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OTC (Order To Cash Techinical Overview )

Order To Cash Techinical Overview Enter order --> Book Order --> Pick Release --> Pick Slip --> Confirm Shipment Generate nvoice --> C!stomer follow !p --> Receipt --> "#inal Reconciliation$ Steps in C%cle& 1. Order Entry This is first sta'e( when the order is entered in the s%stem) it creates a record in order headers and Order *ines ta+le, Enter header details& Once %o! enter details on the order header and save it or move it to lines( record 'oes to one ta+le OE-OR.ER-/E0.ERS-0** #*O1-ST0T2S-CO.E 3 E4TERE.( BOO5E.-#*0G 3 46( Primar% ke%3/E0.ER- . 4o record e7ists in an% other ta+le for this order till now, Enter *ine details for this order& Enter different item n!m+ers( 8!antit% and other details in line ta+, 1hen the record 'ets saved( it 'oes to one ta+le, Order header details will +e linked with line details +% order /E0.ER- ., OE-OR.ER-* 4ES-0** #*O1-ST0T2S-CO.E 3 E4TERE.( BOO5E.-#*0G 3 4( OPE4-#*0G 3 9 Primar% ke%3 * 4E- . 2. Order Booking This is ne7t sta'e( when Order is +ooked then the #low stat!s chan'ed from Entered to Booked,0t this sta'e( these +elow ta+le 'et affected, OE-OR.ER-/E0.ERS-0** :#*O1-ST0T2S-CO.E as BOO5E.( BOO5E.-#*0G !pdated to 96 OE-OR.ER-* 4ES-0** :#*O1-ST0T2S-CO.E as 010 T 4G-S/ PP 4G( BOO5E.-#*0G!pdated 96 1S/-.E* ;ER9-.ET0 *S :.E* ;ER9-.ET0 *- . is assi'ned here( RE*E0SE.-ST0T2S <R= read% to release( * 4E- . comes as SO2RCE-* 4E- .6 1S/-.E* ;ER9-0SS G4>E4TS :.E* ;ER9-0SS G4>E4T- . is assi'ned for .E* ;ER9-.ET0 *- . present in 1S/-.E* ;ER9-.ET0 *S( .E* ;ER9- . remains +lank till this sta'e6 n shippin' transaction form order stat!s remains ?Read% to Release?, 0t the same time( .emand interface pro'ram r!ns in +ack'ro!nd 0nd insert into inventor% ta+les

>T*-.E>04.( here * 4E- . come as a reference in .E>04.-SO2RCE-* 4E 3. Reservation This step is re8!ired for doin' reservations SC/E.2*E OR.ER PROGR0> r!ns in the +ack'ro!nd and 8!antities are reserved, Once these pro'rams 'et s!ccessf!ll% 'et completed, >T*-.E>04. and>T*-RESER;0T O4S ta+le 'et !pdated, * 4E- . 'ets !pdated in .E>04.-SO2RCE-* 4E- . in +oth the ta+les, 4. ick Release Pick Release is the process of p!ttin' reservation on on-hand 8!antit% availa+le in the inventor% and pick them for partic!lar sales order, Pick release can +e done from @Release Sales Order@ form or @Pick release SRS@ pro'ram can +e sched!led in +ack'ro!nd, n +oth of these cases all lines of the order 'ets pick released dependin' on the Pickin' r!le !sed, f specific lineAs needs to +e pick release it can +e done from @Shippin' Transaction form, #or this case Pick Release is done from @Release Sales Order@ form with Pick Confirm34O, Once pick release is done these are the ta+les 'et affected& B f step C is not done then >T*-RESER;0T O4S 'ets !pdated now, B 1S/-4E1-.E* ;ER ES :one record 'ets inserted with SO2RCE-/E0.ER- .3 order header .( ST0T2S-CO.E3OP 3>open6 B 1S/-.E* ;ER9-0SS G4>E4TS :.E* ;ER9- . 'ets assi'ned which comes from 1S/-4E1-.E* ;ER ES6 B 1S/-.E* ;ER9-.ET0 *S :RE*E0SE.-ST0T2S <S= <s!+mitted for release=6 B >T*-TD4-REE2EST-/E0.ERS B >T*-TD4-REE2EST-* 4ES :* 4E- . 'oes as TD4-SO2RCE-* 4E- .6 B :move order ta+les, /ere re8!est is 'enerated to move item from So!rce :R> or #G6 s!+-inventor% to sta'in' s!+-inventor%6 B >T*->0TER 0*-TR04S0CT O4S-TE>P :link to a+ove ta+les thro!'h >O;E-OR.ER-/E0.ER- .A* 4E- .( this ta+le holds the record temporall%6 B >T*-SER 0*-42>BERS-TE>P :if item is serial controlled at receipt then record 'oes in this ta+le6 B >T*-SER 0*-42>BERS :enter val!e in GRO2P->0R5- . 6 F n shippin' transaction form order stat!s remains ?Released to 1areho!se? and all the material still remains in so!rce s!+-inventor%, 1e need to do >ove Order Transaction for this order, Till this no material transaction has +een posted to >T*->0TER 0*-TR04S0CT O4S !. ick Con"ir#$ %ove Order Transaction tems are transferred from so!rce s!+-inventor% to sta'in' S!+-inventor%, /ere material transaction occ!rs, Order line stat!s +ecomes @Picked@ on Sales Order and @Sta'edAPick Confirmed@ on Shippin' Transaction #orm,

>T*->0TER 0*-TR04S0CT O4S-TE>P :Record 'ets deleted from here and 'ets posted to >T*->0TER 0*-TR04S0CT O4S6 OE-OR.ER-* 4ES-0** :#*O1-ST0T2S-CO.E <P C5E.= 6 >T*->0TER 0*-TR04S0CT O4S :* 4E- . 'oes as TD4-SO2RCE-* 4E- .6 >T*-TR04S0CT O4-0CCO24TS 1S/-.E* ;ER9-.ET0 *S :RE*E0SE.-ST0T2S +ecomes <9= 3> <Released= 6 1S/-.E* ;ER9-0SS G4>E4TS >T*-O4/04.-E204T T ES >T*-SER 0*-42>BERS-TE>P :record 'ets inserted after p!ttin' details for the item which are serial controlled at @Sales order iss!e@6 >T*-SER 0*-42>BERS :record 'ets inserted after p!ttin' details for the item which are serial controlled at @Sales order iss!e@6 F This step can +e eliminated if we set Pick Confirm39ES at the time of Pick Release &. 'hi( Con"ir# /ere is the ship confirm interface pro'ram r!ns in +ack'ro!nd, .ata removed from 1S/-4E1-.E* ;ER ES, The items on the deliver% shipped to c!stomer at this sta'e OE-OR.ER-* 4ES-0** :#*O1-ST0T2S-CO.E <shipped=6 1S/-.E* ;ER9-.ET0 *S :RE*E0SE.-ST0T2S <C= <Shipped=( SER 0*-42>BER if 8!antit% is O4E6 1S/-SER 0*-42>BERS :records 'ets inserted with the .E* ;ER9-.ET0 *- . reference( onl% in case of shipped 8!antit% is two or more6 >T*-TR04S0CT O4- 4TER#0CE >T*->0TER 0*-TR04S0CT O4S :linked thro!'h Transaction so!rce header id6 >T*-TR04S0CT O4-0CCO24TS .ata deleted from >T*-.E>04.( >T*-RESER;0T O4S tem ded!cted from >T*-O4/04.-E204T T ES >T*-SER 0*-42>BERS-TE>P :records 'ets deleted from this ta+le6 >T*-SER 0*-42>BERS :Serial n!m+er sta!ts 'ets !pdated C2RRE4T-ST0T2S3G ( @ ss!ed o!t of store@6 ). Enter *nvoice 0fter shippin' the order( order lines are eli'i+le to transfer to R0- 4TER#0CE-* 4ES-0**, 1orkflow +ack'ro!nd en'ine picks those records and post it to R0- 4TER#0CE-* 4ES-0**, This is also called Receiva+le interface( this mean information moved to acco!ntin' area for invoicin' details, nvoicin' workflow activit% transfers shipped item information to Oracle Receiva+les, 0t the same time records also 'oes in the ta+le R0- 4TER#0CE-S0*ESCRE. TS-0** which hold details of sales credit for the partic!lar order R0- 4TER#0CE-* 4ES-0** :interface ta+le into which the data is transferred from order mana'ement6 Then 0!toinvoice pro'ram imports data from this ta+le which 'et affected into this sta'e are receiva+les +ase ta+le, 0t the same time records 'oes in R0-C2STO>ER-TRD-0** :C2ST-TRD- . is primar% ke% to link it to TRD-* 4ES ta+le and TRD-42>BER is the invoice n!m+er6 R0-C2STO>ER-TRD-* 4ES-0** :* 4E-0TTR B2TE-H and * 4E-0TTR B2TE-I are linked to order n!m+er and * 4E- . of the orders6 +. Co#(lete ,ine n this sta'e order line level ta+le 'et !pdated with #low stat!s and open fla',

OE-OR.ER-* 4ES-0** :#*O1-ST0T2S-CO.E <shipped=( OPE4-#*0G J4K6 -. Close Order This is last step of Order Processin', n this sta'e onl% OE-OR.ER-* 4ES-0** ta+le 'et !pdated, These are the ta+le 'et affected in this step, OE-OR.ER-* 4ES-0** :#*O1-ST0T2S-CO.E <closed=( OPE4-#*0G J4K6

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