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Epilepsy Foundation 4351 Garden City Drive Landover , MD 20785-7223 Phone: 1- 800 - 332-1000 Web Address: http://http://www.epilepsyfoun American Epilepsy Society 342 North Main Street West Hartford , CT 061172507 Phone: 1- 860 - 586-7505 Web Address:

Epilepsy is a persistent disorder of the nervous system. This medical condition produces periodic or recurring seizures that affect a variety of mental and physical functions. When a person has two or more unprovoked seizures, they are considered to have epilepsy.

Epilepsy affects: -65 million people worldwide -2.2 million Americans, including: 300,000 children under the age of 15, and 570,000 adults age 65 and above. Epilepsy is the 4th most common neurological disorder in the U.S. after migraine, stroke, and Alzheimers disease. Epilepsy strikes mainly among the very young children and the very old adults. Returning veterans who have traumatic brain injury show an increased risk of developing epilepsy. Many questions about seizures remain unanswered. Currently there are no sure cure exists for epilepsy. Researchers are searching for answers by looking at new ways to treat epilepsy and determine its cause.


Short spells of blackout, or confused memory Wide open eyes that have a blank stare or are constantly blinking Jerking of hands, legs, or face Breathing that slows or stops Bluish lips, nail beds, and face if breathing is affected Stiff arms or legs Strange or small constant movements, such as picking at clothes or lip smacking Loss of consciousness

Genetic or hereditary Congenital neurological conditions Trauma with brain injury Stroke Brain tumors

Infections such as meningitis and encephalitis Multiple sclerosis Toxins, such as carbon monoxide and lead Idiopathic (unknown or genetic) TREATMENTS Currently the treatments for epilepsy are mainly: Drugs Surgery Vagus nerve stimulation (vns) Special dietary program TEACHING STUDENTS WITH EPILEPSY: STRATEGIES As epilepsy is associated with wide-ranging learning problems due to a vulnerable working memory that results from the seizure disorder, it is critical that children with epilepsy have the appropriate supports at school in order to realize their potential. The key is to provide them with opportunities that take into account their range of learning problems, including difficulties with speech and language, attention, and memory. The following strategies can be very efficient: Curriculum Adaptation--Teachers can adapt some of their activities to focus more on recognition tasks and let students with memory problems show their understanding of a concept by responding to questions or prompts that use the information they know. Thematic Teaching--Teachers expose the students to the new information as often as possible. Thematic teaching engages students in learning the same concepts and skills many times throughout the day by providing with regular classroom instruction, individual tutorials, home reinforcement, and interventions such as speech, physical, and occupational therapies. Tutorial--One-on-one tutorials can not only support the regular curriculum by addressing the same themes and topics multiple times but also provide the student with a more focused look at new concepts, as well as practice at the process of learning.

Marshall G. Letcher, Roy Sucholeiki, and Fran Hodgkins. Epilepsy, The Gale Encyclopedia of Neurological Disorders, Second Edition. Ed. Brigham Narins. Detroit: Gale, 2012. 2 vols. "Epilepsy." . Information Page. (accessed November 27, 2013) me/common/brain/disorders/214.printerview .html "Facts about Epilepsy." Epilepsy Institute . Information Page. (accessed November 27, 2013) index.htm Teaching Students with Epilepsy:

Strategies for Educators. Growing up with Epilespy.Information Page. (accessed November 30, 2013) epsy/pdf/strategies_for_educators.pdf

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