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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 7 Reading

Prepared by: JANETH A. ESTRADA Student Teacher

Presented to: ERLINDA L. MARIANO Cooperating teacher

MARIA CRISTINA FERNANDO Head Teacher III-Science /Math Department Pinaripad National High School

GERTRUDIS L. BARENG School Principal IV Pinaripad National High School

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 7 I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: Content Standard: 1. use predictive and anticipatory devices/ tasks to activate prior knowledge about the topic of reading selection; 1.1.use information presented in a reading selection to evaluate and to express critical ideas; 1.2.determine the order of significant events in the text read to; 1.3.define unfamiliar words through picture clues. Subject Matter Quarter II, Lesson 1 A. Topic: Building Relationship: The Cliff by Anonymous B. Reference: English Plus: A Communicative Approach by Ida Yap Patron pp.75 C. Materials: pictures, activity sheets, recorded text, name tag, video clip D. Strategies: picture clue, word puzzle, cooperative learning E. Value Integration: Trust in the Lord


III. Procedure Teachers Activities A. Routine Activities 1. Prayer Before we proceed to our lesson today, let us feel first the presence of the Lord. 2. Greetings Good afternoon, class! Good afternoon, maam. 3. Checking of Attendance Ms. Secretary, please check the attendance and give it to me afterwards. Students Activities

(Ms. Secretary checks the attendance.)

B. Motivation Do you want to watch a video clip class? Yes, maam. Watch it class and be ready to

answer my questions afterwards. If you were the person in the video, would you like to cross the rope along the steep cliff? Very well said!

(The students watch the video clip.) I will not cross the rope because Im afraid of heights. I will cross the rope because I want to experience it.

C. Presentation of the Lesson Based from the video clip you have watched, what do you think is our lesson today? I want eight volunteers to draw from the box. What youre going to do is to arrange the letters to form two words and post it on the board. Very good! Let us read the words. Today we are going to read an inspiring story, entitled The Cliff. D. Unlocking of Difficulties (picture clue) Before going further, let us first familiarize ourselves with some terms found in the story. The difficult words are posted in front. To help you find the meaning, I have here picture clue. Who will do the first one? cliff steep canyon yell grab a high sharp rock face a deep narrow valley with steep sides sloping sharply to shout loudly to take hold of something quickly

(Students pick letters from the box.)

(Students arrange the letters.)

Choices: Word Meanings a deep narrow valley with steep sides a high sharp rock face slopingsharply a long loose garment to take hold of something quickly to shout loudly E. Lesson Proper As we move on, think of possible answers to these specific questions that will serve as your guide in understanding the text. (The best readers of the class will read the guide questions.) 1. What happened to Jack when he was walking along a steep cliff? 2. Is there any man who came to save him? 3. What did Jack promise God for him to be saved? 4. How would you describe Jack the moment he heard the instructions of God? 5. In your own idea, how does Jack consider the command?

Class, I have here the pre-recorded text of the story and the copy of the text. Read it as I play the pre-recorded text.

(The students listen to the pre-recorded text.)

To understand the story better, let us read it again. But this time I want you to do the readings. I want three (Three volunteers read the story.) volunteers to come in front and read the story. F. Comprehension Check Lets find out how you understood the text by answering the guide questions you read a while back. I have here a box and all your

names are inside it. I will draw your names to answer the guide questions Here we go! 1. What happened to Jack when he was walking along a steep cliff? Very good! 2. Is there any man who came to save him? Exactly! 3. What did Jack promise God for him to be saved? Impressive! 4. How would you describe Jack the moment he heard the instructions of God? Thats great. 5. In your own idea, how does Jack consider the command? Very good! No one came to save him. Jack fell on a steep cliff.

Jack promised God that he will stop sinning.

Jack was hesitant.

Jack considers the command dangerous.

G. Enrichment Activity To appreciate and to understand the story better, I want you to group yourselves according to the number of your name tag. I will give each group a different task. Before you start the task, be guided and be reminded of the rubrics in evaluating your outputs. Group Tasks: Movie maker group Dramatize the dialogues of the story. Be sure to portray each of the characters. Saying Stars group Construct a slogan about your interpretation of the story.

Let me continue group If you were the author, how would you end the story? Writers ink group Make a two stanza poem about trust. Sketchers group Draw your interpretation about the story by making a poster.

1. Presentation of Outputs At this moment, were going to witness the presentation of each group. I will draw from the box the first group to present. Let us give the floor to the first presenter the _________ group. Based from the set rubrics, here is your group score.

(The students present their output in front.)

H. Valuing Are you afraid to face your problems in life? If you happen to encounter another steep cliff or problems in your life, what will you do? For instance, you receive a failing grade, what will you do to improve it? Very good! How about if your parents dont have enough money to let you continue your studies? What will you do? Remember class that trials and challenges are part of our life. But we must not forget that God is always there to help us overcome it. God knows what is best and right for us. (Students answer may vary.)

I will study hard.

I will help them in saving money. I will work during Saturday to earn extra income.

IV. Evaluation Directions: Arrange the following events according to the proper sequence in the story by numbering 1 for the first event, 2 for the second event, 3 for the third event and so on. _____a. No one heard him except God. _____b. He grabbed a branch which temporarily stopped his fall. _____c. Jack asked God to help him but when God said him to let go of the branch, he yelled for another help. _____d. Jack began yelling for help, hoping that someone passing by would hear him and lower a rope or something. _____e. Jack fell to the steep cliff. V. Assignment Directions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words or phrases to complete the Letter of Advice. This assignment will serve as your Journal entry for this quarter. San Leonardo, Aglipay, Quirino September 27, 2013 Dear Jack, Christian greetings! Life is both ______________ and ______________. We all experienced ______________ , problems and failures. But I firmly __________that we can overcome all these challenges in our ________. Just ____________ God our Almighty, ________________ keep on _____________ for there is nothing impossible to God. God is always there to _____________us in our path to ____________. I hope you are in the best of health.

Your friend, _______________

challenging believe trials success exciting Life trust praying hold on guide

Prepared by: Janeth A. Estrada Student teacher Checked by: Erlinda L. Mariano Cooperating teacher


Exceeds Expectation 5 pts.

Meets Expectations 4 pts.

Nearing Expectations 3 pts.


Highly informative, very clear and complete.

Informative, clear and complete.

Not Informative, unclear and incomplete.


Very relevant and very appropriate.

Relevant and appropriate.

Irrelevant and inappropriate.


Excellently presented and mastered.

Presented but not mastered.

Poorly presented.


Well-behaved, everyone cooperated and participated.

Behaved, only few cooperated and participated.

Misbehaved, no cooperation and participation.

The Cliff
One day, a man named Jack was walking along a steep cliff when he accidentally got to close to the edge and fell. On the way down he grabbed a branch, which temporarily stopped his fall. He looked down and to his horror saw the canyon fell straight down for more than a thousand feet. He could not hang unto the branch forever, and there was no way for him to climb up the steep wall of the cliff. So Jack began yelling for help, hoping that someone passing by would hear him and lower a rope or something. Help! Help! Help! Is anyone up there? Help! He yelled for hours, but no one heard him. He was about to give up when he heard a voice. Jack, Jack. Can you hear me? Yes I can hear you. I am down here. I can see you Jack. Are you all right? Yes, but.. who are you, and where are you? I am the Lord, Jack. I am everywhere. The Lord? You mean God? Thats me. God please help me! I promise if youll get me down from here, I will stop sinning. Ill be a really good person. Ill serve you for the rest of my life. Easy on the promises, Jack. Lets just get you down from there; then we can talk. Now, heres what I want you to do. Listen carefully. Ill do anything, Lord. Just tell me what to do. Okay. Let go of the branch. Just trust Me. Let go. There was a long silence. Finally, Jack yelled. Help! Help! Is anyone up there? Help!

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