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The Aztecs Location: Moder-day Mexico.

They settled on the banks of LAKE TEXCOCO here they created a city called TE!OC"TL#TLA! in the year $%&'. #nfor(ation: Ca(e fro( a ")ntin*+ no(adic ,eo,le. They by the Teotih)acan and Toltec. ere in infl)enced

-OL#T#CAL O./A!#0AT#O! 1Aztecs ,laced a lot of i(,ortance of trainin* 1 The hi*hest ,olitical a)thority 1 "e shared his ,o er CA-3LLEC8CAL-3LL#29 as TLATOA!#. arrior.

ith the 23-.EME CO3!C#L 4MA5E 67 T"E

1 23-.EME CO3!C#L: Made ), of (e(bers of the !O6#L#T7. 1C#"3ACOATL: Chief of the ,riest of the Cih)acoatl *oddess. 1CAL-3LL#: Main )nit of the Aztecs or*anization. These :E.E clans of fa(ilies. 1CAL-OLEC: A)thority and arrior chief

A0TEC2 O./A!#0AT#O! TATLOA!# !O6#L#T7 ME.C"A!T2 Kin* ,riest 4-#LE29 MA5E 3- -.#!CE2+ :A..#O.2+ETC 4-OC"TECA29 T"E7 :E.E T"E -.#;#LE/ /.O3-. 4MACE"3ALT#!9 T"E LA./E2T

A/.#C3LT3.AL :O.KE.28 A.T#2A!2 -O-3LAT#O!

2E.<282LA;E2 T"E7 :E.E <.EE 63T AL2O "A5 TO :O.K. 2LA;E2 "A;E TO :O.K 63T 5#5 !OT "A;E .#/"T2.

A0TEC2 5A#L7 L#<E A!5 C3LT3.E 1They ere also ,olytheists+ had = calendars and create a syste( of c)lti>atin* cro,s. 1Ed)cation as (andatory. "o e>er their (others. o(en recei>ed an ed)cation fro(

1Men co)ld *o to the CALMECAC 46oardin* school for nobility9 or *o to the TEL-OC"CALL# 4A ,lace here children fro( other social *ro),s ent9

A/.#C3LT3.E A!5 T.A5E

1The Aztecs (ain econo(ic acti>ities

ere A/.#C3LT3.E A!5 T.A5E.

1They created a syste( called the 2LA2"#!/ A!5 LO//#!/. The C"#!AM-A2 ere (an-(ade islands )sed as *ardens that ere b)ilt and then ,laced on the lake bed )sin* tree tr)nks. 1The land as fertilized ith nat)ral fertilizers s)ch as /3A!O. The (ain cro,s ere TOMATOE2+CO.!+COCOA+C"#LL# -E--E.2. 1T.A5E: :as r)n by the (erchants. Co((ercial acti>ities Markets. ere done in

T"E A0TEC2 /O52 1At the be*innin* there created = *ods: as ?)st one *od called OMETEC3"TL#. Then he

TO!ACATEC3"TL# 4LO.5 O< <LE2"9 A!5 TO!ACAC#"3ATL 4LA57 O< <LE2"9 both of the( had @ kids X#-ETOTEC "e offered his skin so h)(ans can ha>e food. "e the *od of a*ric)lt)re+ fertility and s,rin* as



as the *od of the ni*ht sky and in>entor of fire.

"e created the calendar+ the arts+ ind)stry and cocoa :as the *od of ar.

T"E 2OLA. CALE!5A. 1The s)n calendar stone sho ned the a*ric)lt)ral year and the seasons 1The year as di>ided in $B (onths ith =' days and C days in hich ,eo,le li>e ith only so(e thin*s 4harsh conditions and did not lea>e ho(e9 1#n total there ere %DC days. The (oon calendar had =D' days.

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