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YOU SHALL BE MY WITNESSES Many young people reflect on their live an!

for"ulate "any #ue tion a$out their future% &oncerne!' they a ( the" elve ) ho* to in ert into a *orl! "ar(e! $y nu"erou an! grave in+u tice an! uffering , Ho* to react to elfi hne an! violence, Ho* to give full "eaning to life, Again' I repeat that only &hri t can ati fy the !eepe t a piration of the hu"an heart I am a new creation II Cor 5:17 Dear young people, do not bury your talents, the gifts that God has given you !he "oly #pirit truly transforms us$ %ith our cooperation, he also wants to transform the world we live in$ &' -% My pre ent ituation &hilippians (:1)*1+ ,I am not yet perfect- but I .eep running, trying to win the pri/e0$

Do not be content to live a mediocre Christian life: wal. with determination along the path of holiness$ .% We nee! to gro* in our piritual live
Dear young people, be true 1athletes of Christ1 &lay on his 1team1 &'

a$ %e need * !o .eep a daily time of personal prayer * !o remain 2oined to the 3ody * !o read, to study and prayerfully reflect on the #criptures * 4ucharist * 5osary * !o bear fruit 67atthew 1(: 1*89 which .ind of soil am I: /% You hall $e "y *itne ;cts 1:< 7any Catholics do not necessarily follow what the Church is teaching$ %e have to as. the "oly #pirit to really bring a new e

fire into the lives of believers$ %itness is the most powerful method of conversion$ =ot confrontation$ %itness$ ;re we ready to commit ourselves as consistent Christians, every day, bearing witness with our words and our e>ample: &' Dear young people, the Church e>pects much from you and your generosity$ Do not lose the courage to e>pect great things$ Do not be afraid to dream great things$ Dear young people, it is worth to bet on Christ and the Gospel, everything for great ideals Dear young people, Christ has confidence in you and I trust his own mission: 1Go and ma.e disciples1

!he real power is the service$ !he &ope should serve everyone, especially the poorest, the wea.est, the little ones$ !he Church is young? ;nd who is guided by the #pirit, understands that put themselves at the service of the Gospel is not an alternative choice $$$$ "owever, it is necessary to return toremember it, we can only be witnesses of Christ we are guided by the "oly #pirit, who is 1the principal agent of evangeli/ation1 6cf$ 4vangelii nuntiandi, 759 and 1the principal agent of mission1 6cf $ 5edemptoris missio, )19$ 3ento @AI

Matthew 28:18-20 And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

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