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November 8, 2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BC Supreme Court Orders City to Stop Hadden Park Bike Path Constru

tion on !its Point "o#em$er %& '()* + ,an ou#er& BC - The Supreme Court of British Columbia today set down an order that the an!ouver Board of "ar#s and $e!reation and the City of an!ouver be restrained from any !onstru!tion of a paved bi#e path runnin% throu%h &adden "ar# on 'its "oint, until a hearin% !an be held to determine the path(s le%ality) * lawsuit was filed on +onday, November ,th, 2013, by +s) +e%an Carvell -avis, an historian on the par#) +s) Carvell -avis ar%ues that the !onstru!tion of the approved 12.foot wide asphalt paved bi#e lane throu%h &adden "ar# violates the terms under whi!h the land was ori%inally %ifted to the !ity) The land on whi!h &adden "ar# sits was be/ueathed to the !ity by +r) &arvey &adden in 1028, with the stipulation that an!ouver City and "ar# Board 1shall #eep the property as near as possible in its present state of nature))) it bein% the desire of the 2rantor, that those usin% the par#, shall, as far as reasonably be, en3oy the same in its natural state and !ondition)4 5n re!ent wee#s, nei%hbourhood residents and other !on!erned !iti6ens from a!ross the 7ower +ainland have held rallies protestin% the se!tion of the bi#e lane that would run throu%h &adden "ar#) +s) Carvell -avis ar%ues that this City.approved bi#e path is in dire!t !ontravention of +r) &adden(s wishes when he deeded the spa!e to be used as natural par#land) 7e%al !ounsel for +s) Carvell -avis, $obert 'astin%, says, 89e are en!oura%ed that the City of an!ouver and the an!ouver "ar# Board obtained le%al advi!e and have !onsented to havin% an in3un!tion in pla!e a%ainst them) 9e hope that this will be%in a dialo%ue between the "ar# Board and the publi! on how to build the 2reenway Bi!y!le Corridor, meanwhile preservin% their obli%ations as trustees of the &adden Trust)8 The City is !ourt.ordered to halt any !onstru!tion of the bi#e lane throu%h &adden "ar# until the Court addresses +s) Carvell -avis(s "etition) The date of the trial is yet to be determined) +s) Carvell -avis states, 1+r) &arvey &adden smiles upon us today: he would be pleased to #now the par# he be/ueathed, for all !iti6ens, for all time, has been prote!ted) Than# you)4 +s) Carvell -avis and her le%al !ounsel will be holdin% a press !onferen!e at 11;30 am, today, November 8th, 2013, in &adden "ar#, lo!ated on <%den *venue, between Chestnut and +aple Streets, to provide further details) .30.

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