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Miguel Angel Llovera Da Corte REMS 5953 Online Fall 2012 Homework #2: Hypothesis Testing Single Sample


One-Sample Statistics N Anxiety 34 Mean 65.5882 Std. Deviation 21.09735 Std. Error Mean 3.61817

One-Sample Test Test Value = 84 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference t Anxiety -5.089 df 33 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 Mean Difference -18.41176 Lower -25.7730 Upper -11.0506

Step 1. Population 1: All students in Dr. Statsrus Statistics class who participated in study group sessions Population2: All students in Dr. Statsrus Statistics class who did not participate in study group sessions Justify single sample t-test: The hypothesis test is a single-sample t test because there is only one sample and the population mean is given. However, the population standard deviation is unknown. Justify two-tailed test: The research hypothesis does not indicate a direction of mean difference or change in the dependent variable, but indicates that there will be a mean difference. Did we meet assumptions of parametric tests (page 185): 1) Is dependent variable on a scale? YES 2. Are data from a randomly selected sample? NO. The procedure for selecting the 34 students was not explained. 3. Is the dependent variable normally distributed in the population, or are there more than 30 scores? YES. There are 34 scores.

Step 2. Null hypothesis in words: Students who participated in study groups had the same anxiety levels, on average, as students who did not participate. Null hypothesis in symbols: (H0: 1 = 2). Research hypothesis in words: Students who participated in study groups had different anxiety levels, on average, than students who did not participate. Research hypothesis in symbols (H1: 1 2). Step 3. M== 84 SM =


Step 4: df=N-1= 34 -1 = 33 The critical value based on 33 degrees of freedom , a p-level of 0.05, and a two-tailed test, is 2.030

Step 5: t

Step 6: reject H0/fail to reject H0? Reject H0 because the test statistic, -5.09, is beyond the cut-off of -2.030. It appears that students who participate in study groups experience lower anxiety levels before taking a test.

95% confidence interval: show your computations and the interval. Interpret the confidence interval. Mlower = -t( Mupper = t( ) + Msample = -2.030 (3.6182) + 65.59 = -7.344946 + 65.59 = 58.25 ) + Msample = 2.030 (3.6182) + 65.59 = 7.344946 + 65.59 = 72.93

The 95% confidence interval is [58.24, 72.93] We can be 95% confident that falls between these values for the population of interest

Cohens D. show your computations. Is the value a small, medium, or large effect? Cohens d = = = - .8727

The effect size, d= .87, tells us that the sample mean and the population mean are .8727 standard deviations apart. According to Cohens conventions, this is a large effect.

Statistics as presented in a journal article: t(33) = -5.09, p < 0.05

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