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High Blood PressureThe Silent Killer High Blood PressureThe Silent Killer

Today our topic is high blood pressure, the silent killer. Imagine having a life threatening disease that could take your life suddenly, without any warningbut the problem is, you are one of the millions who dont know they have it.
Corbis #SLI0061, #RLM0063; Photodisc #MD002180

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is one of the most widespread health problems of the 2 st century.

!round the world "## million people are suffering from high blood pressure$
Photodisc #40205

$and % million of these die every year as a direct result. In &urope about in every ' persons has hypertension.2

Br !d" #B"P288#0

High blood pressure can attack people of any age, creed, or color. In the (.). fifty percent of those over the age of *#, and seventy percent of those over "' have it.

$i%d&ood Li'(st)%( C(!t(r

+ecause high blood pressure often has no symptoms$

$half of those who have it dont even know%, and those who do know often neglect treatment because they feel fine.

, ,

High Blood PressureThe Silent Killer

-nly one out of eight with the condition has their blood pressure under control.

Is having just a little high blood pressure really of mu h signifi an e!

Corbis #SLI0050

Hypertensives are eight times more likely to suffer a stroke, $three times more likely to have a heart attack, $and five times more likely to develop heart failure than people
with normal blood pressure. .ersistent high blood pressure can also lead to irreversible damage of the kidneys, pancreas, and retina of the eye.

Li'( *rt #C*208001, #C*206002, #C*20+004

Hypertension is known as the silent killer. )lowly and silently, it can destroy vital organs of the body without a person knowing it. (nfortunately for many, the first sign is often a stroke or sudden heart attack. /or some, the first sign may also be their last.
Corbis #RLM0063

The nursing homes and cemeteries are filled with many people who had 0ust 1a little high blood pressure.2


"o you have high blood pressure!

Corbis #SLI0033; ,(-(r .(ch!o%o/i(s


High Blood PressureThe Silent Killer

To answer this 3uestion you must first know what blood pressure is. +lood pressure is the pressure of the blood inside the heart and the blood vessels.

Cor(%; $i%d&ood Li'(st)%( C(!t(r

The higher number is the pressure while the heart is pumping.

The lower number is the pressure while the heart is resting between beats.

Hypertension is defined as having a consistent blood pressure of *# over 4# 5 *#64#7 or above.

Photodisc #MD002180

The ideal level is when the blood pressure is kept belo# 2# over 8# 5 2#68#7. !nything above this is associated with increased risk of diseasethe higher the numbers, the greater the risk.* )ome people wonder if lo# blood pressure is a problem 5around 4#6'#7. The answer is no, 0ust as long as the individual is feeling well.' $hat auses the blood pressure to go up! !ppro9imately 4#: of hypertension cases may be related to personal lifestyle habits."

The following lifestyle factors have been repeatedly shown to increase a persons risk of getting high blood pressure;


High Blood PressureThe Silent Killer

%besity &very kilo of fat re3uires about %,' km of tiny blood vessels. It takes e9tra pressure to pump blood through them. /or this reason, people 2#: or more overweight are five times more likely to have hypertension than are people of normal weight.
Photodisc #BS05013

High salt inta&e !round the world, high blood pressure is uncommon in populations where the salt intake is also very low.<

,(-(r Photo01b2(cts

+ut in places where the salt intake is high, such as =apan, the disease is epidemic, affecting appro9imately$

,(-(r Photo01b2(cts

$one half of the adult population. +ut the =apanese are not alone> in many cultures salt intake is on the increase.

!mericans, for e9ample, consume an average of two teaspoonfuls of salt a daythats about " times more than the body actually needs?8

,(-(r Photo01b2(cts; $i%d&ood Li'(st)%( C(!t(r

Smo&ing 0ust one cigarette can elevate blood pressure for as long as %# minutes.4 !t this rate, a typical pack,per,day smoker is elevating his blood pressure for most of the day. #

Lo- Li!d 3, rdi!/( S(ri(s


High Blood PressureThe Silent Killer

'l ohol and affeine )cientific studies have demonstrated that even moderate use of alcohol may be the cause of ' to ': of all cases of hypertension. =ust %#,'# ml of alcohol per day is all that is necessary to cause significant hypertension.
,(-(r .(ch!o%o/i(s

)tudies also show that one cup of coffee per day may raise the blood pressure considerably' to " points. 2

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Plugged arteries =ust as mineral deposits buildup in an old rusty water pipe and cause increased water pressure> so narrowed, plugged arteries force the body to increase the blood pressure, in order to carry the blood supply throughout the body.
45.5 ,(&%(tt

Physi al ina tivity is also associated with elevated blood pressure levels.


Stress !long with these other lifestyle factors, lifes stresses can raise an individuals blood pressure.

Photodisc ##30+8

So #hat an #e do to treat high blood pressure!

The past few years have produced an avalanche of new drugs for lowering blood pressure. They may produce prompt resultsthe 3uick fi9 that people love.
Corbis #SLI0061


High Blood PressureThe Silent Killer

+ut a closer look at hypertension medications reveals some disturbing facts.

The drugs do not cure high blood pressure> they only manage it. In some cases the medications need to be taken for life, and they may have many unpleasant side effects.
Di/it % 6isio! #0+8016

+oth patients and physicians are increasingly dissatisfied with the drug approach to the treatment of high blood pressure. However, it is important to note that people currently taking blood pressure medications should be careful not to change doses or stop medicines on their own.
7oh! 8o99 #M,1+30

're there better alternatives to drug medi ations! ! number of ma0or scientific studies have shown that a comprehensive lifestyle approach to hypertension can give superior results without the potential of distressing side effects.
$i%d&ood Li'(st)%( C(!t(r; Co-stoc: #5262; Corbis #SLI0030

@ost cases can be reversed in a matter of weeks without drugs, by making simple diet and lifestyle changes. Here are some of the things proven to be successful in lowering high blood pressure; (edu e $eight Ahen the weight goes down the blood pressure levels usually follow.

Photodisc #MD002335

(edu e Salt inta&e ! large percentage of people can find relief with 0ust this one simple measure. +ut getting salt intake down to safer levels re3uires an understanding of where salt is found.
Corbis #;MI0035


High Blood PressureThe Silent Killer

+anning the salt shaker is a step in the right direction) but by itself it is not enough.

This accounts for only 2' percent of our sodium intake.

,(-(r .(ch!o%o/i(s

The real culprits are the processed and fast foods we eat.

These account for <' percent of our salt intake. % +e sure to read the labels when purchasing processed foods.

Photodisc #6#100

It has been estimated that literally millions of people with mild hypertension could normaliBe their blood pressure simply by cutting their total salt intake to about 2 grams a day 5one level teaspoon7.

$i%d&ood Li'(st)%( C(!t(r

Stop Smo&ing Healthier blood pressure levels are 0ust one of many benefits associated with not smoking.

$i%d&ood Li'(st)%( C(!t(r

'void *affeine and 'l ohol &liminating alcohol, coffee, and cola drinks from the diet will tend to lower blood pressure and do the body a favor in several other areas as well.

7oh! 8o99 #812424; Corbis #8P;00++

(edu e Inta&e of High+,at ,oods ! diet very low in fat, yet high in fiber lowers the blood pressure about # percent, even without weight loss or salt restriction. *

Co-stoc: #2#3+, #265+; ,(-(r Photo01b2(cts


High Blood PressureThe Silent Killer

&at an abundance of natural foods like whole grain products, salads, beans, and fresh fruit. These foods are all naturally$


Cow in salt Cow fat, 5and7 High 5in7 fiber.

In rease Physi al ise .hysical e9ercise is known to lower blood pressure and is indispensable in weight control. Thirty to si9ty minutes of e9ercise daily, such as brisk walking or cycling in the open air is ideal.
Co-stoc: #5262

(edu ing Stress is also essential. )imply following all the elements of a healthy lifestyle enhances ones ability to deal with lifes stressors. ! healthy body and mind will give you the upper hand in coping with the stresses you face.

Corbis #SLI004#

/or e9ample, research shows that regular physical e9ercise is one of the simplest and most effective means of stress relief. &9ercise helps to dissipate the$

Co-stoc: #52##

Tension, )tress, and Depression, which are so often associated with elevated blood pressure. Ahile tran3uiliBers are the best solution some have to offer for stress,

Di/it % 6isio! #0+8023, #+8015; *DM

personal trust in Eod is the only real and effective solution to bring peace to individuals living in a world filled with an9iety, stress and fear. Eods word offers wonderful help to those who come to Him with the cares and stresses of life.


High Blood PressureThe Silent Killer

Eod says, 1.eace I leave with you> @y peace I give to you> not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.2 =ohn *;2< 5F!)7 Aith these few simple changes in lifestyle, you have an e9cellent chance of reducing your blood pressure to a healthy level and keeping it there.
Corbis #86*0100

Gemember, health is a matter of lifestyle. Cifestyle is a choice$. and the choice is yours?


The Aorld Health -rganiBation 5AH-7 The health status of the &uropean (nion, p. 2% % Ahy is Hypertension @anagement FeededH, 444 AH-,I)H Hypertension .ractice Euidelines /or .rimary Iare .hysicians, AH- Iardiovascular Diseases .rogram, Eeneva 2<, )witBerland. 2

* ' " Fedley, @D, Feil, Proof Positive> Fedley .ublishing, 448> pg. %# Fedley, @D, Feil, Proof Positive> Fedley .ublishing, 448, pg. *%

Cudington, !ileen, and Diehl, Hans> 2###, Health Power, Geview and Herald .ublishing, Hagerstown, @aryland, p.*# < Cudington, !ileen, and Diehl, Hans> 2###, Health Power, Geview and Herald .ublishing, Hagerstown, @aryland, p.*#
8 )tatement /rom the Fational High +lood .ressure &ducation .rogram Ioordinating Iommittee. +ethesda, @D; Fational High +lood .ressure &ducation .rogram, 44' and 444. 5source; .roof .ositive, p. %87 4 Japlan F@. @easurement of +lood .ressure. In; Ilinical Hypertension"th edition. +altimore, @D; Ailliams and Ailkins, 44* p. 2%,*'. 5.roof .ositive, p. *%7 # Japlan F@. @easurement of +lood .ressure. In; Ilinical Hypertension"th edition. +altimore, @D; Ailliams and Ailkins, 44* p. %#. 5.roof .ositive, p. *%7 Aakabayashi J, Fakamura J, et al. !lcohol consumption and blood pressure; an e9tended study of self,defence officials in =apan. Int = &pidemiol 44* !pr>2%527;%#<,% . 5)ource; Proof Positive, pg. *27 2 )ung +H, Ahitsett TC, et al. .rolonged increase in blood pressure by a single oral dose of caffeine in mildly hypertensive men. !m = Hypertens 44* !ug><587;<'',<'8. 5)ource; Proof Positive, pg. *27 % Cudington, !ileen, and Diehl, Hans> 2###, Health Power, Geview and Herald .ublishing, Hagerstown,

@aryland, .. *
* Cudington, !ileen, and Diehl, Hans> 2###, Health Power, Geview and Herald .ublishing, Hagerstown,

@aryland, p. *2

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