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Wine yard Technologies

Improved Structure of Solar Tracker with ARM7TDMI (LPC2 !"# $a%ed Co&trol
Technical Specifications

Title of the project

Improved Structure of Solar Tracker with www>Wine<ard&rojects>com &h: 0)021)1) 1=1=$ 112? 11,?$ *** ???? 2(2 Microcontroller ased !ontrol

"omain Software Microcontroller &ower Supply "isplay !rystal Solar 7pplications "eveloped :y &hone

: : : : : : : : : :

#enewa le Energy Management$ Em edded "esign$ Energy System Em edded !$ %eil$ &roload '&!2()* controller +,-$ '!" ."))/*0 (12character$ 22line 3(1425 (2M.6 (2Industries$ 8rgani6ations$ .ome 7ppliances 7utomation$ 9otice oards M;S Wine <ard Technologies 0)021)1) 1=1=$ www>Wine<ard&rojects>com

Hyderabad: Tarakarama Estates, 2nd Left Lane Opp. RS Brothers, Ameerpet, Hyderabad!!!"# $%&aya'ada: (th )*oor, +h%te Ho,se, Opp. A** -nd%a Rad%o, ./ Road, $%&aya'ada- 2!!0!


Wine yard Technologies

So*ar ener1y systems ha2e emer1ed as a 2%ab*e so,r3e of rene'ab*e ener1y o2er the past t'o or three de3ades, and are no' '%de*y ,sed for a 2ar%ety of %nd,str%a* and domest%3 app*%3at%ons. S,3h systems are based on a so*ar 3o**e3tor, des%1ned to 3o**e3t the (s,n4s ener1y and to 3on2ert %t %nto e%ther e*e3tr%3a* po'er or therma* ener1y. -n 1enera*, the po'er de2e*oped %n s,3h app*%3at%ons depends 3o**e3tor, and th,s the prob*em of de2e*op%n1 tra3k%n1 s3hemes 3apab*e of fo**o'%n1 the tra&e3tory of the s,n thro,1ho,t the 3o,rse of the day on a year-ro,nd bas%s has re3e%2ed s%1n%f%3ant 3o2era1e %n th%s pro&e3t. -n Aden 3%ty 56emen7, the %mpro2ement %n the performan3e of a so*ar 3ooker d,r%n1 s,mmer 'as fo,nd to be as m,3h as (!8 for h%1her e*e2at%on an1*e and "!8 for *o'er e*e2at%on an1*e, based on the de2e*oped tra3k%n1 a*1or%thms. .oreo2er, %t 'as sho'n that the amo,nt of so*ar ener1y 3apt,red by a t%*ted 3o**e3tor 3o,*d be %n3reased by more than (!8 by ad&,st%n1 the t%*t an1*e on a seasona* bas%s. Th%s pro&e3t %s des%1ned '%th AR."T9.- pro3essor. 9epend%n1 ,pon the mode se*e3t%on the data '%** be read by the L:;20(< 3ontro**er and the d%re3t%on of the motor '%** be 3han1ed. +%th th%s d%re3t%on the so*ar p*ates 'h%3h are f%=ed to the stand '%** a*so rotates to 1a%n the ma=%m,m s,n rays. www>Wine<ard&rojects>com &h: 0)021)1) 1=1=$ 112? 11,?$ *** ???? 2(2 f,ndamenta**y ,pon the amo,nt of so*ar ener1y 3apt,red by the

Hyderabad: Tarakarama Estates, 2nd Left Lane Opp. RS Brothers, Ameerpet, Hyderabad!!!"# $%&aya'ada: (th )*oor, +h%te Ho,se, Opp. A** -nd%a Rad%o, ./ Road, $%&aya'ada- 2!!0!


Wine yard Technologies The '&!2()* are ased on a (1;=2 it 7#M/T"MI2S@ !&A with real2time

emulation and em edded trace support$ together with (2*;?(2 kilo ytes of em edded high speed flash memory> 7 (2*2 it wide memory interface and uniBue accelerator architecture ena le =22 it code eCecution at maCimum clock rate> Dor critical code si6e applications$ the alternative (12 it Thum Mode reduces code y more than =0E with minimal performance penalty> With their compact 1) pin package$ low power consumption$ various =22 it timers$ )2 channel (02 it 7"!$ AS: &8#T$&WM channels particularly suita le for industrial control$ medical systems$ access control and point2of2 sale> With a wide range of serial communications interfaces$ they are also very well suited for communication gateways$ protocol converters and em edded soft modems as well as many other general2purpose applications> In this project we are using '&!2()*$ Solar panel$ a .2:ridge is interfaced to drive 10#&M geared motors and (142 '!" is used to display its operation> This project uses two power supplies$ one is regulated ?- for modules and other one is =>=- for '&!2()*> /*0? three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation> :ridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac out put of secondary of 2=0;(2- step down transformer> www>Wine<ard&rojects>com &h: 0)021)1) 1=1=$ 112? 11,?$ *** ???? 2(2 and )1 F&I8 lines with up to , eCternal interrupt pins these microcontrollers are

Hyderabad: Tarakarama Estates, 2nd Left Lane Opp. RS Brothers, Ameerpet, Hyderabad!!!"# $%&aya'ada: (th )*oor, +h%te Ho,se, Opp. A** -nd%a Rad%o, ./ Road, $%&aya'ada- 2!!0!


Wine yard Technologies

&ower supply unit Mode selection Switch (> '"# 2> #T!

!ontrast !ontrol

(1 4 2 '!" #T!

'&!2()* More than ?Solar &anel #esistor 9etwork To drop voltage 3voltage divider5 Mechanical coupling to solar panel "! Motor 7"! #eset


. :ridge "river

Hyderabad: Tarakarama Estates, 2nd Left Lane Opp. RS Brothers, Ameerpet, Hyderabad!!!"# $%&aya'ada: (th )*oor, +h%te Ho,se, Opp. A** -nd%a Rad%o, ./ Road, $%&aya'ada- 2!!0!

www>Wine<ard&rojects>com &h: 0)021)1) 1=1=$ 112? 11,?$ *** ???? 2(2

:lock "iagram:


Wine yard Technologies

.ighly sensitive Works according to the sun direction Dit and Dorget system 9ight G "ay mode sensing 'ow cost and relia le circuit !omplete elimination of manpower

Street lights Farden 'ights Solar water heater .otels$ hostels and house hold applications 8ffices Industries

Hyderabad: Tarakarama Estates, 2nd Left Lane Opp. RS Brothers, Ameerpet, Hyderabad!!!"# $%&aya'ada: (th )*oor, +h%te Ho,se, Opp. A** -nd%a Rad%o, ./ Road, $%&aya'ada- 2!!0!

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