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Saint Albert the Great

8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK


IL 60459 (708) 423-0321


Congratulations and Blessings on Your Ordination to the Diaconate

To become a priest or a religious is not primarily our choice; it is our answer to a calling, a calling of love
Pope Francis Marek Maciej Smolka
November 2, 2013

ALL-POWERFUL YET CARING GOD It used to be that when I thought, Old Testament, Monday, November 4, 2013 I thought of narratives written many centuries before Christ. Saint Charles Borromeo 6:30 Donald Kupiec-Blessing for Health Then I learned that todays passage from the book of Wisdom 7:30 +Stanislaw Tylka was written less than one hundred years before Jesus came 8:30 Poor Souls in Purgatory along. These words were so contemporaneous with Jesus that Tuesday, November 5, 2013 he himself conceivably could have written or spoken them. He 6:30 certainly lived them. 7:30 -Kubus-Birthday Blessing The Wisdom reading is a poetic prayer celebrating a 8:30 Creator-God before whom the universe is like a grain of sand, Wednesday, November 6, 2013 6:30 +Marie A. Heiden yet who is still lovingly concerned with every individual. This 7:30 +Jozef Wilczek is the God whom Jesus reveals, with unlimited power over all 8:10 -MORNING PRAYER OF THE CHURCH creation, yet watching out for sinners climbing trees. 8:30 +Patrick Juris-2nd Anniv. of Death Zacchaeus was no ordinary tax collector, but the chief Thursday, November 7, 2013 tax collector, and a wealthy man. But he wasnt too proud to 6:30 +Peter Baier run ahead and clamber up into a sycamore tree just to get a 7:30 glimpse of Jesus. Maybe, sinner though he was, he recognized 8:30 +Maria & Ludwig Herbst +Umberto & Theresa Botta in this wandering preacher the object of the Wisdom poets Friday, November 8, 2013 adoration. Copyright J. S. Paluch Co.
6:30 Matt Michaels; For guidance of the Holy Spirit 7:30 8:30 +Patsy & Beeze Stack Saturday, November 9, 2013 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 7:30 8:30 +Joseph Tapak 2:00PM-Wedding: Robert Paluch & Carolyn Schlesinger 5:00PM +Ellen Kandich +Salvatore Imbarrato Sunday, November 10, 2013 Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 6:15 +Ludwina Mostowska 7:30 +Ercole & Innocenza Sturino +Joseph & Marie Silliman 9:00 +Stanislaw & Maria Chlebek +Andrew Ricchiuto 10:30 +Mieczyslaw Antol +Wladyslaw Bugara, +Jan, Stefania, Michal Mozdzen, +Andrzej Mol 10th Anniv. of Death 12:00 +Ludwina Mostowska +Vincent Geraci 1:30 5:00PM-End of Abortion in America 6:30PM -


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Memorial Mass for the deceased members of our parish family who died within last 12 months will be celebrated Sunday, November 10th at 3:00 p.m. All relatives and friends of the deceased are welcome to attend the Mass and then join us for the reception in Rogers Hall.
LET US PRAY For the sick: Gina Albrecht, Renee Rubio, Martin Lally, Michael Ufana, Edward Jagodzinski, Beverly Davis, Rev. Thomas Mescall, Nancy & Wayne Kinzie, Connie Melody, Joan Bryce, Joan Sweeney, Marie King Doyle, Johanna Pusateri, Frances Sacino, Robert Priley, Eckhaus Family, Chuck Poremba, Barbara Pavlecek, Milagros Doctor, Timoteo Doctor, Mary Ellen Connelly, Rose Heiden, Michael Mazurek, Terrie Lynn Hennessy, Debbie OHara, Eric & Jesse Dulce, Donald Demski, Marlene Johanes, Andrea Pelicano, Mary Sochacz, Marilyn Buchalski, Carmella Mazurek, Arletta Ceynow, Bernice Ciszek, Valerie Farbin, Irene Korosa, Bill & Ruth Eichnamm, Diane and Robert Juris, Dorothy Reid, Salvatore Bottari, Theresa Lonski, Harriet Madey,Alex Silverman, Don Kupiec, Janelle Demski, Bussie & Hedderman Families, Sister Patricia Labuda, Walter Anderson, Shirley McVane, Cheryl Korosa, Penny Prokop, Mary Ann Riccio.

WEDDING BANNS III-Robert Paluch & Carolyn Schlesinger II-Michael Geanto & Paulina Ligeska II-Steven Hajek & Kerri Marie OConnell I-Matthew Andersen & Susy Liberato

The Junior High Classes of St. Albert the Great Catholic School will be celebrating a

Veterans Day Mass on Monday, November 11, 2013 at 8:30 AM.

Refreshments will be served in the school following the liturgy. We would be pleased and honored if you will join us. Please feel free to share your stories, photos, mementos and memories with the students. Displays may be set up in the school library. For additional information, call the school office @ 708-424-7757.

God Bless our Veterans.

The following babies became members of Gods Family here recently: Z a c h a r y T h o ma s S y n a l , A a r o n R a n d a l l B o r g a r d t , K a mi l a Klejka, Anna Skubisz, Antoni Kijania, Noah Arreola, Ethan Ponce de Leon, Nathaniel Kubas, Adrian Lubas
We extend our best wishes and pray that what has begun in them will be brought to perfection.

Mother Daughter Tea

Gods Plan for Growing Up Make a date with your daughter!
Come to a Mother-Daughter Tea! Sunday, November 17, 2013 2:30 PM to 5 PM Catholic Charities, Vincent Hall 721 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60610 Fee: $35 per mother and daughter and $10 each additional daughter The program Will explore Gods special gift of human fertility and the beauty and wonder of growing up and becoming a woman. Will provide an atmosphere of love and learning to discuss the important topic of growing up. Will establish a foundation for continued communication between parent and child. For a registration form or information, please call Maria Garcia at the Marriage and Family Ministries Office at 312.534.8273.


OCTOBER 26/27 2013 $14,306.50 Thank You For Your Support

St. Albert the Great and the Mexican Community invite everyone for a

Parish Dance Saturday, November 16

In Rogers Hall

8:00pm1:00am Donation $20.00

Children under 12free

Dinner and cash bar available. For more information please call Esmeralda Rodriguez 708-423-4113 or the parish office 708-423-0321

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Every week, some treasures from our tradition are shared here. Where does all this history come from? The history of Gods people of prayer is always coming to light, mostly because scholars have dedicated their lives to research. They translate and ponder prayers and songs; explore the places used for worship; look at the vessels, books, and vestments; and read works from legal documents to letters and diaries. In the 1930s, Hitlers rush to arm Germany closed seminaries as priests and seminarians alike were drafted into service. One professor, Father Josef Jungman, forced from his classroom, spent the war years in an Austrian library. His careful work disclosed much of what we know of the history of the Mass. His great work, The Mass of the Roman Rite, describes the evolution of Eucharistic celebration and inspired generations of scholars to explore a tradition surprisingly rich and varied. It was said of him that he had a command of the past that cast new light on the present, and opened up a clear direction to the future. His contributions to the Second Vatican Council helped shape the way that we worship today. At the end of his life, in 1975, his studies completed, he told a friend that he was waiting patiently for the Lords knock at the door to take him to the heavenly banquet. James Field, Copyright J. S. Paluch Co.

Tribute Night at St. Albert the Great!! Featuring

Rick Elvis Saucedo, Nick Ritchie Valens Gutierrez Nick Tom Jones Miller
Saturday, November 9, 2013 7:00 p.m. Rogers Hall
Tickets: $25.00 in advance $30.00 at the Door VIP Seating $35.00 18 and Over Only
Doors Open at 6:00 p.m.

Tickets will be sold at the door. Refreshments and Food will be available for purchase. Seating - First Come First Serve. Proceeds to Benefit St. Albert the Great School For Advance tickets, please contact Brenda Klamerus (708) 670-0675



CCD 8:00AM






4 Seniors 11:00 am Pro Life 7:00 pm

5 Bingo 7:00 pm CCD 7:00PM

6 Morning Prayer of the Church 8:10 am Boy Scouts 6:00 pm 14 Adoration 7:00 pm 15

7 Adoration 7:00 pm

8 Cub Scouts 7:00 pm

10 32ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 12 Bingo 7:00 pm CCD 7:00PM

11 Parish Council 7:00 pm Holy Name 8:00 pm 13 Morning Prayer of the Church 8:10 am Boy Scouts 6:00 pm SVDP 6:30 pm CCD 7:00PM 21 Adoration 7:00 pm

St. Albert the Great 64th Parish Anniversary

Cub Scouts 7:00 pm 22 Cub Scouts 7:00 pm

16 CCD 8:00AM


18 Seniors 11:00 am

MARKET DAY PICK UP 6:00-7:00 pm 26 Bingo 7:00 pm

19 Bingo 7:00 pm CCD 7:00PM

20 Morning Prayer of the Church 8:10 am Boy Scouts 6:00 pm CCD 7:00PM

23 CCD 8:00AM




27 Morning Prayer of the Church 8:10 am Boy Scouts 6:00 pm

Happy Thanksgiving

29 Cub Scouts 7:00 pm


WICENIA DIAKONATU NASZEGO KLERYKA MARKA - Dzisiaj dzikujemy Panu Bogu za wiecenia diakonatu odprawiona Msza wita dzikczynna za dar powoania i wice diakonatu. Po Mszy w. Diakon Marek zaprasza na poczestunek do sali parafialnej. Prosimy o modlitw w jego intencji. 64 ROCZNICA ISTNIENIA NASZEJ PARAFII - Przez dwie Niedziele 10 i 17 listopada br. bdziemy modli si w intencjach naszej Parafii, dzikujc Panu Bogu za wszystkie aski oraz prosi o dalsz opiek dla naszej wsplnoty. Z tej okazji w sali parafialnej w niedziel 10 i 17 listopada bdzie Brunch. Prosimy, o pomoc w zorganizowaniu poczstunku. ZMIANA TAJEMNIC RACOWYCH I SPOTKANIE DLA DZIECICEGO KKA RACOWEGO - odbdzie si w pierwsz rod listopada tj. 6 listopadao godzinie 5:30 po poudniu w Szkole w klasie 101 KOMUNIA WITA DLA CHORYCH I STARSZYCH W DOMU - prosimy, o zgoszenie do biura parafialnego. Siostry Misjonarki Chrystusa Krla pracujce w naszej Parafii, odwiedz osob chor, przynoszc Pana Jezusa w Komunii witej. MODLITWA ZA ZMARYCH WYPOMINKI - przy wejciu do kocioa s wyoone koperty na WYPOMINKI. Prosimy, o czytelne wypisanie swoich bliskich zmarych, za ktrych bdziemy si modli w Dzie Zaduszny oraz w Listopadzie. Poprzez odwiedzenie cmentarza w stanie aski uwicajcej i modlitw mona otrzyma odpust zupeny. RODZICE I DZIECI MODL SI W CISZY - W ramach Roku powiconego Rodzinie, zapraszamy rodzicw z dziemi na Rodzinn Grup medytacyjn. Pierwsze spotkanie w sobot 9 listopada o godz. 18:00 w kaplicy Najwietszego Serca Pana Jezusa. Spotkania modlitewne bd odbywa si przed Najwitszym Sakramentem. Modlitewne spotkania bd odbywa si w drug sobot miesica o godz. 18. Najpierw bdzie 4-5 minutowa medytacja rodzicw z dziemi w wieku szkolnym. Nastpnie pociechy, bd zabierane do sali obok. Po 20 minutach docz tam take rodzice, by przy herbacie dzieli si owocami modlitwy.

Parafia w. Alberta i Grupa Meksykaska zapraszaj na Zabaw dla dorosych i dzieci

Sobota, 16 Listopada
w sali pod kocioem 8:00pm1:00am Wstp $20.00 Dzieci poniej 12 latwstp wolny

Dania z kuchni Meksykaskiej i bar patne

Po wicej informacji prosz dzwoni do biura parafialnego 708-423-0321

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