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ember 2, 2"#$

COMPETITION R%LES The seventh edition of the Liszt Bartk Ligeti International Piano Competition will be dedicated to the 9 th birth anniversar! of "#ngarian composer $!%rg! Ligeti& The organizers of the Competition wo#ld like to invite pianists who are c#rrentl! st#d!ing at specialized m#sic high schools or academies in B#lgaria and abroad& In doing so the! hope to contin#e to s#pport and develop the interest toward the m#sic of three "#ngarian geni#ses' who' each in his #ni(#e wa!' laid the fo#ndations of the modern trends in composition and piano pla!ing& The competition is organized b! the the Balassi Institute Hungarian Cultural Institute in Sofia and the Professor Pancho Vladigerov National Academy of Music. The Competition is held with the s#pport of the Em assy of Hungary in Sofia' the Ministry of Culture of the !e"u lic of Bulgaria' #range $actory Music House' and the Professor %yu a Encheva $oundation& SEN

)ll applications sho#ld be e*mailed to #ki+#ki&bg b! , p&m&' -onda!' .. /ovember 0 .1& The drawing of lots in which the competitors will perform will take place at .0 p&m& on 02 /ovember 0 .1 at the "#ngarian C#lt#ral Instit#te 34ofia . ' .5 )ksakov 4tr&6& The competitors are 'o( re(#ired to attend the drawing of lots& )ll competitors will be notified abo#t the time of their aco#stic rehearsal and the order in which the! will perform b! e*mail on 02 /ovember 0 .1& The Competition will open with a concert of the members of the 7#r!' which will take place at 8 p&m& on 09 /ovember 0 .1 at the Concert "all of the Professor Pancho 9ladigerov /ational )cadem! of -#sic 39: ;vlogi $eorgiev Blvd&6& COMPETITION R%LES The Competition will be held in three age gro#ps< A)e )ro*+ #, competitors born after . =an#ar! .992 A)e )ro*+ 2, competitors born after . =an#ar! .99: A)e )ro*+ $, competitors born after . =an#ar! .92. The res#lts will be anno#nced after all a#ditions have been held&

Com+e(-(-o' T-me(.b/e, r.0-') o1 /o(2< Th#rsda!' /ovember 02 Co'!er( o1 (3e member2 o1 (3e 4*r5< >rida!' /ovember 09' 8 p&m& A!o*2(-! re3e.r2./2< >rida!' /ovember 09 3the e?act ho#rs and the place of the aco#stic rehearsals are to be decided6 A*6-(-o'2, 4at#rda!' /ovember 1 )ge gro#p 0 3in the afternoon6 and )ge gro#p 1' >irst ro#nd 3in the morning6 4#nda!' @ecember . )ge gro#p 1' 4econd ro#nd 3with two pianos6 -onda!' @ecember 0 )ge gro#p .' la#reatesA rehearsal 3: p&m& with orchestra' , p&m& 5 p&m& preparation6 G./. !o'!er( .'6 !o!7(.-/ +.r(5< -onda!' @ecember 0' 8 p&m& 8%R9 The 7#r! of the Competition comprises renowned B#lgarian pianists and pedagog#es& It is traditionall! presided b! foremost "#ngarian pianist and pedagog#e Professor BalBzs 4zokola!& The 7#r! has the right to alter' if necessar!' the timetable of the Competition& The 7#r!As decisions are final and not s#b7ect to appeal& The members of the 7#r! cannot 7#dge the performance of their st#dents who take part in the Competition& In the event of e(#al scores' the decision of the president of the 7#r! will be taken into consideration& The organizers of the Competition sho#ld not be held responsible for an! personal accidents the competitors ma! s#ffer on the Competition premises or d#ring their sta! in 4ofia& B! signing the Cegistration >orm each candidate attests that he or she has agreed to the C#les of the Competition& In the 4econd ro#nd the Competitors from )ge gro#p 1 will perform the piano concerto to the accompaniment of a second piano' and the winner of the >irst Prize will perform with an orchestra at the $ala Concert of the La#reates& )ll competitors will be assigned accompaniment on the second piano b! the organizers of the Competition& The competitors m#st cover their own travel e?penses& The organizers are #nable to cover the accommodation of the competitors&

The competitors are e?empt of entr! fee& The candidates m#st fill in the attached Cegistration >orm and send it back b! e*mail to the "#ngarian C#lt#ral Instit#te together with< .6 a cop! of their birth certificate' 06 a candidateAs recent photo 3passport format6' 16 a freel! composed letter' which sho#ld mention briefl! the competitorAs bio' former ed#cation' piano teachers' and participation in concerts& )pplications can also be s#bmitted in person at the Dffice of the 4ecretar! of the "#ngarian C#lt#ral Instit#te in 4ofia& e.6/-'e 1or 2*bm-22-o' o1 .++/-!.(-o'2 ## November 2"#$ "#ngarian C#lt#ral Instit#te 4ofia . ' .5 )ksakov 4tr&

Tel& 0 928 01 8' 928 09 51 e*mail< #ki+#ki&bg http<EEszofia&balassiintezet&h# Dpening ho#rs< 9 a&m& ,&1 p&m& 3-onda! >rida!6

COMPETITION REPERTOIRE A)e )ro*+ # Performances sho#ld last .0 ., min& :; Fere'! L-2<( Dne or several pieces of free choice ::; B=/. B.r(>7 Dne or several pieces of free choice from the following< FC#manian Christmas 4ongsG& F>or ChildrenG' F., "#ngarian Peasant 4ongsG' F. ;as! PiecesG' FC#manian >olk @ancesG' F9 Little PiecesG' F-icrocosmosG' etc& A)e )ro*+ 2 Performances sho#ld last 0 *1 min& I; Fere'! L-2<( .6 Dne or several l!rical pieces from the following< FLiebestrH#meG' FConsolationsG' F)nnIes de pJlerinageG' F4onetti del PetrarcaGK a Liszt transcription of a song b! >ranz 4ch#bert' etc&

06 Dne or several virt#oso pieces from the following< -ephisto*Lalzer' >antasie #nd >#ge' Tarantella' Tra#ervorspiel #nd Tra#ermarsch' ballades' polonaises' lIgendes' rhapsodies' variations' st#dies' etc& II; B=/. B.r(>7 Dne or several pieces from the following< F4ketchesG op& 9 3M.*: or M,*86K FLittle 4#iteG F1 CondosGK FC#manian >olk @ancesG 3from "#ngar!6K F: @irgesG op& 9NK F4onatinaG' FDstinatoG' F., "#ngarian Peasant 4ongsG 3M.*5 or M8*.,6K F)llegro barbaroG' : bagatelles from F.: BagatellesG op& 5K 1 pieces of free choice from F-icrocosmosG 3Book 9I6K F1 4ongsGK F4i? @ances in B#lgarian Ch!thmG from -icrocosmosG 3Book 9I6' etc& A)e )ro*+ $ F-r2( ro*'6; Performances sho#ld last 1,*:, min& :; Fere'! L-2<( .6 Dne or several pieces of free choice or a piano transcription b! Liszt of a composition b! another a#thor 06 Dne or several st#dies of free choice ::; B=/. B.r(>7 ) c!clic composition from one of the following< F0 C#manian @ancesG op& 2aK F0 ;legiesG op& 2bK F1 B#rles(#esG op& 2 cK F1 4t#diesGK @e#? ImagesG op& . K FImprovisations on "#ngarian >olksongsG op& 0 K FChapsod!G' op& .' F4#iteG' op& .:K FD#t of @oorsGK F@ance 4#iteG' F4onataG' etc& :::; G5?r)5 L-)e(- 3onl! if the competitor wishes to6 Dne piece of free choice for the $!%rg! Ligeti 4pecial Prize Se!o'6 ro*'6, :; Fere'! L-2<( Dne of the following works for piano and orchestra with the participation of the )cademic 4!mphon! Drchestra of the Pancho 9ladigerov /ational )cadem! of -#sic< FPiano concerto /o . in ;*flat ma7orGK FPiano concerto /o 0 in ) ma7orGK FTotentanzG& The scores can be obtained from the Dffice of the 4ecretar! of the "#ngarian C#lt#ral Instit#te 3.5 )ksakov 4tr&6&

PRIZES, A)e )ro*+ #, >irst Prize 1, B$/ 4econd Prize 0, B$/ Third Prize 0 B$/ B$/ each

Three enco#ragement prizes .

A)e )ro*+ 2, >irst Prize 5 4econd Prize , Third Prize : B$/ B$/ B$/

Two enco#ragement prizes ., B$/ each

A)e )ro*+ $, >irst Prize .0 4econd Prize 9 Third Prize 8 B$/ B$/ B$/ B$/ B$/ B$/

>erenc Liszt 4pecial Prize 1 BIla Bartk 4pecial Prize 1 $!%rg! Ligeti 4pecial Prize 1 O

4pecial Prize awarded b! the -inistr! of C#lt#re .


4pecial Prize awarded b! the Professor L!#ba ;ncheva >o#ndation for Dverall Performance : B$/ 4pecial Prize awarded b! "is ;?cellenc! -r& )ndrBs Plein' )mbassador of "#ngar! to B#lgaria

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