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Forwarding Agent for funds: Maxine Seyt 1800 V/est USrd Place

Julius & Virginia Fleenor 1-5-15 Nalca Ochiai

Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan

Los Angeles, California 9OO62

{13^ airform or 25^ stamp)

January, 19^8

Dear Friends:

Please accept this as a personal letter to each of you who pray for us. Please know your financial support is appreciated and we consider each one of you
co-workers. ^

We expect Great Things of God in 1968, but we need your help in Prayer first.

Never hefore-.have doors been wider open in Japan, also never before have we felt

Satan's opposition more strongly.

above what we ASK or THINK.

BUT GOD IS ABLE TO DO exceedingly abundantly.

Three fine adults were baptized here in December at the Shimoochiai Church. Also the to^-na of Motpyawada in Chiba begins its first Bible class on January 21v Here,
is another town one hour from Tokyo opening to the .gospel.

Michigan City, Indiana has raised Julius' living link from $150.00 to $1T5.00
offerings are needed with Tokyo registering.the highest cost of living in the
woi/d even-beyond New York City.

Enclosed is our 196? Financial Report Summary.

The First Christian-Church of

for 196^8. ..Other living links total $250.00 per month for our fami3.y. Last yeai ve cashed ;in all our insurance policies totaling $1500.00 to cover our medical

expenses, personal family needs, and supplies needed to.take to Japan. So increased
We knov "if God wants us to enter" 100 new towns with the gospel -that, support for

traGt'S,^spprtation and Japanese workers will be met, but you must help us by ^standing with us in prayer in these matters.: As much as possible we worr>.iug with' jamtiese giving as much as possible toward opening these future churches.

We are seeking that each of you who follow; the^ork here in Japan make two faith
promises before God for I968 regarding the mission work in Japan.-


Avprayer promise^to read our newsletter and pray over every request
. (dally-) (weekly),. In "other words increase your, prayer time. James says

A faith promise before God to increase your mission giving to Japan

over and .above other tithes and giving to your local church. If you

. .- .-gave $10.00 last; year, perhaps you will ask God to enable you to double that giving or increase'your ability to give a certain per cent.
The- "Dromis.e is made to God between you and God.

offering to our forwarding agent or else if you like to the Lockhaven Cnristian
made out to the Lockhaven Christie Church, but a note clipped or staplec yO it

remind .you, but you do. not send in your name or pledge card. This is a personal step of faith in giving for you as an individual. As God enables, you send tlic. Church., 39UTrw. 10Hh, Inglewood, Calif. 903Q3. The check in that case should be is for "Fleenor Mission'Work'\ The Fleenor Mission"Support Group people send-their .monies in this manner. Or else if you have designated your offei iiir.?"through your local church; they can in turn send it to our forwarding agent who
sends a receipt immediately upon receipt of funds..

You write down the promise to

Every' individual who has used this faith-promise method to increase their
mission giving have found great blessing. As the hymn goes:

'*WI!AT SHALL I GIVE THEE MASTER,' THOU WHO DIDST GIVE ALL FOR ME. ^^ SHALL I GIVE LESS OF \7HAT I POSSESS WHEN THOU HAST GIVEN ALL-FOR HE. Matt. 6:19-20 "Lay not up for yourselves treasure upon the earth,

Oh what a treasure of lost souls needs to be claimed for eternity here in Japan.

"You also helping together by

pra.yer for us."

2 Cor. 1:11

Julius and Virginia Fleenor

January 1968


John 15:7

Words abide in you, you can ask what yoU will.

Now we need your prayers for the.following_daily because you abide in Him and His
1. Pray for 100 new. missionaries for Japan

2. Pray for God to use us to open 100 new towns which at.present are without a gospel witness. Since November, God'has" opened four new
places in answer to prayer.

3. Pray for these four new towns of over 20,006 population ISOBE, Nagano Prefecture. Two hours-from"Tokyo noV -haxlng.a .monthly
with expenses and entertains the evangelistic team.

evangelist meeting ih a public hall. One Christian family helps

MOTOYAWADA, Chiba Prefecture. A group of 20 English students^have^ invited Julius to come once a week on Sunday afternoons for Bible

permenent m.eeting place to rent.^ This is one hour from Tokyo with
churches"are scattered through this city just one hour from Tokyo.
GOKA and SEKIYADO are one hour apart in Chiba and Ibaraki prefectures

teaching. They will begin in a private home and are looking for a

a TDopulstion of 20,000 just 10 minutes from Koiwa City, population 150 000 people. There is no" Church of Christ in Koiwa but 8 small
worker ready to enter this work in April and we are doing survey work here now. We need $50.00' a month to pay the worker's living, rent for a meeting place and tracts and evangelism expenses of travel. Pray some individual or group will take -on this monthly pledge for ^ these two towns where there is no church of any kind, and no Christians
living there to our knowledge.

* just across the river from each other.. We have a trained Japanese

U. Pray for 100 new Japanese workers for the towns to be opened.

Pray for the 3 empty rooms in our Bible School for.Prayer and Evangelism
to be filled with God's called students for the new April tem. We^ have interviewed three fine University students who wish to take this
special night school Bible training.

6. Pray God to increase our love to Kim, His Church and the Lost 100 fold in 1968. The promise of Romans 5:5 says the love of God is J.'poured into
our hearts by the Holy Spirit."

7. Pray God to release funds to send out evangelistic teajns and rent public
halls and print literature for people we contact in these new towns.
Shiinoochiai Church were we have our mission home.

8. Pray about a serious legal matter concerning our land here at tje

This land was donated

gives us permission to use this land completely for the church and evangelism, Money was borrowed on this land with false papers. It is complicated
and we had to have a formal attachment put on the land until it comes u^
in court. Pray God get the glory in all this matter.

Christians have tried to seize control of the Christian Foundation which.

15 years ago by Christians who have since died and relatives and non-^

James says by the Holy Spirit "V/e have not because we ask not.'.'


, .


Financial Report for 196?

Julius Fleenor

Total Living Link Funds for family of 5 for 12 months $U6ii5.0C or $3oT.10 a irio
food, clothing, insurance, medical
Churches giving to this yearly

Michigan City, First Church

Mrs. Strickler for Julia

150.00 a month

Hannegan Christian for Julia Fleenor Support Group VJarsaw Christian for Dana Lee Stanley Martins for Grace Elmer Knapps for Grace

20,00 150.00 UO.OO 15.00 5.00

Total pledge $390.00

Knightstown Christian Church, Indiana gives $600.00

a year for Stephen which goes for his schooling
as he prepares for missionary vork

Total General Receipts for 1967 from churches and individuals

including special offerings for travel from living link churches

and -Trom the Fleenor SuTjport Group given through the Lockhaven
service links of churches and individuals

Christian Church, Inglewood, Calif together with monthly pledged

Expenses for 196?


Receipt 199^ to 2l6l Dec. 196?


pi,, qq

Ship fare and freight bill to Japan

Tax on Camp building in Japan

Equipment for Japan (washer, cooler, "bed, heating stoves, etc.}

Fire Insurtance on Mission Bldgs. in Japan
Mission Building Repairs



Workers in Japan, evangelism, tracts, transportation one year

Travel in states 7 months to Bible Colleges and Church

>i> ^

including motels etc. 8 cents a mile 21,884 miles Telephone in states 6 months at $25.00 a month used for

speaking dates and mission business


Fuel oil in Japan for Mission building

Printing and postage in 1967 from general funds

School tuition for 3 girls U months in Japan

Rent on furlough 6 months I967 at $125.00 a month

Legal fees and Japanese tax for porblem with Shimoochiai church property donated to 15 years ago but contested now^^
Land is valued 100 times over value 15 years ago.

- Tcn'nn



Major car repair on loaned car in states (used motor, generator) _op0_.00

Totalv-t' $10,829.00

Received $1000.00 from Kadine Fleenor Wolverton for down

payment on car for mission work in Japan and

fund in monthly installments in 1968

balance of $600.00 will be paid from General

The K^'shi Arai Christian Foundation supports Goro Kuwabara while at Cincinnati Bible Seminary at $100.00 per month as he trains to
return to Japan as evangelist-pastor-teacher^

Our generel expenses were $10,829.00 and our General Fund receipts were 49,782.93 making a deficit of $1,01.?. This was met by our cashi^ in

. ^

Our 'Dlan was to use this to pay the -balance on the car to avoid>, Drd raeet personal medical and family expenses and invest in savins. Our- travel expenses were very hgih during furlough, but most of the Offerings fro^ the churches and Bible colleges we visited
warranted the travel.

all our insurance policies the latter part of 1967 for a total ox$150l.lO.

travel exijenses and are included in our general receipts Ke felt the .onta-U made for Japan and some added regular monthly support to the work -n Japan

The Fleenor Support group which gives through the Lockhaven Church gives
above this each month into our General Mission Fund for evangelism.

the living link"pledge of $150.00 a month to Virginia and aver^es about <.230.


April 15, 1968

Julius and Virginia Fleenor
1-5-15 Naka Ochiai

Forwarding Agent for funds: Maxine Seyb 1800 West U3rd Place

Shinjuku, Tokyo

Los Angeles, California



In our Februgiry newsletter we asked for added prayer support and as a result we can report: Three fine young people baptized Easter at the Umaeda Nishi Arai Church, Also 1^
decisions to receive Jesus Christ as Saviour as a result of the Joe Garman Crusade held

jointly with all the Churches of Christ in Totyo. Bro. Joe is a graduate of Ozark Bible College and in three months had 2000 decisions in Korea, then went on to Taiwan and the Philippines for good meetings. He was only with us four days in Tokyo, but we rejoice at this ingathering of souls. At this spring time all our Bible classes are increasing and a new class in a High

School and in a University aare opening this

month with Julius as teacher. Continue

to pray for the Holy Spirit to bring conviction upon hearts.

Julius & Virginia beginning l6th

year as missionaries to Japan

BIBLE SCHOOL FOR PRAYER AND EVANGELISM opens its night sessions with Missionary Paul

Pratt and Pastor Sato (graduate Osaka Bible Seminary) as teachers in courses in Acts
and Old Testament Archaeology. Continue to pray that God will bring in good students to train as lay evangelists and call out a number as full time evangelists,



At present two new towns are open with regular weekly and

monthly meetings and two more are under survey with house to house calling beginning this month. Many towns surrounding Tokyo where there is no gospel witness need to

be reached.Pray God will open a door of utterance for the gospel (Col, U:3),


is raising up seme fine Japanese personal workers for house to house visitation and

MISSIONARY INTERNSHIP is on our hearts. Any offering for this will be put to their transportation.

Pastor Furuzawa at right with three young people baptized at the Ifinaeda Nishi Arai Church

Joe Garman, evangelist in All Tokyo Church of Christ'

Crusade held April 8 to 12,


looks to future growth 1957-196?

NISHI ARAI Umaeda Church of Christ


^ At

years ago we began holding meetings

public hall in a slum area of Tokyo
over 100 children giving powdered

opening a summer camp program for

hut when his wife was converted and lost



all her fear of death and sadness over

losing five premature babies, he beg^

to listen to her read the Bible to him.

Later he agreed to a gospel meeting in their home. A year later he was converted and when Julius baptized him that day, it was with great joy to see the Love of Christ had made
them brothers with a power greater than the atom bomb. Mrs. Tamamura was baptized before
She began to pray if

God would grant her this child she would give him to God. The child was born at T months and the doctor said, "Don't bother to name him, he will die." But he did live and is now

her husband and did not know at the time she was expecting a baby.

9 years old and his name Mitsugi means Minister unto God, How this church has grown! With the help of Gordon Hahn, a Christian councilman of the City of Los Angeles and the Nishi
for this struggling group of Christians.

Arai Foundation which he started, several thousand dollars were raised for land and building

Now ten years later, there are five adult couples who lead this congregation. Many of the tiny children who came are now teenagers and working people. They now can fully pay
missionary to Thailand and have $600.00 for their new building project.

their own operation expenses and half of their pastor's salary ($30.00) plus help a Japanese

"grow. This~area" is emerging from & sium~status~'to ~an industTial working"pcupl^s" area.

Within a year the city of Tokyo will take over the leased land of the church for a sewage plant where this church is now located. They will assess and pay them the land lease rights and value of the building. Then this church must find land and rebuild in this^ general area. Pray they might find Just the right place and that this little church might
Our Job as missionaries is to open new areas, help train leadership, help in the early stages of growth and to commit to faithful men the carrying on of these tasks. Pray for many such struggling groups in Japan that they be positive witnesses and self-supporting.
Pastor Furuzawa is now engaged to a lovely girl who is a trained kindergarten teacher from

a kindergarten progrBii with the new church when they relocate and this will help make new
contacts besides enabling the church to be self-supporting with the offerings now given.

the Church of Christ in Hokkaido and they plan to be married this fall.

They hope to have

Aspecial thanks to all who have donated funds and prayed for this church. Agift of $7.00
will enable us to send a child from this area to summer camp to hear the gospel and to have a spiritual experience they could never have otherwise.


first student to be ordained and serving as full time pastor at the Tokosulca Church of Christ.

Over ten years ago Mr. Stanley Buttray, missionary, opened a vork in Yokosuka, a port city ahout 50 miles from Tokyo. He later turned over this vork to a pastor vho
took little Interest in the vork and the church nearly died away. After this man left once again Mr. Buttray



"began to help revive this struggling church and Sunday

school which had a nice building and land adequate for a

It was a Joy to see one of the members of the Shimoochiai

Church and our first student in the Bible School for

Prayer and Evangelism after two years of training in our


Buttray in reviving this vork. Pastor Morohashi married a lovely girl won through, our street meeting summer vork in Karuizawa the summer of

school and in active evangelism to Join hands with Bro.

Pastor Morohashi age 28 and
wife being ordained by Julius

Wow there is a Sunday School of

children and

about 10 active Chrlstlaiis and many new people attending

this church through the one year of active ministry of

Bro. John Morohashi and his bride. The time seemed right

and Dr. Rayner March 1968 at

the Yokosuka Church of Christ.

for his ordination when a couple came asking him to perform

the wedding ceranony. Here we see the fruit of our little Bible School for Prayer and Evangelism i

This couple help vis in the summer camp work also and in the Festival summer evangelism. It has taken us eight years of prayer and training and patience to see this pastor ccme into maturity frcm a babe in Christ. Pray with us that we might see many more in the years ahead.

to help open 100 towns.

Since September, God has begun to answer this prayer in guiding

us to (1st) the Mogis who share this vision for their town as the only Christian family.
Stephen and Carol Fleenor hope to hold special meetings in this town of ISOBE this sunmer.

Regular monthly hcne meetings and in the town hedl are now being conducted.

Then (2nd)

since January Julius goes weekly to teach a group of University age and en^lcyed young people from the town of Motoyawata, an hour from Tokyo. No decisions yet, but seme are near the kingdom of God and we are planning camp for them in Karuizawa. They want to rent a building now for regular church services as one Christian couple in whose hone they meet want a Sunday School work begim besides this witness to these young people. Pray that this town also might one day have a chixrch too and some of these pictured with sad faces might come to know Jesus Christ and receive the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit and know real joy and peace.

Mr. & Mrs. Mogl and youngest


Weekly Bible cImb of non Christians held near

town of Motoyawata (pop. 20,000) in a Christian couple's home from 4 to 6 p.m. Simday.

town of 20,000 no church




M -1""^- I
(' -r..



Always we have emphasized Sunday Schools

and stnmier camps for children and our

English and Japanese kindergarten groups.


.M^^sr^-i* TMH
Julia Fleenor l6, Dana Lee lU, Gail (our niece) age 11, Grace 7, and Yuri her best friend, 8.

Many of our "best Christians came up throiigh the Sunday school. We Lsk your prayers especieilQy for our camp work this summer among children and young people.

Julia and her dad have opened a new English class in Kamata {23 miles from Tol^o) in a private Girls' High School of 600 throiigh the introduction of Pastor Oba, an old friend,
A summer camp is being planned for these who want to study English Bible in Karuizwa, Each Sunday afternoon Julia teaches English to five High School girls. These girls now attend church services at Shimoochiai through this contact. One said, "I cannot beccane a Christian yet as I do not yet even believe in the existence of a God. This helps you understand where we must start in dealing with Japanese young peple. It takes time and
prayer and witnessing.

Dana Lee invited two friends to the Easter meetings. Gail has invited with success her Japanese language tutor several times to church services. Her teacher came EMter Sunday to witness Gail and Grace baptized into Christ after Julius preached a semon on the

Grace's best friend Yuri ind her big brother are faithful to the Sunday School.

Yuri came

through Virginia's kindergarten work.

of these may result in Christian homes.

Three of the fathers of our kindergarten children

Pray that some

now are coming to weekly Bible studies with Julius or the church service.



Attached to this newsletter are five missionary stories about children to be used in your Vacation Bible School. Will you make our Karuiiawa Christian Camp a specickl project of

your Vacation Bible School offerings. There are 8 to" 10 camps a summer held in our wonderful camp buildings. Besides this we conduct 10 days of Festival Street meeting evangelism reaching children emd adults (50,000 who pass by our open tent top) in the summer. We must buy tracts, help with Japanese workers' transportation, send some needy children to our summer camp because their parents cannot afford to send them. Always ve have conversions and decisions of personal surrender to Christ and see real Christian growth. If your offerings come in July, August, or September they still will help maintain
this camp work.

Our son Stephen and his wife Carol, Lord willing, will be helping full time in ths summer of evangelism. Please pray about this matter and use the attached missionary stories to bring hcme to your Vacation Bible School the way children can witness for Christ.


^^^Xjulius and Virginia ^eenor

Jane 8, 1968

Fleenw News From Tokyo

Jolius and Mrs. Yirglnia Fleenor announce the hlrth of Laurie }^ine Fleenor

in Tokyo^May 8, I968,She welded in at nine pounds, and it is reported that both

mother and bal:^ are doing well*
The same letter also carried word that Stephen and Mrs, Carol Fleenor hare

completed plans to woi^ out intern^^^programs in Japan during the suomer of 1968*
The younger Fleenors are in the, mission major program at Pacific Christian Colleg^

and are serring their intern prograi^n the field with the Bohert C. Warrick family
in Tokyo, Jippan and area* Funds to aid them in this program should Ise so Identified

and sent to Mazine Seyh, 1800 W. 43rd PI., Ms Angeles, g|'^0063.

They are already on the fields having ,fii^^^ <?npTaned from Los jUigeles

International Airport for TokyoJ^line 12, 1968.



1-5-15 Naka Ochiai, Shinjuku, Tokyo

April 15, 1968

issue of VBS Material

Forwarding Agent: Maxine Seyb 1800 West ^3rd Place

Los Angeles, California 90063


1st stoiy


Stephen Fleenor age 5 arrived at the new mission house Just "built "by his parents on top Of a truck full of family "belongings. He had been in Japan for over a year, but
he had been homesick for grandma and cowbc^ t.v. which he could not see in Japan, but he had quickly learned Japanese fraa the hundreds of Japanese children in the school yard across from his first home. But now he was moving to another part of Tokyo, he must make new friends, he must begin again with many pairs of brown eyes staring at his yellow hair and blue eyes. Some children had even tried to pull a few yellow hairs for souvenir. Still he felt excitement as he sat on top the truck
traveling across the busy streets of Tokyo.
The new house looked clean and white on the large piece of land ccmnletely bare because it had been fire bombed as the result of the Japanese-America World War II. As his parents busied themselves making the enqpty house a home, Stephen began to look about the vacant lot surroxmding his new home. He looked up to see three boys carrying long sticks and fencing like Japanese Samarai warriors. Sameurai warriors

are a part of Japsmese history Just as cowboys and Indians are a part of American historyi Soon Stephen found himself a part of the game of Samarai warriors fencing

and Jostling with the other boys. At dusk the boys went home saying, "SAYONARA" (Do you know what that means? That is goodbye in Japanese)
The next morning Stephen was up early and found his three new playmates waiting for him. Again -che morning was full of rough and tumble play, Stephen almost forgetting he was an Aaerieaa as he used Japanese words and learned the games and ways of these

bpys whose names were Saburo (#3 Son) Goro (#5 Son) and Roku (#6 Son).
and Uth child died in this famiily.

The 1,2nd,

When noon time came the boys did not go home for lunch because their mother was sick

in bed with flu.

their home.

Stephen invited them to eat with him.

Then Stephen said, "Mother,

I found out, she worked

since their mother is too sick to cook, can't I take a box of canned soup to her

because her "boys are nice to me."

So we fixed a gift box and called at the door of

The mother came to the door feeling very ill.

in a noodle shop for $.50 a day to help support her sons. I asked her, "Will you come and help me in my home and I will pay you $1.00 a day plus extras." This lovely
little lady came the following week after she recovered from flu.
became a Christian and her three sons all became Christians.

As a result she

Her middle son Goro is

now attending Cincinnati Bible Seminary preparing to come back to Japan to serve his people as a minister and teacher of the Word of God. Only the father is not yet a Christian and we are going to ask you today to pray especially for the father of these three boys that he might accept Jesixs Christ before he dies and that this whole family
might be one in Christ.

Pray also for all the missionary boys and girls that they will make friends with Japanese children and by showing the friendship of Christ win them to Christ. How about you, boys and girls, do you have a friend who doesn't know Jesus, can you invite them to your home to play and for lunch and then to church to know Jesus?
You can be a missionary right where you are.

NOTE: Stephen Fleenor and his wife are now 21 years old and preparing to ccane to

Japan as full time missionaries. Pray they may win many to Christ through the years. This summer 1968 they will be working in our summer camp in Japan and in the villages witnessing of Jesus Christ to many. They are students of Pacific Christian
College in Long Beach, California.


1-5-15 Naka Ochiai, Shinjuku, Tokyo

Forwarding Agent: Maxine Seyb

April 15, 1968 issue of VBS Material

1800 West k3reL Place Los Angeles . California 9OO63


2nd Story


Julia Fleenor was bom in Japan December 31, 1951. ^y old Japanese coxmt a person is one year old at day of birth and on the first day of the New Year they add one year. So when Julia was two days old, she was two years old by old Japanese count.
Julia had blue eyes and yellow hair and wore it very long. One of her biggest complains against her Japanese playmates was they often took a long strand of hair home to show their family and friends the gold hair as they called it. But Julia grew up speaking and thinking

Japanese as easily as English.

and it was cLLways in Japanese.

Sometimes we would hear her talking in her sleep at night

When Julia was 9 years old she came home from Sunday School one morning and said, "l think
I know a way we can get more children to come to Sunday School, may I start an afternoon Sunday School of my own in our yard? " We agreed. She made fruit Juice and cookies and then went about the neighborhood inviting children to come to her yard for a party. She had games and then served refreshments. Then she told thai a Bible story of the God of Creation. The next week she did the same thing, this time telling them about God sending His Son to Earth. Then she told step by step the story of Jesus and of his dying on the cross.

A few weeks later, Julia brought one of the little girls to us named Yoko.
be baptized. She is 10 years old. Will you baptize her."
amazed at her understanding of salvation in Jesus Christ.
The mother talked to Yoko.

Julia said, "Yoko

has repented of her sins and believes Jesus died on the cross to forgive her and wants to

We questioned Yoko and were

We went to talk to her mother.

The mother had never been to church in her life, but she agreed

to have Yoko baptized.

At the baptism, Yoko'smother stood up and said this, "This is the

first time I have ever been in a church. I do not know anything about the Bible or Jesus Christ, but my daughter Yoko came to me and confessed to me that she had lied to me many times and that she had played hooky frcan school many times and written notes to the teacher making false excuses, but she said that now that she had received Jesus in her heart as

Saviour she wanted to do all the things that Jesus taught." The mother began to cry and said "If this Jesus can change a bad girl to a good one, I will not oppose her beconing a

Just last year Yoko won her sister and mother to Christ.
and one sister to become Christians also.

They are praying for the father

Will you pray for Yoko's family today too?

Maybe you can win your parents by receiving Christ into your heart and confessing your sins and turning from thou and obeying Jesus daily. This way you can be a missionary in your home
3rd Story

Dana Lee was bom in Japan January 195^.

When she was 10 years old she came to me and said,

"Mother I have one wish for the Hew Year and that is that God will help me win one soul to

Jesus Christ. I have written this prayer and put in a box and I want this more than anything. That next stnnmer we had a group of 30 University students who were all atheists ccaae to our camp to study English Bible so we might introduce them to Jesus Christ. Dana Lee made
ftriends with one college girl in particular and we saw her often talking with her. On the

last night of camp as we were around the camp fire, this young college girl stood up and said,
"I have never heard about a Great Creator God before or understood about Jesus Christ His

Son dying on the cross to save me from sin.

As I have studied this week and looked at the

beautiful Creation all about me in these Karuizawa mountains I have been thinking very

deeply, but I felt I Just could not understand all this. Then little Dana Lee said to me, 'I am Just a little girl 10 years old and I can understand that God made everything and I can understand the Bible so why can*t you?' This made me realize I was making an excx^

and now I can say from my heart, 'I believe in God' because of Dana Lee's witness to me


1-5-15 Nalia Ochiai, Shinjuku, Tokyo

Forwfiirding Agent: Maxine Seyb

April 15> 1968 issue of VBS Material

1800 West U3rd Place Los Angeles, Calif. 9OO63



Uth Story


When the Fleenors had "been in Japan for ahout five years they decided to open a special
English Bible class for high school students coming to the church at Shimoochiai. Mr. Fleenor taught very simple lessons each week and at first most of the young people ceme
Just for the English practice as all the schools teach English as the second language here in Japan.

There was one lovely girl Just 16 years old who had come up through the Sunday School and
had been faithful to all the classes. Her name was Miss Kikawa which means Miss Tr.e.eJRiver,

Her eyes were very bright and she learned to

find all the scriptures very quickly.

The lesson one week was on, "If you love mother, father, sister or brother more than me you cannot be my disciple." Mr. Fleenor spoke very strongly on loving God first above any person or thing or idol. Further he made clear that any person who did love even their parents before Jesus Christ and refused to obey Jesus Christ because of their parents, then they could not enter the Kingdom of God and receive everlasting life.
Great tears went down the cheeks of little Kikawa San. She then stayed after the class

and said to Mr. Fleenor these words, "I have studied the Bible a long time and I truly
do believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He died to save me from my

sins and give me everlasting life. But wy uncle is a Buddhist priest and ny mother was raised in the Buddhist temple by her father a Buddhist priest, father agreed we all would be Buddhists so if I become a Christian it will cause great trouble in my family. Both my older brother refused to become priests although they take a fom of Buddhism and go through the family ceremony of praying before the Buddhist altar in our home, but if I am baptized and do not Join my family in morning prayers before the Buddhist altar they will all be very angry with me and I am afraid of the persecution I will receive.

Can I Just be a secret Christian in my heart and tell no one?"

Mr. Fleenor looked at little Kikawa San and said, "If I told you that you could be a Christian in secret and hide it from your family, I know this would make things easier for you, but I must teach only what Jesus sent me to teach to the Japanese people. In Matt. 28:19-20 Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel, baptizing them into the
name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you. And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world,"

"You must decide who you love more Jesus Christ or your parents?
who you will serve ?"

You must decide this day

Kikawa San went away with a very sad face saying nothing. That night at 10:00 o'clock a knock came to our door. There stood Kikawa San, her face beaming. She said, "I have decided. I will serve Jesus first and I will be baptized tcanorrow." Her mother came and witnessed the baptism and her family have come to admire Kikawa San as she is now a trained Christieui kindergarten teacher teaching Japanese children about the True and
Living God as revealed by Jesus Christ.

Her decision was difficult, but whenever we stand up for Jesus, God gives us strength and those who oppose will admire our faith and someday we might win them to Christ. Please
pray for Kikawa San*s family that others might see Christ in her and be saved.


1-5-15 Naka Ochiai, Shinjuku, Tokyo April 15, 1968 issue of VBS Material

Forwarding Agent: Maxine Seyb 1800 West U3rd Place

Los Angeles, Calif. 9OO63



5th Story

Little Aiko was just nine years old.

She little in a little shack in the slum area of Her father worked in a bakery and
Little Aiko had to cook and

Tokyo known as Nishi Arai.


She had a big brother 16, and two little sisters aged T and

When her sister was born, her mother had died.

came hone only two days a week as he baked bread at night.

clean and care for her sisters.

Next door her aunt was having a strange meeting, there were two Americans and two Japanese
people talking and singing. Aiko went to the door and listened. The next day she learned that every week, her aunt was going to have a children's meeting. Aiko decided to go. She looked at the flannelgraph pictures and she leeumed the songs about a Great God of Love whom Jesus called His Heavenly Father. Often Aiko would think about her mother whcan she had never known and wonder what happened to people after they died. Here she learned about Heaven and how God had planned a Beautiful Place for all who loved Him to live

When summer came Aiko had not missed one children's meeting for four months and she learned from Mr. & Mrs. Fleenor that she would get to go to summer camp in the beautiful mountains of Karuizawa absolutely free because Christians in America had sent offering^ to send children to camp.

Aiko was so thrilled as she got on the train that hot August day in smokey, dusty Tokyo to go up to the mountains with 35 other children who were meeting in her aunt's hcsne each week to hear Bible stories. Each hour of the trip became cooler and cooler. For the first time in her life Aiko saw beautiful forests and rivers and waterfalls. Finally

the trainman called out a word that was like magic to her, "KARUIZAWA
kept saying again and again " 0 ee shi koo key"


Everyone hurried off to the camp grounds surrounded by beautiful pines and all the children

This means what delicious air.

the air was clean and sweet very iifferent from the air in Tokyo in the summer. Each morning they prayed, read their Bibles and learned how to received Jesus Christ as

their Saviour. On the last day of camp Aiko stood up and said, "I want to be a child of God." She was baptized with 16 other children.
Today Aiko is 21 years old. She is a Christian kindergarten teacher and faithful witness to Jesus Christ, she is bringing her friends to Christ and has won her two younger sister to Christ. One night her brother got drimk and pull out a knife to kill her because she

was going to church instead of making him some supper.

She pulled up a sofa pillow in front of her face.

She prayed, "Oh God protect me."

he had cut the

She was amazed to see

pillow in two but there was not a scratch on her face. When her brother realized how near he came to killing her, he began to change. He is not yet a Christian, but pray that

Aiko's brother and her father too might come to know the God that protected Aiko that night.


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