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Physiological Benefits of Walking and Jogging Students will research the physiological benefits of walking and jogging.

You will explain a minimum of four benefits and two of the four benefits must be ascular and two must be respiratory. You will type a two page paper on your findings and cite your references. Please post this in your !Basics of "raining# section on your website.

There are so many physiological benefits of walking and jogging. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, physiological refers to a characteristic of or appropriate to an organism s healthy or normal f!nctioning. Therefore, the physiological benefits of walking and jogging refer to the aspects of walking and jogging that contrib!te to the person"s healthy or normal f!nctioning. There are so many benefits of r!nning, many being physiological in nat!re. To refine these benefits e#en f!rther, physiological benefits can be di#ided into two categories$ respiratory and #asc!lar. %ne respiratory physiological benefit of r!nning is that when r!nning, r!nners !se all &' sets of respiratory m!scles for e#ery breath. (ike any other m!scle in the body, these breathing m!scles get tired and st!dies show that when the respiratory m!scles work harder and become tired, less o)ygenated blood flows to the legs. As a res!lt, respiratory m!scles take *steal+ this blood instead of it being sent to the legs and arms, which can f!el the act of r!nning.

,!rthermore, breathing re-!ires a minim!m of &./ of the total o)ygen !sed by the body for e#ery breath taken d!ring r!nning training and e#en more when racing. 0!nners who do not spend time specifically strengthening respiratory m!scles will !se e#en more o)ygen attempting to achie#e and maintain comfortable breathing while r!nning. 0!nning with !ntrained respiratory m!scles can lead to a feeling of breathlessness, being short of breath and breathing discomfort. 1t occ!rs d!ring r!nning e)ercising and racing and may limit the -!antity and -!ality of yo!r training, race performances and times. 0!nning helps to de#elop and train respiratory m!scles, th!s allowing them to be as efficient and effecti#e as possible. Another respiratory benefit of r!nning is that yo!r end!rance will increase as yo!r respiratory m!scles become more and more efficient. 0!nning can f!rther impro#e yo!r end!rance by 2trengthening leg m!scles and ligaments. There are still more physiological benefits that are #asc!lar benefits. ,or e)ample, r!nning strengthens the heart as it increases stoke #ol!me, and th!s opens the capillaries, both sending energy to working m!scles and fl!shing waste prod!cts from fatig!ed m!scles. Another #asc!lar benefit of r!nning is that r!nning leads to an increased n!mber and si3e of mitochondria in cells and increased myoglobin concentration in m!scle fibers. Moreo#er, researchers st!died 44,565 r!nners who were participating in the 7ational 0!nners"

8ealth 2t!dy and &.,59. walkers enrolled in the 7ational Walkers" 8ealth 2t!dy o#er si) years. All the participants were between the ages of &: to :5, with most in their 95s and .5s. The e)ercisers answered -!estionnaires abo!t their physical acti#ity, and the researchers calc!lated how m!ch energy they e)pended based on the distance the #ol!nteers reported walking or r!nning. They also recorded any doctor-diagnosed heart conditions. The scientists fo!nd that while #igoro!s r!nning re-!ired slightly higher le#els of energy than moderate intensity walking, both translated into a parallel drop in incidence of high blood press!re, high cholesterol, diabetes, or heart disease o#er the st!dy period. Additionally, the more the participants walked or ran, the greater the benefit their acti#ity had in lowering their heart disease risk. As a whole, walking, jogging, and r!nning pro#ide so many benefits both respiratory and #asc!lar. There definitely is reason and e#idence why e#ery person sho!ld spend a little bit of time r!nning e#ery day;


<=enefits of a (ong 0!n.< $un%n& 0!n%n;, n.d. Web. &' %ct. '5&4. >http$??www.r!nonte)!n@. <Ahysiological.< 'erriam(Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. &' %ct. '5&4. >http$?? <0!nning.< )ow You Benefit. Aower(!ng, n.d. Web. &' %ct. '5&4. >http$??www.powerl!!s?powerl!ng?benefits?r!nnin g?@. 2ifferlin, Ale)andra. <Walk, or 0!n, to (ower 8eart Bisease 0isk$ =enefits Are

2imilar.< "ime )ealth * +amily. Time, . Apr. '5&4. Web. &' %ct. '5&4. >http$??'5&4?59?5.?walk-or-r!n-tolower-heart-disease-risk-benefits-are-similar?@.

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