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nota workplace oum: CHAPTER 7 Graphics Aids in Business Communication -The most common types of graphic aids are

bar graphs, pictographs, line graphs, pie graphs, organization charts, flowcharts, line rawings, cutawa! rawings, an photographs" Tables -presenting numerical data. -presenting lots of data and for giving absolute values when precision is very important. #ar $raphs A bar graph uses bars of equal width in varying lengths to represent a comparison of items at one particular time a comparison of items over time changes in one item over time or a comparison of portions of a single item. -hori!ontal and vertical a"es-two elements -useful to understand overall trends and comparisons. -either a vertical or hori!ontal direction. -appear on both sides of the a"is to indicate positive and negative quantities. -cannot represent e"act quantities Pictographs -a variation of a bar graph that uses symbols to illustrate specific quantities of items. -shows the changes in particular items over a period of time. -cannot adequately represent e"act figures or fractions. %ine $raphs -uses a line between the hori!ontal and vertical a"es to show changes in the relationship between the elements represented by the two a"es.

-useful for illustrating trends. -Three or four lines appear on the same graph for comparison -distinguished by colour or design# and a $ey must identify them. Pie Charts -segments of the circle# or pie# representing portions of the whole used to indicate distribution trends -good at providing a quic$ visual impression of a particular item -difficult to represent e"act quantities. -Colours and shading are used to highlight segments of special importance# or separate one segment GA%TT C&A'T( used for scheduling and trac$ing the $ey events steps complete a pro)ect. shows the steps involved in a pro)ect and their relationships over time.

CHAPTER & A resume is a summary or inventory of your qualifications and e"perience. Contains of resume education training and s$ills e"perience and achievements -should not include personal information-marital status- date of birth 'esumes help employers become familiar with a potential employee*s wor$ and education prior to the interview by serving as a reminder# after an interview# of an employee*s assets and screen out unqualified applicants in a highly competitive mar$etplace.

Claire +opes ,- .alan &ang +e$iu /0122 3ela$a# 3alaysia (tanley Tong 44 %ovember 1225 6roduct 3anager 7+T89 +ot 0# :ndustrial 8state ;2122 (hah Alam# (elangor Application for the post of Customer (ervice 'epresentative <ear 3r. Tong# A motivated wor$er with a strong foundation in business administration and customer service is the bac$ground that : would bring to your organi!ation. : am goaloriented# able to focus on the tas$# and have proven reliability to get the )ob done. : believe that : meet all your requirements as listed in the advertisement. :n my present firm : have had e"posure to a wide variety of duties as a customer service representative. =ver the years : have developed e"cellent interpersonal s$ills and gained e"tensive e"perience in mediating problems to find acceptable solutions. :n addition# : e"cel at writing clear understandable reports or letters. : have also become proficient in using all ma)or office software as well as internet software. : was also involved in setting up the on-line customer service >eb page. 3y present post is satisfying and the environment is pleasant# but : feel that my career would benefit now from a change. : would li$e to meet with you to discuss the valuable contributions : could ma$e to your company. : can be reached at 25-/20,155. ?our consideration and time is most appreciated. (incerely# Claire +opes @3issA

CHAPTER ' e"amples of language e"pressions that can be used at different stages of meeting or discussion. @aA (tarting a meeting >ell# ladies and gentlemen# : thin$ we should begin :f everyone is here# we can start (hall we startB @bA :ntroducing the agenda Today we need to tal$ about +et us loo$ at the first item on the agendaC The first item on the agenda isC. @cA (tating ob)ectives The purpose of this meeting is# first# to ... and secondly to... . The main ob)ective of our meeting is ... @dA 7eeping the meeting moving Could you tell us more about (hall we continueB @eA Closing the meeting <oes anyone have anything else to addB :f thatDs all# we can stop here. part of meetings -as$ing and giving opinions. ?ou can number of ways an opinion can be e"pressed inE a forceful way a neutral way or tentatively @with some hesitation or reservationA. As$ing for opinions >ould you mind telling me what you thin$ ofC >hat do you thin$ ofFaboutC. >hatDs your opinion ofC. >hat do you feel aboutC. >hat are your views onC. B Any comments..B Giving an opinion : thin$ thatC..

: feelF believe thatC.. :n my opinion F viewC 3y opinion is thatC.. 3y point of view isC >ays of 8"pressing Agreement (trong : quite agree.---?es# definitely.----:Dm in complete agreement.---8"actly.---6recisely. %eutral agree.-----?ouDre right there----.thin$ you are right.----ThatDs true.----ThatDs right. <isagreement (trong : disagree completely.---ThatDs out of the question.=n the contrary.----=f course notG ThatDs ridiculous. %eutral : donDt agree.---ThatDs not how : see it.----: wouldnDt say that.---: thin$ you are wrong.---: disagree.

CHAPTER () *A+,-$ A PRE.E-TAT,/-: sort out your ideas and the relevant information plan your tal$ carefully --6lan AHthe structure of content# that is# the arrangement of the ideas and facts --6lan BHthe structure of the presentation# that is# how you are going to present your sub)ect matter. techniques to structure your ideas. -mind mapping#-- outlining --- using specific organisational patterns. 0a1 *in mapping <evelop your theme by writing the central idea on the centre of the page. 0b1 /utlining This technique encourages you to thin$ in a linear fashion# forming a macro structure# and then filling in details. 0c1 2se of organizational patterns The content of your tal$ can also be outlined or presented according to a specific organisational pattern. (ome of the different ways of doing this are described as follows. @iA Chronological order ----useful for narratives# sequences# processes or series of events. @iiA (patial order ----used for describing buildings# places or locations. @iiiA Topical order This is useful when you have a number of specific topics or subtopics for your tal$ you may begin with the most important topic and lead to the least important. @ivA Comparison-contrast order Ior this# you organi!e the information according to the similarities andFor differences between the various sub)ects you wish to tal$ about# as well as the positive and negative aspects of sub)ect or topic. @vA Cause-effect order This pattern organi!es information according to the causes and effects of an action or initiative.

@viA 6roblem-solution order Ior this structure# your tal$ will focus on a sequence of problems and their respective solutions. E3amine the presentation ;.1.1 (tructure of 6resentation @aA Audience awareness @bA 8ffective opening lines @cA Appropriate visual aids @dA %on-verbal communication

CHAPTER 4)THE %A-$2A$E /5 #2.,-E.. 6R,T,-$: factors will improve the effectiveness of business communication. 4"7"7 Choice of 6or s -choose the familiar words -be concise ---get to the point ---avoid using cliches ---)argon is unnecessary ----use non se"ist language. 4"7"8 .entence .tructure :mportant part --- readability and punctuation. --short sentences J easier to read J communicate the message more clearly. --Ksing a variety of sentence lengths helps to improve the flow of ideas. --$eep sentences within a length of between 40 and 12 words --the use of proper punctuation helps the reader pause. 4"7"' Paragraph .tructure ---The coherence and cohesion of your writing will depend not only on your choice of words and sentence structure# but also on how well you construct your paragraphs ---Business writing generally has three functions# namelyE to inform to instruct and to persuade. Therefore# it is important to organi!e your ideas to suit your purpose of communication. 4"7"( Tone ---8ffective business communication depends on choice of words and order of information in paragraphs to convey the right tone --:t is important to be courteous at all times. --have your customerDs goodwill at all times --Avoid using imperatives --Add please to sound more polite -- sentences in each paragraph must have a logical developmentL---howeverD# LwhileD# LthereforeD --connectors such as# and LasD will help to ma$e a te"t more coherent.

0. 1.G'A33A'E (:%GK+A' A%< 6+K'A+ I='3( 0.,.4 Countable %ouns Countable nouns have the following featuresE are individual things# people and placesE a diary# a memo# a letter# a photo# a receptionist# a factory are units of measurement such as a metre# a mile# a $ilo# a pound# a litre# a gallon are used with a F an can be used in the plural @diaries# memosA and follow words such as many# these# several# few# a number of. 0.,.1 Kncountable %ouns @aA Kncountable nouns includeE substancesE gas# glass# gold# iron# oil# plastic# water many abstract ideasE health# humour# profitability# progress# relevance# safety and verbal nounsE brainstorming# )ob-sharing# restructuring# shopping# timing. @bA Kncountable nounsE do not ta$e the when used in the general sense @e.g. %=T the travel broadens the mindA ta$e the singular form of the verb and are placed after words li$e much# a little# a great deal of. 0.,., 6lural %ouns &ere are some rules on how to change a noun to the plural form. @aA >e add Js to form the plural of most nouns. :f the noun ends in Js# J"# or Jch or Jsh# we add Jes e.g. letters# minutes# classes# bo"es# bunches# crashes @bA :f the final consonant of a noun is followed by Jy# it is changed into Jies e.g. industries# deliveries @cA There are nouns which only occur in the plural -- 8arnings --- headquarters.H goods-- premises--than$s ---wor$s--outs$irts @dA (ingular nouns ending in Js Js but are not pluralE news--- 6olitics--- 8conomics

0.;. +A?=KT The layout helps to create a good impression of the company you are representing. The three main types of layout areE @aA Iull bloc$ layout. @bA 3odified bloc$ layout. @cA 3odified bloc$ layout with indented paragraphs. 0.0 6K%CTKAT:=% (T?+8( There are two styles of punctuating a business letter# namelyE @aA the open style and @bA the mi"ed style. The open style does not use punctuation e"cept in the body of the letter @see 8"ercise 5.1A. The mi"ed style places a comma after the greeting and after the complimentary close# e.g. M<ear 3r. <evadasN and M?ours sincerely#N @

Chapter 9: 7"THE 5/R*AT /5 #2.,-E.. %ETTER. ---more formal than other types of correspondence. ---The style of the letter can be varied to reduce formality depending on familiarity with the receiver. --- The layout of the letter provides the frame for the body of your letter.

8"PART. /5 A %ETTER 4 +etterhead 1 <ate , :nside address ; Attention line 0 Greeting 5 (ub)ect line / Body - Complimentary close O (ignature bloc$ A good business letter should be well planned An effective letter e"presses its purpose clearly# is well organi!ed and meets the needs of the receiver. a" :EC,:E /- P2RP/.E /5 %ETTER As$ yourself why you are writing this letter and stay focused on this purpose b" :EC,:E 6HAT ;/2 6A-T T/ .A; =nly include information relevant to the purpose c" -/TE :/6- A%% ,:EA. ,- P/,-T 5/R* This is to ensure you have included all relevant points and are not relying on memory alone " /R:ER A%% ,:EA. ,- P/,-T 5/R* Arrange according to the order of information appropriate for the purpose

e" 6R,TE THE 5,R.T :RA5T, 2.,-$ P%A,- E-$%,.H Avoid )argon# clichPs# unfamiliar words and long structures f" REA: THE %ETTER T/ E-.2RE THAT ;/2 6,%% ACH,E<E THE P2RP/.E The receiver should be able to respond in the manner intended g" RE6R,TE ,5 -ECE..AR; Chec$ against the appropriate order of information#details# including grammar and spelling T;PE. /5 %ETTER. +etters generally fall into three categories. They areE 0a1 $oo news letters 0b1 -eutral letters 0c1 #a news letters The purposes of good news letters and neutral letters inquiry request reply to an inquiryFrequest ac$nowledgement of receipt of letter introduction of self and organi!ation information about organi!ationDs services and activities granting a loan or e"tending credit confirming success at an interview and special offer for valued customers. the direct order of information of good news and neutral letter :dentify the letterDs purpose in the sub)ect line or opening paragraph. 6lace the good news in the opening paragraph. (tate the details that support the good news in the middle paragraphs. Close with a statement of goodwill.

0a1 %etter of ,n=uir! A letter of inquiry is written when we need to as$ for more information concerning a product or service that interests us. .ac$son Beare 1012 Qisit Avenue Technology 6ar$ ;0,12 Bu$it .alil# (elangor (eptember 1225 ?ong Brothers ,; .alan 11F4;B# ;4122 6etaling .aya# (elangor To >hom :t 3ay ConcernE >ith reference to your advertisement in yesterdayDs %ew .ohor Times# could you please send me a copy of your latest catalogueB : would also li$e to $now if it is possible to ma$e purchases online. ?ours faithfully .ac$son Beare


0b1 %etter for Placing /r ers A letter of order is written when you are certain about the items or service you require. (ample +etter J 6lacing an =rder @+etterheadA 1, (eptember 1225 3r. .ac$ Chia# <irector Boo$mar$ =nline %ew .ersey# >A O-/O0 <ear 3r. Chia >ould you please send me the following boo$s via C=<B According to your web site#orders are to include the title# author and publisher. Title Author 6ublisher M<riving &omeN 6eter +awford .aber and Co. MChristmas 3ythN 3argaret (mith %ew ?or$ 6ress M+andscaping for IunN .anet 6atterson ($ylight +td. 6lease contact me if you have any questions. >e loo$ forward to doing business with you. ?ours sincerely @signature hereA Ired +ingam# &ead# 8nglish <epartment I+Fes

0c1 %etter of Repl! to an in=uir! A +etter 'eplying to an :nquiry Than$ you for ta$ing an interest in our ban$. As one of the leaders in this industry#we can assure you that our products and our services will not disappoint you. : would li$e to ta$e this opportunity to briefly set forth our terms and conditions for maintaining an open account with our firm. :nvoices are payable within ,2 days of receipt# with a 1R discount available if your payment is remitted within ten @42A days of receipt. >e consider this incentive an e"cellent opportunity for our customers to increase their profit margin# and therefore encourage the use of this discount privilege whenever possible. >e do# however# require that our invoices be paid within the specified time for our customers to ta$e advantage of this 1R discount. At various times throughout the year we may offer our customers additional discounts on our products. :n determining your cost in this case# you must apply your special discount first# and then calculate your 1R discount for early payment. As the credit manager# : will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your new account. : can be reached at the above number. >elcome to our family of customers.

5.;.1 Bad %ews +etter convey bad news to the reader written for the following reasonsE refuse credit refuse a request decline to spea$ at a function notify an unsuccessful )ob applicant and e"plain inability to fulfil an order. ?ou may use the following order of informationE =pen with a courteous opening. 8"plain the situation fully. (tate the bad news. Close with a positive paragraph. 5 .;., 6ersuasive +etters --written to influence the reader in some way. :t aims to persuade the reader to buy a product# pay an overdue account# or to consider an application for wor$. AttentionH:nterestH<esireHAction >riterDs strategy 'eaderDs response 4. Kse attention-getting devices 6ays attention to the topic 1. Appeal to the readerDs self-interest 8"presses interest in the topic ,. 'aise awareness of the need to &as the desire to ta$e action ta$e the action ;. (how how to ta$e action Ta$es the desired action

CHAPTER >)*emos, E?*ails an 5a3es: -A memo H or memorandumH is a form of written business communication. -3emos are passed internally# within a company. -They rarely go out to clients. -A government department may use them to communicate with other government departments or authorities. -:t is less formal than a letter but is still regarded as a serious document# And is almost always carefully filed. -.4.4 Advantages of a 3emo There are several advantages of a memo as detailed by the following. The same message is communicated accurately to many people at the same time. :t ta$es little time to construct because it is informal yet provides a written record for filing and reference. :t allows the writer to convey detailed or difficult information logically and accurately. :t can indicate# by a company letterhead# that it is an internal piece of communication and part of company procedures. -.4.1 =verview of 6arts of a 3emo &eadings @To# Irom# <ate# (ub)ectA. Body @written in short paragraphs# bloc$ed to the left marginA. 'eference initials @=ptionalA. Attachment notation. -.4., <istribution +ist :ncluded when memo is sent to a group rather than an individual. %ames listed at the bottom of memo. @iA Alphabetical order or ran$ order. @iiA :ndented to the first tab.

3emorandum T=E +orraine Chin# =ffice 3anager I'=3E =liver (mith# =AFC:( Consultant <AT8E 3arch 45# 1225 (KB.8CTE 3emorandums for :nternal Correspondence A memorandum is an internal form of communication that is sent within the organi!ation. :t is a means by which managers correspond with employees and vice versa. 3emos are filed as records of announcements# requests for action# policies and procedures. Templates# or preformatted forms# are often used for $eying memos. Templates give a uniform loo$ for company correspondence and save the employee the time to construct and format each memo. >ord processing software also has a customi!ed memo template. "" '8I8'8%C8 :%:T:A+( Attachment - ATTAC&38%T %=TAT:=% @:tems clipped or attached to a memo.A <:(T':BKT:=% +:(T The names of the recipients are listed in alphabetical order or according to ran$. 8ddie +a!arus 3erican bin 3ohd. %oor <inah binti Abdul (amad Amy Chan

I:Q8 T?68( =I 383= The five types of routine memos areE @aA :nstruction memo @bA 'equest memo @cA Announcement memo @dA Transmittal memo @eA Authori!ation memo E?*A,%. 8lectronic communication is one of the fastest growing communication trends in the world today. The electronic mail is a facility which enables an individual to create a message within a mail application on a computer# and then# with the push of a button# send it to the electronic mail bo" of another individual. :t is sent via intranet @+A%A and via the >orld >ide >eb @wwwA. -.;.4 %etiquette %etiquette refers to etiquette on the net. :t maintains and promotes goodwill between the writer and the receiver. A professional e-mail message should be courteous and confident. -.;.1 %et Addresses 8ach part of a net address has a specific purpose appropriate to the writer and the reader. %et addresses must be accurately written. -.;., Addressing 8-mails By pointing and clic$ing the mouse# or by using arrow $eys and then pressing the MenterN $ey# one or more names can be selected and automatically entered into the LtoD field. %=T8E 8-mails generally ta$e the format of a standard memo.

-.;.; +ayout The layout of an e-mail message is the frame from your message. The acceptable minimum parts for an e-mail message are as followsE 'eceiverDs name (enderDs name (ub)ect <ate Body 8-mail address At least one other way# apart from the e-mail address# of contacting the sender -.;.0 8-mail Abbreviations These abbreviations are sometimes used in e-mails. AIA:7 stands for As far as : $now and &T& stands for &ope this helps. =ther common abbreviations includeE btw @by the wayA# fwiw @for what itDs worthA and imo @in my opinionA. IA98( --well-established ---- widely used because of their speed# convenience and fle"ibility. ---as fast as a telephone---- speed ---relatively cheap--- more convenient than email ---paper can be put through a fa" machine ------ can be used by companies with no computers or :nternet connections. Ia" +ayout 4. cover sheetE the first page of a fa" showing who it is from 1. confidential informationE things that others should $now ,. intended recipientE the

person who should receive the fa" ;. advise the senderE tell the person who sent it

CHAPTER &)Co@er %etters an RAsumAs: O.4- Cover letter ---The letter of application is the covering letter for your )ob application. ---(hould be 4J1 pages in length and be accompanied by a resume or curriculum vitae @CQA. The cover letter serves toE draw attention to relevant qualifications and e"periences listed in the resume ma$e a match between what you have to offer and the potential employerDs needs persuade your potential employer to consider the application carefully and introduce yourself and as$ for an interview. O.4.4 Guidelines for >riting a Cover +etter >hen writing a cover letter# the following should be ta$en into consideration. @aA =pening paragraph Kse one of the following to draw the readerDs attention to what you want to offer and the )ob you are applying for. (ummari!e the opening. %ame the opening. 'equest an opening. Suestion the availability of an opening. @bA 3iddle paragraph@sA Kse one of the following in each of your middle paragraphs to persuade the reader to invite you to an interview. 8ducation >or$ e"perience Ability to wor$ with others andFor alone :nterest in your field :nterest in the company 'esponsibilities in previous positions @cA Closing paragraph :n the last paragraph# you can request for an interview stating that you will be happy to come to the employerDs office when convenient. 3a$e it easy for the reader to

follow up by providing your telephone number and e-mail address.

%=T8E There are two types of letters of applicationE (olicited and Knsolicited. A solicited letter is one where you are responding to a position advertised. An unsolicited letter is one where you e"press interest in a position at your own initiative and ta$e a chance on being hired. O.1.'8(K38 -The rPsumP is a document that contains -all your qualifications# -e"perience - achievements. -:t is the summary of your personal data# -include your education# -s$ills# qualifications# wor$ e"perience# references# hobbies and interests. -:t is also sometimes referred to as a curriculum vitae or CQ. There are three types of rPsumPE @aA Basic rPsumP :ncludes all normal parts of a rPsumP# but is simpler and shorter suitable for school leavers or those who have little wor$ e"perience. @bA Iunctional rPsumP Kses a different order of presentation to highlight a wide range of s$ills and wor$ e"perience. (tarts with the most recent wor$ e"perience that matches potential employerDs needs# followed by subheadings to highlight )ob functions uses advertisement as guide for specific functions e.g. supervisory# mar$eting# training. @cA (pecific rPsumP 6repared for a specific )ob# with emphasis on qualifications# s$ills and e"perience particularly relevant to the )ob presents e"periences in terms of criteria advertised. &ighlight strengths with action words @verbsA such as achieve# adapt# initiate# install# prepare# report# research# supervise# inspect or ma$e.

CHAPTER 7B)#usiness Reports: 6+A%%:%G A%< >':T:%G '86='T( several types of reports. --- long--# short---# formal ---or informal. 'eports can serve various purposes. There are reports which inform# reports which A formal report contains the following: A title page which includes the title of the report# recipientDs name# position andFor organi!ation# writerDs name and position @and organi!ation if appropriateA# and the date An introduction (ections with headings in the body Conclusions 'ecommendations @when requiredA Attachments are included if their information is useful A short report shoul contain: a clear indication of your purpose accurate and ob)ective information a suitable order of information which highlights the main points and leads logically to your conclusions and appropriate formal short report# letter or memo formatting. There are three widely used short reports that usually follow the memo format# but may also follow the formats for a letter or formal report. @aA .ustification report @bA 6rogress report @and completion reportA @cA 6eriodic report Iormal reports are ma)or documents written to provide comprehensive information and e"pert opinion. They are written for specific purposes J for e"ample# to investigate the suitability of a particular site or to analyse achievements over a set period. They are

therefore usually long# and require careful organi!ing. 42.0.4 (equence to Iollow >hen >riting a +ong 'eport @aA <evelop an outline with main headings and sub-headings. @bA Begin with purpose statement and introduction. @cA >rite the main body of the report. @dA <raw conclusions from the information you have presented in the body of the report and relate it to the purpose. @eA >rite the conclusions# then your recommendations. @fA =ptional J 6repare the preface# abstract# synopsis or e"ecutive summary after presenting facts and findings. @gA :nclude a list of references @bibliographyA if you include researched material in your report. @hA :nclude a table of contents and a table of graphics @diagrams# charts# graphsA. 8ach item is to be placed in the order it appears. @iA >rite the letter of transmittal. @)A 6repare the title page to complete the report.

6resentation 6resentation is the arrangement of information on the page. :t creates an initial impression of your organi!ation and it is therefore important that layout is given attention to pro)ect a professional image. ways you can use for the presentation of your document. &eadings Knderlining :ndentation (hading %umbered lists or sections# as in reports (pace between paragraphs# left and right margins &eaders and footers @aA The front matter Title page

+etter of transmittal Table of contents @bA The body @main te"tA :ntroduction <iscussion and analysis of findings <evelopment of ideas Conclusions 'ecommendations @cA The end matter 'eferences Appendices There must be at least three main partsE :ntroductory (ection :t begins with the purpose statement that defines the reportDs main tas$ or topic. This section presents the terms of reference which are the instructions for writing the report. Iinally state the reportDs scope @limitsA. %=T8E >hen writing to an e"pert reader who is familiar with the content# you can start with the conclusions and recommendations first. Central (ectionE Body of Te"t This section usually investigates and analyses the findings# and proposes solutions for any problem involved. 6resent both the advantages and disadvantages. Kse headings to highlight main ideas. A numbering system helps if the body of the report contains many ideas. Iinal (ection This section contains the conclusions and recommendations. (et these out as separate sections. The conclusion summari!es and evaluates the reportDs main facts. :t is short. <o not present new information in the conclusion. 'ecommendations are the writerDs attempt to provide at least some answers to

questions and issues raised by the report. Clearly state the action required. 'ecommendations are not need if the long report is intended as a database for others who will be responsible for planning and recommendations. T&8 +A%GKAG8 in a report should present facts and information

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