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QUESTION PAPER 2 Time : Three Hours e!era" I!s#ru$#io!s %. A"" &ues#io!s are $om'u"sor(. 2. Ques#io! !os.

. % #o ) are *er( shor# a!s+er &ues#io!s a!, $arr( % mark ea$h. -. Ques#io! !os. . #o %) are shor# a!s+er &ues#io!s a!, $arr( 2 marks ea$h. /. Ques#io! !os. %. #o 27 are a"so shor# a!s+er &ues#io!s a!, $arr( marks ea$h 0. Ques#io! !os. 2) #o -0 are "o!1 a!s+er &ues#io!s a!, $arr( 0 marks ea$h 2. Use "o1 #a3"es i4 !e$essar(5 use o4 $a"$u"a#ors is !o# a""o+e,. Q1. Calculate the number of atoms in 4g of He. Q2. Which quantum numbers originate from Schrodinger wave equation? Q . Which of the two is bigger in si!e and wh"? Cl or Cl Q4.$redict the sha%e of Cl& and '& # Max. Marks : 70

on the basis of (S)$* theor" # and H2-?

Q+.What is the con,ugate base of HC-

Q.. /efine dis%lacement reactions. 0ive one e1am%le for it. Q2. Wh" are metallic h"drides used for storing h"drogen? Q3. 4ame the two methods for estimation of nitrogen. Q5. How man" grams of 4a2C- should be dissolved to ma6e 177 cc of 7.1+8 4a2C- ? Q17. 9ellow light emitted from a sodium lam% has a wavelength of +37 nm. Calculate frequenc" and wave number of the "ellow light? Q11. :a; What is the h"bridi!ation of central atom in following? 4H < C2H2

:b; What is the di%ole moment of CCl4 molecule? =ccount for "our answer. Q12. /escribe the h"bridi!ation in case of $Cl +. Wh" are a1ial bonds longer as com%ared to the equatorial bonds? Q1 . >sing van der Waal?s equation of state< calculate the %ressure 1erted b" 3.+g of 4H mol contained in 7.+@ vessel at 77A. &or =mmonia< a B 4.7 atm @ 2

#2 #1 and b B 7.7 . @ mol

Q14. 4ame the intermolecular forces between :a; He atoms in liquid He :b; Cwo H& molecules Q1+. Calculate the o1idation number of 8n in A28n-4 and 4 in H4-

Q1.. Com%lete the given equationsD

Q12. 0ive reasons for the following :a; =l6ali metals im%art colour to the flame. :b; )1%lain wh" al6ali and al6aline earth metals cannot be obtained b" chemical reduction methods? -r =ccount for the followingD :a; :b; Second ioni!ation enthal%" of 4a is higher than 8g. Cs is used e1tensivel" in %hotoelectric cells.

Q13 .What is Eeolites? 0ive a use and an e1am%le of Eeolites. Q15D a; =n element with 2 has the following configurationsD

Which of the two is correct and wh"? Q27. Write balanced equations or reactions betweenD :i; 4a2-2 and water :ii;A-2 and water :iii;4a2- and C-2 Q21. :a; /efineD :i; Fntensive %ro%erties :ii; =diabatic %rocess :b; Starting with thermod"namic relationshi% 0 B H# CS derive the following relationshi% G0B #CGS total Q22. :a;What is meant b" the notation G0< GS and GH? 0ive the relationshi% between them. :b; State Hess?s @aw of constant heat summation. Q2 . :i; How would "ou ,ustif" the %resence of 13 elements in the + $eriodic Cable? :ii; Write the general electronic configuration of %#bloc6 and f#bloc6 th %eriod of the

elements. -r :i; Which of the following will have the most negative electron gain enthal%" and which will have the least negative electron gain enthal%"? $< S< Cl< &. )1%lain "our answer. :ii;$redict the formula of binar" com%ound of :a;=luminium and iodine :b; @ithium and o1"gen Q24. 0ive F>$=C names of followingD

Q2+D :a;What conclusion would "ou draw if the @assaigne?s e1tract gives a blood red colouration with &eCl ? :b;

Which of the given free radicals is most stable and wh"? :c; Wh" is an organic com%ound fused with metallic sodium for testing for 4< S and halogens? Q2.. Write a short note on the followingD :i; Wurt! *eaction :ii; &riedel#crafts al6"lation Q22. /efineD :i; :ii; :iii; 'iochemical -1"gen /emand :'-/; -!one Hole 0reen Chemistr"

Q23. Calculate the molar solubilit" of 4i :-H;2 in 7.17 8 4a-H. Che solubilit" %roduct of 4i:-H;2 is 2.7 1 17#1+. -r )qual volumes of 2+.7 cm of +.7 H 17 #2 #2 8 'a:4- ;2 and 2 H17 8 4a&

solution are mi1ed. $redict whether 'a&2 will be %reci%itated or not :As% of 'a&2 B 1.2 H 17 #. at 253 A;

Q25. 0ive reasons for the followingD :a; ISi&.J2# is 6nown whereas ISiCl.J2# is not 6nown.

:b; /iamond is covalent< "et has high melting %oint. :c; $bK2 is more stable than $bK4 :KB Cl< 'r; :d; 'oron is unable to form '&. :e; '& behaves as @ewis acid. -r :a; 0ive one method for industrial %re%aration and one for laborator"


%re%aration of C- and C-2 each. :b; Select the member:s; of grou% 14 that :i; forms the most acidic dio1ide :ii;

used as semiconductors. :c; )1%lain structure of /iborane.

Q. 7. =ssign structures for the followingD :a; =n al6"ne :K; has molecular formula C+H3. Ft reacts neither with sodamide nor with ammoniacal cu%rous chloride. :b; = h"drocarbon L9? decolourises bromine water. -n o!onol"sis it gives #8eth"lbutanal and formaldeh"de. 0ive the name of the com%ound. : c; = h"drocarbon :E; has molecular formula C3H17. Ft does not decolourise bromine water and is o1idi!ed to ben!oic acid on heating with A2Cr2-2. Ft can also have three other isomers =< ' and C. Write the structure of E< =< ' and C. -r :a; -ne mole of a h"drocarbon :=; reacts with one mole of bromine giving a dibromo com%ound< C+H17'r2. Substance :=; on treatment with cold dilute al6aline A8n-4 solution forms a com%ound C+H12-2. -n o!onol"sis :=; gives equimolar quantities of %ro%anone and ethanal. /educe the structural formula of :=;. :b;How will "ou convert? :i; )th"ne to 8ethane :ii; )thene to )th"ne :iii; 8ethane to )thane

ANS6ERS QP 2 1. -ne mole of atoms B ..722 1 172 atomsB0ram atomic mass of element

0ram atomic mass of heliumB 4g. Cherefore number of atoms in 4 g helium B ..72 H 172 atoms.

2. $rinci%al quantum number :n;< =!imuthal quantum number :l; and magnetic quantum number :ml;. . Cl# is bigger in si!e. Chis is because addition of an electron causes a decrease in effective nuclear charge thus causing increase in si!e. 4. a; Cl& D C# sha%e b; '& D Crigonal %lanar +. a; Con,ugate base of HC- # D Cb; Con,ugate base of H2-D -H # 2#

.. *eaction in which one ion:or atom;in a com%ound is re%laced b" an ion :or atom; of other elements is called dis%lacement reaction.

2. 8etallic h"drides tra% h"drogen in their voids forming interstitial h"drides< thus the" can be used for storing h"drogen. 3. /uma?s method and A,eldahl?s method. 5. 1777 cm of 7.1+ 8 4a2C- contains 7.1+ moles of 4a2C-

So< 177 cm of 7.1+ 8 4a2C- will contain B B 7.71+ moles of 4a2C-

17. Wavelength of the radiation B +37 nm B +37 1 17#5 m B +.3 1 17#2 m< velocit" of radiation< c B 1 173 mMs

11. a; 4H B s% b; C2H2 B s% c; /i%ole moment of CCl4 molecule is !ero. /i%ole moment is a vector quantit". Fn s"mmetrical molecule di%oles of individual bonds cancel each other giving resultant di%ole moment as !ero. 12. Fn the formation of $Cl+< $hos%horus atom assumes a s% d h"brid state. Che longer nature of a1ial bonds is due to stronger re%ulsive interactions e1%erienced b" the a1ial bond %airs from equatorial bond %airs. 6

1 .

14. a; /is%ersion forces b; H"drogen bond 1+. &or A28n-4< let the o1idation number of 8n B 9 -1idation no. of each - atom B # 2 -1idation no. of each A atom B N 1 Fn a molecule< sum o1idation number of various atoms must be equal to !ero. So< 7B 2N " N 4:#2; B 9 O . 9O.B7 9B. &or H4- < let the o1idation number of 4 be 9 -1idation 4umber of each - atom B #2 -1idation 4umber of each H atom B N1 Fn a molecule< sum o1idation number of various atoms must be equal to !ero. So< 7B 1N 9 N :#2; B 9 O + 7

9 O +B7 9B+ 1.. i; ii; 12. a; =l6ali metals have loosel" held electron. )nerg" from the flame is sufficient to e1cite the electron to a high energ" level. When electron falls to lower level the energ" released falls in the visible region of s%ectrum thus im%arting colour to the flame. b; =l6ali and al6aline earth metals are themselves ver" strong reducing agents and therefore cannot be reduced b" chemical reduction methods. -r a; =fter losing an electron< 4a attains a noble gas configuration thus it has a ver" high second ioni!ation enthal%". -n the other hand magnesium after losing an electron still has one electron in the valence shell. Chus the second ioni!ation enthal%" of 4a is higher than 8g. b; Cs has a bigger si!e and low ioni!ation enthal%". So it loses electron easil" and thus it is %referred in %hotoelectric cells. 13. Eeolites are #/imensional =lumino silicates which have %orous structures. Che" are used as sha%e selective catal"sts. )1am%leD ES8 O + is used as a catal"st for converting alcohol to gasoline. 15.Configuration :b; is correct. =ccording to Hund?s rule of ma1imum multi%licit"< %airing of electrons in the orbitals of a %articular sub#shell does not ta6e %lace until all the orbitals of the sub#shell are singl" occu%ied. Since in the configuration :a; two electrons are %resent in 2%1 and no electron is %resent in 2%!< it is incorrect as %er Hund?s *ule. 27. a; b; 8

c; 21. a; Che %ro%erties which de%end onl" on the nature of the substance and not on the amount of the substance are called intensive %ro%erties. )1am%leD /ensit". = %rocess in which no heat flows between the s"stem and the surroundings is called an adiabatic %rocess i.e. qB 7. b; Change in 0ibbs energ"< P0B 02 O 01< )nthal%" change< PHB H2 O H1< )ntro%" change< PSB S2 O S1< P0B PH O CPS

22. a; P0 B 0ibbs free energ" change< PS B Change in entro%"< PH B )nthal%" change. *elation between P0< PS and PHD P0 B PH O CPS. b; =ccording to the Hess?s law of constant heat summation< if a reaction ta6es %lace in several ste%s then its standard enthal%" is the sum of the standard enthal%ies of the intermediate reactions into which the overall reaction ma" be divided at the same tem%erature.

2 . i. When n B +< l B 7< 1< 2< . Che order in which the energ" of the available orbitals 4d< +s and +p increases is +s Q 4d Q +p. Che total number of orbitals available is 5. Che ma1imum number of electrons that can be accommodated is 13R and therefore13 elements are there in the +th %eriod. ii. a; % O bloc6D ns2 n%1 O . -r i. )lectron gain enthal%" generall" becomes more negative across a %eriod as we move from left to right. Within a grou%< electron gain enthal%" becomes less negative down a grou%. =dding an electron to the 2p-orbital leads to greater re%ulsion than adding an electron to the larger p-orbital. Hence the element with most negative electron gain enthal%" is chlorineR the one with the least negative electron gain enthal%" is %hos%horus. ii. a; =lF 24. i. ii. iii. 2#$hen"lethanoic acid $ro%ane#1< 2< #triol #'romobutano"l chloride b; @i2b; d#bloc6D:n#1;d1# 17 ns7 #2

2+. a; Ff the @assaigne?s e1tract gives a blood red colouration with &eCl it indicates that the com%ound contains both 4 and S. /uring fusion sodium thioc"anate is formed which gives blood red colouration.


is most stable since it is a tertiar" free radical and therefore has the ma1imum h"%er con,ugation .@arger the number of al6"l grou%s attached to the carbon atom carr"ing the odd electron greater is the delocali!ation of the odd electron and hence more stable is the free radical. 10

c; Che organic com%ound is fused with sodium because it reacts with some of the elements %resent in the organic com%ound and form corres%onding water soluble salts. 2.. :i; Wurt! reactionD =l6"l halides on treatment with sodium in dr" ether give higher al6anes. Chis is called Wurt! reaction and is used to %re%are higher al6anes with even number of carbon atoms. )1am%leD

:ii; &riedel OCrafts al6"lation reactionD Ft is the reaction of ben!ene with al6"l halide in %resence of anh"drous aluminium chloride. Che reaction results in the formation of al6"l ben!ene. )1am%leD

22. i. 'iochemical -1"gen /emand :'-/;D Ft is a measure of dissolved o1"gen that would be needed b" the micro#organisms to o1idi!e organic and inorganic com%ounds %resent in %olluted water. ii. -!one HoleD /e%letion of o!one la"er over =ntarctica leading to the formation of a hole in the stratos%here over =ntarctica is called o!one hole. iii. 0reen Chemistr"D Chemistr" and chemical %rocesses involving the minimum use and generation of harmful substances is called green chemistr". 23.


-r Che solubilit" equilibrium 'a&2 isD




a; ISi&.J2# is 6nown whereas ISiCl.J2# is not 6nown since si1 large si!e atoms i.e. si1 chlorine atoms cannot be accommodated around Si but si1 small si!e atoms :& atoms; can be comfortabl" accommodated. b; /iamond is a covalent solid but has a high melting %oint due to its three dimensional networ6 structure involving strong C#C bonds. Chese bonds are difficult to brea6 and therefore diamond has high melting %oint. c; /ue to inert %air effect lead shows an o1idation state of N2. Hence $bK2 is more stable than $bK4. d; 'oron is unstable to form '&.

ion due to non# availabilit" of d#orbitals in the

valence shell. Cherefore the ma1imum covalenc" of boron cannot e1ceed 4 and thus is does not form '&.


e; Che 'oron atom in '& has onl" si1 electrons in the valence shell and thus needs 2 more electrons to com%lete its octet. Cherefore< it easil" acce%ts a %air of electrons from nucleo%hiles. Chus '& can act as a @ewis acid. -r 7. a; i; Carbon mono1ideD Fndustrial %re%arationD

@aborator" %re%arationD

ii; Carbon dio1ideD Fndustrial %re%arationD

@aborator" %re%arationD

b; 8ember of grou% 14 that i; &orms the most acidic o1ide B Carbon :i.e. C-2; ii; Fs used as semiconductor B Silicon and 0ermanium 14

c; Structure of /iboraneD )ach boron atom in diborane is s% h"bridised. &our s% h"brid orbitals ado%t tetrahedral arrangement. Cwo h"brid orbitals of each ' atom overla%s with 1s orbital of two H atoms. -f the two h"brid orbitals left on each ' atom one contains an un%aired electron while other is vacant. H"brid orbital containing un%aired electron of one boron atom and vacant h"brid orbital of second boron atom overla%s simultaneousl" with 1s orbital of H atom to form '#H#' bond< a three centre electron %air bond. Che four terminal '#H bonds are regular two centre#two electron bonds while the two bridge :'#H#'; bonds are can be described in terms of three centreOtwo electron bonds.

7. a; =l6"ne K is C+H3. Since it does not react with sodamide or ammoniacal cu%rous chloride< the tri%le bond must not be terminal. Cherefore< K B CH #CH2#C C#CH :$ent#2#"ne;. b; H"drocarbon L9? is an al6ene because it decolourises bromine water. &rom the %roduct of o!onol"sis< the structure of al6ene can be %redicted.

c; Since it does not decolourise bromine water< it is an arene. Fts formula is C.H+CH2CH .


Che other three isomers areD

= -r


a; -ne mole of the h"drocarbon :=; adds on one mole of bromine to form C+H17'r2 therefore< :=; must be an al6ene having molecular formula C+H17.Che %osition of double bond is indicated b" o!onol"sis asD

Cherefore< com%ound :=; is 2#8eth"lbut#2#ene. With al6aline A8n-4< it forms a com%ound C+H12-2.

b; i. )th"ne to 8ethane 16


)thene to )th"ne


8ethane to )thane


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