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I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Educational Institution 1.1. School 1.2. Subject 1.3. Class 1.4. School Teacher 2. Lesson Plan 2.1. Lesson topic 2.2. Date and Time 2.4 Class duration 3. References 3.1. Trainee : Velsquez Rojas Carlos : Oscar Lavado : Reporting what people said : Tuesday, October 29th, 2013 (17:10 17:50

: San juan. : English : 4th grade M : Susana Vsquez Rojas.

: 45 minutes

3.2. Trainer


CAPACITIES Area capacities Oral and text production Reporting Specific capacities some peoples opinions or

expressions using written and spoken sentences.



CONTENTS SPECIFIC CAPACITIES Communicative Function Talk about another persons opinions. Linguistic Grammar Reported speech DIRECT SENTENCE(present


Showing pictures.

I love music. REPORTED SENTENCE Subject+said+that (PAST SIMPLE) She said that she loved music.

Giving instructions.

Report some peoples expressions and opinions.

Individual work.

Notion Vocabulary Abilities Hobbies. and Verbs in past simple: Say said Do did Topic Reporting Listen listened Play played Go went Study studied Speak spoke Sing . sang

Class participation Worksheet

STEPS M 1.Greeting

LEARNING ACTIVITIES For the teacher Greets the class. Asks for the date and writes it on the board. For the students Greet the teacher. Say the date.

RESOURCES Teachers voice. Board. Marker


T INTRODUCTION 2. Introducing the new knowledge I Puts some pictures on the board. Gives students some pieces of paper with a sentence according to the pictures, to write their names. Asks them to read the sentence. Listen to the teacher Put the sentence with his name in the right picture. read the sentence. Teachers voice Students voice Pictures Board Pieces of paper Teachers voice. Students voice Worksheet

A 8


T DEVELOPMENT 3. Describing the new knowledge

Shows the different sentences to the students. Reports what they said to the class using the reported speech. 3

Listen to the teacher Make some questions.

E 5

WRITTEN PRACTICE Shows at the board some comic scenes. Asks them to write the right report according to the sentence SPOKEN PRACTICE Asks students to work in pairs. Ask the couples to make a reporting about the partner sentence. Participate in the activity.

S Teachers voice Pictures 8 Students voice E

O 4. Free Practices N

T 5. Controlled Practice. Hands students a worksheet out (appendix 2). Gives instructions. Walks around the class helping when needed. Do the task Teachers voice worksheet 15

FAREWELL 6. Extension, consolidation

Asks students if they have any doubts. Says good bye and thanks for paying attention.

Make questions to the teacher. Say good bye.

Teachers voice Students voice



VALUES Responsibility Cooperation Respect

ATTITUDES Shows perseverance in his work. Works with his partners. Shows respect to the ideas of his friends. Respects the rules that the teacher gives.



Expected learning

Achievement indicator

Signs of performance


The students create some sentences to report another persons opinion.

Voice Participate actively during the class. Answer questions. Do the task. Board Pictures Worksheets.




Respect what the teacher says

Respect the opinion of their partners.

Participate actively in class

Use the vocabulary given in class

A 1 AGUILAR SOSA, Yesenia Maril. 2AVELLANEDA PEA, Elvia 3.CHAMBA RAMOS, Karen Estefana 4.COSME AGUILAR, Ruth Noem. 5.CRUZADO MARQUINA, Olenka Anabel 6.DAVILA RIOS, Katerine Thala 7.GUEVARA REBAZA, Lucy Del Rocio 8.HERRERA VARGAS, Lesli Fiorella. 9.LLAURE BURGOS, Mari Rosmere 10. MENDEZ OTINIANO, Karla Azucena 11. MNDEZ PREZ, Amelia Kimberly 12.MONZN RUBIO, YesseniaIdali. 13.MUOZ RIOS, Gisell Katherine 14. NUEZ VARGAS, Eliza 15.PLASENCIA JUAREZ, Judith Vanessa 16.PORTAL ALFARO, Anali Angelita 17.SALIRROSAS CHAUCA, GianellaLizett. 18.TARRILLO MONTENEGRO, Yesenia 19.VILLALOBOS LOPEZ, Marilyn Kiara B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D



No mistakes A few mistakes Some mistakes A lot of mistakes

18 20 15 17 11 14 05 - 10


SPECIFIC BIBLIOGRAPHY 8.1 For teachers: CAMBRIDGE COMPACT DICTIONARY. Cambridge University Press (2004) Ministerio de Educacin English-Students book.

8.2 For Students: All the material will be provided by the teacher.


WEBSITES http:/www. f+listening

Appendix 1


: I am funny.

: I go to the beach.

: I play soccer.

: I dont like ice cream.

: I dance Marinera.

: I dont speak English.


______ said that he danced Marinera.

______ said that he didnt speak English.

______ said that he played soccer.

______ said that he didnt like ice cream.

______ said that he was funny.

______ said that he went to the beach.


Appendix 2



I play the saxophone.

__________________ __________________ ____


I dont play the guitar.

__________________ __________________ ____


I have a new car.

__________________ __________________ ____


__________________ __________________ ____

Xavi said that he want ed to be the best soccer player this year.


__________________ __________________ ____

Messi said that he played video games.


__________________ _

Garfield said that he danced Salsa.


Appendix 3


Name: _________________________________ Date: _____________


INSTRUCTION: Complete the sentences in reported speech. - Example: Carlos: I love Rock and Roll. Carlos said that he loved Rock and Roll.

1. John: "I love this town." _______________________________________ 2. Wendy: "I can drive a Ferrari." _______________________________________ 3. Romina: "I always wake up early." ___________________________________ 4. Walter: I listen to Rock music. ___________________________________ 5. Jimmy: I dont like pizza. ___________________________________ 6. Usain: I run for twenty minutes every morning. ___________________________________ 7. Alberto: Sofia has a beautiful voice. ___________________________________ 8. Homero: I dont drink beer. ___________________________________ 9. Kalimba: I sing very well. ___________________________________ 10. Noelia: Neymar doesnt play soccer. ___________________________________

Theoretical support


CONSTRUCTIVIST THEORY (J. BRUNER)1 Constructivism can be described as a theory that deals with the way people create meaning of the world through a series of individual constructs. Constructs are the different types of filters we choose to place over our realities to change our reality from chaos to order. The learner selects and transforms information, constructs hypotheses, and makes decisions, relying on a cognitive structure to do that. As far as instruction is concerned, the instructor should try and encourage students to discover principles by themselves. The instructor and student should engage in an active dialog (i.e., Socratic learning). The task of the instructor is to translate information to be learned into a format appropriate to the learners current state of understanding. Curriculum should be organized in a spiral manner so that the student continually builds upon what they have already learned.Bruner (1966) states that a theory of instruction should address four major aspects: Predisposition towards learning. The ways in which a body of knowledge can be structured so that it can be most readily grasped by the learner. The most effective sequences in which to present material. The nature and pacing of rewards and punishments. Good methods for structuring knowledge should result in simplifying, generating new propositions, and increasing the manipulation of information. In his more recent work, Bruner has expanded his theoretical framework to encompass the social and cultural aspects of learning as well as the practice of law. Principles: Instruction must be concerned with the experiences and contexts that make the student willing and able to learn.

Instruction must be structured so that it can be easily grasped by the student (spiral organization). Instruction should be designed to facilitate extrapolation and or fill in the gaps (going beyond the information given).

SOCIALIZATION The development of a person in the educative process its not possible without the interaction with others. The purpose of Education is to socialize students. When students work in pairs or small groups and ask each other about their answers, they interact, and at the same time they learn to communicate in the target language and assimilate knowledge, experiences, and so on. Our society, in an accelerated process of development, needs initiatives of creativity in all the spheres. The educative posing is, therefore, to protect and to promote the creative, ingenuity, favoring the use of their aptitudes. Considerating such the problem, it comes out two singular and equally important educative tasks: To favor and to stimulate the mans creative dimension and To prepare that man for living in a world of permanent changes and evolution. INDIVIDUALIZATION: The word individualization refers to an individual thing. It means that something belongs to each person and makes him or her particular one, where everyone has different manners of thinking, making and feeling.


Each student has special characteristics and circumstances. They have different rhythms, attention, ability, motivation, maturity, specific attitudes, for that reason is a necessity to attend the variety of students in order to have an acceptance level in basic education. ACTIVITY: This principle is related with the impression; it means to be active in the process of learning. Learning by doing, students will improve their knowledge of the language and the world if they are in constant activity. The educative activity does not depend of the quantity of activities that the student carries out, but of the posture of the individual before the task. CREATIVITY Creativity is a general capacity of the intelligence, the will, the behavior, etc. everybody has a common potential to make new things, but we can find it very emphasized in determined kindof personality. Creativity is an activity of multiple forms; it includes the perceptive-motor actions.
DOUGLAS BROWN, H. Teaching by principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. Longman, 2002.

THE COMMUNICATIVE METHOD3 The communicative method basically focuses teaching the students to interact with other people. The learner has a negotiation role. The implication for the learner is that he should contribute as much as he gains, and thereby learn in an independent way. Motivation plays a significant role in this method. We make feel students motivated by the class it is going to be relatively easy our class. The goal of language teaching in the communicative method is to develop the Communicative Competence, in other words, the ability to use the language. This method focuses on functional as well as structural aspects of language. In other words the content of HUBBARD, P. Jones; THORNTON B. and WHEELER R. (1983). A training Course for TEFL. Oxford University Press.


course is organized according with the meaning that students required in order to communicative in particular functional contexts. Communicative functions include motivation, evaluation, persuasion, emotional expressions and the marking of social relations. In a communicative class the teacher is primarily a facilitator to communication and secondary to correct errors. Sequencing is determinate by any consideration of content, function or meaning which maintains interest. For these reasons, this method is important because students must be motivated to pay attention to the class. PRINCIPLES OF THE COMMUNICATIVE METHOD4 The communicative method is based on the following principles: The meaningfullness principle: Learning activities are consequently selected according to how well they engage the learner in meaningful and authentic language use (rather than merely mechanical practice of language patterns). These principles, we suggest, can be inferred from communicative practices. They address the conditions needed to promote second language learning, rather than the processes of in language acquisition. Communicative language teaching makes use of real-life situations that require communication. The teacher sets up a situation that students are likely to encounter in real life. The communicative approach can leave students in suspense as to the outcome of their relation and responses. The learner - centered principle: In the Communicative Method, the teacher servers as more as a facilitator, allowing students to be in charge of their own learning. The teacher still sets up exercises and gives direction to the class, but the students do much more speaking than a traditional classroom. This responsibility to participate can often lead to an increased dense of confidence in using the language. During the whole class, the trainee tries to help, guides the students, and encourages them to use the target language and develop their communicative competence.

DOUGLAS BROWN, H. Teaching by principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. Longman, 2002.



Showing pictures: Pictures are the most useful visual aids available to the teacher. They can be a good way to engage learners to practice many aspects of the language. Asking questions: It helps the teacher to control the class and makes students pay attention to the whole lesson. It is also a way to give the learners a chance to show their knowledge. During the class students are exposed to the teachers questions. Giving and following instructions: This simple but valuable communicative activity is used at the moment of working with the language. Whole class: There are many occasions when the best type of classroom organization is a teacher working with the class as a whole group.


Teaching aids are helpful tools for teaching in a classroom or with individual learners. Teachers can use them to: Help learners to improve speaking and other skills. Illustrate or reinforce a skill, fact or idea and Relieve anxiety, fears or boredom, since many teaching aids are like games.


WHITEBOARD: For most teachers, the whiteboard is really helpful. Whenever possible, working on the board should encourage students to think and take actions rather than just remind them what they have learned. PICTURES: They are important because the most people have the visual learning style. They help to catch the students attention. WORKSHEET: Students will have the chance to rehearse the written language. On the other hand, the teacher will be able to measure how much students understood before taking any other action. BODY LANGUAGE: Sometimes students can understand what the teacher means even when they do not know words in English. They include mimicries, facial expressions, and body movements.


The classroom assessment is the observation of students in the process of learning. It helps individual college teachers obtain useful feedback on what, how much, and how well their students are learning. Classroom Assessment Techniques (cats): Competency checklists: Skills and competencies checklist of ability. During the Guided practice stage the teacher monitors the class. The teacher evaluates the students work by using an observation guide.


Classroom feedback:These are the various ways of supplying the students with corrective feedback for example the explicit correction. The teacher supplies the correct form to the student and clearly indicates that what was said was incorrect.


The classroom environment should be comfortable so that students can feel confident during the class. developed. The teacher is a facilitator; students are encouraged to construct meaning through genuine linguistic interaction with others. The Communicative method allows students to develop their communicative competence and fluency takes more importance in order to keep students meaningfully engaged in language use. The different techniques and teaching aids used by the trainee motivate the students and allow them to communicate in the target language. The instruments are very important to use in this class, we try our best to show and give the best materials possible for them to learn. As a result, a meaningful learning will be


The lesson plans were focused on the speaking ability in order to get good results on the development of the students learning.

The communicative approaches states that learners learn a language by using it; authentic and meaningful communication should be the goal of classroom activities and learning is a process of creative construction and involves trial and error.

Through cognitive principles, the teachers can understand how the student can be motivated in every class by making them feel free and secure of learning new topics, recognizing their participation and effort but also accepting their mistakes as part of the learning process.

The techniques and the teaching aids mentioned above are useful for maintaining the students attention during the class and making them participate. It is important that the teacher gives feedback in order to clarify any doubt.



HARMER, Jeremy. How to teach English. Longman (2005). LARSEN FREEMAN, Diane. Techniques and Principles in Language. Oxford University Press(1989). BROWN, Douglas H. Principles of language learning and teaching.Pearson Education (2000). BROWN, Douglas H. Teaching by principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. Longman (2002) HUBBARD, P. Jones; THORNTON B. and WHEELER R. training Course for TEFL. Oxford University Press (1983).




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