hn 150/. the true 9ine - ."hn 1601.

2. The tit,e I A (as #irst )i9en t" M"ses. :"+ sai+ unt" M"ses8 ;I A that I A < (E=. 1014*. >ater :"+ sai+8 I a$$eare+ t" A!raha 8 t" Isaa%8 an+ t" .a%"! . . . !ut ?!7@ M7 na e .EHOAAH I (as n"t Bn"(n t" the (E=. /01*. 1. The r""t eanin) "# .EHOAAH "r >ORD is I a 8 I a . Chi%h su))ests the se,#D e=istent One. E N" "ne %reate+ the >ORD. E N" "ne (as !e#"re the >ORD. E N" "ne is eFua, t" the >ORD. 5. Chen .esus sai+8 I a the !rea+ "# ,i#e8 He eant8

a. Eterna, ,i#e - (/017*. !. Resurre%ti"n ,i#e - (/01'D55*. %. Satis#7in) ,i#e - (/05'D61*. +. In+(e,,in) ,i#e - (/062D64*. G. A STUDH OI THE CORD GREAD 1. Ch7 +"es a $ers"n eatJ

E Ce eat #"r hea,th. E Ce eat t" )et stren)th. E Ce eat #"r enK"7 ent. E Ce eat t" #i,, "ur $er%ei9e+ nee+. 2. C"r,+ hun)er has ,itt,e t" +" (ith #""+ sh"rta)es. Chat %auses hun)erJ E L"9ert7 - n" ,an+ t" )r"(8 t"",s8 see+s8 "r "ne7. E Ar e+ %"n#,i%t - n" a)ri%u,tura, $r"+u%ti"n8 et%. E En9ir"n enta, "9er,"a+ - ra$i+ $"$u,ati"n )r"(th8 etr"$",itan s$ra(,. E Dis%ri inati"n - n" a%%ess t" e+u%ati"n8 %re+it8 K"!s. E L"(er,ess $e"$,e - n" $",iti%a, %,"ut. 1. E,e9en i,,i"n $e"$,e +ie #r" star9ati"n ea%h 7ear8 !ut n"t +ue t" the ,a%B "# #""+. The7 +ie "# i,,nesses !e%ause their !"+ies are un+er n"urishe+. 5. There are '16 i,,i"n $e"$,e in ("r,+ (h" are un+ern"urishe+.

6. T7$es "# !rea+0 (hite8 r7e8 (heat8 (h",e )rain8 un,ea9ene+8 !is%uits8 r",,s8 u##ins8 $u $erni%Be,8 +u $,in)s8 #ritters8 $an%aBes8 s%"nes8 (a##,es8 t"rti,,as8 an+ %"rn !rea+. /. Cheat has aBe !rea+. "re 9ita ins (n"urish ent* than an7 "ther t7$e "# )rain #r" (hi%h (e

7. Se%u,ar tra+iti"n0 un,ea9ene+ !rea+ use+ unti, an E)7$tian s,a9e set asi+e (heat #,"ur +"u)h (hi%h #er ente+ an+ r"se. '. Christian tra+iti"n0 sin%e .esus use+ !rea+ as a s7 !",8 it (as a sin t" thr"( a(a7. The7 a+e a si)n "# the %r"ss (ith Bni#e an+ !utter8 a,(a7s )a9e thanBs - e9en i# "n,7 a "rse,. C. .ESUS USED THE I AM TIT>ES 1. Use+ in the ,ast 7ear "# His inistr7 (hen $r"9in) His +eit7.

2. .esus as !rea+ satis#ies the +ee$est hun)er !7 $e"$,e #"r :"+. G,esse+ are the7 (h" hun)er an+ thirst a#ter ri)hte"usness8 #"r the7 sha,, !e #i,,e+ (Matt. 60/*. 1. .esus as !rea+ "9er%" es the %urse "n A+a 8 In the s(eat "# th7 #a%e sha,t th"u eat !rea+ (:en. 1014*. The %ure "# Christ8 I a the ,i9in) !rea+ . . . i# an7 an eats "# this !rea+8 he sha,, ,i9e (."hn /061*. 5. .esus as !rea+ !rin)s ("rshi$ t" :"+8 a t7$e "# O,+ Testa ent !rea+ "##erin) t" the >"r+. He (the $riest* t""B "ne un,ea9ene+ %aBe . . . an+ ,e#t the "n the a,tar "# !urntD "##erin)0 the7 (ere %"nse%rate+ #"r a s(eet sa9"r . . . unt" the >"r+ (>e9. '02/8 2'*.

6. .esus as !rea+ #u,#i,,s the t7$e "# the anna in the (i,+erness. M"ses )a9e 7"u n"t that !rea+ #r" hea9en8 !ut 7 Iather )i9eth 7"u the true !rea+ #r" hea9en (."hn /012*. Chara%teristi%s "# Manna E Dai,78 ha+ t" !e )athere+ an+ eaten. E Su##i%ient8 #"r a,, #a i,7. E C"u,+n<t st"re u$8 it ("u,+ s$"i,. E Hea,th78 it sustaine+ ,i#e (n" si%Bness*. /. .esus as !rea+ #u,#i,,s the >"r+<s Lra7er. :i9e us this +a7 "ur +ai,7 !rea+ (Matt. /011*. E Grea+ is a s7 !",i% ("r+ that re$resents a,, "ur nee+s. E N"t a (areh"use !ut a !rea+ aBer. 7. .esus as !rea+ is #u,#i,,e+ in the %" uni"n. TaBe eat8 this is M7 !"+7 (hi%h is !r"Ben #"r 7"u& this +" in re e !ran%e "# Me I C"r. 11025*. E Gr"Ben !rea+ is a $i%ture "# .esus< !"+7 that +ie+ #"r e. E Eatin) is a $i%ture "# re%ei9in) His $resen%e int" 7 ,i#e. H"u in (."hn 15023*. e an+ I in 7"u

I# 7"u ha9e ne9er !een !a$tiMe+ !e%ause "# !e,ie# n"( is the a%%e$ta!,e ti e t" $,a%e the na e "# .esus u$"n 7"ur #irst ste$ int" rea,it7. Leter %" an+e+ a,, !e,ie9ers t" !a$tiMe+ int" the na e "# .esus8 #"r the re issi"n (#"r)i9eness* "# sins in A%ts 201' an+ 1305'. Ch7 (aitJ Arise an+ !e !a$tiMe+ %a,,in) u$"n the na e "# the >"r+ .esus. (A%ts 2201/*

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