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Project Proposal

1. Name of the Organisation VIKASANA (Organisation or -d%#ation and So#ial Organization 2. Address of the Organisation

3. ontact person address !. "egal stat#s of the organization $. %an&ing 'etails

.evelo"ment) /&0& No& ()' 1ari!ere 2*33 ((8 +hi!magalore .istri#t& Karnata!a- India 4 /hone5 68(71 (((*66 (o)' (()3)9(8) +ell No& 69998((983(' -mail I.-vi!asana:ngo;si y&#om ,r&A&,&Varghees +leatas +hairman</ro=e#t .ire#tor& - >egistered %nder KSS> A#t& 1976 - >egistered %nder 8+> A#t' 1937 - >egistered %nder 86 G and 1( A A<# No& S0 (336 0an!5 +anara 0an!' Nerala!ere-*33 ((8 1ari!ere tal%!' +hi!magalore .istri#t' Karnata!a state' India

History of the organisation:VIKASANA is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) established in the year 198889 or the bene it o man!ind es"e#ially or the e#onomi#ally and so#ially ba#!$ard r%ral "eo"le& Over the "ast 18 years' $e have $or!ed to identi y and meet the needs and as"irations o the r%ral "oor thro%gh "arti#i"atory a""roa#hes or develo"ment in ()* villages o +hi!magalore and Shimoga distri#ts sele#ted tal%!s& ,ain thr%st area o the organisation is so#ial' ed%#ation' e#onomi#al develo"ment o negle#ted $omen and #hildren o most ba#!$ard #omm%nities and minorities thro%gh 1

organising the $omen into gro%"s and ederation? "rovided varies' training' e@"os%re and $or!sho"s on leadershi"' de#ision-ma!ing' ree legal aid' />Is strengthening and im"roving the $omen involvement in the "ro#ess o />Is at all levels' gender' "oliti#al involvement' e#onomi# generation a#tivities et#& 8or +hild integrated develo"ment organisation has been im"lemented #rA#he #entre' "res#hools' non- ormal ed%#ation #entre' 8ello$shi" "rogramme' and 0ridge S#hools or rehabilitation o negle#ted #hildren& Bobby and Advo#a#y "rogramme o #am"aigns' street "lays' Cataha "rogramme have been #ond%#ted to "ress%riDe the government and "%bli# or im"lementation o #hild related bills and a#ts e e#tively& -nvironmental ed%#ation' a$areness and %"-gradation "rogramme also been o#%sed d%ring these years thro%gh im"lementation o $atershed "rogramme' S%stainable agri#%lt%re "romotion "rogramme' tan!s re=%venation' gro%nd $ater re#hargement' nat%ral reso%r#e management "rogramme& 1hese "ro=e#ts have develo"ed the good im"a#ts in im"rovement o bio-diversity enri#hment and vegetation develo"ment& (he 'epartment of )omen * hild 'e+elopment, -o+t. of .arnata&a onferred /0.A1ANA 2ith the %est implementer of projects A2ard in the year 133$ and .arnata&a 1tate a2ard in 1334-33 for (an& onser+ation * rej#+enation. And .itt#rrani hannamma a2ard in 2553-255! 6y 2omen and child de+elopment department go+ernment of .arnata&a& O6jecti+es of the Organisation:

/ay s"e#ial attention to the needs and as"irations o the so#ially and e#onomi#ally marginaliDed' S#hed%led +astes' S#hed%led 1ribes and other $ea!er segments o so#iety' "hysi#ally and mentally handi#a""ed "ersons' or"hans and destit%te $ith d%e o#%s on $omen and #hildren& OrganiDe "oor r%ral' tribal and %rban %nder-"rivileged $omen into gro%"s and set %" Sel -Eel" Gro%"s or their so#io-e#onomi# develo"ment and em"o$erment& Im"rove the Eealth F N%tritional stat%s o $omen and #hildren by #ond%#ting a$areness and servi#e "rogrammes in the areas o health' hygiene' EIV<AI.S #ontrol F "revention' n%trition' small amily norms' sanitation' et#& -volve "rogrammes or ed%#ation at "rimary levels and Non- ormal -d%#ation or s#hool dro"o%ts' o%t o s#hool #hildren' $or!ing #hildren' adoles#ent girls and ad%lts& -liminate +hild Babo%r and >ehabilitate the a e#ted #hildren& /rovide Vo#ational 1raining to in#rease em"loyment o""ort%nities or the yo%th' adoles#ent girls and $omen and "romote In#ome Generating /rogrammes (IG/)& +reate -nvironmental A$areness and %nderta!e environment im"rovement a#tivities li!e agro- orestry' agro-horti#%lt%re' soil and $ater #onservation' s%stainable agri#%lt%re develo"ment' tan! desiltation' $atershed management' et#&

Gor! or the develo"ment o highly negle#ted 1ribal +omm%nity and evolve "rogrammes or their so#io-e#onomi# %"-li tment& -volve methods to rea#h large n%mber o "eo"le $ith disabilities to ens%re eH%al o""ort%nities' eH%ity and so#ial =%sti#e or the disabled #omm%nity and the aged& 0%ild lin!ages bet$een "eo"leIs instit%tions' Government and other NGOs&

Present Acti+ities of the Organisation: +omm%nity organisation Gomen and #hild develo"ment "rogramme +omm%nity Eealth and N%trition' EIV<AI.S A$areness' "romotions o Eerbal Gardens and ,edi#ines 8ormation and strengthening o Sel Eel" Gro%"s /romotion o mi#ro-#redit +omm%nity health and re erral servi#es Non- ormal</re-s#hools' 0ridge S#hools or +hild labo%rs<dro" o%ts -nvironmental a$areness and develo"ment "rogramme S%stainable Agri#%lt%re develo"ment Gatershed develo"ment and tan!s rehabilitation "rogrammes >evitaliDation o Eerbal ,edi#ines

'7(A0"1 O8 P9OPO17' P9O:7 (

1. (itle of the project: 9#nning 1#staina6le %ridge 1chool thro#gh Organic 8arming
2. Aim of the Project: 1o bring #hanges thro%gh a#tion' among the arming #omm%nity rom #hemi#al based' environmentally degradation agri#%lt%re "ra#ti#es to e#o- riendly arming te#hniH%es and methodologies at "ro"osed organi# arm thro%gh $hi#h rehabilitate and re=oin the $or!ing<s#hool dro" o%ts to mainstream o ed%#ation& 3. /ision of the project: 1o ens%re ada"tation o s%stainable and e#onomi#ally viable agri#%lt%re "ra#ti#es $hi#h $o%ld in t%rn leads to environmental riendly bio-diversity im"rovement and rehabilitate and re=oin the #hild labo%rs thro%gh this arm based intervention& %ac& drop of the 8armers sit#ations .%e to heavy debts in ban!s and in the "rivate inan#ial instit%tions and also #ontin%o%s #ro" ail%res? the #omm%nity $ho are the ba#!bone o the nation e#onomy? are #laim their lives themselves to %nable to re"ay the debts& Karnata!a is the third state in the #o%ntry $here 14$; armers had been died thro%gh s%i#ides& In the +hi!magalore distri#t there ;3 s%i#ide death #ases have been registered& 1he trend is %"$ards rom year to year& 1his is be#a%se o ail%re o #ro"s and mar!eting the #ommodities gro$n by the armers& 1he #ost o #%ltivation<agri#%lt%re "ra#ti#es be#omes not "ro itable and they have to invest more money and h%man reso%r#es or #hemi#al ertiliDers' "esti#ides' et#& .%e #hange o attit%de o armers and oriented more to$ards high yield #ro"s $ithin given "eriod made the soil in ertile and salinity& In +hi!magalore distri#t also there is severe dro%ght rom last o%r years in 1ari!ere and Kad%r tal%!s& 1his "%shes the targeted #omm%nity %rther v%lnerable and "overty&

As res%lt o dro%ght tho%sands are#a n%t arms $ere dried %" and be#ome barren land' migration o "eo"le to in sear#h o em"loyment has #reated many "roblems o s#hool dro" o%t o #hildren $ho $ent along $ith "arents' old age "eo"le got a e#ted #are and s%""ort& In migrated area these "o"%lation a#ed harassment and e@"loitation by the #o ee estate o$ners& 1cenario of 1#staina6le Agric#lt#re 8arming #omm%nities had been "ra#ti#ing s%stainable agri#%lt%re "ra#ti#es $hi#h $ere got rom their an#estors b%t as the time "ass and his greediness to get more in short "eriod thro%gh high yield variety $ho $o%ld #ons%me more #hemi#al ertiliDers "esti#ides have had bad im"a#ts on the ood #hain and s%stainable ood se#%rity& 0%t trend has no$ been slo$ #hanging and government mind set also been #hanging ad sho$ing more interest to$ards s%stainable agri#%lt%re& -ven a ter (669-(66* Government o Karnata!a has made S%stainable Agri#%lt%re "oli#ies and thro%gh $hi#h trying to motivate the moss arming #omm%nity rom +hemi#al based #%ltivation to organi# base arming& Organi# arming is gaining moment%m all over the $orld as it o ers a means to address ood sel relian#e' r%ral develo"ment and nat%re #onservation& 1he #ommon thread in this a""roa#h is the s%stainable %se o bio-diversity' in terms o #ontrib%tions to the agri#%lt%re& /eo"leIs #ons#io%sness to$ards? healthy ood' e#ology and "oll%tion ree environment thro%gh #onventional arming and organi# arming& At "resent abo%t ((&81& ,illion he#tares o land area is %nder organi# arming in the $orld and e@"e#ted mar!et o organi# ood is to to%#h J)1 billion by (668& 1cenario of hild la6o#r practices 1here aro%nd 9&* +ores #hild labo%rs are there in the India in Karnata!a state there are )* la!hs' in o%r $or!ing distri#t +hi!magalore 1('666-66 tho%sand #hild labo%rers (A##ording to the N-G (national ed%#ation gro%"s) ne$s ) are there& 1hey are $or!ing in haDardo%s and non-haDardo%s se#tors& .omesti# $or!s' loo!ing a ter goat' shee" or +o$s<0% alos' $or!ing agri#%lt%re ield' hotel' garage' #onstr%#tion $or!s' bri#! ma!ing ind%stries' #o ee estate' Are#a n%t "ro#essing %nits' some o the are $or!ing as land labo%rers& 1here is need to em"hasis m%#h to ta#!le the #hild labo%r iss%es to minimiDe the %rther tra""ing o tho%sands o #hildren $ho are the assets o the nation to this so#ial evil "ra#ti#es thro%gh this s%stainable "ro=e#t intervention& <ain O6jecti+e of the proposed project 1o eradi#ate the #hild labo%r "ra#ti#es thro%gh #ontin%o%s intervention o rehabilitation and re=oin the #hild labo%rs

1& K"-grade the s!ills and methodologies o s%stainable arming among the arming #omm%nities and yo%ths (& Im"art the s!ills oriented training to the #hild labo%rs and arming members on vario%s s%stainable agri#%lt%re and other allied s!ills or sel em"loyment and sel s%stainability )& 1o enhan#e !no$ledge o "rod%#tivity armers on im"rovement o soil ertility and land

9& 1o red%#e the de"enden#e o armers or most o the in"%ts li!e seeds' man%res and "lant "rote#tion material by so%r#ing lo#al reso%r#es there by red%#ing the #ost o #%ltivation *& C%di#io%s %se o "re#io%s $ater so%r#es and maintenan#e o "rod%#tion level 7& 1o Im"rove armerIs in#ome thro%gh "rod%#tion o H%ality "rod%#e 3& 1o in#rease the r%ral em"loyment o""ort%nities to "revent migration to %rban areas 8& 1o eH%i" the armers to e e#tively mitigate the dro%ght "rone areas 9& 1o bring abo%t s%itable instit%tional #hanges in tea#hing and resear#h on organi# arming and "roviding mar!eting a#ilities& 16& -ns%re #onservation and regeneration o Indigeno%s varieties o ood and vegetables s%ited to the e#ologi#al ni#he& 11& 1o Integrates the on 2 arming seed #onservation thro%gh "arti#i"ation o 1argeted amilies 1(& /romote bio-"esti#ides and disease management 1)& 1o e@tend the horti#%lt%re "romotion "rogramme or e#onomi# Project %eneficiaries #hild labo%rs' bonded labo%rs' $or!ing #hildren rom di erent se#tors and arming #omm%nities& Proposed Project acti+ities 1o r%n #hild labo%r rehabilitation #entre or $or!ing and s#hool dro" o%ts 1o #onstr%#t training #%m residential #entre or $or!ing #hildren 1o #ond%#t sensitiDation trainings on vario%s s%stainable agri#%lt%re a#tivities /romote organi# man%re (vermi #om"ost<#om"ost) "rod%#tion and a""li#ation /romote bio-"esti#ides and green man%re 8odder "rod%#tion or enhan#ement o animal h%sbandry a#tivities N%rsery develo"ment and distrib%tions Eorti#%lt%re "romotion (Sa"ota' ,ango' G%va et#) /romotion o Kit#hen Garden .evelo"ing organi# "rod%#ts mar!eting net$or!s and lin!ages /romotion o +omm%nity Seed ban!s and seeds storage devi#es

1trategies to 6e adapted:/arti#i"atory "lanning' im"lementation and management $ill be ado"ted in the "ro"osed "ro=e#t& Ghere "eo"le $o%ld involve in all the "hase o "ro=e#t im"lementation& Strong Bo#al instit%tions b%ild %" rom the beginning o the "ro=e#t in#l%ding Sel Eel" Gro%"s (SEGs)' Gomen ederation' and Asso#iation o Organi# armers to "romoted organi# based #ro"s' vegetables and r%its $hi#h $o%ld be grate demands in #oming days&

Bin!ages and net$or!s $ith grassroots level instit%tions to tal%! and distri#t level government and other armerIs #oo"erative so#ieties to ens%re e e#tive gro$ing' storage and mar!eting o ood grains and vegetables&

1. )hat is a pilot amo#nt of land re=#ired to demonstrate the idea of s#staina6ility> 1 acre 1?2 acres>

Ge reH%ire at least 1 to ( a#res land is s%itable to "romote "ro"osed s%stainable agri#%lt%re @ ost 9s.$,$5,555-55, 9#pees fi+e la&es fifty tho#sands onlyA $hi#h in#l%des demonstration "lots' Kit#hen garden' vermin #om"ost %nits' small dairy %nits' +hildren "lay gro%nds 0ridge S#hools' training #entre or the "ro"osed "ilot "ro=e#t&
2. )hat types of prod#ce can yo# plan on s#ch a pilot land> )hich grains> P#lses> +egeta6les> 8r#its > fish pond> chic&en> co2s> any other li+estoc&> medicinal plants> any cash crops> honey> spices> tim6er?forest trees> /ermicompost > -oo6er gas @%io-gasA> aA 8arm 6ased acti+ities

Are#a n%t' +o#on%t' r%its li!e S"%ta' 0anana' G%ava' /a"aya' Ca#! r%its' and Vegetables (tomato' dr%m sti#!' %rinal' #hilies) medi#inal "lants& b%nd "lantations ( 1ea!' Glyrisidia' /ongemia' Silver trees') odder develo"ment'
6A Non farm 6ased acti+ities

.airy %nits' #o%ntry #hi#!s' 0ee !ee"ing' Vermi #om"ost "rod%#tion %nits' 0io"esti#ides "re"aration %nits' !it#hen garden' n%rsery raising %nits' ADolla #%ltivation' solar energy %nits and biogas %nits& 3. Ho2 are yo# planning to manage the 2atershed, rain2ater, irrigation etc> 1he "ro"osed land $ill be treated on $atershed develo"ment #on#e"t $hi#h in#l%des' rain$ater harvesting str%#t%re' gro%nd $ater re#hargement thro%gh arm "onds #onstr%#tion& -arthen b%nds' stone b%nds also $o%ld be ada"ted in this land&
!. )hat &ind of fencing> Any forest trees, 6#nd methods etc. to pre+ent erosion> etc>

Stone and b%bbling $ire en#ing to the bo%ndaries $ith orest tree-"lants inside the en#ing li!e 1ea!' Silver tree' Neem' /ongemia and =a#! r%it& -arthen b%nds and stone b%nds $ill be #onstr%#ted to "revent soil erosion&
$. )e #nderstand that the farm 2ill 6e entirely organic. 0s this a correct ass#mption> 0s there a local seed 6an& yo# ha+e access to> 'o yo# plan any s collection?management>

Les' the arm $ill be entirely organi#& +om"ost and vermi #om"ost man%re "rod%#tion $ill be %nderta!en in the arm& As o%r organiDation had develo"ed seed ban! in the "ro=e#t area $e intend to have lo#al seed ban!& Sin#e $e are $or!ing on

lo#al seed #olle#tion and management sin#e * years' $e do not seem to a#e any "roblem in "ro#%ring<#olle#ting seeds&
B. Are yo# planning to #se special techni=#es s#ch as intercropping etc. an a layo#t of the land and types of prod#ce 6e pro+ided>

.e initely $e are %sing s"e#ial te#hniH%es s%#h as inter#ro""ing system in the land& Ge are sho$ing belo$ the #ro"s<inter#ro"s to be develo"ed in the "ro=e#t land& -n#losed the anne@%re o layo#t of the land #se pattern.
;. Ho2 do yo# plan to manage the seasonal crops, rotation, fallo2 time etc. i.e, an An ann#al or 6iann#al crop sched#le 6e pro+ided along 2ith the layo#t in C#estion B>

Ge $ill manage the seasonal #ro"s' ann%al #ro"s and long years #ro" in the ollo$ing ty"e& In the ollo$ing a#tivities some o the a#tivities $o%ld res%lt "rod%#tion $ithin year' some o the a#tivities ( to ) years and some o the a#tivities $o%ld ta!e 9-7 years to give yield& 1imber yielding "lants $o%ld ta!e 1* years& Knder other a#tivities $hi#h $o%ld be "ra#ti#ed thro%gh o%t the year&
1l. No 1 ( ) 9 * 7 1easonal crops Vegetables /%lses ,edi#inal "lants /a"aya .r%msti#! Kit#hen Garden Ann#al rops 0anana ,ango +o#on%t Are#a n%t Sa"ota "ong years Other #nplantation crops seasonal acti+ities 1ea!' 0ee Kee"ing /ongemia' Vermi #om"ost Amla' ADolla Ca#! r%its G%va N%rsery raising .airy management /o%ltry

+ashe$ n%t Neem

4. 0s it a feasi6le plan to co+er the @n#tritionally 6alancedA food needs of the 6ridge school directly from the prod#ce of s#ch land year after year> 0f so, ho2 m#ch land 2o#ld 6e e+ent#ally 6e needed>

Ge "ro"ose to develo" ( a#res s%stainable "ro=e#t in $hi#h 1?! a#re or #%ltivation o vegetables' r%its' "%lses' dairy develo"ment' bee !ee"ing' $hi#h #o%ld generate the so%r#es to meet the reH%irements o the rehabilitating #hildren $ho $ere labors in the earlier years really add to the n%tritionally balan#ed ood to the #hildren $ith additional "%r#hase o daily reH%irement o #ore ood grains li!e >agi and >i#e rom o%tside&

3. 0f additional s#pplemental food has to 6e 6o#ght from o#tside, can the eDtra prod#ce from the land 6e #sed to finance that. Ho2 a6o#t the other non-n#tritional needs of the school, i.e, can the entire cost of r#nning the school 6e co+ered 6y the eDtra prod#ce> 0f so, ho2 2o#ld the mar&et for the eDtra prod#ce 6e fo#nd> And ho2 2o#ld the prod#ce 6e pac&aged and shipped> 0s there a local farmerEs cooperati+e for organic prod#ce that 2ill do this jo6 for yo#>

S%""lemental ood is to be bo%ght rom o%tside by the e@tra "rod%#e rom the land and a ter *-7 years the reH%irements o the #hildren #an be met rom the so%r#es o the land& Non-n%tritional needs #an be "rovided $ith the additional in#ome o the land $hi#h #an generate reH%ired amo%nt to meet the demand o the #hildren& 1he mar!et o the e@tra "rod%#e is available lo#ally and at the tal%! level agri#%lt%ral mar!eting yard& /a#!aging is not reH%ired in the lo#al mar!et and g%nny bag "a#!age is eno%gh to the tal%! mar!et yard $hi#h $ill be above 1*-(6 !ms rom the "ro=e#t area& Bo#al Agri#%lt%ral /rod%#e ,ar!eting +ommittee is $or!ing in the "ro=e#t tal%! $hi#h is assisting the armers or their $ee!ly mar!eting&


15. Ho2 m#ch land and ho2 m#ch person-ho#rs of la6or 2o#ld the entire agric#lt#re, processing, mar&eting in Points 1-3 re=#ire> 0s there a chance of proc#ring small, ineDpensi+e and inno+ati+e la6or sa+ing e=#ipment>

8or ( a#res o land $e need ( labo%r or )7* days and 1(6 days additional labo%r (d%ring rainy' harvesting season' trans"ortation' and shi ting additional ) labo%rs) or "ro#essing and mar!eting o agri#%lt%re& Ge #an o"t or the ollo$ing labo%r saving eH%i"ments $ith the above minim%m labo%r& All the belo$ eH%i"ments $o%ld be "%r#hased on#e at time o "ro=e#t im"lementation& 1& (& )& 9& *& 7& 3& 8& Grass #%tting ma#hine /lo%gh $ith 1ra#tor (Organisation has its o$n tra#tor) 0io-"esti#ides and 0io-#ontrol methods to be ada"ted in the arm S"ray ma#hines /lasti# .r%ms S"rin!lers or s"ray bio-"esti#ide Generator<,a#hine /%m" Agri#%lt%re eH%i"ments

11. Are yo# planning to eDperiment and o6ser+e 2ith +ario#s agric#lt#ral and mar&eting methods to pic& those that 2or&>

Les' really $e are "lanning to e@"eriment to the "ro"osed "ro=e#t $e $o%ld "i#! those e e#tive and s%##ess %lly learning and $e $o%ld re"li#ate the same in other "ro=e#t villages&
12. 'o yo# plan the 6ridge school to 6e directly located on this land>

Les' $e "lan the bridge s#hool and training #entre $hi#h #overs training on h%man reso%r#e develo"ment' yoga' #o%nseling #entre to be lo#ated on this land&
13. )o#ld there 6e easy road access to this land> 7lectricity> <o6ile> 0nternet>

Les' there $o%ld be easy road a##ess' ele#tri#ity to this "ro"osed land and mobile and internet a#ilities #o%ld a##ess in days to #ome&
1!. an the children and parents of the children directly 6enefit from the acti+ity of "earning to manage this farm and mar&et its prod#ce>

1he "ro=e#t sta!e holder is the #hildren $ho are dire#tly bene it rom the a#tivity' $hi#h are rehabilitated and #ontin%e their ed%#ation in the ormal s#hools& And the elder #hildren are bro%ght %nder "romotion o sel em"loyment trainings and management o agri#%lt%re' mar!eting and other s!ills oriented training "rogramme& 1he "arents o the bene i#iary #hildren are really bene iting rom this "ro=e#t dire#tly thro%gh giving o""ort%nities to rehabilitate their #hildren and adoles#ents %nder vario%s s!ills oriented training "rogramme& Some o the land less labo%rs among the #hild labo%r #hildren "arents $o%ld be s%""orted em"loyment o""ort%nities in the

arm& In later years the trained and st%dy #om"leted some o the #hildren #o%ld be observe to the #entre as sta and they $o%ld hel" to r%n the #entre e e#tively or the s%stainability& +hildren and "arents $ho had trained %" here $o%ld ada"t their learning at their o$n land and "ra#ti#es or their develo"ment& 1he traditional herbal healer $ho $o%ld ta!e %" training rom the #entre on traditional herbal "ra#ti#es #o%ld hel" to enhan#e their !no$ledge in the same ield&
1$. Fo#r first proposal mentioned a training center on this land along 2ith the 6ridge school. an the acti+ity in C#estion 11 6e one of the Gs&illsG that are formally ta#ght at the training center and the 6ridge school>

1he training #enter on this land along $ith the bridge s#hool $hi#h is aiming in the "ro=e#t is to train the lo#al and the net$or!ing NGOIs "eo"le $ill address the model arming addressed in M%estion 11 and the s!ills o the agri#%lt%re li!e inter#ro""ing' m%lti-#ro""ing' rain-$ater harvesting' #attle rearing (dairy management)' are ta%ght at the training #enter and the bridge s#hool' $itho%t dist%rbing the #hildren $ho are attending the s#hool& Greetings #ard ma!ing' #om"%ter training' tailoring and embroidery' herbal medi#ine "re"aration' 0ee !ee"ing' dress designing' motor re$inding or $omen' adoles#ent girls& 0oys and yo%ths&
1B. As yo# &no2, to manage s#ch a farm, to r#n original eDperiments on it, and to optimize the management - it is not simple. 0t 2ill need se+eral years 2orth of caref#l o6ser+ation and 6oo&&eeping: 2hat goes in @material, la6or, in+estmentsA and 2hat comes o#t. 0t also re=#ires caref#l record-&eeping of e+erything yo# do to the farm, the 2eather, the mar&et and other eDternal +aria6les. 0n short, it is li&e &eeping a caref#l la6 note6oo&, 2ith data, pict#res etc. @All scanned and deposited in an electronic file, of co#rseA. <aintaining s#ch an o6ser+ation note6oo& is itself is a +al#a6le s&ill to learn and to teach. an yo# sho2 #s a sample of the type of note6oo& yo# plan to maintain>

Ge need 9 to * years o #are %l observation to r%n the e@"eriments on this "ro=e#t& Ge are having the e@"erien#e in !ee"ing boo!s o a##o%nts' monitoring man%als and $hat are the in"%ts reH%ired and the o%t"%t o the "ro=e#t& >e#ord !ee"ing is one o the sensitive "art and $e $ill attend it #are %lly& Ge are having a #om ortable $eather to the "rod%#ts $e #hoose to im"lement& 1here $o%ld be no severe %"sdo$ns or agri#%lt%re lo#al mar!ets and $e are not de"ending on one #ro" $hi#h $ill highly a e#ts or mar!et l%#t%ations& Ge are having the e@"ertise to !ee" the re#ords in an ele#troni# ile& Sin#e organiDation is having the e@"erien#e in maintaining re#ords sin#e (6 years and im"lementing $atershed and s%stainable agri#%lt%re "ro=e#ts' it $ill not be a di i#%lt to manage the things& Eo$ever $e $ill see! yo%r assistan#e in !ee"ing %" the re#ords as "er yo%r reH%irements& 1he e@"endit%re and in#ome $ill be a%dited on ann%al basis&

7Dample: Bedger o assets #reated %nder this "rogramme' details o inan#ial e@"endit%re ledger both so t #o"y and hard #o"y' et# #ost o #%ltivation and #ro" yield re#ords and alsoN& 1& (& )& 9& *& 7& 3& 8& Babo%r attendan#e boo!s /%r#hasing 0oo!s (,aterials and investment) Sto#! boo!s Bog boo!s Vo%#hers and 0ills Sta meeting boo!s Visitors boo!s ,ar!eting and other variable re#ords

1;. )hat other s&ills and attit#des 2o#ld yo# aim to teach at the training center and 6ridge school> )hat employment opport#nities are there in the local comm#nity> )hat self-employment, 6#siness and entreprene#rial opport#nities> an yo# come #p 2ith a list>

Ge $o%ld li!e to tea#h the s!ills on sel -em"loyment' dairy management' entre"rene%rshi" develo"ment' leadershi"' #omm%nity organiDation' so#ial harmony' trainings in the training #enter& -m"loyment o""ort%nities li!e em"loyment in the nearby steel a#tory and in the nearby #ities or trading a#tivity are there in the lo#al #omm%nity& Small b%siness' retail trade' dairy management o""ort%nities are the entre"rene%rial o""ort%nities at Oilla "an#hayath' 1al%! "an#hayath and gram "an#hayath& In later years the trained and st%dy #om"leted some o the #hildren #o%ld be observe to the #entre as sta and they $o%ld hel" to r%n the #entre e e#tively or the s%stainability& Also $e $o%ld try to "la#ement o the trained #hildren rom this #entre thro%gh o%r net$or!ing NGOs at distri#t and state level&
ost plan of the farm 6ased acti+ity: .%ring the 1st year o the "ro=e#t arm based a#tivities are to be %nderta!en and the investment sho$n in the above& -@"endit%re d%ring 1 st to 9th year $ill be more to #reate assets and the s%bseH%ent year only maintenan#e e@"enses are needed& Eo$ever in the in#ome side d%ring the initial years in#ome $ill be less and a ter * years Are#a #ro" "rod%#tion starts and the in#ome side $ill be higher and remains at the higher side& Ge have the "lan to "lant Are#a' +o#on%t and Eorti#%lt%re "lants $hi#h are giving res%lts in the later years say or Are#a F +o#on%t it is *-7 years and or horti#%lt%re "lants it is )-9 years& 1o meet the #%ltivation and maintenan#e e@"enses $e "ro"ose to "lant 0anana "lants as an inter#ro" $hi#h yields every year till the main #ro" #omes' that is %" to 9 years& 1his $ill hel" %s to generate reso%r#e and to meet the "ro=e#t e@"enses& ost plan of the Non-farm 6ased acti+ity: In this se#tor the organisation "leases to "%t dairy animals' vermi #om"ost' bee!ee"ing and herbal medi#ine garden& In the initial year it reH%ests #a"ital amo%nt to "%r#hase #attle and other ra$ materials to other a#tivities& In the s%bseH%ent years no %rther investment is 13

needed and the in#ome in at in#reasing stat%s& 1his #an be %sed or the "ro"osed o the "ro=e#t a#tivities& oncl#sion: O%r idea o r%nning a S%stainable 8arming to r%n sel 2s%stained bridge s#hool and other #omm%nity develo"ment a#tivities $hi#h $ill be hel" %s to rea#h the ma@im%m n%mber o $or!ing #hildren and s#hool dro" o%ts de"rived their #hildhood and ed%#ation $ho $ill be bro%ght in to the main stream o ed%#ation& 1his in rastr%#t%re develo"ed no$ $ill be hel" %l& 1otally this Are#a 8arms $ill be be#ome the im"ortant asset o the Organisation and it $ill s%""ort vario%s means initiate develo"ment a#tivities or needy #hildren and "eo"le& 1his "ro=e#t #o%ld be re"li#ate by other develo"ment instit%tes& O#tcomes of the project: 1here $ill be $ell eH%i""ed #hild labo%r rehabilitation #%m training #entre -very year (* $or!ing #hildren (+hild labo%rs) $o%ld be re=oined to mainstream o ed%#ation 13* to ((* armers $o%ld be trained %" on s%stainable organi# arming every year In#rease "rod%#tion o Vermi<#om"ost organi# man%re "rod%#tion "er year in the neighbor villages 16-1* amilies $ill be ada"ted s%stainable methods o agri#%lt%re "ra#ti#es every year >ed%#tion o #ost o #%ltivation or the armers and im"rovement o #ro" yield In#rease o organi# ood "rod%#tions In#rease o Eorti#%lt%re "lantation Im"roved health stat%s o the #hildren 0ee !ee"ing as s%bsidiary o##%"ation "rovide additional in#ome to the amilies (* 8amilies $o%ld have ada"ted Integrated /est ,anagement "ra#ti#es >ed%#tion o +hemi#al 8ertiliDers %sage to gro$ #ro"s& 1here $o%ld develo"ment o E%man reso%r#e o arming #omm%nities on vario%s S%stainable agri#%lt%re s!ills :#stifications for the project components iA hild "a6o#r reha6ilitation c#m training centre

As the #hild labo%r rehabilitation #%m training #entre is im"ortant #om"onent o the arm based "ro=e#t intervention $here the #entre dire#tly "rovide shelter and training to the $or!ing #hildren $ho $ill be bro%ght rom di erent se#tors? agri#%lt%re' hotel' garage' #onstr%#tion %nits' bri#! ma!ing ind%stries et# and also this #enter $ill "rovide training to the arming #omm%nities rom s%rro%nding villages and also the "arents o the $or!ing #hildren? besides "ro=e#t intends to #over s!ills training to the yo%ths and #hild labo%rs on vario%s =ob orientated s!ills& In these as"e#ts this "ro=e#t #om"onent $o%ld "lay vital role and #ontrib%tion to ma!e this "ro=e#t intervention most e e#tive and s%##ess& iiA Hortic#lt#re plants Promotion:Eorti#%lt%re "lants $o%ld s%""ort to the agro-#omm%nity to get rid o "overty thro%gh giving additional in#ome' %el to the targeted amilies& As this #o%ld not be the ma=or agri#%lt%re 14

a#tivities and it is only seasonal& It $o%ld enhan#e the in#ome o the arm' ,ango' G%va' Bemon' Sa"ota et# are the im"ortant horti#%lt%re r%it yielding "lants& As $e are "romoting arm "onds this $o%ld enable the organisation to $atering the horti#%lt%re "lants "ro"erly& iiiA /ermi compost and compost prod#ction #nits:1hese %nits $o%ld have dire#t im"a#ts on arming #omm%nity e#onomi# #a"ital on agri#%lt%re "ra#ti#es and also these a#tivities $o%ld give additional in#ome i they "romote these a#tivities as #ommer#ial to sell the #om"ost man%re and earth $orms& As the "rod%#tion o #om"ost and vermi organi# man%re $o%ld red%#e the de"enden#y on #hemi#al ertiliDers and also $o%ld s%""ort avorable environment to the soil mi#robial a#tivities& 1his has very good im"a#t on soil ertility and "rod%#tivity& i+A .itchen -arden Promotion:/romotion o Kit#hen Garden not only "rovide additional in#ome thro%gh selling vegetables b%t also give resh vegetables to the neighbors thro%gh $hi#h health stat%s o the inmates and bene i#iaries also been im"roved&& +A Promotion of 9egistered Association of 8arming gro#ps /ro=e#t is intend to "romote registered armers asso#iation to "romote this arm based "rod%#tion and learning and ta!e on the "ro=e#ts interventions and s%##ess stories to larger #omm%nities and also e e#tively strengthened this to "romote strong mar!et or organi# arm based ood "rod%#ts& 1 Asso#iation o 8armers gro%"s $ill be ormed and registered and this gro%" $ill involve in "lanning' im"lementing and monitoring "ro#ess o the arm based "ro=e#t& Also ste"s $o%ld ta!en by this armers asso#iations to develo" strong net$or!s o mar!eting' gro%" #erti i#ations and instit%tional develo"ment at distri#t and state level $o%ld ens%re the s%stainability o the arm based "ro=e#t beyond the envisaged ob=e#tives o the "ro=e#t& +iA 9eference of scientists and model farmers to 6e in+ol+ed ,r& >%draardhya' ,r&Bo!esha""a' Assistant .ire#tor de"artment o Agri#%lt%re' 1ari!ere blo#!s' ,r&Veer%"a!sha""a' Assistant .ire#tor .e"artment o Eorti#%lt%re' 1ari!ere' ,r&Veeranna' Vital"%ra the model armers and ,r&Om!arm%rthy the model armers o 1ari!ere tal%! $ill be involved time to time or te#hni#al assistan#e and g%idan#e& 0esides' Kr%shi Vigna Kendra (KVK) Shimoga and KVK ,%digere also been a""roa#hed to ta!e their val%able s%ggestions to ma!e this "ro=e#t intervention s%##ess&

Project 'irector


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