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Professor Ashlyn Williams, In Assignment One I really didnt have a hard time grasping the concept of the paper.

My strengths were the three observations I made on cheer nation. Since I experienced what I wrote about on a first hand basis I was able to execute this paper easier than normal. I found it easier to write word for word what I saw and execute it into detailed observations. My weaknesses were the description of literacy practices and the descriptions of the artifacts. In the description of literacy practices I was not sure what to write about so I took out a sentence or two of my 250-word summary of the rules and conventions and placed it under the literacy practices definition. The artifacts that I included in assignment one seemed important to put in the paper but I was not sure thats why I only listed a few artifacts. I did not want to seem repetitive in mentioning all the attire that cheer nation wears so thats why I just wrote about the shirt. I dont know if thats a good thing or not. In the peer workshops days in class I received good feedback from my three other group members that contributed to the format of my revised paper. Jyvon commented: I remember that you have three different figured worlds under observation and I'd like to note that while it was very detailed and organized, I would place each of the respective figured world descriptions before the each of the observations to make it easier on the reader to know exactly where the observation is taking place. So I replaced the description of the locations under the specific observation they were describing to cause less confusion while reading my paper. Matthew said: It would be nice to maybe have a group that seemed positive because currently every group just had a negative connotation to it. I added a few discourse communities to talk about the positives of Cheer Nation such as the veterans and the rookies to showcase the different levels of girls that are a part of this figured world. Kira said: I would go back and put the interview question before each response so we will not have to flip back and forth. I had replaced the questions in front of the answers to reduce confusion while reading through the responses. These three peers contributed to the format of my paper. Jeremy said: You had very good points and I felt like I had pompoms cheering with you ladies. This was the response that I was looking for while writing about this figured world. I wanted the reader to know from a personal experience what it is like to be a part of cheer nation. The part of the paper that I want you to pay particular attention to are the definitions of the vocabulary words I used because I was not sure if I interpreted the article right. The definitions I used were compiled from my connotation of the examples we reviewed in class. Hope my paper is what you are looking for and enjoy the read.

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