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Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Time: 4:45PM 6:15PM

Description of the Location:
The room is setup auditorium style. With about 90 chairs lined up in rows. There is a podium located in f
rom the room.
Rules and Conventions of appropriate behaviors:
The figure world I will be observing is an organization of African students. It's an international cl
ub, which most students are from UNCC but also open to the Charlotte community. it's just a pla
ce to talk about Africa as a whole, whats going on there, and you get different cultures to intera
ct and also have study sessions where everybody comes together to help one another. Multiple
activities can take place at the same time such as get togethers, meetings, and study sessions. T
he rules and conventions for appropriate behaviors are, for example, timeliness and be respectf
ul of others. There is no dress code because its expected for people to know that wearing just y
our undergarment to these sessions or meetings are not acceptable because that is not a sign of
respect for others. Acceptable activities are usually the one to try and get everyone to participa
te in topics that interest the whole group such as religious backgrounds, sexuality, Identity crisis,
career choices, strengths and weaknesses, habits, parents, and how to adapt to the American c
ulture. The forms of acceptable communication are mostly emails and group text, or some kind
of social network such as twitter, Instagram, or/and Facebook. A loud volume of noise is to be ex
pected because it's a way of everyone to get involved. Most people are only comfortable speaki
ng their minds in a large group than not in this setting, but mainly because they already know ea
ch other or just getting to know one another. Some behaviors that may be inappropriate are exc
essive jokes that make everyone uncomfortable, no horse playing, and no inappropriate attire th
at are too revealing.

Koko Meite President

Cindy Mukau Vice President

Binta - Secretary of treasure

Nella Secretary

desktop support 9/12/13 8:15 AM

Comment [1]: Change format from pdf
to word to avoid complications in MS
desktop support 9/12/13 8:19 AM
Comment [2]: Consider rewording
this sentence to combine two separate
ideas into one.
desktop support 9/12/13 8:23 AM
Comment [3]: Try separating these
ideas into more than one sentence to
elaborate on how the members of the
club help one another
desktop support 9/12/13 8:21 AM
Comment [4]: Nice comedic relief to
a more structured paper

Fatty 2nd Secretary

Fornati Dance Coordinator

Irene - Public Relations

Members: from all over the continent of Africa

Hand woven baskets - shows the history of not only the continent Africa, but also of the people.
OAS pins - represents the organization as a whole wherever we go.
African material/cloth - represents our culture and the hard work and labor o f our ancestor because t
he materials are handmade.

desktop support 9/12/13 8:28 AM

Comment [5]: How do the baskets
represent the culture of African
people? Does it reflect their heritage?
Or is it an acquired skill?

Discourse Communities:
Current officers: Lombeko Meite - president, Cindy Mukau - vice president, Ornella Mulenda- secretary,
Faty Dye- 2nd secretar, Binta Makaelo- treasurer, public relation - Irene and Fornati, committee chairma
n - nybol and gregoria.

The Observation:

4:45 PM- Koko arrives to start setting up, turns everything on, opened the PowerPoint presentation
Shes going to use
4: 55 PM- one or two people are coming in and taking their seats

desktop support 9/12/13 8:34 AM

Comment [6]: Insert more detail about
the meeting, small details about the
space, etc.

5:00 PM- More people are coming in, some on their cell phones, some talking to each other, its getting

Louder in the room, Koko is greeting everyone, giving others time to come in and take their

5:05PM- Koko greets everyone again, and gives them the overview of what the meeting will entails and
also tells me about members being available the next day for tutoring or helping others if necessary.
5:15 PM- they have a group discussion of community services available that week, and fundraising event
s as well

desktop support 9/12/13 8:35 AM

Comment [7]: What was the days
meeting about? What were you
expected to do or participate in?

5:45 PM- Group activities, the group ask each other questions, mainly just how they are adapting to the
school and if they need any time of counseling, or help with anything outside the organization
6:00 PM- the meeting is over, people just kinda scatter out the door, some together, some alone, some t
hat are together are going out to eat, shopping, movies, or just simply hanging out but others are still in
the room talking to each other, laughing, all the board members are putting everything else away while
being asked private questions by other members
6:15 PM- One of the board member is going to give a member a ride. Everybody has either left the room
to go to another building if they have class and some went home or with friends.

Observation 2:
5:00 PM - eboard members setting up the room, as people are coming
5:05 PM - Nella greets everyone and announces that she will be conducting the meeting today
5:15 PM - Cindy shares a fast fact presentation on Republic Democratic of Congo.
5:30 - Nybol shares current event on South Sudan. Group discusses their opinion on the topic
5:45 PM - group game, get to know your eboard. members/audience asked questions about someone o
n the eboard and asked to guess who it is.
6:00PM - meeting adjourned, everybody leaves the room.

Observation 3:
There is no meeting today, but a social where everyone gets to know one another.
7:00 PM eboard introduces themselves to everybody walking in the room. Mingling and chatting going o

desktop support 9/12/13 8:39 AM

Comment [8]: What are members of
the group talking about? Did you hear
any specific comments?

7:30 PM games like Uno, Jenga, and twister are layed out for people to play. Everyvody is still mingling w
hile food is served.
9:00PM meeting adjourned and everybody is walking out the room whike still mingling.

Interview Questions:

How does one become a member?

To become a member your dues of $20 have to be paid. The organization does 2 volunteering serv8ces a
month; at least one has to be completed. Lastly, attend and/or help out at our meetings or events

What is your vision for this organization

Our mission is to reach out to the African community in Charlotte and beyond.

What mechanisms does your organization use to obtain feedback from the people you serve?

We usually conduct surveys every month for our members to complete. we're always open to
comments and suggestion.

Do you consider your organizationa learning organization? If so, howis this demonstrated?

Yes, we learn about the greater continentAfrica.

- How would you describe the organizational culture?
- Do you help your community? if so, how?
The organization completes at least 2 volunteering services permonth. This is done through orgsync.

Orgsync helps organizations on campus comolete volunteering services pre month.

desktop support 9/12/13 8:40 AM

Comment [9]: Mention who you are

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